Chabot College Fall 2002 Removed Fall 2006 Course Outline for Computer Science 48B LINUX NETWORK ADMINISTRATION Catalog Description: Computer Science 48B - Linux Network Administration 2 units Managing Linux-based computers in a network. Configuring network interfaces and network services, such as NFS, DNS, Apache, and mail services. Security issues: firewalls, viruses, worms, Trojan horses. Introduction to internets and intranets, network administration tools. Prerequisite: Computer Science 48A (completed with a grade of C or higher). Strongly recommended: Computer Science 14. 1.5 hours lecture, 1.5 hours laboratory. Prerequisite Skills: Before entering the course the student should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. describe the normal responsibilities of the novice, junior, intermediate and advanced systems administrator; access Internet and World-Wide-Web-based resources for systems administrators; perform default and customized Linux installation procedures; configure Linux systems; traverse the file system, and find any software installed on the system; determine the running processes, who owns them, and manage processes as needed; describe the device naming scheme, including major and minor device numbers; manage the Linux boot loader, LILO, and manage a machine with 2 operating systems; describe the Linux boot and shutdown sequences; handle basic system failure diagnosis and recovery; use the system diagnostic tools; build and use system rescue disks; analyze kernel logs to find sources of errors; seek assistance if needed to resolve system errors; manage Linux filesystems, and configure disks, partitions and filesystems; allocate and manage diskspace quotas; add or replace disks, handle IDE, SCSI and other types of storage devices; manage the /etc/fstab file; describe RAID (Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks) and manage RAID under Linux; configure removable media devices (Zip disks, CD-ROMS, etc.). Expected Outcomes for Students: Upon completion of the course the student should be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. describe the TCP/IP layers and IP addressing (address classes, classless addresses, subnetting); describe basic networking devices (cards, cables, hubs, switches, types of media); configure an ethernet interface; describe the basic ideas in routing internet traffic; configure name services under Linux (DNS, BIND, NIS, others); configure sharable resources under Linux (print and file services); configure and use network monitoring tools properly; integrate Linux and Windows NT machines on one network; configure and run Samba; integrate Linux and other non-Windows-NT machines on one network; install and configure system services, and choose which services to offer; install and configure electronic mail systems; Chabot College Course Outline for Computer Science 48B, Page 2 Fall 2002 Expected Outcomes for Students: continued 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. set up FTP and anonymous FTP on Linux machines, and discuss legal and security issues of allowing files to be transferred onto and off from machines; install and configure the Apache Web server; set up Web server logging; and describe when logging is needed, as well as what type of logging is needed; describe other Web servers (Squid, Roxen Challenger, Boa, others); set up and configure a news service and clients; set up and configure Internet telephony and conferencing; determine security needs for a system; describe the types of attacks an attacker may use against a computer; configure a system to protect against those attacks; describe a "good" password or "pass-phrase" and check on user's passwords; set up password and security policies for a system; set up the "standard" defenses against attackers; set up security monitoring; set up and configure a firewall under Linux; set up proxy services; configure the kernel to operate a firewall; build and operate a security administrator toolbox; recover from being hacked. Course Content: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. TCP/IP and Ethernet a. Network Layers b. IP addressing, classes, classless addresses, subnetting c. TCP/IP over Ethernet d. Routing e. Name services (DNS, NIS, BIND, etc.) Shared resources a. Network printers b. NFS (Network File Services) c. Automount and Autofs Network monitoring a. Monitoring systems b. Sniffers c. Traffic analyzers Integrating with Windows NT networks a. How NT manages networks b. Linux and Samba in an NT environment Integrating with other types of networks a. NetWare b. AppleTalk Internet Services a. Choosing which services to offer b. The inetd Internet Server daemon c. Using TCP-Wrappers d. The xinetd alternative to inetd e. Telnet, Secure Shell and the R-commands (rlogin, rexec, rsh, etc.) Chabot College Course Outline for Computer Science 48B, Page 3 Fall 2002 Course Content: continued 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Electronic mail a. MTA's, MUA's and MDA's b. SMTP (the Simple Mail Transport Protocol) XSMTP, POP (Post Office Protocol) c. Dealing with spam d. Mail servers: sendmail, smail, qmail and exim e. Mail clients: fetchmail, mail, mailx, elm, pine, xfmail f. Managing mail aliases and mailing lists g. Archiving mail FTP and Anonymous FTP a. Configuring FTP on your servers b. Security and legal issues Web Servers a. Apache b. Squid c. Other web servers News Services a. Running your own news server b. INN and friends c. News clients Internet Telephony and Conferencing a. Intro, history, needed hardware, software tools, and problems with the current state of affairs on the Internet b. Internet Relay Chat (IRC) and Zircon (IRC for X-windows), x-chat, other programs. c. ICQ (I seek you) and clones d. Multimedia conferencing tools Security a. Determining security needs b. Securing a Linux server c. Security monitoring d. Developing security policies Firewalls a. Types of firewalls, firewall options b. Linux proxy services and firewall tools c. Configuring security into the kernel d. Setting up and debugging a firewall The security administrator's toolbox a. Developing a security administrator's toolbox b. Available security resources Handling unwanted intruders (hackers) a. Determining the damage b. Recovering from being hacked Methods of Presentation: 1. 2. 3. Lecture In-class examples with explanations In-class demonstrations Assignments and Methods of Evaluating Student Progress: 1. Typical Assignments a. In-lab exercises to manage the Zip-based system b. Homework to illustrate points given in lecture and the reading. Chabot College Course Outline for Computer Science 48B, Page 4 Fall 2002 2. Methods of Evaluating Student Progress a. In-lab exercises b. Exams or short quizzes c. Final Exam Textbook(s) (Typical): Red Hat Linux System Administration Unleashed, Schenk et al., Sams Publishing, 2000 Special Student Materials: Zip disk Diskette used in CSCI 48A Computer use fee Revised: July 2001 Keith Mehl hps