Optimal onset of seasonal reproduction in multivoltine organisms: When should overwintering small rodents start breeding? Torbjørn Ergon Abstract Multivoltine organisms that refrain from breeding in certain seasons must make the decision of when to resume reproduction when the environmental conditions improve. Early reproduction (low T ) has the advantage of a longer breeding season and a higher survival to reproduction, but has the cost of a lower reproductive success (Sr = g(T )). I present a theoretical model showing that, at optimal onset of reproduction (T ∗ ), rate of change in reproductive success relative to its current value (g0 (T ∗ )/g(T ∗ )) should equal the difference between population growth in the reproductive season and ln(survival) in the non-reproductive season, r − ln(Sp ). It follows that, if other factors remain unchanged, 1) reproduction should start earlier when r − ln(Sp ) is high, 2) optimal reproductive success (Sr∗ = g(T ∗ )) depends on how, but not when, breeding conditions improve, and 3) a one-week delay in the time that breeding conditions improve will lead to a one-week delay in T ∗ . I further demonstrate how the optimal reaction norms and phenotypic correlations of T ∗ and Sr∗ change when the environmental state variables cannot be perceived without error, and when pre-breeding survival (Sp ) and T are dependent. Data on field voles in northern England show that onset of spring reproduction varies with more than 6 weeks between years and locations, and reproduction starts later when population density in the previous spring was high. Correlations between onset of spring reproduction and population trends, as well as estimates on survival costs of reproduction, suggest that this variation is not due to responses to variable r − ln(Sp ), but rather due to variation in the time that breeding conditions improve. Key-words: life-history evolution, optimality model, onset of spring reproduction, seasonality, small rodent population cycles, imperfect information. Introduction Multivoltine organisms have several generations per year and may breed repeatedly during the reproductive season (Roff 1992). In seasonal environments, however, reproduction typically ceases during seasons when the environmental conditions are less favorable, usually the winter or the dry season. Individuals that endure these seasons face the problem of when to resume breeding when the environment improves (e.g. Fairbairn 1977; Roff 1992). Early reproduction, at a time when there are little resources and the environmental conditions are hostile, may involve reduced fecundity and possibly complete reproductive failure and death of the parent. In univoltine organisms with long development time of the offspring, such as large mammals and birds, a major cost of late reproduction is poor viability of the offspring because they have shorter time to grow or accumulate resources before the unfavorable season (CluttonBrock et al. 1987; Lack 1966). This cost is, however, probably of little importance in multivoltine organisms with fast development time. Instead, multivoltine organisms face costs of late onset of reproduction because fewer generations may complete reproduction before the winter, and because there is a higher chance that the parent will die before reproducing. These costs will depend on the pre-breeding survival rate of the overwintering animals and the population growth rate during the reproductive season, which are highly variable in small rodent populations (e.g. Krebs and Myers 1974; Stenseth 1999). Indeed, small rodents in seasonal environments, and especially in populations with multiannual density fluctuations, show tremendous variation in the time that reproduction is initiated. The start of the breeding season in small rodent populations typically vary over a range of 3—8 weeks between years (e.g. Krebs and Myers 1974; Sharpe and Millar 1991), and individual variation within the same year may be of similar magnitude (Fairbairn 1977; Lambin and Yoccoz 2001; Millar and Innes 1983). The variation in the seasonal patterns of reproduction between different environments or habitats may also be extensive (Bronson 1985; Bronson and Perrigo 1987; Millar 1984; Sharpe and Millar 1991). Since this large variation in onset of spring reproduction may be responsible for a substantial variation in the population growth and the fitness of overwintering individuals (Fairbairn 1977; Lambin and Yoccoz 2001; Oli and Dobson 1999), it should be of great interest to understand the mechanisms responsible. In particular, in order to predict responses to environmental change (e.g. due to climatic change) we must know what environmental cues animals use in their reproductive decisions and how they react to these cues (Le Maho 2002; Stenseth and Mysterud 2002). Using an optimality model I here investigate general mechanisms that may be responsible for the variation in onset of seasonal reproduction in multivoltine organisms. I focus on the tradeoff between high success of the first breeding attempt and early reproduction, but I also investigate how dependencies between pre-breeding survival and onset of reproduction (due to tradeoffs, senescence or seasonal variation in survival) will influence the optimal strategies. In particular, I consider cases where animals use cues that do not carry precise information about the environmental states, and I predict norms of reaction as well as phenotypic variations and correlations when animals respond optimally to imperfect information (cues) about their environment. Finally, I analyze data on onset of spring reproduction and survival in fluctuating populations of field voles (Microtus agrestis, L.) in northern England, and interpret the observed patterns in the light of the model predictions. The Model Let T be the fraction of a year between the end of the breeding season and the onset of reproduction under a given strategy (0 ≤ T ≤ 1). The end of the breeding season is assumed to be independent of the strategy, so that higher T means later onset of reproduction. If there are Nt individuals following a given strategy (value of T ) just after the breeding season in year t, then the number of descendants one year later will be Nt+1 = Nt SpT Sr mmax er(1−T ) (1) where Sp is the pre-breeding survival rate, Sr is the reproductive success defined as the frac- 2 tion of maximum number of offspring plus the parent, mmax , that survive the first breeding attempt, and r is the population growth rate during the rest of the reproductive season. That is, a fraction SpT of the Nt individuals survive until the start of the breeding season, when they each contribute Sr mmax new individuals to the population that will grow at rate r over the breeding season of length 1 − T . Dividing by Nt and taking the logarithm on both sides gives the yearly growth rate, or fitness, W , of the strategy µ ¶ Nt+1 W = ln = T ln(Sp )+ln(Sr )+r(1−T )+C Nt (2) where the constant C = ln(mmax ), and where ln(Sp ) and ln(Sr ) are negative numbers since 0 ≤ Sp ≤ 1 and 0 ≤ Sr ≤ 1. Without constraints, fitness would increase with earlier onset of spring reproduction (lower T ) because both a higher probability of surviving until reproduction (first term of eq. (2)) and, whenever r is positive, because of a longer reproductive season (third term of eq. (2)). However, there is most certainly a trade-off between early reproduction (low T ) and high reproductive success (high Sr ), and possibly also between a low T and high pre-breeding (winter-) survival (Sp ). In the following I will assume that the strategy determining T has zero genetic covariance with life-history traits other than Sr and Sp (i.e., r and the end of the breeding season are independent of the strategy). Trade-off between early reproduction and high reproductive success The trade-off between early reproduction (low T ) and high reproductive success (high Sr ) may be modeled by a function, Sr = g(T ), where 0 ≤ g(T ) ≤ 1 when 0 ≤ T ≤ 1. The values of T that maximize fitness, given this trade-off, are found by substituting Sr = g(T ) in eq. (2) and setting the first derivative to zero, ∂W = ln(Sp ) + h(T ) − r = 0 ∂T (3) where h(T ) = g0 (T )/g(T ). Values of T that satisfy this expression correspond to a peak in fitness whenever the second derivative, ∂ 2 W/∂T 2 = h0 (T ), is negative. In addition, fitness may be maximized on the T = 0 or T = 1 boundaries. Thus, whenever optimal onset of reproduction (T = T ∗ ) is not on the boundaries (i.e., whenever seasonal reproduction is optimal) we have that (4) h(T ∗ ) = r − ln(Sp ) and h0 (T ∗ ) < 0, where h(T ) is the rate of change in Sr relative to its current value, and r −ln(Sp ) is the difference between summer population growth and the logarithm of winter survival (equaling growth rate of a homogeneous population of non-breeding individuals). We thus obtain the following predictions, that apply whenever seasonal reproduction occurs (i.e., T ∗ 6= 0 and T ∗ 6= 1): Prediction 1: Since h0 (T ∗ ) < 0, h(T ) will cross h(T ∗ ) = r − ln(Sp ) from above when T increases. This means that, if the relationship between Sr and T (Sr = g(T )) remains unchanged, optimal onset of reproduction will always occur earlier (lower T ∗ ) when r − ln(Sp ) is higher. An increase in r by one unit has the same effect on T ∗ as a decrease in ln(Sp ) by the same unit. See figure 1A. Prediction 2: If the relationship between reproductive success and time of reproduction, Sr = g1 (T ), changes to g2 (T ) so that g2 (T ) = g1 (T +∆) (i.e., breeding conditions improve earlier or later but change in the same manner over time), then optimal reproductive success will remain unchanged (i.e., Sr∗ = g2 (T2∗ ) = g1 (T1∗ ), where T2∗ = T1∗ − ∆). That is, optimal reproductive success (Sr∗ ) is independent of when Sr improves, although it is dependent on how it improves. See figure 1B. Prediction 3: It follows from Prediction 2 that if the spring phenology, in terms of Sr = g(T ), is precipitated/delayed by ∆ (i.e., g2 (T ) = g1 (T + ∆)) optimal T = T ∗ will