AGENDA ITEM: B3 MEETING: RSSB Board Meeting DATE: 08 May 2014 SUBJECT: RISQS First stewardship report including appointment of Scheme Manager SPONSOR: Chris Fenton AUTHORS: John Abbott, Don Clarke and Richard Sharp 1. Purpose 1.1 To inform the board of: The staged plan developed by the Rail Industry Supplier Qualification Scheme (RISQS) board to improve the performance and value for money of the GB rail supplier qualification scheme; Progress over the first year of operation; Objectives for 2014/15; The need to appointment a scheme manager to deliver the plan. 1.2 The board is reminded that RISQS forms one component of the wider industry arrangements for supplier assurance. As noted in Paper A2, there is considerable potential to develop more effective risk based arrangements in the longer term and a board sponsored project to specify these is now underway. In the meantime, RISQS is a large operational scheme which requires competent management and development to efficiently meet industry needs. 2. Background 2.1 RISQS provides suppliers with a single GB rail entry point to engage buyers through the provision of a registration, desk top qualification and enhance qualification (verified by audit) service. It origins date back to the late British Rail era and on privatisation was adopted by most buying organisations to help comply with European procurement legislation and to meet Railway Safety Case requirements. The scheme was subsequently branded ‘Link-up’ and to date has been supplied by a third party service provider, Achilles. 2.2 Following the initial findings of the RSSB board sponsored supplier assurance project, industry resolved to review and improve operation of the scheme in response to long standing issues such as performance of the IT platform, structure of product groups, duplication of interventions and audit reliability. Following initial project work, it was identified that formal scheme governance arrangements were required and in January 2013 the RSSB board approved RSSB Board Meeting Final: 08 May 2014 Page 1 of 4 AGENDA ITEM: B3 the creation of the RISQS board to own and develop the scheme on behalf of all buyers and suppliers. This decision was endorsed by RDG. 2.3 RSSB board approval stipulated the need for an annual stewardship report and reserved authority to appoint formal scheme management. 2.4 The board are reminded that RSSB also deliver the Rail Industry Supplier Approval Scheme (RISAS) for the assessment of critical rolling stock product and service suppliers. 3. Strategy for development of RISQS 3.1 The RISQS board recognise that GB mainline rail and TfL share a common supply chain and the RISQS scheme has considerable potential to improve the efficiency of buyer and supplier capability understanding and engagement. Accordingly a 3 stage plan has been developed for the scheme. 3.2 Stage 1 – Gain control and improve value for money Stage 2 – Improve performance offered to buyers and suppliers Stage 3 – Specify and replace with a risk based supplier assurance framework 4. Year 1 progress report The key objectives and outcomes for the first year are summarised in Table 1. Ref Objectives Stage 1 - Gain control 1.1 Scheme governance documents 1.2 Specify and implement improved IT platform 1.3 Implement simplified product code structure 1.4 Redefine qualification and audit process to concentrate on basic capability assessment Secure IPR 1.5 1.6 Establish effective control over service provider 1.7 Reduce cost to the scheme RSSB Board Meeting Final: 08 May 2014 Outcome Scheme principles and RISQS Board arrangement documents drafted, consulted and published New IT platform, researched specified and launched in May 2013. Transition programme successfully completed. Following review and rationalistion, a new product code structure briefed and implemented Audit programme respecified to focus on supplier capability assessment Following extensive negotiations IPR ownership now established for all scheme protocols and supplier data Heads of terms developed, negotiated and signed. Detailed service provision contract in final stages of negotiation Cost of scheme registration and Page 2 of 4 AGENDA ITEM: B3 1.8 Establish new website and communications protocol Stage 2 - Improve performance 2.1 Recognise RISAS 2.2 Recognise other third party schemes 2.3 Support Network Rail’s assurance requirement 2.4 Review rolling stock supplier qualification qualification application reduced by 535%. Cost of capability assessment audit reduced by 25% New website launched. Communications protocol and plan agreed Mutual recognition protocol agreed and implemented. Duplication ceased Qualification protocols rationalised to recognise relevant third party certification MOU agreed for provision of Sentinel sponsor, infrastructure planning and OTP support Complete review undertaken of scheme approach and audits ceased An overview of the scheme at the end of its first year of operation is contained in Annex A. 5. Objectives for 2014-15 During year 2 it is planned to complete Stage 1, drive forward with Stage 2 and begin enabling work on Stage 3. The headline objectives for the next 12 months are summarised in Table 2 and a detailed business plan has been prepared in support. Ref Objectives Stage 1 – Gain control 1.1 Develop and publish remaining documents 1.2 Develop and implement performance metrics and dashboard 1.3 Implement service provider performance review process 1.4 Maintain and review scheme risk register Stage 2 – Improve performance 2.1 Integrate product code structure with RSSB RICCL 2.2 Programme manage TfL adoption of the scheme 2.3 Support Network Rail by undertaking smart audit of training providers 2.4 Design and implement robust training audit management regime 2.5 Specify and implement new rolling stock supplier capability assessment module 2.6 Develop formal third party recognition policy 2.6 Implement communications plan including buyer and supplier capability understanding of scheme and performance feedback Stage 3 – Specify the future 3.1 Develop road map to 2017 3.2 Undertake review of alternative schemes and service providers 3.3 Develop jointly with RISAS board risk based specification RSSB Board Meeting Final: 08 May 2014 Page 3 of 4 AGENDA ITEM: B3 The board are invited to note that a strategic discussion on the longer term future of supplier assurance in GB rail is to be organised later in the year. 6. Scheme Manager The board were informed in November 2013 that the RISQS board had requested that RSSB support the Stage 1 and 2 work programme through provision of interim scheme management support. Recognising the need to complete Stage 1, progress Stage 2 and 3 and manage delivery of a large operational scheme, the RISQS board and RSSB are now seeking board approval for the appointment of a full time scheme manager. The scheme manager is to be directly funded through the new 3 year service provision contract with Achilles, which provides RSSB with a minimum of £150k annual income. 7. Recommendations 7.1 The board is asked to: NOTE progress with RISQS ENDORSE the 2014/15 objectives DELEGATE AUTHORITY to the RISQS board to appoint a dedicated scheme manager in conjunction with the RSSB executive. SUPPORT a future strategic discussion item about longer term plans for supplier assurance in GB rail. RSSB Board Meeting Final: 08 May 2014 Page 4 of 4 Annex A RISQS Governance and Management 27/01/2014 RSSB Board (RISQS/001) Oversees Working Groups RISQS Board (RISQS/002) Directs and Supervises Other Schemes Scheme Management User Forums (RISQS/003 and RISQS/005) Accreditation Agency Information Platform (RISQS/004) Qualification (RISQS/004) Audit (RISQS/004) View Public Data (Sub-contracted) System Suppliers Accredits Visitors Customers Suppliers Place Contracts Notes: Accreditation Agency function has yet to be established as of November 2013 Sentinel Sponsor Control is delivered by RISQS on behalf of Network Rail in accordance with a Memorandum of Understanding. RTAS Assessment of Training Providers is delivered on behalf of Network Rail in accordance with a Memorandum of Understanding. Rolling Stock basic assurance gathering in place of audit and RISAS supplier assessment module stage 1 RSSB Board Meeting Final: 08 May 2014 Page 1 of 1