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Chemmanur a,n, Yingmei Cheng b, Tianming Zhang c a Boston College, Carroll School of Management, 440 Fulton Hall, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467, USA The Florida State University, Department of Finance, USA c The Florida State University, Department of Accounting, USA b a r t i c l e in f o abstract Article history: Received 26 June 2010 Received in revised form 28 November 2012 Accepted 4 December 2012 Available online 1 August 2013 We test the predictions of Titman (1984) and Berk, Stanton, and Zechner (2010) by examining the effect of leverage on labor costs. Leverage has a significantly positive impact on cash, equity-based, and total compensation of chief executive officers (CEOs). Compensation of new CEOs hired from outside the firm is positively related to prior-year firm leverage. In addition, leverage has a positive and significant impact on average employee pay. The incremental total labor expenses associated with an increase in leverage are large enough to offset the incremental tax benefits of debt. The empirical evidence supports the theoretical prediction that labor costs limit the use of debt. & 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. JEL classification: G32 Keywords: Capital structure Human capital Labor costs 1. Introduction The trade-off theory of capital structure points to bankruptcy costs as the main reason that firms in many industries do not assume higher levels of leverage to take advantage of the corporate tax saving benefits of debt. ☆ For helpful comments and discussions, we thank Jonathan Berk, John Graham, Bing He, Michael Roberts, Zacharias Sautner, and participants in conference presentations at the American Accounting Association Northeast Region meeting (Best Paper Award), the Center for Research in Security Prices Forum at the University of Chicago, the Financial Management Association meetings, the Financial Management Association European meetings, the Western Finance Association meetings, and the American Finance Association meetings. Special thanks to an anonymous referee and the editor, Bill Schwert, for helpful comments and suggestions that greatly improved the paper. We also appreciate comments and suggestions from seminar participants at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, the University of Texas at Arlington, Boston College, Florida State University, University of Florida, Qinghua University, and Zhejiang Business University. n Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 617 552 3980; fax: +1 617 552 0431. E-mail address: (T.J. Chemmanur). 0304-405X/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. However, considerable empirical evidence indicates that the magnitude of direct bankruptcy costs is too low to be a sufficient disincentive preventing firms from taking on higher levels of debt. Some authors have, therefore, suggested indirect bankruptcy costs as a solution to the puzzle of the observed underleveraging of firms in many industries. In an important paper, Titman (1984) develops a model in which a firm's liquidation decision is causally linked to its bankruptcy status. He argues that customers, workers, and suppliers of firms that produce unique or specialized products are likely to suffer high costs in the event of liquidation. In particular, in a setting where employees have firm-specific human capital, the fact that bankruptcy can impose significant costs on employees (by reducing the value of their human capital) can significantly affect firms' capital structures.1 Formalizing the Titman (1984) arguments, Berk, Stanton, and Zechner (2010; BSZ (2010) hereafter) develop a model incorporating the idea 1 For an excellent review of empirical research on capital structure, see Parsons and Titman (2008). Author's personal copy T.J. Chemmanur et al. / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 478–502 that human capital costs associated with financial distress and bankruptcy could be large enough to be a disincentive for firms to issue debt. The objective of this paper is to empirically analyze, for the first time in the literature, whether human capital costs are an important determinant of the capital structure of firms as postulated by the theoretical literature. We do this by examining the relation between the observed capital structures of firms and the compensation of their chief executive officers (CEOs), as well as the relation between observed capital structures and the average wages of their work forces. While we use CEO compensation to measure the pay of a critical employee, we use the average employee wage to measure the compensation of a collective employee. In the model of BSZ (2010), each firm faces a risk-averse employee and risk-neutral investors. In the optimal labor contract between firms and employees, a firm with higher leverage pays a higher wage to its employee to compensate him for the expected bankruptcy costs that will be borne by the employee, because the employee is unable to fully insure his human capital risk. Firms, therefore, choose not to increase leverage beyond the point where the marginal tax benefits of debt are offset by the incremental labor costs associated with higher levels of debt. The empirical implication here is that, in the cross section, firms with higher leverage are associated with higher employee pay.2 We test this prediction (“the Titman-BSZ prediction”) in our empirical analysis. We also study whether the magnitude of the additional compensation associated with an increase in leverage is large enough to at least partially explain the underleveraging of firms. In contrast to the theories that focus on the ex ante relation between leverage and employee pay, Perotti and Spier (1993) focus on the ex post effect of leverage on employee pay.3 In particular, they argue that firms are able to use leverage strategically when current profits are low and future investment is necessary to guarantee full payment of the union's claim (wages). By retiring equity through a junior debt issue, shareholders can credibly threaten not to undertake valuable new investments unless the union agrees to wage reductions. The implication of the argument is that, under suitable conditions, firms with high leverage are associated with lower employee pay. The ex post relation between leverage and employee pay implied by the model of Perotti and Spier (1993), however, is not inconsistent with the ex ante relation between the same variables in the Titman-BSZ prediction. As Perotti and Spier (1993) point out, if workers anticipate that equity holders could attempt to use higher leverage to negotiate their wages downward ex post, they will demand higher expected wages ex ante to compensate them for bearing this risk. Perotti and Spier (1993) also 2 The models of Jaggia and Thakor (1994) and Berkovitch, Israel, and Spiegel (2000) also have somewhat similar predictions. 3 Several other papers make similar arguments. See, e.g., Baldwin (1983), Bronars and Deere (1991), Perotti and Spier (1993), Dasgupta and Sengupta (1993), Hennessy and Livdan (2009), and Brown, Fee, and Thomas (2009). 479 point out that a firm will not be able to use leverage as a bargaining tool to reduce employee wages if their profits from existing assets are large (i.e., the firm does not face a significant probability of financial distress). We make use of these results to empirically disentangle the ex ante effects suggested by the Titman-BSZ prediction from the ex post effects suggested by Perotti and Spier (1993). We accomplish this by splitting our sample between firms approaching financial distress (distressed firms) and those that do not face a significant probability of distress (safe firms). We find that the debt ratio of a firm positively affects the magnitude of its CEO compensation. Firms with higher leverage pay their CEOs more, in terms of total compensation, cash pay, and equity-based pay. In our ordinary least squares (OLS) regressions, an increase in market leverage by one standard deviation is associated with an increase of more than 8% in CEO total compensation, a magnitude that is economically significant. We recognize that unobserved CEO characteristics could influence firm leverage as well as CEO pay, so that the direction of causality can be ambiguous. For example, CEOs who have had more interaction with the board (and, therefore, have more influence) could have greater ability to affect their own pay and at the same time choose the firm's leverage level. To address this issue, we study the relation between the first-year compensation of newly appointed CEOs who are hired from outside and firm leverage in the year prior to their appointment. Clearly, newly appointed CEOs who are hired from outside should have no influence on the firm's leverage in the year prior to their appointment. We show that, even in the case of new CEOs hired from the outside, compensation is positively related to leverage. We also find that leverage has a positive and significant impact on average employee pay. Further, the incremental labor expenses associated with an increase in leverage are large enough to offset all of the incremental tax benefits arising from such an increase. For a firm with median values of leverage, average employee pay, total labor expenses, and total debt, if the market leverage ratio increases by one standard deviation, total labor expenses increase by $14.01 million, holding the number of employees constant. Assuming 6% as the average return on debt in our sample from 1992 to 2006 and assuming a tax rate of 35%, the tax benefits of debt increase by $5.09 million, smaller than the increase in total labor expenses of $14.01 million. This supports the hypothesis that the incremental labor costs associated with an increase in leverage are economically significant and large enough in magnitude to limit the use of debt. One potential concern with our baseline analysis is the endogeneity of leverage. In particular, the assets of a given firm could be such that they can support a high level of leverage (for example, the proportion of tangible assets could be high) and could also require highly paid employees to operate these assets, thus generating a positive correlation between leverage and employee pay. To deal with this potential endogeneity problem, we employ an instrumental variable, namely, the marginal corporate tax rate, to generate an exogenous variation in leverage. The theoretical literature in corporate finance suggests Author's personal copy 480 T.J. Chemmanur et al. / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 478–502 that the tax benefit of debt is positively related to a firm's marginal tax rate, thus resulting in a positive correlation between a firm's marginal tax rate and its leverage ratio. The empirical literature also supports the positive relation between marginal tax rate and leverage (see, e.g., Leary and Roberts, 2010). At the same time, no theoretical or empirical literature indicates that the marginal corporate tax rate directly affects employee pay. Using the marginal corporate tax rate as the instrument, we study the relation between leverage and average employee pay in a twostage least squares (2SLS) regression framework. The results confirm that, even after accounting for the potential endogeneity of leverage, firms with a higher level of leverage are associated with a higher level of average employee pay.4 Using the sample of manufacturing firms in the US over 1974–1982, Titman and Wessels (1988) find that firms with more specialized labor have lower debt ratios. Because more specialized workers are paid more, this suggests a negative relation between leverage and wages. If labor specialization is related to both leverage and employee pay, the omission of labor specialization from the regression of employee pay could cause a bias in the estimated coefficient of leverage. We address this issue by examining the quits rate, the percentage of the industry's total work force that voluntarily left their jobs in the sample years. Following Titman and Wessels (1988), we use quits rate as our proxy for labor specialization. A lower quits rate corresponds to greater labor specialization. We find that the quits rate is negatively correlated with average employee pay, consistent with the notion that more specialized workers are paid more. However, we find that the correlation between leverage and the quits rate is not statistically significant. Furthermore, in our multivariate regression of average employee pay in which the quits rate is included as an explanatory variable, the quits rate is insignificant, and the coefficient of leverage remains positive and significant. We also empirically disentangle the ex ante relation between leverage and employee pay from the ex post effects suggested by Perotti and Spier (1993). To accomplish this, we split our sample based on each firm's Altman Z-score and study safe and distressed firms separately. Consistent with the Titman-BSZ prediction, the relation between leverage and average employee pay is positive and significant in the sample of safe firms. Meanwhile, the coefficient of leverage is negative in the distressed sample, but not statistically significant. This suggests that, while the ex ante relation between leverage and employee pay suggested by Titman-BSZ prediction dominates in our entire sample and in the subsample of safe firms, in distressed firms the ex post relation postulated by Perotti and Spier (1993) could partially or fully offset the effect of firms compensating employees for their human capital risk due to higher leverage. This is not surprising, because it is precisely in distressed firms that we expect the ability 4 However, the instrumental variable that we use for leverage, the marginal tax rate, has some limitations. We discuss these limitations in Section 8. of firms to use leverage as a bargaining tool with employees to be the strongest [as pointed out by Perotti and Spier (1993)]. Labor expenses, which we use to compute average employee pay, are missing for a number of firms in the Compustat database. This creates a potential sample-selection bias if firms selectively decide whether or not to report this information. To adjust for this potential selection bias, we adopt a Heckman (1979) two-step analysis. Our results are robust to the Heckman procedure. The second stage of our Heckman two-step analysis indicates that, even after controlling for potential sample selection, leverage has a positive effect on average employee pay. Employee entrenchment is an important element in the model of BSZ (2010). Entrenchment in their model means that employees are unable to fully insure their human capital risk. BSZ (2010) argue that employee entrenchment is the reason that an employee demands a higher wage from a firm with higher leverage. This allows us to conduct yet