Plant Standards Committee Strategic Plan 2010 – 2014 Issue Two Approved by the Plant Standards Committee 9 February 2012 ISCC/021 Email: Plant Standards Committee Strategic Plan ISSUE RECORD Issue Date Comments One 19 August 2010 Original document Two 9 February 2012 Issue one updated. Major changes include: Reference to value for money initiative (section 5) More detail in engagement with BS EN (section 6) Future aspirations for PLT SC documents (section 7) Issue Two – 9 February 2012 Page 2 of 12 Plant Standards Committee Strategic Plan Contents 1 Introduction 4 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 The purpose of the strategic plan The scope of the Standards Committee Relevant strategies or initiatives Summary of key changes to the plan for 2011 – 2014 Communicating the Strategic Plan 4 4 5 5 5 2 Applying the Scope Test in the Railway Group Standards Code 6 3 Structure for the organisation of Plant RSSB Documents 7 4 Areas for development in Railway Group Standards 8 5 Managing Railway Group Standards Code responsibilities 9 6 Supporting development of European standards 10 7 Programme of work 11 Issue Two – 9 February 2012 Page 3 of 12 Plant Standards Committee Strategic Plan 1 Introduction 1.1 The purpose of the strategic plan 1.1.1 The Industry Standards Coordination Committee (ISCC) produced a strategic plan in February 2010, (updated in February 2011), setting out the direction that ISCC wishes to take for the last four years of Control Period 4 (2010 – 2014). ISCC, in turn, has asked each Standards Committee (SC) to create a strategic plan in support of ISCC’s activities for the same period. Plans should include: a) The scope of the SC b) The plan for completing the work to ‘filter’ Railway Group Standards (RGSs) so that they are within scope of the RGS Code c) A model structure for the organisation of RGSs and related documents d) Areas for further technical development of RGSs e) The SC’s approach to managing its RGS Code responsibilities f) Supporting development of European activities g) Any other major activities that the plan will cover eg research activities h) The SC’s programme of work. 1.1.2 Issue two of the plan updates issue one and focuses on the period 2012 – 2014. It sets the SC’s overall strategy for the period, and priorities and timescales for delivering major programme activities. 1.1.3 This plan will be submitted to ISCC for endorsement, and subsequently if it is later revised and if there are any substantial changes. 1.1.4 This plan will be reviewed by the SC at any time requested by the SC but not later than Feb 2014. 1.2 The scope of the Standards Committee 1.2.1 The Plant Standards Committee’s scope is fixed and mobile plant used in the railway industry including the management of risk from the use of this equipment. 1.2.2 The scope therefore includes fixed equipment (for example lighting), fixed machinery (for example escalators) and power supplies; mobile equipment and machinery used on and off the rails. 1.2.3 The scope excludes traction power supply and locomotives, wagons and coaches that are used on rail outside of possessions which are not on track machines. 1.2.4 The Committee’s coverage includes consideration of the interfaces between items within its coverage and those within the coverage of other standards committees (for example the interface between fixed plant and railway infrastructure, and the interface between mobile plant and vehicles). Issue Two – 9 Feb 2012 Page 4 of 12 Plant Standards Committee Strategic Plan 1.2.5 The Committee also acts as the BSI panel for standards that may influence plant that can be used in the Railway Industry. 1.3 Relevant strategies or initiatives 1.3.1 The following strategies or initiatives have an influence on the Plant SC strategic plan: 1.4 a) Remit for Plant Standards Committee b) A Direction for Railway Group Standards - Issue one 23 April 2010. Summary of key changes to the plan for 2011 – 2014 1.4.1 Issue 1 of the strategic plan has been followed and is nearing completion. 