Relocations and Discontinuations In Edition 23, relocation and discontinuation notes usually follow other types of notes at the former location (the location from which a topic or group of topics has been shifted) in the schedules and tables. The following two lists show all the relocations and discontinuations since Edition 22. The column headed Edition 22 indicates in numerical order each number in that edition from which a topic or group of topics has been shifted; the column headed Edition 23 indicates each corresponding number in the present edition to which those topics or groups of topics have been shifted. If two or more topics have been shifted from one number to two or more numbers, each separate shift is shown. Numbers in the Edition 22 column enclosed in square brackets are no longer in use; those not enclosed in brackets have lost part of their meaning through relocation or discontinuation, but still retain some of their original meaning. In the following lists, the same abbreviations employed in the Relative Index are used for Tables 1-6, e.g., T1 means Table 1 Standard Subdivisions. © 2011 OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc. (“OCLC”) Relocations In a relocation, one or more topics are shifted to a number differing form the old in respects other than length. If the relocation is partial, the original number remains valid; but if it is total, the original number is no longer used. Relocations are described and explained in the Introduction. For example, in Table 2 one of the topics that was in —364 in Edition 22 has been relocated to —3692 in Edition 23; all of the topics in —3925 have been relocated to —39313. All the topics in —992 have been relocated to —9952 to eliminate dual provision. "Scattered within 305–306" means that the topic has been relocated to so many numbers throughout that span that it is not feasible to name them all. A number in a column headed Add table notation is an element of an add table. The number or span in the cell to the left of it shows the location of the add table or the add instruction related to an add table. For example, the 02 and 03-08 next to 324.24-324.29 indicate that the 02 and 03-08 are elements of the add table at 324.24-324.29. For details of the specific relocated topics the classifier should consult the appropriate entries in the tables and schedules. Edition 22 T1—0722 T1—079 T1—079 [T1—0863] [T1—08633] T1—08655 T1—0866 T1—0922-0923 T2—363 T2—363 T2—363 T2—364 T2—364 T2—364 T2—374 T2—376 T2—376 T2—3921 [T2—3925] [T2—3947] [T2—3947] [T2—3947] [T2—3947] T2—398 T2—4521 T2—45675 T2—45751 T2—45757 Add table notation Edition 23 T1—0723 T1—0681 T1—074 T1—0862 T1—08694 T1—08656 T1—0867 T1—0925-0928 T2—368 T2—36921 T2—36947 T2—3692 T2—3693 T2—36943 T2—37576 T2—37583 T2—37595 T2—3923 T2—39313 T2—354 T2—355 T2—3949 T2—53 T2—3639 T2—45228 T2—45674 T2—45759 T2—45759 Add table notation T2—4591 T2—4591 T2—4592 T2—46912 T2—46931 T2—46935 T2—46942 T2—46942 T2—46952 T2—476 T2—487 T2—48973 T2—48973 T2—48975 T2—714178 [T2—755811] T3C—32 T3C—32 [T3C—3528] T3C—353-358 T3C—355 T3C—355 T3C—3559 T3C—357 T4—31 T4—802 T4—802 [T5—56] [T5—58] T5—9141 T5—9149 T5—9182 [T5—91823] [T5—9455] T5—948 