another test of the Titman-BSZ prediction. We expect to observe a stronger effect of leverage on labor costs when the employee is more entrenched. To empirically test the effect of employee entrenchment on the leveragewage relation, we examine technology versus nontechnology firms. Existing evidence (e.g., Anderson, Banker, and Ravindran, 2000) suggests that employees in nontechnology firms are more entrenched than in technology firms (in the sense that the potential reduction in employees' human capital if their firm goes bankrupt is greater). Given this, the impact of leverage on employee compensation in nontechnology firms can be expected to be greater than in technology firms. We, therefore, split our sample between technology and nontechnology firms and conduct our analysis separately on these two subsamples. We find that the influence of leverage on the cash, equitybased, and total compensation of CEOs is positive and significant in nontechnology firms. In technology firms, leverage affects the cash pay of CEOs, but it does not have significant effects on their total or equity-based compensation. The leverage ratio also has a positive and significant effect on average employee pay in nontechnology firms, but not in technology firms. Thus, the effect of leverage on CEO compensation as well as on average employee pay is greater for nontechnology firms than for technology firms, consistent with the Titman-BSZ prediction. Our paper is related to the empirical literature examining the notion that leverage could serve as a bargaining tool for firms against labor and could thereby have a disciplining effect on labor. See, e.g., Benmelech, Bergman, and Enriquez (2009), who show that airlines in financial distress obtain wage concessions from employees whose pension plans are underfunded; Matsa (2010), who finds that firms characterized by greater union bargaining power use greater leverage; and Hanka (1998), who shows that firms using higher levels of debt reduce employment more often and use more parttime or seasonal employees. Our empirical results do not necessarily contradict those of the above cited literature. As pointed out by Perotti and Spier (1993), the disciplining effect of debt on labor is greater in firms with a significant chance of financial distress and can coexist with employees demanding greater wages ex ante (to induce them to join Author's personal copy T.J. Chemmanur et al. / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 478–502 481 firms with greater leverage ratios). These greater wages could be required not only to compensate employees for the potential loss of their human capital in the event that the firm goes bankrupt [as suggested by Titman (1984) and BSZ (2010)], but also for the potential reduction in wages or other benefits arising from their lower bargaining power ex post if the firm enters financial distress subsequent to their joining it. The fact that the positive relation we find between leverage ratios and employee pay arises mostly from the subsample of safe firms (in which the disciplining effects of debt on the employment relation is likely to be the least), suggests that both of the effects could be operating in employee–firm relations in practice.5 Our paper contributes to the literature by showing, for the first time, that leverage has a positive impact on employee compensation (as measured by either CEO compensation or average employee pay) and that, at the existing median debt level, the incremental labor costs associated with an increase in leverage are sufficient to offset the incremental tax benefits of debt. Our study helps to establish the importance of labor costs in capital structure decisions and, thus, advance our understanding of the determinants of corporate leverage. Finally, ours is the first paper that explicitly analyzes the relation between executive compensation and capital structure. While a large prior literature exists on executive compensation as reviewed by, e.g., Frydman and Jenter (2010), to our best knowledge, no prior research has empirically analyzed the relation between executive compensation and capital structure. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews the relevant theory in more detail and develops testable hypotheses. Section 3 describes our data and sample selection procedures. Section 4 presents our empirical analysis of the relation between capital structure and CEO compensation. Section 5 presents our empirical analysis of the relation between capital structure and average employee pay. Section 6 compares our empirical results for technology versus nontechnology firms. Section 7 presents some additional robustness tests. Section 8 summarizes our results, discusses the limitations of our instrumental variable analysis, and concludes. of their human capital) can significantly affect firms' capital structures. The model of BSZ (2010) formalizes the arguments of Titman (1984). In their model, each firm has only one employee, who is risk averse; investors in the firm are risk neutral. The employee is averse to bearing his own human capital risk. It is also assumed that the firm operates in competitive capital and labor markets. If the firm is in financial distress, the employee has to take a pay cut to ensure full repayment of debt. Further, if the firm is forced into bankruptcy, the employee could be terminated. Therefore, the employee faces substantial costs in the event of financial distress and bankruptcy. Because a higher debt level implies a higher probability of bankruptcy and the employee is unable to insure fully his human capital risk, firms with higher leverage have to pay, in equilibrium, a higher wage to the employee to compensate him for the expected bankruptcy costs borne by him. We make use of two measures of labor costs to test the above theories: CEO compensation and average employee pay. CEO compensation measures the pay of the most important employee. In the model of BSZ (2010), there is only one employee per firm. A company's CEO plays a critical role in affecting corporate performance, and his productivity is more difficult to evaluate than that of lower level employees. Therefore, the single employee in the model of BSZ (2010) can be best interpreted as the CEO in empirical tests. Average employee pay measures the compensation of a collective employee. Because average employee pay is calculated as total labor expenses divided by the number of employees, we are able to use this measure to directly derive the marginal impact of leverage on total labor expenses and, therefore, to compare the marginal effect of debt on labor costs with the incremental tax benefits of debt. Based on the implications of the theoretical models discussed above and using the above test variables, we have the following testable hypotheses. 2. Development of hypotheses Hypothesis 3. At the existing debt level, the additional labor costs associated with an increase in leverage are large enough to offset the incremental tax benefits of debt. Titman (1984) develops a model in which a firm's liquidation decision is causally linked to its bankruptcy status. He argues that customers, workers, and suppliers of firms that produce unique or specialized products are likely to suffer high costs in the event of liquidation. In particular, in a setting where employees have firm-specific human capital, the fact that bankruptcy can impose significant costs on employees (through reducing the value 5 Our paper is also broadly related to the large literature studying the factors that could contribute to the apparent underleveraging of firms. See, e.g., Graham and Tucker (2006), who find that tax sheltering activities help to explain the low debt ratio of the firms in their sample. The literature on the role of human capital in asset pricing is also indirectly related. See, e.g., Fama and Schwert (1977). Hypothesis 1. Firms with higher leverage will incur larger CEO compensation. Hypothesis 2. Firms with higher leverage will incur larger average employee pay. Perotti and Spier (1993) argue that labor unions will bargain less aggressively and could be more willing to take pay cuts if highly levered firms run a greater risk of bankruptcy. Although their model implies that workers, ex ante, will demand a higher expected wage in compensation for bearing the risk (Proposition IV of their paper), another empirical implication of their theory is that, ex post, a negative correlation will exist between leverage and wage when a firm faces substantial financial distress. Thus we have the following testable hypothesis. Hypothesis 4. Firms with higher leverage will incur lower average employee pay when they are in financial distress. Author's personal copy 482 T.J. Chemmanur et al. / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 478–502 One important element of the model of BSZ (2010) is the degree of job entrenchment. Different from the same term used in the literature on corporate governance, entrenchment in this context means the degree to which employees are able to insure their human capital risk (lower their ability to insure, greater the extent of entrenchment). Job entrenchment in this sense is the reason that the employee demands a higher pay from a firm with higher leverage in BSZ (2010). To empirically study the impact of employee job entrenchment on the leverage-wage relation, we examine technology versus nontechnology firms. Evidence suggests that employees in nontechnology firms are more entrenched compared with those in technology firms.6 Given this, we expect leverage to have a stronger impact on labor costs in nontechnology firms than in technology firms. This yields our fifth testable hypothesis. Hypothesis 5. The effect of leverage on CEO compensation as well as on average employee pay will be greater in nontechnology firms than in technology firms. 3. Data and summary statistics In this section, we provide details of the sample selection and the preliminary summary of the variables in the sample. outside or promoted from inside.7 We identify 373 outside hires using this methodology. 3.2. Sample of average employee pay We use information from the Compustat Industrial Annual database between 1992 and 2006 to study the impact of leverage on average employee pay.8 We exclude financial and utilities companies, and we exclude firms with fewer than one hundred employees. We also drop firms with nonpositive book values of equity. We calculate average employee pay as total labor expenses divided by the number of employees. Compustat provides “labor and related expenses” (data item 42) and the number of employees (data item 29). According to the Compustat data manual, data item 42 includes salaries and wages, pension costs, payroll taxes, incentive compensation, profit sharing, and other benefit plans. Data item 42 thus represents a firm's total labor expenses. This suits our purpose, as we need to estimate the impact of leverage on total labor costs. About 10% of firms recorded in the Compustat have valid information on data item 42. This could introduce a sample-selection bias (see Section 5). There are 5,269 firm-year observations that have the necessary information to be included in our OLS regression of average employee pay. 3.3. Other data sources 3.1. Sample of CEO compensation We gather information on CEO pay from the ExecuComp database. It provides detailed information on the compensation of the top five executives of Standard & Poor's (S&P) 1,500 firms since 1992. We focus on the CEOs. We merge ExecuComp with the Compustat Industrial Annual database from 1992 to 2006. We delete firms with nonpositive book value of equity and exclude financial and utilities companies. A total of 17,173 firm-year observations satisfy these criteria, and 14,891 observations have all the necessary information to be included in our OLS regressions of CEO compensation. During our sample period (1992–2006), there are 1,952 new CEOs. To determine whether a new CEO is an outside hire, we use the following two-step procedure. First, we search for his previous employer in the ExecuComp database. If his prior employer is not the same as the current firm, then he is an outside hire. Second, if we cannot identify his previous employer in the ExecuComp database (ExecuComp reports information only on the top five executives in S&P 1,500 firms), we search the Lexis Nexis Academic Universe by the name of the executive and of the company to determine whether he is hired from 6 Anderson, Banker, and Ravindran (2000) show that the demand for executives and other critical employees in technology firms is intense, leading to higher employee turnovers than in nontechnology firms. Ittner, Lambert, and Larcker (2003), using proprietary compensation survey data, find that technology firms rank “employee retention objectives” as the most important goal of their equity grant program. Overall, this evidence indicates that employees in technology firms suffer a lower loss of human capital if their firms enter financial distress compared with those in nontechnology firms. We obtain quits rates from the database of Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS) provided by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The quits rate is the number of quits (voluntary separations) during the entire year as a percent of annual average employment. The data are available at the industry level from 2001. The industry classification is based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Appendix Table A1 reports annual quits rates by industry and year. Corporate governance could play a role in CEO compensation, and it could also matter in determining average employee pay.9 Therefore, we examine whether corporate governance is a factor in determining average employee pay and CEO compensation. We use the G-Index constructed by Gompers, Ishii, and Metrick (2003) as a measure of corporate governance. They compute the G-Index using a total of 24 possible antitakeover provisions. The data source is the Investor Responsibility Research Center (IRRC) database, which provides annual information on corporate antitakeover provisions for the years 1990, 1993, 1995, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, and 2008. We fill in observations in the missing years using information from the most recent year. 7 Lexis-Nexis Academic Universe provides comprehensive information contained in major US and world publications (including Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today, among many others), Securities and Exchange Commission filings, news wire services, web publications, TV and radio broadcast transcripts, major company profiles and reports, court cases, law reviews, and even blogs. 8 This ensures that our samples of CEO compensation and employee pay cover the same time period. 