Breeding Ecology Nest Site Selection and Human Influence of White-tailed Hawks on the Texas Barrier Islands by Carey L. Haralson, B.S. A Thesis In WILDLIFE SCIENCE Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Texas Tech University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE Approved Dr. Clint W. Boal Dr. Craig Farquhar Dr. Mark C. Wallace Fred Hartmeister Dean of the Graduate School May, 2008 COPYRIGHT 2008, CAREY L. HARALSON ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This project would not have been possible without funding from Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, and the logistical support from the USGS - Texas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, USFWS - Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, NPS – Padre Island National Seashore, and the Rob and Bessie Welder Wildlife Refuge. I also thank Houston Safari Club for their gracious scholarship, which helped personal ends meet when things were tight. I also extend my gratitude to Darrell Echols, Michelle Havens and Wade Stablein from Padre Island National Seashore, as well as Joe Saenz, Felipe Prieto, and Adolfo Cantu from Aransas National Wildlife Refuge for all of their assistance and suggestions. I also thank Dr. Lynn Drawe, Dr. Selma Glasscock and Dr. Terry Blankenship for always making room for me at the Welder Wildlife Refuge. I thank Dr. Clint Boal for giving me the opportunity to come to Texas Tech. The effort he put forth as my advisor to challenge and expand my professional skills, while offering encouragement and guidance are of immeasurable value and has certainly helped me prepare for my future goals. I thank my committee members; Dr. Mark Wallace and Dr. Craig Farquhar, their suggestions and expertise proved invaluable. A special thanks to Dr. David Wester and Dr. Matthew Butler for the countless hours they spent helping me with my analyses. I thank my fellow students, C. Huber, N. and H. Mannan, and many others that have provided me with camaraderie and counsel throughout the last few years. ii Finally I thank my family, DRH III, and J. and C. Heiting; thanks for your love, support and encouragement as I struggled to figured out where I was going. Thanks for teaching me how wonderful the outdoors can be and allowing me to grow up in an area where I was free to explore wildlife at an early age. I also thank N. Gripentrog for understanding the need for a sister to move across the country, and always being there to listen to my frustrations. Last but certainly not least, I thank my husband, B. N. Strobel, you were always there to offer support, encouragement, and love, in spite of the ordeals of your own research. Thanks for putting up with me on days when things did not go right. You are the “best technician” I had, and someone from whom I will never stop learning. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................. ii ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... vi LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................. viii LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................ xii I. INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................... 1 Literature Cited ............................................................................... 3 II. BREEDING ECOLOGY OF WHITE-TAILED HAWKS ON THE TEXAS BARRIER ISLANDS ...................................................................... 4 Abstract............................................................................................. 4 Introduction ...................................................................................... 5 Study Area ........................................................................................ 7 Methods........................................................................................... 11 Results ............................................................................................. 15 Discussion........................................................................................ 20 Management Implications ............................................................. 26 Literature Cited ............................................................................. 27 III. NEST SITE SELECTION OF WHITE-TAILED HAWKS ON THE TEXAS BARRIER ISLANDS. ................................................................... 43 Abstract........................................................................................... 43 iv Introduction .................................................................................... 44 Study Area ...................................................................................... 46 Methods........................................................................................... 50 Results ............................................................................................. 56 Discussion........................................................................................ 58 Management Implications ............................................................. 62 Literature Cited ............................................................................. 63 IV. BEHAVIOR OF WHITE-TAILED HAWKS BREEDING AT TWO LEVELS OF HUMAN DISTURBANCE ON THE TEXAS BARRIER ISLANDS ...................................................................................................... 76 Abstract........................................................................................... 76 Introduction .................................................................................... 76 Study Area ...................................................................................... 79 Methods........................................................................................... 83 Results ............................................................................................. 87 Discussion........................................................................................ 89 Management Implications ............................................................. 91 Literature Cited ............................................................................. 92 v ABSTRACT I conducted fieldwork on Matagorda, Mustang and North Padre Islands along the Texas coast in 2006 and 2007. I located breeding White-tailed Hawk (Buteo albicaudatus; WTHA) pairs using road and point surveys. I monitored productivity, and nest success for 64 actively nesting pairs. I compared the proportion of nesting pairs per occupied territory between islands. I used a nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test to determine differences between nestling and fledgling production on Matagorda and Mustang Islands. North Padre Island was omitted due to a small sample size. The mean earliest clutch initiation for all islands was March 3 (± 3.2 days). Observed nest success on North Padre Island (22.2%) was markedly lower than Matagorda (56.8%) and Mustang (58.3%) Islands. Mayfield nest success estimate for all sites was 41.6%. There was no difference in nestling production (Matagorda x̄ = 1.05 ± 0.91; Mustang x̄ = 1.00 ± 1.83) or in fledgling production (Matagorda x̄ = 0.89 ± 0.87; Mustang x̄ = 1.08 ± 1.16) between the two islands. Productivity on Mustang Island is not different than Matagorda Island despite having a high level of human disturbance. This may be a result of WTHAs adapting to human disturbance and breeding pairs having larger territories and no density-dependence influence, such as what may be occurring on Matagorda Island where WTHAs may be at population saturation. I measured nest site selection at 38 nest sites and 38 paired random sites. I created a resource selection probability function for WTHA nest site selection using a logistic regression model of the characteristics measured at a subset of 19 nest sites and paired random sites on Matagorda Island. Models were evaluated using Akaike vi Information Criterion. The best model on Matagorda Island used the parameters of shrub category, nearest-neighbor distance, and distance to road to correctly differentiate 83% of nest sites from random sites on Matagorda Island, 70% on Mustang Island, and 50% on North Padre Islands. I then created model sets for Mustang and North Padre Islands, of which the best model for both islands used the parameters of shrub height, shrub circumference, and their interaction. The resource selection probability function from the best model on Matagorda Island should be used with caution. Overall, it appears that densely branched and thorned shrub species are important to WTHA nest site selection. I conducted behavioral observations on breeding WTHA pairs on Matagorda, Mustang and North Padre Islands, Texas in 2007. These islands were classified into high human impact (Mustang and North Padre Islands) and low human impact (Matagorda Island). Observations were conducted only during 2-3.5 hours after sunrise, after which visibility decreased due to shimmer caused by radiated heat. I used a generalized liner model with a logit link function that tested for differences between islands. Data collected from two breeding stages were analyzed with a repeated measures analysis. Pairs on Matagorda Island spent more time flying than pairs Mustang and North Padre Islands. This may be a result of an increase in interspecific and intraspecific territorial defense on Matagorda Island. There appeared to be no direct human induced influences to WTHA behavior. vii LIST OF TABLES 2.1 Descriptive statistics of White-tailed Hawk breeding ecology for Matagorda, Mustang, and North Padre Islands between 2006 and 2007. .......................................................................................................33 2.2 Descriptive statistics of White-tailed Hawk breeding ecology averaged for Matagorda, Mustang, and North Padre Islands during 2006-2007. ..................................................................................................34 2.3 Descriptive statistics of White-tailed Hawk breeding ecology for Matagorda Island during 2006-2007. ...............................................................35 2.4 Descriptive statistics of White-tailed Hawk breeding ecology for Mustang Island during 2006-2007. ..................................................................36 2.5 Descriptive statistics of White-tailed Hawk breeding ecology for North Padre Island during 2006-2007. .............................................................37 2.6 The distribution of the number of nestlings produced in Low Human Disturbance (LHD) nests versus High Human Disturbance (HHD) nests during 2006-2007. ........................................................38 2.6 The distribution of the number of fledglings produced in Low Human Disturbance (LHD) nests versus High Human Disturbance (HHD) nests during 2006-2007. ........................................................38 3.1 Candidate models from Matagorda Island describing the probability of a potential nest site being selected by Whitetailed Hawks built from 2006-2007. Models in italics are within the model confidence interval (Burnham and Andreson 2002). .....................................................................................................................67 3.2 Coefficients of variables and their standard errors for the Matagorda Island resource probability function of White-tailed Hawk nest site selection. ........................................................................................68 3.3 Candidate models from Mustang Island describing the probability of a potential nest site being selected by Whitetailed Hawks built from 2006-2007. Models in italics are within the model confidence interval (Burnham and Andreson 2002). .....................................................................................................................69 viii 3.4 Candidate models from North Padre Island describing the probability of a potential nest site being selected by Whitetailed Hawks built from 2006-2007. Models in italics are within the model confidence interval (Burnham and Andreson 2002). .....................................................................................................................70 3.5 Means and standard deviations for variables collected at White-tailed Hawk nest sites on Matagorda, Mustang and North Padre Islands in 2006 and 2007. ..................................................................71 3.6 Means and standard deviations of nest site and random site variables on Matagorda Island in 2006 and 2007. .................................................72 3.7 Means and standard deviations of nest site and random site variables on Mustang Island in 2006 and 2007. ....................................................72 3.8 Means and standard deviations of nest site and random site variables on North Padre Island in 2006 and 2007. ...............................................73 3.9 Table 2.9. The proportion of shrubs encountered at nest and random sites. The shrubs are listed in their respective category. DT = densely branched and thorned; OT = openly branched and thorned; D = densely branched; O = openly branched ..........................................74 3.10. The proportion of all shrubs used as nesting substrate. The shrubs are listed in their respective category. DT = densely branched and thorned; OT = openly branched and thorned; D = densely branched; O = openly branched .................................................................................................................75 4.1 Percent of time spent perched by breeding white-tailed hawks during morning observation periods on Matagorda and Mustang Island. Proportions are presented by the nesting stage (egg or nestling) and according to island. Due to no significant interaction P-values are reported for the stage effect and island effect only. .............................................................................................................97 4.2 Percent of time spent perched on nest by breeding white-tailed hawks during morning observation periods on Matagorda and Mustang Island. Proportions are presented by the nesting stage (egg or nestling) and according to island. Due to no significant interaction P-values are reported for the stage effect and island effect only. .............................................................................................................97 ix 4.3 Percent of time spent preening by breeding white-tailed hawks during morning observation periods on Matagorda and Mustang Island. Proportions are presented by the nesting stage (egg or nestling) and according to island. Due to no significant interaction P-values are reported for the stage effect and island effect only. .............................................................................................................98 4.4 Percent of time spent flying by breeding white-tailed hawks during morning observation periods on Matagorda and Mustang Island. Proportions are presented by the nesting stage (egg or nestling) and according to island. Due to no significant interaction P-values are reported for the stage effect and island effect only. .............................................................................................................98 4.5 Percent of time spent feeding by breeding white-tailed hawks during morning observation periods on Matagorda and Mustang Island. Proportions are presented by the nesting stage (egg or nestling) and according to island. Due to no significant interaction P-values are reported for the stage effect and island effect only. .............................................................................................................99 4.6 Percent of time spent incubating/brooding by breeding whitetailed hawks during morning observation periods on Matagorda and Mustang Island. Proportions are presented by the nesting stage (egg or nestling) and according to island. Due to no significant interaction P-values are reported for the stage effect and island effect only. ............................................................................................99 4.7 Percent of time spent out of sight in an unknown location by breeding white-tailed hawks during morning observation periods on Matagorda and Mustang Island. Proportions are presented by the nesting stage (egg or nestling) and according to island. Due to no significant interaction P-values are reported for the stage effect and island effect only. ...........................................................100 x 4.8 Percent of time spent out of sight in a known location by breeding white-tailed hawks during morning observation periods on Matagorda and Mustang Island. Proportions are presented by the nesting stage (egg or nestling) and according to island. Due to no significant interaction P-values are reported for the stage effect and island effect only. ...........................................................100 4.9 Prey items of breeding White-tailed Hawks observed through nest checks and direct observations on Matagorda, Mustang and North Padre Islands, Texas 2006 and 2007. Items are classified into the lowest possible taxon. .............................................................................101 xi LIST OF FIGURES 2.1 White-tailed Hawk nesting chronology on Matagorda, Mustang, and North Padre Islands in 2006 and 2007. Estimated nestling age was back-dated to estimate egg laying date. (Matagorda n = 29; Mustang n = 9; North Padre n = 3) ..................................................................39 2.2 White-tailed hawk nest locations on Matagorda Island, Texas, 2006 and 2007. .......................................................................................................40 2.3 White-tailed hawk nest locations on Mustang Island, Texas, 2006 and 2007. .......................................................................................................41 2.4 White-tailed hawk nest locations on North Padre Island, Texas, 2006 and 2007. .......................................................................................................42 4.1 Proportion of 5 white-tailed hawk prey categories observed on Matagorda, Mustang and North Padre Islands, Texas in 2006 and 2007. ..............................................................................................................102 xii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Along the coastal bend region of southeast Texas, the White-tailed Hawk (Buteo albicaudatus; hereafter WTHA) is listed as a state-threatened species. In the U.S., this species is found only on the coastal grasslands and adjacent inland savannahs of Texas (Farquhar 1992). The WTHA population size was estimated at 200 breeding pairs for the state of Texas in 1977 (Morrison 1978), but there are insufficient data to accurately estimate the current population. Preliminary surveys suggest WTHAs may breed at higher densities on some barrier islands than on the mainland (Boal and Haralson, unpublished data). This may be related to human associated development occurring on the mainland, such as habitat conversion into crop production. Urban and agricultural development have fragmented and degraded much of coastal Texas, posing serious threats to this region’s biological health (The Nature Conservancy 2002). Although WTHAs demonstrate little tolerance for human disturbance near their nests by readily abandoning clutches (Stevenson and Meitzen 1946), no study has specifically examined the potential impacts of human activities on the breeding ecology of WTHAs. It is important to understand how human disturbance may influence breeding behavior in order to develop ways to minimize human disturbance impacts on breeding avian species. 