be precipitated/delayed by ∆ too (fig. 1B). Thus, there are two main mechanisms for optimal modulation in T ∗ , as illustrated in figure 1: a response to variable r − ln(Sp ) (Prediction 1 ; fig. 1A), and a response to variable g(T ) (Prediction 2 and 3 ; fig. 1B). The above predictions apply for any differentiable function g(T ) as long as 0 < T ∗ < 1. I 3 h(T) and r - ln(Sp ) A B 12 r3 - ln(Sp)3 10 h(T) = g'(T)/g(T) 8 r2 - ln(Sp)2 h3 (T) h2 (T) h1 (T) 6 4 r1 - ln(Sp)1 2 0 1.0 Sr = g(T) S*r,1 0.8 0.6 S*r,2 0.4 0.2 S*r,3 g3 (T) g2 (T) g1 (T) 0.0 T3* T2* T1* T3* T2* T1* T Figure 1: Two main mechanisms for modulation in optimal onset of spring reproduction: A, Higher r − ln Sp (horizontal lines in upper panel) will lead to an earlier optimal onset of reproduction (T ∗ ) and, if Sr = g(T ) is increasing, a lower reproductive success at the optimum (Sr∗ ) (see Prediction 1 ). B, An earlier improvement of breeding conditions (i.e., g2 (T ) = g1 (T + ∆)) will lead to a lower T ∗ (T ∗ reduced by ∆) and Sr∗ will remain unchanged (Prediction 2 and 3 ). At optimum, h(T ) = g0 (T )/g(T ) (top panels) equals r − ln(Sp ) and is decreasing (h0 (T ∗ ) < 0) (see Text). derive more specific predictions in the example in fitness. These forms of g(T ) and h(T ) are below. plotted in figure 2. Example 1: Assume that success of the first When T ∗ 6= 0 and T ∗ 6= 1 the optimal T = T ∗ breeding attempt, Sr = g(T ), increase according is µ ¶ b 1 to a logistic function over time −1 (7) T ∗ = c + ln b r − ln(Sp ) a (5) and reproductive success at optimum, S = S ∗ , Sr = g(T ) = r 1 + e−b(T −c) r is where a is the season-independent component of a(r − ln(Sp )) (8) Sr∗ = a − reproductive success, b is a positive value deterb mining how fast Sr increases and c is the value These expressions are plotted as functions of b in of T where Sr = 0.5a (which is also the infliction figure 3. Note that T ∗ is independent of a, and point). This gives Sr∗ is independent of c when T ∗ is not on any of the boundaries. We may confirm that Prediction b g0 (T ) = (6) 1—3 hold for this special form of g(T ). h(T ) = b(T −c) g(T ) 1+e When r − ln(Sp ) > h(T = 0) then T ∗ = 0 Under this form of g(T ) the second derivative (as is the case for point C1 in fig. 2). This the case when r − ln(Sp ) > b since of fitness, ∂ 2 W/∂T 2 = h0 (T ), is always nega- is always ¢−1 ¡ 6 1. In other words, nontive. Hence, any value of T = T ∗ that satisfy 0 6 1 + e−bc) h(T ∗ ) = r − ln(Sp ) (eq. (4)) represent a peak reproducing animals at T = 0 should not de- 4 1.0 A 20 0.8 h(T) T* 15 B 0.8 C S*r 2 0.6 0.4 1.0 A2 0.2 B2 0.8 Sr = g(T) r - ln(Sp ) = 7 1.0 5 C2 A1 0.6 0.0 c = 0.3 c = 0.7 1 3 5 7 11 19 31 49 79 135 249 b 0.4 0.2 c = 0.3 r - ln(Sp ) = 1 0.0 1 0 c = 0.5 0.4 0.2 10 c = 0.7 0.6 306.2 102.1 43.7 20.4 9.9 5.2 2.8 1.5 0.8 Weeks from Sr = 0.05a to Sr = 0.95a B1 C1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 T Figure 2: Example 1. g(T ) (lower panel; eq. (5)) and h(T ) = g 0 (T )/g(T ) (upper panel; eq. (6)) with three values of b (A,B,C). Thick horizontal lines in upper panel (labeled 1 and 2) show two values of r−ln(Sp ). Labels in lower panel show the optimality points given by h(T ) = r−ln(Sp ) (asterisks in upper panel; see fig. 1). C1 and C2 are on the T = 0 and T = 1 boundaries (see text). Parameter values are: a = 0.9, b = {20, 9, 3}, c = 0.5 and r − ln(Sp ) = {6.5, 0.3}. Figure 3: Example 1. Optimal onset of reproduction, T ∗ (eq. 7), and reproductive success of the first breeding attempt, Sr∗ (eq. 8), plotted as functions of b for three values of c and two values of r − ln(Sp ) (values given in the plot). T ∗ increases to a peak at b = (LambertW(e−1 )+1)−1 (r − ln(Sp )) ≈ 4.59(r − ln(Sp )), indicated by vertical lines, and then declines asymptotically towards c. Sr∗ increases asymptotically towards a (except when T ∗ = 0). Lower x-axis show b at the scale of number of weeks between g(T ) = 0.05a and g(T ) = 0.95a. (late in the year), g(T ) = lay reproduction when population growth rate (r) is high, pre-breeding survival (Sp ) is low and breeding conditions improve slowly (low b). Thus, year-round reproduction should be expected. When r − ln(Sp ) < h(T = 1) then T ∗ = 1 (C2 in fig. 2). This is always the case when r 6 ln(Sp ) (i.e., in years with lower population growth in the summer than in the winter). However, the form of Sr = g(T ) here used may not be realistic for values of T ∗ close to 1, as it is unlikely that g(1) is much higher than g(0). I present a more realistic example below. a (1 + e−b1 (T −c1 ) )(1 + e−b2 (T −c2 ) ) (9) with the corresponding b1 b2 g 0 (T ) = + b (T −c ) b 1 1 g(T ) 1+e 1 + e 2 (T −c2 ) (10) (fig. 4). This function of g(T ) may be interpreted as having three components to expected reproductive success (Sr ): a is the season independent component, (1 + e−b1 (T −c1 ) )−1 determines when and how fast breeding conditions improve in the spring, and (1 + e−b2 (T −c2 ) )−1 determines when and how fast breeding conditions decline in the fall. If b2 has a high negative value and c2 is high, then the last component is Example 2: In the following I will assume a close to 1 except when T is high (close to c2 ) (see function of Sr = g(T ) that declines at high T fig. 4). Thus, when T is small (in the spring), h(T ) = 5 is given by (following the derivation of eq. 4) 50 40 ~(T ∗ ) = r − ln(Sp ) h(T) 30 20 10 0 -10 1.0 g(T) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 T Figure 4: Example 2. Lower panel: g(T ) given by eq. (9). Upper panel: h(T ) = g0 (T )/g(T ), eq. ( 10). The solid lines show h(T ) and g(T ) for a typical year (h0 (T ) = h(T )|c1 =c1 and g0 (T ) = g(T )|c1 =c1 ), while the dotted lines show g(T ) and h(T ) for c1 = c1 ± 2SD(c1 ). The stippled line show the expectation of h(T ), ~(T ), which determine the optimal fixed value of T (see text). The boxed area in the upper panel is plotted in figure 5. Parameter values are realistic for small rodents: a = 0.95, b1 = 51 (increase in Sr = g(T ) from 0.05a to 0.95a over 6 weeks), c1 = 0.41, SD(c1 ) = 0.038 = 14 days, b2 = −18 and c2 = 0.88. this function may be approximated by the one given in Example 1 (eq. (5)). Optimal strategies in stochastic environments (12) where ~(T ) is the expectation Pn of h(T ) = g 0 (T )/g(T ) (i.e., ~(T ) = n1 i=1 hi (T ) when n → ∞), and where r and ln(Sp ) are the expectations of r and ln(Sp ). In addition 1 Pn 0 h (T ) must be negative. i=1 i n If hi (T ) varies between years only in its placement on the T -axis so that all hi (T ) can be written on the form h0 (T + ∆i ) (see fig. 1B), then ~(T ) will have a lower slope than h0 (T ), as illustrated in figure 4. Thus, stochastic variation in h(T ) may contribute to larger variation in T ∗ even if the animals only respond to variation in r − ln(Sp ) and not to variation in h(T ). The animals should initiate reproduction earlier than the mean of T ∗ among years when r − ln(Sp ) is high (where h0 (T ) > ~(T )), and later than mean T ∗ when r − ln(Sp ) is low (see fig. 4). Optimal response to imperfect environmental cues: The optimal responses to environmental cues depend on the reliability (or precision) of the cues. First consider the optimal response to a cue reflecting r−ln(Sp ). In a given (S ) (r) year i, ri = r + δ i and ln(Sp )i = ln(Sp ) + δ i p . Hence, the deviation in r − ln(Sp ) in year i from (S ) (r) the mean value is δ 1,i = δ i − δ i p . The voles cannot, however, measure this deviation without error, but instead perceive the cue δ 1,i +ε1,i . In determining the optimal strategy for onset of reproduction, this cue may be weighted with a constant k1 where 0 6 k1 6 1 (k1 = 0 when no trust in the cues and k1 = 1 when full trust in the cues). Hence, in the presence of such a cue, ∗(k =k∗ ) optimal Ti is the value Ti 1 1 that satisfy ∗(k1 =k1∗ ) ) = r − ln(Sp ) + k1 (δ 1,i + ε1,i ) (13) If Sp , Sr and r vary between years (i’s), then the optimal fixed strategy is given by the value of when k1 takes the value k1∗ yielding values of ∗ ∗ T = T ∗ that maximize mean fitness over many {Ti , Sr,i } = {T ∗(k1 =k1 ) , S ∗(k1 =k1 ) } that maxii r,i (n) years mize fitness over many (n) years (see eq. (2)), ~(Ti ³ ´ n ∗(k =k∗ ) (S ) 1X Ti 1 1 ln(Sp ) + δ i p (T ln(Sp,i ) + ln(Sr,i ) + ri (1 − T ) + C) n n i=1 1 X ∗(k1 =k1∗ ) W = +´ln(S ) ´ ³ r,i n i=1 ³ (11) ∗(k1 =k1∗ ) (r) 1 − Ti +C + r + δi Hence, when the trade-off between T and Sr is (14) given by Sr,i = gi (T ) the optimal fixed strategy W = 6 _ h 0 (T) h (T) 15 ri -ln(Sp) i h(T) 10 __ (k = k* = 0) Ti* 1 1, k2 δ 1,i _ _____ r -ln(Sp) 5 when to initiate reproduction with an error, δ 2,i + ε2,i , and that this cue is independent of the cue of r − ln(Sp ), optimal onset of reproduction is h i(T) __ (k = 1, k2 = 0) Ti* 1 T* (k1 = 0, k 2 = 0) ∗(k2 =0) __ (k = 0, k2 = 1) Ti* 1 __ (k = 0, k2 = k* 2) Ti* 1 T0 | δ 2,0 | δ 2,i | 0 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 T Figure 5: Notation. Ti∗ (k1 ,k2 ) show the expectations of Ti∗ (k1 ,k2 ) under different values of k1 and k2 (here k1∗ = k2∗ = 0.5). The plotted area is marked out in figure 4. Ti∗ = Ti + k2 (δ 2,i + ε2,i ) (16) where the value of k2 is chosen so that fitness ∗(k =0) is the (eq. 14) is maximized. Here, Ti 2 optimal value of Ti when k2 = 0, which is given ∗(k =1) ∗(k =0) by eq. (13), and δ 2,i = Ti 2 −Ti 2 where ∗(k =1) is the optimal value of Ti when the cue Ti 2 is measured without error (Var(ε2 ) = 0), which is the value of Ti satisfying hi (Ti ) = r − ln(Sp ) + k1 (δ 1,i + ε1,i ) (17) (see fig. 5). Simulation results: To find the optimal responses to the environmental cues, and the fitness benefits of these cues, values of k1∗ and k2∗ which is equivalent of maximizing may be found by searching for values that maxà ! ∗ imize fitness in numerical simulations. For sim∗(k =k ) 1 n 1 ) ln(S 1X r,i ³ ´ plicity I first studied the response to cues reflect∗ ∆W = ∗(k =k ) n i=1 −Ti 1 1 r − ln(Sp ) + δ 1,i ing r − ln(Sp ) assuming no response to variation (15) in h(T ) (i.e., k2 = 0), and then the optimal response to variable h(T ) assuming no response to (see fig. 5 for