high performance housing for new york state HEP - 2

high performance housing for new york state
HEP - 2
EPA / Syacuse CoE CARTI Grant
HEP - 2
To improve the energy performance of residential
construction in New York State we must demonstrate that
high efficiency houses can be built, and that the increment
in the initial cost can be compensated by reduced coat of
A leading New York example must be
designed, built, evaluated and demonstrated to the
broader public. Only following such a local and wellpublicized example can the more significant energy and
environmental impacts of “production” housing be realized.
HEP - 2
HEP - 2
high performance housing for new york state
- EPA / Syracuse CoE CARTI Grant Objectives
ƒ Lower-Cost, Lower-Energy House Prototypes
•The goal of this research is to develop and evaluate
integrated and optimized designs for higher performing
- Architectural Objectives
ƒ Inflection to the environment
•Ongoing Research Focus
ƒNeighborhood Revitalization
•Community (Home HeadQuarters)
HEP - 2
high performance housing for new york state
-Near West Side Context
•3 bedroom detached
•2 bedroom semi-attached
-Environmental Performance
near west side context
unit design
SEMI-ATTACHED UNIT (w/ studio apt.)
1,220 sf
2 bedrooms, 1 1/2 bathrooms
1,615 sf
3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 bathrooms
environmental performance
Source - National Renewable Energy Laboratory: Resource Assessment Maps
Source - E. Arens