9 Cronqvist, Heyman, Nilsson, Svaleryd, and Vlachos (2009) find that CEOs with more control pay their workers more. Author's personal copy T.J. Chemmanur et al. / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 478–502 For example, we use information from 2004 for year 2005. A greater value of the G-Index corresponds to weaker shareholder rights and stronger managerial power. Throughout our empirical analysis of both CEO compensation and average employee pay, all dollar amounts are adjusted to 1992 dollars using the consumer price index (CPI).10 We use the Fama and French 48-industry classification to categorize firms into their respective industries (the classification is obtained from Kenneth French's website).11 4. Empirical tests and results on capital structure and CEO compensation In this section, we describe our empirical tests of the impact of leverage on the magnitude of CEO compensation. We start with OLS regressions of CEO compensation in the whole sample. We then perform additional tests to identify causality. To accomplish this, we examine the impact of leverage in the prior year on the compensation of newly appointed CEOs who are hired from outside. 4.1. Summary statistics In Table 1, we present summary statistics for the variables used in our analysis of CEO compensation. ExecuComp provides two measures of total compensation: one includes the value of the options granted, and the other includes the value of options exercised. We use the total compensation including the value of options exercised in our analysis. The results remain qualitatively the same when the value of options granted is considered. Cash compensation is the sum of salary and bonus, as provided by ExecuComp. We compute equity-based compensation as the total compensation minus salary, bonus, other annual pay, and LTIP (long-term incentive plan). The most common forms of equity-based compensation are stock options and restricted stocks. Market capitalization is computed as the stock price multiplied by the number of shares outstanding at the end of a fiscal year. Market-tobook ratio is the market capitalization divided by the book value of equity. All continuous variables except leverage are winsorized at the 1st and 99th percentiles.12 Leverage is the variable of interest. We measure leverage in four ways. The market leverage, as used widely in the literature (e.g., Leary and Roberts, 2010), is computed as the total debt divided by the sum of total debt and market value of equity. The book leverage, also used commonly in the literature, is computed as the total debt divided by the sum of total debt and book value of equity. Total debt is the sum of long-term debt and debt in current liabilities (data item 9 plus data item 34). Debt in current liabilities (data item 34) includes notes payable (data item 10 CPI data are taken from the website of the Bureau of Labor Statistics: 11 French's website is ken.french/data_library.html. 12 Another way to identify outliers is by employing the Hadi (1992, 1994) procedure. The exclusion of outliers does not affect the results of our multivariate analysis. 483 206) and debt due in 1 year (data item 44). Welch (2011) argues that the liabilities that are nonfinancial debt should not be included in the computation of leverage ratio. We follow Welch (2011) and introduce two additional measures of leverage, which we refer to as “alternative market leverage” and “alternative book leverage”. We calculate alternative market leverage as (total long-term debt+debt due in one year)/(total long-term debt+debt due in one year+market value of equity) and calculate alternative book leverage as (total long-term debt+debt due in one year)/(total long-term debt+debt due in one year+book value of equity).13 Due to space limitations, we report results only from our analysis using market leverage, alternative market leverage, and alternative book leverage. Results from our analysis using book leverage are available upon request. CEOs' cash compensation (salary plus bonus) has a mean of $972,330 and a median of $736,490, with a 1% cutoff of $109,090 and 99% cutoff of $4.531 million. The equity-based compensation has a larger mean but a smaller median than the cash compensation. The reason is that equity-based pay has a wider range across firms than cash pay, and some CEOs have extremely large equity-based pay. For example, the 99% cutoff of equitybased compensation is about $27 million, while the 1% cutoff is only $12,500. We use the natural log of the compensation variables in our multivariate regression of CEO compensation to reduce the potential impact of outliers. The one-year return to shareholders (including dividends), a measure of firm performance, has a median of 10.33%. Turning to CEO characteristics, the median CEO age is 65, and the median length of CEO tenure is four years. Only 2% of the CEOs in our sample are female, and 64% of the CEOs also serve as chairman of the board. The G-Index has a mean of 9.26 and a median of 9. 4.2. OLS regressions In our reduced form analysis, we model CEO compensation as: CEOPayi;t ¼ γ 0 þ γ 1 Sizei;t þ γ 2 Leveragei;t þ γ 3 MTBi;t þγ 4 RET i;t þ γ 5 Agei;t þ γ 6 Tenurei;t þ γ 7 Chair i;t þγ 8 MALEi;t þ εi;t ; ð1Þ CEOPayi,t is the CEO compensation of firm i in year t, and it is measured in three ways: cash, equity-based, and total compensation. Sizei,t is the natural log of market capitalization of firm i as of year t. We expect Sizei,t to be a positive and significant determinant of CEO compensation. As Murphy (1999) points out, the best-documented stylized fact regarding CEO pay is that CEO pay is higher in larger firms. Leveragei,t is the leverage ratio of firm i as of year t. If firms with higher leverage pay a higher wage to their CEOs, γ2 is positive. MTBi,t is the market-to-book ratio of firm i as of year t, which is used as a proxy for firms' 13 We thank an anonymous referee for bringing Welch (2011) to our attention and for suggesting that we also report our analysis using these two alternative measures of market and book leverage. Author's personal copy 484 T.J. Chemmanur et al. / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 478–502 Table 1 Summary statistics of variables used in the analysis of CEO compensation. This table summarizes the variables used in the analysis of CEO compensation. Cash (salary plus bonus) and total compensations are provided by Execucomp. We compute equity-based compensation as the total compensation minus salary, bonus, other annual pay, and long-term incentive plan. Market leverage is computed as (debts in current liabilities+long-term debt)/(debts in current liabilities+long-term debt+market value of equity). Alternative market leverage is computed as (debts due in one year+long-term debt)/(debts due in one year+long-term debt+market value of equity). Alternative book leverage is computed as (debts due in one year+long-term debt)/(debts due in one year+long-term debt+book value of equity). Market capitalization is computed as the stock price multiplied by the number of shares outstanding as of the end of a fiscal year. Market-to-book ratio is the market capitalization divided by the book value of equity. All continuous variables except leverage are winsorized at the 1st and 99th percentiles. All dollar amounts are adjusted to 1992 dollars using the consumer price index. The G-Index was constructed by Gompers, Ishii, and Metrick (2003) as a measure of corporate governance. Cash (salary+bonus) (thousands) Equity-based compensation (thousands) Total compensation including options exercised (thousands) Market leverage Alternative market leverage Alternative book leverage Market capitalization (millions) Market-to-book ratio One-year return to shareholders (%) CEO age CEO tenure (years as CEO in the firm) CEO is male CEO is also the chairman G-Index N Mean Median Standard deviation 1% Cutoff 99% Cutoff 14,891 14,891 14,891 14,891 14,891 14,891 14,891 14,891 14,891 14,891 14,891 14,891 14,891 11,527 972.33 1,715.02 2,809.71 0.19 0.18 0.28 4,762.54 3.42 17.84 65.01 6.38 0.98 0.64 9.26 736.49 189.99 1,201.47 0.14 0.12 0.28 916.74 2.45 10.33 65 4 1 1 9.0 789.83 4,131.79 4,739.57 0.19 0.19 0.23 17,368 3.25 54.41 8.75 7.30 0.12 0.48 2.70 109.09 12.5 158 0 0 0 28.59 0.45 77.55 45 0 0 0 4 4,531 26,656 32,099 0.80 0.79 0.88 78,204 21 249 86 35 1 1 15 growth opportunities. RETi,t is the return to shareholders of firm i in year t, a popular measure of the performance of firm i in year t. The existing literature shows a positive relation between CEO pay and firm performance.14 Hence, we expect γ4 to be positive. In addition, we control for individual CEO characteristics that could affect CEO compensation. Agei,t is the age of the CEO of firm i as of year t; Tenurei,t is the number of years the executive has acted as the CEO in firm i prior to year t; Chairi,t is one if the CEO is also the chairman and zero otherwise; and MALEi,t is one if the CEO is male and zero otherwise. We include year dummies to control for time-specific variation in CEO pay. As shown by the literature, CEO compensation has increased tremendously during the past few decades. We include industry dummies due to the significant variation in CEO pay across industries. In Table 2, we report the estimated coefficients and standard errors obtained from the OLS regression of Eq. (1). The standard errors are clustered by firm. Estimation results from using market leverage, alternative market leverage, and alternative book leverage are reported in Panel A, Panel B, and Panel C, respectively. Columns 1–3 in each panel exclude the G-Index, and columns 4–6 in each panel include the G-Index. Including the G-Index in the regression reduces the sample size. Firm size has a positive impact on all three measures of CEO compensation. A larger firm pays its CEO, on average, more than a smaller firm does, which is consistent with the literature. A higher one-year return to shareholders is associated with greater CEO pay. This is consistent with the positive relation between CEO pay and firm performance as shown by the literature. 14 Murphy (1999) provides a comprehensive review of the relation between firm performance and CEO compensation. On average, an older CEO earns a larger pay. Being the chairman has a positive and significant effect on CEO compensation. Gender does not have a significant effect on CEO pay. The coefficient on CEO tenure is not significant in the regression of total and cash compensation, but it is negative and significant (at the 5% level) in that of equitybased compensation. Market-to-book ratio is not significant in the regressions of total compensation, but it is negative in the regression of cash pay and is positive in that of equitybased compensation. This suggests that growth firms pay less cash but more stock-based compensation to their CEOs than value firms. The leverage ratio has a positive and significant effect on cash, equity-based, and total compensations. According to Column 1 of Panel A, if market leverage goes up by o1 standard deviation (0.19, as reported in Table 1), the natural log of CEO total compensation increases by 0.19 0.42¼0.080, which translates to more than 8.3% increase in total pay. Therefore, starting at the median total CEO compensation of $1.20 million, the total CEO pay increases by about $100,000, an economically significant amount. If market leverage increases by 1 standard deviation (0.19), the CEO's cash pay goes up by more than 12% and the CEO's equity-based pay goes up by more than 8%. In summary, the effect of leverage on CEO compensation is economically as well as statistically significant. The G-Index is a positive and significant factor in determining CEOs' cash, equity-based, and total pay, suggesting that stronger managerial power is associated with greater CEO compensation. Leverage continues to have a positive and significant effect on CEO compensation in the presence of the G-Index. We also estimate Eq. (1) by year, in the spirit of Fama and Macbeth (1973). Table 3 reports the coefficient of leverage in the regression of CEO compensation for every year between 1992 and 2006. The coefficients of all three Author's personal copy T.J. Chemmanur et al. / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 478–502 485 Table 2 Ordinary least square regressions of CEO compensation. This table reports the coefficients and standard errors obtained from OLS estimation of the following model: CEOPayi;t ¼ γ 0 þ γ 1 Sizei;t þ γ 2 Leveragei;t þ γ 3 MTBi;t þ γ 4 RET i;t þ γ 5 Agei;t þγ 6 Tenurei;t þ γ 7 Chairi;t þ γ 8 MALEi;t þ εi;t ; CEOPayi,t is measured in three ways: the log of CEO total compensation, the log of CEO cash compensation (salary plus bonus), and the log of equity-based compensation. Sizei,t is the log of market capitalization of firm i as of year t. Leveragei;t is the leverage ratio of firm i as of year t. Market leverage, alternative market leverage, and alternative book leverage are defined the same as in Table 1. MTBi;t is the market-to-book ratio of firm i as of year t. RETi,t is the return to the shareholders of firm i in year t. Agei,t is the age of the CEO of firm i as of year t; Tenurei,t is the number of years the executive has been acting as CEO in firm i prior to year t; Chairi,t is one if the CEO is also the chairman and zero otherwise; and MALEi,t is one if the CEO of firm i as of year t is male and zero otherwise. Numbers in the parentheses are the standard errors. The standard errors are clustered by firm and are also robust to heteroskedasticity. Regressions in Panel A use market leverage, regressions in Panel B use alternative market leverage, and regressions in Panel C use alternative book leverage. nnn nn , , and n indicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% level, respectively. The G-Index was constructed by Gompers, Ishii, and Metrick (2003) as a measure of corporate governance. Total compensation (4) Cash compensation (5) Equity-based compensation (6) Yes Yes 1.57nn (0.62) 0.43nnn (0.07) 0.41nnn (0.01) 0.011nn (0.005) 0.002nnn (0.0002) 0.006nnn (0.002) 0.001 (0.003) 0.18nnn (0.03) 0.07 (0.13) 0.02nnn (0.005) Yes Yes 2.91nnn (0.31) 0.55nnn (0.06) 0.28nnn (0.01) 0.01nn (0.004) 0.001nnn (0.0001) 0.004nn (0.002) 0.001 (0.002) 0.14nnn (0.02) 0.07 (0.09) 0.02nnn (0.004) Yes Yes 3.68nnn (0.30) 0.45nn (0.20) 0.66nnn (0.03) 0.02nn (0.01) 0.003nnn (0.001) 0.019nnn (0.005) 0.01 (0.01) 0.24nnn (0.07) 0.49 (0.31) 0.05nnn (0.01) Yes Yes 1.86nn (0.74) 14,891 14,891 11,527 11,527 11,527 0.49 0.23 0.43 0.47 0.24 Total compensation (1) Cash compensation (2) Equity-based compensation (3) 0.42nnn (0.07) 0.41nnn (0.01) 0.006 (0.005) 0.001nnn (0.0002) 0.006nnn (0.002) 0.002 (0.003) 0.18nnn (0.03) 0.05 (0.13) 0.59nnn (0.05) 0.29nnn (0.01) 0.02nnn (0.003) 0.001nnn (0.0001) 0.006nnn (0.001) 0.002 (0.002) 0.14nnn (0.02) 0.09 (0.08) 0.42nn (0.18) 0.66nnn (0.03) 0.023nn (0.010) 0.002nnn (0.0004) 0.018nnn (0.005) 0.015nn (0.006) 0.24nnn (0.07) 0.32 (0.31) – – – Yes Yes 3.15nnn (0.23) Yes Yes 3.73nnn (0.21) 14,891 0.42 Panel A: Market leverage