Security Protocols Luca Viganò Institut für Informatik Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 1 Roadmap • Introduction. – Definition and purpose of security protocols. – Security protocols for communication. • Security protocols in detail. – – – – – – Terminology. Types of protocols. Some basic authentication protocols. Attack examples. Design principles. Formal analysis. An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 2 Networks are insecure • The only really secure computer is an isolated, turned off, computer. • Spies/attackers are everywhere! Non-encrypted communication allows for – – – – (passive & active) attacks on messages, hijacking of connections, routing spoofing, ... What I’m talking about comes down to a more basic philosophical principle: Don’t trust nobody. (David Mamet, House of Games) • Solution: use security protocols based on cryptographic algorithms. An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 3 A definition Protocol: a series of steps, involving two or more agents, designed to accomplish a task. • Series of steps: a fixed sequence of actions (computing, sending, receiving, ...), from start to finish. • Designed to accomplish a task: the protocol must achieve something specific. • Involving two or more agents: – At least two agents are required to complete the protocol. – One agent alone does not make a protocol, e.g. ∗ he can perform a series of steps to accomplish a task like baking a cake, ∗ but someone else must eat the cake to make it a protocol. An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 4 The purpose of protocols • In daily life: informal protocols for almost everything. – Ordering goods on the phone, playing poker, voting in an election, ... – Everyone knows how to use them, and they work reasonably well. • In computer networks: formal protocols. – Not ‘face-to-face’, hence security is in danger. – Formalization: examine ways in which dishonest agents can subvert protocols, and develop ‘immune’ protocols. – Also: abstraction (platform-independence). An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 5 Ground rules • Everyone involved in the protocol must – know the protocol and all the steps to follow in advance; – agree to follow it. • The protocol must be – unambiguous (each step must be well-defined); – complete (there must be a specified action for every possible situation). • It must be impossible to do more or learn more than what is specified in the protocol. An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 6 Security protocols for communication • Goal: secure communication between agents (users, computers, processes, ...). – – – – Secrecy (confidentiality): who can receive/read messages? Authentication: who is talking? Key-distribution: distribute keys for private or authenticated communication. Integrity, non-repudiation, accountability, anonymity, unobservability, ... • Small programs (often less than 10 messages). • Based on, but ‘independent’ of, cryptographic algorithms, which are – well-known and well-established, – negotiated (each side communicates its preferred ones), – replaced if ‘broken’. An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 7 Security protocols for communication (cont.) • Agents cooperate by exchanging messages. Luca → Bank : {Pay DM 100 to Uwe Jendricke}K −1 Luca • Agents use the messages received, together with modeling assumptions about the behavior of other agents, to make decisions on how to act. – Should the Bank carry out the money transfer? – Should Luca believe that everything is alright after he receives Bank → Luca : {We payed DM 100 to Uwe Jendricke}K −1 ? Bank • Decisions depend on what can be assumed of messages they received, e.g. – receiver wants to be sure that a received message has been created recently by the agent claiming to be sender; – agents must be able to detect when a message has been created or modified by a malicious agent; – agents must be able to detect when a message was issued some time ago (or for a different purpose) and is currently being replayed. An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 8 Threats and attacks • Perfect encryption is usually assumed (no codebreaking). • Different types of attackers and attacks. – Active attacker: assumed to have complete ∗ access to communication between agents, ∗ knowledge of the protocols and of the cryptographic algorithms employed. – Passive attacker: mainly eavesdropping. – Cheater: one of the agents involved in the