T5—948 [T5—9594] T5—96391 T5—963915 [T5—96773] [T5—983829] [T5—9911] [T5—9911] T5—994 [T6—56] T6—9182 [T6—9455] T6—96391 T6—963915 [T6—983829] T6—992 T6—994 T2—4596 T2—4598 T2—45937 T2—46911 T2—46932 T2—46934 T2—46941 T2—46944 T2—46951 T2—3988 T2—4881 T2—48971 T2—48972 T2—48971 T2—714179 T2—755816 T3C—358 T3C—36 Scattered within T3C—3 T3C—352 T3C—3581 T3C—3582 T3C—3564 T3C—39 T4—203 T4—803 T4—804 T5—59982 T5—59984 T5—91489 T5—91469 T5—91839 T5—9183 T5—9457 T5—91425 T5—91461 T5—9597 T5—96394 T5—96393 T5—9354 T5—983832 T5—959 T5—9921 T5—995 T6—59982 T6—9183 T6—9457 T6—96394 T6—96393 T6—983832 T6—9952 T6—995 [001.432] [001.432] 004.1 004.165 004.678 005.72 005.74 005.741 005.757 006.33 006.42 017 [017.5-017.8] [018] [019] 025.4028 025.48 [025.482] [025.484] 025.49 025.7 027.65 037.82 [149.96] [155.334] 155.418 155.4228 155.4238 155.4248 155.518 155.6 155.6 155.6 155.6 155.6 155.6 155.6 [155.60866] [155.6089] 155.6093-155.6099 [155.63] 155.6718 174 197 197 197 197 197 197 197 197 197 001.433 907.2 006.22 004.1675 025.042 005.717 006.312 005.72 005.756 005.74015113 006.242 025.31 017.1-017.4 017 017 025.41 025.47 025.47 025.47 025.47 025.84 027.5 037.83 149.97 155.343 155.4192 155.42292 155.42392 155.424192 155.5192 152 153 155.2 155.3 155.7 155.9 158 155.34 155.82 155.89 155.33 155.67192 175 199.4754 199.4756 199.4758 199.476 199.477 199.478 199.4793 199.4796 199.4798 238.19 238.19 238.19 [297.09023] [297.09024] 297.124 302.2308 [305.389623] [305.3896942] 305.42 [305.48962] [305.48963] [305.48969] [305.556] 305.568 306.44 320.508 320.5401-320.5407 320.5401-320.5407 320.5408 320.5408 320.54092 320.54092 [320.5490947] [320.549096] 324.24-324.29 324.24102 324.24302 324.243602 324.243608 324.249402 324.2494082 324.2494082 324.2494083 324.27102 324.2732 324.29402 [331.11423] [331.1143] [331.1143] [331.69] [331.6905-331.699] [341.2424] 343.0812 346.01664 347.08 362.5081 [362.50835] [362.5086941] [362.608] 362.7085 [362.7086] 02 238.15 238.16 238.18 297.09022 297.09022 297.125 Scattered within 305-306 305.3823 305.38442 304.2082 305.482 305.482 305.484 305.96513 305.569 401.45 320.56 320.54091 320.54093-320.54099 320.54091 320.54093-320.54099 320.54091 320.54093-320.54099 320.540947 320.54096 324.24-324.29 324.24104-324.24109 324.24303-324.24308 324.243603-324.243608 324.243603 324.249403-324.249408 324.249404 324.249407 324.249403 324.27104-324.27109 324.2733-324.2738 324.29404-324.29409 331.1144 331.08 331.133 331.63 Scattered within 331.133 341.242224 343.0811 346.042 345.0144 362.592 362.77569 362.594 362.69 362.7874 362.77 01-07 01-07 08 08 092 092 03-08 [362.70866] [362.7089] [362.820835] [362.8208653] [362.8208654] 362.8294 [362.8308] [362.830835] [362.8392] [362.8392] 362.84 362.84 362.84 [362.850835] 363.33 [363.3497] [363.3497] 363.46 363.58 366 371.01 [371.823] [371.823] [372.82] 372.83 373.224 [373.242] 379.26 [380.01-380.09] [382.913] 385.5 385.5 [387.001-387.009] 388.44 388.46 391.1-391.3 391.1-391.3 391.1-391.3 391.41 391.413 394.15 394.15 394.15 395.123 398.2 398.27 [398.5] [398.5] 398.6 398.8 410.285 413.1 362.786 362.778 362.787 362.8294 362.8293 363.8293 362.839 362.7083 362.787432 362.839532 362.5089 362.778 362.82089 