Market leverage Firm size Market-to-book ratio One-year return to shareholders CEO age CEO tenure CEO is also the chairman CEO is male G-Index Year effects Industry effects Intercept Number of observations R-squared Panel B: Alternative market leverage Alternative market leverage Firm size Market-to-book ratio One-year return to shareholders (%) CEO age CEO tenure CEO is also the chairman CEO is male G-Index Year effects Industry effects Intercept 0.41nnn (0.07) 0.41nnn (0.01) 0.006 (0.005) 0.001nnn (0.0002) 0.006nnn (0.002) 0.002 (0.003) 0.18nnn (0.03) 0.04 (0.13) 0.58nnn (0.05) 0.29nnn (0.01) 0.02nnn (0.003) 0.001nnn (0.0001) 0.006nnn (0.001) 0.003 (0.002) 0.15nnn (0.02) 0.09 (0.08) 0.40nn (0.18) 0.66nnn (0.03) 0.023nn (0.010) 0.002nnn (0.0004) 0.018nnn (0.005) 0.015nn (0.006) 0.24nnn (0.07) 0.32 (0.31) – – – Yes Yes 3.16nnn Yes Yes 3.74nnn Yes Yes 1.56nn 0.43nnn (0.08) 0.41nnn (0.01) 0.011nn (0.005) 0.002nnn (0.0002) 0.006nnn (0.002) 0.001 (0.003) 0.18nnn (0.03) 0.07 (0.13) 0.02nnn (0.005) Yes Yes 2.92nnn 0.54nnn (0.06) 0.28nnn (0.01) 0.01nnn (0.003) 0.001nnn (0.0001) 0.004nn (0.002) 0.001 (0.002) 0.14nnn (0.02) 0.07 (0.09) 0.02nnn (0.004) Yes Yes 3.69nnn 0.45nn (0.20) 0.66nnn (0.03) 0.02nn (0.01) 0.003nnn (0.001) 0.018nnn (0.005) 0.01 (0.01) 0.25nnn (0.07) 0.49 (0.31) 0.05nnn (0.01) Yes Yes 1.85nn Author's personal copy 486 T.J. Chemmanur et al. / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 478–502 Table 2 (continued ) Panel B: Alternative market leverage Number of observations R-squared (0.23) 14,891 0.42 (0.21) 14,891 0.49 (0.62) 14,891 0.23 (0.31) 11,527 0.43 (0.30) 11,527 0.47 (0.74) 11,527 0.24 0.25nnn (0.06) 0.40nnn (0.01) 0.0002 (0.005) 0.001nnn (0.0002) 0.006nnn (0.002) 0.002 (0.002) 0.18nnn (0.03) 0.04 (0.13) 0.49nnn (0.04) 0.28nnn (0.01) 0.03nnn (0.003) 0.001nnn (0.0001) 0.005nnn (0.001) 0.002 (0.002) 0.14nnn (0.02) 0.09 (0.08) 0.29nn (0.15) 0.65nnn (0.02) 0.01 (0.01) 0.002nnn (0.0004) 0.018nnn (0.005) 0.014nn (0.006) 0.24nnn (0.07) 0.32 (0.31) 0.26nnn (0.07) 0.40nnn (0.01) 0.005 (0.006) 0.002nnn (0.0002) 0.006nnn (0.002) 0.001 (0.003) 0.18nnn (0.03) 0.07 (0.13) 0.02nnn (0.005) Yes Yes 3.02nnn (0.29) 11,527 0.43 0.44nnn (0.05) 0.27nnn (0.01) 0.02nnn (0.004) 0.001nnn (0.0001) 0.004nn (0.002) 0.001 (0.002) 0.14nnn (0.02) 0.07 (0.09) 0.02nnn (0.004) Yes Yes 3.80nnn (0.29) 11,527 0.47 0.34nn (0.17) 0.65nnn (0.03) 0.01 (0.01) 0.002nnn (0.0005) 0.02nnn (0.005) 0.01 (0.01) 0.24nnn (0.07) 0.48 (0.31) 0.05nnn (0.01) Yes Yes 1.76nn (0.74) 11,527 0.24 Panel C: Alternative book leverage Alternative book leverage Firm size Market-to-book ratio One-year return to shareholders (%) CEO age CEO tenure CEO is also the chairman CEO is male G-Index Year effects Industry effects Intercept Number of observations R-squared – – – Yes Yes 3.23nnn (0.22) 14,891 0.42 Yes Yes 3.83nnn (0.20) 14,891 0.52 Yes Yes 1.49nn (0.62) 14,891 0.23 measures of leverage in the regression of CEOs' total pay and cash pay are positive in all of the 15 years. The coefficient of alternative book leverage is positive in the regression of CEOs' equity-based pay in 13 out of 15 years, and the other two measures of leverage have a positive coefficient in the regression of CEOs' equity-based pay in 14 out of 15 years. 4.3. New CEOs hired from outside Some unobservable and thus uncontrolled CEO characteristics could affect both leverage and compensation in the same direction, thus resulting in the positive coefficient of leverage in the OLS regression of CEO compensation. For example, CEOs who have had more interaction with the board (and, therefore, have more influence) could have greater ability to affect their own pay and at the same time choose the firm's leverage level. To address potential concerns regarding causality, we study the subset of newly appointed CEOs who are hired from outside. We examine how the first-year compensation of these new CEOs is affected by firm leverage in the year prior to their appointment. CEOs hired from outside should have no influence on their firms' capital structure in the year prior to their appointment, so that this is a clean test of the relation between leverage and CEO compensation, allowing us to deal with the potential causality problem. We model the relation between the first-year compensation of newly appointed CEOs hired from outside and the leverage ratio in the year prior to their appointment as: CEOPayi;t ¼ γ 0 þ γ 1 Sizei;t1 þ γ 2 Leveragei;t1 þ γ 3 MTBi;t1 þγ 4 RET i;t þ γ 5 Agei;t þ γ 6 Chair i;t þ γ 7 MALEi;t þ εi;t : ð2Þ In Eq. (2), firm size, leverage, and market-to-book ratio are computed as of the fiscal year prior to the appointment of the new CEO. CEO tenure is omitted from Eq. (2), because we estimate Eq. (2) on the sample of newly appointed CEOs hired from outside (all of them have zero tenure, by definition). Titman (1984) and BSZ (2010) predict that a firm with higher leverage will pay its employees more. In the case of a newly hired CEO, he will demand and obtain a higher pay from a firm with higher leverage. Therefore, we expect γ2 to be positive. In Table 4, we present the coefficients and standard errors obtained from estimating Eq. (2) on the subset of newly appointed CEOs who are hired from outside. Firm size is a strong factor in determining the pay of newly appointed CEOs (cash, equity-based, and total compensation). The coefficient on the market-to-book ratio is negative and significant in all three types of compensation, suggesting that growth firms pay their new CEOs less than value firms do. The coefficient of stock return during the first year of a new CEO is positive and significant in the regression of equity-based compensation. CEO age has a negative effect on equity-based compensation, different from what is in Table 2. This is due to the differences between the underlying samples. In Table 2, the same CEO in the same firm appears in multiple years, and the pay Author's personal copy T.J. Chemmanur et al. / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 478–502 487 Table 3 Fama-MacBeth analysis of CEO compensation. This table reports the coefficient of leverage obtained from OLS regression of CEO pay in each fiscal year during 1992–2006: CEOPayi;t ¼ γ 0 þ γ 1 Sizei;t þ γ 2 Leveragei;t þ γ 3 MTBi;t þ γ 4 RET i;t þγ 5 Agei;t þ γ 6 Tenurei;t þ γ 7 Chairi;t þ γ 8 MALEi;t þ εi;t ; CEOPayi,t is measured in three ways: the log of CEO total compensation, the log of CEO cash compensation (salary plus bonus), and the log of equity-based compensation. Sizei,t is the log of market capitalization of firm i as of year t. Leveragei;t is the leverage ratio of firm i as of year t. Market leverage, alternative market leverage, and alternative book leverage are defined the same as in Table 1. MTBi;t is the market-to-book ratio of firm i as of year t. RETi,t is the return to the shareholders of firm i in year t. Agei,t is the age of the CEO of firm i as of year t; Tenurei,t is the number of years the executive has been acting as CEO in firm i prior to year t; Chairi,t is one if the CEO is also the chairman and zero otherwise; MALEi,t is one if the CEO of firm i as of year t is male and zero otherwise. Compensation measure Total 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Mean (t-stat) 0.43 0.19 0.42 0.55 0.55 0.59 0.54 0.55 0.35 0.45 0.41 0.39 0.45 0.65 0.41 0.46 (15.73) Cash Equity-based Using market leverage 0.63 0.47 0.50 0.50 0.55 0.68 0.58 0.52 0.58 0.68 0.54 0.60 0.61 0.85 0.34 0.58 (19.39) 0.004 0.03 0.69 0.98 0.69 0.37 0.64 0.77 0.24 0.01 0.47 0.30 0.92 1.22 0.08 0.49 (4.84) Compensation measure Total Cash Equity-based Using alternative market leverage 0.35 0.23 0.45 0.58 0.54 0.55 0.48 0.52 0.36 0.46 0.40 0.38 0.44 0.62 0.44 0.45 (17.33) often increases with the CEO's age. In Table 4, all the CEOs are newly hired from outside and the compensation information is based on their first-year pay only. The negative coefficient on CEO age in the regression of equity-based compensation suggests that a younger newly hired CEO, in his first year, earns more equity-based pay than an older newly hired CEO, after controlling for other factors. The variable of interest is the leverage ratio. The coefficient on leverage is positive and significant in the regressions of all three forms of compensation for the newly hired CEOs, for all three measures of the leverage ratio. The impact of leverage on CEO compensation is also economically significant. An increase of 1 standard deviation in market leverage corresponds to a 19% increase in cash pay, a 27% increase in equity-based pay, and an 18% increase in the total compensation of a new CEO. The results in Tables 2–4 demonstrate that leverage has a strong and positive effect on the level of CEO compensation, supporting Hypothesis 1. Firms with higher leverage incur a greater amount of CEO compensation, which is consistent with the Titman-BSZ prediction. 5. Empirical tests and results on capital structure and average employee pay In this section, we present results on the effect of leverage on average employee pay. In the multivariate analysis, we start with OLS regressions. We then utilize instrumental variable regressions of average employee pay to address 0.62 0.46 0.53 0.51 0.45 0.65 0.52 0.48 0.57 0.67 0.52 0.63 0.60 0.84 0.34 0.56 (18.48) 0.04 0.06 0.72 1.03 0.65 0.29 0.67 0.77 0.25 0.01 0.48 0.19 0.89 1.18 0.02 0.48 (4.65) Compensation measure Total Cash Equity-based Using alternative book leverage 0.41 0.17 0.35 0.40 0.44 0.30 0.23 0.30 0.04 0.33 0.36 0.19 0.19 0.47 0.24 0.29 (9.69) 0.52 0.37 0.42 0.41 0.55 0.49 0.47 0.50 0.48 0.57 0.51 0.44 0.41 0.67 0.27 0.47 (19.55) 0.35 0.04 0.66 0.69 0.57 0.10 0.16 0.38 0.15 0.25 0.67 0.28 0.40 0.99 0.17 0.35 (4.11) potential concerns about the endogeneity of leverage. Finally, we deal with a potential sample selection problem using a Heckman (1979) two-step analysis. 5.1. Summary statistics Table 5 provides the summary statistics of the variables used in our analysis of average employee pay. Average employee pay is computed as labor expenses (data item 42) divided by the number of employees (data item 29). Three measures of leverage are defined as before. Market capitalization is the stock price multiplied by the number of shares outstanding as of the fiscal year end. We compute average sales per employee by dividing the amount of total sales (data item 12) by the number of employees (data item 29). Market-to-book ratio is the market capitalization divided by the book value of equity. Physical capital intensity is computed as gross property, plant, and equipment scaled by total assets (data item 6). All continuous variables except leverage are winsorized at the 1st and 99th percentiles. The mean (median) of average employee pay is $32,760 ($32,000). The 1% cutoff is $1,490, and the 99% cutoff is $95,580. Market capitalization has a wide range, from $2.08 million (the 1% cutoff) to $82,827 million (the 99% cutoff). To reduce the potential influence of outliers, we use the log of average employee pay and the log of market capitalization in our analysis. The mean of sales per employee is about $166,260. The market-to-book ratio Author's personal copy 488 Table 4 Ordinary least squares regressions of the compensation of newly appointed CEOs who are hired from outside. This table presents the coefficients and standard errors obtained from estimation of the following model of CEO compensation on the sample of newly appointed CEOs who are hired from outside: CEOPayi;t ¼ γ 0 þ γ 1 Sizei;t1 þ γ 2 Leveragei;t1 þ γ 3 MTBi;t1 þ γ 4 RET i;t þ γ 5 Agei;t þ γ 6 Chairi;t þ γ 7 MALEi;t þ εi;t ; Market leverage Alternative market leverage Alternative book leverage Firm size Market-to-book ratio One-year return to shareholders CEO age CEO is also the chairman CEO is male Year effects Industry effects Intercept Number of observations R-squared Log of total compensation Log of cash compensation 0.75nn (0.30) 0.81nnn (0.25) Log of equity-based compensation 1.11nnn (0.41) Log of total compensation Log of cash compensation – – 0.71nnn (0.26) Log of equity-based compensation Log of total compensation Log of cash compensation Log of equity-based compensation – – – – – – – 0.64nn (0.31) 0.97nn (0.42) – – – – – – 0.50nnn (0.04) 0.07nnn (0.02) 0.002nn (0.001) 0.01 (0.01) 0.01 (0.13) 0.15 (0.63) Yes Yes 4.67nnn (0.96) 0.34nnn (0.03) 0.04nn (0.02) 0.0015n (0.0009) 0.01 (0.01) 0.01 (0.10) 0.09 (0.35) Yes Yes 4.79nnn (0.59) 0.62nnn (0.06) 0.12nnn (0.03) 0.004nnn (0.001) 0.021n (0.011) 0.09 (0.18) 0.33 (0.90) Yes Yes 3.38nn (1.44) 0.50nnn (0.04) 0.07nnn (0.02) 0.002nn (0.001) 0.01 (0.01) 0.02 (0.13) 0.15 (0.64) Yes Yes 4.78nnn (0.97) 0.34nnn (0.03) 0.04nn (0.02) 0.0015n (0.0009) 0.01 (0.01) 0.01 (0.10) 0.10 (0.37) Yes Yes 4.90nnn (0.60) 0.62nnn (0.06) 0.13nnn (0.03) 0.004nnn (0.001) 0.021n (0.011) 0.10 (0.18) 0.33 (0.92) Yes Yes 3.54nn (1.45) – – – 0.62nn (0.30) 0.49nnn (0.03) 0.08nnn (0.02) 0.0021 (0.0012) 0.01 (0.01) 0.02 (0.13) 0.17 (0.64) Yes Yes 4.93nnn (0.98) 0.62nnn (0.23) 0.33nnn (0.03) 0.05nnn (0.01) 0.0015n (0.0009) 0.01 (0.01) 0.001 (0.10) 0.13 (0.38) Yes Yes 5.10nnn (0.61) 0.92nn (0.41) 0.60nnn (0.06) 0.14nnn (0.03) 0.005nnn (0.001) 0.021n (0.011) 0.10 (0.19) 0.36 (0.91) Yes Yes 3.77nn (1.46) 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 373 0.49 0.47 0.50 0.49 0.47 0.50 0.49 0.47 0.50 T.J. Chemmanur et al. / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 478–502 CEOPayi,t is measured in three ways: the natural log of total compensation, the natural log of cash compensation (salary plus bonus), and the natural log of equity-based compensation of the newly appointed CEO of firm i in year t who is hired from outside. Sizei,t 1 is the log of market capitalization of firm i in year t 1; Leveragei,t 1 is the leverage ratio of firm i in year t 1; Market leverage, alternative market leverage, and alternative book leverage are defined the same as in Table 1; MTBi,t 1 is the market-to-book ratio of firm i in year t 1; RETi,t is the return to the shareholders of firm i in year t; Agei,t is the age of the CEO of firm i as of year t; Chairi,t is one if the CEO is also the chairman of firm i in year t and zero otherwise; MALEi,t is one if the CEO of firm i as of year t is male and zero otherwise. The numbers in parentheses are the standard errors. The standard errors are robust to heteroskedasticity and are clustered by firm. nnn and nn indicate significance at the 1% and 5% level, respectively. Author's personal copy T.J. Chemmanur et al. / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 478–502 489 Table 5 Summary statistics of variables used in the analysis of average employee pay. This table summarizes the variables used in the analysis of average employee pay. Average employee pay is computed as labor expenses (Compustat data item 42) divided by the number of employees (data item 29). Market leverage, alternative market leverage, and alternative book leverage are defined the same as in Table 1. Market capitalization is the stock price multiplied by the number of shares outstanding as of the fiscal year end. Average sales per employee is the amount of total sales (data item 12) divided by the number of employees. Market-to-book ratio is the market capitalization divided by the book value of equity. Physical capital intensity is computed as gross property, plant, and equipment scaled by total assets. Marginal tax rate (MTRB) is the marginal tax rate based on income before the deduction of interest expenses. All continuous variables except leverage are winsorized at the 1st and 99th percentiles. All dollar amounts are adjusted to 1992 dollars using the consumer price index. Average employee pay (thousands) Market leverage Alternative market leverage Alternative book leverage Market capitalization (millions) Average sales per employee (thousands) Market-to-book ratio Physical capital intensity G-Index Marginal tax rate (MTRB) Number of observations Mean Median Standard deviation 1% Cutoff 99% Cutoff 5,269 5,269 5,269 5,269 5,269 5,269 5,269 5,269 1,326 2,902 32.76 0.25 0.25 0.33 5,226 166.26 2.94 0.69 9.22 0.31 32.00 0.20 0.17 0.31 590 111.76 2.06 0.67 9.0 0.35 19.76 0.23 0.22 0.24 13,035 198.41 3.30 0.40 2.61 0.09 1.49 0 0 0 2.08 12.74 0.28 0.04 4 0 95.58 0.91 0.90 0.93 82,827 1,253 20.54 1.76 15 0.38 has a mean of 2.94 and a median of 2.06. On average, the gross amount of property, plant, and equipment is about 69% of total assets. 