RSSB Board Meeting
09 January 2014
Technical Strategy Leadership Group (TSLG) – update and revised remit and delegations
Core Group of TSLG
Anson Jack and David Clarke
1 Purpose
To update directors on a review of the TSLG role and remit, and seek authority for a revised remit and delegations to TSLG.
2 Background
2.1 As reported previously to directors, the introduction of the Enabling Innovation
Team, the publication of the Rail Technical Strategy (and NR Technical
Strategy) and the confirmation of significantly enhanced funding for innovation in CP5, creates the opportunity to consider and revise the TSLG method of working, including its delegated authorities
2.2 To remind directors of the scale of operations in this area, in the two year period ending March 2014, DfT will have granted to RSSB (for TSLG) a total of
£33.5m explicitly for the Innovation activity. This is in addition to the research and development grants (totalling over £20m in the same period).
2.3. One of the comments that directors and others around the industry sometimes make relates to the complexity of the landscape for research development and innovation and the considerable number of acronyms that are in use. Many of these are beyond the control of TSLG and RSSB, but steps are being taken, in collaboration with Network Rail to simplify the language under a single banner or brand called ‘Future Railway.’ Over time the acronym soup will be used solely for internal convenience and documents and the external brand will be the thing that stakeholders across the industry will see and be able to relate to.
This is facilitated by the increasingly close relationship between our research development and innovation teams with Network Rail. The combined EIT and
Strategic Research teams within RSSB will become known as the Future
Railway Team (FRT).
2.4 TSLG discussed its future structure and delivery arrangements at the
September, October and December 2013 TSLG meetings. At the meeting in
December TSLG approved the proposed scope, remit, and delivery team structure and branding. The proposed remit, delegations and accountabilities are set out in this paper in Sections 3-5.
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3 Proposed TSLG delegations and control measures
3.1 The proposed control measures for the TSLG funding are as follows:
Subject to the arrangements set out below, the RSSB board delegates from 1
April 2014 the following funds to TSLG for the purpose of delivering the TSLG remit
From the funds received from DfT for Core research (£9m in 2014/15 and £9.25m in 2015/16), £4.5m pa.
All of the funds received from Network Rail under the innovation funding for CP5 (expected to be a total value of £52m over the five years) NOTE that the funding for 2012/13 and 2013/14 which has been received from the DfT by grant, has already been delegated to
TSLG is also encouraged to come back to the board if it finds that there is a compelling case for more funds to be drawn down from the ‘R&D reserve.’ a) TSLG annually approves and Rail Delivery Group, Technology and
Operations Steering Group (RDG T&O Group) endorses a multi-year budget and plan for a programme of activity to deliver the TSLG Remit, and through that meet industry objectives. b) TSLG has a Core Group consisting of representatives of TSLG members to manage this programme of activity and to oversee a Delivery Team
(employed by RSSB, but with secondments and additional consultancy resources) which works full time in support of TSLG. Within the authorities handed down by the RSSB board, TSLG may delegate (and withdraw) authority to Core Group and will review and guide the activities of Core
Group. The Core Group membership is set out in Annex B.
c) Core Group will report its activities and decisions to TSLG and will seek prior authority for any decisions which deviate from the agreed annual plan or would exceed delegated authorities. d) TSLG will provide an annual report to the RSSB board to demonstrate that funds are being spent in accordance with delegated authorities on the agreed plan activities e) Cross industry groups (such as SICs) will be asked to champion delivery of specific sections of the Rail Technical Strategy whilst recognising that there is also a need for cross system coordination, which TSLG will fulfil.
3.2 In the current delegation of authority to TSLG the board has made the following high level stipulations. For each project that TSLG commissions there must be: a) a business case; b) a statement about how the project will be run; c) an industry sponsor;
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AGENDA ITEM: 05 d) support from at least two RSSB member duty holders; and e) a statement about where a successful outcome from the research project will go for implementation or further development.