notation). When k1 is high (close to 1) the expectation variation in r − ln(Sp ) (i.e., k1 = 0). I further ∗(k ) of Ti 1 given δ 1,i will be closer to the theoreti- assumed that h(T ) only varies in the parameter cal optimum under perfect information (i.e., the c1 (i.e., its placement on the T -axis). In figure 6, value of Ti∗ satisfying ~(Ti∗ ) = r − ln(Sp ) + δ 1,i ). simulation results are shown for realistic paramHowever, when k1 is high, the random “measure- eter values for small rodent populations where ment error” (ε1,i ) will also have a larger influ- there is low and high variation in r − ln(Sp ), ∗(k ) ence on Ti 1 . Both a too conservative response and where there is low and high variation in c1 . Note that there is a stronger benefit of a flexi(too low k1 ) to reliable cues and a naive response ble response to variation in c1 when r − ln(Sp ) is (too high k1 ) to unreliable cues will reduce fithigh (bottom-right vs. bottom-left panel of fig. ∗ ness. Hence, the optimal k1 , k1 , should be high 6B). This is because Sr , and hence W , is more if reliable cues can be perceived (i.e., if the varisensitive to T in the steeper parts of g(T ). For ance of ε1 is low relative to the variance of δ 1 ), the same reason there is a weaker benefit of a ∗ and k1 should be low if the cues are unreliable flexible response to to variation in c1 when the 1 (high Var(ε1 ) relative to Var(δ 1 )). , is low (illustrated in fig. 7). slope of g(T ), b 1 The animals may also respond to cues reflectOn the other hand, as also illustrated in figure 7, ing h(T ) (e.g. whether breeding conditions imthere is a stronger benefit of a flexible response prove early or late in the spring, see fig. 1B). ) when b1 is low. That to variation in r − ln(S p Assuming that the animals perceive the cue of is, in order to maximize fitness, it is more im1 In some sence, k∗ may be seen as representing an opportant to have information on r − ln(Sp ) when 1 ∗(k ) timal trade-off in the “bias” and variance of Ti 1 given breeding conditions improve slowly. δ 1,i (“bias” relative to the optimal value under perfect information). However, it is fitness (W ) that should be maximized and not prediction error variance of r−ln(Sp ) that should be minimized. Optimal k’s: The optimal weights to the cues of r − ln(Sp ), k1 , found to maximize fitness in 7 A B h(T) 0 Low Var(r - ln(S p)) -10 High Var(r - ln(S p)) High Var(c 1) 20 High Var(c 1) 10 0.05 150 300 450 ∞ 0 0.1 150 0.05 300 450 0 Low Var(r - ln(S p)) -10 0.2 0.4 0.6 High Var(r - ln(S p)) 0.2 0.4 ∞ 0 0.6 0.0 0.4 0.8 0.0 0.4 0.8 Reliability of cue (R²) T C D 15 0.15 10 0.10 5 SD(S r ) SD(T) × 365 Selection time (years from 0.1% to 99.9%) 10 Response to cue of c1 Response to cue of r - ln(Sp) 0.1 Low Var(c1) __ __ W (k=k*) - W(k=0) Low Var(c 1) 20 0 15 0.05 0.0 0.15 10 0.10 5 0.05 0 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.8 0.0 0.4 Reliability of cue (R²) 0.8 0.0 0.4 0.8 0.0 0.4 0.8 Reliability of cue (R²) Figure 6: Simulation results. A. Simulations were repeated for four scenarios: low/high variance of in the time that breeding conditions improve, c1 (top/bottom), and low/high variance in r − ln(Sp ) (left/right). Horizontal error-bars show ±2SD(c1 ), and stippled lines show ±2SD(r − ln(Sp )). h(T ) is given in eq. (10) and figure 4. Parameter values are given below. B. Fitness benefits of flexible strategies (“value of information”; y-axis) depending on reliability of cues (x-axis). Simulations over 10,000 years were repeated with different values of Var(ε1 ) and Var(ε2 ), and the values of k1 = k1∗ and k2 = k2∗ that maximize fitness were found by a numerical search. In simulations with k1 = k1∗ (filled symbols) k2 was fixed to zero, and in simulations with k2 = k2∗ (open symbols) k1 was fixed to zero (see fig. 5). X-axis (Reliability of cue, R2 ) is the proportion of the variance of the cue that is due to respectively Var(c1 ) (open symbols) and Var(r − ln(Sp )) (filled symbols). Left y-axis is the gain in mean fitness from a flexible strategy compared to a fixed strategy. Right y-axis shows the number of years it takes for the proportion of individuals following a flexible strategy to increase from 0.1% to 99.9% of the population (asexual clones and 100% heritability). C. SD(T ) between years in the different simulations expressed in units of days. D. SD(Sr ) between years. Parameter values: Parameter values for g(T ) are the same as in figure 4 except b1 = 30.6 (an increase in Sr from 0.05a to 0.95a over 10 weeks). SD(c1 )low = 3.5 days, SD(c1 )high = 14 days, rlow = 0.72, ln(Sp )low = −3.42, SD(r)low = 1.59, SD(ln(Sp ))low = 0.89, Cor(r, ln(Sp ))low = 0.21, r high = 1.10, ln(Sp )high = −5.04, SD(r)high = 2.91, SD(ln(Sp ))high = 1.71, Cor(r, ln(Sp ))high = 0.21. Values of c1 and {r, ln(Sp )} were drawn from normal/multi-normal distributions. 8 A 70 h(T) 50 30 10 -10 g(T) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6 T __ __ W (k=k*) - W (k=0) 50 0.25 Response to cue of c1 Response to cue of r - ln(Sp) 0.20 0.15 100 0.10 150 0.05 ∞ SD(T) × 365 0.0 Selection time (years from 0.1% to 99.9%) B 25 20 15 10 5 0 SD(Sr ) 0.20 0.15 0.10 0.05 0.0 0.0 0.4 0.8 0.0 0.4 0.8 Reliability of cue (R²) Figure 7: Influence of how fast breeding conditions improve (b1 ) in a stochastic environment. A. Simulations were run with a low value of b1 (left column; b1 = 15.3, an increase in Sr from 0.05a to 0.95a over 20 weeks) and with high b1 (right column; b1 = 76.6, an equivalent increase in Sr over 4 weeks). B. Fitness benefits of a flexible strategy (top), SD(T ) (middle) and SD(Sr ) (bottom) depending on the reliability of the cues. See figure 6 for explanation (note different scales on y-axes). Parameters except b1 have the same values as in figure 6 with high Var(c1 ) and high Var(r − ln(Sp )) (bottom-right panels). the simulations are very close to the theoretical weights that minimize the prediction error variance of r − ln(Sp ). However, as shown in figure 8, the optimal weights to the cues of c1 , k2 , are substantially lower (i.e., more conservative) than the weights minimizing prediction error variance of Ti∗ (see eq. 16). In particular, when search- ing for a bivariate k2 with one value for negative cues (k2− ) and one value for positive cues (k2+ ), it appears that it is optimal to be more conservative in responding to cues about early improvement of breeding conditions than to cues about late improvement of breeding conditions (i.e., k2− < k2+ ). This is because the fitness func- 1.0 9 0.8 + + + 0.6 + + + + - + + - - - 0.4 k2 + - + + + - 0.2 0.0 + +0.0 +- +- +- + ++- - 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Reliability of cue (R²) Figure 8: Optimal values of k2 found in the simulations presented in the right column of figure 7. ‘+’ denote the optimal k2 ’s for positive δ 2,i (see fig. 5) and ‘—’ are the optimal k2 ’s for nagative δ 2,i . Solid line is the theoretical weights that minimize the prediction error variance of Ti∗ (eq. 16): (T ) k2 = (σ2c1 + (δ 0 )2 )/(σ2c1 + σ 2ε2 + (δ 2,0 )2 ), where σ 2c1 is the variance of c1 , σ 2ε2 is the variance of ε2 , and δ 2,0 is given in figure 5. tion (eq. (2)) is not symmetrical around T ∗ : a one week too early onset of reproduction has a higher fitness cost than a one week too late onset. The bivariate k2 were used in the above simulations. Correlations between T ∗ and Sr∗ in stochastic environments: When individuals respond only to variable r − ln(Sp ), the expected relationship between T ∗ and Sr∗ in a stochastic environment will remain positive as long as Sr = g(T ) is an increasing function, although the extent of the variation and correlation of these variables depend on the reliability of the cues as well as the extent of variation in r − ln(Sp ) and g(T ). In contrast, as illustrated in figure 9, if animals respond to cues about the time that breeding conditions improve (c1 ), then a negative association between the expectations of Sr∗ and T ∗ will occur whenever the animals do not have perfect information (i.e., k2∗ < 1). Because there should be less variation in T ∗ when the cues are unreliable (due to lower optimal k2 ), Sr∗ will be higher in years with early improve- ment of breeding conditions (low c1 ) and lower in years with late improvement of breeding conditions (high c2 ) (fig. 9A). However, a negative phenotypic correlation between observed Sr∗ and T ∗ will not be detectable because there will be high random variation in both Sr∗ and T ∗ , especially at intermediate reliabilities of the cue (fig. 9B)2 . On the other hand, if one can measure the time that breeding conditions improve (e.g., by the phenology of the food plants), one should observe a negative relationship between Sr and this measurement (i.e., the “norm of reaction”) when the cues are unreliable. When the cues are reliable, there should be a positive association between T and the measurement (fig. 9C ). Dependencies between onset of reproduction and pre-breeding survival There may be a trade-off between prebreeding winter survival (high Sp ) and early reproduction (low T ) if early reproduction is enabled by maintaining a physiological, morphological or behavioral state that is disadvantageous for winter survival (e.g. large body size, Ergon et al. 2003). There may also be a dependency between Sp and T due to senescence: if survival declines with age, then the geometric mean of pre-breeding survival (Sp ) of an overwintering individual will decline with time (T ). Such a dependency between Sp and T may also simply result from seasonal variation in Sp (e.g., survival rates in small rodent populations are often high during winter but drops to lower levels in the spring (Boonstra and Boag 1992; Ergon et al. 2001; Krebs and Boonstra 1978; Rodd and Boonstra 1984)), which will cause the geometric mean of Sp to decrease with higher T ). The effects of any general form of such dependencies are difficult to investigate analytically. In the lack of any known functional relations between Sp and T , I therefor apply a general graphical method (see e.g. Sibly 1991): Fitness 2 It may be shown that if k takes the value that mini2 mize the prediction error variance of Ti∗ (see fig. 8), then the expected phenotypic covariance between T ∗ and Sr∗ should be zero. However, because the optimal value of k2 that maximize fitness is lower than this value (fig. 8), the expected covariance (and slope) is negative (fig. 9A), although the correlation will be very weak (fig. 9B). 