[Min.nos. RSSB.15/01-15/11]
08 January 2015
15:00 Parker, 3 Floor, Block 2, Angel Square, 1 Torrens Street, London, EC1V 1NY.
Paul Thomas CB (PT) Chairman
Anna Bradley (AB) Chair Designate
Chris Fenton (CF) Chief Executive
Alan Emery (AE)
Anson Jack (AJ)
Jeremy Candfield (JC)
Malcolm Brown (MB)
Jane Simpson (JS) (Alternate
for Gareth Llewellyn)
Paul Kirk (PK)
Steve Murphy (SM)
Charles Horton (CH)
Neil McDonald (NMcD)
Gareth Llewellyn (GL) (Network
Ian Prosser (IP) ORR
Robin Groth (RG) DfT
In attendance:
Elizabeth Fleming (EF) RSSB Secretary
Colin Dennis (CD) RSSB (Agenda Items A1, A2, B1)
David Clarke (DC) RSSB (Agenda Items A1, A2 )
George Bearfield (GB) RSSB (Agenda Items A1, A2, B2, C2, C3)
John Abbott (JA) RSSB (Agenda Items A1, A2, A4, C1)
Mark Philips (MP) RSSB (Agenda Items A1, A2, A3)
Helen Goodman (HG) RSSB (Agenda Items A1, A2)
Mike Carr (MC) RSSB (Agenda Items A1)
Tim Dugher (TD) (Agenda Items (A4, C1)
The chairman opened the meeting and noted apologies from Gareth
Llewellyn (GL), welcoming Jane Simpson (JS) as his alternate.
He introduced Anna Bradley who was joining the board as a non-industry,
non-executive director and also as chairman designate.
He noted that the RSSB Senior Leadership Team was in attendance for
the first two agenda items and welcomed those who had not attended
A1 SPAD Risk Reduction Strategy: Position Statement
Mike Carr (MC) set out progress to date on activities associated with the
project to develop a SPAD risk reduction strategy, in the following areas :
 Governance – including establishment of cross-industry group to
develop the scope of the project, a project steering group, dedicated
workstreams and utilisation of the Train Operations Risk Group
(TORG) to ensure engagement at the right level within the industry.
 Supporting activity – including GB representation on European
SPAD Task Force, review of output of all SPAD related projects
undertaken by RSSB including a project with Huddersfield
University to develop a tool to identify red signal exposure, related
standards work and the output of the Train Protection Strategy
Group (TPSG)
 Understanding – what TOCs with a good SPAD record are doing to
achieve this and look at best practice
 Awareness – raising awareness of the issues around SPADs
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through presentations, 1 to 1s and red DVDs for front line staff.
He advised that the SPAD Risk Reduction Strategy was likely to follow the
PTI Strategy model which was developed through three key work-streams:
Operations, Human Factors and Infrastructure and Engineering. An outline
strategy would be brought back to the board for review in May 2015.
The directors briefly discussed the importance of the industry engaging
with this project and the need for monitoring and review to form part of the
strategy so that the impact of its implementation could be measured.
The Directors resolved to NOTE the update on progress with
developing the SPAD Risk Reduction Strategy, incorporating the
Train Protection Strategy Group update and ENDORSE an outline
SPAD Risk Reduction Strategy being presented to the May 2015
RSSB board meeting.
A2 Strategic Priorities 2015/16
The chief executive took the paper as read advising that while the outline
budget would come to the board in March 2015, the purpose of this paper
was to advise directors and get their input to the company priorities for
He acknowledged that the strategic themes as identified were not intended
for external interaction as they did not address the broader strategic
position of RSSB and were more introspective. It was suggested that the
‘Effectiveness and Efficiency’ theme be more explicit. He confirmed that
all staff objectives would be aligned to these strategic themes.
