Planning, Review, and Budget Council Minutes August 27, 2014

Planning, Review, and Budget Council
Minutes August 27, 2014
Attendees: Rachael Tupper-Eoff, Christine Warda, Sara Parker, Trish Shannon, Jim Matthews, Heather
Hernandez, Kathleen Allen, Kathy Kelley, Dale Wagoner, Stacy Thompson, Mireille Giovnola, Jane
Wolford, Carla Walker, Vanessa Cormier, Jeanne Wilson, Wanda Wong, Bianca Bullock, Jesse H. Esquire
III, Mike Sherburne, Patricia Molina, Connie Willis, Jeremy Wilson, Diane Zuliani, Chasity Whiteside
Called to Order: 3:10 PM
Approval of Minutes:
Deonne: Deans and administrators are coming in from College Council. Please review the minutes. I
have a couple corrections from Marcia. Does anyone else have changes to the minutes?
Jim Matthews and Wanda Wong, move and second to accept the minutes with changes. Jim: I have
some small changes, I will send you.
Approved with those changes.
Committee Reports: Deonne: I opened some space for committee chair reporting. So, I asked Christie
to give a report on Staff Development.
Christine: The committee met and reviewed the proposals. We have campus-wide and discipline
specific meetings. There are four break-out sessions during the day. We have Title IX and Accreditation
sessions. I am hoping that everyone will complete the Title IX training. There are personal development
as well as professional development opportunities. We have many specific disciplines meeting.
Christine then reviewed the draft schedule.
Discussion of whether individual committees need special time or not. Some are requesting time:
others are not.
Christine: if committees want additional time, contact me.
Mireille: Are the names of people leading the committee correct?
Jim: No, but we’ll update them as we can, and where new assignments are made.
Christine: Email me with questions or issues.
Introductions of the new student representatives: Jesse Esquire and Bianca Bullock .
Deonne: Any announcement or information you want to share?
Bianca: We’re mostly in planning mode. We’re meeting with lots of groups and the new director of
Student Life.
Deonne: We’re working among students, faculty, and administrators to create a master calendar. This
will also include a calendar for due dates or projects. Any other information for calendars?
Wanda: Will the master calendar be color-coded?
Deonne: Student events will be on a student calendar, dates and times for meetings will be on a second
calendar, and potentially a third calendar for due dates and project goals.
Discussion: Multiple calendars with color coding, where certain things fit, etc.
Deonne: Faculty Senate?
Kathy: I would like to be in contact with Jesse, but I couldn’t get your name to come up. Faculty Senate
would welcome a student representative to be present. A big thing that I am going to be asking senate
to work on is to change the by-laws to elect a vice-president in advance of the term of office, so that
there’s time for learning and a good hand-off.
We’re also going to look at representation, so we can have committee engagement and participation.
Everything that happens here is also part of the 10+1 work, so there is an overlap of faculty senate’s
work and this committee’s work. Ten-PLUS-One is described in the handout, so attach a copy of what
Ten-PLUS-One is for people who might not know.
Discussion of PRBC and what we have and what we don’t have and how our committees function. We’ll
be looking more at shared governance later in the meeting.
Wanda: Our committee name is being used over and over again incorrectly. Where can I find this one
the web?
Deonne, Jim, and Stacy: We pulled it down, but it is actually available. It can be located under the
“accreditation” link on Chabot’s homepage. Then click on the “Exhibits” section.
Accreditation To-Do: If committees update the forms that I provided at the last meeting, we’ll be able to
update the document. It will take us a month or so to gather information and get information uploaded
to the web. Make changes on the hard copy and print out the web page with the changes you want to
make. If you have access or support, make the changes. If not, either send them to me or send them to
Kathryn Tollefson.
Jim: Your web page is probably more up-to-date than the shared governance document.
Deonne: The calendar is also being updated by the President’s Office.
By the end of the semester, agendas and minutes, any documents used for decision-making and revised
charges and membership lists need to be updated.
Calendar of PRBC Priorities:
The next sheet in the handout lists our priorities for this Fall. This list is very ambitious, so we’re going
to need to get more detailed if we’re going to get everything done.
1) Faculty Hiring: College Council just decided to use the committee from last year to constitute a
work group to look at the process and make recommendations for changing the process. The
group will also look at current vacancies (disciplines without fulltime faculty), emergency
vacancies, librarians, and counselors and how they fit in the prioritization piece. They will also
consider how prioritization aligns with college strategic plan goals, how faculty requests fit,
faculty on special assignment, and legal or statutory requirements. We’re probably not going to
finish in this cycle, but the goal is to evaluate last year’s process, make recommendations, and
revise the process. (Matt and Stacy contributed to this discussion).
2) Matt: Student Equity and Student Success Groups will be meeting on the 1st and 3rd (opposite
Faculty Senate) in Rm 758, all are welcome.
Deonne: What is the estimate on funding?
Matthew: There’s $750 million among all the districts, so its significant.
3) Ed Master Plan. To Kathy Kelley, what’s the plan for this?
Kathy: It’s unclear how the Master Plan can be developed in a top-down process, it should be
driven from disciplines and the colleges up.
Jim: The challenge is that Master Plan should refine the perspective, that is, not a current status
and assessment, but a projection in terms of the college in view of its goals.
What is the current status of the Master Plan, do we have an approved one? The botched one
was not approved.