It is proposed to amend this to clarify that the requirements above can be met at programme or group of projects level, and further, to allow that for externally generated projects ideas, it is sufficient to meet the ‘two RSSB duty holder members’ requirement to ensure that the approving body is quorate with the representatives of at least two RSSB duty holder members (ie two out of three of NR, TOC and FOC and where ATOC may be representing TOCs).
Proposed TSLG Remit (showing changes from the current remit in bold)
The following remit has been developed by TSLG and is presented to the board for consideration and approval.
The purpose of TSLG is to: a) In consultation with stakeholders, create, maintain and communicate a technical vision and strategy for the GB railway which is aligned to whole industry objectives . b) Lead the rail industry development of the Rail Technical Strategy and subsequent strategies , appointing industry champions as necessary, and securing cross industry support, including RDG endorsement for these. c) Oversee the planning for and industry delivery of the Rail Technical
Strategy, intervening as appropriate where gaps are identified . d) Champion within members ’ constituencies an optimal approach to the long term technical development of the railway system in Great Britain. e) Maintain relationships with the System Interface Committees, industry activities and other cross industry groups, supporting alignment of their agendas (including research) so that they are consistent with long term needs, and encouraging efficiency in the means by which are developed.
Encourage cross industry groups to champion delivery of specific sections of the Rail Technical Strategy.
f) Maintain and develop relationships with government, primarily
Department for Transport, Transport Scotland and Department for
Business Innovation and Skills and with other relevant cross sector bodies including Technology Strategy board, Transport Systems
Catapult and research and innovation funding bodies.
g) Ensure the effective utilisation of research and innovation funds delegated to TSLG by RSSB board. Provide an annual report to RSSB board to demonstrate the funds are being spent in accordance with delegated authorities and are delivering value. h) Approve any changes to Core Group membership. Annually delegate authority and funds (TSLG may specify exceptions or limits) to Core
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Group and hold Core Group accountable for the activities delivered by
Core Group on behalf of TSLG. i) Provide leadership and oversight of the Future Railway Team (FRT) and allocation of the Strategic Research and Innovation Funds including developing the business cases for whole system innovations, setting the cases in a business context for stakeholders, in accordance with delegated authorities.
j) Annually submit for RDG T&O Group endorsement a Future Railway multi-year budget and plan comprising of the TSLG approved
Strategic R&D and Innovation Plans and the TSLG endorsed Network
Rail R&D Plan.
TSLG Core Group and Future Railway Team RACI
A (RACI) chart of responsibilities and accountabilities as between TSLG, the
Core Group and the delivery team which has also been endorsed by TSLG is set out in Annex A. This shows how the delegated financial authority from the board will be discharged between the three entities.
Further proposal
In addition, it is proposed by the Core Group that where the RSSB board is asked to approve any significant R&D project in future (ie from the Core research budget), the case for the project should include a description of its relationship to the Rail Technical Strategy.
7 Recommendations
Directors are requested to: a) APPROVE the revised TSLG remit as set out in Section 4 b) DELEGATE the funding to TSLG as set out in Section 3 and in accordance with the proposed control measures. c) NOTE the creation of the Future railway initiative to take all this forward.
d) NOTE that the SIC’s remit will be adjusted and brought to the board for further consideration/approval e) SUPPORT the proposal in section 6.
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Annex A RACI chart agreed at TSLG at its December 2013 meeting with respect to the application of TSLG’s delegated authority from the RSSB Board
R = Responsible TSSG = Technical Strategy Support Group
A = Accountable (now abolished)
C = Consulted CG = Core Group
I = Informed FRT = Future Railway Team
1. In consultation with stakeholders, create, maintain and communicate a technical vision and strategy for in the GB railway which is aligned to whole industry objectives .
