Curriculum Committee
November 4, 2014
Members Present: Laura Alarcon, A.J. Assef (SSCC rep; 2:20), Debbie Buti, Mireille Giovanola,
Lynn Klein, Larry Leach (2:20), Arturo Lopez Yanez (3:20), Wayne Pitcher,
Connie Telles, Patricia Wu
Edna Danaher, Dara Greene, Kaaren Krueg, Stacy Thompson (2:25)
Tim Harris (3:55), Don Plondke, Edna Rodriggs, Clayton Thiel (3:55), Carla
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 2:10 by the chair, Wayne Pitcher.
Minutes of October 21, 2014
Corrections: Carla was present at the meeting. Add “removed Human Specimens” to
MSC (Klein/Alarcon) to approve the minutes of October 21, 2014, as corrected. [Vote: unanimous by those present at 2:15]
Curriculum Approval Vote: Social Sciences
Geography 13, Climate Studies, 3 units. Wayne reported that adding
Environmental Studies to the state’s discipline list has been under discussion since 2005-06. He noted that Environmental Studies is different from
Environmental Science.
Anthropology 1, Biological/Physical Anthropology, 3 units (Modified)
Anthropology 1L, Biological/Physical Anthropology Laboratory, 1 unit
Anthropology 3, Social and Cultural Anthropology, 3 units (Modified. Align with
Anthropology 4, Language and Culture, 3 units (Modified)
Anthropology 5, Cultures of the U.S. in Global Perspective, 3 units (Modified)
Anthropology 7, Introduction to Globalization: An Anthropological Perspective,
3 units (Modified)
Anthropology 8, Native American Cultures, 3 units (Modified)
Anthropology 12, Magic Religion, Witchcraft and Healing, 3 units (Modified.
Removed Human Specimens)
Anthropology 13, Forensic Anthropology, 3 units (Modified. Removed “Human
ECN 1, Principles of Microeconomics, 3 units (Modified)
ECN 2, Principles of Macroeconomics, 3 units (Modified; returned for edits)
ECN 10, General Economics, 3 units (Modified)
AA-T—Economics (New)
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POSC 1, Introduction to American Government, 3 units (Modified)
POSC 10, Seminar in Comparative Politics, 3 units (Modified)
POSC 12, Introduction to California State and Local Government, 3 units
POSC 20, Comparative Politics, 3 units (Modified)
POSC 25, Introduction to Political Theory, 3 units (Modified)
POSC 30, International Relations, 3 units (Modified)
SOCI 1, Principles of Sociology, 3 units (Modified)
SOCI 2, Social Problems, 3 units (Modified)
SOCI 3, Introduction to Race and Ethnic Relations, 3 units (Modified)
SOCI 4, Marriage and Family Relations, 3 units (Modified)
SOCI 10, Introduction to Asian American Studies, 3 units (Modified)
MSC (Giovanola/Assef) to approve all listed above except ECD and ECN 2. (Vote: unanimous by those present at 2:35)
MSC (Alarcon, Leach) to remove the Economics AA-T from the above vote until we get ECN 2 back and it is approved. (Vote: unanimous by those present at 2:36)
ECD 92, Creative Activities and Materials for Young Children, 1 unit (New.
Added at meeting: Catalog description changed to read “specific topics which provide a study of…”)
ECD 93, Relationships, Interactions and Guidance Young Children, 1 unit
(New. Added at meeting: Catalog description changed to read “specific topics which provide a study of…”)
ECD 94, Fostering Children’s Cognitive Development and Language (New.
Added at meeting: Catalog description changed to read “specific topics which provide a study of…”; justification for text date added to rationale page.)
Edna Rodriggs reported that these three classes were created to restore the “repeatability” that was lost from ECD 89. She explained how the variable topics would rotate with each offering of the classes. Students may take each class one time.
Edna will email the CLOs to Wayne, who will add them to the files.
MSC (Giovanola/Klein) to approve ECD 92, 93, and 94 as corrected. (Vote: unanimous by those present at 2:50)
Curriculum Proposal Presentation: School of the Arts
Art 18B, Wood and Stone Sculpture II, 3 units (New; part of the leveling of Art 18.)
ARTH 50, Introduction to Museum and Gallery Techniques, 3 units (Modified)
ARTH 50A, Introduction to Museum and Gallery Techniques, 3 units (New.
Creation of additional family. NOTE: Title cannot be the same as ARTH 50.
Suggest “…Techniques A.” kk)
ARTH 51, Introduction to Museum Studies, 4.5 units (Modified)
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ARTH 51A, Introduction to Museum Studies, 4.5 units (New. Creation of additional family. NOTE: Title cannot be the same as ARTH 51. Suggest “…Studies A.” kk)
Laura commented that the sequences of 50 and 50A/51 and 51A don’t make sense. She thinks they should be numbered 50A and 50B/51A and 51B.
MUSA 21M, Class Piano for Majors, 1 unit (Prerequisite added because students need
Theory to be successful.)
MUSA 23A, Voice I, 1 unit (Prerequisite added because students need Theory to be successful. Prereq skills need populating)
MUSA 23B, Voice II, 1 unit (prereq skills need populating)
MUSL 3, World Music, 3 units (Modified; text update)
MUSL 5, American Cultures in Music, 3 units (Modified. Tim Harris reported that the text listed is the most recent; Wayne will add that notation to the rationale page)
MUSL 47, College Productions—Music, ½-5 units (Modified; text update.)
There was discussion on whether this course is repeatable or should be leveled.
Wayne will ask the author whether the transfer institution requires this course be repeated at the lower division level for majors.)
THTR 48A, College TheaterTechnical: Introduction, 3 units (changed from variable units to 3 units; Wayne corrected the hours to 9 hours laboratory and corrected the implementation date to Fall 2015)
Wayne asked everyone to review these presentations over the next week and make comments in CurricUNET.
Good of the Order
Edna questioned why MUSP 14A and 14B are still listed in the 2014-16 catalog. She thinks we deleted them in a previous curriculum cycle. They still appear in the Music
AA. Kaaren will research.
Larry asked about the process for degrees that need to be resubmitted to the state. Wayne is available to meet with area faculty. He has asked LPC if they have documentation of shared programs that may help us; he has created a checklist of things that need to be done, and will set up a call with Chris McCullough, Dean of Curriculum and Instruction at the State Chancellor’s Office.
Dara reported that from this point onward, the State is enforcing the last paragraph on page 144 of the Program and Course Approval Handbook (PCAH) for all new/revised program submissions. The paragraph reads:
If the associate degree program goal selected is“Transfer,” or “Career
Technical Education (CTE) and Transfer,” then students must be advised to complete the CSU-GE-Breadth or IGETC pattern. Unless the major requires a high number of units, students who intend to transfer must not be allowed to complete only 18 or more units of local general education requirements.
In most cases, the local general education requirements do not provide adequate preparation for transfer.
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A revision to this section is being discussed, but unless it is implemented, Dara feels that we will have to use these GE patterns in a number of the programs that we must resubmit.
Stacy agreed, saying, “If you are going to do anything, you have to do it all.”
Dara recommends waiting for six months to see how this plays out. Stacy stressed the importance of making a decision quickly, and Carla asked, “What are the ramifications if we wait six months and then there is no movement in the language?”
6. The meeting was adjourned at 4:05 PM .
Next meeting: November 10, 2014, Room 2256. kk 11/9/14 c:\documents\word\curric\2014-15\11-4-14.min.docx