Air Force Operation and Maintenance, Active Forces Budget Activity: Operating Forces Activity Group: Space Operations Detail by Subactivity Group: Launch Facilities I. Description of Operations Financed: The spacelift ranges are composed of the Western Range (WR) headquartered at the 30th Space Wing, Vandenberg AFB, CA and the Eastern Range (ER) headquartered at the 45th Space Wing, Patrick AFB, FL. The spacelift ranges provide tracking, telemetry, communications, range safety, weather and other support for DoD, civil and commercial space launches, intercontinental and sea-launched ballistic missile test and evaluations (T&E) and aeronautical T&E. The spacelift ranges consist of range operations control centers, and the hardware and software required to provide command and control of day-to-day range and launch operations. They consist of instrumentation that provides range safety and user metric data through the use of launch vehicle telemetry, weather instruments, metric radars, optics, and uplink capabilities. They also provide a conduit for sending all voice, video, and data to and from remote and local instrumentation sites. The spacelift ranges are responsible for infrastructure maintenance functions, to include heating and air conditioning, fire protection/detection, and corrosion control. Also, spacelift range funding pays for contract range activities necessary to support launch of operational space vehicles and payloads, and contract activities necessary to operate and maintain range systems. The spacelift range functions are critical to the success of all DoD, civil, and commercial space launch, ballistic missile and aeronautical test and evaluation from the Eastern and Western Ranges. Operations and maintenance of launch pads is funded in Subactivity Group, Launch Vehicles. II. Force Structure Summary: The spacelift ranges are composed of the Western Range (WR) headquartered at the 30 th Space Wing, Vandenberg AFB, CA and the Eastern Range (ER) headquartered at the 45th Space Wing, Patrick AFB, FL. The ranges are composed of facilities and equipment, including launch pads, command centers, radar and optical tracking sites, and telemetry sites. 215 Air Force Operation and Maintenance, Active Forces Budget Activity: Operating Forces Activity Group: Space Operations Detail by Subactivity Group: Launch Facilities III. Financial Summary ($s in Thousands) FY 2001 A. Program Elements: Western Space Launch Facility/Range Eastern Space Launch Facility/Range Total FY 2000 Actuals $63,728 160,588 $224,316 B. Reconciliation Summary: Baseline Funding Congressional Adjustments (Distributed) Congressional Adjustments (Undistributed) Adjustments to Meet Congressional Intent Congressional Adjustments (General Provisions) Subtotal Appropriated Amount Rescission Program Changes (CY to CY only) Subtotal Baseline Funding Reprogrammings Price Changes Functional Transfers Program Changes Current Estimate Budget Request $67,945 166,450 $234,395 Appn $66,789 173,440 $240,229 Current Estimate $67,879 174,791 $242,670 Change FY 01/01 Change FY 01/02 $234,395 0 0 10,000 -4,166 $240,229 -763 0 $239,466 3,204 0 $242,670 $242,670 216 5,290 -267 11,099 $258,792 FY 2002 Estimate $71,470 187,322 $258,792 Air Force Operation and Maintenance, Active Forces Budget Activity: Operating Forces Activity Group: Space Operations Detail by Subactivity Group: Launch Facilities C. Reconciliation of Increases and Decreases ($s in Thousands): FY 2001 President's Budget Request ....................................................................................................................... $234,395 1. Congressional Adjustments ................................................................................................................................... $5,834 a) Distributed Adjustments ....................................................................................................... $0 b) Undistributed Adjustments ................................................................................................... $0 c) Adjustments to meet Congressional Intent ........................................................................... $10,000 i) Eastern Missile Range Launch Facility Enhancements (Transfer from Subactivity Group Space Control Systems) $10,000 d) General Provisions ................................................................................................................ i) Defense Working Capital Fund Rate Stabilization (Sec 8085, P.L. 106-259, FY 2001 Appn Act) $-4,166 $-3,204 ii) HQ and Administrative Activities (Sec 8165, P.L. 106-259, FY 2001 Appn Act) ......... $-933 iii) Consulting and Advisory Services (Sec 8163, P.L. 106-259, FY 2001 Appn Act) ........ $-29 FY 2001 Appropriated Amount (subtotal) .............................................................................................................. $240,229 Government-Wide Rescission (Sec 1403, Chapter 14, General Provisions, Division A, P.L. 106-544) .................... $-763 2. Program Increases and Decreases ......................................................................................................................... $0 a) Transfers ............................................................................................................................... 