1 During the summers of 2006 and 2007 I collected nesting and observation data on Matagorda Island in Calhoun County, Mustang Island in Nueces County and North Padre Island in Nueces, Kleberg and Kenedy Counties, Texas. This study focused on the breeding ecology of the WTHA on three barrier islands with varying levels of human impact and compared how these populations may be influenced by human disturbance. The objectives of this study were (1) to assess and compare densities, productivity, and chronology of breeding WTHAs across islands with different levels of human disturbance, (2) to develop nest site selection models to predict nest sites most suitable for breeding WTHAs, and (3) to assess differences in WTHA breeding behavior between two levels of human impact. The following chapters are formatted to facilitate future publication of results. Each chapter has been written as a stand-alone document which results in some redundancy in the introduction, justification, and study area. However, included in Chapter IV with the behavioral data, are WTHA prey selection data which were observed during the breeding season. Due to limited knowledge of WTHA prey selection I felt that these data should be included in this thesis. I included it with this chapter due to overlap in methodology, however it will be removed from this chapter for publication purposes as analytically it does not fit. In addition, some overlap exists in portions of the methodology sections, but different analytical techniques are used in each chapter. The following chapters are formatted to meet the guidelines required by the Wildlife Society for The Journal of Wildlife Management (Chamberlain and Johnson 2007). The chapters 2 are the responsibility of the author; however, in publication each chapter will have more than one author. Literature Cited Chamberlain, M. J., and C. Johnson. 2007. Journal of Wildlife Management guidelines. <>. Accessed 3 November 2007. Farquhar, C. C. 1992. White-tailed hawk. in A. Poole, P. Stettenheim, and F. Gill, editors. The Birds of North America, No. 30. Philadelphia: The Academy of Natural Sciences; Washington, D.C. The American Ornithologists’ Union. Morrison, M. L. 1978. Breeding characteristics, eggshell thinning, and population trends of white-tailed hawks in Texas. Texas Ornithological Society Bulletin 11:35-40. Stevenson, J. O., and L. H. Meitzen. 1946. Behavior and food habits of Sennett’s whitetailed hawk in Texas. Wilson Bulletin 58:198-205. The Nature Conservancy. 2002. The gulf coast prairies and marshes ecoregional conservation plan. Gulf coast Prairies and marshes Ecoregional Planning Team, The Nature Conservancy, San Antonio, TX, USA. 3 CHAPTER II BREEDING ECOLOGY OF WHITE-TAILED HAWKS ON THE TEXAS BARRIER ISLANDS Abstract I observed the density, chronology and productivity of breeding White-tailed Hawk (Buteo albicaudatus; WTHA) pairs on Matagorda, Mustang, and North Padre Islands, Texas, in 2006 and 2007. The proportion of nesting pairs on each island was compared between islands. I used nonparametric Mann-Whitney U tests to determine differences between nestling and fledgling production on Matagorda and Mustang Islands. North Padre Island was not used in this comparison due to a small sample size. The mean earliest clutch initiation for all islands was March 3 (± 3.2). Observed nest success on North Padre Island (2 of 9; 22.2%) was markedly lower than Matagorda (25 of 44; 56.8%) and Mustang (7 of 12; 58.3%) Islands. Summarized across the study area, the Mayfield nest success estimate was 41.6%. There was a difference in the frequency distribution of nestling and fledgling production between the high human disturbance (HHD) nests and low human disturbance (LHD) nests. The HHD area has more nests which produce more nestlings despite having a higher level of human disturbance. This may be a result of WTHAs adapting to human disturbance and breeding pairs having larger territories; whereas in the LHD area pairs may be influenced by densitydependence factors where WTHAs may be at population saturation. 4 Introduction A species’ habitat is heterogeneous on many scales due to both natural processes and human activities (Lord and Norton 1990). Loss of a species habitat may negatively affect breeding success (Kurki et al. 2000), and dispersal success (With and Crist 1995, Pither & Taylor 1998). Furthermore, the partitioning of a landscape can alter the stability of species interactions and opportunities for coexistence in competitive and predator-prey systems (Wiens 1989). With human population increasing, the resulting land cover changes may reduce, perforate, isolate, and degrade bird habitat across all scales (Marzluff 2001). Coastal areas in particular are experiencing rapid human population growth (Beach 2002). Coastal counties accounted for half the U.S. population in 2000 (Hobbs and Stoops 2002). Along the Texas coast, the human population growth increased 52% between 1980 and 2003, and is predicted to reach 7.7 million by 2008 (Crossett et al. 2004). Additionally, over one-third of the state’s permanent residents and 70% of its economic activity are located within 160 km of the Texas coast (NOAA 1996). Furthermore, half of the nation’s petrochemical industry and more than a quarter of its refining capacity are found along the Texas coast along with some of the busiest port facilities (NOAA 1996, USFWS 2000). Combined, these pressures from urban growth, tourism, agriculture, development and industry have intensified competition for Texas coastal resources (NOAA 1996). Historic information shows that this area has already undergone substantial fragmentation and degradation, with 95% of the coastal grasslands having been lost between the early 1900s and 1988 (Jahrsdoerfer and Leslie 1988). 5 Coincidentally, coastal Texas is considered one of the most biologically diverse areas of the state (Rappole and Blacklock 1985). The variety of bird species found in this area is among the greatest anywhere in the U.S. (Rappole and Blacklock 1985). Among this avian diversity is the White-tailed Hawk (Buteo albicaudatus; WTHA) which, in the United States, can only be found along coastal Texas (Farquhar 1992). The state-threatened WTHA is one of the least studied raptors occurring in North America (Farquhar 1992). In 1977 the WTHA population size was estimated at 200 breeding pairs in Texas (Morrison 1978), but there are insufficient data to accurately estimate the current population. The few studies that have been conducted on WTHAs have been on large tracts of private property or on a national wildlife refuge (Farquhar 1986, Kopeny 1988, Actkinson 2006), which typically have a more complex vegetative community than the Texas barrier islands. Preliminary surveys suggested WTHAs may breed at higher densities on some barrier islands than on the mainland (Boal and Haralson, unpublished data). This may be related to habitat conversion into crop production and/or other human associated development on the mainland. Although WTHAs demonstrate little tolerance for human disturbance near their nests by readily abandoning clutches (Stevenson and Meitzen 1946), no study has specifically examined the potential impacts of human activities on WTHA densities and productivity, or the species ecology on barrier islands. To assess how human activities may influence WTHA breeding ecology, I examined the productivity, breeding density and breeding chronology of WTHAs across three barrier islands with different levels of human impact. 6 Study Area This study was conducted on Matagorda, Mustang, and North Padre Islands along the Texas coast. Structurally, these long and narrow barrier islands are similar in having rows of dunes along the Gulf side which are constantly being formed and moved by the wind (Weise and White 1980, McAlister and McAlister 1993). Some dunes are held in place by vegetation and form a ridgeline of dunes parallel to the beach. More sand may be blown inward, creating additional dunes further inland (Weise and White 1980). Behind the dunes, the islands are primarily flat with little topography. Vegetation on the Texas barrier islands is simple when compared with vegetation communities found on the mainland (Rappole and Blacklock 1985, McAlister and McAlister 1993). This is predominantly due to salinity levels, proximity to the Gulf of Mexico, the moving sand dunes, and the sometimes harsh weather to which the islands are exposed (Jahrsdoerfer and Leslie 1988). Ground cover across the upland areas is typically a matrix of sedges, grasses, and forbs interspersed with various shrub species. Both the vegetation and climate on the barrier islands is greatly influenced by the Gulf of Mexico (Texas Parks & Wildlife Department 1984). Matagorda Island was the northern most island of this study area and was located in Calhoun County, Texas. Calhoun County has a mild climate and receives about 101 cm of precipitation annually (Handbook of Texas Online 2007). The island was approximately 61 km long with an area of 202 km2 (McAlister and McAlister 1993). Historically, the island was primarily used for ranching and later as a bombing range for a military air base (Texas Parks and Wildlife Department 1984, McAlister and McAlister 7 1993). In 1982 the U.S. Air Force transferred 77 km2, the northern 45 km of the Island, to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for “wildlife conservation purposes” and permanent inclusion in the National Wildlife Refuge System. State lands, released by the Air Force in 1979, comprising 106 km2 acres of adjoining salt marshes and Gulf beach, were placed under the supervision of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) under lease from the Texas General Land Office (GLO). In 1988 the USFWS acquired fee title of the privately held lower third portion of Matagorda Island (47 km2). In 1989, the USFWS, TPWD and GLO conceptually agreed to a partnership arrangement for management of the entire Island. Currently, TPWD is responsible for public use and the USFWS is responsible for wildlife and habitat management (F. Prieto, Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, pers. comm.). The name for this all-inclusive entity is known as Matagorda Island National Wildlife Refuge and State Natural Area (F. Prieto, Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, pers. comm.). Matagorda Island was broken down into a subset of management units which are burned on a 3-5 year rotation (F. Prieto, Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, pers. comm.). Although Matagorda Island was open to the public, access was difficult as there was no vehicular access to the island. This also makes Matagorda Island unique among the barrier islands in this study. Although there was no vehicle access to the island, there was one road which ran the length of the island and was used by USFWS, TPWD and petroleum exploration vehicles. With exception of the sand dunes, Matagorda was flat to gently rolling (Texas Parks and Wildlife Department 1984, McAlister and McAlister 1993). The vegetation on the island appeared to grow in bands parallel to the shoreline 8 with varying degrees of tolerance to salt (McAlister and McAlister 1993). Shrubs found on Matagorda Island were yaupon holly (Ilex vomitoria), honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa torreyana), Mexican persimmon (Diospyros texana), huisache (Acacia farnesiana), and baccharis (Baccharis spp.) (McAlister and McAlister 1993). For this study, I consider Matagorda Island as having low human impact across the whole island. Mustang Island was approximately 29 km long (Tyler et al. 1996) and 85 km2, located in Nueces County, Texas. The climate was considered humid sub-tropical for Nueces County and received approximately 76 cm of rain annually (Handbook of Texas Online 2007). The city of Port Aransas was located on the north end of the island and connected to the mainland by a ferry (Tyler et al. 1996). The population of Port Aransas was over 3,000 in 2000 (Handbook of Texas Online 2007). The beach side of Mustang Island was being converted to resorts and condominiums, whereas the bay side of the island was undergoing residential development on a lesser scale (i.e. houses, pastures). Except for the sand dunes, Mustang Island was primarily flat to gently rolling. Mustang Island was primarily private property except for the 1.2 km2 Mustang Island State Park near the south end of the island (Tyler et al. 1996). The south end of Mustang Island was connected to North Padre Island by a causeway (Weise and White 1980). During peak tourism, the human population on the island would often swell to over 20,000 (Tyler et al. 1996). Primary shrub species observed on this island were black mangrove (Avicennia germinans), yaupon holly, honey mesquite, and baccharris. For purposes of this study, I categorized Mustang Island as highly human impacted. 9 At over 160 km long, Padre Island was the longest sand-barrier island in the U.S., extending southward from Corpus Christi nearly to Mexico. It was located in Cameron, Nueces, Kenedy, Kleberg, and Willacy Counties. These counties received between 66 and 76 cm of annual rainfall (Handbook of Texas Online 2007). Port Mansfield Channel divided the island and was maintained to provide shipping access to the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (Weise and White 1980, Tyler et al. 1996). Due to the length of Padre Island this study was limited to the northern 61 km of North Padre Island, resulting in 205 km2 surveyed. North Padre Island was privately owned for approximately the first 32 km at the north end, where the main uses were residential and recreational development (Tyler et al. 1996). The remaining 109 km of the island was managed by the National Park Service (NPS) as the Padre Island National Seashore. In 2006, the seashore attracted 732,794 visitors (Public Use Statistics Office 2007). North Padre Island was connected to both the mainland and Mustang Island by causeways (Weise and White 1980). North Padre Island fluctuated from 0.8 km wide to 6.4 km in width. The inner island varied from flat and primarily tidal flats to tall inner dune ridges scattered across the island with bayside dune ridges. Shrub species observed on North Padre Island were wax-myrtle (Myrica pusilla), black willow (Salix nigra), honey mesquite, and huisache (Acacia farnesiana). For purposes of this study, I considered the north end of North Padre Island as highly impacted by human activities, but diminishing to low human influence near Port Mansfield Channel on the south end of the island. 