Journal of Molecular Structure, @ Elsevier Scientific Publishing 35 (1976) Company, 57-66 Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands l\UCROWAVE SPECTRUM, CONFORMATIONAL PREFERENCE, BARRIER TO INTERNAL ROTATION, AND CENTRIFUGAL DISTORTION OF 1-AMINO-2-PROP ANOL K.-M. MARSTOKK and H. MØLLENDAL Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, Blindern, Oslo 3 (Norway) (Received 13 May 1976) ABSTRACT The microwave spectrum of CH,CH(OH)CH2NH2 has been investigated in the 26.539.7 GHz region. One rotamer with an intramolecular hydrogen bond forme d between hydroxyl and amino groups was assigned. This conformation is also characterized by having the methyl group anti to the amino group. Other forms, if they exist, must be at least 1 kcal mole-' less stable. Four vibrationally excited states belonging to three different normal modes were assigned and the barrier to internal rotation of the methyl group was found to be 3173:t 100 ca! mole-'. INTRODUCTION In 1-amino-2-propanol, CH3CH(OH)CH2NH2, rotation about the three single bonds C-O, C-N, and CH(OH)-CH2NH2, may give rise to a large number of conformations. However, Penn and Curl [1] have recently shown that in the case of the closely related 2-aminoethanol, CH2OHCH2NH2, a hydrogen-bonded form is preferred. In this rotamer the hydroxyl group acts as proton donor while the amino group is the proton acceptor. Because of the dose resemblance between the two named compounds conformers I and n of Fig. 1 were expected to be the most pro bable low-energy forms of 1-amino2-propanol. These two rotamers each possess an intramolecular hydrogen bond similar to that of 2-aminoethanol and are the only ones capable of forming this type of hydrogen bonding. They are interchangable by a rotation of approximately 120 o about the CH(OH)-CH2NH2 bond followed by appropriate rotation about the C-N and C-O bonds allowing the intramolecular hydrogen bond to be formed. Conformation ni of Fig. 1 is induded as just one example of the many possible rotamers which would not be stabilized by the type of hydrogen bon ding found in 2-aminoethanol. Such forms are expected to be of high er energy than I or n because of the lack of this favourable intramolecular interaction. Microwave spectroscopy is ideal for studying conformational equilibria because of the high resolution obtainable, making unambiguous assignments possible in nearly all cases. As no structural studies appear to have been made 58 "o" "\J)oc H2N/ "o' "6" "9,WC"' 'NH2 I ~w" TI NH2 li Fig. 1. Three possible conformations of CH3CH(OH)CH2NH2 viewed along the central C-C bond. Rotamers I and Il are capable of forming intramolecular hydrogen bonds with the hydroxyl group as proton donor and the amino group as proton acceptor. The two forms differ from each other in that I has the methyl group anti to the amino group while n has the c-H bond anti. Rotamer nI is just one of the many other conformational possibilities. for free l-amino-2-propanol it was decided to investigate its microwave spectrum in order to study the roles of hydrogen bonding, steric effects, and related phenomena in determining its conformational preferences. It was found that form I is stabilized by at least 1.0 kcal mole-1 relative to other rotamers. In paralleI with this work the microwave spectrum of the closely related 2-amino-l-propanol, CH3CH(NH)2CH2OH, has been assigned [2] and will be reported in a forthcoming paper. EXPERIMENT AL The l-amino-2-propanol used was purchased from Fluka A.G., Buchs, Switzerland and purified by gas chromatography. The microwave spectrum was studied on a conventional spectrometer [3] at room temperature and also with the absorption cells cooled to about -100 C. Measurements were performed in the spectral region 26.5-39.7 GHz at a vapour pressure of 10 to 50 microns. RESULTS Microwave spectrum and assignment of the ground state The 26.5-39.7 GHz spectral region is characterized by having ""' 100 strong and medium intensity lines as well as a much larger num ber of weak and very weak transitions. Study of the Stark effects of the strong and medium intensity lines revealed that many of them showed typical mediumor high-J Q-branch behaviour. In addition, approximately 10 lines with characteristic R-branch Stark effects were also encountered. Some of the latter were found to have typical satellites belonging to vibrationally excited states of the molecule. Rotational constants were predicted employing the structural data T ABLE 1 Plausible structural parametersa and observed and