29 January 2013

29 January 2013
Porterbrook gets RISAS certification
Porterbrook has become the third major train fleet owner and asset manager
to achieve the much-coveted and highest certification level in the procurement
of maintenance and overhaul processes for rolling stock.
Porterbrook, which owns and manages a large portfolio of rail assets, has
achieved the sought-after RISAS (Railway Industry Supplier Approval
Scheme) certification, with effect from 13 November 2012.
The train continues to become an even more popular transport mode. In
2011-2, the mainline railway saw about 1.5 billion passenger journeys made
and about 100 million tonnes of freight carried. To make this happen,
maintaining the safety and reliability of trains is critical, and relies on suppliers
and customers both having a lucid appreciation of the risks, and a proven
capability to manage them.
RISAS certification means that rail operators and suppliers can assume a high
level of assurance in companies like Porterbrook, based on one universally
accepted, rigorous assessment.
Alex White, Operations Director at Porterbrook commented: ‘We are proud to
have achieved RISAS accreditation. RISAS is tangible proof of our
capabilities in controlling the risk generated by procuring rolling stock
maintenance and overhaul requirements.’
The assessment was undertaken by Lloyds Register Rail as a Rail Industry
Supplier Approval Body (RISAB), accredited by RSSB. Such assessments
pose ambitious challenges to candidates like Porterbrook, to be able to
demonstrate excellence across their entire spectrum of activities.
RSSB Block 2 Angel Square 1 Torrens Street London EC1V 1NY
Telephone: +44 (0)20 3142 5300 Facsimile: +44 (0)20 3142 5660 www.rssb.co.uk
Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited Registered Office: Block 2 Angel Square 1 Torrens Street London EC1V 1NY Registered in England No.
Margaret Nixon, who led the Lloyds Register RISAS team during the
assessment added: ‘This certification gives operators and suppliers the
assurance that Porterbrook has proven its capabilities in buying, managing
and overseeing the maintenance of those aspects most critical to rolling stock
safety, reliability and performance - in accordance with the industry’s own
benchmark scheme.’
RISAS can provide certification for the whole supply chain for rolling stock
maintenance, so can test both ‘maintenance buyers’ such as ROSCOs and
train and freight operating companies, as well as the suppliers and providers
of that maintenance.
Chairman of the RISAS Board, Tim Dugher said: ‘Porterbrook’s achievement
means that all three major ROSCOs now have RISAS certification for the
procurement of rolling stock maintenance, covering the majority of the GB
mainline passenger fleets and a substantial volume of freight fleets. This
sends a clear signal to companies either side of the ROSCOs in the supply
chain, that RISAS is industry’s first preference for assuring the supply of
critical products and services associated with rolling stock maintenance.’
RISAS is facilitated by RSSB combining expertise in administration of national
programmes with knowledge and experience of rolling stock standards and
competence. For further information, go to: www.risas.co.uk
-EndsFor further information, please contact the RSSB press office, on
020 3142 5333 / 5332 / 5331 or email pressoffice@rssb.co.uk or visit the
website www.rssb.co.uk
Notes to editors:
1. About Porterbrook
Porterbrook Leasing Company Limited ("Porterbrook") is a leading player in the rail leasing market
and has a rolling stock fleet of over 6,000 vehicles on lease or on order, which includes over 4,000
passenger vehicles. Porterbrook has been highly successful in winning new train orders since
RSSB Block 2 Angel Square 1 Torrens Street London EC1V 1NY
Telephone: +44 (0)20 3142 5300 Facsimile: +44 (0)20 3142 5660 www.rssb.co.uk
Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited Registered Office: Block 2 Angel Square 1 Torrens Street London EC1V 1NY Registered in England No.
privatisation, investing in 2,000 new passenger vehicles and over 2,000 freight locomotives and
wagons, and in the refurbishment of much of its in-fleet equipment. The company also provides
ongoing train maintenance services. In October 2008 the Porterbrook Group of companies was
acquired by a consortium of investors including Antin Infrastructure Partners (the BNP Paribas
sponsored infrastructure fund), Deutsche Bank and OP Trust.
2. About Lloyds Register Rail
Lloyd’s Register Rail is the specialist team of railway experts within the Lloyd's Register Group.
From offices in the UK, Europe, the Middle East and Asia it provides a range of advice and
assurance services to improve the safety, performance and management of rail systems across the
The wider Lloyd’s Register Group comprises charities and non-charitable entities, with the latter
supporting the charities in their main goal. Since 1760 it has worked around the world to enhance
the safety of life, property and the environment by helping clients ensure the quality construction
and operation of critical infrastructure, particularly within the energy and transportation sectors. With
no institutional or private shareholders it is widely acknowledged for judgements that are made free
from commercial or political pressure.
3. About RISAS
The Railway Industry Supplier Approval Scheme (RISAS) is the GB main line rail industry’s ‘not-forprofit’ scheme for the assessment and certification of suppliers of critical products and services.
RISAS supports Network Rail, the passenger and freight train operators and other organisations
that purchase critical products and services in connection with GB Railways (collectively the
‘clients’) in their management of supply chain and asset maintenance risk. It provides an
independent, rigorous assessment of a supplier’s capability to consistently provide critical products
and services in accordance with customer requirements. RISAS ‘adds value’ to both the clients and
the suppliers by offering:
A single, universally recognised assessment and certificate which reduces/ eliminates the need
for audits by other third party schemes or individual client companies in GB.
Clear and transparent supplier assessments by competent independent bodies which support
the operation of a client’s safety management system in controlling risk.
Challenging assessments which support suppliers in meeting client requirements and
demonstrating excellence.
Formalised mechanism for controlled feedback and resolution of customer product and service
A robust system for the assessment and certification of rolling stock maintenance recognised by
the Office of Rail Regulation (ORR) which can also efficiently meet the requirements of the
European Union Safety Directive.
RISAS is managed by RSSB (as both the scheme manager and the accreditation agency), on
behalf of the rail industry, represented by the RISAS Board. For more info: www.risas.co.uk
4. About RSSB
RSSB is a rail industry body which brings all parts of the rail system together to support shared
decisions, products and services, to help industry drive out unnecessary cost, improve business
performance and develop long-term strategy. This includes supporting the activities of a wide
range of stakeholder groups, including the RISAS Board. For more information go to
RSSB manages RISAS, providing the agency for accrediting the approval bodies which then
assess companies going for RISAS certification. RSSB also provides the scheme management,
which includes looking after the governance of RISAS, administration of its Board and facilitating its
development of its Business Plan, reporting back into the RSSB Board, supporting stakeholder
engagement with users of the scheme, and its marketing, promotion and communication – including
the RISAS website.
RSSB Block 2 Angel Square 1 Torrens Street London EC1V 1NY
Telephone: +44 (0)20 3142 5300 Facsimile: +44 (0)20 3142 5660 www.rssb.co.uk
Rail Safety and Standards Board Limited Registered Office: Block 2 Angel Square 1 Torrens Street London EC1V 1NY Registered in England No.