362.77562 363.1798 363.1798 363.32 362.19888 362.583 369 371.05 371.8211 371.822 372.37 372.89 373.215 373.241 370.8 380.1-380.9 382.91093 388.44 388.46 387.01-387.09 388.42 388.42 391.46 391.47 391.48 391.44 391.423 394.1252 394.1253 394.1254 395.124 398.7 398.28 002 Scattered within 001-999 808.882 808.882 006.35 412.03 418.02 418.02 [427.1-427.8] [437.1-437.6] [439.6001-439.6009] [439.69001-439.69009] [439.776-439.778] [439.8171-439.8175] [439.8272-439.8274] [447.1-447.8] 447.971 [457.1-457.8] 457.9 457.95 [457.994972] [467.1-467.8] [469.71-469.76] [469.71-469.76] [469.78] 469.791 469.794 [469.7996657] [469.7996658] [491.43001-491.43009] [491.81001-491.81009] 491.82 [491.85001-491.85009] [495.171-495.178] [495.4001-495.4009] [495.91001-495.91009] [512.9001-512.9009] [522.3] [522.4] [522.4] 523.48 602.18 [608.72] 611.0181 611.0181 611.0181 611.0181 611.0182 [611.0183] [611.0184] [611.0185] [611.0185] [611.0186] 611.0187 [611.0188] [611.0189] 611.1-611.9 [612.7921] 418.03 418.04 427.9421-427.9428 437.9431-437.9436 439.601-439.609 439.6901-439.6909 439.779486-439.779488 439.81794891-439.81794895 439.8279482-439.8279484 447.9441-447.9448 447.9714 457.9451-457.9458 459.982 459.984 457.94972 467.9461-467.9468 469.794691-469.794696 Scattered within 469.9 469.794698 469.794699 469.9 469.796657 469.796658 491.4301-491.4309 491.8101-491.8109 491.83 491.8501-491.8509 495.179511-495.179518 495.401-495.409 495.9101-495.9109 512.901-512.909 522.2 522.2 527.0284 523.49 389.6 609.2 611.01826 611.018276 611.01876 612.1-612.9 612.1-612.9 612.7517 612.751045 612.11 612.42045 612.74045 612.1-612.9 612.81045 612.1-612.9 612.1-612.9 612.793 613.24 613.25 621.384191 623.828 [624.17101-624.17109] 625.103 625.146 625.28 625.6 625.6 [627.92] [627.922] [627.924] 628.96 629.455 641.514 [641.532] 641.77 643.53 646.433 [646.43306] 658.3121 [667.8] 668.65 685.36 [685.361] [685.362] [685.362] [685.363] [685.364] [685.367] 685.43 687.113 687.19 687.4 [697.0001-697.0009] [697.935-697.938] 704.942 704.9423 704.9424 704.9425 704.9426 704.9426 [709.0501-709.0508] 720.28 720.28 [721.01-721.03] [721.042] [721.04401-721.04409] [721.0467] [721.0469] [721.05-721.09] [001-009] 613.28 613.28 621.384192 623.8943 624.1701-624.1709 625.44 625.44 625.44 625.4 629.2293 623.893 623.8942 623.8944 614.43 629.455 641.59 641.52 641.73 645.4 646.436 646.43606 658.3122 667.75 632.95 Scattered within 688.7 688.7691 688.7621 688.7622 688.7692 688.7693 688.7 Scattered within 688.7 687.116 687.4 688.7 697.001-697.009 697.95-697.98 Scattered within 001-999 704.9421 704.9421 704.9421 704.9421 704.94979929 709.05001-709.05008 720.47 721.04 720.1-721.03 720.48 721.0401-721.0409 720.47 720.49 720.5-720.9 01-09 726.69 728.92 728.924 [730.01-730.09] [741.509] [741.509] 741.59 757 757.3-757.6 757.6 760 [760.01-760.03] [760.044] [760.05-760.09] [760.0901-760.0905] [760.092] [771.33] [771.33] 771.45 [771.47] [771.49] [775] [778.2] [778.2] 778.3 778.4 [778.53] [778.59] 778.6 778.7 780.74 780.79 [781.284] 781.643 781.657 [782.265] 782.421642079 791.45 796.15 796.325068 796.325071 796.47 [796.77] [796.78] [796.79] [808.810081-808.810088] [808.810089] 808.810091 808.810093-808.810099 [808.820081-808.820088] [808.820089] 