19 May 2010 Approval Scheme) into its procurement philosophy for wheelsets.

19 May 2010
Industry turns to RISAS for wheelset assurance
The rail industry is gearing up to embed RISAS (Railway Industry Supplier
Approval Scheme) into its procurement philosophy for wheelsets.
The withdrawal of the Railway Group Standard GM/RT2470, which currently
specifies the minimum entry requirements for supply of wheelsets to industry,
ceases to be in force in June. This represents a challenge for train operators
and maintainers to ensure they continue to have adequate supplier assurance
arrangements in place, which are cost-effective and robust.
Last year, the Association of Train Operating Companies (ATOC), Network
Rail, rolling stock companies (ROSCOs) and freight operators together made
a joint industry decision to recognise RISAS as the preferred means of
assuring the supply of critical products and services associated with bogie
overhaul. Now the industry has made a similar move on wheelsets, building
on the 2009 decision, and further ensconcing RISAS into the industry’s supply
chain psyche.
RISAS is currently the only industry-agreed scheme which will provide the
necessary assurance levels required. As a ready-to-use, established, and
cost-effective process, RISAS avoids the duplication and unnecessary cost of
multiple generic audits of suppliers, by embracing a rigorous ‘gumption’ audit
represented by a RISAS certificate.
Ruud Haket, the chairman of the RISAS Board, and Bid Director at Abellio,
explains: ‘The benefit to industry from RISAS is access to a scheme which
aims to be universally recognised as the GB rail sector’s most effective and
efficient method of assuring its most critical supply chains. It means a
customer like me isn’t working in isolation, but as part of a consensus-driven
industry approach to manage the requirements of key health and safety
legislation. RISAS provides the basis for me to have faith in a supplier’s core
RSSB Block 2 Angel Square 1 Torrens Street London EC1V 1NY
Telephone: +44 (0)20 3142 5300 Facsimile: +44 (0)20 3142 5660 www.rssb.co.uk
Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited Registered Office: Block 2 Angel Square 1 Torrens Street London EC1V 1NY Registered in England No.
ability and capability to consistently deliver products and services meeting my
needs as a customer, but it also translates as safer practices with significant
cost and time savings.’
‘In addition, RISAS is independent and managed for the benefit of the whole
rail sector, collaboratively developed by suppliers and GB mainline rail
companies through RSSB, and recognised by all mainline railway operators
and the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR).’
-EndsFor more information relating to wheelset supplier assurance and related
technical enquiries, download the RISAS briefing note BN-004 (RISAS M1A Wheelsets and M1B - Wheelset Components) from www.risas-online.org or
contact Andy Tandy, RISAS administrator on 020 3142 5376 or
For further media enquiries, please contact the RSSB press office on 020
3142 5330/1/2, email pressoffice@rssb.co.uk .
Editors’ Notes
1. The Railway Industry Supplier Approval Scheme (RISAS) is the GB main line rail
industry’s ‘not-for-profit’ scheme for the assessment and certification of suppliers
of critical products and services. RISAS supports Network Rail, the passenger
and freight train operators and other organisations that purchase critical products
and services in connection with GB Railways (collectively the ‘clients’) in their
management of supply chain and asset maintenance risk. It provides an
independent, rigorous assessment of a supplier’s capability to consistently provide
critical products and services in accordance with customer requirements. RISAS
‘adds value’ to both the clients and the suppliers by offering:
- A single, universally recognised assessment and certificate which reduces/
eliminates the need for audits by other third party schemes or individual client
companies in GB.
- Clear and transparent supplier assessments by competent independent bodies
which support the operation of a client’s safety management system in controlling
- Challenging assessments which support suppliers in meeting client
requirements and demonstrating excellence.
RSSB Block 2 Angel Square 1 Torrens Street London EC1V 1NY
Telephone: +44 (0)20 3142 5300 Facsimile: +44 (0)20 3142 5660 www.rssb.co.uk
Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited Registered Office: Block 2 Angel Square 1 Torrens Street London EC1V 1NY Registered in England No.
- Formalised mechanism for controlled feedback and resolution of customer
product and service issues.
- A robust system for the assessment and certification of rolling stock
maintenance recognised by the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) which can also
efficiently meet the requirements of the European Union Safety Directive.
2. Development and operation of RISAS is overseen by a formally constituted
governance Board drawn from across the whole GB rail industry. This board is
authorised by the Board of RSSB. Day to day support, operation and
administration is undertaken by RSSB under the direction of the RISAS Board.
3. RISAS should be used by all GB authorised SMS holders including Network Rail
and all suppliers of critical products and services including rolling stock and
infrastructure asset maintenance. It aims to deliver:
- A rigorous and robust assessment of the industry’s most critical suppliers providing clear and transparent supplier assessments by competent independent
bodies which support the operation of a client’s safety management system in
controlling risk.
- A reliable and trusted tool for clients to use as part of their SMS so they can
demonstrate that regulatory and legislative safety requirements are being met.
- Cost reductions for GB rail by reducing the number of client and supplier audits
of products and services in the whole rail industry supply chain.
- A system approach which specifically follows up and responds to supplier and
product quality issues leading to sustained improvement in the quality of products
and services in the whole rail industry supply chain.
- Organisational learning that will lead to cultural changes within the rail industry.
4. RSSB builds industry-wide consensus and facilitates the resolution of difficult
cross-industry issues. We provide knowledge, analysis, a substantial level of
technical expertise, powerful information and risk management tools. This delivers
a unique mix to the industry across a whole range of subject areas.
RSSB Block 2 Angel Square 1 Torrens Street London EC1V 1NY
Telephone: +44 (0)20 3142 5300 Facsimile: +44 (0)20 3142 5660 www.rssb.co.uk
Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited Registered Office: Block 2 Angel Square 1 Torrens Street London EC1V 1NY Registered in England No.