protocol. – Careless and compromized agents. A friend’s just an enemy in disguise. You can’t trust nobody. (Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist) • Formal analysis and design: model, verify and improve protocols. An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 9 Roadmap • Introduction. – Definition and purpose of security protocols. – Security protocols for communication. • Security protocols in detail. – – – – – – Terminology. Types of protocols. Some basic authentication protocols. Attack examples. Design principles. Formal analysis. An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 10 The players (Dramatis personae) • Agents, participants, principals, users, ... • Honest: – – – – Alice and Bob (and Carol and Dave). Trent: Trusted arbitrator. Server: Trusted server (a.k.a. Simon). ... • Dishonest: – Eve: Eavesdropper. – Mallory: Malicious active attacker. – ... An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 11 Types of protocols • Arbitrated: a disinterested arbitrator is trusted to complete the protocol. • Adjudicated: additional arbitrated sub-protocol is executed in case of dispute. • Self-enforcing: protocol constructed so that there cannot be any disputes. An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 12 Arbitrated protocols • Alice and Bob trust the disinterested arbitrator Trent to complete the protocol. Trent Alice Bob • Real world: Trent is lawyer (banker, notary public, ...) who will do his part and is paid in any case. • Problems: arbitrator – – – – – is faceless, is expensive, causes delay, is a bottleneck, is a vulnerable point in the network. An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 13 Adjudicated protocols • An arbitrated protocol can be divided into two subprotocols: – non-arbitrated protocol executed (every time) to complete protocol, – arbitrated protocol executed in case of dispute with adjudicator (e.g. judge). Alice Bob Trent (After the fact) Evidence Evidence • Real world: contract signing. 1.1. 1.2. 1.3. 2.1. 2.2. 2.3. Alice and Bob negotiate the terms of the contract. Alice signs the contract. Bob signs the contract. Alice and Bob appear before a judge. Alice and Bob each present their evidence. The judge rules on the evidence. An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 14 Self-enforcing protocols • Constructed so that there cannot be any disputes. • If Bob tries to cheat, Alice immediately detects this and stops the protocol. Alice Bob • Best type of protocol, but there is not a self-enforcing protocol for every situation. An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 15 Some basic protocols We have already seen simple protocol sketches: • Communication using symmetric cryptography: – – – – Alice and Bob agree on a cryptosystem and on a key. Alice encrypts plaintext message using encryption algorithm and key. Alice send ciphertext to Bob. Bob decrypts ciphertext using the same algorithm and key. • Communication using asymmetric cryptography: – – – – Alice and Bob agree on a public-key cryptosystem. Bob makes his public key KB available to Alice. Alice encrypts message using KB and sends it to Bob. Bob decrypts message with KB−1. An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 16 Authentication protocols • A sequence of message exchanges between agents that – either distributes secrets to some of the agents – or allows the use of some secret to be recognized. • At the end of the protocol, the agents involved may deduce certain properties about the system, e.g. – only certain agents have access to particular secret information (e.g. keys), – a particular agent is operational (i.e. currently alive). • They may then use this information to verify claims about subsequent communication, e.g. – a received message encrypted with a newly distributed key must have been created after distribution of that key and so is timely. An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 17 Some authentication protocols • SSH: secure remote login & other secure network services. • SSL: in browsers. • PGP: email. • KERBEROS: secure remote login. • SET: secure electronic transactions. • And many others, whose name you might not have heard, but which you perhaps employ every day. An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 18 Building Blocks for Security Protocols Cryptographic Procedures: Encryption of messages {{M }KB }K −1 = M B (Psuedo-)Random Number Generators: to generate “Nonces”, e.g. for “Challenge-Response” Protocols: recipe for exchanging messages Steps like: A sends B his name together with the message M . The pair {A, M } is encrypted with B ’s key. A → B : {A, M }KB An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 19 An Authentication Protocol (Needham-Schroeder) 1. A → B : {A, NA}KB 2. B → A : {NA, NB }KA 3. A → B : {NB }KB Translation: “I am Alice and here is a Nonce NA.” {A, NA} K B {NA, NB} K A {NB} K B “Here is your Nonce NA and I also have one for you.” “I got it! It is NB .” Protocols are typically small and convincing ...and also often wrong! An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 20 Man-in-the-middle Attack An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 21 Attack on Needham-Schroeder (details) NSPK #1 NSPK #2 {A,NA}KC {A,NA}KB { NA ,NB }K A { N B }KC { NA ,NB }K A { N B }KB B believes he is speaking with A! An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 22 What went wrong? • Problem in step 2 B → A : {NA, NB }KA Agent B should also give his name: {NA, NB , B }KA • Is the improved version now correct? ? ? An Introduction to IT-Security ? ? 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 23 The Needham-Schroeder Public-Key Protocol NSPK M1. M2. M3. M4. M5. M6. M7. A→S : S →A: A→B : B →S : S →B : B →A: A→B : A, B {KB , B }K −1 S {NA, A}KB B, A {KA, A}K −1 S {NA, NB }KA {NB }KB Server Alice 1 2 4 5 3 6 Bob 7 • Agents: A and B ; certification authority S . • Pairing: concatenate parts with ‘,’. • Public keys: KA, KB , KS (initially: A and B hold KS ). • Private keys: KA−1, KB−1, KS−1. • Encryption: {X }KA (all can encrypt; only A can decrypt). • Nonces: NA, NB (random numbers). An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 24 The Needham-Schroeder Public-Key Protocol NSPK (cont.) M1. M2. M3. M4. M5. M6. M7. A→S : S →A: A→B : B →S : S →B : B →A: A→B : A, B {KB , B }K −1 S {NA, A}KB B, A {KA, A}K −1 S {NA, NB }KA {NB }KB Server Alice 1 2 4 Bob 5 3 6 7 • (M 1, 2, 4, 5): A and B obtain each other’s public keys. • (M 3, 6, 7): A and B use keys to communicate secret nonces NA and NB . • Nonces: challenge—response. • Only B can recover NA; only A can recover NB . ⇒ A and B are present ‘now’. ⇒ ‘Later’: A and B can use NA and NB for ‘signing’ messages, e.g. B receives {X , NA}KB ⇒ he deduces A sent X . An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 25 The Needham-Schroeder Public-Key Protocol NSPK (cont.) • By assuming that A and B already have each other’s keys, we can do without S and shorten the protocol to: Alice M1. A → B : {A, NA}KB M2. B → A : {NA, NB }KA M3. A → B : {NB }KB Bob 1 2 3 • If encryption is not perfect: what happens when private key KB−1 is compromised? • But even with the perfect encryption assumption... • Both versions of the protocol are flawed! • Two attacks (discovered after many years, using formal methods): – Replay: record and later re-introduce a (part of a) message. – Man-in-the-middle: pass messages through to a concurrent session and back. An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 26 A replay attack to NSPK • Replay (or freshness) attack: record and later re-introduce a (part of a) message. • Full NSPK: no guarantee that public keys KB and KA are fresh, i.e. that they have been created by S as part of the current protocol run. Server M2. S → A : {KB , B }K −1 S M5. S → B : {KA, A}K −1 Alice 1 2 4 5 3 6 Bob 7 S • If old KB , KA have been compromised and recorded by attacker Mallory, then Mallory can intercept new messages to S and replay old ones. ⇒ A and B believe that keys are new and use them for subsequent communication, which can be read by Mallory too. • Fix: use timestamps, e.g. M2. S → A : {KB , B , T }K −1 S This requires a secure and accurate (and possibly global) system clock! An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 27 A man-in-the-middle attack to NSPK • Man-in-the-middle (or parallel sessions) attack: two or more protocol runs are executed concurrently and messages from one are used to form messages in another. A↔M↔B • NSPK: Mallory M can start a new protocol run with B pretending to be A. M1. A → M : {N1, A}KM M1’. M(A) → B : {N1, A}KB M2’. B → M(A) : {N1, N2}KA M2. M → A : {N1, N2}KA M3. A → M : {N2}KM M3’. M(A) → B : {N2}KB • B believes he is talking to A! • Fix: mention names explicitly in second message, e.g. M2’. B → M(A) : {N1, N2, B }KA An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 28 Types of attack • Replay (or freshness) attack: record and later re-introduce a (part of a) message. • Man-in-the-middle (or parallel sessions) attack: A ↔ M ↔ B . • Masquerading attack: pretend to be another agent, e.g. – forge source address, – binding attack: M convinces other agents that A’s public key is KM. • Type flaw attack: substitute a different type of message field, – e.g. a key vs. a nonce. • Other types: implementation-dependent, cryptanalysis, ... An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 29 Type flaw attack • A message consists of a sequence of components each with some value. – The name of an agent, the value of a nonce, the value of a key, ... • A message is represented concretely as a sequence of bits. • Type flaw: A→B : M Receiver B accepts M as valid but imposes a different interpretation on the bit sequence than sender A. • Example of type flaw attack: Otway-Rees Protocol. An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 30 The Otway-Rees protocol M1. A → B : I , A, B , {NA, I , A, B }KAS M2. B → S : I , A, B , {NA, I , A, B }KAS , {NB , I , A, B }KBS M3. S → B : I , {NA, KAB }KAS , {NB , KAB }KBS M4. B → A : I , {NA, KAB }KAS • Symmetric keys KAS and KBS already known. • I is protocol run identifier. • Goals: A and B are convinced of each other’s identity, and receive from S a symmetric key KAB for future communication. An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 31 Type flaw attack on the Otway-Rees protocol M1. M2. M3. M4. A→B : B →S : S →B : B →A: I , A, B , {NA, I , A, B }KAS I , A, B , {NA, I , A, B }KAS , {NB , I , A, B }KBS I , {NA, KAB }KAS , {NB , KAB }KBS I , {NA, KAB }KAS • After initiating the protocol, A expects to receive a message containing her nonce NA of M1 and the new session key KAB . • If I is 32 bits, A and B are each 16 bits, and KAB is 64 bits, then Mallory can – intercept M1 and – replay the encrypted component of M1 as the encrypted component of M4: M1. A → M(B ) : I , A, B , {NA, I , A, B }KAS ... M4. M(B ) → A : I , {NA, I , A, B }KAS ⇒ A checks for the presence of NA and is fooled into accepting I , A, B as the new session key. An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 32 Type flaw attack on the Otway-Rees protocol (cont.) M1. A → M(B ) : I , A, B , {NA, I , A, B }KAS ... M4. M(B ) → A : I , {NA, I , A, B }KAS A checks for the presence of NA and is fooled into accepting I , A, B as the new session key. Graphically: I A B Intended interpretation of sender 1001101100111100 11011011 00010010 Encryption Ciphertext Decryption 1001101100111100 11011011 00010010 KAB An Introduction to IT-Security Interpretation of receiver 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 33 Type flaw attack on the Otway-Rees protocol (cont.) M1. M2. M3. M4. A→B : B →S : S →B : B →A: I , A, B , {NA, I , A, B }KAS I , A, B , {NA, I , A, B }KAS , {NB , I , A, B }KBS I , {NA, KAB }KAS , {NB , KAB }KBS I , {NA, KAB }KAS • Similarly, Mallory can play the role of S in M2 and M3 by replaying the encrypted components of M2 back to B . • The attack then is: M1. M2. M3. M4. A→B : B → M(S ) : M(S ) → B : B →A: I , A, B , {NA, I , A, B }KAS I , A, B , {NA, I , A, B }KAS , {NB , I , A, B }KBS I , {NA, I , A, B }KAS , {NB , I , A, B }KBS I , {NA, I , A, B }KAS ⇒ M can now listen to the conversation between A and B using the key I , A, B . • Fix: types should be clear and ‘unique’. An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 34 Prudent engineering: design principles • Design principles: – – – – – – – Every message should say what it means. Specify clearly conditions for a message to be acted on. Mention names explicitly if they are essential to the meaning. Be clear as to why encryption is being done. Be clear on what properties you are assuming. Beware of clock variations (for timestamps). etc. • Good advice, but – Is the protocol guaranteed to be secure then? – Is it optimal and/or minimal then? ∗ Optimization vs. making everything explicit. ∗ Size of messages vs. number of messages. – Have you considered all types of attacks? – etc. An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 35 Formal Models Goal: formally model protocols and their properties and provide a mathematically sound means for reasoning about these models. Basis: suitable abstraction of protocols and information flow ⇒ An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 36 Interleaving Trace Models • Formal model (Paulson): model possible communication events A → B : M1 C → D : P1 B → A : M2 D → C : P2 .. • A trace is a sequence of events Interleaving of (partial) runs of the protocol and messages