Why do we enjoy being afraid at

Why do we enjoy being afraid at
times, yet find ourselves debilitated
by fear at other times?
Discover how the burgeoning science
of fear is leading to a newfound
understanding of how the mind
works, as well as potentially powerful
new ways of treating and preventing
fear-related disorders.
The Science of Fear:
From Mice to Men
Join Dr. Kerry Ressler for insight into
the study of this intense emotional
response and, remarkably, how fear
is expressed similarly in the brains
of mice and men.
Kerry Ressler, PhD
Presented in conjunction with the
Yerkes National Primate Research Center
special exhibition Goose Bumps!:
at Emory University
The Science of Fear, now on display.
Sunday, October 26 at 4:00 pm
Fernbank Museum Auditorium
Lecture is free. Museum and/or IMAX®
admission must be purchased separately.
Reservations recommended at 404.929.6400
This lecture is made possible by a generous gift
from Marty and John Gillin in honor of
Carter and Hampton Morris.