10 Methods Field Methods I conducted road surveys for WTHAs on Matagorda, Mustang and North Padre Islands and point sampling from dune ridges on North Padre Island. Road surveys consisted of driving and scanning for soaring or perched WTHAs (Fuller and Mosher 1987, Bibby et al. 2000). Roads provide easy access for large areas of land to be surveyed efficiently; however not all areas across the study area may have roads (Fuller and Mosher 1987), limiting the usefulness of this survey method. In addition, detectability of a species is greatly influenced by the surrounding landscape (Fuller and Mosher 1987). However, road surveys are especially useful for soaring raptors, such as the WTHA, and in areas of open habitat (Fuller and Mosher 1987, Bibby et al. 2000). Since vehicle access was from the beach side only, I conducted point sampling from the dune ridge on Padre Island National Seashore (Buckland et al 2001). Point sampling was used to acquire locations of WTHA pairs on the Padre Island National Seashore, due to the inability to see past the dune ridge from the beach. Discrepancies occur when trying to estimate abundances of rare species using point sampling (Hutto et al. 1986), therefore I did not attempt to calculate WTHA abundances. Points were spaced 3.2 km apart along the Gulf side of the island and locations were recorded with a handheld GPS unit (Garmin Etrex; Garmin Ltd, 2007). I conducted point sampling surveys from sunrise until heat shimmer limited the ability to identify raptors to species at a distance. At each point, I scanned the surrounding area for 10 minutes before moving on to the next point. 11 During all surveys, I considered an area occupied if I observed individuals or pairs engaged in breeding behavior (i.e. territorial or courtship displays, nest building). Upon determining an area was occupied, I observed pairs to try to identify nest sites and then conducted nest searches. In addition, I checked all accessible known nest areas from previous years. I attempted to visit all occupied territories twice a month to monitor breeding status. I recorded the location of all nests with a handheld GPS unit, and returned approximately every 2 weeks to monitor activity. After a clutch had been initiated, I then considered the territory to have a nesting pair. I attempted to check nests bimonthly to monitor nesting status. If I observed normal pair behavior (i.e. soaring over nest, flushing from nest) I considered the nest as still active and avoided approaching the nest at this stage to reduce a chance of abandonment. If I did not observe a pair in the vicinity of the nest, I would approach and check the nest to verify the status of the nesting attempt. I used a mirror attached to a pole to examine nest contents to count nestlings and estimate their age according to a nestling age guide I created in 2006 (Haralson unpublished 2006). I continued to monitor occupied territories of non-nesting WTHAs, and conduct surveys for renesting attempts by failed pairs through June in 2006 and July in 2007. In 2006 pairs were less likely to abandon eggs after a nest check. In 2007, I attempted to approach nests only after eggs had hatched because I detected an increased rate of nest abandonment in 2007. 12 Analytical methods Using ArcGIS 9.2, I digitized the surveyed portion of the islands from 2004 National Agricultural Imagery Program (NAIP) mosaics. This encompassed all of Matagorda and Mustang Islands, but only the northern 61 km of North Padre Island. Once the surveyed areas were digitized as polygons, areas of each polygon were calculated in the ArcGIS table using Visual Basic code. I divided the surveyed areas into 5 landscape types: beach, tidal flats, uplands (from McAlister and McAlister 1993), roads, and human impacted areas (i.e. residential, city limits, condominiums, oil drilling sites). The area of each island was used to calculate the densities of occupied areas on each island. Upland areas were also used to calculate densities of occupied areas on each island, presuming this was a more accurate representation of available WTHA nesting habitat. I determined nearest-neighbor distances for each nesting pair by calculating the distance to the nearest nesting pair. I calculated nearest-neighbor distance using Hawth’s Analysis Tools version 3.27 (Beyer 2006) for ArcGIS. I summarize and report means and standard deviations for all reproductive parameters, including renest attempts. I used the Mayfield calculation (Mayfield 1975) to determine nest success for each island. I considered any pair that raised at least one nestling to 80% of nestling age as a successful pair (Steenhof and Kochert 1982). I omitted renest attempts from the Mayfield calculations. I compared Mayfield nest success, observed nest success (proportion of successful nests per all nesting attempts) and proportion of nesting pairs per total occupied territories between years for each island using an analysis of a contingency table (Zar 1999). If there was no difference between 13 years for each island I combined the data for each island for the aforementioned proportions and used a normal Z-test to compare more than two proportions (Zar 1999). To compare nesting chronology among islands, I estimated the egg laying date using an average incubation period of 31 days (Farquhar 1992). The estimated age of nestlings when first observed was back-dated to estimate initiation of incubation (Steenhof and Newton 2007). Nests which failed during the incubation period were omitted from analysis of nesting chronology because the age of the egg(s) was unknown. No known renest attempts were used in determining chronology. Clutch initiation dates were compared between years for each island using a nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test. To make productivity comparisons between human disturbance levels, I pooled data from the high human disturbance (HHD) portion of North Padre Island with data from Mustang Island and considered them HHD pairs. Pairs on Matagorda Island were considered to have low human disturbance (LHD). Within human disturbance levels, I compared nestling and fledgling productivity of all nesting WTHAs between 2006 and 2007 breeding seasons. Assuming no difference was detected between years, I then pooled nestling and fledgling productivity between years for comparison among LHD and HHD. I compared LHD and HHD using a contingency table with a chi-square test to determine island effects on number of nestlings and number of fledglings produced. All analyses were completed in Statistica 6.1 (StatSoft, Inc. 2004) using an alpha of 0.05. This project was conducted under Texas Tech University Animal Care and Use Protocol 06027-05 14 Results All Islands Across the study site I identified 41 occupied WTHA territories in 2006 and again in 2007 (Table 2.1). Not all territories occupied in 2006 were observed in 2007 or vice versa. However, it is interesting to note that the number of occupied territories stayed the same between the two years across the study area. Of these 41 occupied territories, thirty-two pairs initiated a clutch in each year (78%). The number of nesting pairs stayed constant between the two years even though some of the territories in which pairs nested in a given year were different. There was no statistical difference between observed nest success in 2006 (63.6%) and 2007 (40.6%) (Zc = 1.61, 0.25 < P < 0.50). Similarly, the Mayfield nest success estimates of WTHAs were not significantly different between (Zc = 1.78, 0.25 < P < 0.50) 2006 (55.9%) and 2007 (30.2%). Summarized across the entire study area, the Mayfield nest success estimate was 41.6% (Table 2.2). Density and nearest-neighbor distances were relatively similar between the two years (Table 2.1). The average density of occupied territories across both years and all islands was 0.13 occupied territories per km2 (Table 2.2). Nearest-neighbor distances on Matagorda Island (1.86 ± 0.87) are nearly half of what was observed on Mustang Island (2.56 ± 0.82) and a third of what was observed on North Padre Island (5.60 ± 3.78). Matagorda Island On Matagorda Island I identified 26 and 27 occupied WTHA territories in 2006 and 2007 respectively (Table 2.3, Figure 2.2). Twenty-two pairs initiated a clutch in each of 2006 (85%) and in 2007 (81%). Observed nest success of WTHAs on Matagorda 15 Island in 2006 (72.7%) was not statistically significant (Zc = 1.82, 0.25 < P < 0.50) from 2007 (30.4%). Similarly, differences in the Mayfield nest success estimates between 2006 (64.3%) and 2007 (33.1%) were not significantly different (Zc = 1.79, 0.25 < P < 0.50). However, the >30% difference between years in both measures suggests between year differences may be biologically relevant. Combining 2006 and 2007 data, the Mayfield nest success estimate for Matagorda Island was 43.9% (Table 2.2). The average density of occupied territories between 2006 and 2007 on Matagorda was 0.23 pairs per km2 (Table 2.2). There were more nests predated in 2007 (n = 13) than in 2006 (n = 6). The percent of pairs which renested after their first nesting attempt failed on Matagorda Island was 9.1 % (4 of 44 initial attempts). Only one renest attempt was successful. All other reproductive parameters from 2006 and 2007 on Matagorda Island are contrasted in Table 2.3. Mustang Island I identified 6 and 7 occupied WTHA territories on Mustang Island in 2006 and 2007 respectively (Table 2.4, Figure 2.3). Of these 5 (83%) and 7 (100%) pairs nested in 2006 and 2007, respectively (Table 2.4). There was no statistical difference in the proportion of nesting pairs between the two years (Zc = 0.08, P > 0.50). Observed nest success of WTHAs on Mustang Island in 2006 (80.0%) and 2007 (42.9%) did not differ (Zc = 0.69, 0.95 < P < 0.975). Similarly, differences in the Mayfield nest success estimates between 2006 (73.7%) and 2007 (34.9%) were not significantly different (Zc = 0.74, 0.95 < P < 0.975). Similar to Matagorda Island, the almost 40% differences between years in both measures suggests between year differences may be biologically 16 relevant. Combining 2006 and 2007 data, the Mayfield nest success estimate Mustang Island was 49.4% (Table 2.2). The average density of occupied WTHA territories in 2006 and 2007 for Mustang Island was 0.16 pairs per km2 (Table 2.2). The number of nests predated in 2006 (n = 1) was less than in 2007 (n = 4). There were no renest attempts observed on Mustang Island during the course of this study. All other reproductive parameters from 2006 and 2007 on Mustang Island are contrasted in Table 2.4. North Padre Island I identified 9 and 7 occupied territories in which only 5 (55%) and 3 (43%) pairs nested in 2006 and 2007 respectively (Table 2.5, Figure 2.4). Only 1 pair was successful each year. Differences in the observed nest success of WTHAs on North Padre Island in 2006 (16.7%) and 2007 (33.3%) were not statistically significant (Zc = 0.28, 0.975 < P < 0.99). Similarly, the Mayfield nest success estimates between 2006 (14.4%) and 2007 (23.7%) did not differ (Zc = 0.67, 0.95 < P < 0.975). Combining 2006 and 2007 data, the Mayfield nest success estimates for North Padre Island was 18.2%. The average density of occupied territories in 2006 and 2007 was 0.05 pairs per km2. The proportion of pairs which renested after their first failed nesting attempt was 8.3% (1 of 12 initial attempts) on North Padre Island. All other reproductive parameters from 2006 and 2007 on North Padre Island are contrasted in Table 2.5. Occupancy and Nest Success Combining 2006 and 2007 data, I compared observed nest success, Mayfield nest success estimates, and proportion of nesting pairs from occupied territories between 17 Matagorda, Mustang and North Padre Islands. Although observed nest success on North Padre Island (22.2%) was lower than Matagorda (56.8%) and Mustang (58.3%) Islands there was no significant difference found (χ2 = 3.80, 0.25 < P < 0.10). Likewise, the Mayfield nest success estimate on North Padre Island (18.2%) was lower than Matagorda (43.9%) and Mustang (49.4%) Islands; however no significant difference was found (χ2 = 1.95, 0.90 < P < 0.95). Conversely, the percent of nesting pairs per occupied territories did differ between islands (χ2 = 3.80, 0.005 < P < 0.01). A post-hoc analogous to the Tukey’s test (Zar 1999) depicted a significant difference between Matagorda and North Padre Islands (q = 4.65, 0.001 < P < 0.005), but no significant difference between Mustang and Matagorda Islands (q = 0.73, P > 0.50) or Mustang and North Padre Islands (q = 2.74, 0.01 < P < 0.02). Chronology Egg laying for breeding WTHAs on the barrier islands began around the 1st of March (Figure 2.1). Pairs initiated clutches earlier on Matagorda Island in 2006 (x̄ = March 27 ± 17.1) than in 2007 (x̄ = April 3 ± 22.9) though initiation dates were not significantly different (U = 118.50, P = 0.340). Mustang Island pairs initiated clutches later (U = 0.00, P = 0.034) in 2006 (x̄ = March 11 ± 3.8) than in 2007 (x̄ = March 19 ± 3.7). Sample size on North Padre Island was too small to test. Mean earliest clutch initiation for all islands was March 3 (± 3.2). Matagorda Island has an extended period of clutch initiation (x̄ = March 30 ± 20.0) compared to Mustang (x̄ = March 15 ± 5.1) and North Padre Islands (x̄ = March 23 ± 15.9) (Figure 2.1); however this may be the inclusion of renest attempts if early nest failures were missed. 18 Productivity Data were analyzed by comparing total nestlings or fledglings per all nesting pairs. Number of nestlings produced by WTHAs in LHD in 2006 (x̄ = 1.35 ± 0.81) was nearly two times the productivity observed in 2007 (x̄ = 0.77 ± 0.92). However there was no difference observed between the frequency distribution of the number of nestlings produced (χ2(0.05, 3) = 5.31, 0.05 < P < 0.10) between 2006 and 2007. Similarly, fledgling production in 2006 (x̄ = 1.14 ± 0.83) appeared to be substantively greater than in 2007 (x̄ = 0.64 ± 0.85), but there was no significant difference in the frequencies of fledglings produced (χ2(0.05, 3) = 4.10, 0.10 < P < 0.25). Similarly, nestling production in HHD in 2006 (x̄ = 1.25 ± 1.26) appeared lower than that in 2007 (x̄ = 0.86 ± 1.26). The frequency comparison of nestlings produced showed no significant difference between 2006 and 2007(χ2(0.05, 4) = 3.42, 0.25 < P < 0.50). Again the number of fledglings produced in 2006 (x̄ = 1.40 ± 1.14) was numerically greater than in 2007 (x̄ = 0.86 ± 1.22), but there was no significant difference in the frequencies of fledglings produced (χ2(0.05, 4) = 1.42, 0.50 < P < 0.75). To examine general productivity between two levels of human disturbance, I pooled data from both years for analysis in the LHD and the HHD. Although the means did not appear numerically different between LHD (x̄ = 1.05 ± 0.91) and HHD (x̄ = 1.00 ± 1.83) there was a significant difference in the frequency of nestlings produced between LHD and HHD (χ2(0.05, 4) = 9.98, 0.01 < P < 0.025) (Table 2.6). Similarly, the mean fledglings produced appeared to have no numerical difference (LDH x̄ = 0.89 ± 0.87; 19 HHD x̄ = 1.08 ± 1.16), but the frequency of fledglings produced was significantly different (χ2(0.05, 4) = 9.15, 0.025 < P < 0.05) between the two areas (Table 2.7). Discussion Density There are many factors contributing to variation in productivity of birds: breeding density, time of season, predation, parental age, availability of food, competition, and nest-site quality (Alatalo and Lundberg 1984). In this study Matagorda Island had the highest density of WTHAs territories ever recorded in south Texas (0.22-0.23 pairs/km2). In comparison, earlier studies conducted on the mainland recorded between 0.18 – 0.21 pairs/km2 at the Attwater National Wildlife Refuge (Farquhar 1986), and in 2 adjacent pastures in Kleberg County, densities were estimated at 0.17 and 0.11 pairs/km2 (Kopeny 1988). Territory density on Mustang Island (0.15-0.17 pairs/km2) was comparable to densities observed in previous studies (Farquhar 1986, Kopeny 1988). WTHAs on Matagorda Island may be at their carrying capacity for the island, if optimal and suboptimal areas are being used, this may result in decreased measures of WTHA productivity on the island. The nearest-neighbor distances on Matagorda Island are the lowest observed across the study site. In territorial birds, such as the WTHA, high densities can result in a negative effect on reproductive success (Alatalo and Lundberg 1984). Pairs may spend more time defending their territory than tending to their young. Given that a complete census within the study area on North Padre Island was not conducted, densities from North Padre Island are not comparable. 