predicted rotational Assumed structural parameters Rotational Distances (A) Angles (deg.) Dihedral C-O C-N C-C o-H N-H C-H -H2CCO H,CCO CCN CCC COH CNHb CNHc CCH HCH OCCN NCCC CCOH CCNHb CCNHc 1.396 1.475 1.526 1.139 1.017 1.093 constants 112.1 109.45 108.1 112.4 103.7 110.4 111.3 109.48 109.48 aSee text. b Amino group hydrogen closest to the oxygen cThe other amino group hydrogen atom. angles (deg.) 55.4 0.0 28.3 -101.8 20.5 Ao Bo Co of conformation constants I of CH,CH(OH)CH2NH2 (MHz) Observed Calculated Difference 8487.104 3569.380 2767.221 8490.143 3556.460 2762.624 0.04 % 0.4 % 0.2 % atom. <:11 <O 60 collected in Table 1. The a-type R-branch transitions were then localized for rotamer I close to the predicted frequencies and quite accurate rotational constants were derived; b- and c-type Q-branch lines were predicted and the former found with ease, while none of the c-type Q-branch lines could be identified although their frequencies could be very accurately predicted. This indicates that the component of the dipole moment along the c-axis is quite small. The a- and b-type lines thus obtained were included in a first order Watson [4] centrifugal distortion analysis employing SØrensen's programme [5] and used to predict further transitions. These were subsequently measured and used to derive improved spectroscopical constants. In this manner a total of 115 transitions were assigned for the ground vibrational state. Besides the a- and b-type lines mentioned above, R-branch, b-type lines were assigned up to J=43, while high-J a-type, Q-branch as well as b-type, P-branch lines had insufficient intensities to allow definite assignments to be made. 14N is known to possess a small quadrupole moment, but no lines were found to be split by this effect although a few transitions appeared to be somewhat broad. Table 2lists 28 selected transitions* and the derived rotational and first order centrifugal distortion constants are shown in Table 3. Vibrationally excited states The ground state transitions of conformation I of l-amino-2-propanol were accompanied by a rich but mostly weak satellite spectrum, presumably belonging to vibrationally excited states of the molecule. As shown in Tables 3 and 5, we succeeded in assigning more than 140 lines belonging to four excited states of three different normal modes. Low-J a- and b-type R-branch and medium-J b-type Q-branch transitions were assigned for these excited states while high-J R-branch lines were too weak to be observed. The latter transitions supply most information on the centrifugal distortion effect and their omission is the main reason why the centrifugal distortion coefficients of the excited states are more poorly determined than in the case of the ground state. Crude relative intensity measurements [6] yielded 139::!:: 15 cm-1 for the lowest of the excited state modes designated TI in Table 3. Because of its low frequency and the way in which the rotational constants are changed upon excitation, we were led to assign this mode as the first excited state of the heavy-atom torsional state. As shown in Table 3 the sec ond excited state of this mode has also been found. Furthermore, it can be seen that there is a fairly linear progression in the rotational constants for this mode upon excitation through the sec ond excited state. This behaviour is typical for nearly harmonic vibrations. *The complete list of frequencies for the ground state as well as for the vibrationally excited states is available from the authors upon request or from the MicrowaveData Center, Molecular Spectroscopy Section, National Bureau of Standards, Washington D.C. 20234, D.S.A., where it has been deposited. 61 TABLE 2 Selected transitions Transition a-type 3", -+ 41,3 4.,4 -+ 51,5 4,,3 -+ 5,,4 50,5 -+ 60,6 51,4-+6.,5 b-type 80,8 -+ 8,,7 81,8 -+ 8,,7 12.,11 -+ 12,,10 10,,9 -+ 103,8 63,3 -+ 64" 153,,, -+ 154,11 183,15 -+ 184,14 164,,, -+ 165,11 235,'8 -+ 236,17 40,4 -+ 51,5 50,5 -+ 6.,6 114,7 -+ 123,10 178,,0 -+ 187,11 22",'0 -+ 2311,13 22",11 -+ 2311,,, 2715,,, -+ 2814,15 2715,13 -+ 2814,'4 3217,15 -+ 3316,18 3217,'6 37,0,17 37'0,'8 42'4,'8 42,4,18 a:t0.10 -+ 3316,'7 -+ 3819,'° -+ 38'9,'9 -+ 43'3,21 -+ 4323,'° for the ground Observed frequency (MHz) vibrational state of CH3CH(OH)CH,NH, Obs. -calc. frequency (MHz) Centrifugal distortion (MHz) 26740.28 29343.05 91481.93 35646.94 39522.22 0.02 -0.12 -0.02 -0.03 -0.04 - 26661.26 31106.22 34552.63 34998.92 36503.72 27416.19 37497.02 34692.59 39110.19 31720.83 36625.83 34772.44 38554.62 26904.43 26904.43 