1.4.2 Concern had been expressed both nationally and internationally that the imposition of standards for plant vehicles could cause unreasonable price increase. PLT SC is involved with studies to achieve greater mutual understanding of costs of compliance with standards, see 5.3. 1.4.3 PLT SC set out on a path to be more involved with the production of European standards and has been successful in becoming influentional on many key committees, see 6. 1.4.4 PLT SC vision for the future of RSSB documents for which it has control is well under way, see 7.1. 1.5 Communicating the Strategic Plan 1.5.1 The content of this plan, or the relevant parts, will be communicated to relevant industry members by: a) Publishing the plan on the RSSB website b) Discussion at M&EE Networking Group. Issue Two – 9 Feb 2012 Page 5 of 12 Plant Standards Committee Strategic Plan 2 Applying the Scope Test in the Railway Group Standards Code 2.1 The filtering of Railway Group Standards of which PLT SC is responsible for is complete with the conclusion that there should be no RGS for plant in the future. Issue Two – 9 Feb 2012 Page 6 of 12 Plant Standards Committee Strategic Plan 3 Structure for the organisation of Plant RSSB Documents 3.1 It is proposed that the suite of plant documents is designed around four key Rail Industry Standards (RIS), as shown in section 7. 3.2 Currently the plant standards portfolio consists of eight published documents with plans to transfer GM/RT2400 Engineering Design of On-Track Machines issue four to Rolling Stock Standards Committee, and withdraw the following documents: GM/RT2307 Self Contained Electrical Power Supply Systems Fitted to Infrastructure Support Vehicles issue one GM/RT2476 On-Track Machine Requirements for Demonstrating the Reliable Operation of Track Circuits issue one GM/GN2575 Guidance on the Engineering Acceptance of On-Track Machines issue two GM/GN2576 Guidance on Vehicle Requirements for Reliable Track Circuit Operation issue one. 3.3 Section 7 shows the planned programme of works for the PLT SC suite of documents. Issue Two – 9 Feb 2012 Page 7 of 12 Plant Standards Committee Strategic Plan 4 Areas for development in Railway Group Standards 4.1 PLT SC has already published three RIS, which are: RIS-1530-PLT Rail Industry Standard for Engineering Acceptance of On-Track Plant and Associated Equipment issues three RIS-1700-PLT Rail Industry Standard for Safe Use of Plant for Infrastructure Work issue three RIS-1701-PLT Rail Industry Standard for Portable and Transportable Plant Used for Infrastructure Work issue one. 4.2 A fourth RIS is planned, RIS-1702-PLT Rail Industry Standard for On-Track Machine in Working Mode. 4.3 The documents align with the European Standards on the same topic areas and PLT SC has actively ensured that the subject matter, and the definitions, are consistent between the suites of documents. 4.4 Two of the four remaining RIS are intended in the longer term to be replaced by their equivalent Euronorm: RIS-1530-PLT to be replaced with EN15746, EN15954 and EN15955 RIS-1701-PLT will be retained and will be aligned with EN13977. Issue Two – 9 Feb 2012 Page 8 of 12 Plant Standards Committee Strategic Plan 5 Managing Railway Group Standards Code responsibilities 5.1 PLT SCwill fulfil its responsibilities under the RGS Code by following the Remit for Plant Standards Committee as published from time to time by the Rail Safety and Standards Board. 5.2 The work of the PLT SC is routinely reviewed by the M&EE Networking Group who are an industry body. 5.3 PLT SC has supported the value for money initiative for OTMs led by RIA, and are actively participating in the European equivalent led by EFRTC (European Confederation of Railway Technical Contractors). Issue Two – 9 Feb 2012 Page 9 of 12 Plant Standards Committee Strategic Plan 6 Supporting development of European standards 6.1 PLT SC is the British mirror group for two CEN/TC256 working groups WG5 Track Construction and Maintenance Machines WG43 Ground Based Services 6.2 PLT SC monitors TSI development and other CEN/TC256 standards and seeks to influence them on behalf of the GB railway plant industry sector. 