He read out an articulation of what RSSB does that had been developed
as part of the communication for the company. Directors discussed it
providing feedback on specific elements. They also suggested that it be
abbreviated and was more explicit on how RSSB would support ‘efficiency’
within the industry.
The discussion moved onto the RSSB priorities framework where directors
endorsed the two highlighted priorities in each of the following areas:
safety (delivering the new safety information system and developing
industry safety strategy), standards (continuing the simplification of
standards and defining their future shape and form), knowledge (focus on
implementation and using existing knowledge), innovation (focus on
delivering many programmes and getting the Technical Strategy
embedded in industry planning) and industry schemes (joining up
initiatives in supplier assurance and establishing a widely supported
approach to people) and covered RSSBs externally focussed role in
supporting the industry to deliver against the GB rail industry’s objectives.
The directors discussed the objectives as presented and while supporting
them, felt that more weight should be given to supporting the industry
efficiency challenge.
Subject to the comments above, the directors resolved to endorse
the strategic priorities for 2015-16.
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A3 Standards Strategy
Anson Jack (AJ) briefed directors on the current context for standards,
outlining the potential contents for a new standards strategy.
He specifically drew the director’s attention to the halving of the number of
Railway Group Standards (RGS) to 112 from 227 and the success of the
simplification of the Rule Book.
The directors acknowledged the good work RSSB had done over the years
in Standards and were supportive of the company’s role in shaping TSIs
and keen for this to continue. They noted that RGS had been shaped to
contain requirements consistent with EU requirements and that a full set
of RGS had been notified to the EU commission. They also understood
the increased impact of Europe on standard setting over the last 10 years
and that this will continue.
Given the changes that have occurred, and the challenges facing the
industry AJ invited the directors to discuss the potential components of a
strategy for standards. ISCC would be asked, following the board meeting
discussion to consider and develop an updated standards strategy for
industry endorsement. This would be presented to the board during 2015.
The directors considered the elements of the 5 year vision for standards
including the potential for providing training in the consistent application of
standards which in itself would help industry with the efficiencies
challenge, working with members on the possible shift towards
competence and risk based decision making and the supporting standards
regime and supporting members who have limited resources to develop
standards themselves, to invest in exploiting digitised standards and to
clarify the geographic and technical scope of standards that RSSB is
involved in. The directors felt that RSSB had both a leadership and follower
role in standards.
Directors acknowledged the contribution made to standards by Anson
Jack and noted the transfer of leadership in this area to Mark Phillips.
AJ agreed to provide Anna Bradley with the previously agreed statement
of what standards are and their purpose.
The directors provided comment on the direction of travel and
resolved to note the current status of standards strategy and the
intention to ask ISCC to develop for endorsement an updated
strategy during 2015.
A4 Supplier Assurance and C1 RISAS stewardship report
Papers A4 and C1 were taken together as both concern supplier
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The directors noted the RISAS stewardship paper (C1) which summarised
the operational performance of the scheme over the last 12 months and
set out opportunities to be addressed in the future.
The supplier assurance paper was presented, seeking board support for
the development of more effective supplier assurance arrangements for
the GB rail system. Directors noted that current assurance arrangements
were costly, duplicative and numerous. This had led to frustration in the
Tim Dugher (TD) explained that there was a window of opportunity now
until April 2017 (when the RISQS contract with Achilles runs out) in which
both the recently established RISAS and RISQS boards wished to work
together to develop a new strategic approach to supplier assurance across
GB Rail. This would include a single supplier assurance governance body
and involve merging RISAS and RISQS, securing the following benefits:
reduction in overall costs, simplification of processes, elimination of the
provision of duplicate information, allowing for benchmarking of supplier
performance etc.
TD confirmed that both RIA and ATOC were supportive of this proposal
and that going forward it would be key to also secure RDG and RSG
support so that it can be championed at the highest levels in the industry.
He further advised that while not wanting to sound alarmist and although
there had been a lot of significant work done in the supplier assurance
arena , there was still much more to do to yield the efficiency and safety
benefits contemplated.
