DISCUSSION FORUM .................................................................................................................................................................................................. Response to Cohn: The Immune System Rejects the Harmful, Protects the Useful and Neglects the Rest of Microorganisms Z. Dembic Summary Department of Oral Biology, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway Received 25 March 2004; Accepted 6 April 2004 Correspondence to: Dr Z. Dembic, University of Oslo, Department of Oral Biology, PB 1052 Blindern, N 0316 Oslo, Norway. E-mail: zlatko. dembic@odont.uio.no The immune system is seen as a guardian of tissue integrity. It would analyse the extent and quality of damage and respond adequately. If no ill effects were found, the system would ignore disturbance, but if beneficial effects were found, it could protect certain microorganisms (establishing commensalism), perhaps via regulatory cells. The Integrity hypothesis proposes three basic groups of intercellular signals for cells of all tissues and assumes that they govern communication between dendritic cells, T cells and B cells. Signal-1 would be the main information source resulting with generation of intracellular mediators that are bound to travel into the nucleus to achieve reaction. Signal-2 represents the generation of additional signal transducers representing a modifier at the level of cytosol. And, signal-3 would be a modifier at nuclear level, perhaps guarding accessibility to chromosome or genetic locus. The paper by M. Cohn describes two decisions that the immune system should make in response to pathogens. The first decision is the sorting of the repertoire, and the second is about immune response’s magnitude and class, all for combat reasons against pathogens. On what basis can one separate these two decisions? Is not sorting of a repertoire linked to the magnitude? For example, sortedout elements (cells) require signals that surpass certain threshold of magnitude in order to react (and be sorted). A magnitude of a response seems to be intrinsic to sorting decision! On the other hand, the decision about the class of the response could stand very well on its own. However, there might be a different solution to this problem. There is a model in which the immune system has three decisions to make and is helped by a three-signal cellular activation mechanism that operates for communication purposes among the cells [1–4]. The concept involves the immune system as a guardian of tissue integrity. The integrity hypothesis differs from the Danger [5–7] and the Pattern recognition model [8, 9] in that the immune system is thought to think in terms of being able to discern three conditions and consequently make three types of responses. The immune system would reject the harmful, protect the useful and neglect the rest of the microorganisms that surround us or live in our bodies. Integrity incorporates three basic intercellular communication signals and assumes that communication between dendritic cell (DC), T cell and B cell is a social affair that allows thinking and making intelligent decisions at the microscopic level. The analogy with the neural tissue is clear: one neuron cannot think but a group of neurons can. In brief, structural disruption (a slight damage) of any tissue provides a message to T cells and B cells (via DC) that something is happening (alert). However, if there were an associated message that the function of the tissue has been compromised as well, the immune response would ensue. On the other hand, should this functional-damage evidence be lacking, the immune system would assume that the matter should be either neglected or considered for its usefulness. For the latter, if useful for the function of a tissue, the immune response would become a protection of the antigenic carrier (we could envisage this as some kind of active tolerance). Maybe, this is the reason why some vitamin K-producing bacteria become protected in the gut. The protection of useful commensalisms would be of selective advantage and would therefore counteract disadvantage provided by pathogenic mimicry of such signals. Namely, a pathogen by definition would always bring functional disability to tissues, whereas benefactor would improve it. The signal of usefulness cannot be # 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology 60, 3–5 3 Z. Dembic 4 Discussion Forum .................................................................................................................................................................................................. hijacked by pathogens because usefulness and harmfulness are mutually exclusive. The alert signal can be provided by (exogenous) danger or pattern recognition receptors, but it might still go one way or another, depending on the functional-damage signal, which in turn depends on 30,000 or so (genetic) reasons of how one measures tissue integrity. This variability keeps in check the T repertoire and B repertoire that need this clearance in order to reject the intruder (via CD8 T-cell cytotoxicity or T-B response and secretion of Ig) or protect by generating regulatory cells (and perhaps by secreting inhibitory cytokines). It is a hard decision for an individual immune system, because it may seem that it is the final one regarding that particular epitope, i.e. there is no way back to restore rejection capability until that (suppressor) cell (or a clone) is alive. Therefore, this is not a real loss of a clone bearing a paratope in the repertoire against pathogens, but a functional loss in the rejection repertoire. In other words, if all tolerance fails (clonal deletion – central and peripheral – and perhaps anergy), suppressor response for certain epitopes would protect the carrier of this antigen for the rest of the guardian’s (suppressor cell) life. I propose that this function (protection) has been selected from the mechanisms that guard the integrity of tissues. In such a way, the last resort to combat autoreactivity and its detrimental consequences would be