10 A ____ Sr y = ln a - Sr ( ) h(T) R2 = 0.1 R2 = 0.5 R2 = 0.9 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 4 2 0 -2 0.35 0.45 0.55 0.35 0.45 0.55 0.35 0.45 0.55 Optimal onset of reproduction (T*) B R2 = 0.1 R2 = 0.5 R2 = 0.9 y* 4 2 0 -2 0.35 0.45 0.55 0.35 0.45 0.55 0.35 0.45 0.55 Optimal onset of reproduction (T*) C R2 = 0.1 0.6 R2 = 0.5 R2 = 0.9 T* 0.5 0.4 0.3 y* 4 2 0 -2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Time that breeding conditions improve (c1) Figure 9: Relationships between optimal onset of reproduction (T ∗ ) and reproductive success (Sr∗ ) when there is stochastic variation in the the time that breeding conditions improve (c1 ). A, h(T ) (upper panels) Sr and the linearizing transformation of Sr = g(T ), y = ln( a−S ) = b1 (T − c1 ) (lower panels). Parallel lines r show the functions for three values of c1 : mean ± 2SD. Horizontal error bars in upper panels show the ∗ expectation of T ∗(k2 =k2 ) ± k2 2SD(ε2 ) (see fig. 5), with the corresponding error bars along the y(T )-lines in the lower panels. Reliability of cues are given above the plots (see fig. 6). Solid line in lower panel connect the expectations of y ∗ and T ∗ . The expected regression line (stippled line) will have a lower slope because there is random variation is not only in the y-direction. B, Phenotypic correlations: values of y ∗ and T ∗ for 100 simulated years (see fig. 6). C, Norms of reaction: T ∗ and y ∗ (y-axes) plotted against the simulated values of c1 . Parameter values as in the lower right panels of figure 6 (assuming no response to variation in r − ln(Sp )). isoclines in the Sp —T -plane may be calculated by viewing eq. (2) as a function of Sp and T . Plotting this function for different values of W produces a “fitness landscape”, onto which hypothetical constraint-curves may be super-imposed (fig. 10). Both a convex and a concave trade-off curve, as well as a constraint curve representing senescence (or seasonal decline in survival), are superimposed on fitness-landscapes under different values of r in figure 10. Clearly, a dependency between Sp and T may greatly modify the optimal onset of seasonal reproduction (T ∗ ) and reproductive success (Sr∗ ), and it may be adaptive 11 B 0.70 C 0.70 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.90 A B 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.7 0.8 r = 0.3 1.00 1.00 r = 0.1 A B 0.80 0.80 0.90 Monthly Sp A 0.80 B C C 0.70 0.70 C 0.3 r=0 1.00 0.90 A 0.80 0.90 1.00 r = -0.2 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 T Figure 10: Fitness isoclines (stippled contours) and optima under different dependencies (solid lines) between pre-breeding survival rate (Sp ) and onset of reproduction (T ). Asterisks show the optima on the given curves representing different constraints: A, senescence (or seasonal decline in survival); B, a convex trade-off; and C, a concave trade-off. Lines with plotted circles for given values of Sp (intervals of 0.015) show the optima when pre-breeding survival (Sp ) and onset of reproduction (T ) are independent. Population rate of increase in the reproductive season (r) varies between panels (increasing by row; values on a monthly scale above plots). Fitness isoclines (plotted at intervals of 0.4) are given by eq. (2) where Sr = g(T ) is given by eq. (9) with the same parameter values as in figure 6. Pre-breeding survival (y-axis) 1/12 and values of r are given on a monthly scale (Sp and r/12). to substantially “trade off” Sp to obtain a low T in response to high population growth. It is also apparent from figure 10 that, when Sp and T are interdependent, T ∗ becomes more sensitive to changes in population growth (r) at intermediate values of r and Sp . With a concave tradeoff curve, the optimal strategy switches abruptly from ‘late’ to ‘early’ as r increases. Senescence will prevent delayed onset of reproduction at low r − ln(Sp ). dent, when there is no response to variation in r−ln(Sp ), and when g(T ) only varies in its placement on the T -axis, figure 1B and Prediction 2 ). Such a negative correlation between Sr∗ and T ∗ will also occur when there is a convex trade-off between Sp and T because the animals should reproduce later than they otherwise would when the environment improves early. When there is a concave trade-off curve, Sr∗ may increase when T ∗ is high (fig. 11). A dependency between Sp and T will also modify the expected relation between T ∗ and Summary of model results Sr∗ (fig. 11). Senescence will force the animals When considering a trade-off only between to reproduce earlier than they otherwise would when breeding conditions improve late, causing early reproduction (low T ) and high reproduca lower Sr∗ when T ∗ is high (recall that Sr∗ should tive success of the first breeding attempt (high remain constant when Sp and T are indepen- Sr ), it is optimal to commence reproduction 12 A A 0.85 0.85 A B 0.70 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.6 4: c1 = 0.49 1.00 3: c1 = 0.45 A 0.85 A 0.85 B C 0.70 C 1.00 Monthly Sp 2: c1 = 0.37 1.00 1.00 1: c1 = 0.33 B 0.70 C 0.70 C B 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.4 0.5 0.6 T 0.95 B 0.90 B1 B2 B3 C3 C4 B4 A2 0.80 Sr* 0.85 C2 C1 A1 0.75 A3 0.70 A4 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 T* Figure 11: Effects of variation in the time that breeding conditions improve (c1 ) on {T ∗ , Sr∗ } under different dependencies (constraints) between pre-breeding survival (Sp ) and onset of reproduction (T ). A, Constraints and fitness isoclines (see fig. 10) plotted for four values of c1 (1—4 by rows): 0.41 ± 28/365 (panel 1 and 4) and 0.41 ±14/365 (panel 2 and 3). Other parameter values are the same as in the lower-left panel of figure 10. B, Sr∗ and T ∗ at the optimality points (asterisks in the upper panels). Letters A—C denote type of constraint (see fig. 10), and numbers represent values of c1 (panel 1—4). Interpretation: At lines with plotted circles in the upper panels (showing optima when Sp and T are independent), Sr∗ for a given value of Sp (y-axis) is independent of c1 (i.e, the same across panels; see Prediction 2 and fig. 1B). Hence, Sr will decline towards the left (lower T ) and increase towards the right, but remain the same on the dotted line for a given Sp in all panels. Because the optima on constraint-curve A (senescence) and B (convex trade-off) will move towards the left relative to a fixed point on the dotted line when c1 increases, Sr∗ declines when c1 increases, and a negative correlation between Sr∗ and T ∗ will result. This effect is strongest for curve A because the fitness-isoclines are steeper to the left of the dotted line. In contrast, under a concave trade-off curve (C) Sr∗ may increase when T ∗ increases. 13 when the rate of change in expected reproductive success (Sr = g(T )) relative to its current value (h(T ) = g 0 (T )/g(T )) is declining and equals the difference between population growth rate in the reproductive season and the logarithm of survival in the non-reproductive season (r − ln(Sp )). Thus, there are two main mechanisms for variation in T : responses to variation in population growth rate and pre-breeding survival (variable r − ln(Sp ); fig. 1A) and responses to variation in the time that breeding conditions improve (variable g(T ); fig. 1B). In the first case, reproduction should start earlier in populations (or species) where population growth is high during the reproductive season (high r) compared to the non-reproductive season (low ln(Sp )), whereas in populations with more stable seasonal dynamics, reproduction should start later. Likewise, in multi-annually fluctuating populations, breeding should start earlier in years with high r − ln(Sp ) if phenotypic responses to cues about the future population development (r) and/or survival chances (Sp ) have been evolved. If animals had perfect information about the time that breeding conditions improve (c1 in eq. (9)), then a one week delay in improvement of breeding conditions should cause a one week delay in the optimal time to start breeding (T ∗ ), and reproductive success (Sr∗ ) should remain constant (given no response to variation in r − ln(Sp )). However, because it is optimal to be conservative in responding to cues that are unreliable, there should be less variation in T ∗ in a stochastic environment and Sr∗ should tend to be higher in years when breeding conditions improve early than when the environment improves late. A negative relationship between observed Sr∗ and T ∗ will, however, not be detectable unless one has independent information about the time that breeding conditions improve (fig. 9). In stochastic environments, there will be a larger benefit of responding to variation in r − ln(Sp ) when Sr improves slowly over the spring, and there will be a larger benefit of responding to variation in the time that breeding conditions improve when Sr improves fast and when r − ln(Sp ) is generally high (fig. 6 and 7). Optimal T and Sr may be greatly altered if pre-breeding survival (Sp ) and the time of onset of reproduction (T ) are not independent, either due to a trade-off between high Sp and low T or due to senescence (lower Sp when T is high) (fig. 10). In the case of a convex trade-off, and in particular senescence, one should expect a negative correlation between Sr∗ and T ∗ when there is variation in the time that breeding conditions improve (fig. 11). A case study on Microtus agrestis I now assess the general mechanisms for variation in onset of spring reproduction, as illustrated by the model, within a population of field voles (Microtus agrestis, L.) in Kielder forests on the border between