The directors agreed that this was the right direction to move in. MB asked
that the benefits for suppliers from this approach be made more explicit.
The directors noted that the next steps included the development of a joint
plan by the RISQS and RISAS board and an assessment of the resources
required and associated costs to do this. Further information would come
back to the board in due course.
In the meantime the directors resolved to encourage greater use of RISAS
and the supplier assurance regime generally, by duty-holders. JC advised
that it was important to encourage TOC use of the regime as most
suppliers were already using it. TD confirmed that while not all TOCs are
committed to it, their engagement is now at its highest level ever.
For clarity the chief executive asked directors to note that a change in the
governance of the supplier assurance arrangements was not being
The directors resolved to:
 NOTE the developments in RISAS over the last 12 months and
its planned activities for the future,
 SUPPORT the RISAS boards approach to continue to work with
the ORR and UKAS to define the role of RISAS within the
Entities in Charge of Maintenance regime,
 encourage greater use of RISAS by all duty-holders and
 SUPPORT the engagement of duty-holders with the RISAS
board to ensure that needs are met in support of SMS
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The directors further resolved to:
 NOTE the current status of supplier assurance in GB rail and
 APPROVE the strategic direction of supplier assurance
arrangements jointly proposed by the RISQS and RISAS
B1 Chief Executive’s Report
The chief executive took the circulated report as read. He drew the
directors attention to the following points:
 Letter from ORR requesting RSSBs participation in industry
investigation into freight train derailments. The increasing trend had
already been picked up by the System Interface Committees.
 13 January Workshop - RSSB engaging with Network Rail to develop
a straw-man industry safety strategy
 An example where RSSB adds value to the industry by working with
ORR and members to resolve a concern with the ASLEF and the RMT
and achieve a pragmatic course of action.
 Cliff Cork’s retirement – the chairman wished to record the board’s
appreciation of Cliff’s work for and contribution to RSSB.
 Confirmation from the DfT in writing of an extension to the current R&D
grant for the period 15/16 to 19/20 with an indication of the level of
funding per year. This allows RSSB to budget for 15/16 with
 Workforce development - work on driver training including a pilot driver
training course which has resulted in a 100% pass rate. The course
gives a time saving of 17 weeks (29 down to 12) in generic driver
training. If rolled out it to all TOCs and FOCs would give a potential
saving of between £20m and £30m per annum and would help to
address a pressing challenge in terms of driver recruitment and training
in future years.
 IPEMU – Testing currently underway at the Old Dalby test track. This
is likely to get increased profile. Further testing to take place on the
national network in 2015.
 David Morris Chair of the CIRAS has been appointed as the
independent safety advisor to the TfL Board’s Safety, Environment and
Accessibility Panel.
 Membership applications – Having completed the application process,
directors resolved to Admit JSD Research and Development Ltd in
the infrastructure contractors category (e) with effect from 8
January 2015
 An initiative to bring in TOCs as voluntary RSSB members earlier in
the franchising process on was tabled, including proposed generic
membership terms. It was clarified that this could apply from the date
that a company has been awarded a franchise and further, that once
the company formally commences operations and has an ORR issued
licence (Statement of National Regulatory Requirements) they would
transfer to the normal terms for that category of membership. The
directors resolved to:
o Endorse proposed generic terms as the general offer to all
new franchisees to become members in advance of their
licence obligation to do so.
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o Admit Serco Caledonian Sleepers Ltd to membership in the
Passenger Train Operators category (a) under the voluntary
membership terms from 8 January 2015.
o Endorse the application of the generic terms to MTRC and
admit them to membership upon completion of the
application process.