27135.95 27135.95 38585.59 38585.59 38834.39 38834.39 28026.06 28026.06 -0.04 -0.04 -0.06 0.03 0.05 -0.03 -0.13 -0.03 -0.14 -0.07 0.01 -0.01 0.12 0.06 -0.04 -0.05 -0.05 -0.08 -0.08 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 a - - - 0.23 0.24 0.45 0.40 0.64 1.38 1.65 4.48 3.55 1.78 7.15 12.99 9.76 23.57 0.27 0.43 1.05 3.29 15.19 15.19 30.65 30.65 45.07 45.07 74.64 74.64 129.94 129.94 MHz. The vibrational mode called T2 in Table 3 is located at 255 This frequency is tentatively assigned as the first excited state lowest heavy-atom torsional mode. It is also possible that this lowest bending vibration. The first excited state of the methyl torsional mode was also assigned and is discussed below in the barrier determination. :t 25 cm -l, of the secondcould be the group section on In many compounds possessing an amino group, inversion of this group manifests itself as a prominent feature of the microwave spectrum. This is not found for l-amino-2-propanol, presumably because there no two identical forms to invert between in rotamer L TABLE O"> 3 "" Spectroscopic constants Parameter Ground state (115 transitions, Ay (MHz) By (MHz) Cy (MHz) !:.J (kHz) !:.JK (kHz) !:.K (kHz) oJ (kHz) o K (kHz) 8487.1037:!: 3569.3804 2767.2212:!: 0.6577 4.237 2.947 0.1311 2.411 for conformation a = 0.0695) 0.0037 :!:0.0015 0.0012 :!: 0.0022 :!:0.031 :!: 0.015 :!:0.0026 :!: 0.057 I of CH3CH(OH)CH,NH, TI = la state (44 transitions, 8439.409 3566.021 2765.596 1.03 4.23 4.19 0.1391 2.30 in the ground and vibrationally = 2 state (22 transitions, :!:0.024 :!:0.019 :!:0.019 :!:0.29 :!: 0.13 :!:0.97 :!:0.0067 :!:0.15 Uncertainties represent one standard deviation. a is the standard deviation of the fit, in MHz. aT1 denotes excited states of the lowest heavy-atom torsional mode. bT2 denotes excited state of the presumed high-frequency heavy-atom 8400.356 3562.207 2763.095 -0.45 3.82 6.4 0.128 2.54 torsional mode. states T2 = 1b state TI a = 0.112) excited a = 0.145) :!:0.051 :!:0.037 :!:0.037 :!:0.56 :!:0.57 :!:3.4 :!:0.022 :!:0.54 (46 transitions, a = 0.119) :!:0.028 8487.565 :!: 0.024 3566.995 :!:0.024 2764.017 :!: 0.35 8.55 4.37 :!:0.12 1.48 :!: 0.85 0.1529:!: 0.0064 2.07 :!:0.14 63 TABLE 4 Split Q-branch and calculated transitions of the first excited state of the methyl barriers of CH3CH(OH)CH2NH2 Transition 144 10 -7 14, 9 154:" -715,:10 164,12 -716"" 1 7 4,13 -7 17,,12 Observed frequenciesa vA (MHz) vA-vE 39230.62 36803.20 34630.26 33106.79 -1.68 -1.22 -1.15 -0.98 group torsional Barrier (cal mole vibration -1 ) (MHz) Average 3085 3200 3203 3203 3173 a:t0.15 MHz. Barrier to internat rotation of the methyt group Besides the normal vibrations designated T1 and T2 in Table 3, 33 transitions due to a third excited state were assigned. Four members of the K-l = 4-+5 Q-branch transitions listed in Table 4 were found to be split. Several other Q-branch lines were also quite broad, but, due to their weakness, resolution of the internal rotation splitting was not achieved. Calculation of the barrier to internal rotation of the methyl group was perforrned with the computer program described earlier [7]. The direction cosines of the methyl group symmetry axis listed in Table 5 were calculated from the plausible structure discussed below. The moment of inerti a of the methyl group around this axis was assumed to be 3.20 uA 2. V3 was then varied to match the splittings exactly with the results indicated in Table 4. The average barrier is found to be 3173 cal mole-l. The error limit is difficult to estimate, but i100 cal mole-l seems reasonable when taking in to account possible systematic errors. From this barrier a torsional frequency of 221 cm-l is calculated which agrees well with 235 i 25 cm-l obtained by relative intensity measurements [6]. Ethanol has the CH3CH(OH)- fragment in common with 1-amino-2-prOp2.I101. It is therefore of interest to compare the methyl group barriers in these two molecules. The hydroxyl group conformation in rotamer I of 1-amino-2propanol is presumed to resemble that found in anti ethanol much more closely than that of gauche ethanol because the latter form would have inferior geometry for hydrogen bonding. In anti ethanol the barrier to internal rotation of the methyl group is 3329 i 25 cal mole-l [8] which is slightly higher than in rotamer L Search for further conformations The assignments made as described above for rotamer I include all strong and nearly all medium intensity lines of the spectrum. A careful search was made among the remaining weak transitions, but