808.820091 726.796 725.37 727.558 730.1-730.9 741.569 741.59 741.569 Scattered within 001-999 757.2 758.979929 740 740.1-740.3 740.4 740.5-740.9 740.901-740.905 740.92 771.31 771.32 771.46 771.40286 771.44 771.44 771.48 779 778.9 778.9 777 777 778.9 778.9 780.78 780.78 781.286 781.644 781.68175 782.25 782.421642078 791.43 796.16 796.325069 796.325077 796.442 796.72 910 910 808.81992 808.8198 808.81991 808.81993-808.81999 808.82992 808.8298 808.82991 808.820093-808.820099 [808.830081-808.830088] [808.830089] 808.830091 808.830093-808.830099 [808.840081-808.840088] [808.840089] 808.840091 808.840093-808.840099 [808.850081-808.850088] [808.850089] 808.850091 808.850093-808.850099 [808.860081-808.860088] [808.860089] 808.860091 808.860093-808.860099 [808.870081-808.870088] [808.870089] 808.870091 808.870093-808.870099 839.7 839.7 891.82 891.82 [894.55] [930.11] 936.3 936.3 936.3 936.4 936.4 936.4 937.909 937.9909 [939.47] [939.47] [939.47] 939.703 939.703 939.8 [940.53086914] 940-990 941.501 941.801 941.901 943.031 943.031 944.027 944.028 [944.99021] [944.99022] 6 72 [086914] 808.82993-808.82999 808.83992 808.8398 808.83991 808.83993-808.83999 808.84992 808.8498 808.84991 808.84993-808.84999 808.85992 808.8598 808.85991 808.85993-808.85999 808.86992 808.8698 808.86991 808.86993-808.86999 808.87992 808.8798 808.87991 808.87993-808.87999 839.7 839.7 891.83 891.839 894.57 930.124 936.8 936.921 936.947 936.92 936.93 936.94 945.901 944.9901 935.4 935.5 953.02 939.704 939.705 936.39 940.53145 940-990 936.1502 936.1802 936.1902 944.028 945.06 945.06 945.06 944.9901 944.9901 5 67 1 [944.99025-944.99029] [944.99034] [944.99035] 945.03 945.05 945.083 945.103 945.105 945.106 945.107 945.1083 945.203 945.204 945.205 945.207 945.2083 945.303 945.305 945.306 945.3082 945.3083 945.503 945.503 945.505 945.507 945.5082 945.703 945.703 945.704 945.704 945.705 945.705 945.706 945.7082 945.7083 945.802 945.803 945.803 945.804 945.805 945.805 945.807 945.8082 945.8083 945.901 945.902 945.903 [945.904] 945.905 945.905 945.907 945.907 944.9903 944.9904 944.9904 945.01 945.04 945.082 945.101 945.104 945.105 945.106 945.1082 945.201 945.205 945.206 945.206 945.2082 945.301 945.304 945.307 945.307 945.3082 945.501 945.504 945.504 945.506 945.507 945.701 945.702 945.703 945.705 945.704 945.706 945.707 945.707 945.7082 945.801 945.801 945.802 945.803 945.804 945.806 945.806 945.807 945.8082 945.902 945.903 945.902 945.903 945.903 945.906 945.906 945.9082 945.9083 947.081 947.6 958.1046 959.703 959.703 959.703 959.8012 959.8022 [959.8036] [959.8036] [959.8038] [959.8039] [959.8039] 963.071 967.73053 968.83031 [971.0187] 971.0188 971.601 972.8205 [973.7086914] 989.2072 945.9082 949.60387 939.88 958.1045 959.701 959.702 959.7041 959.8011 959.8021 959.8035 959.8037 959.8037 959.8037 959.8041 963.0721 967.73052 968.83032 971.5017 971.5017 971.5017 972.8204 973.714 989.2073 Discontinuations A discontinuation is the result of shifting one or more topics to a number shorter than the previous one but otherwise not differing from it. If all topics in a given number are thus shifted, the number is no longer valid. Discontinuations are described and explained in