20 Chronology Although clutch initiation dates on Matagorda Island were not statistically different between years, clutch initiation occurred approximately a week earlier in 2006 than in 2007. In contrast, on Mustang Island pairs initiated clutches later in 2006 than in 2007. The differences between these islands were unexpected but could be explained by rainfall and the occurrence of prescribed burns. The early half of 2006 was extremely dry, leaving much of southeast Texas in drought conditions. As a result of this drought, on Matagorda Island there were very few prescribed burns conducted in February and early March, during the WTHA nest building and courtship period (Farquhar 1992). However, mid-2006 and continuing into early 2007 rainfall had increased across much of southeast Texas, allowing more prescribed burns to be conducted on Matagorda Island. The average rainfall for Corpus Christi, TX from January to August in 2006 was 7.1 cm compared to 11.6 cm during the same period in 2007 (National Weather Service 2007). The dry spring of 2006 may have caused WTHAs to delay clutch initiation until later when the female would potentially be in better condition. The ample rainfall in 2007 may have increased prey which resulted in female WTHAs being in better condition to initiate clutches earlier and therefore pairs nested earlier. Many avian species have shown correlation between rainfall and annual productivity (Rotenberry and Wiens 1991, Morrison et al. 2007). However, prescribed burns occurred across some areas of Matagorda Island during the nest building period of WTHAs, which could have disturbed if not burned nests. This could have caused pairs to rebuild and delayed clutch initiation on Matagorda Island in 2007. In contrast, Mustang 21 Island received no prescribed burns or wildfires, allowing WTHAs to continue with the initiation of clutches. Occupancy and Nest Success The observed difference between proportions of nesting pairs per occupied territory between the 3 islands in our study should be viewed with caution. Due to limited roads and minimal infrastructure within the Padre Island National Seashore, the survey methods on North Padre Island were not consistent within the island or with the methods used for Matagorda and Mustang Islands. I feel that a complete census was conducted on Matagorda and Mustang Islands, due to adequate access. In addition the interiors of those islands do not have as many inland dunes, allowing further visibility. However; this was not the case for North Padre Island. The small sample size from North Padre Island may be biased due to these logistic limitations, and that may not be representative of the true population of breeding WTHAs on North Padre Island. More research should be conducted focusing on the population of WTHAs on North Padre Island to gain a better understanding of that population. There was no difference in Mayfield or observed nest success or the proportion of nesting pairs among islands. This suggests that WTHA pairs and productivity was relatively stable on these islands during this two year period. Matagorda Island had higher occupied territory density than Mustang Island. High densities in territorial birds such as the WTHA can result in a negative effect of productivity (Alatalo and Lundberg 1984). Decreases in a birds territory size resulting from high breeding population density has been shown to explain some variation in avian reproductive success (Both and Visser 22 2000). The mechanism that causes reduced reproductive success may be the intensified competition for some limiting resource, usually food which can decrease reproduction in a territory (Newton 1980). However, these potential factors did not appear to influence nest success on Matagorda Island as there was no difference between it and Mustang Island. The Mayfield and observed nest success on Mustang Island were similar to those reported on the mainland of Texas (Actkinson 2005, Kopeny 1988). However, Farquhar (1986) observed high nest success rates (100%) in two of his three years of study. This may be due to lower predation because of intensive predator control on the Attwater National Wildlife Refuge. Low nest success of WTHAs is reported to be influenced by egg and nestling predation, or caused by abandonment of eggs due to disturbances near nest sites (Stevenson and Meitzen 1946). Shrubs or stunted trees were often the only nesting substrate available on the islands. WTHA nest locations were often placed near the apex of low shrubs, as low as 1 m and up to 5 m tall. Such placement may lead to high predation rates due to the nests being easily accessible for mammalian predators or visible to avian predators. Most WTHA nests located on North Padre Island were predated in 2006 and 2007. In addition, individual pairs were extremely sensitive to disturbances, which resulted in two nest abandonments on Matagorda Island and one on Mustang Island. Productivity The comparison and contrast of productivity among populations offers a meaningful benchmark for analyzing the status of avian populations (Newton 1998). 23 Furthermore, comparing productivity and nesting success within and among populations provides insight into the factors that affect reproduction, such as predation, weather, human disturbance and breeding densities. Numerically, LHD nests produced fewer fledglings in 2007 than in 2006 primarily due to a higher predation rate in 2007. Predation rates could have been influenced by the lack of rainfall which resulted in a difference in the burn regime between 2006 and 2007. A combination of these factors may have influenced the nest success on the LHD area in 2007. Although no prescribed burns were conducted on the HHD area, a similar trend in lower nestling production in 2007 versus 2006 still persisted. Comparing the frequency distribution of productivity between the HHD and LHD areas showed a significant difference in both nestling and fledgling production. This further supports the possibility of the LHD area being influenced by density dependent factors, as populations breeding close to saturation often have lower productivity (Alatalo and Lundberg 1984, Both and Visser 2000). Therefore, this data may not infer that high levels of human influence results in high WTHA productivity, but perhaps there may be more resources available due to lower densities which then result in a higher productivity. The successful pairs on Matagorda Island did not only nest in natural available substrate, but on artificial nesting platforms as well. Matagorda Island has several artificial nesting platforms provided for the experimental population of Aplomado falcons (Falco femoralis). WTHAs used one such nesting platform in 2006 and 2007 and successfully produced young each year. This is the only WTHA territory in which the 24 pair used an artificial nesting platform on Matagorda Island; most other platforms on Matagorda Island were occupied by breeding Aplomado falcons. This is the first recorded WTHA nest on an artificial platform and suggests that artificial nest platforms are acceptable by breeding WTHAs when natural nest sites are limiting. Other raptors have been known to use artificial nest platforms, which increased their nesting density and distributions in areas where natural sites were lacking (Newton 1998). With an increased breeding density, sub-adult birds may opt for residing within the same territory of a breeding pair, potentially assisting that pair, due to lack of sufficient area for the young birds to take up residence. One such observation consisted of two adult plumaged WTHAs and one sub-adult (Basic II) plumaged bird in 2007 (B. Clark pers. comm.). This territory was not known to have a nesting pair in 2006. The sub-adult was once observed attempting to incubate the clutch; however the female came in to the nest and, with no aggression towards the sub-adult, moved to brood the eggs. The sub-adult was also observed pirating food from the adult male. The nestlings were depredated, and the pair attempted to renest, and the sub-adult was observed in the area of the new nest as well. A similar situation has been observed in WTHAs on one occasion in Venezuela, where the immature bird resided in its natal territory the following year and a half (Madar 1981). Other interesting observations include the number of actual breeding sub-adult WTHAs. One pair of WTHAs consisting of two sub-adult plumaged individuals on Matagorda Island successfully fledged two young in 2007. When they initiated their clutch, the pair was in Basic II and Basic III according to B. Clark (pers. comm.). The 25 same year on North Padre Island in Corpus Christi a pair consisting of a typical adult plumaged male and a female with a dark throat successfully fledged two young as well. Kopeny (1988) had observed a sub-adult male breeding with an adult plumaged female. Usually WTHAs breed on their third year (Farquhar 1986). Birds in immature plumage are capable of breeding but typically do not do so because territory gaps are usually filled by older birds (Newton 1979). An increase in breeding sub-adult plumaged birds can signify an increase in adult mortality (Newton 1979, Steenhof et al. 1983), or an increase in the availability of a resource such as nest sites or food supply, when a population is increasing (Newton 1976). Management Implications WTHAs in the LHD area have a lower frequency of fledglings produced than pairs nesting in HHD areas. This may be an artifact of this study or density dependence factors influencing WTHA nest success on Matagorda Island (LHD). Productivity of nests in HHD areas is higher despite having a high level of human influence. This may be a result of WTHAs adapting to human disturbance and breeding pairs having larger territories; whereas in the LHD area pairs may be influenced by density-dependence factors where WTHAs may be at population saturation. Nesting pairs of WTHAs on Matagorda Island should be examined to determine the indirect effect of the timing of prescribed burns on breeding success. 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All Islands 2006 (± SD) 2007 (± SD) Occupied Territories 41 41 Nesting Pairs 32 32 Renest Attempts 2 3 Area of Islands (km2) 493.2 493.2 Density (occupied territory/km2) 0.08 0.08 Upland Area of Islands (km2) 304 304 Upland Area Density (occupied territory/km2) 0.13 0.13 Nearest-Neighbor Distance (km) 2.51 (1.57) 2.39 (2.23) Mean Clutch Size 1.80 (0.83) 1.50 (0.71) # Nestlings/All Nest Attempts 1.23 (0.97) 0.78 (0.98) # Fledglings/All Nest Attempts 1.06 (0.97) 0.69 (0.93) # Fledglings/Successful Nests 1.67 (0.60) 1.69 (0.58) Observed Nest Success 63.6% 40.6% Mayfield Nest Success 55.9% 30.2% 33 Table 2.2. Descriptive statistics of White-tailed Hawk breeding ecology averaged for Matagorda, Mustang, and North Padre Islands during 2006-2007. Matagorda (± SD) Mustang (± SD) North Padre (± SD) All Islands (± SD) 0.23 0.16 0.05 0.13 Upland Area Density (occupied territory/km2) Nearest-Neighbor Distance (km) 1.86 (0.87) 2.56 (0.82) 5.60 (3.78) 2.45 (1.92) Mean Clutch Size 2.03 (0.38) 2.00 (0.53) 1.71 (0.76) 1.98 (0.47) # Nestlings/All Nests 1.05 (0.91) 1.00 (1.83) 0.78 (1.20) 1.02 (0.99) # Fledglings/All Nests 0.89 (0.87) 1.08 (1.16) 0.55 (1.13) 0.88 (0.96) # Fledglings/Successful Nests 1.56 (0.51) 1.86 (0.90) 2.50 (0.71) 1.68 (0.64) Observed Nest Success 56.8% 58.3% 22.2% 52.3% Mayfield Nest Success 43.9% 49.4% 18.2% 41.6% 34 Table 2.3. Descriptive statistics of White-tailed Hawk breeding ecology for Matagorda Island during 2006-2007. Matagorda Island a 2006 (± SD) 2007 (± SD) Occupied Territories 26 27 Nesting Pairs 22 22 Renest Attempts 1 3 Area of Island (km2) 202.7 202.7 Density (occupied territory/km2) 0.13 0.13 Upland Area of Island (km2) 117.1 117.1 Upland Area Density (occupied territory/km2) 0.22 0.23 Nearest-Neighbor Distance (km) 1.97 (0.78) 1.86 (0.99) Mean Clutch Size 1.95 (0.23) 2.13 (0.50) # Nestlings/All Nest Attempts 1.35 (0.81) 0.77 (0.92) # Fledglings/All Nest Attempts 1.14 (0.83) 0.53 (0.85) # Fledglings/Successful Nests 1.56 (0.51) 1.56 (0.53) Observed Nest Success 72.7% 40.9% Mayfield Nest Success – Represents a significant difference at the 0.1 level 61.5% 29.7% 35 Table 2.4. Descriptive statistics of White-tailed Hawk breeding ecology for Mustang Island during 2006-2007. Mustang Island 2006 (± SD) 2007 (± SD) Occupied Territories 6 7 Nesting Pairs 5 7 Renest Attempts 0 0 Area of Island (km2) 84.9 84.9 Density (occupied territory/km2) 0.07 0.08 Upland Area of Island (km2) 40.9 40.9 Upland Area Density (occupied territory/km2) 0.15 0.17 Nearest-Neighbor Distance (km) 2.76 (0.72) 2.41 (0.92) Mean Clutch Size 2.25 (0.50) 1.75 (0.50) # Nestlings/All Nest Attempts 1.25 (1.26) 0.86 (1.26) # Fledglings/All Nest Attempts 1.40 (1.14) 0.86 (1.22) # Fledglings/Successful Nests 1.75 (0.96) 2.00 (1.00) Observed Nest Success 80.0% 42.9% Mayfield Nest Success 73.7% 34.9% 36 Table 2.5. Descriptive statistics of White-tailed Hawk breeding ecology for North Padre Island during 2006-2007. North Padre Island 2006 (± SD) 2007 (± SD) Occupied Territories 9 7 Nesting Pairs 5 3 Renest Attempts 1 0 Area of Island (km2) 205.6 205.6 Density (occupied territory/km2) 0.04 0.03 Upland Area of Island (km2) 146 146 Upland Area Density (occupied territory/km2) 0.06 0.05 Nearest-Neighbor Distance (km) 4.61 (2.86) 7.24 (5.20) Mean Clutch Size 1.80 (0.83) 1.50 (0.71) # Nestlings/All Nest Attempts 0.83 (1.33) 0.67 (1.15) # Fledglings/All Nest Attempts 0.50 (1.26) 0.67 (1.15) # Fledglings/Successful Nests 3.00 0.00 2.00 0.00 Observed Nest Success 16.7% 33.3% Mayfield Nest Success 14.4% 23.7% 37 Table 2.6. The distribution of the number of nestlings produced in Low Human Disturbance (LHD) nests versus High Human Disturbance (HHD) nests during 20062007. LHD Nests HHD Nests Total Number of Nestlings 0 1 2 16 8 18 6 3 3 22 11 21 3 0 3 3 Total 42 15 Table 2.7. The distribution of the number of fledglings produced in Low Human Disturbance (LHD) nests versus High Human Disturbance (HHD) nests during 20062007. LHD Nests HHD Nests Total 0 19 7 26 Number of Fledglings 1 2 11 14 3 3 14 17 38 3 0 3 3 Total 44 16 Figure 2.1. White-tailed Hawk nesting chronology on Matagorda, Mustang, and North Padre Islands in 2006 and 2007. Estimated nestling age was back-dated to estimate egg laying date. (Matagorda n = 29; Mustang n = 9; North Padre n = 3) 39 Figure 2.2. White-tailed Hawk nest locations on Matagorda Island, Texas, 2006 and 2007. 40 Figure 2.3. White-tailed Hawk nest locations on Mustang Island, Texas, 2006 and 2007. 41 Figure 2.4. White-tailed Hawk nest locations on North Padre Island, Texas, 2006 and 2007. 42 CHAPTER III NEST SITE SELECTION OF WHITE-TAILED HAWKS ON THE TEXAS BARRIER ISLANDS. Abstract I measured vegetation and landscape characteristics at White-tailed Hawk (Buteo albicaudatu; WTHA) nest sites and paired random sites on Matagorda, Mustang and North Padre Islands, Texas, in 2006 and 2007. I create a resource selection probability function for WTHA nest site selection using a logistic regression model of the characteristics measured at a subset of 19 nest sites and paired random sites on Matagorda Island. Models were evaluated using Akaike Information Criterion. The best model on Matagorda Island used the parameters of shrub category, nearest-neighbor distance, and distance to road to correctly differentiate 83% of nest sites from random sites on Matagorda Island, 70% on Mustang Island, and 50% on North Padre Islands. I then created model sets for Mustang and North Padre Islands, the best model for each of these islands used the parameters of shrub height, shrub circumference, and their interaction. The resource selection probability function from the best model on Matagorda Island should be used with caution in other areas due to inconsistent predictions of nest sites from random sites. Overall, it appears that the shrub species is important to WTHA nest site selection. 43 Introduction The primary threat currently facing wildlife populations in general is the fragmentation and loss of native landscapes (Wilcove et al. 1998, Wilson 1999). Urban development is one of the key factors influencing the abundance and distribution of many native species world-wide (Fernández-Juricic and Jokimäki 2001). Urbanization often results in decreased habitat availability, reduced patch size, and increased non-native vegetation (Marzluff 2001). In the history of the United States, the largest human population increase occurred between the 1990 to 2000 census (Hobbs and Stoops 2002). Suburbs accounted for most of the urban growth, and coastal counties accounted for half the U.S. population in 2000 (Hobbs and Stoops 2002). Therefore, the effect of human population increase and urban development on wildlife within cities and the surrounding landscape is an area of growing ecological concern (Hadidian et al. 1997, Grimm et al. 2000), especially in coastal areas. Urban and agricultural development have fragmented and degraded much of coastal Texas, posing serious threats to this region’s biological health (The Nature Conservancy 2002). Human population growth along the Texas coast increased 52% between 1980 through 2003, and it is estimated that the population will reach 7.7 million by 2008 (Crossett et al. 2004). In addition to the rapid population growth, 95% of coastal grasslands had been altered by agricultural and urban development by 1988 (Jahrsdoerfer and Leslie 1988). Coincidentally, coastal Texas is also one of the most biologically diverse areas of the state (Rappole and Blacklock 1985, NOAA 1996); the variety of bird species found in coastal Texas alone is among the greatest anywhere in the U.S. (Rappole 44 and Blacklock 1985, The Nature Conservancy 2002). This is of concern for conservation of avian species in general. Bird communities are often most susceptible to habitat loss and fragmentation, but few studies have compared the impacts of habitat degradation and loss across a gradient (Marzluff 2001). At the northern extent of its range in southern Texas, the White-tailed Hawk (Buteo albicaudatus, WTHA) remains one of the least studied raptors occurring in North America (Farquhar 1992). In Texas, where it is listed as a threatened species, it is a resident on the coastal grasslands and adjacent inland savannahs (Kopeny 1988, Farquhar 1992). Stevenson and Meitzen (1946) observed breeding WTHAs have little tolerance for human disturbance near their nest (Stevenson and Meitzen 1946). Thus, loss of coastal grasslands (Jahrsdoerfer and Leslie 1988) and increases in human presence (Crossett et al. 2004) present, is of potential management concern. As demands on coastal resources increase due to tourism, petrochemical, agricultural, and urban development, wildlife managers will be faced with ensuring a suitable environment for the WTHA. Previous research on WTHA nesting habitat has been conducted on the mainland of Texas on large tracts of private ranch land or on the Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge (Farquhar 1986, Kopeny 1988, Actkinson 2006) were human access and presence is largely regulated. Scattered thorny shrubs and stunted trees are typical nest sites of WTHAs in Texas (Farquhar 1986, Kopeny 1988, Actkinson 2006). On average, WTHAs nest on lower substrates relative to other