217 $0 Air Force Operation and Maintenance, Active Forces Budget Activity: Operating Forces Activity Group: Space Operations Detail by Subactivity Group: Launch Facilities b) Program Increases ................................................................................................................. $0 i) One-time Costs ................................................................................................................ $0 ii) Program Growth .............................................................................................................. $0 c) Program Decreases ............................................................................................................... $0 FY 2001 Baseline Funding (subtotal) ....................................................................................................................... $239,466 3. Reprogrammings ................................................................................................................................................... $3,204 a) Working Capital Fund Transfer (Sec 8005, P.L. 106-259, FY2001 Appn Act)................... $3,204 Revised FY 2001 Estimate......................................................................................................................................... $242,670 4. Price Change ......................................................................................................................................................... $5,290 5. Transfers ................................................................................................................................................................ $-267 a) Transfers In ........................................................................................................................... i) Competition and Privatization ......................................................................................... This is a transfer into O&M from the Military Personnel Appropriation. After careful review, the Air Force has designated these activities/functions as not military essential. A cost comparison study/direct conversion is underway to determine whether the workload will be contracted or remain in-house in accordance with the guidelines in OMB Circular A-76. $386 $386 b) Transfers Out ........................................................................................................................ i) Federally Funded Research and Development Center Funding ...................................... 218 $-653 $-653 Air Force Operation and Maintenance, Active Forces Budget Activity: Operating Forces Activity Group: Space Operations Detail by Subactivity Group: Launch Facilities Increase reflects transfer of funding to Other Space Operations to properly align funding with efforts. 6. Program Increases ................................................................................................................................................. $21,099 a) Annualization of New FY 2001 Program ............................................................................. $0 b) One-time FY 2002 Costs ...................................................................................................... $763 i) Rescission Restoration .................................................................................................... Restoration of FY01 Government-Wide Rescission. $763 c) Program Growth in FY 2002 ................................................................................................ $20,336 i) Space Lift Range System (FY 2001 Base $174,791) ..................................................... The increase represents increased costs for the Joint Based Operating Support Contract ($12,000). Contract pays for maintaining launch facilities at Patrick AFB, FL and Cape Canaveral AFS, FL. Joint venture with NASA had hoped to reduce costs based on multi-tasking employees; however, union action prevented this action. Increase also pays for the Range Standardization and Automation SATCOM lease ($5,050). This SATCOM lease is the critical link to operations at Antigua and Ascension. The wideband circuit transmits telemetry data from designated primary tracking site (Antigua/Ascension) to the Regional Operations Control Center. $17,050 ii) Civilian Pay (FY 2001 Base $28,127) ............................................................................ The increase represents revised civilian pay funding requirements based on updated assessment of actual workyear costs to reflect the impact of changes such as FY 2001 locality pay. It also represents the addition of 6 positions associated with testing and integrating equipment procured for the Range Standardization and Automation $3,286 219 Air Force Operation and Maintenance, Active Forces Budget Activity: Operating Forces Activity Group: Space Operations Detail by Subactivity Group: Launch Facilities program. Further, the increase is attributable to the fact that there are 261 compensable calendar workdays in FY 2002 versus 260 days in FY 2001. 