Chabot Student Health and Wellness Center Affiliated with Valley Care Health System New Patient Confidential Medical History NAME: _______________________________________________________Age___________D.O.B_______________Date:_________________ Medications: List any medicines you take regularly, including over the counter medications or supplements: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Allergies: Medications, latex, food, insects etc.: Yes___No___ please list: ______________________________________________ Social History: Caffeine: No: ____Yes: ____ (cups/day) ________________ Alcohol: No: _____Yes: ____ How many drinks per day_______ per week_______per month_______ Recreation drugs: No: ____Yes: ____ which kind: ___________________________________ Tobacco: No: ____Yes: ____ Pack/day: ________ cigarettes/day: ________cigarettes/week: ________cigars_______Other:_________ Exercise: No: ____Yes: ____ Days/week: _________ Personal Medical History: (Please mark the following as it applies to you): Allergies (seasonal) Anemia Asperger’s Asthma Autism Anxiety Blood Disorder Chicken Pox Diabetes Headaches Head Injury or Concussion Heart Problems High Blood Pressure High Cholesterol Heart Murmur Depression Kidney Disease Hepatitis: Type? Muscle or Joint Problems Liver Disease Lung Disease Seizure Skin Disorder Sexually Transmitted Infection Stomach Problem Thyroid Problem Tuberculosis Alcohol or Drug Problems Eating Disorder History of MRSA infection G6PD Deficiency Other Please explain any items you have checked above and date of occurrence: ______________________________________________________________ Hospitalizations and Surgeries (with reasons and dates):__________________________________________________________________________ Family Medical History: (Please mark the following if there is a history in your immediate blood relatives, e.g. parents, siblings or grandparents) Relationship Relationship Breast Cancer Heart Disease Alcoholism Colon Cancer High Cholesterol Suicide/Depression Other Cancer Diabetes Mental Illness High Blood Pressure Asthma/Hay Fever Family Violence Stroke/Blood Clots Thyroid Disease Other Relationship Immunization History: Date of last Tetanus shot: ______________ Hepatitis B shot: _______________MMR shot: _________________Varicella shot: ________________ Date of last TB Test: ___________________ Result: _______________ Women’s Health History ONLY: Date of last menstrual period: ____________________ History of STD? No: ____Yes: ____ If yes, what & when? ___________________________ Have you had HPV vaccine? No: ____Yes: ____ Don’t Know If yes, when? _______________________________ Method of birth control: _________________________________ Have you ever been pregnant? No: ____Yes: ____ If Yes, how many? _____ Live Birth? _____ Miscarriages_____ Abortion _______ Date of last pap? Month_______ Year_______ Result: Normal or Abnormal Do you do self breast exam No: ____Yes: ____ Men’s Health History ONLY: Do you do self testicular exam? No: ____Yes: ____ Method of birth control: Condoms: _______ Withdrawal: _______Other:______ Partner: Pill/Path/Ring/Depo N/A History of STD? No: ____Yes: ____ If yes, what & when? ___________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________ Student’s Signature Date REVIEWED BY CLINICIAN Clinician Name & Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: ______________________ Clinician Name & Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: _______________________ Medical Hx Form 7/2013