High Energy Physics • Lecture 7 • Part 1: LHC Experiments • Part 2: Cross Section and Luminosity HEP Lecture 7 1 About 100 years ago Ernest Rutherford was experimenting with alpha particles (which he himself had discovered), bombarding gold foils. Comparing his results with the then known theory he discovered the nuclear structure of atoms. He had one very capable glassblower and one assistant. Today’s experiments require a very different scale. HEP Lecture 7 2 Today’s experiments require worldwide collaboration 36 countries collaborate in the LHC experiment ATLAS HEP Lecture 7 3 HEP Lecture 7 4 HEP Lecture 7 5 The LHC tunnel HEP Lecture 7 6 HEP Lecture 7 7 HEP Lecture 7 8 HEP Lecture 7 9 LHC Parameters Circumference 26 659 m Beam energy 7 TeV Injection energy 0.45 TeV Filling time 6 minutes Acceleration period 1200 s Beam lifetime 10 hours Bunches per ring 2835 Bunch length 7.5 cm Bunch radius 16 μm Time between bunch crossings 25 ns Particles per bunch 10.5x1010 up to 20 pp collisions per bunch crossing HEP Lecture 7 10 Access shafts Atlas detector Service tunnel Beam tunnel HEP Lecture 7 11 The ATLAS Detector Inner Detector Beam Beam muon chambers muon chambers HEP Lecture 7 12 HEP Lecture 7 13 Cross section of the ATLAS detector hadronic calorimeter Beam pipe muon chambers tracking detector solenoidal magnet electromagnetic calorimeter HEP Lecture 7 14 Transition radiation tracker HEP Lecture 7 15 ATLAS Transition Radiation Tracker (TRT) Participating institutes from countries: CERN, Denmark, Poland, Russia, Sweden, Turkey, USA. Russian institutes: FIAN, MEPhI, MSU-SNPI, PNPI, JINR HEP Lecture 7 16 Slice through a Sector of the CMS Detector at LHC 0 1m 5m 7m 4 Tesla HEP Lecture 7 2 Tesla 17 Muon Chamber Assembly HEP Lecture 7 18 Assembly of hadronic calorimeter HEP Lecture 7 19 Hadronic calorimeter during construction HEP Lecture 7 20 Monte Carlo simulation of a proton-proton collision event HEP Lecture 7 21 Monte Carlo simulation of tracks in the tracking chamber HEP Lecture 7 22 Reaction Cross Section • WHERE THEORY MEETS EXPERIMENT HEP Lecture 7 23 Differential cross section: definition: where N (θ ) d Ω dσ (θ ) = N0 N (θ ) d Ω is the number of particles passing every second through the element of solid angle dΩ and N0 is the number of beam of beam particles per sq. cm and second. scattered particles beam θ θ is the scattering angle HEP Lecture 7 24 As a result of a collision the particles can either remain unchanged (elastic collision) or transform into different particles (inelastic collision). The different reactions are called channels. Each reaction takes place with a different probability. If the number of events in the ith channel is Ni, then Ni d Ω dσ i = N0 is the differential cross section of channel i HEP Lecture 7 25 When the elastic diff cs is integrated over all angles we get the elastic cross section: 1 σ el = N0 v∫ N (θ )d Ω S where S is the surface of the unit sphere. Similarly we get the cross sections for all other channels, σi. The sum of the elastic cs and all channel cross sections is the total cross section: σ = σ el + ∑ σ i i HEP Lecture 7 26 Total and elastic proton-proton cross sections as a function of the LAB momentum in GeV/c ISR HEP Lecture 7 LHC 27 Total and elastic proton-antiproton cross sections as a function of the LAB momentum in GeV/c HEP Lecture 7 28 Total and elastic pion-proton cross sections as a function of the LAB momentum in GeV/c First nucleon resonance Δ++ HEP Lecture 7 29 Total and elastic K --proton cross sections as a function of the LAB momentum in GeV/c HEP Lecture 7 30 Cross sections have by definition the dimension of an area. They are sometimes given in cm2, but more frequently in barns, millibarns, microbarns, etc. 1 barn = 10-28 m2 Of interest are reactions which occur with small probability and hence with low cross sections, such as a few nanobarns or even picobarns. To be able to see collisions with such small cross sections one must make sure to have a sufficiently large number of collisions within a reasonable time. The quantity that characterises the number of collisions in a collider is called luminosity. HEP Lecture 7 31 Definition of Luminosity: The interaction rate R (i.e. the number of interactions per second) is proportional to the cross section; the constant of proportionality is the luminosity L: R=Lσ If two bunches containing n1 and n2 particles collide with frequency f then L = f n1 n2 /4π σxσy where σx and σy are the Gaussian horizontal and vertical widths, respectively. HEP Lecture 7 32 The luminosity is measured by observing the interaction rate of a process that is theoretically well understood and convenient to measure. A process that is well understood is ud → W + → A +ν A Its cross section σ+ is about 20 nb = 20x10-33 cm2 The design luminosity of LHC is L = 1034 cm-2 s-1 Therefore we should see about 200 such events per second. The accuracy of this method is limited by a poor knowledge of the momentum distribution of quarks in the proton, which is not better than about 10%. So one needs other methods as well. HEP Lecture 7 33 The LHC is expected to have initially a luminosity of 1033 cm-2 s-1 and to reach its design luminosity of 1034 cm-2 s-1 after 2 to 3 years, i.e. by 2009 or 2010. With L = 1034 cm-2 s-1 one can record 1 event per day of a reaction that has a cross section of about 0.14 pb (assuming 20 hours of beam time per day) HEP Lecture 7 34