7. Program Decreases ................................................................................................................................................ a) One-time FY 2001 Costs ...................................................................................................... i) Eastern Missile Range Launch Facility Enhancements (FY01 Congressional Add) ...... $-10,000 $-10,000 $-10,000 b) Annualization of FY 2001 Program Decreases .................................................................... $0 c) Program Decreases in FY 2002 ............................................................................................ $0 FY 2002 Budget Request ........................................................................................................................................... 220 $258,792 Air Force Operation and Maintenance, Active Forces Budget Activity: Operating Forces Activity Group: Space Operations Detail by Subactivity Group: Launch Facilities IV. Performance Criteria and Evaluation Summary: FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 8 6 4 2 2 4 7 0 2 35 4 11 6 3 1 8 7 1 0 41 4 13 5 2 0 9 5 2 0 40 SUPPORTED LAUNCHES BY VEHICLE (DoD, NASA AND COMMERCIAL) Atlas ............................................................................................... Delta ............................................................................................... Titan ............................................................................................... Pegasus........................................................................................... Taurus ............................................................................................ Space Shuttle ................................................................................. ICBMs ............................................................................................ EELV ............................................................................................. Other .............................................................................................. Total .......................................................................................... 221 Air Force Operation and Maintenance, Active Forces Budget Activity: Operating Forces Activity Group: Space Operations Detail by Subactivity Group: Launch Facilities FY 2000 FY 2001 FY 2002 Change FY 01/02 Active Military End Strength (Total) Officer Enlisted 604 150 454 610 156 454 613 159 454 3 3 0 Civilian End Strength (Total) U.S. Direct Hire Foreign National Direct Hire Total Direct Hire Foreign National Indirect Hire 344 344 0 344 0 407 407 0 407 0 413 413 0 413 0 6 6 0 6 0 Active Military Average Strength (Total) Officer Enlisted 617 158 459 608 153 455 612 158 454 4 5 -1 Civilian FTEs (Total) U.S. Direct Hire Foreign National Direct Hire Total Direct Hire Foreign National Indirect Hire 436 436 0 436 0 378 378 0 378 0 414 414 0 414 0 36 36 0 36 0 V. Personnel Summary 222 Air Force Operation and Maintenance, Active Forces Budget Activity: Operating Forces Activity Group: Space Operations Detail by Subactivity Group: Launch Facilities VI. OP-32 Line Items: FOREIGN 101 103 107 308 401 411 412 414 415 417 502 503 505 506 671 771 914 915 920 921 922 923 924 925 930 989 998 LAUNCH FACILITIES EXECUTIVE GENERAL SCHEDULE WAGE BOARD SEPARATION INCENTIVES TRAVEL OF PERSONS DFSC FUEL ARMY MANAGED SUPPLIES/MATERIALS NAVY MANAGED SUPPLIES/MATERIALS AIR FORCE MANAGED SUPPLIES/MATERIALS DLA MANAGED SUPPLIES/MATERIALS LOCAL PROC DWCF MANAGED SUPL MAT ARMY DWCF EQUIPMENT NAVY DWCF EQUIPMENT AIR FORCE DWCF EQUIPMENT DLA DWCF EQUIPMENT COMMUNICATION SERVICES(DISA) TIER 2 COMMERCIAL TRANSPORTATION PURCHASED COMMUNICATIONS (NON-DWCF) RENTS (NON-GSA) SUPPLIES & MATERIALS (NON-DWCF) PRINTING & REPRODUCTION EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE BY CONTRACT FACILITY MAINTENANCE BY CONTRACT MEDICAL SUPPLIES EQUIPMENT (NON-DWCF) OTHER DEPOT MAINT (NON-DWCF) OTHER CONTRACTS OTHER COSTS TOTAL LAUNCH FACILITIES FY 2000 CURRENCY ACTUAL 22,398 2,962 64 2,478 1,719 50 16 489 797 817 28 9 479 458 2,594 795 8 2,680 1,416 15 5,102 0 26 818 762 177,164 172 RATE DIFF 224,316 FOREIGN PRICE PROGRAM FY 2001 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GROWTH 990 141 0 40 1,081 -2 2 32 36 14 -1 1 30 20 -10 13 0 43 23 0 82 0 1 13 12 2,833 3 GROWTH 2,495 -859 -64 -853 623 247 81 200 3,812 4,000 9 1 116 109 1,205 115 4 -2,722 2,182 -14 -1,179 101 -5 1,168 -774 -2,110 5,069 ESTIMATE 25,883 2,244 0 1,665 3,423 295 99 721 4,645 4,831 36 11 625 587 3,789 923 12 1 3,621 1 4,005 101 22 1,999 0 177,887 5,244 0 5,397 12,957 242,670 223 CURRENCY PRICE RATE DIFF. PROGRAM FY 2002 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 GROWTH 1,144 96 0 28 -34 -7 -5 78 19 83 -1 0 67 2 524 16 0 0 61 0 68 2 1 33 0 3,025 90 GROWTH 663 2,623 0 19 458 -106 -34 141 -1,786 -1,924 -10 -4 -232 -163 -579 -123 0 0 876 0 26 0 -2 381 0 10,617 -9 ESTIMATE 27,690 4,963 0 1,712 3,847 182 60 940 2,878 2,990 25 7 460 426 3,734 816 12 1 4,558 1 4,099 103 21 2,413 0 191,529 5,325 0 5,290 10,832 258,792