from the attacker • Trace-based interleaving semantics: a protocol is modeled as a set of traces Those traces that can arise from parallel, partial runs of the protocol interleaved with messages from the attacker. • Attacker model: the attacker controls the network. He can read, intercept, and create messages. Cryptography, however, is perfect. An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 37 Foundations for a Formal Model • Inductive definitions are common in mathematics/computer science. • Example: the set of binary trees T is the smallest set such that: 1. nil ∈ T 2. If t1 ∈ T and t2 ∈ T , then node(t1, t2) ∈ T . • Inductive definitions can be fully formalized in logic. – They can be given by a set of Horn Clauses (as above) or as the least fixedpoint of a monotone function over some universe. – Formalization possible in set-theory or higher-order logic – Reasoning principle: induction. E.g., structural induction over trees. An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 38 Modeling: Protocol as an Inductively Defined Set • Set P formalizes protocol steps t ∈P NA 6∈ used t t, A→B : {A,NA}K ∈ P hi ∈ P t ∈P B NB 6∈ used t A0→B : {A,NA}K ∈ t B t, B →A: {NA,NB }K ∈ P A t ∈P A→B : {A,NA}K ∈ t B 0→A: {NA,NB }K ∈ t B A t, A→B : {NB }K ∈ P B • as well as attacker model t ∈P An Introduction to IT-Security X ∈ synthesize (analyze (sees t)) t, Spy→B : X ∈ P 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 39 Model Provides a Basis for Interactive Verification Formalization of inductive definition in HOL ; proof by induction. Authentication for A: If (1) A received message 2 and (2) used NA to start a run, then B sent message 2. For all t ∈ P , (1) B 0 → A : {NA, NB }KA ∈ t and (2) A → B : {A, NA}KB ∈ t then B → A : {NA, NB }KA ∈ t if Secrecy: Spy cannot discover NB . (when key’s are not compromised) For all t ∈ P , if B → A : {NA, NB }KA ∈ t An Introduction to IT-Security then NB 6∈ analyze(sees t) 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 40 Interactive Verification — Some Facts/Statistics • Verification approach due to Larry Paulson, Cambridge. – Proofs with Isabelle/HOL system • Dozens of protocols analyzed: Internet protocol TLS, SET, Kerberos IV, ... • Flaws come out in terms of unprovable goals • Typical protocol requires a few days to construct a proof script Scripts machine-checked typically in a few minutes • However, there are other, complementary, ways to exploit this model! An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 41 An Alternative: Lazy Infinite-State Analysis • We use Paulson’s model as a basis for automatically detecting attacks. • Key idea: formalize model using lazy data-structures. ... Says A->B ... Says A->Spy ... ... Says Spy->A ... Says Spy->B ... ... ... ... Says A->Spy ... Says Spy->A ... ... Says A->Spy ... Says B->A ... ... • Compute with model (finite representation of infinite data). Demand driven transformation and search of inductive definition. An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 42 Technical Details — Lazy Data-Types and Haskell • Lazy constructors build data without evaluating their arguments from n = n : from (n+1) nat = from 0 • This can be used to represent and to compute with infinite sets [(x, x*x) | x <- nat, x > 100] Result: [(101,10201),(102,10404),(103,10609), ... ] • Haskell is a higher-order strongly typed lazy programming language – Data-types and set comprehension support high-level modeling – Good interpreters and compilers available An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 43 Technical Details — Formalizing the Model • Agents, messages, and events modeled using data-types data Agent = Alice | Bob | Spy data Msg = Agent Agent | Nonce Int | Pair Msg Msg | Crypt Agent Msg data Event = Says Agent Agent Msg • Cryptographic details abstracted away: public key and name identified A → B : {A, NA}KB An Introduction to IT-Security ; Says A B (Crypt B (Agent A) (Nonce 17)) 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 44 Technical Details — Formalizing Rules of ID • Rule 1 t ∈P NA 6∈ used t t, A→B : {A,NA}K ∈ P ; B r1 t = [(Says a b (Crypt b (Pair (Agent a) (mkNonce t) ))) | a <- [Alice,Bob,Spy], b <- [Alice,Bob,Spy], a /= b] • Rule 2 t ∈P NB 6∈ used t A0→B : {A,NA}K ∈ t B t, B →A: {NA,NB }K ∈ P ; A r2 t = [Says b a (Crypt a (Pair (Nonce na) (mkNonce t))) | Says _ b (Crypt b (Pair (Agent a) (Nonce na) )) <- t] • Rule 3 similar An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 45 Technical Details — Formalizing