we did not succeed in making assignments to additional forms: nor were we able to resolve the Stark effects 64 TABLE 5 Molecular constants CH3CH(OH)CH2NH2 Rotational A for the first excited state of the methyl (MHz) determined from 33 transitions constants = 8475.87 :!: 0.05 B = 3566.03:!: 0.04 Direction cosines Ab = 0.450 Aa = 0.868 Assumed moment lex = 3.20 uA2 AC torsion of conformation I of C = 2764.81 :!:0.04 = 0.214 of inertia of methyl top about its symmetry axis Reduced barrier s = 89.37 Barrier to internal rotation of methyl V3 = 3173 :!:100 cal mole-1 Uncertainties represent one standard group deviation for the rotational constants. of any of them. However, due to the spectral positions of some of these transitions, we do not believe that they all belong to unassigned vibrationally excited states of conformation I but, perhaps, belong instead to further highenergy rotamers left unassigned. Dipole moment calculations indicate that most other likely candidates should possess sizeable dipole moments. Very rough absolute intensity considerations [9] indicate that there can hardly be large fractions of further forms left unassigned. It thus seems safe to conclude that rotamer I is at least 1.0 kcal mole-l more stable than any other conformation. STRUCTURE The investigated parent compound yields only three rotational constants. Consequently, a full structure cannot be determined. In order to reproduce the observed rotational constants a plausible structure was assumed as shown in Table 1. The -CH(OH)CH2NH2 moiety was taken mainly from the work of Penn and Curl [1] on 2-aminoethanol while other structural parameters were taken largely from propane [10]. The methyl group was assumed to be exactly anti to the C-N bond in the assigned conformation. As shown in Table 1, very good agreement is thus found between the observed and calculated rotational constants, indicating that there is presumably little difference between the plausible and real geometries. A model of form I is depicted in Fig. 2. DISCUSSION There can be no doubt that the intramolecular hydrogen bond is a major reason why conformation I is preferred, because there are no indications in 65 H H'\ \1 c H C c ~ ~~/ / H' -Fig. 2. Model of the assigned conformation I o --H I. the speetrum for the stable eo-existenee of non-hydrogen-bonded fonns sueh as, for example, In. Besides the identified rotamer, the hypothetical confonner n should also be eapable of forming a hydrogen bond. The reason why conformation I is more stable than n is perhaps that sterie conditions would be less favourable in the latter. Computations strongly indicate that there are no non-bonded eontaets appreciably shorter than the sum of the van der Waals radii of the involved atoms in eonfonnation I while a short distanee of 2.14 A would exist in rotamer n between one of the amino group and one of the methyl group hydrogen atoms. In other words, if the intramoleeular hydrogen bond was assumed to be identieal in conformations I and n, the above mentioned hydrogens would be brought into a eontaet whieh would be about 0.26 A shorter than the sum of their van der Waals radii [11]. This implies that a small sterie repulsion would be present. In order to alleviate this repulsion, an intemal rotation eould take plaee within the moleeule. However, this would lead to a greater distanee between the hydroxyl hydrogen and nitrogen atoms resulting in a weaker hydrogen bon d than in rotamer L Therefore we believe that this hypothesis gives a plausible explanation of the greater stability (at least 1.0 kcal mole-1) of form l eompared to form n. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Cand.mag. BjØrn H. Ellingsen is thanked for gas ehromatography of the sample. for diseussions and Miss Gerd Teien 66 REFERENCES 1 R. E. Penn and R. F. Curl, Jr., J. Chem. Phys., 55 (1971) 65 l. 2 B. H. Ellingsen, K-M. Marstokk and H. Mfbllendal, to be published. 3 K-M. Marstokk and H. Mfbllendal, J. Mol. Struct., 5 (1970) 205. 4 J. K G. Watson, J. Chem. Phys., 46 (1967)1935. 5 G. O. Sørensen, J. Mol. Spectrosc., 22 (1967) 325. 6 A. S. Esbitt and E. B. Wilson, Jr., Rev. Sci. Instrum., 34 (1963) 90l. 7 K-M. Marstokk and H. Møllendal, J. Mol. Struct., 32 (1976) 19l. 8 J. P. Culot, Fourth Austin Symp., Gas Phase Mol. Struct. 1972, paper T8. 9 K-M. Marstokk and H. Møllendal, J. Mol. Struct., 18 (1973) 247. 10 D. R. Lide, Jr., J. Chem. Phys., 33 (1960) 1514. 11 L. Pauling, The Nature of the Chemical Bond, 3rd edn., Cornell University Press, Ithaca, N.Y., 1960, p. 260.