England and Scotland. In this region, which is largely covered by spruce plantations, field voles are confined to distinct grassland clear-cuts surrounded by dense tree stands that lack ground vegetation and are hence uninhabitable for voles. The subpopulations of voles inhabiting these clear-cuts fluctuate asynchronously (Lambin et al. 1998; MacKinnon et al. 2001), enabling replicated short-term studies of density dependence and between-year fluctuations in life-history traits. Studies of wintering voles and onset of spring reproduction are also made easy by the fact that there is no permanent snow cover during winter. For details on the study system see Lambin et al. (2000). Correlations with population density and growth Data on proportions of overwintering female voles that were lactating (nursing young) at different times during the spring were obtained at 18 different sites over 1 to 5 years at each site. These data represent a wide range of population densities and growth rates (fig. 12). In figure 13, estimates of the dates that 50% of overwintered females were postpartum (lactating) in the spring are plotted against population density estimates at different lags as well as population growth rates. Although there may be substantial variation in onset of spring reproduction between study sites, there is also large variation in this trait between years within sites (e.g. site D, E and I). It appears that onset of spring reproduction is more strongly related to densities in the past, especially in the previous 14 200 Q P P Q M L N K O C M M L N E O E 0 K C S F 1995 N L M C N L O Q P E M N P Q M L L C H N F K O I E O K S 1996 C E K K H O G F C I F S F 1997 D E E F G H FJI G H C A B A S F 1998 F Q E J A H E I F G C D H B A R R D B E Q I Q R D C A G H FJ E M J B A F G H I D C S F 1999 S May 01 Apr 15 300 B I G E 100 Density (voles/ha) I B D J Date when 50% are postpartum J C Apr 01 400 G F 2000 Year / Season 0 100 200 300 400 Density previous autumn (voles/ha) Figure 12: Density trajectories at the study sites (A—R). ‘S’ is spring (March/April) and ‘F’ is fall (September/October). Shaded regions show the main reproductive season. Methods: Density estimates in 1995 and at the sites A—D, Q and R in year 2000 were obtained from calibrated ’vole sign indices’ (Lambin et al. 2000). All other density estimates were obtained from closed capturemark-recapture models (for description see (Ergon et al. 2001) (sites A—D and R), (Graham and Lambin 2002) (site E—J), and (MacKinnon 1998) (sites C and K—Q). spring (fig. 13A), than densities at present (fig. 13C ): breeding starts early in years when densities in the previous year are low. Reproduction does not, however start early in the spring after population declines in the previous reproductive season (fig. 14). Hence, onset of spring reproduction is more strongly correlated with population densities in the previous spring than in the previous fall (fig. 13A vs. B). Onset of spring reproduction does not seem to occur earlier when population growth during the preceding winter (fig. 13E ) is low or when population growth during the following summer (fig. 13G) is high, as should be expected if the variation in onset of spring reproduction is caused by an optimal response to variable winter survival and/or population growth, r − ln(Sp ) (see Prediction 1 and fig. 1A above). Although populations that initiate breeding early have a higher growth rate over the following spring (fig. 13F ), there does not appear to be any association between onset of spring reproduction and popula- Figure 14: Onset of spring reproduction (y-axis) plotted against density in the previous fall (x-axis). Size and filling of symbols denote population growth rate during the previous reproductive season: filled circles are declining populations while open circles are increasing populations, and the size (area) of the symbols are proportional to the absolute value of the growth rate. See figure 13 for details. tion growth rate over the entire breeding season (fig. 13G). Survival costs of reproduction I investigated the model predictions with respect to relationships between reproductive success of the first breeding attempt (Sr∗ ) and the time of reproductive commencement (T ∗ ; see Summary of model results) by estimating survival probabilities from capture-recapture data of reproducing and pre-reproducing overwintered females at four of the sampling sites (sites A—D in 1999, fig. 13; see Appendix A for a description of the analysis). Although litter size may also vary, survival during the breeding attempt is probably a major source to variation in reproductive success of voles in the spring (see Fairbairn 1977; Lambin and Yoccoz 2001). As seen in figure 15A, survival was lowest at the sites where breeding commenced the latest, and pregnant/postpartum females had lower apparent survival than pre-breeding females. There was no strong support for a gen- 15 B May 15 A I4 A4 G5 P2 C4 Q2 corr = 0.30 [-0.03,0.56] Apr 15 J4 R5 H3 H5 L1 L2 150 200 100 May 15 E5 I4 E4 A4 J5P2 C4 Q2 J4 D4 Apr 15 L1 M1 C2 N2 G4 L2 D5 M2 B4 I5 F5 R5 K2 H5 H3 G5 C4 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 r prev. summer 0.2 C2 J5G5 E5 I4 A4 P2 Q2 J4 E4 300 400 E5 A4 50 L1 M1 M2N2 I5 G4 F5 H3C2 H5 L2 E3 F3 -0.2 -0.1 0.0 r prev. winter K2 D5 I3 0.1 D5 E3 100 150 Present density G corr = 0.00 [-0.32,0.31] N1 E5 I4 E4 G5O1 J5P2 C4 Q2 J4 D4L1 N1 I4 E4 J5 P2 G5 O1 C4 Q2 L1 J4 D4 M1 G3N2 M2 B4 G4 I5 F5 H3 H5 K2 L2 G3 B4 0.3 -0.3 O1 N2 I5 G4 H3 F5 H5 L2 corr = -0.38 [-0.62,-0.08] N1 J4 L1 F3 I3 J3 200 E4 P2 Q2 G3M2 K2 F D4 G3 D4 M1B4 I5 I4 G5 O1 J5 C4 E3 corr = -0.25 [-0.55,0.09] I3 E3 F3 Mar 15 F5 E N1 A4 G5 Density previous autumn corr = -0.26 [-0.51,0.06] O1 E5N1 C4J5 J4 D4 Density previous spring D corr = -0.01 [-0.33,0.29] I4 G3 B4 M2N2 G4 C2 R5 H3 H5 K2 L2 D5 I3 F3 G4 I5 F5C2 100 E4 P2 Q2 A4 L1 M1 D4 E3 50 E5 N1 O1 D5 I3 F3 Mar 15 E5 N1 E4 O1 J5 M1N2 G3 M2B4 K2 Date when 50% are postpartum C corr = 0.57 [0.31,0.73] C2 I5 A4 N2 G3 M2 M1 F5 H3 H5 L2 B4 G4 K2 C2 D5 F3 I3 E3 J3 -0.4 0.0 0.2 F3 E3 0.4 r next spring 0.6 0.8 -0.1 0.0 I3 J3 0.1 0.2 0.3 r next summer Figure 13: Estimated dates (±SE) of when 50% of overwintering female field voles in Kielder forest have given birth for the first time in the spring (y-axis) plotted against delayed and present population densities (top panels) and population growth rates in different seasons (bottom panels). Panels (x-axes) represent: A, Population density (voles/ha) in the previous spring (March/April); B, Density in the previous fall (September/October); C, Density in the present spring; D, Monthly population growth rate over the previous summer (March/April to September/October); E, Growth rate over the preceding winter (September/October to March/April); F, Growth rate over the following spring (March/April to June); G, Growth rate over the following breeding season (March/April to September/October). Values above the plots are Pearson correlation coefficients (95% bootstrap confidence limits in brackets; 10,000 resamples). Plotted labels represent site (A—R) and year (1=1996 to 5=2000) (see fig. 12). Error bars show standard errors (smaller than the symbol when not visible). Methods: Dates that 50% of the overwintering females were post-partum were estimated by logistic regression models of proportion lactating on sampling date (estimate = −intercept/slope; see Ergon et al. (2001)). All data were obtained at one to five sampling occasions between 15 February and 1 June. Because some of the sites×year’s were sampled at only one or a few sampling occasions, it was only possible to fit an additive model (i.e., it is assumed that the slope in the regression is the same at all sites). The slope on a logit-scale was estimated to 0.154 day−1 (SE = 0.0111), which is equivalent to an increase in the proportion lactating from 5% to 95% over 38 days (95% c.i.: [33,45] days). Standard errors (plotted error bars) were obtained by bootstrapping with 2000 resamplings of individuals (i.e., not observations; some individuals were captured at more than one occasion but could not make the transition to postpartum more than once). Note that the fall censuses may sometimes have been undertaken before the end of the breeding season, and the spring censuses may have been undertaken after the start of the breeding season. Thus, estimates may not be accurate (particularly estimates of population growth in the winter, panel E). Density estimates were also obtained at a local scale (that may not be representative for the larger scale), and there may be substantial error in the estimates obtained by ‘vole sign indices’. See figure 12 for methods of density estimation. 