the Model (cont.) Attacker Model attacker t = [Says Spy a msg | a <- [Alice,Bob], msg <- synth(analz Spy (sees Spy t))] analz a hs = let inj xs = xs fst xs = [x | Pair x y <- xs] snd xs = [y | Pair x y <- xs] decrypt xs = [x | Crypt ag x <- xs, ag == a] in closure (inj ‘or‘ fst ‘or‘ snd ‘or‘ decrypt) hs synth hs = let inj xs = xs agent _ = [Agent a | a <- [Alice,Bob,Spy]] crypt xs = [Crypt a x | x <- xs, a <- [Alice,Bob]] pair xs = [Pair x y | x <- xs, y <- xs] in (inj ‘or‘ agent ‘or‘ crypt ‘or‘ pair) hs sees a t = foldr (\x r -> (sees1 x) ‘union‘ r) emptyset tr where sees1 (Says _ b x) = if a == b || a == Spy then [x] else [] An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 46 Technical Details — Formalizing the Model (cont.) • Inductive definition formalized as infinite tree built from rule applications data Tree a = Node a [Tree a] build_tree extension init = Node init (map (build_tree extension) (extension init)) p = build_tree ext [] where ext t = map (\x -> ins x t) ((r1 ‘or‘ r2 ‘or‘ r3 ‘or‘ attacker) t) • Result: lazy executable model (a couple pages of Haskell) Provides basis for model checking by lazy state-space enumeration An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 47 Technical Details — Model Checking • State-space exploration: semi-decision procedure to find attack-states An attack is a predicate formalizing a (safety) property of (finite) traces • Naive search hopeless! Tree infinitely deep and very wide – First ply: all possible starts A → B : {A, NA}KB A → Spy : {A, NA}KSpy ... plus broadcasts from the Spy Spy → A : A Spy → A : B ... – Second ply 214 nodes, third ply 17,529 nodes, ... An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 48 Technical Details — Heuristics • Use heuristics as tree transducers Prune branches where spy generates events that honest agents wouldn’t Spy → A : B or Spy → B : {B , NA}KB Re-order nodes on each ply, e.g., giving priority to events involving the spy • Heuristics sound under reasonable protocol implementation assumptions • Conceptual separation of model, heuristics and search • Lazy implementation ; data-driven implementation An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 49 Technical Details — Model Checking (cont.) • Specify attack as predicate on traces (like Paulson): Authentication for A If (1) A received message 2 and (2) used NA to start a run, then B sent message 2. Formalized as follows: AauthenticatesB (t ) ≡ SpyattacksA(t ) ≡ B 0 → A : {NA, NB }KA ∈ t and A → B : {A, NA}KB ∈ t then B → A : {NA, NB }KA ∈ t ¬ AauthenticatesB (t ) if • Perform iterative deepening search for an attack on the transduced tree ids pred t = flatten [ idsn n pred t | n <- [0 ..]] ids attack (prune-and-reorder p) • Resulting stream is the set of possible attacks. First element (found at 5th ply) in 13 CPU seconds is man-in-the-middle attack. An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 50 Conclusions and Prospects • Verification methods typically one of several kinds Model checking: based on explicit state enumeration, temporal logics, etc. Specialized logics or theories: e.g., direct theorem proving. • Lazy modeling exploits complementary aspects of both Models based on inductive definitions can be used for both inductive theorem proving and automatic, infinite-state model checking. • On-the-fly model checking for free! – data is generated and heuristics applied on demand. – runtimes are acceptable! An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 51 Current and Future Work • AVISS Project Input Output (<1 Second) PROTOCOL NSPK; Identifiers A, B: user; Na, Nb: nonce; Ka, Kb: public_key; Messages 1. A -> B: {A,Na}Kb 2. B -> A: {Na,Nb}Ka 3. A -> B: {Nb}Kb Intruder_knowledge Spy, b, ka, kb, kspy; Goal correspondence_between A B; A -> Spy: {A,Na}Kspy Spy -> B: {A,Na}Kb B -> A: {Na,Nb}Ka A -> Spy: {Nb}Kspy Spy -> B {Nb}Kb • Many interesting research problems. Research positions available. An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 52 Summary • Networks are insecure! ⇒ avoid non-encrypted communication. Let every eye negotiate for itself And trust no agent; for beauty is a witch Against whose charms faith melteth into blood. (William Shakespeare, Much ado about nothing ) • Use security (cryptographic) protocols based on cryptographic algorithms for – authentication, secrecy, integrity, ... • and – design protocols following ‘prudent’ principles, and – use formal methods for protocol analysis. An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 53 Bibliography • Bruce Schneier. Applied Cryptography. John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1996. • Dieter Gollmann. Computer Security. Wiley, 2000. • Alfred J. Menezes, Paul C. van Oorschot, Scott A. Vanstone. Handbook of Applied Cryptography. CRC Press, 1996. Available online at • Arthur E. Hutt, Seymour Bosworth, and Douglas B. Hoyt. Computer Security Handbook. John Wiley & Sons, 1995. • John Clark and Jeremy Jacob: A survey of authentication protocol literature, 1997. • Martı́n Abadi and Roger Needham: Prudent Engineering Practice for Cryptographic Protocols. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 22(1):2-15, January 1996. See • Martı́n Abadi: Explicit Communication Revisited: Two new attacks on Authentication Protocols. Available at • About SSH: • L. C. Paulson. The Inductive Approach to Verifying Cryptographic Protocols. J. Computer Security 6 (1998). An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 54 • D. Basin. Lazy Infinite-State Analysis of Security Protocols. Secure Networking — CQRE [Secure] ’99, LNCS 1740. 1999. • D. Basin and G. Denker, Maude versus Haskell: A Comparison in Security Protocol Analysis,, International Workshop on Rewriting Logic and Applications, Electronic Lecture Notes on Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 36, 2001. • The AVISS project: An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 55 Another example: SSH protocol • Secure remote login & other secure services over an insecure network. • Protocols with similar goals: AKA (Anarchistic Key Authorisation) and SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). • Some (older versions) of these protocols can be attacked, e.g. – clients/servers can be impersonated by attacker. An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 56 SSH • A protocol for secure remote login and other secure network services over an insecure network. • Intended as replacement for rlogin, rsh, rcp, telnet, ftp,... • Provides (via slogin, scp, ssh) secure channels for – – – – – strong authentication and secure communications, logging into another computer over a network, executing commands onto another machine, copying files from one machine to another, etc ... • Attempts to be ‘easier’ to use than its insecure counterparts. • Is widely accepted and used (Unix/Linux, Windows, Macintosh). An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 57 /home/luca : man ssh SSH SSH(1) NAME ssh - secure shell client (remote login program) SYNOPSIS ssh [-l login_name] hostname [command] ... DESCRIPTION Ssh (Secure Shell) a program for LOGGING INTO A REMOTE MACHINE AND FOR EXECUTING COMMANDS IN A REMOTE MACHINE. It is intended to REPLACE RLOGIN AND RSH, and PROVIDE SECURE ENCRYPTED COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN TWO UNTRUSTED HOSTS OVER AN INSECURE NETWORK. X11 CONNECTIONS and ARBITRARY TCP/IP forwarded over the secure channel. ports can also be SSH CONNECTS AND LOGS INTO THE SPECIFIED HOSTNAME. THE USER MUST PROVE HIS/HER IDENTITY TO THE REMOTE MACHINE using one of several methods. ... An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 58 /home/luca : ssh Usage: ssh [options] host [command] Options: -l user LOG IN USING THIS USER NAME. -a Disable authentication agent forwarding. -x DISABLE X11 CONNECTION FORWARDING. -i file Identity for RSA authentication (default: ~/.ssh/identity). -c cipher SELECT ENCRYPTION ALGORITHM: ‘‘idea’’, ‘‘blowfish’’, ‘‘3des’’ -p port Connect to this port. Server must be on the same port. -P Don’t use privileged source port. -L listen-port:host:port Forward local port to remote address -R listen-port:host:port Forward remote port to local address These cause ssh to listen for connections on a port, and forward them to the other side by connecting to host:port. -C Enable compression. ... An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 59 SSH: Protocol Architecture 3 major components (sub-protocols) • TLP: Transport Layer Protocol. – Runs (typically) over a TCP/IP connection. – Provides server authentication, confidentiality and integrity. – Computes unique session identifier. • UAP: User Authentication Protocol. – Runs over TLP. – Authenticates client to server. • CP: Connection Protocol. – Runs over UAP. – Runs inside encrypted tunnel ⇒ firewalls cannot examine traffic. – Provides interactive login sessions, remote command execution, forwarded TCP/IP connections, forwarded X11 connections, ... An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 