Chabot College/Las Positas College January 1994 Replaced Fall 2006 Course Outline for Psychology 28 ORIENTATION FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS Catalog Description: 28 - Orientation for International Students 2 units Introduction to American culture and society and orientation to the American educational system for the foreign-visa student. Introduction to idiomatic use of English and development of basic study skills. Required for all foreign-visa students. 2 hours. Expected Outcomes for Students: Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to: 1. make an effective transition to a different culture; 2. understand the function and expectations of the American School System in order to maintain maximum scholastic performance; 3. outline, read, and listen for major points in classroom lectures; 4. understand the use of idiomatic expressions of American English. Course Content: 1. Review of international student immigration regulations 2. Overview of American higher education 3. Catalog and course review 4. Community resource information 5. Faculty and staff presentations on various programs and services 6. Exploration of cultural learning styles 7. Assessment examinations for English and Mathematics 8. UC and CSU transfer information 9. Student academic advisement 10. Clarification of academic terminology 11. Development of student support systems within the international student community 12. Sharing of information on international education Methods of Presentation: Lecture presentations, field trips, film, and group discussions Methods of Evaluating Student Progress: Class participation, attendance, written reports and tests including a final examination Textbook(s) (Typical): None Special Student Materials: None mk pc28.out Revised: 11/92, 1/94