5.2. OLS regressions Our objective here is to estimate the effect of leverage on average employee pay. In our reduced form analysis (the base case), we use following specification: AEP i;t ¼ β0 þ β1 Sizei;t þ β2 Leveragei;t þ β3 AvgSalei;t þβ4 MTBi;t þ β5 PCI i;t þ εi;t ; ð3Þ AEPi,t is the natural log of average employee pay of firm i in fiscal year t. Sizei,t is the log of market capitalization of firm i at the end of year t. Prior empirical studies have shown that larger firms tend to pay higher wages to their employees than smaller firms, so we expect β1 to be positive. AvgSalei,t is the sales per employee. We use AvgSalei,t to directly measure the productivity of the average employee of firm i in year t, and we expect β3 to be positive. MTBi,t is the market-to-book ratio of firm i as of year t. We control for the market-to-book ratio, as it is a common proxy for a firm's growth opportunity. PCIi,t is the physical capital intensity of firm i as of year t. We include the measure of physical capital intensity for two reasons. First, capital intensive firms tend to be more productive (Cronqvist, Heyman, Nilsson, Svaleryd, and Vlachos, 2009). Second, BSZ (2010) predict a positive correlation between physical capital intensity and employee wage. We include the year dummies to control for the aggregate variation in employee pay. We also include the industry dummies because a great deal of heterogeneity in pay practices is evident across industries. The effect of leverage on average employee pay is of particular interest. If firms of higher leverage pay their employees more, β2 is positive. Panel A of Table 6 presents the estimated coefficients and standard errors obtained from the OLS regression of Eq. (3) for all firms. The standard errors are clustered by firm and are also robust to heteroskedasticity. Larger firms pay their employees more, consistent with the literature (e.g., Brown and Medoff, 1989). Average sales per employee affects average employee pay positively, consistent with our expectation, as sales per employee is a measure of employee productivity. Neither physical capital intensity nor the market-to-book ratio has a significant impact on average employee pay. Most important, after controlling for other factors, the leverage ratio has a positive effect on average employee pay. The coefficients on all three leverage ratios are positive and significant at the 1% or 5% level. This supports Hypothesis 2. We find that the G-Index is not a statistically significant factor in determining average employee pay. Further, even in the presence of the G-Index, leverage is a positive and significant determinant of average employee pay. We now examine the subset of financially distressed versus safe firms. Since its introduction by Altman (1968), the Z-score has been used for the prediction of bankruptcy. Following the original formula, we compute the Z-score as: Z ¼ 1:2T 1 þ 1:4T 2 þ 3:3T 3 þ :6T 4 þ T 5 ; ð4Þ here T1 ¼ working capital/total assets, where working capital is computed as current assets minus current liabilities; T2 ¼retained earnings/total assets; T3 ¼earnings before interest and taxes/total assets; T4 ¼market value of equity/book value of total liabilities; and T5 ¼sales/total assets. A lower Z-score corresponds to a greater probability of bankruptcy. Firms with a Z-score above 2.99 are considered to be safe, those with a Z-score of 1.8 or lower are considered distressed, and those with Z scores in between the two threshold values are considered in the gray zone. Panel B of Table 6 reports the results from estimating Eq. (3) on the two subsets: distressed firms and safe firms. When firms are financially distressed, average employee pay is not significantly related to leverage; when firms are safe, average employee pay increases with leverage. In summary, the evidence supporting Hypothesis 4 is weak or nonexistent. This indicates that while the ex ante relation between leverage and employee pay suggested by Titman-BSZ prediction dominates in our entire sample and in the subsample of safe firms, in distressed firms the ex post relation postulated by Perotti and Spier (1993) could partially or fully offset the effect of firms compensating employees for the reduction in the value of their human capital due to higher leverage. Author's personal copy 490 T.J. Chemmanur et al. / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 478–502 Table 6 Ordinary least square regressions of average employee pay. This table presents the coefficients and standard errors obtained from the OLS regression of the following model of average employee pay: AEP i;t ¼ β0 þ β1 Sizei;t þ β2 Leveragei;t þ β3 AvgSalei;t þ β4 MTBi;t þ β5 PCI i;t þ εi;t ; where AEPi,t is the log of average employee pay of firm i in fiscal year t, and it is calculated as the log of the total labor expenses (data item 42) divided by the number of employees (data item 29); Sizei,t is the log of market capitalization of firm i in year t; and Leveragei,t is the leverage ratio of firm i in year t. Market leverage, alternative market leverage, and alternative book leverage are defined the same as in Table 1. AvgSalei,t is the average sales (in thousand dollars) per employee, i.e., the amount of total sales divided by the number of employees; MTBi,t is the market-to-book ratio of firm i in year t; and PCIi,t is the physical capital intensity of firm i in year t, computed as gross property, plant, and equipment scaled by total assets. Numbers in the parentheses are the standard errors. The standard errors are robust to heteroskedasticity and are clustered by firm. In Panel A, we examine all firms. In Panel B, we study financially safe and distressed firms separately. In Panel C, we add quits rates to the regressions. nnn, nn, and n indicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% level, respectively. Panel A: All firms Market leverage All firms 1 All firms 2 All firms 3 All firms 4 All firms 5 All firms 6 0.23nnn (0.08) – – 0.28nnn (0.09) – – nn 0.29 (0.08) – Alternative market leverage Alternative book leverage Firm size Average sales per employee Market-to-book ratio Physical capital intensity G-Index Year effects Industry effects Intercept Number of observations R-squared – 0.28 (0.10) – – 0.04nn (0.02) 0.001nnn (0.0002) 0.002 (0.005) 0.001 (0.09) 0.01 (0.01) Yes Yes 2.88nnn (0.18) 1,326 0.77 0.04nn (0.02) 0.001nnn (0.0002) 0.002 (0.005) 0.002 (0.09) 0.01 (0.01) Yes Yes 2.89nnn (0.18) 1,326 0.77 – nnn – – 0.08nnn (0.01) 0.001nnn (0.0002) 0.003 (0.003) 0.05 (0.06) 0.08nnn (0.01) 0.001nnn (0.0001) 0.003 (0.004) 0.04 (0.06) 0.22 (0.07) 0.07nnn (0.01) 0.001nnn (0.0001) 0.008nn (0.004) 0.04 (0.06) – – – Yes Yes 1.53nnn (0.07) 5,269 0.52 Yes Yes 1.53nnn (0.06) 5,269 0.52 Yes Yes 1.57nnn (0.06) 5,269 0.52 nnn – 0.21nn (0.09) 0.030n (0.017) 0.001nnn (0.0002) 0.008 (0.006) 0.02 (0.09) 0.01 (0.01) Yes Yes 2.94nnn (0.18) 1,326 0.77 Panel B: Safe versus distressed firms Market leverage Alternative market leverage Alternative book leverage Distressed firms 1 Distressed firms 2 Distressed firms 3 0.01 (0.12) – – – 0.15 (0.11) – Firm size Average sales per employee Market-to-book ratio Physical capital intensity Year effects Industry effects Intercept Number of observations R-squared – nnn 0.08 (0.01) 0.002nnn (0.0003) 0.002 (0.005) 0.07 (0.07) Yes Yes 2.16nnn (0.17) 977 0.56 0.08 (0.01) 0.002nnn (0.0003) 0.003 (0.005) 0.07 (0.07) Yes Yes 2.09nnn (0.16) 977 0.56 Safe firms 5 Safe firms 6 – – 0.22nn (0.10) 0.32nnn (0.11) – 0.004 (0.10) 0.08nnn (0.01) 0.002nnn (0.0003) 0.002 (0.006) 0.07 (0.07) Yes Yes 2.17nnn (0.16) 977 0.56 – nnn Safe firms 4 – – nnn 0.07nnn (0.01) 0.001nnn (0.0001) 0.006n (0.004) 0.02 (0.05) Yes Yes 2.49nnn (0.11) 2,197 0.55 0.07 (0.01) 0.001nnn (0.0001) 0.006n (0.004) 0.01 (0.05) Yes Yes 2.48nnn (0.11) 2,197 0.55 – 0.17nn (0.07) 0.07nnn (0.01) 0.001nnn (0.0001) 0.009nn (0.004) 0.02 (0.05) Yes Yes 2.50nnn (0.11) 2,197 0.55 Panel C: Quits rates Market leverage All firms 1 All firms 2 All firms 3 All firms 4 All firms 5 – – 0.43nnn (0.13) – – Author's personal copy T.J. Chemmanur et al. / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 478–502 491 Table 6 (continued ) Panel C: Quits rates All firms 1 All firms 2 All firms 3 All firms 4 – – – 0.55nnn (0.13) Alternative market leverage – Alternative book leverage – Firm size – – Average sales per employee – – Market-to-book ratio – – – – 0.026nnn (0.002) – – 3.88nnn (0.07) 1,993 0.16 0.002 (0.008) Yes Yes 1.73nnn (0.23) 1,993 0.37 Physical capital intensity Quits rate Year effects Industry effects Intercept Number of observations R-squared – – nnn 0.09 (0.02) 0.001nnn (0.0002) 0.002 (0.007) 0.02 (0.09) 0.01 (0.01) Yes Yes 1.07nnn (0.25) 1,993 0.49 0.09nnn (0.02) 0.001nnn (0.0002) 0.002 (0.007) 0.03 (0.09) 0.01 (0.01) Yes Yes 1.06nnn (0.24) 1,993 0.49 All firms 5 – 0.44nnn (0.11) 0.08nnn (0.02) 0.001nnn (0.0002) 0.001 (0.008) 0.04 (0.09) 0.01 (0.01) Yes Yes 1.17nnn (0.24) 1,993 0.49 In Panel C, we include the quits rate in the OLS estimation. Column 1 includes the quits rate only. The coefficient is significant and negative, suggesting that more specialized labor gets paid more. Column 2 adds industry and year fixed effects to the regression, and the coefficient of quits rate becomes insignificant. This is not surprising, given that the annual quits rate is measured at the industry level. In Columns 3–5, the coefficient of quits rate remains insignificant, but that of all three leverage ratios is still positive and statistically significant. As a robustness test, we also estimate Eq. (3) by year, in the spirit of Fama and MacBeth (1973). Table 7 reports the estimated coefficient on leverage in every year during 1992–2006. The coefficient on market leverage ranges from 0.02 to 0.66, and it is positive in 13 out of 15 years. Its mean is 0.22, statistically larger than zero. The impact of leverage is somewhat weaker prior to year 2000 than after year 2000. To understand why, we examine the percentage of nontechnology firms by year. We find that the percentage of nontechnology firms is below sample mean in five out of nine years during 1992–2000 while the percentage of nontechnology firms is below sample mean in only two out of six years during 2001–2006. The effect of leverage on average employee pay is stronger in nontechnology firms, so that the smaller coefficients on leverage prior to the year 2000 could be due to the lower fraction of nontechnology firms prior to year 2000. to generate an exogenous variation in leverage. A valid instrumental variable for leverage needs to satisfy two conditions. It is correlated with the leverage ratio (the validity requirement) but is uncorrelated with the residual in the regression of employee pay (the exclusion restriction). The marginal corporate tax rate satisfies both requirements. The theoretical literature in corporate finance indicates that the tax benefit of debt is positively related to a firm's marginal tax rate, thus resulting in a positive correlation between a firm's marginal tax rate and its leverage ratio. The empirical literature supports this view (for example, Leary and Roberts, 2010). At the same time, no theoretical or empirical literature indicates that the marginal corporate tax rate directly affects average employee pay. Following Graham, Lemmon, and Schallheim (1998), we use the marginal tax rates based on income before interest is deducted (MTRB) from the database of marginal tax rates provided by John Graham (for more details, see Graham (1996a, 1996b)). When examining the effect of firms' leverage on bond ratings, Molina (2005) also uses marginal tax rate as an instrument for leverage. We implement the instrumental variable regressions by using the 2SLS procedure in STATA (Wooldridge, 2002). In the first stage, leverage is regressed onto the instrumental variable and control variables; in the second stage, average employee pay is regressed onto the instrumented leverage and control variables. The first stage regression specification is given by 5.3. Instrumental variable regressions Leveragei;t ¼ α0 þ α1 MTRBi;t þ α2 Sizei;t þ α3 AvgSalei;t The assets of a given firm could be such that they can support a high level of leverage (for example, the proportion of tangible assets could be high) and could also require highly paid employees to operate these assets, thus generating a positive correlation between leverage and employee pay. To deal with this potential endogeneity problem, we employ an instrument variable, namely, the marginal corporate tax rate, þα4 MTBi;t þ α5 PCI i;t þ α6 ðEBIT=TAÞi;t þα7 STDðEBIT=TAÞi;t þ δi;t : ð5Þ The second stage regression specification is given by AEP i;t ¼ β0 þ β1 Sizei;t þ β2 Leveragei;t þ β3 AvgSalei;t þβ4 MTBi;t þ β5 PCI i;t þ β6 ðEBIT=TAÞi;t þβ7 STDðEBIT=TAÞi;t þ εi;t : ð6Þ Author's personal copy 492 T.J. Chemmanur et al. / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 478–502 MTRB is the marginal tax rate based on income before interest is deducted. EBIT/TA is earnings before depreciation, interest, and taxes divided by total assets, and STD (EBIT/TA) is the standard deviation of EBIT/TA in the past five years. The results from the instrumental variable regression are presented in Table 8. In the first stage analysis (leverage is the dependent variable), marginal tax rate is an important determinant of debt ratio, significant at the 1% level. In their survey of the weak-instrument literature, Stock, Wright, and Yogo (2002) develop benchmarks for the necessary magnitude of the F-statistic. When the