the protection of tissues by, for example, regulatory T cells or soluble factors making particular tissue (or part thereof) a truly immunologically privileged site. From such function, protection of some useful microorganisms could have been evolutionarily selected. It may therefore make sense to propose that DC need at least two signals to become activated (matured) in order to activate naı̈ve or resting T cells. One of these signals must be independent of the recognition ability of past infections [pattern recognition, i.e. Toll-like receptor (TLR), mannose receptor, etc.], which increases the number of minimal signals required for the activation of immune response stimulatory DC to three. The signal-1 and the signal-2 for DC could be additive or synergistic. They could be even transmitted through different members of the same family of receptors. For example, TLR can provide both the signal-1 and the signal-2 for DC. The signal-3 for DC could be the tissue damage (disruption of integrity). The signal via TLR in DC can be separated into two suboptimal signals that can be dissociated, perhaps similarly as it was shown to be the case with TLR2 signalling [10]. In TLR2-signalling case, suboptimal binding of TLR2 ligand caused DC to provide presentation of peptide on major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II molecules, but without upregulation of costimulatory molecules. The latter were upregulated only with optimal TLR2 concentration of ligands. Thus, stimulation of naı̈ve T cells [via MHC peptide/T-cell receptor (TCR) interaction; the signal-1 for T cells] can be separated from costimulation of T cells (via, for example, B7/CD28 interaction; the signal-2 for T cells) at the level of dendritic cell! There is more evidence that fit with such a proposal. A support comes from a report that cross-linking of TLR4 by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is usually required to signal downstream in macrophages [11]. In contrast, binding of LPS under suboptimal conditions does not lead to downstream signalling. I would argue that it still might endow DCs to provide the signal-1 for T cells (stimulation). Moreover, other TLR4 ligands like HSP act on TLR4 by enhancing stimulatory effects of otherwise substimulatory concentrations of LPS [12]. These could additionally endow DCs to provide the signal-2 for T cells (costimulation). Lastly, there is evidence that intracellular TLR-signalling cascade can be synergistically triggered by ligands of TLR2 and TLR9 or TLR4 and TLR9 under suboptimal conditions [13]. All these results support the idea about two-level TLR signalling in antigenpresenting cells. The first level would result only with the stimulation of naı̈ve T cells. This would be achieved by the signal-1 for DC (a suboptimal concentration of the ligand) and would provide DC with a source of protein that could be processed and presented on MHC molecules. The second level of TLR signalling would ensue under optimal ligand concentration. Thus, if provided by the signal-2 at the same time, the DC would upregulate costimulatory molecules (i.e. B7, ICOSL and PD-L2). The signal-1 and the signal-2 for DC would be interchangeable within the TLR family of molecules. Perhaps other pattern recognition receptors might also contribute in a similar way. Thus, all this would lead to naı̈ve (and resting memory) T-cell activation, provided the signal-3 for DC is also present (in terms of tissue damage). Without this tissue disruption, no T-cell activation (in terms of concomitant proliferation) and no immune response would take place [4]. Therefore, the immune response in terms of rejection would require the signal-1, -2 and -3 at the level of DC. We now have at least three other conditions to consider that could give different information to DC (and subsequently T cells and B cells): (A) Tissue damage (as the signal-3) in combination with the signal-1 (without the signal-2). (B) The signal-1 and the signal-2 without the signal-3. (C) The signal-1 alone. After DC interacts with T cell under the option A, it would yield a regulatory type of a T cell (in other words, the signal given to naı̈ve T cell to proliferate and become an effector might seem a bit confusing, because not all the necessary molecules would have been present). The T cell might be stuck in a limbo and, by moving into tissues without developing into killer or helper effectors, would shield the target and thereby prevent access to them. In addition, secreting inhibitory cytokines by such T cells might be the function related to a difference in quality of the signal-3 that has been previously transferred via DC. # 2004 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Scandinavian Journal of Immunology 60, 3–5 Z. Dembic Discussion Forum 5 .................................................................................................................................................................................................. The option B would yield anergy (with interesting possibilities, if the signal-3 would be introduced at some later point in time). Lastly, the option C (or the signal-1 alone) would yield peripheral clonal deletion (this should be passive tolerance, via programmed cell death). Why would a combination of the signal-1 and the signal-3 yield regulatory cell rather than a deletion (apoptosis)? It could be envisaged that the signal-3 regulates accessibility to DNA; thus, apoptotic signal-1 with larger access to genomic resources (the signal-3) might allow a selection process by which a cell might find a way to survive and escape programmed cell death. The third signal (or the integrity disruption signal) might have a different quality in terms either of a magnitude or destroyed particular function of a damaged tissue, all of which can provide different mediators in DC as a consequence of such signal. This can lead to a difference in a class of the response. Thus, the signal-3 would measure the quantity of tissue damage and translate it into a quality difference (class of the response). 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