Third-Year Review Procedures College of Human Sciences Timeline Individual Responsibilities

Third-Year Review Procedures
College of Human Sciences
February 1
Individual Responsibilities
Faculty Member
Submit dossier to chairperson
Departmental Faculty
Notify tenured faculty members
that the third-year dossier is
available for evaluation
Tenured faculty members
evaluate dossiers and make
written recommendation to
March 15
Notify faculty member of
finding of committee
April 15
As appropriate, write response
to committee finding; submit
additional material and/or
request meeting with tenuretrack faculty members.
Meet with faculty member who
was found to not be making
Review additional material as
adequate progress; solicit
submitted; meet with faculty
additional material and/or set a
member if requested
meeting with tenure track
faculty members.
Vote on continued employment
Provide ballot comments to
for faculty member determined
faculty member who was found
to not be making adequate
to be making adequate progress
March 31
Confer with dean regarding
continuing employment of
faculty member based on
results of faculty vote.
Confer with department chair
regarding continuing
employment of faculty member
based on results of faculty vote.
April 21
Compile materials, forward
package including ballots to
college dean
Scan submitted material into
faculty file; return material to
the department
Issue either letter of nonreappointment or convey to
faculty member comments
and/or written requirements for
continued employment.
Report to Provost faculty
members who had a review that
might question the ability to be
awarded tenure.
End of Semester