Buteonine hawks (Actkinson 2006). However, this may be a factor of shrubs and stunted trees being the only available nesting 45 sites (Stevenson and Meitzen 1946). Unfortunately, there are no data available describing the importance of landscape and nest site characteristics for WTHAs on the Texas barrier islands which, with few exceptions, are subject to human development and extensive recreational activities. Understanding vegetation and landscape characteristics that increase the probability of an area being selected by nesting WTHAs would facilitate development of sound conservation and management strategies for the species. The objectives of this study were threefold. The first objective was to model WTHA nesting habitat selection in a continuous landscape with low human impact. The second objective was to use the best model to develop a resource selection probability functions (RSPF; Manly et al. 2002). The first and second objectives were based on the assumption that WTHA resource selection would be most natural in settings least impacted by human activities. Once resource selection from a relatively undisturbed setting was obtained and a RSPF developed, the third objective was to test the RSPF across three islands with varying levels of human impact. This would facilitate a better understanding of how breeding WTHAs utilize areas with different land use pressures. Study Area This study was conducted on Matagorda, Mustang, and North Padre Islands along the Texas coast. Structurally, these long and narrow barrier islands are similar in having rows of dunes along the Gulf side which are constantly being formed and moved by the wind (Weise and White 1980, McAlister and McAlister 1993). Some dunes are held in place by vegetation and form a ridgeline of dunes parallel to the beach. More sand may 46 be blown inward, creating additional dunes further inland (Weise and White 1980). Behind the dunes, the islands are primarily flat with little topography. Vegetation on the Texas barrier islands is simple when compared with vegetation communities found on the mainland (Rappole and Blacklock 1985, McAlister and McAlister 1993). This is predominantly due to salinity levels, proximity to the Gulf of Mexico, the moving sand dunes, and the sometimes harsh weather to which the islands are exposed (Jahrsdoerfer and Leslie 1988). Ground cover across the upland areas is typically a matrix of sedges, grasses, and forbs interspersed with various shrub species. Both the vegetation and climate on the barrier islands is greatly influenced by the Gulf of Mexico (Texas Parks & Wildlife Department 1984). Matagorda Island was the northern most island of this study area and was located in Calhoun County, Texas. Calhoun County has a mild climate and received about 101 cm of precipitation annually (Handbook of Texas Online 2007). The island was approximately 61 km long with an area of 202 km2 (McAlister and McAlister 1993). Historically, the island was primarily used for ranching and later as a bombing range for a military air base (Texas Parks and Wildlife Department 1984, McAlister and McAlister 1993). In 1982 the U.S. Air Force transferred the northern 45 km of the Island (77 km2 ), to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for “wildlife conservation purposes” and permanent inclusion in the National Wildlife Refuge System. State lands, released by the Air Force in 1979, comprising 106 km2 of adjoining salt marshes and Gulf beach, were placed under the supervision of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) under lease from the Texas General Land Office (GLO). In 1988 the USFWS acquired fee title 47 of the privately held lower third portion of Matagorda Island (47 km2). In 1989, the USFWS, TPWD and GLO conceptually agreed to a partnership arrangement for management of the entire Island. Currently, TPWD is responsible for public use and the USFWS is responsible for wildlife and habitat management (F. Prieto, Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, pers. comm.). The name for this all-inclusive entity is known as Matagorda Island National Wildlife Refuge and State Natural Area (F. Prieto, Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, pers. comm.). Matagorda Island was divided into management units which were burned on a 3-5 year rotation (F. Prieto, Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, pers. comm.). Although Matagorda Island was open to the public, access was difficult as there was no vehicular access to the island. This makes Matagorda Island unique among the barrier islands in this study. Although there was no public vehicle access to the island, there was one road which ran the length of the island and was used by USFWS, TPWD and petroleum exploration vehicles. With exception of the sand dunes, Matagorda was flat to gently rolling (Texas Parks and Wildlife Department 1984, McAlister and McAlister 1993). The vegetation on the island appeared to grow in bands parallel to the shoreline with varying degrees of tolerance to salt (McAlister and McAlister 1993). Shrubs found on Matagorda Island were yaupon holly (Ilex vomitoria), honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa torreyana), Mexican persimmon (Diospyros texana), huisache (Acacia farnesiana), and baccharis (Baccharis spp.) (McAlister and McAlister 1993). For this study, I consider Matagorda Island as having low human impact across the whole island. 48 Mustang Island was approximately 29 km long (Tyler et al. 1996) and 85 km2, located in Nueces County, Texas. The climate was considered humid sub-tropical for Nueces County and received approximately 76 cm of precipitation annually (Handbook of Texas Online 2007). Except for the sand dunes, Mustang Island was primarily flat to gently rolling. The city of Port Aransas was located on the north end of the island and connected to the mainland by a ferry (Tyler et al. 1996). The population of Port Aransas was over 3,000 in 2000 (Handbook of Texas Online 2007). The beach side of Mustang Island was progressively being converted to resorts and condominiums, whereas the bay side of the island was undergoing residential development on a lesser scale (i.e. houses, pastures). Mustang Island was primarily private property except for the 1.2 km2 Mustang Island State Park near the south end of the island (Tyler et al. 1996). The south end of Mustang Island was connected to North Padre Island by a causeway (Weise and White 1980). During peak tourism, the human population on the island can swell to over 20,000 (Tyler et al. 1996). Primary shrub species observed on this island were black mangrove (Avicennia germinans), yaupon holly, honey mesquite, and baccharris. For purposes of this study, I categorized Mustang Island as highly human impacted. At over 160 km long, Padre Island was the longest sand-barrier island in the U.S., extending southward from Corpus Christi nearly to Mexico. It was located in Cameron, Nueces, Kenedy, Kleberg, and Willacy Counties. These counties received between 66 and 76 cm of annual rainfall (Handbook of Texas Online 2007). Port Mansfield Channel divided the island and was maintained to provide shipping access to the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (Weise and White 1980, Tyler et al. 1996). Due to the length of Padre Island 49 this study was limited to the northern 61 km of North Padre Island, resulting in 205 km2 surveyed. North Padre Island was privately owned for approximately the first 32 km at the north end, where the main uses were residential and recreational development (Tyler et al. 1996). The remaining 109 km of the island was managed by the National Park Service (NPS) as the Padre Island National Seashore. In 2006, the seashore attracted 732,794 visitors (Public Use Statistics Office 2007). North Padre Island was connected to both the mainland and Mustang Island by causeways (Weise and White 1980). North Padre Island fluctuates from 0.8 km wide to 6.4 km in width. The inner island varied from flat and primarily tidal flats to tall inner dune ridges scattered across the island with bayside dune ridges. Shrub species observed on North Padre Island were wax-myrtle (Myrica pusilla), black willow (Salix nigra), honey mesquite, and huisache (Acacia farnesiana). For purposes of this study, I considered the north end of North Padre Island as highly impacted by human activities, but diminishing to low human influence near Port Mansfield Channel on the south end of the island. Methods Field methods I conducted road surveys for WTHAs on Matagorda, Mustang and North Padre Islands and point sampling from dune ridges on the beach side of the island on Padre Island Nation Seashore. Road surveys consisted of driving and scanning for soaring or perched WTHAs (Fuller and Mosher 1987, Bibby et al. 2000). Roads provide easy access and large areas of land to be surveyed efficiently, however not all areas across the 50 study site may have roads (Fuller and Mosher 1987), limiting the usefulness of this survey method. In addition, detectability of a species is greatly influenced by the surrounding landscape (Fuller and Mosher 1987). However, road surveys are especially useful for soaring raptors and in areas of open habitat (Fuller and Mosher 1987, Bibby et al. 2000), making them well suited for a survey method of WTHAs on the coastal grasslands. Since vehicle access was from beach side only, and the inability to see past the dune ridge from the beach, I conducted point sampling from the dune ridge on Padre Island National Seashore (Buckland et al 2001). Discrepancies occur when trying to estimate abundances of rare species using point sampling (Hutto et al. 1986), therefore I did not attempt to calculate WTHA abundances. Points were spaced 3.2 km apart along the Gulf side of the island and locations were recorded with a handheld GPS unit (Garmin Etrex; Garmin Ltd, 2007). I conducted point sampling surveys from sunrise until heat shimmer limited the ability to identify raptors to species at a distance. At each point, I scanned the surrounding area for 10 minutes before moving on to the next point. I considered an area occupied if I observed WTHAs that appeared to be paired or individuals engaged in breeding behavior (i.e. territorial defense, nest building) (Steenhof and Newton 2007). Upon determining an area was occupied, I observed pairs to try to identify nest sites and then conducted nest searches. In addition, I checked all accessible known nest areas from previous years. I recorded the location of all nests with a handheld GPS unit, and returned approximately every 2 weeks to monitor breeding 51 status. After a clutch had been initiated, I then considered the territory to have a nesting pair. To characterize nesting habitat I conducted vegetation measurements at nest sites and at paired random sites. The paired random sites were selected by choosing a random distance between 120 – 400 m from the nest in a random direction. I used a maximum distance of 400 m, which was almost half of the shortest nearest-neighbor distance, to ensure that the random site was within the same territory. The nearest available shrub from the random point was selected, assuming it could support a nest. If there was no available shrub within visibility of the random point I would try a different random bearing or halve the random distance if it was still greater than 120 m. If no shrub was available then the nest site was dropped from the analysis; this occurred only once. Nest and random site locations were recorded using a handheld GPS unit. I measured nest substrate or random point substrate height and circumference, nest height at nest sites, and recorded shrub species. I recorded percent ground cover at four 1 m2 plots, one in each cardinal direction at random distances, within a 0.04 ha area centered on the nest or random shrub. Ground cover categories were grass, forb, bare ground, litter, and water. In order to gain an understanding of the ground cover at a larger scale, I also conducted four 60 m point intercept transects in each of the four cardinal directions, categorizing ground cover as bare ground, vegetation, wetland, water, tidal flat, low prostrate shrub, upright shrub, and other. Ground cover was recorded to the nearest centimeter at a broad scale. I collected shrub height, species, and circumference at all accessible nest sites; however, plots and transects were only measured on a subset of randomly selected nests 52 on Matagorda Island. To minimize disturbance to the hawks, I postponed conducting these measurements until at least three weeks after the young had fledged or the nesting attempt had failed. In addition to on the ground measurements, I used ArcGIS 9.2 (ESRI 2006) to measure distance from the nest or random point to the nearest maintained road. Maintained roads varied among islands, but consisted of any maintained dirt or paved road. Since beaches were open to public vehicle traffic on Mustang and North Padre Island, I included them in distance to road measurements. I also calculated nearestneighbor distance using Hawth’s Analysis Tools version 3.27 (Beyer 2006) for ArcGIS, for each nest site and the paired random site to the nearest neighboring active nest. Analytical Methods I used 6 variables for each nest site to assess habitat selection. I selected the variables based on previous research conducted on the mainland (Farquhar 1986, Kopeny 1988, Actkinson 2006) and my observations in the field. Variables were: shrub height (HT), shrub circumference (CIRC), their interaction (HT*CIRC), nearest-neighbor distance (NND), distance to road (DISTRd), and shrub species (ShCAT). I classified ShCAT as a categorical variable in which I grouped the shrub species in to four categories based on structural characteristics. These categories were: densely branched and thorned substrate (DT), openly branched and thorned substrate (OT), densely branched substrate (D), and openly branched substrate (O). I used these variables to construct 10 a priori models and a global model which incorporated all 6 variables in the model set. 53 Since Matagorda Island has low human impact and no direct connection to the mainland, I used the WTHA population on Matagorda Island as the reference population. To build the model set, I took a random subset (n = 19) of nests and paired random points from the sample (n = 28) on Matagorda Island. I conducted a logistic regression with nest site or random site as the dependent variable criteria. Logistic regression was appropriate because of its robustness to heteroscedasticity and no assumptions of normality. I used reference cell coding for ShCAT, with DT as the reference cell or control in order to compare the use of the more exposed nest shrubs (Hosmer and Lemeshow 2000). I calculated second order Akaike Information Criterion (AICc) values to alleviate small sample size bias. In addition I calculated differences between AICc values of all models and the lowest scoring model (Δi), and Akaike weights (ωi) for each model (Burnham and Anderson 2002). From the best model in this set I created an RSPF using the estimated coefficients for that model. I tested the accuracy of the RSPF against the remaining data from Matagorda Island, and then tested it on data from Mustang and North Padre Islands. Finally, using the same methods, I built a model set for Mustang and North Padre Islands to compare important characteristics across all three islands. For each island model set, I calculated a 95% confidence interval by summing the Akaike weights for the top ranked models until this sum was > 0.95 (Burnham and Anderson 2002). This gave a criterion to measure model importance. All analyses were done using Minitab15.1 software (Minitab Inc. State College, Pennsylvania). 