Appointments - including
o Charles Horton’s reappointment for another 3 year period
representing the TOCs
o Mark Carne’s decision not to join the RSSB board – there is
ongoing discussion at Network Rail and RSSB as to how the
infrastructure managers category will be represented at the
board and how to ensure effective interface with RDG
o Anson Jack’s appointment as Professor of International Railway
Benchmarking and Director of the Birmingham International
Railway Academy. The chairman congratulated him on this
appointment which he said reflected the regard with which he
was held in the railway sector.
o Chris Fenton’s appointment as Chair of the National Skills
Academy for Railway Engineering (NSARE).The chairman
congratulated him on the appointment. CF noted that he had
been asked by NSARE staff whether this was part of a plan for
the two entities to merge. He advised them that there were no
current plans to do so and the directors resolved to NOTE this
Finance – removed for publication
Innovation – CF confirmed that a report on current innovation projects
would come to the board three times a year. PK suggested that it might
be appropriate timing for the Audit Committee to revisit a review of the
governance around the accounting of money spent on these projects.
Office relocation – removed for publication
Contracts – The company has taken counsels opinion on the impact on
RSSB of Network Rails re classification and as a result will be adopting
OJEU procurement policies for all activities that are not exempt. The
Senior Leadership team will be receiving a legal briefing on the
implications next week. It is expected that compliance may place
additional constraints on time.
Safety performance – it was noted that contrary to what was reported
there are no risk ranking forms outstanding for SPADS risk ranked 20+.
The directors noted recent incidents involving runaway trolleys and
were reminded of Tebay. Ian Prosser confirmed that these incidents
were being treated seriously by the ORR.
The directors NOTED this report and ENDORSED individual items as
noted above.
B2 Safety Management Information System (SMIS) update
The directors were advised that although expected at this meeting, the full
business case for the project to redevelop the industry Safety
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Management Information System (SMIS) using enterprise safety
management system software, would come to the May board meeting. An
outline business case was set out in the circulated paper.
They were asked to note that much work had been done on the project to
date including requirements gathering and establishing governance
arrangement. The project board met for the first time on December 16 th to
discuss issues and the full business case was emerging but there was
much more information and experience to tap into and consider before the
case was complete.
JS confirmed that Network Rail were represented on the project board
through Brian Tomlinson and supported the project.
The directors noted current progress and the plan to bring a full
business case to the board on 7 May 2015.
C1 RISAS Stewardship Report
See RSSB.15/04
C2 SSRG SMIS Data Quality Paper
Following brief discussion on the responses to action set out in the annex
to the circulated paper, the directors noted the paper which provided an
over view of the results of the data quality health check process for 2014
including data quality scores of all companies assessed during the process
and noted that it had been reviewed and approved by SSRG on 17
The directors noted the Data Quality paper.
C3 SSRG Passenger Risk Paper
The directors noted the circulated paper which provided a review of
passenger risk and safety performance up to the end of the 2013/14
financial year and presented some emerging trends for 2014/15. The
paper also set out a number of key safety performance measures for
passenger risk and specific areas of risk currently being tackled by industry
groups and noted that it had been reviewed and approved by SSRG on 17
GB also asked directors to note that at the meeting on 17 December SSRG
recognised the need to review the nature of the risk papers to include more
targeted information and learning to support productive SSRG discussion
and as a result a different approach and document format is to be
developed for the next annual cycle of papers.
The directors noted the Passenger Risk paper and SSRG
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a) Draft minutes 06 November 2014 meeting
The circulated draft minutes of the board meeting held on 06 November
2014 were approved for signature by the chairman subject to one minor
b) Matters arising
All actions were reviewed and it was noted that all were either done or
in hand.
c) Forward Agenda
The directors noted the forward agenda. They were encouraged to add
to the agenda.
There being no further items, the chairman concluded the meeting.
Date of next meeting: Thursday 05 March 2015 at 15:00hrs, to be held at
Block 2, Angel Square. The meeting will be followed by a board dinner at
Elena’s L’Etoile, 30 Charlotte Street, London, W1T 2NG.
Signed………………………………….. Date……………
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