16 A 14 days survival 0.9 Model: Φ (state + site), BI BP DI DP B ∆ AICc = 0.58 CI CP 0.7 Model: Φ (state × site), ∆ AIC c = 4.11 BI BP AI DI DP AI CI CP AP 0.5 AP 0.3 13 Apr 20 Apr 28 Apr 1 May 13 Apr 20 Apr 28 Apr 1 May Date when 50% are postpartum Figure 15: Survival of immature (subscript ‘I’) and pregnant/postpartum (subscript ‘P’) females at four study sites (A—D) plotted against estimated dates when 50% of the females at the sites are postpartum. Error bars show 95% confidence intervals. A, Estimates from a model with additive effects of reproductive state and sampling site on survival. B, Estimates from a less constrained model where the state effect is allowed to vary freely between sites. See Appendix A for details. eral trend in the survival cost of reproduction (i.e., in the difference between survival of pregnant/postpartum and immature females). However, reproducing females at the site with the latest onset of reproduction (site A) had particularly low survival (fig. 15B). It is possible that the poor survival of reproducing females at site A, which was a typical ‘decline site’ (see Discussion), was a result of females being forced to reproduce while the environment was still unfavorable due to dependencies between Sp and T (e.g. senescence, fig. 11). In summary, neither the correlations between observed onset of spring reproduction and population growth (fig. 13) nor the differences in survival of reproducing and pre-reproducing females (fig. 15) suggest that these voles adjust onset of spring reproduction according to cues about their survival chances or the future population growth (Prediction 1 and fig. 1A). It is therefore more likely that the about 7 weeks range in variation in onset of spring reproduction is caused by variation in the time that breeding conditions improve in the spring (Prediction 3 and fig. 1B), which appears to be delayed density dependent (fig. 13A and 14). Discussion The optimal time to start seasonal reproduction depends on the condition, or state, of the individuals and their surrounding environment at present and in the near future (McNamara and Houston 1996). To make “decisions”3 over whether to initiate or postpone reproduction, animals must rely on cues carrying information about such state variables as body condition, food resources and social factors in the present environment as well as in the anticipated environment at later life-history stages of their offspring and themselves. From a physiological point of view, many responses to such cues are well known. For example, time of the year (date) at a given latitude may be accurately determined by the rate of change in day length (photoperiod). Animals perceive this cue (change in photoperiod) through the pineal gland in the brain which produces melatonin, a hormone that affects a wide range of physiological processes including reproductive function (Mustonen et al. 2002; Tamarkin et al. 1985). Another hormone also influencing reproductive function is leptin, 3 “Decisions” here means evolved physiological responses to some stimuli, and do not necessarily involve any cognitive acts. 17 which is produced by fat cells and thus monitor the level of stored energy reserves in the body (Massimiliano et al. 2001). Other hormones act as intermediaries in the link from social stimuli (e.g. pheromones) and predator scents to the regulation of behavior, energy acquisitioning, metabolism and reproduction (Bronson and Heideman 1994). Reproduction may also be stimulated by nutrients and other food constituents. One such food constituent that stimulates reproduction in many grass-eating microtines is the secondary plant compound 6-MBOA, which is present in sprouting grass (see below ). All these physiological responses may interact in intricate ways to determine the onset of seasonal reproduction in animals (reviewed in Bronson and Heideman 1994; Bronson and Perrigo 1987). For example, ingestion of 6-MBOA accelerates puberty of juvenile mountain voles (Microtus montanus) only under long photoperiod, whereas adult males use photoperiod alone as their primary cue of when to become reproductively active (Gower and Berger 1990). Any reproductive development in females is often hindered if the animals are in poor nutritional condition (Bronson 1998). Optimality models investigate the selective forces guiding the evolution of life-history traits under given constraints, and predict the optimal trait values at different environmental states and conditions of the individuals. Such simplifying models may be used to understand geographical variation and differences in life-history traits between species, or to understand optimal responses to environmental variation by the same genotype (i.e., the ‘norms of reaction’ describing phenotypically plastic traits as a function of the environmental state variables (Roff 2002)). Adaptive differences in fixed trait values between populations and species in different environments may evolve without any physiological “perception” of the differences in the environments. In contrast, if individuals are to adjust their life-history strategies according to temporal variation in the surrounding environment they must react to some cues reflecting the state of the environment. In such cases, the optimal norms of reaction (and the expected variation and co-variation of phenotypic traits) depends on the degree these cues reflect the true state of the environment (i.e., the reliability, or the precision, of the cues). Precision of cues and optimal life-history traits Most theoretical models on optimal lifehistory strategies or behavior in variable environments assume one of two extremes: At one extreme, it is assumed that the animals have perfect information about changes in their environment, and optimal reaction norms are derived (e.g., McNamara and Houston 1996; Roff 2002). At the other extreme, it is assumed that animals have no information about the environment and one studies how environmental stochasticity affect the optimal fixed strategies (e.g., risk aversion and bet hedging (Roff 2002; Yoshimura and Clark 1991)). Nevertheless, in many situations animals have probably evolved responses to information (cues) that do not precisely reflect the state of the environment (e.g., ‘rules of thumb’ (Stephens and Krebs 1986)). Some environmental states like energy availability and time of season can probably be measured quite precisely through environmental cues (e.g. photoperiod). However, cues reflecting other environmental states such as reproductive prospects for offspring and future descendants (i.e., population growth) are probably rather unreliable and perhaps not even attainable. There are some notable theoretical works on the influence of imperfect information on optimal foraging behavior, balancing the fitness gains and costs of energy intake and predation risk (Abrams 1994; Abrams 1995; Bouskila and Blumstein 1992; Bouskila et al. 1995; Stephens and Krebs 1986). These authors consider discrete patches of various qualities with respect to predation risk and energy availability, and ask the question of where it is optimal to be foraging. Specifically, they investigate optimal foraging strategies when obtaining information has a cost: due to these costs animals should be tolerant towards imperfect information (cues) as long as the cues are not too unreliable (i.e., within a ‘tolerance zone’), and it is discussed whether animals should overestimate or underestimate the risk of predation. However, none of these studies focus on deducing the norms of reaction and phenotypic variation and co-variation that should 18 be observed under different reliabilities of environmental cues. In this paper I have considered continuous environmental state variables that the animals can “measure” (through cues) with varying degrees of precision. When cues are not precise, it is optimal to alter the trait-values to some extent, but not fully, in the direction suggested by the cues (see fig. 8 and 9). Hence, the optimal responses of phenotypic traits to environmental change (norms of reaction) are not just functions of the environmental states, but also of the precision of which these states can be measured. The precisions of the cues will not only influence the optimal reaction norms (and the expected phenotypic variations and co-variations), but this will also greatly influence the strength of selection on the reaction norms (see fig. 6 and 7). Hence, the precisions of the cues used by the animals are important for both long term (genetic selection) and short term (phenotypic) responses to changes in the environment. Understanding what cues animals use in their reproductive decisions and how they respond to these cues are particularly important when seeking to predict effects of environmental change outside the range of the available data, such as effects of climatic change (Krebs 2002; Le Maho 2002; Stenseth and Mysterud 2002). It is especially important to understand the phenotypic responses to environmental change when the environment changes rapidly (e.g. due to anthropogenic influence) because the norms of reaction that have evolved under one set of environmental conditions may become severely maladaptive even when there is a rather small change in how the environmental state variables vary and covary (Stenseth and Mysterud 2002). This is due to the fact that animals have evolved reproductive responses to latent variables (e.g. photoperiod) that co-varies with some important environmental state variable (e.g. food availability) because such cues are more precise than more direct cues and because they allow the animals to prepare in advance of anticipated changes in for example food availability. For example, if the seasonal peak in food availability changes, but the animals time their reproduction according to day-length, then there will be a ‘mismatch’ between the reproductive strategies and food availability, possibly causing severe popula- tion declines (see specific examples in Stenseth and Mysterud 2002). In order to predict the evolutionary change in the reaction norms, one must also know the response to selection (determined by genetic variability and constraints as well as heritabilities of the traits) in addition to the strengths of selection on the traits (Roff 2002). My modeling, investigating optimal onset of seasonal reproduction, illustrate the importance of the precision of the cues used. When the variation in the time that breeding conditions improve can be measured without error, and when the major dependency between life-history traits is the trade-off between early reproduction and high success of first reproduction, then the expected success of first reproduction should be constant and the time of reproduction should track the variation (one-to-one) in the time that breeding conditions improve (see fig. 1). However, if the animals cannot measure precisely the time that breeding conditions improve, then there will be (if the animals behave optimally) less variation in the initiation of reproduction and the expected reproductive success should be higher the earlier the animals choose to initiate reproduction (although a negative correlation will not be detectable in the case of my specific model; see fig. 9). I found that onset of spring reproduction in field voles in the Kielder forest differed by more than six weeks between years and