6.3 PLT SC is the British mirror group for CENELEC CLC/TC9X/SC9XB working group 6.4 6.5 WG19 Shore (External) Supply System for Railway Vehicles PLT SC has membership of three BSI panels for non-railway standards and acts on behalf of the railway industry to influence BS and EN standards MHE/12/1 Mobile elevating working platforms MHE/3/11 Crane safety and testing B/513/1 Earth moving machinery (International). PLT SC monitors other non-railway standards and seeks to influence BS and EN standards on behalf of the railway industry. Issue Two – 9 Feb 2012 Page 10 of 12 Plant Standards Committee Strategic Plan 7 Programme of work 7.1 There are currently eight PLT SC documents (shown in Table 1), with a project plan underway to reduce to four documents (shown in Table 2). RSSB document number Document title Published Immediate planned future GMRT2307 Self Contained Electrical Power Supply Systems Fitted to Infrastructure Support Vehicles Engineering Design of OnTrack Machines Issue 1 April 1995 To be withdrawn on publication of RIS for On-Track Machines (working) Issue 4 September 2011 On-Track Machine Requirements for Demonstrating the Reliable Operation of Track Circuits. Guidance on the Engineering Acceptance of On-Track Machines Issue 1 August 2003 GM/GN2576 Guidance on Vehicle Requirements for Reliable Track Circuit Operation Issue 1 August 2003 RIS-1530-PLT Rail Industry Standard for Engineering Acceptance of On-Track Plant and Associated Equipment Rail Industry Standard for Safe Use of Plant for Infrastructure Work Rail Industry Standard for Portable and Transportable Plant Used for Infrastructure Work Issue 3 March 2011 Issue 4 to be withdrawn and replaced with GM/RT2400 Issue 5 On-Track Machines (travelling) – which transfers ownership to RST SC - and RIS for On-Track Machines (working) To be withdrawn in conjunction with publication of GM/RT2400 Issue 5 OnTrack Machines (travelling) and RIS for On-Track Machines (working) To be withdrawn in conjunction with publication of GM/RT2400 Issue 5 OnTrack Machines (travelling) and RIS for On-Track Machines (working) To be withdrawn in conjunction with publication of GM/RT2400 Issue 5 OnTrack Machines (travelling) and RIS for On-Track Machines (working) Issue 3 to be withdrawn and replaced with RIS-1530-PLT Issue 4 GMRT2400 GMRT2476 GM/GN2575 RIS-1700-PLT RIS-1701-PLT Table 1 7.2 Issue 2 June 2004 Issue 3 March 2011 Issue 1 October 2008 Issue 1 to be withdrawn, aligned with EN13977, and replaced with RIS-1701PLT Issue 2 Current PLT SC documents The future plan is for two of the four rail industry standards to be replaced in their entirety by their corresponding European Standards, as shown in Table 2. This will rely on the European Standards being closely aligned to GB requirements. Issue Two – 9 Feb 2012 Page 11 of 12 Plant Standards Committee Strategic Plan RSSB document number Document title Published Aspirational planned future RIS-1530-PLT Rail Industry Standard for Engineering Acceptance of On-Track Plant and Associated Equipment Rail Industry Standard for Safe Use of Plant for Infrastructure Work Rail Industry Standard for Portable and Transportable Plant Used for Infrastructure Work Rail Industry Standard for On-Track Machine in Working Mode. Issue 4 Align and then replace with EN15746, EN15954 and EN15955 RIS-1700-PLT RIS-1701-PLT RIS-1702-PLT Table 2 7.3 Issue 3 March 2011 Issue 2 Aligned with EN13977 but RIS-1701PLT will be retained. Issue 1 Align and then replace with EN14033 parts 2 and 3. Projected future of PLT SC documents PLT SC monitor the progress of standards projects against the programme of work to achieve the four RISs. PLT SC also monitors and influences the European Standards work to align with future aspiration. Issue Two – 9 Feb 2012 Page 12 of 12