54 Post-hoc Analysis These data were omitted from the models due to observations made in the field. I felt, after seeing the dense vegetated ground cover across the upland portion of the island, that ground cover was not an important characteristic to nesting WTHAs on the barrier islands. However, this scale needed to be addressed due to the observed importance of ground cover to nesting WTHAs on the mainland (Farquhar 1986). I averaged the proportions of each cover type for the four plots and four transects at each site. I omitted data from 2006 due to the drastic amounts of rainfall (June = 28.4 cm at Corpus Christi; July = 34.2 cm at Aransas National Wildlife Refuge) that resulted in substantial changes in ground cover between the fledging period and the date vegetation collection took place (National Weather Service 2006, National Weather Service and NOAA 2007). Pooling the remaining data across all islands, I used an ANOVA, to test for any differences of cover types at nest sites versus random sites both at the 0.04 ha and the 1.1 ha scale. In order be comparable to other WTHA nest site selection studies, I pooled 2006 and 2007 data within each island. I then conducted an ANOVA to determine differences between nest and random sites using mean shrub height, shrub circumference, nearestneighbor distance, and distance to road. I also compared the use of nest shrub species to that which was observed at random sites on Matagorda Island using similar methods of Neu et al. (1974). For a contingency table analysis, I used Macartney rose, yaupon, honey mesquite, and baccharis, and pooled all other species into an ‘other’ category. Samples sizes on Mustang and North Padre Islands were insufficient for statistical analysis, but I qualitatively compared shrub species use and composition among the 55 islands. Pooling data from each island, I used contingency tests to examine use versus availability of shrub based on the previously determined shrub categories (ShCAT). Results The Hosmer-Lemeshow test indicated that the global model was a good fit for the Matagorda Island data (χ2 = 1.516, P = 0.992). However, the global model had only 0.1% of the Akaike weight (Table 3.1). The best model for Matagorda Island included NND, DISTRd, and ShCAT with an Akaike weight of 0.393 (Table 3.1). The second ranked model was DISTRd and ShCAT which also had a high Akaike weight (0.315), but included only two of the three variables from the best model (Table 3.1). The odds ratios for the shrub category parameter (ShCAT) in the best model showed that WTHAs were less likely to choose shrubs which were OT, O, and D when compared to the reference variable DT (Table 3.2). Therefore WTHAs are more likely to use densely branched and thorned shrubs. Using the estimated coefficients of the parameters for the best model, the RSPF correctly identified nest sites from random sites 83% of the time, with data which was not used to build the model from Matagorda Island. When tested on data from Mustang Island and North Padre Island, the RSPF correctly distinguished nest sites from random sites 70% and 50% of the time, respectively. The best logistic regression model for Mustang Island consisted of all shrub specific measurements (HT + CIRC + HT*CIRC; ωi = 0.714, Table 3.3). The HosmerLemeshow test indicated that the global model for Mustang Island data was a good fit (χ2 56 = 5.33, P = 0.721). In contrast, the best model created from the Matagorda Island subset ranked third among the Mustang Island model set (ωi = 0.07, Table 3.3). Similar to Mustang Island, the best model for North Padre Island consisted of all shrub specific measurements (HT + CIRC + HT*CIRC; ωi = 0.694, Table 3.4). North Padre Island had one nest omitted from the data set due to lack of available random point. This was a nest located in huisache, which was not observed at any other data point. However, not all models ran using North Padre Island data, including the global model, possibly due to the following reasons; an over-fitted model, the response variables are nearly all the same, or separation is present with one factor completely describing the response variable. However, the best model created from the Matagorda Island subset ranked seventh with 0.1% of the Akaike weight in the model set from North Padre Island (Table 3.4). Post-Hoc Results Ground cover characteristics, did not differ between nest sites and random sites within the 0.04 ha nest site scale (F6, 19 = 1.90, P = 0.133), or at the larger scale of 1.1 ha (F8, 14 = 0.74, P = 0.654). Shrub height, shrub circumference, nearest-neighbor distance, and distance to road for nest sites on each island, differed among islands (F8,64 = 3.87, P = 0.001). Tukey HSD post-hoc tests indicated nearest-neighbor distance was closer on Matagorda than on North Padre Island (P = 0.004). In addition, nests were closer to roads on Mustang Island than on and North Padre Island (P = 0.029; Table 3.5). Measures of shrub height, shrub circumference, nearest-neighbor distance, and distance 57 to road for nest sites did not differ from random sites on Matagorda (Table 3.6), Mustang (Table 3.7), and North Padre (Table 3.8) Islands. White-tailed Hawks did not select nest substrates proportional to availability on Matagorda Island on basis of shrub category (χ23 = 242.6, P < 0.0001) or species (χ24 = 195.9, P < 0.0001). White-tailed Hawks nested most frequently in densely branched and thorned (47%) and densely branched (36%) categories, which totaled only 8% of the random shrub categories (Table 3.9). When nest and random plots are pooled for all three islands, the pattern of non-random selection of shrub categories held (χ23 = 223.1, P < 0.0001); WTHA on barrier islands appeared to prefentially nest in DT (37%) and D (42%) compared to 3% and 10% availability, respectively (Table 3.10). Including all nests sites used by WTHAs, on a species basis the most commonly used nest shrub species on Matagorda Island was yaupon (45%), followed closely by Macartney rose (35%). On Mustang Island yaupon (50%) and baccharis (20%) were the most frequently used shrub species for nesting (Table 3.10). In contrast, the two most frequently used shrub species on North Padre Island were black willow (38%) and wax myrtle and yaupon both at 25% (Table 3.10). Discussion The best predictive model of WTHA nesting habitat on Matagorda Island included the parameters ShCAT, NND and DISTRd. This suggests nest site selection in a low human impacted area was influenced not only by nesting substrate availability, but also behavioral aspects (NND) associated with intra-specific spacing. 58 Previous studies have documented that WTHAs nest more frequently in thorny shrub species than what is randomly available (Kopeny 1988, Actkinson 2006). Since WTHAs nest in lower substrates relative to other Buteo spp. (Actkinson 2006) they may select thorny shrub species as a means of predator defense. Also, the structural characteristics of the DT category of shrubs may facilitate nest support and protection from the almost constant and sometimes very strong, coastal winds. Additionally, the main road on Matagorda Island runs down the middle of the island. Therefore the negative coefficient for that parameter may not mean that WTHAs are selecting for areas close to the road, but rather for terrestrial areas which have a suitable nest shrub, generally closer to the center or upland portion of the island. Indeed, because there is low human presence on the island, presence of the road may not be a detracting factor to nest selection by WTHAs. However, the low human presence may also result in WTHAs being less habituated to and, hence, less tolerant of, disturbances caused by vehicle traffic. Although I did not quantify my observations, WTHAs will frequently flush from nests several hundred meters from the road when a vehicle passes by. With Matagorda Island viewed as a relatively contiguous landscape in this study, WTHAs may be nesting at, or near, their maximum density on this island. High nesting density may be allowed by sufficient presence of adequate shrub species, in this case mostly Macartney rose and yaupon, for nest placement. However, intra-specific tolerances as indicated by low NND distances compared to other locations and by NND 59 being an important parameter in the model set, may suggest the island is saturated with breeding pairs as suggested in Chapter II. The RSPF of the best predicting model from Matagorda Island performed well on Mustang Island, even though the model had a low Akaike weight. However, the best model from the Mustang Island model set included only parameters consisting of shrub measurements. The preferred shrub category (DT) observed on Matagorda Island was not available on Mustang Island. When choosing yaupon or baccharis, size of the shrub appears to have more importance on Mustang Island. These results are difficult to interpret. Several changes are occurring along the Texas coast, primarily due to human impact (NOAA 1996). As these pressures increase on the natural landscape, the drive to reproduce may result in WTHAs habituating to human presences and associated parameters in order to locate and use suitable nest shrubs. In addition, nearest-neighbor distance may not be an important factor on the island due to fragmentation of the natural landscape. Availability of foraging areas and suitable nest sites in a fragmented landscape may result in nearest neighbor distances that are greater than intra-specific territory sizes. However, the sample size obtained from Mustang Island is small due to the island primarily consisting of private property and a lower density of WTHAs. Therefore the models created from Mustang Island should be interpreted with care. The RSPF from the best model from Matagorda Island was not as accurate in its predictions for North Padre Island. Even though it was ranked low in the North Padre Island model set, it still accurately predicted 50% of nest sites from random sites correctly. The best model from North Padre Island data set was similar to that from 60 Mustang Island in suggesting shrub characteristics were clearly the most important parameters. However, a complete census of nesting WTHAs was not conducted on North Padre Island; therefore all variables may not hold the same precedence. For example, NND on North Padre Island may be lower than what this study observed. In addition, the area surveyed on North Padre Island has a different island structure compared to Matagorda Island and Mustang Island. The northern extent of the island has many inland dunes, including areas of dunes which run parallel to the bayside of the island. There are very few shrubs scattered across the landscape; instead they appear more clustered, especially along the bayside dune lines which get covered in black willow. Near Yarbrough Pass the inner island is flat with very little upland area. At this point the island is no more than 0.8 km across. These observations and the results of the best model from North Padre Island may be indicative that suitable nest shrubs are a limiting factor on this island. The post-hoc ANOVAs conducted at the 0.04 and 1.1 ha scales suggest WTHAs are not selecting nest sites on basis of ground cover. This is likely due to relatively simple and consistent patterns of vegetative cover on the barrier islands compared to the mainland (Rappole and Blacklock 1985). There was a significant difference of distance to road between Mustang and North Padre Islands. This is probably a result of limited length of road traversing the center of North Padre Island; afterward driving is limited to the beach side of the island. There was also significant difference in nearest-neighbor distance between Matagorda and North Padre Island. This may be a true difference or a result of different survey 61 methodology resulting in an incomplete census of North Padre Island, and therefore a biased nearest-neighbor distance for North Padre Island. Finally, several thorny shrub species were not observed in either nest or random sites on Mustang and North Padre Islands. This suggests the low nesting density of WTHAs on these islands may be a result of limited availability of suitable shrub species. Mesquite was used once on Mustang Island, but was inaccessible, and huisache was used on North Padre Island, however a random point without a remnant nest could not be located. The shrub categories used most frequently by WTHAs on barrier islands were DT and D. Management Implications This study indicates the importance of suitable nest substrate availability for WTHA on the Texas barrier islands. The results show that the shrub type, nearestneighbor distance, and distance to road are all important characteristics to WTHA nesting habitat selection in areas with low human impact. However, in areas where shrubs might be a limiting factor, the characteristics of these shrubs appear to be important in WTHA nest site selection. Overall, shrub species and shrub characteristics are important to WTHA nest site selection; removal of certain shrub species may result in a localized decline in WTHA breeding populations and / or productivity. Alternatively, WTHA populations may be increased by providing suitable shrub species as nesting substrates. Ground cover around the nest site does not appear to be a significant factor in WTHA nest site selection. The RSPF from the best model on Matagorda Island appears relatively robust when used on different islands. 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Weise, B. R., and W. A. White. 1980. Padre Island National Seashore: A guide to the geology, natural environments, and history of a Texas barrier island. University of Texas, Austin, USA. White, C. M., and T. L. Thurow. 1985. Reproduction of ferruginous hawks exposed to controlled disturbance. Condor 87:14-22. Wilcove, D. S., D, Rothstein, J. Dubow, A. Phillips, and E. Losos. 1998. Quantifying threats to imperiled species in the United States. Bioscience 48: 607-615. Wilson, E. O. 1999. The Diversity of Life. W. W. Norton & Company, New York, USA. 66 Table 3.1. Candidate models from Matagorda Island describing the probability of a potential nest site being selected by White-tailed Hawks from 2006-2007. Models in italics are within the model confidence interval (Burnham and Andreson 2002). A priori Models K -2LL AICc Δi ωi NND + DISTRd + ShCAT 6 19.81 38.81 0.00 0.39 DISTRd + ShCAT 5 24.63 39.25 0.44 0.32 HT + NND + ShCAT 6 21.84 40.84 2.03 0.14 HT + DISTRd + ShCAT 6 23.81 42.81 4.00 0.05 ShCAT 7 18.73 42.91 4.10 0.05 HT + CIRC + ShCAT 6 25.61 44.61 5.80 0.02 ShCAT 7 20.60 44.78 5.97 0.02 HT + CIRC + HT*CIRC 3 41.43 49.03 10.22 0.00 9 12.43 50.43 11.62 0.00 NND 4 41.42 52.28 13.47 0.00 NND + DISTRd 2 52.66 57.41 18.60 0.00 HT + NND + DISTRd + HT + CIRC + HT*CIRC + HT + CIRC + HT*CIRC + NND + DISTRd + ShCAT HT + CIRC + HT*CIRC + a NND = nearest-neighbor distance; DISTRd = distance to maintained road; ShCAT = shrub categories; HT = shrub height; CIRC = shrub circumference 67 Table 3.2. Coefficients of variables and their standard errors for the Matagorda Island resource probability function of White-tailed Hawk nest site selection. a Variable Namea Coefficiant (±SE) Constant 4.165 (3.0904) ShCAT - - D -2.4551 (2.6101) O -27.4586 (10778.40) OT -7.9446 (3.5707) DISTRd -3.1751 (2.1419) NND 1.306 (0.7012) ShCAT = shrub categories; DT = densely branched and thorned, reference variable; OT = openly branched and thorned; D = densely branched; O = openly branched; NND = nearest-neighbor distance; DISTRd = distance to maintained road 68 Table 3.3. Candidate models from Mustang Island describing the probability of a potential nest site being selected by White-tailed Hawks from 2006-2007. Models in italics are within the model confidence interval (Burnham and Andreson 2002). A priori Models K -2LL AICc Δi ωi HT + CIRC + HT*CIRC 3 6.05 16.05 0.00 0.71 NND + DISTRd 2 13.84 19.56 3.50 0.12 NND + DISTRd + ShCAT 3 10.71 20.71 4.66 0.07 NND 4 5.39 21.39 5.34 0.05 DISTRd + ShCAT 3 12.02 22.02 5.96 0.04 HT + NND + ShCAT 4 11.05 27.05 11.00 0.00 HT + CIRC + ShCAT 4 11.57 27.57 11.52 0.00 HT + DISTRd + ShCAT 4 11.88 27.88 11.83 0.00 5 5.79 30.79 14.74 0.00 ShCAT 5 10.64 35.64 19.59 0.00 HT + CIRC + HT + NND + 7 5.25 75.25 59.19 0.00 HT + CIRC + HT*CIRC + HT + CIRC + HT*CIRC + ShCAT HT + NND + DISTRd + DISTRd + ShCAT a NND = nearest-neighbor distance; DISTRd = distance to maintained road; ShCAT = shrub categories; HT = shrub height; CIRC = shrub circumference 69 Table 3.4. Candidate models from North Padre Island describing the probability of a potential nest site being selected by White-tailed Hawks from 2006-2007. Models in italics are within the model confidence interval (Burnham and Andreson 2002). A priori Models K -2LL AICc Δi ωi HT + CIRC + HT*CIRC 3 7.22 17.22 0.00 0.69 NND + DISTRd 2 13.86 19.57 2.35 0.21 HT + CIRC + ShCAT 4 6.37 22.37 5.14 0.05 DISTRd + ShCAT 3 13.86 23.86 6.63 0.03 HT + NND + ShCAT 4 10.55 26.55 9.33 0.01 HT + DISTRd + ShCAT 4 11.15 27.15 9.93 0.00 NND + DISTRd + ShCAT 4 13.86 29.86 12.63 0.00 5 6.35 31.35 14.12 0.00 5 10.38 35.38 18.15 0.00 6 0.00 - - - 4 0.00 - - - HT + CIRC + HT*CIRC + ShCAT HT + NND + DISTRd + ShCAT HT + CIRC + HT*CIRC + NND + DISTRd + ShCAT HT + CIRC + HT*CIRC + NND a NND = nearest-neighbor distance; DISTRd = distance to maintained road; ShCAT = shrub categories; HT = shrub height; CIRC = shrub circumference 70 Table 3.5. Means and standard deviations for variables collected at White-tailed Hawk nest sites on Matagorda, Mustang and North Padre Islands in 2006 and 2007. All Islands Matagorda (SD) Mustang (SD) North Padre (SD) Shrub Height (m) 2.17 (± 0.56) 2.07 (± 0.37) 2.91 (± 1.56) Shrub Circumference (m) 21.59 (± 9.92) 15.22 (± 3.84) 15.40 (± 6.16) Nearest-neighbor Distance (km) 1.89 (± 1.02)* 3.13 (± 0.53) 3.98 (± 2.40)* Distance to Road (km) 0.40 (± 0.37) 0.19 (± 0.08)** 0.75 (± 0.21)** Variables * Indicates means which are significantly different at P = 0.003 using the post-hoc Tukey test ** Indicates means which are significantly different at P = 0.029 using the post-hoc Tukey test 71 Table 3.6. Means and standard deviations of nest site and random site variables on Matagorda Island in 2006 and 2007. Matagorda Island Variables Nests (±SD) Random (SD) Shrub Height (m) 2.17 (± 0.56) 2.15 (± 0.58) Shrub Circumference (m) 21.59 (± 9.92) 14.77 (± 10.65) Nearest-neighbor Distance (km) 1.89 (± 1.02) 1.86 (± 1.00) Distance to Road (km) 0.40 (± 0.37) 0.41 (± 0.49) Table 3.7. Means and standard deviations of nest site and random site variables on Mustang Island in 2006 and 2007. Mustang Island Variables Nests (SD) Random (SD) Shrub Height (m) 2.07 (± 0.37) 1.91 (± 0.42) Shrub Circumference (m) 15.22 (± 3.84) 12.96 (± 4.23) Nearest-neighbor Distance (km) 3.13 (± 0.53) 3.10 (± 0.56) Distance to Road (km) 0.19 (± 0.08) 0.19 (± 0.14) 72 Table 3.8. Means and standard deviations of nest site and random site variables on North Padre Island in 2006 and 2007. North Padre Island Variables Nests (SD) Random (SD) Shrub Height (m) 2.91 (± 1.56) 2.73 (± 1.48) Shrub Circumference (m) 15.40 (± 6.16) 25.68 (± 9.93) Nearest-neighbor Distance (km) 3.98 (± 2.40) 4.01 (± 2.27) Distance to Road (km) 0.75 (± 0.21) 0.77 (± 0.36) 73 Table 3.9. The proportion of shrubs encountered at nest and random sites. The shrubs are listed in their respective category. DT = densely branched and thorned; OT = openly branched and thorned; D = densely branched; O = openly branched ShCAT Shrubs species DT OT D Mustang North Padre Nest Random Nest Random Huisache (Acacia farnesiana) 1 (4%) - - - Lime Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum fagara) 1 (4%) - - - - - Macartney rose (Rosa bracteata) 11 (39%) 1 (4%) - - - - Honey Mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) 5 (18%) 10 (36%) - - - - Tickle Tonge (Zanthoxylum hirsutum) - 6 (21%) - - - - Wax Myrtle (Myrica pusilla) - - - - 2 (50%) 2 (40%) 10 (36%) 1 (4%) 3 (60%) 1 (20%) 1 (25%) - Baccharis (Baccharis spp.) - 7 (25%) 2 (40%) 3 (60%) - - Black Mangrove (Avicennia germinans) - 2 (7%) - 1 (20%) - - Black Willow (Salix nigra) - - - - 1 (25%) 2 (20%) Saltcedar (Tamarix ramosissima) - 1 (4%) - - - - 5 (100%) 5 (100%) 4 (100%) 4 (100%) Yaupon (Ilex vomitoria) O Matagorda Total 28 (100%) 28 (100%) 74 Nest Random - Table 3.10. The proportion of all shrubs used as nesting substrate. The shrubs are listed in their respective category. DT = densely branched and thorned; OT = openly branched and thorned; D = densely branched; O = openly branched ShCAT Nest Shrubs Species Matagorda Mustang North Padre DT Huisache (Acacia farnesiana) Lime Prickly Ash (Zanthoxylum fagara) Macartney rose (Rosa bracteata) Honey Mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa) Wax Myrtle (Myrica pusilla) Texas Persimmon (Diospyros texana) Yaupon (Ilex vomitoria) Baccharis (Baccharis spp.) Black Mangrove (Avicennia germinans) Black Willow (Salix nigra) 1 (3%) 1 (3%) 14 (35%) 6 (15%) 18 (45%) - 1 (10%) 1 (10%) 1 (10%) 5 (50%) 2 (20%) - 1 (13%) 2 (25%) 2 (25%) 3 (38%) Total 40 (100%) 10 (100%) 8 (100%) OT D O 75 CHAPTER IV BEHAVIOR OF WHITE-TAILED HAWKS BREEDING AT TWO LEVELS OF HUMAN DISTURBANCE ON THE TEXAS BARRIER ISLANDS Abstract I conducted behavioral observations on breeding White-tailed Hawk (Buteo albicaudatus; WTHA) pairs on Matagorda, Mustang and North Padre Islands, Texas in 2007. These islands were classified into high human disturbance (Mustang and North Padre Islands) and low human disturbance (Matagorda Island). Observations were conducted only during 2-3.5 hours after sunrise, after which visibility decreased due to shimmer caused by radiated heat. I used a generalized liner model with a logit link function that tested for differences between islands. Data collected from two breeding stages were analyzed with a repeated measures analysis. Pairs in low human disturbance areas spent more time flying than pairs in high human disturbance areas. This may be a result of an increase in interspecific and intraspecific territorial defense on Matagorda Island. Pairs in high human disturbance appeared to habituate to consistent human disturbances near roads. Introduction Avifauna is increasingly affected by human disturbances that influence different aspects of their biology (Marzluff 2001). From a conservation perspective, human disturbance of wildlife is important only if it affects survival or productivity and results in 76 a population change (Gill et al. 2001). Several studies have investigated how human activities may impact bird productivity (e.g. White and Thurow 1985, Ruhlen et al. 2003) Nest abandonment and increased predation of eggs and young may reduce productivity near areas of human disturbance (Hockin et al. 1992), but it is often unclear as to why breeding bird populations suffer declines in productivity (Beale and Monaghan 2004). The prominent point is that human disturbances may negatively influence avian populations. In addition to outright landscape conversion from native habitat to urbanization and agriculture crop production (e.g., Marzluff 2001), less obvious but deleterious disturbances may occur simply by human presence (e.g., White and Thurow 1985, Beale and Monaghan 2004). This is of concern for conservation efforts, as the rate of human visitation to biodiversity hotspots is likely to double by 2020 resulting in a potential for increased human influence on wildlife populations (Christ et al. 2003). Coastal areas in particular are experiencing rapid human population growth (Beach 2002), with coastal counties accounting for half the U.S. population in 2000 (Hobbs and Stoops 2002). Along the Texas coast, the human population growth increased 52% between 1980 and 2003, and is predicted to reach 7.7 million by 2008 (Crossett et al. 2004). Additionally, over one-third of the state’s permanent residents and 70% of its economic activity are located within 160 km of the Texas coast (NOAA 1996). Furthermore, half of the nation’s petrochemical industry and more than a quarter of its refining capacity are found along the Texas coast, in addition to some of the busiest port facilities (NOAA 1996, USFWS 2000). Combined, these pressures from urban growth, tourism, agriculture, development and industry have intensified competition for Texas 77 coastal resources (NOAA 1996). Historic information shows that portions of this area have already undergone substantial fragmentation and degradation, with 95% of the coastal grasslands having been lost between the early 1900s and 1988 (Jahrsdoerfer and Leslie 1988). Coincidentally, coastal Texas is one of the most biologically diverse areas of the state (Rappole and Blacklock 1985). The diversity of bird species found in this area alone is among the greatest anywhere in the U.S. (Rappole and Blacklock 1985). This avian community includes the white-tailed hawk (Buteo albicaudatus; WTHA) which, in the United States, can only be found along coastal Texas (Farquhar 1992). The state-threatened WTHA is one of the least studied raptors occurring in North America (Farquhar 1992). In 1977 the WTHA population size was estimated at 200 breeding pairs in Texas (Morrison 1978), but there are insufficient data to accurately estimate the current population. The few studies conducted on WTHAs have been on large tracts of private property or on the Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge (Farquhar 1986, Kopeny 1988, Actkinson 2006), which typically have a more complex vegetative community and restricted human access and activity than the Texas barrier islands. Preliminary surveys suggested WTHAs may breed at high densities on some barrier islands compared to the mainland (Boal and Haralson, unpublished data). However, human population growth and associated residential, recreational, and commercial development on the barrier islands may degrade habitat quality for the WTHA. Given the state-threatened status of the WTHA, the uncertain population size and trend, and the unknown aspects of its ecology on barrier islands, it is prudent to 78 develop an understanding of how human disturbance may influence the species breeding behavior. This information may facilitate development of sound management strategies to minimize human disturbance on WTHAs as coastal development progresses. This is of particular concern with WTHAs, as the species has demonstrated little tolerance for human disturbance near their nests by readily abandoning clutches (Stevenson and Meitzen 1946, Chapter II). However, no study has specifically examined the potential impacts of human activities on breeding behavior of WTHAs. I conducted observations of breeding WTHA pairs to characterize behavior between islands with low and high levels of human disturbance. Study Area This study was conducted on Matagorda, Mustang, and North Padre Islands along the Texas coast. Structurally, these long and narrow barrier islands are similar in having rows of dunes along the Gulf side which are constantly being formed and moved by the wind (Weise and White 1980, McAlister and McAlister 1993). Some dunes are held in place by vegetation and form a ridgeline of dunes parallel to the beach. More sand may be blown inward, creating additional dunes further inland (Weise and White 1980). Behind the dunes, the islands are primarily flat with little topography. Vegetation on the Texas barrier islands is simple when compared with vegetation communities found on the mainland (Rappole and Blacklock 1985, McAlister and McAlister 1993). This is predominantly due to salinity levels, proximity to the Gulf of Mexico, the moving sand dunes, and the sometimes harsh weather to which the islands are exposed (Jahrsdoerfer and Leslie 1988). Ground cover across the upland areas is typically a matrix of sedges, 79 grasses, and forbs interspersed with various shrub species. Both the vegetation and climate on the barrier islands is greatly influenced by the Gulf of Mexico (Texas Parks and Wildlife Department 1984). Matagorda Island was the northern most island of this study area and was located in Calhoun County, Texas. Calhoun County has a mild climate and receives about 101 cm of precipitation annually (Handbook of Texas Online). The island was approximately 61 km long with an area of 202 km2 (McAlister and McAlister 1993). Historically, the island was primarily used for ranching and later as a bombing range for a military air base (Texas Parks and Wildlife Department 1984, McAlister and McAlister 1993). In 1982 the U.S. Air Force transferred the northern 45 km of the Island (77 km2), to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) for “wildlife conservation purposes” and permanent inclusion in the National Wildlife Refuge System. State lands, released by the Air Force in 1979, comprising 106 km2 of adjoining salt marshes and Gulf beach, were placed under the supervision of the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) under lease from the Texas General Land Office (GLO). In 1988 the USFWS acquired fee title of the privately held lower third portion of Matagorda Island (47 km2). In 1989, the USFWS, TPWD and GLO conceptually agreed to a partnership arrangement for management of the entire Island. Currently, TPWD is responsible for public use and the USFWS is responsible for wildlife and habitat management (F. Prieto, Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, pers. comm.). The name for this all-inclusive entity is known as Matagorda Island National Wildlife Refuge and State Natural Area (F. Prieto, Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, pers. comm.). 80 Matagorda Island was broken down into management units which were burned on a 3-5 year rotation (F. Prieto, Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, pers. comm.). Matagorda Island unique among the barrier islands in this study in that, although open to the public, access was difficult as there was no vehicular access to the island. Although there was no vehicle access to the island, there was one road which ran the length of the island and was used by USFWS, TPWD and petroleum exploration vehicles. With exceptions of the sand dunes, Matagorda was flat to gently rolling (Texas Parks and Wildlife Department 1984, McAlister and McAlister 1993). The vegetation on the island appeared to grow in bands parallel to the shoreline with varying degrees of tolerance to salt (McAlister and McAlister 1993). Shrubs found on Matagorda Island were yaupon holly (Ilex vomitoria), honey mesquite (Prosopis glandulosa torreyana), Mexican persimmon (Diospyros texana), huisache (Acacia farnesiana), and baccharis (Baccharis spp.) (McAlister and McAlister 1993). For this study, I consider Matagorda Island as having low human disturbance across the whole island. Mustang Island was approximately 29 km long (Tyler et al. 1996) and 85 km2, located in Nueces County, Texas. Except for the sand dunes, Mustang Island was primarily flat to gently rolling with a humid sub-tropical climate, and received approximately 76 cm of precipitation annually (Handbook of Texas Online 2007). The city of Port Aransas was located on the north end of the island and connected to the mainland by a ferry (Tyler et al. 1996). The population of Port Aransas was over 3,000 in 2000 (Handbook of Texas Online 2007). The beach side of Mustang Island was progressively being converted to resorts and condominiums, whereas the bay side of the 81 island was undergoing residential development on a lesser scale. Mustang Island was primarily private property except for the 1.2 km2 Mustang Island State Park near the south end of the island (Tyler et al. 1996). The south end of Mustang Island was connected to North Padre Island by a causeway (Weise and White 1980). During peak tourism, the human population on the island often swells to over 20,000 (Tyler et al. 1996). Primary shrub species observed on this island were black mangrove (Avicennia germinans), yaupon holly, honey mesquite, and baccharris. For purposes of this study, I categorized Mustang Island as high human disturbance. At over 160 km long, Padre Island was the longest sand-barrier island in the U.S., extending southward from Corpus Christi nearly to Mexico. It was located in Cameron, Nueces, Kenedy, Kleberg, and Willacy Counties. These counties received between 66 and 76 cm of annual rainfall (Handbook of Texas Online 2007). Port Mansfield Channel divided the island and was maintained to provide shipping access to the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (Weise and White 1980, Tyler et al. 1996). Due to the length of Padre Island this study was limited to the northern 61 km of North Padre Island, resulting in 205 km2 surveyed. North Padre Island was privately owned for approximately the first 32 km at the north end, where the main uses were residential and recreational development (Tyler et al. 1996). The remaining 109 km of the island was managed by the National Park Service (NPS) as the Padre Island National Seashore. In 2006, the seashore attracted 732,794 visitors (Public Use Statistics Office 2007). North Padre Island was connected to both the mainland and Mustang Island by causeways (Weise and White 1980). North 82 Padre Island fluctuated from 0.8 km wide to 6.4 km in width. The inner island varied from flat and primarily tidal flats to tall inner dune ridges scattered across the island as well as bayside dune ridges. Shrub species observed on North Padre Island were waxmyrtle (Myrica pusilla), black willow (Salix nigra), honey mesquite, and huisache (Acacia farnesiana). For purposes of this study, I categorized the north end of North Padre Island as high human disturbance. Methods Field methods used followed protocols approved by Texas Tech University’s Animal Care and Use Committee Protocol 06027-05. Field Methods I conducted road surveys for WTHAs on Matagorda, Mustang and North Padre Islands. Road surveys consisted of driving and scanning for soaring or perched WTHAs (Fuller and Mosher 1987, Bibby et al. 2000). Roads provide easy access for large areas of land to be surveyed efficiently, however not all areas across the study may have roads site (Fuller and Mosher 1987), limiting the usefulness of this survey method. In addition, detectability of a species is greatly influenced by the surrounding landscape (Fuller and Mosher 1987). However, road surveys are especially useful for soaring raptors and in areas of open habitat (Fuller and Mosher 1987, Bibby et al. 2000), making them well suited for WTHA surveys on the coastal grasslands. I considered an area occupied if I observed WTHAs that appeared to be paired or an individual engaged in breeding behavior (i.e. territorial defense, nest building) (Steenhof and Newton 2007). Upon determining an area was occupied, I monitored pairs 83 to try to identify nest sites and conduct nest searches. In addition, I checked all areas where accessible nests had been located in previous years. I recorded the location of all nests with a handheld GPS unit, and returned approximately every 2 weeks to monitor breeding status. After a clutch had been initiated, I then considered the territory to have a nesting pair. I attempted to check nests bimonthly to monitor nesting status. If I observed normal pair behavior (i.e. soaring over nest, flushing from nest) I considered the nest as still active and avoided approaching the nest at this stage to reduce a chance of abandonment. If I did not observe a pair in the vicinity of the nest, I would approach and check the nest to verify the status of the nesting attempt. I used a mirror attached to a pole to examine nest contents such as prey remains and to count nestlings. To assess how human activities may influence WTHA breeding behavior, I conducted behavioral observations on select breeding WTHA pairs on Matagorda, and Mustang Islands, as well as one nest on North Padre Island. Nests on Matagorda Island were categorized as exposed to low levels of human disturbance whereas nests on Mustang and North Padre Islands were categorized as exposed to high human disturbance. Behavior observations were limited by several logistical constraints and therefore are not representative of a daily activity budget. Observations were limited to the first 2 – 3.5 hours of daylight after which visibility over distances was degraded due to shimmer caused by radiated heat. I choose to monitor behavior of pairs if the nest was visible at a distance which would not cause behavioral changes (i.e. 200 – 500 m away), and if they 84 were visible from a vehicle or elevated hunting blind. This criterion was based on the assumption that a person concealed in a vehicle is less disturbing where vehicles are commonly seen (Mustang Island, North Padre Island) than a person on the ground. On Matagorda Island vehicle traffic is limited but elevated hunting blinds have been in place for several years across the island, and some WTHAs select nest sites near elevated hunting blinds from which an observer could watch behavior unnoticed. I conducted observations with a Nikon Field scope (20x-45x) and Canon binoculars (10x40). To minimize