locations. Such large variation in this trait seems to be commonplace in small rodent populations (see introduction). I did not find any correlations between onset of reproduction and population growth rates during summer and winter in the direction predicted by the model, indicating that the variation in reproductive decisions are not mainly determined by responses to variation in pre-breeding survival or future population growth. One may also rule out differences in the population structure (with respect to e.g. genotypes, age, or maternal effects) to be cause of the variation because a large transplant experiment in this study system showed that life-history trait values (including onset of reproduction) converged to the values prevailing at the target sites when voles were moved between sites during mid-winter (Ergon et al. 2001). Thus, the large variation in onset of 19 spring reproduction is probably mainly pertaining to a response to variation in the time that breeding conditions improve. The large variation observed also indicates that voles must be able to detect this time rather precisely. This may indicate that field voles (and their specialist predators) are robust against climate related changes in the spring phenology (time that breeding conditions improve). However, in general, to predict the effects of persistent environmental change one must consider how the accuracies as well as the precisions of the environmental cues are affected by the environmental change. For example, warmer winters could hypothetically cause certain plant compounds to increase above a threshold level that would induce the animals to initiate reproduction at a time when food was not sufficiently abundant. Detailed knowledge at the physiological level is clearly desirable (see Le Maho 2002). Determinants of onset of reproduction in small rodents Although the density-dependent pattern in the commencement of the breeding season in small rodent populations is generally not well described, the general pattern reported in the literature is that breeding starts earlier in the ‘increase’ and ‘peak’ phases than in the ‘decline phase’ of the population fluctuations (Krebs and Myers 1974). The observations presented in this paper are in agreement with this pattern: field voles initiated reproduction early when densities in the previous year were low but increasing. My data further indicate that variation in onset of spring reproduction was mainly pertaining to variation in the time that breeding conditions improved (see above). Early reproduction is likely to be constrained by the limited supply of energy and nutrients in the food plants during winter/early spring (Bronson 1989; Bronson and Heideman 1994; McNab 1986). Indeed, several food supplement field experiments have succeeded in advancing the onset of the breeding season (reviewed in Boutin 1990). For example, Schweiger and Boutin (1995) found that Clethrionomys rutilus initiated reproduction about 3 weeks earlier, compared to controls, when provided unlimited sunflower seeds throughout the winter. In observational studies, large variation in onset of spring reproduction of Microtus montanus has been linked directly to the phenology of the food plants, which varies between years due to variations in the time of snow melt-off (Negus et al. 1977). It has long been known that small amounts of sprouting green plant tissue can trigger a fast reproductive response in some microtine species (Negus et al. 1977), and that the active agent is a secondary plant compound called 6-Methoxybenzoxazolinone (6MBOA) (Berger et al. 1981; Sanders et al. 1981). This compound, which has no nutritional value, is thought to be abundant in all growing grasses (Moffatt et al. 1991; Nelson 1991) and thus serve as a general cue that enables grass eating herbivores to initiate reproduction at the early stages of the plant growth season (Negus and Berger 1998). In an early field experiment on Microtus montanus, Negus and Berger (Negus and Berger 1977) placed sprouted wheat in the voles’ runways and were able to precipitate onset of spring reproduction by six weeks compared to animals in the control grids that did not initiate reproduction until the appearance of new rhizome shoots of the common food plants. Korn and Taitt (1987) later replicated this experiment on Microtus townsendii and found that supplements of oats coated with 6-MBOA precipitated reproduction by four weeks compared to control sites where oats coated with the solvent only were provided. The above suggest that grazing induced delays in the time that plant growth is initiated in the spring may be responsible for the delayed density dependent onset of spring reproduction found in my study system. Although no links between population density, phenology of the food plants and onset of spring reproduction of small rodents have been demonstrated, such mechanisms are certainly possible. Perennial grasses, sedges and rushes store energy in underground root stems (rhizomes) that is used to produce new shoots (tillers) after grazing or at the start of a new growth season in the spring (Archer and Tieszen 1983; Jónsdóttir 1991). When the plants are repeatedly grazed during the growth season of the grasses (mainly spring and early summer) these energy reserves may become depleted, possibly reducing tiller survival and delaying germination in the follow- 20 ing year (Archer and Tieszen 1983; Engel et al. 1998; Jónsdóttir 1991; Richards 1984). Grazing during a critical period when the plants are cold hardening in the fall may also severely reduce survival of overwintering tillers (Harrison and Romo 1994; Lawrence and Ashford 1969; Sheaffer et al. 1992). Bergeron and Jodin (1993) investigated the influence of intense grazing during one summer on the green biomass in the following fall and spring by manipulating high densities of Microtus pennsylvanicus in some enclosures and excluding voles from control enclosures. They found that the grazed plots had 15% less green biomass in the fall and 52% less green biomass early in the growing season the following spring, even though voles were absent from the enclosures during winter. Of course, other environmental state variables may also contribute to the delayed density dependence in onset of spring reproduction. For example, increased predator densities (perceived by odors) generally reduce foraging activity of the prey (Lima 1998). Many studies have shown such responses in small rodents (Carlsen 1999; Desy and Batzli 1989; Koskela and Ylönen 1995; Perrot-Sinal et al. 2000; Ylönen 1994). Although it is questionable whether this can impair reproduction in the summer (Kokko and Ranta 1996; Lambin et al. 1995; Mappes et al. 1998), predation risk may have a larger influence on the optimal reproductive decisions in early spring when energy constraints are severe, there is little cover in the vegetation (in snow free areas) and when animals that delay reproduction have a high residual reproductive value (Ergon et al. 2003). If diseases were important sources of the between site/year variation in onset of reproduction (e.g. Feore et al. 1997), one should probably see larger individual heterogeneity within sites than what is observed. Responses to survival prospects and future population growth As illustrated by my model, it is optimal to commence reproduction earlier in the spring, and hence obtain a lower expected reproductive success, when pre-breeding survival is lower and when population growth in the following reproductive season is higher. However, neither the correlations between observed onset of reproduc- tion and population growth rates (see fig. 13) nor the estimated differences in survival costs of reproduction (see fig. 15) indicated that the voles adjust their reproductive strategies according to information (cues) about variation in survival prospects or population growth. Previous attempts to find optimal life-history responses to population development in other systems have also been unsuccessful: Studies on a cyclically fluctuating population of Soay sheep at the St. Kilda archipelago west of Scotland, have revealed that the ewes invest more in reproduction in years of population crashes than they optimally should if they had perfect information, and that this contributes to the severity of the declines occurring at 3-4 year intervals (Clutton-Brock et al. 1996; Marrow et al. 1996). Assuming that the ewes have no information about the population development, their reproductive decisions are close to the predicted optimal (Marrow et al. 1996). One reason for the lack of flexibility in reproductive decisions may be that Soay sheep are a primitive breed of domestic sheep, and that they have not yet had time to adapt to the environment they inhabit (Marrow et al. 1996). Considering the complexity in the sources to variation in population growth (Clutton-Brock and Coulson 2002; Sibly and Hone 2002), it may also be that it is not even possible for the animals to obtain reliable information about the population development. The population regulation mechanisms may also change over short time-scales due to changes in the environment or due to random switching between different dynamic attractors of the ecosystem (Hanski and Henttonen 1996; McCauley et al. 1999), hindering evolution of responses to cues about the population development. One particular case where cues about survival prospects or population development may be more reliable is when the population dynamic processes are consistently related to habitat quality (e.g., vegetation type or micro-climate). Interestingly, Sharpe and Millar (1991) found that Peromyscus maniculatus initiated spring reproduction earlier in habitats where prebreeding winter survival was lowest, which could indicate that these mice have evolved adaptive responses to habitat related variation in prebreeding survival. However, the observed pattern could also be due to differences in the time 21 that breeding conditions improve. The latter is supported by the observation that