60 An attack on SSH (I) • Old, not deployed version of SSH can be attacked. • Client authentication using public-key cryptography. – Goal: establish K as session key for subsequent communication A ←→ B . M1. M2. M3. M4. M5. A→B : B →A: B →A: A→B : A→B : NA NB KBh , KBs {{hash(previous msgs), K }KBs }KBh {A, KA, {hash(A, NA, NB )}K −1 }K 0 A – – – – KBh long-term host public key (⇒ A checks in database). KBs short-term (∼ 1 hour) ‘server’ public key. One-way hash function: variable-length input ; fixed-length output. K 0 derived from K , NA and NB . An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 61 An attack on SSH (II) • Basic weakness: A’s signed statement {hash(A, NA, NB )}K −1 A does not contain enough information explicitly. • Intended: K , NA and NB can be used as basis for session between A and B . • However: no trace of B or K in statement. ⇒ Attack: malicious server B can impersonate client A in session with server C . • Similar attacks on AKA and SSL (see Abadi’s papers). An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 62 An attack on SSH (III) M1. M1’. M2’. M2. M3’. M3. M4. M4’. M5. M5’. A→B : B →C : C →B : B →A: C →B : B →A: A→B : B →C : A→B : B →C : NA NA NC NC KCh , KCs KBh , KBs {{hash(previous msgs), K }KBs }KBh {{hash(previous msgs’), K }KCs }KCh {A, KA, {hash(A, NA, NC )}K −1 }K 0 A {A, KA, {hash(A, NA, NC )}K −1 }K 0 A • C believes he has started a session with A using K , while in fact B has K as well (and A cannot notice any immediate errors). • Solution (in new versions of SSH): A must sign additional fields: – identifier for B (name, certificate, public keys), – identifier for session key (e.g. hash of key). An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 63 Exercises 1. What is the problem with the following key-distribution protocol? M1. A → B : {NA, KAB }K −1 A M2. B → A : {NA}KAB 2. Describe the following protocol, complete and describe the attack, and find a fix. M1.1. A → M(S ) : A, B , NA M1. A → S : A, B , NA M2.1. M(A) → S : ... M2. S → A : S , {S , A, NA, KB }K −1 M2.2. S → M(A) : ... S M1.2. M(S ) → A : ... 3. Describe the following Needham-Schroeder Shared Key Protocol, find a freshness attack upon it, and find a fix to the attack. M1. M2. M3. M4. M5. A→S : S →A: A→B : B →A: A→B : A, B , N1 {N1, B , KAB , {KAB , A}KBS }KAS {KAB , A}KBS {N2}KAB {N2 − 1}KAB 4. Describe the following one-way authentication protocol, attack it (hint: parallel sessions), and find a fix. M1. A → B : {NA}KAB M2. B → A : {NA + 1}KAB An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 64 Solutions 1. Everyone can decipher M1 by using A’s public key KA! M1. A → B : {NA, KAB }K −1 A M2. B → A : {NA}KAB 2. The protocol admits a binding attack: M1. A → S : A, B , NA M2. S → A : S , {S , A, NA, KB }K −1 S M1.1. M2.1. M2.2. M1.2. A → M(S ) : M(A) → S : S → M(A) : M(S ) → A : A, B , NA A, M, NA S , {S , A, NA, KM}K −1 S S , {S , A, NA, KM}K −1 S Fix: include the name of B in M2. M2. S → A : S , {S , A, NA, B , KB }K −1 S An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 65 Solutions 3. The Needham-Schroeder Shared Key Protocol admits a freshness attack: there is no guarantee that M3. was created by S as part of the current protocol run! 0 Suppose that a previously distributed key KAB has been compromised and is known to attacker M, who monitored the network when the corresponding protocol run was executed and recorded message 0 M3’. A → B : {KAB , A}KBS 0 M can now fool B into accepting the key KAB as new by: M1. M2. M3. M4. A→S : S →A: A→B : B →A: M5. A → B : {N2 − 1}KAB A, B , N1 {N1, B , KAB , {KAB , A}KBS }KAS {KAB , A}KBS {N2}KAB M3. M4. 0 M(A) → B : {KAB , A}KBS B → M(A) : {N2}K 0 M5. M(A) → B : {N2 − 1}K 0 AB AB Fix: add timestamps in relevant messages (or, as Needham-Schroeder themselves suggested, add an extra handshake at the beginning of the protocol). An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02 Luca Viganò 66 Solutions 4. The protocol admits a parallel sessions attack (with ‘oracle’): M1. A → B : {NA}KAB M2. B → A : {NA + 1}KAB M1.1. M2.1. M2.2. M1.2. A → M(B ) : {NA}KAB M(B ) → A : {NA}KAB A → M(B ) : {NA + 1}KAB M(B ) → A : {NA + 1}KAB • A is forced to do work on behalf of the attacker: A acts as an ‘oracle’ against herself, because she provides the correct answer to her own question. • At the very least, A believes then that B is operational, while B may no longer exist. • Simple fix: add A’s name to message M1. M1. A → B : {NA, A}KAB An Introduction to IT-Security 01.03.02