disturbance, I arrived at the observation point before sunrise. I used individual plumage characteristics and behaviors to identify the sex of individuals within a pair. During observations, I used scan sampling using an audio cue from a CD player and recorded the behavior for each individual of a pair on the minute. In order to select adequate behavior categories, I conducted preliminary observations. I then used the behavior categories of; perched, perched on nest, preening, flying, feeding, incubating/brooding, out of sight unknown, out of sight known. A few of these behaviors need to be defined. “Perched” was classified as individuals perched either on posts, sand dunes, telephone poles, and shrubs other than the nest shrub. “Perched on nest” was classified as anytime adults were standing on the nest or nest substrate. It was often difficult to discern different behaviors when the birds were in flight. Therefore, whenever the observed bird was in flight it was simply categorized as “flying”. Often when feeding young the adult would feed as well and therefore I pooled these as “feeding”. Individuals which left the viewable area and could not be accounted for during observations were classified as “out of sight unknown”. Often individuals 85 would perch on the ground or behind other shrubs and, although their behavior could not be determined, their location was still known. Therefore, they were classified as “out of sight known”. Sometimes individuals were observed in incubation posture but preening as well. In this case the behavior was recorded as incubating, since it was not always clear if individuals were preening or rearranging nesting material. Analytical Methods I recorded behavior data according to date, pair, disturbance level and individual. I pooled the single nest on North Padre Island with the Mustang Island data and collectively analyzed them as high human disturbance (HHD), whereas I categorized Matagorda Island as low human disturbance (LHD). I observed the same pairs until they fledged young or the nest attempt failed. I estimated the hatching date according to the approximate age of the nestlings at the first observation of nestlings. Using this estimate and the incubation period (Farquhar 1992), I pooled each observation session into either the “egg” or “nestling” stage within each human disturbance level. Analytically, this allowed me to account for differences in adult behavior due to the breeding stage (Farquhar 1986). The data I collected from two stages were analyzed with a repeated measures analysis, to account for repeated observations on the same pairs. I made comparisons to look for the presence of an interaction of breeding stage and human disturbance level. After finding no significant interaction effect for any behavior, I compared the means of each behavior between the human disturbance level and breeding stage as well as their interaction with a generalized linear model (with a logit link 86 function). Means are presented in tables on an inverse link scale (McCulloch and Searle 2001). Prey I also recorded prey items of WTHAs. I identified prey items to the lowest possible taxon when prey was present in nests during nest checks in 2006 and 2007, and when prey deliveries were observed during behavior observations in 2007. Due to several of the prey items being difficult to identify lower than family during observed prey deliveries, I pooled prey items into 5 discrete taxonomic categories (small mammals, bats, birds, reptiles, and frogs). As a result of small sample sizes, I pooled observed prey items from all three islands to assess WTHA prey selection on barrier islands. Results I observed 5 pairs of WTHAs on Mustang Island, 1 pair on North Padre Island, and 7 pairs on Matagorda Island in 2007. Some nesting attempts failed prior to fledging which precluded further observations. Three pairs from Mustang Island and the one pair from North Padre Island successfully fledged young, whereas only 3 pairs on Matagorda Island made it to the nestling stage and only one successfully fledged young. A total of 44.3 hours of observation were conducted in LHD, and a total of 70.0 hours in HHD. Statistically, there were no interaction effects for perched (F1,72,0.05 =0.11, P = 0.741), perched on the nest (F1,72,0.05 = 1.15, P = 0.286), preening (F1,72,0.05 = 0.05, P = 0.825), flying (F1,72,0.05 = 0.06, P = 0.806), feeding (F1,72,0.05 = 0.00, P = 0.972), incubation (F1,72,0.05 = 1.09, P = 0.299), or out of sight known (F1,72,0.05 = 0.25, P = 0.616) (Tables 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6, and 4.8). The behavior of “out of sight unknown” was 87 the only variable for which the interaction of human disturbance level and breeding stage approached significance (F1,72,0.05 = 3.60, P = 0.062) between LHD (Egg x̄ = 8.1 ± 4.6, Nestling x̄ = 4.5 ± 3.4) and HHD (Egg x̄ = 6.3 ± 3.1, Nestling x̄ = 21.2 ± 7.2) (Table 4.7). There was no significant interaction of human disturbance level and breeding stage for any behavior. Therefore, I looked at breeding stage effect and human disturbance level effect independently. Perched on nest (F1,72,0.05 = 0.49, P = 0.488), preen (F1,72,0.05 = 2.42, P = 0.124), flying (F1,72,0.05 = 0.06, P = 0.815), and out of sight unknown (F1,72,0.05 = 0.52, P = 0.475) were not affected by the breeding stage (Tables 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, and 4.7). Pairs during the nestling stage (x̄ = 44.3 ± 6.1) spent more time perched than in the egg stage (x̄ = 30.0 ± 4.7) (F1,72,0.05 = 4.44, P = 0.039) (Table 4.1). Similarly pairs during the nestling stage (x̄ = 2.2 ± 1.1) spent significantly (F1,72,0.05 = 7.79, P = 0.007) more time feeding than in the egg stage (x̄ = 0.06 ± 0.07) (Table 4.5). As expected breeding stage had an effect on incubation (F1,72,0.05 = 13.30, P = 0.001), where pairs in the egg stage spent more time (x̄ = 46.4 ± 5.5) incubating than brooding during the nestling stage (x̄ = 17.5 ± 4.5) (Table 4.6). Also pairs spent more time out of sight known (F1,72,0.05 = 6.85, P = 0.011) during the nestling stage (x̄ = 1.6 ± 0.8) than during the egg stage (x̄ = 0.3 ± 0.2) (Table 4.8). Human disturbance level had no effect on the time pairs spent perched (F1,11,0.05 = 0.02, P = 0.896), perched on nest (F1,11,0.05 = 1.12, P = 0.312), feeding (F1,11,0.05 = 0.00, P = 0.960), incubation (F1,11,0.05 = 0.62, P = 0.447), out of sight unknown (F1,11,0.05 = 1.19, P = 0.298), or out of sight known (F1,11,0.05 = 0.03, P = 0.856) (Table 4.1, 4.2, 4.5, 4.6, 4.7, and 4.8). Differences in time individuals spent preening between LHD (14.1%) and 88 HHD (10.1%) were not statistically significant but could be biologically meaningful (F1,11,0.05 = 3.38, P = 0.093) (Table 4.3). Individuals spent more time flying (F1,11,0.05 = 6.16, P = 0.030) in LHD (4.6%) than in HHD (2.2%) areas (Table 4.4). Prey A total of 54 WTHA prey items were identified in 2006 and 2007 (Table 4.9). Numerically, small mammals were the most frequent prey items observed (56.6%), most of which were rats (Figure 4.1). Reptiles, consisting of snake species and glass lizards (Ophisaurus attenuatus attenuatus), were also frequent (35.8%) prey items, (Figure 4.1). In 2006, on the north end of Matagorda Island, a hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus) was observed as a prey item in a WTHA nest. This is the first record of hoary bats occurring in Calhoun County, and only the second record of WTHAs consuming bats (Granzinolli and Motta Jr. 2007). Discussion This study was to assess behavioral differences of WTHAs between islands with different levels of human impact. However, differences between breeding stages are a factor, since the behavior of adults was expected to change between the two stages (Farquhar 1986). The differences in breeding behavior between breeding stages were not an objective of this study, but needed to be incorporated into the analysis in case the human disturbance effect was masked by breeding stage effect. The interaction effect on the behavior out of sight unknown was nearly statistically significant, but probably does not have any biological relevance. Due to areas being highly human impacted on Mustang Island there were more buildings and 89 nonnative trees which obstructed visibility of the viewer. Also, there was a larger sample size for Matagorda Island during the egg stage, after which several nests were predated, resulting in a small sample size during the nestling stage. Thus, this nearly significant difference between out of sight unknown at the human disturbance levels and breeding stages may have been due to sample size issues within a breeding stage and differences between island structure. The data suggests that pairs in low human disturbance areas may spend more time preening than pairs in high human disturbance areas. This may have biological importance. Preening by bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) has been shown to decrease in areas of high human disturbance and pairs tended to spend more time at the nest (Steidl and Anthony 1995). Essentially, preening may be viewed as a ‘relaxed behavior’; birds that are experiencing disturbance related stress may not engage in ‘relaxed behaviors’ as frequently as those in low disturbance areas. This may be indicative that WTHAs in the areas of high human activities, such as Mustang Island, are experiencing disturbance. However, it appears the disturbance levels are not influential at the reproductive level (Chapter II). Pairs in high human disturbance areas spend less time flying than pairs in low human disturbance areas. I suspect this may be due to higher densities occurring on Matagorda Island (Chapter II). In territorial birds, such as the WTHA, high densities may result in pairs spending more time defending their territory against intruders than in low occupancy areas. Matagorda Island also hosts an experimental population of Aplomado falcons (Falco femoralis). There were a few antagonistic interactions 90 incidentally observed between WTHAs and Aplomado falcons over nest sites and territory intrusion after nestlings have hatched on Matagorda Island in 2006. On Matagorda Island there may be interspecific or intraspecific territorial defense influencing WTHA behavior more so than Mustang Island. Prey Overall WTHAs on the Texas barrier islands appear to focus on small mammals and reptiles. Granzinolli and Motta (2007) recorded WTHAs consuming a high number of invertebrates, although small mammals made up the largest proportion of biomass. Small prey items will often be quickly consumed and not left in the nest for observation. However, I did not observe insects being delivered during direct observations. Similar to my findings, Stevenson and Meitzen (1946) reported that reptiles were the second mostconsumed group (33%), where Oberholser (1974) considered WTHAs a snake specialist, and Farquhar (1988) found that reptiles were the third most important group (12.1%), together with birds (12.1%). WTHAs appear to be opportunistic predators and able to widen their diet breadth when food becomes scarce (Granzinolli and Motta 2007). Management Implications Although WTHAs readily abandon nests due to human disturbance (Chapter II, Stevenson and Meitzen 1946), they appear to habituate to consistent disturbances (i.e. traffic on roads, people riding bikes, fishermen), as seen on Mustang and northern North Padre Island. However, areas that do not see these regular disturbance patterns throughout the breeding season may result in WTHAs being more prone to failure due to 91 these disturbances. More focused work should be conducted to determine how the intensity and duration of human disturbance influences breeding WTHAs. Literature Cited Alatalo, R. V., and A. Lundberg. 1984. Density-dependence in breeding success of the pied flycatcher (Ficedula hypoleuca). Journal of Animal Ecology 53: 969-977. Actkinson, M. A., 2006. Productivity and nest-site selection of a breeding raptor community in south Texas. Thesis, Texas A&M University, Kingsville, USA. Beach, D. 2002. 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University of Texas, Austin, USA. 96 Table 4.1. Percent of time spent perched by breeding white-tailed hawks during morning observation periods on Matagorda and Mustang Island. Proportions are presented by the breeding stage (egg or nestling) and according to island. Due to no significant interaction P-values are reported for the stage effect and island effect only. Island Matagorda Mustang Combined Mean Egg 29.5 (± 7.2) 30.5 (± 5.9) 30.0 (± 4.7) Nestling 46.1 (± 9.8) 42.5 (± 7.2) 44.3 (± 6.1) Nest Stage P = 0.039 Combined Mean 37.4 (± 6.7) 36.3 (± 5.3) P = 0.896 Table 4.2. Percent of time spent perched on nest by breeding white-tailed hawks during morning observation periods on Matagorda and Mustang Island. Proportions are presented by the breeding stage (egg or nestling) and according to island. Due to no significant interaction P-values are reported for the stage effect and island effect only. Island Matagorda Mustang Combined Mean Egg 1.0 (± 0.6) 2.8 (± 1.0) 1.7 (± 0.6) Nestling 2.2 (± 1.2) 2.4 (± 0.9) 2.3 (± 0.8) Breeding Stage P = 0.488 Combined Mean 1.5 (± 0.7) 2.6 (± 0.8) 97 P = 0.312 Table 4.3. Percent of time spent preening by breeding white-tailed hawks during morning observation periods on Matagorda and Mustang Island. Proportions are presented by the breeding stage (egg or nestling) and according to island. Due to no significant interaction P-values are reported for the stage effect and island effect only. Island Matagorda Mustang Combined Mean Egg 12.0 (± 2.4) 8.9 (± 1.6) 10.4 (± 1.4) Nestling 16.5 (± 3.0) 11.4 (± 1.9) 13.8 (± 1.7) Breeding Stage P = 0.124 Combined Mean 14.1 (± 1.9) 10.1 (± 1.2) P = 0.093 Table 4.4. Percent of time spent flying by breeding white-tailed hawks during morning observation periods on Matagorda and Mustang Island. Proportions are presented by the breeding stage (egg or nestling) and according to island. Due to no significant interaction P-values are reported for the stage effect and island effect only. Island Matagorda Mustang Combined Mean Egg 4.6 (± 1.1) 2.0 (± 0.5) 3.1 (± 0.5) Nestling 4.6 (± 1.3) 2.3 (± 0.6) 3.2 (± 0.7) Breeding Stage P = 0.815 Combined Mean 4.6 (± 1.0) 2.2 (± 0.5) 98 P = 0.030 Table 4.5. Percent of time spent feeding by breeding white-tailed hawks during morning observation periods on Matagorda and Mustang Island. Proportions are presented by the breeding stage (egg or nestling) and according to island. Due to no significant interaction P-values are reported for the stage effect and island effect only. Island Matagorda Mustang Combined Mean Egg 0.06 (± 0.11) 0.06 (± 0.10) 0.06 (± 0.07) Nestling 2.05 (± 1.60) 2.31 (± 1.39) 02.2 (± 1.07) Breeding Stage P = 0.007 Combined Mean 0.34 (± 0.39) 0.37 (± 0.34) P = 0.960 Table 4.6. Percent of time spent incubating/brooding by breeding white-tailed hawks during morning observation periods on Matagorda and Mustang Island. Proportions are presented by the breeding stage (egg or nestling) and according to island. Due to no significant interaction P-values are reported for the stage effect and island effect only. Island Matagorda Mustang Combined Mean Egg 45.2 (± 8.8) 47.6 (± 6.7) 46.4 (± 5.5) Nestling 23.3 (± 8.2) 13.0 (± 4.9) 17.5 (± 4.5) Breeding Stage P = 0.001 Combined Mean 33.3 (± 6.4) 26.9 (± 5.0) 99 P = 0.447 Table 4.7. Percent of time spent out of sight in an unknown location by breeding whitetailed hawks during morning observation periods on Matagorda and Mustang Island. Proportions are presented by the breeding stage (egg or nestling) and according to island. Due to no significant interaction P-values are reported for the stage effect and island effect only. Island Matagorda Mustang Combined Mean Egg 8.1 (± 4.6) 6.3 (± 3.1) 7.1 (± 2.7) Nestling 4.5 (± 3.4) 21.2 (± 7.2) 10.1 (± 4.1) Breeding Stage P = 0.475 Combined Mean 6.0 (± 3.1) 11.8 (± 4.1) P = 0.298 Table 4.8. Percent of time spent out of sight in a known location by breeding white-tailed hawks during morning observation periods on Matagorda and Mustang Island. Proportions are presented by the breeding stage (egg or nestling) and according to island. Due to no significant interaction P-values are reported for the stage effect and island effect only. Island Matagorda Mustang Combined Mean Egg 0.24 (± 0.25) 0.39 (± 0.27) 0.30 (± 0.19) Nestling 1.71 (± 1.44) 1.49 (± 0.95) 1.59 (± 0.84) Breeding Stage P = 0.011 Combined Mean 0.64 (± 0.48) 0.76 (± 0.47) 100 P = 0.856 Table 4.9. Prey items of breeding White-tailed Hawks observed through nest checks and direct observations on Matagorda, Mustang and North Padre Islands, Texas 2006 and 2007. Items are classified into the lowest possible taxon. 2006 2007 Total Unknown rodent 9 12 21 Marsh Rice Rat (Oryzomys palustris) 6 Mouse (Peromyscus spp.) 1 Hoary Bat (Ladiurus cinereus) 1 1 Wading bird 1 1 Laughing Gull size avian prey 1 1 Blackbird nestling 1 1 Unknown snake 3 3 Glass Lizard (Ophisaurus attenuatus) 5 Mammalian 6 1 2 Avian Reptilian 3 8 8 8 Rio Grande Leopoard Frog (Rana berlandieri) 1 1 Unknown 1 1 26 54 Snake / Glass Lizard Amphibian Total 28 101 Figure 4.1. Proportion of 5 white-tailed hawk prey categories observed on Matagorda, Mustang and North Padre Islands, Texas in 2006 and 2007 102 PERMISSION TO COPY In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a master’s degree at Texas Tech University or Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, I agree that the Library and my major department shall make it freely available for research purposes. 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