females inhabiting the habitats where breeding commenced early had higher, rather than lower, reproductive success (number of weaned offspring) of the first litter compared to females in the habitats where breeding commenced late. This is also consistent with the pattern I have presented in this paper: among the four sites where detailed trapping data were available, reproductive success in terms of survival costs of reproducing was highest at the site where reproduction started the latest (site A; fig. 15). A study on energy expenditure using doubly-labeled water also revealed that voles at this late breeding site expended more energy despite having a smaller body mass, indicating more severe energetic constraints at this site (Ergon et al. 2003). The lower reproductive success in the late breeding habitats observed by Sharpe and Millar (1991), or at the late breeding site presented in this paper, may be because there is large variation in the time that breeding conditions improve and that the voles are conservative in their response to cues reflecting this variation. However, in the case of my specific model, animals must be more conservative than what is optimal to cause a negative correlation between observed onset of reproduction and reproductive success (see fig. 9). Perhaps a more likely reason for the lower reproductive success at the habitats/sites where reproduction commenced late is that there is a dependency between pre-breeding survival and onset of reproduction forcing the animals to reproduce earlier than they otherwise would when breeding conditions improve late (e.g., due to trade-offs or senescence; fig. 11). In conclusion, variation in the time that spring reproduction commence in the populations of field voles studied in this paper seems to be mainly due to variation in the time that breeding conditions improve (in terms of expected reproductive success of the first breeding attempt). I did not find any evidence that the voles adjust their reproductive decision according to future survival prospects or population growth, probably because cues about variation in these environmental state variables are very unreliable. Precision of cues and the consequences of lack of perfect information largely influence the optimal reaction norms, the expected phenotypic correlations and how natural populations and ecosystems respond to environmental change. Nevertheless, this seems to be a rather neglected theme in the theory of life-history evolution and population dynamics. I have presented an example of how reliability (precision) of environmental cues can be incorporated into life-history models by a simple simulation approach, studying the responce to cues about only one state variable at a time. This approach may be expanded to study the optimal responses to a set of dependent cues reflecting several state variables. Detailed studies at the individual level and studies of physiological mechanisms are obviously necessary to fully understand how organisms respond to changes in the environment. However, to link these mechanisms to evolved life-history strategies and population dynamics it is also necessary to consider models of the type presented in this paper. Acknowledgements I thank Rolf Ergon, Xavier Lambin and Nils Chr. Stenseth for fruitful discussions and comments at various stages of writing this paper. I am grateful to James L. MacKinnon and Isla M. Graham for providing some of the data presented in figure 12—14. 22 Literature Cited Abrams, P. A. 1994. Should prey overestimate the risk of predation? The American Naturalist 144:317-328. ––. 1995. Overestimation versus underestimation of predation risk: a reply to Bouskila et al. The American Naturalist 145:1020-1024. Archer, S., and L. Tieszen. 1983. Effects of simulated grazing on foliage and root production and biomass allocation in an arctic sedge (Eriophorum vaginatum). Oecologia 58:92-102. Berger, P. J., N. C. Negus, E. H. Sanders, and P. D. Gardner. 1981. 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Using only overwintered animals, the data contained capture histories of 535 individuals and a total of 1427 captures at the primary trapping sessions (see Ergon et al. 2001 for details). At each capture, the reproductive condition of individually marked animals was recorded. Females were classified as postpartum (‘P’) in the interval they gave birth and in subsequent intervals, and as immature (‘I’) in the preceding intervals. All females that were observed to have given birth during any interval i, had gained > 4 g before this interval. Hence, all captured females that had gained > 4 g since last capture were classified as ’P’ in the following interval and onwards. Survival of ‘I’ and ‘P’ females were estimated with multi-state capture-mark-recapture models (Nichols et al. 1994) using Program MARK (White and Burnham 1999), where survival parameters depend on the state (‘I’ and ‘P’) at the start of the intervals, and where individuals may change state in the end of the intervals. Males (only one state) were included in the analysis, as this will increase precision of the estimates if survival and/or recapture probabilities of the two sexes have any common structure. The parameters describing the probabilities of transition from ‘I’ to ‘P’ (ψ’s) were constrained to be a logistic function of sampling date (T) at the four sites. Both models where the transition probabilities were constrained to have a common slope (ψ(site + T)) as well as models where the slope varied between sites (ψ(site × T)) were considered. All other transition parameters were fixed to zero. Contingency tables in Program RELEASE (Burnham et al. 1987) showed no lack of fit due to transients or trap-response, and the data did not appear overdispersed (grouping by ‘sex × site’, combined test: Chi-sq. = 53.7, df = 45, p = 0.18, (White 2002)). Models fitted to the data without using multi-states (table 1) provides strong evidence for different survival (φ’s) between sites and between sexes. There is also strong evidence for different recapture probabilities (p’s) between the sexes. I therefore used a ‘φ(sex + site);p(sex)’ model as a “base model” to investigate the additive effects of reproductive state on both survival and recapture probabilities (table 2). Among the multi-state models, the best model according to the AICc -criterion is the ’φ(sex + site);p(sex + state);ψ(site + T)’ model, but the model where a ‘state’ effect on survival is added, ’φ(sex + state + site);...’, is only marginally worse in terms of AICc (∆AICc = 0.58, one more parameter). The model with different ‘state’ effects at the four sites, ‘φ((sex + state) × site);...’, had substantially less support, but suggest that postpartum females in the typical decline site, site A (see text), had particularly low survival (odds-ratio for survival of ‘P’ females vs. ‘I’ females in site A is 0.17, 95% c.i.: [0.05, 0.58]). The estimated survival probabilities are plotted in figure 15, and parameter estimates are given in table 3. 27 Table 1: AICc -weightsa of models without multi-states. Rows show candidate models for recapture probability (p), and columns show candidate models for survival (φ). ‘+’ denote additive effects and ‘×’ denote interaction effects. Bottom row and right column show the sums of the weights for each set of models. pÂφ · sex site site×ta sex + site sex + site×t P · < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 sex < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 site < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 site×tb < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 sex + site 0.08 0.46 0.04 0.04 0.13 0.21 0.97 sex + site×t < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 P 0.09 0.47 0.04 0.04 0.14 0.22 1.00 a Approximate probabilities that each model is the Kullback-Liebler—best model in the set (i.e., model with the lowest expected prediction error Burnham and Anderson 2002 p. 75). b Time-dependence (t) was only included as an interaction effect with ‘site’ because sites were not trapped on exactly the same dates. Table 2: AICc -weights of models incorporating effects of reproductive states. Two left-most columns represent ‘parallel slope’ models for transition probabilities (‘I’ to ‘P’), and two right-most columns represent ‘different slope’ models. ‘state’ has two levels: immature females (I) and postpartum females (P). See table 1 and text for explanation. φÂp sex + site sex + state + site (sex + state) × site P ψ(site + T) sex sex + state 0.19 0.30 0.08 0.22 0.01 0.04 0.28 0.56 ψ(site × T) sex sex + state 0.04 0.06 0.02 0.04 < 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.11 P 0.58 0.36 0.06 1.00 28 Table 3: Parameter estimates [95% c.i.] from the ‘φ(sex + state + site);p(sex + state);ψ(site + T)’ model. Parameter type Survivala (φ) Recapture probability (p) Transition probabilityb (ψ) a Two-weekly Contrast intercept (‘I’ females, site A) state ‘P’ males site B site C site D intercept (‘I’ females) state ‘P’ males intercept (site A, Jan. 1) site B site C site D Tc logit scale estimate 1.40 [0.99, 1.81] -0.36 [-0.92, 0.20] -0.65 [-1.01, -0.29] 0.86 [0.37, 1.34] 0.18 [-0.23, 0.59] 0.57 [0.13, 1.00] 1.22 [0.83, 1.61] 0.72 [-0.002, 1.44] 0.82 [0.30, 1.35] -18.7 [-23.5, -13.9] 3.46 [2.11, 4.81] 0.47 [-0.59, 1.52] 2.64 [1.43, 3.86] 0.17 [0.13, 0.22] Probability scale estimate 0.8 [0.73, 0.86] Odds-ratio estimate 0.70 0.52 2.35 1.20 1.76 [0.40, [0.36, [1.45, [0.80, [1.14, 1.22] 0.75] 3.82] 1.80] 2.73] 0.77 [0.70, 0.83] 2.05 [1.00, 4.22] 2.28 [1.35, 3.84] 0.00 [0.00, 0.00] 31.9 1.60 14.1 1.19 [8.3, 123.0] [0.56, 4.58] [4.2, 47.5] [1.14, 1.24] survival. that a vole in state ‘I’ at time T-7 days will have moved to state ‘P’ before time T+7 days given that it survived. c Slope on a daily scale, equivalent to an increase in the transition probability from 0.05 to 0.95 over 34 days (95% c.i.: [27, 46] days). When fitting the model, the time covariate (T) was given on a yearly scale as this gives more stable convergence (see MARK help file). b Probability