number of instruments is 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10, the suggested critical F-values are 8.96, 11.59, 12.83, 15.09, and 20.88, respectively. If the first-stage partial F-statistic falls below these critical values, the instruments are considered to be weak and inference problems are potentially serious. The partial F-statistics of our instrument in the regressions of all three leverage ratios are above the critical value of 8.96. The results in the first stage and the partial F-test confirm that the marginal tax rate is a strong instrument (i.e., it satisfies the validity requirement). In the second stage analysis, firm size and average sales per employee are positive and significant determinants of the average employee pay, consistent with the results from our OLS regressions presented in Table 6. More important, we find from our second stage regression that, even after accounting for the potential endogeneity of leverage, leverage continues to be a positive and significant determinant of average employee pay. In the first-stage regression of alternative book leverage, the market-to-book ratio has a positive coefficient, which seems to contradict the negative relation between leverage and the market-to-book presented in the existing literature.15 However, Chen and Zhao (2006) show that the negative relation that has been found between book leverage and market-to-book ratio is driven by a few small firms with very large market-to-book ratios. In particular, they note that a positive relation between market-to-book and leverage holds for 88% of all firms, accounting for more than 95% of the total market capitalization.16 5.4. Missing data on labor expenses: a Heckman (1979) two-step analysis Labor expenses are missing for a number of firms in Compustat, creating a potential sample-selection bias, if 15 Even papers in the existing literature show that the negative coefficient on market-to-book has a significantly smaller magnitude in the regression of book leverage than in the regression of market leverage. For example, in Table 5 of Hovakimian, Kayhan, and Titman (2012), the coefficient of market-to-book is 0.024 (z-statistic is 3.8) in the regression of book leverage while it is 0.097 (z-statistic is 15.2) in the regression of market leverage. The difference in the sign of the marketto-book coefficient when using book leverage between our result and the previous work could be due to the fact that our sample size is smaller. The limited availability of CEO compensation and average employee pay data significantly reduces our sample size, compared with other studies. 16 The review article by Parsons and Titman (2008) has a detailed discussion of papers studying the relation between leverage and the market-to-book ratio, including the paper by Chen and Zhao (2006). They suggest caution when using and interpreting market-to-book ratios in leverage specifications. Table 7 Fama-MacBeth analysis of average employee pay. This table reports the coefficient on leverage obtained from the OLS regression of average employee pay for each fiscal year in 1992–2006: AEP i;t ¼ β0 þ β1 Sizei;t þ β2 Leveragei;t þ β3 AvgSalei;t þ β4 MTBi;t þβ5 PCI i;t þ εi;t ; where AEPi,t is the log of average employee pay of firm i in fiscal year t, which is calculated as the log of the total labor expenses (data item 42) divided by the number of employees (data item 29); Sizei,t is the log of market capitalization of firm i in year t; Market leverage, alternative market leverage, and alternative book leverage are defined the same as in Table 1; AvgSalei,t is the average sales per employee, i.e., the amount of total sales divided by the number of employees; MTBi,t is the market-tobook ratio of firm i in year t; and PCIi,t is the physical capital intensity of firm i in year t, computed as gross property, plant, and equipment scaled by total assets. Year Market leverage Alternative market leverage Alternative book leverage 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 0.16 0.10 0.06 0.28 0.01 0.12 0.01 0.02 0.18 0.08 0.29 0.66 0.43 0.36 0.62 0.09 0.06 0.11 0.26 0.02 0.07 0.04 0.12 0.24 0.22 0.40 0.76 0.67 0.49 0.60 0.07 0.04 0.004 0.17 0.02 0.09 0.05 0.10 0.24 0.26 0.35 0.52 0.49 0.32 0.39 Mean (t-stat) 0.22 (3.96) 0.27 (4.14) 0.20 (4.12) firms selectively decide whether or not to report labor expense information. To control for this potential sampleselection bias, we adopt a Heckman (1979) two-step analysis in this section. In the first step, we estimate a probit model of whether or not a firm reports labor expenses. The dependent variable is one if the data on labor expenses are nonmissing and zero otherwise. The independent variables include the dummies of the firm's listing exchange, in addition to the original control variables in the regression of average employee pay. The listing exchange is the identifying variable. We assume that firms on different exchanges have different reporting behavior (the results in the first-step probit analysis confirm this assumption), and exchange listing does not affect the reported average employee pay (to verify this condition, we add the dummies of exchange listing to the OLS regression of average employee pay and find that they are jointly insignificant, with an F-statistic of 1.29 and p-value of 0.28). In the second step, we examine the effect of leverage on average employee pay. The inverse Mills ratio (Lambda) derived from the selection model is included in the second step as a regressor, and all other independent variables are as specified in Eq. (3). The estimated coefficients and standard errors are reported in Table 9. From the estimation of the selection Author's personal copy T.J. Chemmanur et al. / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 478–502 493 Table 8 Instrumental variable regressions of average employee pay. This table presents the coefficients and standard errors obtained from the two-stage instrumental variable regression: Leveragei;t ¼ α0 þ α1 MTRBi;t þ α2 Sizei;t þ α3 Avgsalei;t þα4 MTBi;t þ α5 PCI i;t þ α6 ðEBIT=TAÞi;t þ α7 STDðEBIT=TAÞi;t þ δi;t AEP i;t ¼ β0 þ β1 Sizei;t þ β2 Leveragei;t þ β3 AvgSalei;t þβ4 MTBi;t þ β5 PCIi;t þ β6 ðEBIT=TAÞi;t þ β7 STDðEBIT=TAÞi;t þ εi;t Leveragei,t in the second stage is instrumented by marginal tax rate based on income before interest expense has been deducted (MTRB). EBIT/TA is earnings before depreciation, interest, and taxes divided by total assets, and STD (EBIT/TA) is the standard deviation of EBIT/TA in the past five years. Market leverage, alternative market leverage, and alternative book leverage are defined the same as in Table 1. Numbers in the parentheses are the standard errors. The standard errors are robust to heteroskedasticity and are clustered by firm. nnn, nn, and n indicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% level, respectively. First stage: leverage is the dependent variable Variable Marginal tax rate (MTRB) Firm size Average sales per employee Market-to-book ratio Physical capital intensity EBIT/TA STD(EBIT/TA) Year effects Industry effects Intercept Number of observations R-squared Market leverage Alternative market leverage Alternative book leverage 0.11nnn (0.04) 0.019nnn (0.002) 0.00002 (0.00002) 0.005nnn (0.001) 0.101nnn (0.015) 0.80nnn (0.05) 0.01 (0.01) Yes Yes 0.38nnn (0.04) 2,902 0.34 0.14nnn (0.04) 0.016nnn (0.002) 0.00002 (0.00002) 0.005nnn (0.001) 0.122nnn (0.015) 0.76nnn (0.05) 0.01 (0.01) Yes Yes 0.29nnn (0.04) 2,902 0.32 0.20nnn (0.05) 0.0002 (0.002) 0.00001 (0.00003) 0.018nnn (0.001) 0.152nnn (0.018) 0.96nnn (0.06) 0.01 (0.02) Yes Yes 0.19nnn (0.04) 2,902 0.24 10.62 (0.0011) 14.98 (0.0001) 12.26 Partial F-test of MTRB F-statistic (p-value) (0.0005) Second stage: average employee pay is the dependent variable Variable Market leverage (instrumented) Alternative market leverage (instrumented) Alternative book leverage (instrumented) Average employee pay 2.77n (1.49) – – nnn Firm size Average sales per employee Market-to-book ratio Physical capital intensity EBIT/TA STD(EBIT/TA) Year effects Industry effects Intercept Number of observations R-squared 0.13 (0.03) 0.001nnn (0.0001) 0.01 (0.01) 0.01 (0.16) 1.48 (1.13) 0.02 (0.05) Yes Yes 1.39nn (0.62) 2,902 0.22 model in the first step, we observe that larger firms with higher leverage, lower sales per employee, lower market-tobook ratio, and higher physical capital intensity are more Average employee pay Average employee pay – – 2.15nn (1.02) – 0.11nnn (0.02) 0.001nnn (0.0001) 0.01 (0.01) 0.02 (0.13) 0.90 (0.72) 0.02 (0.05) Yes Yes 1.82nnn (0.35) 2,902 0.40 – 1.56nn (0.70) 0.07nnn (0.01) 0.001nnn (0.0001) 0.01nn (0.01) 0.05 (0.12) 0.75 (0.63) 0.02 (0.04) Yes Yes 2.14nnn (0.35) 2,902 0.45 likely to report labor expenses. The exchange dummies are jointly significant. In the second step, the coefficients on firm size and average sales per employee are positive and Author's personal copy 494 T.J. Chemmanur et al. / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 478–502 significant. More important, the impact of leverage on average employee pay remains positive and significant after we control for the potential sample-selection bias. The Heckman two-step procedure produces consistent estimation of parameters. The coefficient on the inverse Mills ratio is statistically distinguishable from zero and negatively signed, suggesting that the unobserved factors that make reporting of labor expenses more likely tend to be associated with lower average employee pay. 5.5. A comparison of the incremental costs and benefits of leverage Both our OLS and instrumental variable regressions provide evidence supporting Hypothesis 2. Based on the results presented in Panel A of Table 6, we now compute the incremental tax benefits and labor costs associated with an increase in leverage. For a firm with the median values of the leverage ratio, average employee pay, total labor expenses, and total debt, if the market leverage ratio increases by 0.23 (1 standard deviation of leverage in the sample in Panel A of Table 6), the natural log of average employee pay increases by 0.23 0.23¼0.0529. Starting at the median level of average employee pay of $32.00 (in thousands), average employee pay then becomes $33.79 (in thousands), an increase of 5.60%. The median total labor expenses is about $250 million, so the increase in total labor expenses is about 250n5.60%¼$14.01 million, assuming that the number of employees does not change. The return on corporate bonds depends on various factors such as interest rate, credit rating, and time to maturity, so that we can use only an average interest rate for our calculation of the tax benefits of debt. We use 6% as the average rate of return on corporate bonds in our sample from 1992 to 2006.17 The median level of debt is about $120 million in our sample. Starting from the median leverage ratio of 0.20, the level of debt goes up by 202% when we increase market leverage ratio by 0.23 (1 standard deviation), holding everything else constant. If we assume a marginal tax rate of 35%, which is the median corporate marginal tax rate as computed by John Graham (Graham, 1996a, 1996b), interest expenses increase by $120 202% 0.06¼$14.54 million, and the tax benefits of debt increase by 14.54 0.35¼$5.09 million, which is smaller than the increase in total labor expenses ($14.01 million). The calculation shows that the additional labor costs associated with an increase of 1 standard deviation in the leverage ratio offsets all of the incremental tax benefits associated with the leverage increase. We repeat the above calculation by increasing the market leverage ratio from the median level of 0.20 all the way to 0.68, an increase of more than 2 standard deviations. Fig. 1 plots the changes in total labor expenses and the tax benefits of debt as the leverage ratio goes up. The graph shows that the additional labor expenses offset all of the incremental tax benefits of debt even when the leverage ratio is increased by as much as 2 standard deviations. 17 We believe that 6% is a reasonable estimate. The compounded annual return for long-term US government bonds has averaged less than 3% during the past four decades, and we assume that corporate bonds, on average, have a 3% premium over long-term US government bonds. The analysis demonstrates that the incremental labor costs associated with an increase in leverage are economically significant. Further, these incremental labor costs are greater than the additional tax benefits of debt associated with a wide range of changes in the leverage ratio. Therefore, the results support our Hypotheses 2 and 3. Overall, this evidence is consistent with the Titman-BSZ prediction, i.e., risk-averse employees demand greater compensation from firms with higher leverage, and such indirect costs of bankruptcy are economically large enough to limit the use of debt by these firms. 6. Technology firms versus nontechnology firms We now study CEO compensation and average employee pay in two subsets of our sample: technology firms versus nontechnology firms. The definition of technology firms and nontechnology firms follows that in Anderson, Banker, and Ravindran (2000), Ittner, Lambert, and Larcker (2003), and Murphy (2003). Technology firms are defined as companies in the computer, software, internet, telecommunications, or networking fields. Nontechnology firms are firms with Standard Industry Classification (SIC) codes less than 4000 not otherwise categorized as technology firms.18 We examine whether the effect of leverage on employee pay is different between technology and nontechnology firms, as employees in nontechnology firms are more entrenched than in technology firms (in the sense discussed in Section 2), so that we expect the effect of leverage on employee pay in nontechnology firms to be greater than that in technology firms (consistent with Hypothesis 5). 