2016-17 Dean’s Program Review Summary – World Languages (WL), Year...

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2016-17 Dean’s Program Review Summary – World Languages (WL), Year 3
Submitted by: Marcia Corcoran
Date: 11-06-15
Find below goals, progress, accomplishments, and new initiatives in each category, aligned with the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges
(ACCJC)i Standards indicated, as documented in the Program Reviews. Please refer to the Excel spreadsheets for specific resource requests in these areas.
Progress/Needs on
Instructional Programs
Library/Learning &
Human Resources
Physical & Technology
Financial Resources
Student Learning/Service
Student Support
(FT fac, reassigned,
(Services, Contracts,
Area Outcomes
classified, student assts)
Standards IIA and IIB
Standard IIA
Standards IIB and IIC
Standard IIIA
Standards IIIB and IIIC
Standard IIID
 Course Level and
Program Level
Outcomes Closing the
Loop documents Fall 15
 Participation of 3 fulltime and 9 part-time
faculty in development
of learning outcomes,
rubrics, and discussions
of results
 Students met goals in all
sections between 77%
and 95%
 Faculty recognized need
to standardize the use
of a rubric for all written
compositions and oral
 Using a common rubric
and similar themes at
each level encourages
students’ confidence in
target language
 Re-evaluation and
closing the loop cycle
due in Spring 2018
 Communicative SecondLanguage Pedagogy
creates increase in
opportunities for
 All courses transferable
to UCs and CSUs
 French and Spanish AA
and new AA-T degrees
 62 declared WL majors
with 70% in Spanish
 Fully online French 1st
and 2nd year programs
 Fully online Spanish 1st
year program available;
with 2nd year in Spring 16
 Increased online and
hybrid offerings
 Piloted 10-week
complete online 1st-year
French and Spanish in
Summer 15
 Created new 3-unit
courses to increase
student access/success
 Updated course outlines
 Issue of lack of course
equivalency with Las
Positas College
 Offered greater access
to WL Labs through
faculty office hours but
need more hours
 Homogenized program:
syllabi, target language
use, prerequisite
challenges, credit by
exam procedure,
strategies for low
performance, and high
 Plan to promote
Learning Center
services; identify
struggling students;
offer individual, group,
and conversation
 Provided professional
development for
pedagogy, use of
Blackboard, and
assumptions for all WL
 Request to decrease
course capacity WL 1A
courses from 40 to 30
would have less
productivity and more
FTEF faculty needed
 Request one full-time
faculty Spanish focus
with addtl language
 Request ongoing WL
Coordinator (.20 FTEF)
to lead program
review, discipline plans,
schedule, recruiting
and hiring, flex day and
 Request faculty (15
hours/week) in Spanish
lab to increase access
 Request to hire
adjuncts in Chinese,
Japanese, Spanish
 WL Lab in room 352
 In Fall 2015, WL faculty
with 55 computers and
hosted Foreign
Rosetta Stone
Language Association of
Northern California
conference at Chabot
 Need improved
College, with Chabot
technological support:
presenters on I-phone,
 2 Surface Books
screencast video
 VoiceThread
lectures, with 3 full Screencast Pro
time and 6 part-time
 Annual licenses
faculty participating
 Need campus server to
support uploading of
Conference Requests:
video/audio files for
 Online Teaching
hybrid and online
Conference in San
courses (now outside
Diego for 2 faculty
server is paid by
individual instructors)
 Foreign Language
Association of Northern
 Need foreign language
California for 3 full-time
DVDs to enhance
and 6 part-time faculty
cultural, historical and
language components
of courses
 Need pencils with logos
to market WL
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 Restructured SPA 5 Field
Work to level course
 Resubmitted FRNC 1B
and SPA 1B for IGETC 3B;
all 2A/2B courses count
as IGETC 3B.
 Added second section
Japanese 1A to build
program and plan to
create 2A/2B curricula
 Plan to add Chinese in
16-17 and Italian in 1718 (need addtl .79 FTEF
for each language)
 To align with transfer
institutions and other
community colleges,
request to lower capacity
from 40 to 30 for all WL
1A courses – lower
student-to-teacher ratio
yields higher success
See Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, Western Association of Schools and Colleges (Adopted June 2014). Accreditation standards. Available: