May 1, 2009 DEPARTMENT: Theatre and Dance___

May 1, 2009
Theatre and Dance___
Table 1. Documentation that learning outcomes are incorporated into the curriculum for all undergraduate and graduate
In the table below, state the expected learning outcomes from the Program-Level Assessment Plans and then list the course or courses,
including prefix, number, and title, in the Relevant Courses column that address that expected outcome. If 3 or more courses address
an expected learning outcome, list only 3 courses that are most important for students to achieve the expected outcome.
Degree Program:BA-Theatre Arts _
Expected Learning Outcomes
To analyze scripts, characters and techniques in a scene
or play.
To demonstrate familiarity with the periods and genres
of theatre and dance history and the special vocabulary
of theatre and dance
To understand the acting processes whereby a character
is created and realized on stage.
To perform the duties of the technician, performer or
stage manager in a realized production.
Understand the basic principles of stage craft, costume
construction, stage electrics as well as costume
lighting, and scenic design.
Theatre and Dance___
Relevant Courses
TH A 2302 Principles of Acting I, TH A 3335 Script Analysis, and
TH A 4302 Stage Directing Methods
TH A 1303 Introduction to Theatre, TH A 3308 History of Theatre
I, and TH A 3309 History of Theatre II
TH A 1301 Voice for the Actor, TH A 2302 Principles of Acting I,
TH A 3105 Rehearsal & Performance, and TH A 4302 Stage
Directing Methods
TH A 1101 Theatre Activities: Scenery & Properties, TH A 1102
Theatre Activities: Lighting & Sound, TH A 1103 Theatre
Activities: Costume & Makeup, and TH A 3105 Rehearsal &
TH A 3303 Principles of Theatrical Scenery, TH A 3304 Principles
of Theatrical Lighting, and 3305 Principles of Theatrical Costuming
May 1, 2009
Table 2. Discussion of the methods used to assess the learning outcomes as well as the instruments used to assess the
attainment of learning outcome goals by undergraduate and graduate programs.
For each degree program, provide a brief discussion of the methods, including specific instruments, used to assess student learning
outcomes. The Program-Level Assessment Plans, submitted in December 2005, list the methods of assessment for each expected
outcome. In the boxes below describe those methods of assessment. If national standardized exams are used state the name of the
exam. The information in Table 2 should be an overview description of the methods used. If specific assessment instruments (or
assessment rubrics) need to be developed to conduct an assessment, then clearly indicate what is still needed and when those
instruments will be used (which should be Fall Semester 2006). The boxes will expand as information is added to the box.
Degree Program: BA-Theatre Arts
90% of the students taking the exit exam will achieve scores of 60% or better. Students in THA 3335 will achieve an average
improvement of 14 percentage points on Course Assessment Tests (CATs) taken at the beginning and end of the course.
90% of the students taking the exit exam will achieve scores of 60% or better. Students in THA 1303 & 3308 will achieve an
average improvement of 14 percentage points on CATs taken at the beginning and end of the course.
90% of the students taking the exit exam will achieve scores of 60% or better.
Each year, 70% of current BA students will function in at least one TTUT play as actor, crew member, or stage manager.
90% of the students taking the exit exam will achieve scores of 60% or better. Students in THA 3304 & 3305 will achieve an
average improvement of 14 percentage points on CATs taken at the beginning and end of the course.
May 1, 2009
Theatre and Dance
Table 3. Summarize the data collected and evidence of the use of results of those data
For each degree program, describe the data that has been collected to date and indicate how the results of the data analysis have been
used. It should be noted that in some cases, the results will indicate that at this time the expected learning outcomes are being achieved
and there is not a need to change or improve a program. However, it is unlikely that all data for all programs indicate that no
improvements are needed. If no data has been collected for a degree program assessment, indicate that is the case and provide a
justification for the lack of data and a detailed discussion of how data collection will begin in the Fall Semester 2006 and be reported
in the next Annual Assessment Report.
Degree Program: BA-Theatre Arts
Use of Data
100% of the 4 BA students taking the exit exam
achieved scores of 60 or higher. In THA 3335 students
showed an average improvement of 23.8 percentage
points on the CAT.
100% of the 4 BA students taking the exit exam
achieved scores of 60 or higher. In TH A 1303 students
showed an average improvement of 14.4 percentage
points on the CAT. In TH A 3308 students showed an
average improvement of 13 percentage points on the
100% of the 4 BA students taking the exit exam
achieved scores of 60 or higher.
79% of BA students (56 out of a total of 71) acted,
stage managed, or served on crews in TTUT
productions in the following capacities: 31 acting roles,
60 crew assignments, & 3 stage management
assignments (with some students serving in more than
one acting role or back-stage assignment).
Exit Exam outcomes met; no change indicated. CAT standard met;
no change indicated.
Exit Exam outcomes met; no change indicated. CAT standard for
THA 1303 met; no change indicated. CAT standard for THA 3308
not met; results brought to the attention of professor.
Exit Exam outcomes met; no change indicated.
Production participation goal met; no change indicated.
May 1, 2009
100% of the 4 BA students taking the exit exam
Exit Exam outcomes met; no change indicated. CAT standard for
achieved scores of 60 or higher. In TH A 3304 students THA 3304 met; no change indicated. CAT standard for THA 3305
showed an average improvement of 20 percentage
not met; results brought to the attention of professor.
points on the CAT. In TH A 3305 students showed an
average improvement of 4.7 percentage points on the