A R C 2. Lead the rail industry development of the Rail Technical Strategy and subsequent strategies , appointing industry champions as necessary, and secure cross industry support, including RDG endorsement for these. (modified)
3. Oversee the planning for and industry delivery of the Rail
Technical Strategy, intervening as appropriate where gaps are identified .(new)
4. Champion within member’s own constituencies (with respect to their particular functions in the railway system) the optimal approach to the long term technical development of the railway system in Great Britain
5. Maintain relationships with the System Interface Committees, industry activities and other cross industry groups, supporting alignment of their agendas (including research) so that they are consistent with long term needs, and encouraging efficiency in the means by which they are developed Encourage cross industry groups to champion delivery of specific sections of the Rail
Technical Strategy (modified)
6. Maintain and develop relationships with government, primarily Department for Transport, Transport Scotland and
Department for Business Innovation and Skills and with other relevant cross sector bodies including Technology Strategy
Board, Transport Systems Catapult and research and innovation funding bodies.
7. Ensure the effective utilisation of research and innovation funds delegated to TSLG by RSSB Board. Provide an annual report to RSSB Board to demonstrate the funds are being spent in accordance with delegated authorities and are delivering value. (new)
These activities are recorded in the TSLG remit and the TSSG response to the RSSB stakeholder survey – ref paper 3a at 12 th
July 2012 TSLG for TSLG remit. The TSSG response (September 2012) is available on request.
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8. Provide leadership and oversight of the Future Railway Team
(FRT) and allocation of the Strategic Research and Innovation
Funds including developing the business cases for whole system innovations, setting the cases in a business context for stakeholders, in accordance with delegated authorities
9. Approve any changes to Core Group membership.
Annually delegate authority and funds (TSLG may specify exceptions or limits) to Core Group and hold Core Group accountable for the activities delivered by Core Group on behalf of TSLG (modified)
10. Annually submit for RDG T&O Group endorsement a Future
Railway multi-year budget and plan comprising of the TSLG approved Strategic R&D and Innovation Plans and the TSLG endorsed Network Rail R&D Plan (modified))
11. Create and facilitate the delivery of innovation including the authority to create stakeholder groups to support specific activities
12. Explore system wide issues and recommend to the “Sponsor” function available options across system boundaries and interfaces and over long timescales
13. Identify opportunities and through-life benefit/costs/risks of options to optimise strategic direction and indicate how to apportion these across stakeholders
14. Explore and develop long term systems improvements to influence industry visions and plans and to meet the revealed needs of the rail sector (revealed through RDG Strategies, Government planning objectives, imposed regulations, HLOS type specifications, White Papers etc)
15. Make inputs to industry sponsors and planners X
16. Develop delivery models, in particular looking to hand over delivery to industry, supporting innovations through technology readiness levels 4 to 6, and learning from approaches in other industries
17. Cause appropriate research, development and innovation activity to support the technical strategy and maintain a watching brief over strategic research wherever it is carried out
18. Ensure that programme proposals are in line with the annual plan as agreed between TSLG and RDG and, in approving items of expenditure of the Innovation and Strategic Research Funds , will ensure the proposals meet strategic goals and governance requirements.
19. Agree the delegated authority of the Director FRT . Direct and supervise the activities of the FRT and advise RSSB as to how to conduct performance appraisals of the Director.
I A/
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20. Manage the development of short, medium and long term technology strategies (eg TSLG annual plan; technology routemapping; Rail Technical Strategy), for endorsement by TSLG
21. D evelop proposals and plans for enabling innovation in the rail industry and respond to proposals made by other industry bodies which are relevant to innovation (eg franchising consultation,
McNulty). Consulting with TSLG where time permits.
22. Consider and review challenges, opportunities and proposals for technology innovation
23. Define the forward agenda and review the papers for TSLG
24. Develop and deliver a communications strategy and plan for all Future Railway Activity
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Annex B - Membership of TSLG Core Group
TSLG Core Group will comprise of TSLG members fulfilling the following roles:
TSLG role
TSLG Chair
RSSB representative
Network Rail representative
Train Operator representative
System Interface Committee representative
Supply Chain representative
Freight operator representative
RDG Technology and Operations Group representatives
Current representative
Jerry England
Anson Jack
Simon Scott
Gary Cooper
Tim Gilbert
Francis How
Alastair Wright
Alistair Gordon (alternate Guy Woodroffe)
Future Railway Team Director (Currently
Director EIT)
David Clarke
With the exception of the RDG (T&O) Group representative alternates will not generally be accepted.
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