Jim Matthews: The current one is good through 2015, so at the very least, they’ll ask how we’re
doing towards a new one.
4) Progress measures for new initiatives.
Kathy made a comment that what we might want to consider as areas, themes, or paths for
Marcia: Yes, a lot of energy was put into it, so yes, a status report would be appropriate.
Trish: I think we should delegate the assessment towards IR.
Diane Z: FYE should come to Faculty Senate and report.
Kathy: I concur.
Jim: what is a program and GE?
5) GE learning outcomes and assessment. Where does this happen, and what’s the plan? We we
have a tight deadline, and it needs to be happen.
Christie: I think we can use a committee to get this done, and we can use program level
outcomes across disciplines, so we can use course, program, and college-wide outcomes that we
already have, to generate something course faculty can use.
Sara: Is there a defined list of GE courses?
Jim: Yes.
Sara: So if a course is already tagged, we don’t have to worry about courses that are not tagged.
Mireille: We, the college and the committee has had a hard time trying to do this, so we really
need to do it differently.
Deonne: Stacy, you once provided a quick summary.
Stacy: A lot of institutions grapple with this. Most people use the college-wide learning goals,
you get a small group of people to come up with the assessment, you give it to all students, and
using a common rubric, we evaluate the assessment. We also have to evaluate how students
will demonstrate mastery. You take a random sampling from GE classes, assess, and evaluate.
It’s really not going to be that hard.
Kathy: I like this approach.
Deonne: How could we go at this (committee). This is bigger than SLOAC.
Christie: I recommend we move this to Senate. Senate can call on the divisions.
Kathy: I think it needs to be a broad stroke with broad participation.
Dianne: This has been a continuing problem. I think Senate is the right place to tackle this. I
think it would be helpful if Mireille, you came and told us what has been tried, what is the
history, before we start.
Kathy: We could ask for senate feedback.
Trish: We must get this done by the end of the semester.
Christie: Could we constitute a FIG?
Trish: Yes.
Stacy: SLOAC are our experts, they should lead, they should report to Senate, SLOAC will discuss,
and issue a call, and take it to Senate, call out to the college for participation. Get it moving.
Deonne: Jeremy needs to leave, so let’s hear his input on Program Review.
6) Program Review:
Jeremy: The new web page for Program Review is up, and we’re loading it (thanks Bella Witt).
We don’t have all the data because the dates are earlier than expected.
The data will come up as quickly as we are confident it is correct. CEMC data is up. Course data
will be next, but we’ll get it up as quickly as possible.
Deonne: Deans, would be appropriate for me to send you an announcement for the division
Jeremy: If you have any other data needs, please contact us, and a note that the number of
degrees has increased.
Kathy: I think that increase is a result of the PRBC goal, and we should take credit for it.
Shared Governance:
Deonne: College Council formed two work groups, one to review Prioritization and the other our Shared
Governance Structures with the goal to align resource allocation with college and program planning in a
manner transparent. Membership of the Shared Governance groups is predominantly administrative,
with a few faculty. But, the recommendations will have to be approved by both senates.
Sara: Asked a clarifying question. Is the work group looking at the process and/or content of the
The process.
Deonne: The council has also set a new charge: “To make recommendations to the President on policy,
practices, and the allocation of College resources that best align with Chabot College strategic goals and
This needs to be understood within the new district strategic planning structure. At this time, I am not
sure how Curriculum or DEMC fit into this new structure. Faculty senate does appoint people to serve
on these new committees. Our committees are supposed to feed into these new structures.
Extensive discussion occurred, concerning both the outcome of the new allocation model for this year,
and the new strategic planning committees being implemented by the district. Issues around faculty
participation and the work involved. Sara and Christie both brought up the issues around equity in
reassign time and being a chair, etc. What is our model for reassign time, given our college priorities
and budget?
Deonne: I wanted to show you what some other colleges are doing. We looked at three different
colleges, each with similarities and differences. There was an interesting conversation about how other
colleges function.
Deonne: I showed these colleges’ approaches because I think it helps us see what we’re doing and get
clearer about where we’d like to go. She then brought up the current PRBC charge and membership and
to compare it with the IPBC (old and can be found on page 20 of the old shared governance document,
on the accreditation page). It’s both similar and different from other colleges and what we’re doing
Wanda: I think many groups need clarification about who we report to and what reporting is required.
Christie: I’d like to piggyback that our review is being done in isolation, that committee chairs need time
to talk to each other to gain clarity.
Diane: The idea of visualizing is helpful because it is a complicated idea spread out and abstraction,
which should always be accompanied by a written description of the charge. I think we need to
remember that the 10+1 is a legal requirement. We need to remember that.
Christie: If we realize that we’re really missing something, say a program review committee, is the PRBC
is this group going to advocate for the change?
Deonne: I think that recommendations could be made by several groups.
Sara: We did this exercise at a retreat June of 2012, where we pushed the committee organization chart
around to get it to reflect what we actually do.
Deonne: Is that sort of thing what we want to do?
Marcia: Maybe we let the committees do the revision work, pass that into a group meeting, pass the
outcomes to the work group.
Wanda: I don’t know how my committee can do its work if we don’t know our charge or who we report
Deonne: You’ll be limited to a portion of your charge, and the work group will need to help later. This is
what we’re doing this year.
Chasity: In college council, it was suggested that committee chairs work on the task force for feedback.
Meeting adjourned at 5:01 PM.