6.1. CEO compensation in technology versus nontechnology firms We first examine CEO compensation in technology versus nontechnology firms. In Table 10, we compare CEO compensation and various explanatory variables across technology and non technology firms. The mean of total compensation for CEOs in technology firms is greater than that in nontechnology firms, but the median is smaller for CEOs in technology firms. Although CEOs in technology firms receive less cash compensation than CEOs in nontechnology firms, the former have a greater mean of equity compensation than the latter, consistent with Anderson, Banker, and Ravindran (2000), Ittner, Lambert, and Larcker (2003), and Murphy (2003). Technology firms have lower leverage than nontechnology firms. Further, CEOs in technology firms are younger than CEOs in nontechnology 18 Technology firms are defined as companies with primary SIC designations of 3570 (Computer and Office Equipment), 3571 (Electronic Computers), 3572 (Computer Storage Devices), 3576 (Computer Communication Equipment), 3577 (Computer Peripheral Equipment), 3661 (Telephone & Telegraph Apparatus), 3674 (Semiconductor and Related Devices), 4812 (Wireless Telecommunication), 4813 (Telecommunication), 5045 (Computers and Software Wholesalers), 5961 (Electronic Mail-Order Houses), 7370 (Computer Programming, Data Processing), 7371 (Computer Programming Service), 7372 (Prepackaged Software), and 7373 (Computer Integrated Systems Design). Nontechnology firms are firms with SIC codes less than 4000 not otherwise categorized as technology firms. Author's personal copy T.J. Chemmanur et al. / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 478–502 495 Table 9 Heckman two-step analysis of average employee pay. This table reports the coefficients and standard errors obtained from a Heckman two-step analysis of average employee pay. In the first step, we estimate a probit model of whether a firm reports labor expenses. The dependent variable is one if the data on labor expenses are non-missing and zero otherwise. The independent variables include the dummies of the firm's listing exchange, in addition to other firm characteristics. In the second step, we examine the impact of leverage on average employee pay. The inverse mills ratio (Lambda) derived from the selection model is included in the second step as a regressor. Numbers in the parentheses are the standard errors. The standard errors are robust to heteroskedasticity and are clustered by firm. Market leverage, alternative market leverage, and alternative book leverage are defined the same as in Table 1. nnn and nn indicate significance at the 1% and 5% level, respectively. First stage: probit model of firms reporting information on labor expenses Variable Firm size Market-to-book ratio Market leverage Alternative market leverage Alternative book leverage Coefficient (standard error) Coefficient (standard error) Coefficient (standard error) 0.26nnn (0.01) 0.03nnn (0.003) 0.30nnn (0.05) 0.26nnn (0.01) 0.03nnn (0.003) 0.26nnn (0.01) 0.03nnn (0.003) – – 0.15nnn (0.05) – – Physical capital intensity Exchange dummies Year effects Industry effects 0.0004nnn (0.0001) 0.49nnn (0.03) Jointly significant Yes Yes – – (0.04) 0.27nnn – – nnn Average sales per employee – 0.12nnn (0.04) 0.0004nnn (0.0001) 0.49nnn (0.03) Jointly significant Yes Yes 0.0004 (0.0001) 0.48nnn (0.03) Jointly significant Yes Yes Second stage: average employee pay is the dependent variable Market leverage Alternative market leverage 0.20nnn (0.04) – – – 0.08nnn (0.004) 0.001nnn (0.0001) 0.003 (0.003) 0.047n (0.027) Yes Yes 1.56nnn (0.33) 0.08nnn (0.004) 0.001nnn (0.0001) 0.002 (0.003) 0.037 (0.027) Yes Yes 1.55nnn (0.33) 0.20nnn (0.04) 0.07nnn (0.004) 0.001nnn (0.0001) 0.008nn (0.003) 0.037 (0.027) Yes Yes 1.59nnn (0.33) 0.044nnn (0.012) 0.043nnn (0.012) 0.045nnn (0.012) Number of observations Censored observations Uncensored observations 49,357 44,088 5,269 49,357 44,088 5,269 49,357 44,088 5,269 Wald chi-square (p-value) 5,653.61 (0.0000) 5,688.90 (0.0000) 5,644.72 (0.0000) Alternative book leverage Firm size Average sales per employee Market-to-book ratio Physical capital intensity Year effects Industry effects Intercept Inverse mills ratio (Lambda) firms. Finally, CEOs in technology firms are less likely to serve as the Chairmen of the board and are more likely to be female than those in nontechnology firms. Panel A of Table 11 reports the results from OLS regressions of CEO compensation for nontechnology firms. Firm size is positively related to all three types of compensation: cash, equity-based, and total compensation. Market-to-book ratio is negatively related to cash compensation, but positively related to equity-based pay. One-year return is positive and significant in the regressions of all three measures of CEO compensation. CEO age is positive and significant in the regression of total and equity-based compensation. Serving as the chairman of the board increases the CEO's cash, equitybased, and total compensation. The leverage ratio has a positive and significant effect on CEOs' cash, equity-based, and total compensation, for all three measures of leverage. Panel B of Table 11 presents the regression results for technology firms. Size and CEO age are positive and significant Author's personal copy 496 T.J. Chemmanur et al. / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 478–502 Fig. 1. Changes in total labor expenses and tax benefit of debt as leverage increases. This graph plots the changes in total labor expenses and tax benefit of debt (in million $) for a firm with median values of leverage ratio, average employee pay, total labor expenses, and total debt in the sample of Panel A, Table 6. We start with the median value of market leverage, 0.20, and increase it by 0.48 (more than two standard deviations), by increments of 0.04. determinants of all three types of compensation. One-year return has positive and significant influences on total and cash compensation. A higher market-to-book ratio is associated with a lower cash pay. Leverage has a positive and significant effect on cash compensation, but not on equity-based or total compensation. We use a Wald test to examine whether the coefficient of leverage is statistically different across the two groups. The value of chi-square is 22.40 (10.89) with a p-value of 0.0000 (0.0010) for the regression of total compensation (equitybased compensation) on market leverage, and the value of chi-square is 1.24 with a p-value of 0.26 for the regression of cash compensation on market leverage. The Wald tests suggest that the effect of leverage on total and equity-based CEO compensation is different between technology and nontechnology firms, although the effect of leverage on CEO cash compensation is not statistically different between the two groups. Overall, the effect of leverage on CEO compensation is greater for nontechnology firms than for technology firms, consistent with our Hypothesis 5, thus providing further support for the Titman-BSZ prediction. 6.2. Average employee pay in technology versus nontechnology firms In Table 12, we analyze the effect of leverage on average employee pay in technology versus nontechnology firms. Consistent with the existing literature, technology firms have lower physical capital intensity and lower leverage ratio than nontechnology firms. Technology firms are also smaller than nontechnology firms, and they have smaller sales per employee than nontechnology firms. The mean of average employee pay is not significantly different between the two groups, but the median of average employee pay is greater for nontechnology firms. Although the mean leverage ratio in technology firms is low, the cross-sectional variation of leverage ratio is still large, e.g., alternative book leverage ranges from 0 to 0.90 with a standard deviation of 0.21 (not tabulated). Similar to the sample in Table 10, the technology firms in Table 12 also have lower leverage than nontechnology firms. Different from Table 10, an average technology firm in Table 12 is significantly smaller than an average nontechnology firm. The reason is that Tables 10 and 12 contain different samples. Table 12 has 2,101 nontechnology and 298 technology observations due to the missing information on “labor and related expenses” (data item 42) in Compustat, while Table 10 has 8,527 nontechnology and 2,345 technology observations from S&P 1,500 firms. Table 13 presents the coefficients and standard errors obtained from our OLS regressions of average employee pay for nontechnology and technology firms. We find that the leverage ratio has a positive and significant effect on average employee pay for nontechnology firms. For technology firms, the coefficient on leverage is not statistically significant. We use a Wald test to examine whether the coefficient on leverage is statistically different across the two groups. Wald tests suggest that alternative market and book leverage ratios have differential effects on average employee pay in technology versus nontechnology firms. The results in this section demonstrate that leverage has a greater effect on both CEO compensation and average employee pay for nontechnology firms than for technology firms, consistent with our Hypothesis 5. This is because employees in nontechnology firms are more entrenched than those in technology firms. Faced with a greater degree of entrenchment, employees or CEOs in nontechnology firms are more fearful of a potential bankruptcy. Therefore, in equilibrium, their compensation is more sensitive to their firm's leverage ratio. 7. Additional robustness tests In this section, we report additional empirical analysis that examine the robustness of the previous results. 7.1. Issues relating to the use of panel data and the use of alternative measures In our empirical analysis, we use panel data sets, with a significant number of firms appearing in multiple years. When we estimate a linear model on panel data, the standard OLS assumption of independence among the observations is very likely violated. Therefore, we need to consider both a firm effect and a time effect in our regressions. As defined by Petersen (2009), the firm effect refers to the correlation within the same firm across different years, and the time effect is the cross-sectional correlation among different firms in the same year. Petersen (2009) compares different approaches in estimating standard errors using financial panel data. He finds that, in the presence of a firm effect only, clustering by firms generates unbiased estimates of standard errors. In the presence of both firm and time effects, clustering by firms after including time dummies yields unbiased estimates of standard errors. Consistent with Petersen (2009), we find that the standard errors of the estimated coefficients are significantly smaller if we do not cluster them by firm. The difference in standard errors strongly indicates the existence of a firm effect. We control for both firm and time effects in our empirical analysis. Author's personal copy T.J. Chemmanur et al. / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 478–502 497 Table 10 CEO compensation in technology and nontechnology firms: univariate tests. This table summarizes and compares CEO compensation and firm characteristics in technology and nontechnology firms. Technology firms are defined as companies with primary SIC designations of 3570, 3571, 3572, 3576, 3577, 3661, 3674, 4812, 4813, 5045, 5961, 7370, 7371, 7372, and 7373. Nontechnology firms are firms with SIC codes less than 4000 not otherwise categorized as technology firms. Total and Cash (salary plus bonus) compensations are provided directly by Execucomp. We compute equity-based compensation as the total compensation minus salary, bonus, other annual pay, and long-term incentive plan. Market leverage, alternative market leverage, and alternative book leverage are defined the same as in Table 1. Market capitalization is the stock price multiplied by the number of shares outstanding as of the fiscal year end. Market-to-book ratio is the market capitalization divided by the book value of equity. All continuous variables except leverage are winsorized at the 1st and 99th percentiles. All dollar amounts are adjusted to 1992 dollars using the consumer price index. Number of observations Total compensation (thousands) Cash compensation (thousands) Equity-based compensation (thousands) Market leverage Alternative market leverage Alternative book leverage Market capitalization (millions) Market-to-book ratio One-year return to shareholders (%) Years as CEO in the firm CEO age CEO is also the chairman CEO is male Nontechnology firms mean (median) Technology firms mean (median) 8,527 2,690 (1,259) 1,025 (791) 1,512 (202) 0.21 (0.17) 0.20 (0.15) 0.32 (0.32) 4,585 (972) 3.30 (2.40) 16.16 (10.22) 5.99 (4.00) 66.62 (67.00) 0.67 (1.00) 0.99 (1.00) 2,345 3,310 (988) 780 (539) 2,439 (171) 0.08 (0.01) 0.07 (0.01) 0.13 (0.02) 6,413 (905) 4.36 (3.06) 25.72 (10.02) 6.10 (4.00) 60.40 (60.00) 0.51 (1.00) 0.97 (1.00) In our multivariate regressions, we include year dummy variables and cluster the standard errors by the firm. The standard errors are also robust to heteroskedasticity. Another way to control for both firm and time effects is clustering by both year and firm. As a robustness test, we repeat our analysis by adopting such an approach and find that the results are very similar to those we report in earlier sections. In our multivariate analysis of average employee pay, we do not include operating income volatility as one of the independent variables. Its computation requires five years of data, which reduces our sample size. As a robustness test, we now include this variable in our analysis. We find that our results remain qualitatively the same and that the coefficient of operating income volatility is insignificant. Further, in our analysis of CEO pay, we have been using the total compensation including the value of options exercised. Our results remain qualitatively the same if, as another robustness test, the total compensation including the value of options granted (instead of options exercised) is used in the analysis. 