the Introduction. In addition, several numbers have been dropped because their content in Edition 22 was meaningless within the context of Edition 23. For example in Table 2, [—469425] has been discontinued and all of its contents moved up to the broader number —46942, while only some of the topics in —48977 have been moved up to —48. In Table 5, [—948] has been discontinued because it is without meaning. A number in a column headed Add table notation is an element of an add table. The number or span in the cell to the left of it shows the location of the add table. For example, 011 and 01 next to 342-347 indicate that 011 and 01 are elements of the add table at 342-347. For details of the specific discontinued topics the classifier should consult the appropriate entries in the tables and schedules. Edition 22 [T2—42371-42378] [T2—469425] T2—48977 T2—597 T4—0141 [T5—91822] T5—948 T6—94332 T6—963374 T6—963385 [004.696] [006.336-006.338] [025.393] [025.396] [027.652] 154.632 [154.634] [155.32] [155.334] 155.34 201.42 297.09021 [305.489] [305.556] 305.56 [305.565] [306.762] [320.549] [320.54901-320.54909] Add table notation Edition 23 T2—4237 T2—46942 T2—48 T2—59 T4—014 T5—9182 Without meaning T6—9433 T6—96337 T6—96338 004.69 006.33 025.39 025.39 027.65 154.63 154.63 155.3 155.33 155.3 201.4 Without meaning 305.48 305.55 305 305.56 306.76 320.54 320.54 Add table notation [324.243605] [324.2436082] 331.1142 [331.114224] [341.22013] 341.2-341.7 011 342-347 011 [343.084] [362.2991] [362.299101-362.299109] [362.29911-362.29918] [363.3497] [371.11] [371.823] [372.216] [372.455] 372.472 [372.832] [378.054-378.055] 378.124 [378.158] 388.428 401.41 [427.09] [437.09] [447.09] [457.09] [467.09] [469.709] [491.7709] [535.013] 607.21 607.23 607.24 607.25 607.26 607.27 607.28 607.29 608 616.3445 624.171 636.294 [641.534] [641.536] [641.538] [641.539] [646.452] [646.453] [646.454] [646.457] [686.2255] 324.2436 324.243608 331.114 331.11422 341.2201 341.2-341.7 342-347 343.08 362.299 362.299 362.299 363.34 371.1 371.82 372.21 Without meaning 372.47 372.83 378.05 378.12 378.1 388.42 401.4 427 437 447 457 467 469.7 491.77 535 607.2 607.2 607.2 607.2 607.2 607.2 607.2 607.2 600 616.344 624.17 636.29 641.53 641.53 641.53 641.53 646.45 646.45 646.45 646.45 686.225 01 01 687.112 [687.144-687.147] [704.9422] [709.04073] [709.04077] [709.04078] [709.04079] 721 [721.046] 748.2 [757.22] [757.23] [760.04] [771.33] [775] 786.74 796.3250202 808.545 [808.81008] [808.82008] [808.83008] [808.84008] [808.85008] [808.86008] [808.87008] [944.99013-944.99014] [944.99022] [944.99023-944.99024] [944.99025] [944.99031-944.99033] [944.99034] [945.63401-944.63409] 687 687.14 704.942 709.0407 709.0407 709.0407 709.0407 720 Without meaning 748 757.2 757 Without meaning 771.3 770 786.7 796.32502 808.54 808.81 808.82 808.83 808.84 808.85 808.86 808.87 944.9901 944.9902 944.9902 944.9902 944.9903 944.9903 945.634 Reused Numbers A reused number is a number with a total change in meaning from one edition to another. The list of reused numbers shows all Edition 22 numbers immediately reused in Edition 23. Reused number 457.91 457.94 469.791 469.798 523.481 523.482 796.3250202 796.325068