Chabot College November, 1997 – Career Assessment through Testing

Chabot College
November, 1997
Course Outline for Psychology-Counseling 10A
Catalog Description:
10A – Career Assessment through Testing
1 unit
Exploration of career values, interests, and skills through the use of various career assessment
instruments. Administration, interpretation and analysis for the purpose of assessing abilities, values,
personalities and interests. Includes the setting of realistic personal career goals and objectives.
May not receive credit if Psychology-Counseling 10 has been taken. 2 Hours. Total weeks—9.
Prerequisite Skills:
Expected Outcomes for Students:
Upon completion of the course, the student should be able to
1. identify possible personal career abilities, values, and interests;
2. make meaningful educational and career decisions based on realistic and accurate selfassessment.
Course Content
1. Psychological foundations of human behavior
a. determinants of human behavior needs, emotions, motives, values, goals, interests
b. personality and adjustment]
2. self-analysis and self-understanding
a. vocational interests
b. aptitudes and abilities
c. personality types
d. values clarification
3. Career and educational planning
a. factors in vocational choice
b. sources of occupational information
Methods of Presentation:
1. completion of assessment instruments
2. supplemental self-study assignments
3. final examination
Textbook(s) (Typical):
Coming Alive from Nine to Five, the Career Search Handbook, Betty Neville Micholozzi, Mayfield
Publishing Company.
Special Student Materials: None
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