7.2. Leverage and the Z-score An important assumption underlying the Titman (1984) and the BSZ (2010) models is that higher leverage is associated with a greater probability of bankruptcy, resulting in firms t-Test t-Stat (p-value) Kruskal-Wallis test Chi-square (p-value) 4.66 ( o 0.0001) 13.40 ( o 0.0001) 7.89 ( o 0.0001) 36.11 ( o 0.0001) 39.32 ( o 0.0001) 39.16 ( o 0.0001) 3.42 (0.0006) 13.70 ( o 0.0001) 5.68 ( o 0.0001) 0.67 (0.50) 31.59 ( o 0.0001) 15.02 ( o 0.0001) 4.84 ( o 0.0001) 43.01 ( o 0.0001) 441.65 ( o 0.0001) 6.58 (0.01) 1,458.51 ( o 0.0001) 1,401.87 ( o 0.0001) 1,356.92 ( o 0.0001) 5.48 (0.02) 186.70 ( o 0.0001) 0.05 (0.82) 1.97 (0.16) 852.48 ( o 0.0001) 221.10 ( o 0.0001) 23.35 ( o 0.0001) with higher leverage having to compensate employees for the effect of this increased probability of bankruptcy on their human capital. Consequently, to further understand the role of leverage on labor costs, we examine the correlation of leverage with the Altman Z-score, which is a measure of a firm's bankruptcy probability. In the sample of average employee pay, the Pearson correlation coefficient between the Z-score and alternative book leverage is 0.54; in the sample of CEO compensation, the Pearson correlation coefficient between the Z-score and alternative book leverage is 0.47. As an additional robustness test, we replace leverage with the Altman Z-score in our regressions and find that the Z-score has a negative and significant impact on average employee pay (at the 1% level). The Z-score also affects the cash and total compensation of CEOs negatively and significantly, although the effect of the Z-score on CEOs' equitybased pay is not significant. These results are available upon request. The results of the robustness tests confirm that leverage and bankruptcy probability are positively correlated and that the probability of bankruptcy affects both average employee pay and CEO compensation. They add support to the idea that the prospect of bankruptcy has an important influence on the human capital costs incurred by firms. Author's personal copy 498 Table 11 OLS regressions of CEO compensation in technology and nontechnology firms. Panel A and Panel B report the estimated coefficients and standard errors obtained from OLS regressions of CEO compensation in technology and nontechnology firms, respectively. CEOPayi;t ¼ γ 0 þ γ 1 Sizei;t þ γ 2 Leveragei;t þ γ 3 MTBi;t þ γ 4 RET i;t þ γ 5 Agei;t þ γ 6 Tenurei;t þ γ 7 Chair i;t þ γ 8 MALEi;t þ εi;t : Market leverage, alternative market leverage, and alternative book leverage are defined the same as in Table 1. The numbers in the parentheses are the standard errors. The standard errors are robust to heteroskedasticity and are clustered by firm. We use Wald test to examine whether the coefficient on leverage is statistically different in the regressions of the two groups. nnn, nn, and n indicate significance at the 1%, 5%, and 10% level, respectively. Variable Log of cash compensation (5) Log of equity-based compensation (6) Log of total compensation (7) Log of cash compensation (8) Log of equity-based compensation (9) – – – – – – Log of equity-based compensation (3) 0.51nnn (0.09) – 0.61nnn (0.07) – 0.51nnn (0.23) – – – – 0.51 (0.09) – 0.61 (0.07) – 0.53 (0.23) – 0.41nnn (0.01) 0.013nn (0.005) 0.001nnn (0.0002) 0.004 (0.003) 0.005nn (0.002) 0.20nnn (0.03) 0.02 (0.18) Yes Yes 2.97nnn (0.27) 8,527 0.50 0.31nnn (0.01) 0.01nnn (0.003) 0.001nnn (0.0001) 0.003 (0.002) 0.002 (0.002) 0.16nnn (0.02) 0.003 (0.14) Yes Yes 3.62nnn (0.23) 8,527 0.56 0.64nnn (0.03) 0.04nnn (0.01) 0.002nnn (0.0006) 0.01 (0.01) 0.017nnn (0.006) 0.26nnn (0.08) 0.06 (0.42) Yes Yes 1.71nn (0.71) 8,527 0.27 0.41nnn (0.01) 0.010nn (0.005) 0.001nnn (0.0002) 0.004 (0.003) 0.005nn (0.002) 0.21nnn (0.03) 0.02 (0.18) Yes Yes 2.97nnn (0.27) 8,527 0.50 0.31nnn (0.01) 0.01nnn (0.003) 0.001nnn (0.0001) 0.003 (0.002) 0.002 (0.002) 0.16nnn (0.02) 0.004 (0.14) Yes Yes 3.62nnn (0.23) 8,527 0.56 0.65nnn (0.03) 0.04nnn (0.01) 0.002nnn (0.0006) 0.01 (0.01) 0.017nnn (0.006) 0.26nnn (0.08) 0.06 (0.42) Yes Yes 1.72nn (0.72) 8,527 0.27 Panel A: CEO compensation in nontechnology firms Market leverage Alternative market leverage Alternative book leverage Firm size Market-to-book ratio One-year return to shareholders (%) Years as CEO in the firm CEO age CEO is also the chairman CEO is male Year effects Industry effects Intercept Number of observations R-squared nnn nnn nn – – – 0.30nnn (0.08) 0.40nnn (0.01) 0.005 (0.005) 0.001nnn (0.0002) 0.003 (0.003) 0.005nn (0.002) 0.21nnn (0.03) 0.03 (0.19) Yes Yes 3.07nnn (0.27) 8,527 0.49 0.46nnn (0.05) 0.30nnn (0.01) 0.02nnn (0.003) 0.001nnn (0.0001) 0.003 (0.002) 0.002 (0.002) 0.16nnn (0.02) 0.001 (0.14) Yes Yes 3.72nnn (0.23) 8,527 0.56 0.37nn (0.19) 0.64nnn (0.03) 0.028nn (0.013) 0.002nnn (0.0006) 0.01 (0.01) 0.017nnn (0.006) 0.26nnn (0.08) 0.06 (0.42) Yes Yes 1.62nn (0.71) 8,527 0.27 Panel B: CEO compensation in technology firms Market leverage Alternative market leverage Alternative book leverage Firm size Market-to-book ratio 0.26 (0.24) – 0.56nnn (0.16) – 0.96 (0.66) – – 0.31 (0.25) – nnn 0.47 (0.17) – – – – 0.91 (0.67) – – – 0.18 (0.18) 0.40nnn (0.03) 0.01 0.38nnn (0.13) 0.26nnn (0.02) 0.04nnn 0.47 (0.46) 0.65nnn (0.07) 0.01 – – – – – – 0.40nnn (0.03) 0.01 0.26nnn (0.02) 0.04nnn 0.65nnn (0.07) 0.02 0.40nnn (0.03) 0.01 0.26nnn (0.02) 0.04nnn 0.65nnn (0.07) 0.02 T.J. Chemmanur et al. / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 478–502 Log of total compensation (4) Log of cash compensation (2) Log of total compensation (1) Author's personal copy 6.99 (0.0082) (0.28) 1.15 15.15 (0.0001) (0.0015) 10.14 1.39 (0.24) (0.0000) 23.65 10.89 (0.0000) (0.0010) 1.24 (0.26) 22.40 Wald test whether the coefficient of leverage is different between technology and nontechnology firms: Chi-square (p-value) Number of observations R-squared Intercept CEO is male Year effects Industry effects CEO is also the chairman CEO age Years as CEO in the firm (0.01) 0.001nnn (0.0003) 0.006 (0.005) 0.012nnn (0.004) 0.12nn (0.05) 0.15 (0.10) Yes Yes 4.36nnn (0.28) 2,345 0.36 One-year return to shareholders (%) (0.01) 0.0008n (0.0005) 0.002 (0.007) 0.010n (0.006) 0.13n (0.07) 0.01 (0.30) Yes Yes 3.61nnn (0.47) 2,345 0.32 (0.03) 0.001 (0.001) 0.012 (0.017) 0.03nnn (0.01) 0.14 (0.17) 0.57 (0.66) Yes Yes 1.93n (1.12) 2,345 0.17 (0.01) 0.0007n (0.0004) 0.002 (0.007) 0.010n (0.006) 0.13n (0.07) 0.01 (0.30) Yes Yes 3.60nnn (0.47) 2,345 0.32 (0.01) 0.001nnn (0.0003) 0.006 (0.005) 0.011nnn (0.004) 0.12nn (0.05) 0.16 (0.10) Yes Yes 4.37nnn (0.28) 2,345 0.36 (0.03) 0.001 (0.001) 0.012 (0.017) 0.03nnn (0.01) 0.14 (0.17) 0.57 (0.67) Yes Yes 1.95n (1.12) 2,345 0.17 (0.01) 0.0008n (0.0005) 0.002 (0.007) 0.011n (0.006) 0.13n (0.07) 0.01 (0.30) Yes Yes 3.58nnn (0.47) 2,345 0.33 (0.01) 0.001nnn (0.0003) 0.006 (0.005) 0.011nnn (0.004) 0.12nn (0.05) 0.16 (0.10) Yes Yes 4.41nnn (0.28) 2,345 0.36 (0.03) 0.001 (0.001) 0.012 (0.017) 0.032nn (0.013) 0.14 (0.17) 0.56 (0.67) Yes Yes 1.99 (1.13) 2,345 0.17 T.J. Chemmanur et al. / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 478–502 499 8. Conclusion Given the potentially large tax benefits of debt, why do firms adopt a low level of leverage? The existing literature shows that direct bankruptcy costs are not large enough to justify the empirically observed low leverage ratios of firms. Titman (1984) and Berk, Stanton, and Zechner (2010) argue theoretically that a particular form of indirect bankruptcy cost, namely, the incremental employee pay associated with an increase in debt, is large enough to prevent firms from increasing their leverage ratios. In this paper, we empirically test this prediction. Specifically, we answer the following questions: First, does higher leverage result in greater employee compensation? Second, are the additional labor costs associated with higher leverage large enough to offset the incremental tax benefits of debt? We conduct our empirical analysis using two measures of employee compensation: the magnitude of CEO compensation and average employee pay. We find that the effect of leverage on the magnitude of CEO compensation is economically and statistically significant. For the whole sample, leverage has a positive effect on cash, equitybased, and total compensation of CEOs in our multivariate regressions. To establish causality, we also study the relation between the compensation of newly appointed CEOs who are hired from outside and firm leverage in the year before their appointment. We find that leverage has a significant effect on the magnitude of the compensation of a new CEO. An increase of one standard deviation in leverage corresponds to a 19% increase in the total compensation of a new CEO. In both OLS and instrumental variable regressions, we find that leverage also influences average employee pay positively and significantly. Further, we show that, for a firm with the median level of leverage, the incremental tax benefits arising from increased leverage are offset by the additional labor costs associated with such an increase. The effect of leverage on average employee pay is positive and significant for financially safe firms, but the impact is insignificant for financially distressed firms. We also find that, while leverage has a positive and significant influence on CEOs' cash, equity-based, and total compensation in nontechnology firms, it does not have a significant influence on CEOs' total or equity-based compensation in technology firms. The effect of the leverage ratio on average employee pay is also greater in nontechnology firms than in technology firms. Because employees in nontechnology firms can be viewed as more entrenched (in the sense of BSZ (2010)), this provides additional support for the Titman-BSZ prediction. Our instrumental variable analysis to control for the endogeneity of leverage has some limitations. In particular, one potential criticism of the instrument we use, namely, the marginal tax rate, is that the independent variation in this variable can arise only from past losses and relatively recent investments with investment tax credits, both of which could independently influence wages. However, even though the marginal tax rate could be an imperfect instrument, it allows us to address the endogeneity of leverage to a significant degree, in the absence of a natural experiment that could have allowed us to account for the potential endogeneity of leverage unambiguously. Author's personal copy 500 T.J. Chemmanur et al. / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 478–502 Table 12 Comparison of average employee pay in technology and nontechnology firms: univariate tests. This table summarizes and compares average employee pay and financial characteristics in technology and nontechnology firms. Technology firms are defined as companies with primary SIC designations of 3570, 3571, 3572, 3576, 3577, 3661, 3674, 4812, 4813, 5045, 5961, 7370, 7371, 7372, and 7373. Nontechnology firms are firms with SIC codes less than 4000 not otherwise categorized as technology firms. Average employee pay is computed as labor expenses (data item 42) divided by the number of employees (data item 29). Market leverage, alternative market leverage, and alternative book leverage are defined the same as in Table 1. Market capitalization is the stock price multiplied by the number of shares outstanding as of the fiscal year end. Average sales per employee is the amount of total sales (data item 12) divided by the number of employees (data item 29). Market-to-book ratio is the market capitalization divided by the book value of equity. Physical capital intensity is computed as gross property, plant, and equipment scaled by total assets. All continuous variables except leverage are winsorized at the 1st and 99th percentiles. All dollar amounts are adjusted to 1992 dollars using the consumer price index. Variable Nontechnology firms mean (median) Technology firms mean (median) 2,101 39.20 (40.01) 0.23 (0.19) 0.20 (0.16) 0.33 (0.32) 10,298 (2,631) 235.11 (174.55) 3.17 (2.24) 0.72 (0.67) 298 36.87 (34.56) 0.11 (0.17) 0.09 (0.01) 0.14 (0.03) 2,303 (187) 152.51 (130.40) 3.41 (2.16) 0.34 (0.25) Number of observations Average employee pay (thousands) Market leverage Alternative market leverage Alternative book leverage Market capitalization (millions) Average sales per employee (thousands) Market-to-book ratio Physical capital intensity t-Test t-Stat (p-value) Kruskal-Wallis test chi-square (p-value) 1.55 (0.12) 10.35 ( o 0.0001) 12.96 ( o 0.0001) 14.62 ( o 0.0001) 15.17 ( o 0.0001) 9.72 ( o 0.0001) 0.99 (0.32) 20.16 ( o 0.0001) 8.62 (0.003) 186.79 ( o 0.0001) 210.78 ( o 0.0001) 231.97 ( o 0.0001) 202.47 ( o 0.0001) 60.53 ( o 0.0001) 1.02 (0.31) 306.41 ( o 0.0001) Table 13 Leverage and average employee pay: OLS regressions for technology and nontechnology firms. This table reports estimated coefficients and standard errors obtained from OLS regressions of average employee pay for technology and nontechnology firms. AEP i;t ¼ β0 þ β1 Sizei;t þ β2 Leveragei;t þ β3 AvgSalei;t þ β4 MTBi;t þ β5 PCI i;t þ εi;t : Market leverage, alternative market leverage, and alternative book leverage are defined the same as in Table 1. The numbers in parentheses are the standard errors. The standard errors are robust to heteroskedasticity and are clustered by firm. We use Wald test to examine whether the coefficient on leverage is statistically different across the two groups. nnn And nn indicate significance at the 1% and 5% level, respectively. Variable Market leverage Alternative market leverage Alternative book leverage Log of average employee pay in nontechnology firms (1) Log of average employee pay in technology firms (2) 0.29n (0.18) 0.06 (0.53) – Firm size Average sales per employee Market-to-book ratio Physical capital intensity Year effects Industry effects Intercept Number of observations R-squared Wald test whether the coefficient of leverage is different between technology and nontechnology firms: chi-square (p-value) – 0.23 (0.06) 0.002nn (0.001) 0.06nnn (0.02) 0.03 (0.31) Yes Yes 2.40nn (0.38) 298 0.32 nnn 0.10 (0.02) 0.001nnn (0.0003) 0.005 (0.005) 0.13 (0.13) Yes Yes 1.55nnn (0.12) 2,101 0.45 – – – nnn – nnn Log of average Log of average employee pay in employee pay in technology nontechnology firms (6) firms (5) – 0.08 (0.64) – nnn 0.10 (0.02) 0.001nnn (0.0003) 0.003 (0.005) 0.13 (0.13) Yes Yes 1.59nnn (0.13) 2,101 0.44 – 0.56 (0.20) – nnn Log of average employee pay in technology firms (4) nnn – – Log of average employee pay in nontechnology firms (3) 0.23 (0.06) 0.002nn (0.001) 0.06nnn (0.02) 0.03 (0.30) Yes Yes 1.81nn (0.75) 298 0.32 0.13 (0.48) 0.23nnn (0.06) 0.002nn (0.001) 0.06nnn (0.02) 0.03 (0.31) Yes Yes 1.86nn (0.76) 298 0.32 0.53 (0.17) 0.09nnn (0.02) 0.001nnn (0.0002) 0.007 (0.006) 0.15 (0.13) Yes Yes 1.59nnn (0.11) 2,101 0.45 2.00 3.87 4.07 (0.16) (0.05) (0.04) Author's personal copy T.J. Chemmanur et al. / Journal of Financial Economics 110 (2013) 478–502 501 Table A1 Annual quits rates by industry and year. The quits rate is obtained from the database of Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey (JOLTS) provided by US Bureau of Labor Statistics. The data are available from 2001. The quits rate is the number of quits (voluntary separations) during the entire year as a percent of annual average employment. The industry classification is based on North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). Quits rate Industry 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Mining and logging Construction 21.8 28.7 18.9 27.5 17.1 26.4 19.1 28.1 19.3 32.2 20.6 29.2 Manufacturing Durable goods Nondurable goods 15.3 13.3 18.8 15.0 14.0 16.8 14.5 14.2 14.9 16.3 15.7 17.2 16.6 15.9 17.8 17.7 16.2 20.4 Trade, transportation, and utilities Wholesale trade Retail trade Transportation, warehousing, and utilities 32.9 19.8 40.9 23.8 27.6 17.9 34.4 17.8 25.3 16.6 31.5 16.0 27.8 17.0 35.3 17.1 30.3 17.9 38.3 20.0 31.1 17.9 39.1 22.1 Information 27.9 21.2 18.6 18.3 22.9 26.1 Financial activities Finance and insurance Real estate and rental and leasing 20.7 18.6 26.7 18.1 15.6 25.4 17.6 14.7 26.2 20.0 17.0 28.9 19.2 17.3 24.4 21.2 19.1 27.3 Professional and business services 38.4 37.3 29.2 30.8 33.0 34.1 Education and health services Educational services Health care and social assistance 23 12.9 25 20.3 12.3 21.8 19.6 13.5 20.7 19.8 12.9 21.2 21.3 14.1 22.7 21.3 15.3 22.5 Leisure and hospitality Arts, entertainment, and recreation Accommodation and food services 59.7 39.1 63.4 52.8 38.2 55.3 48.6 31.3 51.7 50.3 29.4 54.0 55.5 34.7 59.1 57.1 32.1 61.4 Other services 27.3 27.2 26.0 30.0 32.2 25.0 Total 31.0 28.0 25.5 27.3 29.6 30.0 Appendix A See Appendix Table A1. 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