My name is James Anaquad Kleinert and some of my... Kleinert first came to Norway in 1988 as a member...

My name is James Anaquad Kleinert and some of my story is:
Kleinert first came to Norway in 1988 as a member of the U.S. Freestyle
ski team competing on the Freestyle World Cup Tour in Voss. “I was so
blown away by the power and beauty of Norway and always wanted to
return”. During his last year on the Freestyle World Cup Tour Kleinert
shot the award-winning documentary Living It! His film career started in
ski films and progressed to Hollywood and he became a member of
Screen Actors Guild. Just as his acting career was building he suffered a
brutal stunt accident on a film set. “During my convalescence I did
some soul searching and found myself back in Indian country taking part
in Mother Earth Activism and documentary filmmaking. The film you will
see tonight Spirit Riders is a profound journey inside a culture and a
movement offering ancient traditional visions of peace to a troubled
modern world”. (trailer:
In 2002 Kleinert filmed Athlete Profiles focusing on winter Olympic
Athletes. The film focused on the high action of the skiing/snowboarding
events and reflected on how the Olympic games were originally created
as a ceremony for peace during warring times in ancient Greece.
America was positioned for war in 2002 so Athlete Profiles and Spirit
Riders were meet with great discrimination by broadcasters.
Kleinert returned to the land and horses in 2003 and started work on his
Wild Horse films. Kleinert released the short film Wild Horse Spirit that
was part of the Emmy award winning documentary show Natural Hero’s.
In 2008 he released another short film titled Saving the American Wild
Horse on the Documentary channel and then in 2011 released the
feature award winning documentary film Wild Horses & Renegades
which was one of the Documentary channels top shows in 2012. & Director James
Anaquad-Kleinert is the lead plaintiff in a recently-filed federal lawsuit
challenging the Department of the Interior on violations of the 1971
Free Roaming Wild Horse & Burro Act, the National Environmental Policy
Act (NEPA), and the U.S. Constitution. Kleinert v. Salazar is a rare
opportunity to create new environmental law, stop the violence of
roundups, and save the American wild horse from cruel and inhumane
treatment, and ultimate extinction. In addition Kleinert’s Attorney’s
have filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) regarding the mention
events. Federal official have far surpassed the dead line for responding
to the FOIA request. This raises a very suspicious flag regarding what
the government is doing behind the scenes.
In 2008-2009 Kleinert returned to extreme skiing with The Edge Of
Telluride an action thriller on ski mountaineering (- He continues work on two new films Wild
Horses & Renegades II and Horse Medicine, which is partly filmed in
Norway (Trailer -
Kleinert is currently completing a feature screenplay on his beautiful,
tragic and political experience in the making of Wild Horses &
Renegades. He hopes to begin preproduction on this screenplay in fall
of 2014. In sum, Wild Horses & Renegades II continues to document the
unfolding intense and fascinating drama of a modern American
government that is intentionally managing America’s wild horses to
extinction, and at the same time, bullying and trying to silence its
detractors, all for the sake of pleasing corporate interests.
Kleinert has producer/directed and filmed numerous other film projects
for Oprah, ESPN, HBO, and most recently the music video for American
Rap Star Kanye West.
For more information please contact
James Anaquad Kleinert