Journal of Molecular Structure 567±568 (2001) 41±57 Microwave spectrum, molecular structure, conformational equilibrium, vibrational frequencies and quantum chemical calculations for methyl vinyl sul®de q K.-M. Marstokk a, H. Mùllendal a, S. Samdal a,*, D. Steinborn b b a Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1033 Blindern, N-0315 Oslo, Norway Institut fuÈr Anorganische Chemie, Martin-Luther-UniversitaÈt Halle-Wittenberg, D-06099 Halle, Germany Received 5 May 2000; accepted 18 July 2000 Abstract The microwave (MW) spectrum of methyl vinyl sul®de (CH2yCHSCH3) has been investigated in the 20.0±60.5 GHz spectral region at dry ice temperature. The most stable rotamer is planar with the methyl and vinyl groups in the syn conformation. A less stable skew rotamer has been assigned for the ®rst time. Its CyC±S±C torsional angle is approximately 1548 from syn. Isotopic species of all the heavy atoms of the skeleton of the syn conformation have been assigned. This allowed the following structure parameters to be calculated as: C1±C2 133.15 (18) pm, C1±S3 174.11 (9) pm, S3±C4 179.70 (9) pm, C2±C1±S3 130.23 (11)8 and C1±S3±C4 101.99 (9)8. The uncertainties are one standard deviation. Ten vibrationally excited states of the syn conformer were assigned, while the ground state and two excited states of the skew conformer were assigned. The frequencies of several of these excited states have been determined by relative intensity measurements. The syn form was found to be 5.0 (3) kJ mol 21 more stable than the skew conformer by relative intensity measurements. The uncertainty is one standard deviation. Quantum chemical calculations at HF, MP2 (full), DFT and QCISD levels of theory using the 631111G pp, cc-pVTZ and AUG-cc-pVTZ basis sets have been made to assist the experimental work. q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Methyl vinyl sul®de; Microwave spectrum; Conformational equilibrium; Structure; Quantum chemical calculations 1. Introduction Methyl vinyl sul®de (MVS) may exist in the syn (the vinyl group syn to S±CH3), skew or anti conformations. The ®rst attempt to determine the conformation of MVS was a Raman study [1] from 1961 where a normal coordinate analysis was made for all these q Dedicated to Professor Marit Trñtteberg on the occasion of her 70th birthday. * Corresponding author. Tel.: 147-22-855-458; fax: 147-22855-441. E-mail address: (S. Samdal). three conformations, but lack of suf®cient experimental data made it impossible to determine the preferred conformations. The microwave (MW) spectrum was assigned [2] in 1967, and a planar syn conformation was consistent with the rotational constants. An infrared and Raman study [3] in 1968 revealed that MVS exists in two conformations with the syn conformation as the most stable one, but they could not determine whether the second conformation was skew or anti. An electron diffraction (ED) investigation [4] in 1971 determined the average molecular structure of syn MVS. The second conformation was shown to be 0022-2860/01/$ - see front matter q 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0022-286 0(01)00532-4 42 K.-M. Marstokk et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 567±568 (2001) 41±57 the skew form. This ®nding was con®rmed in another ED investigation [5]. The ED analysis for MVS was improved in 1975 and 1979 [6,7]. The use of a dynamic model [7] gave a more reliable analysis. The CyC±S±C dihedral angle of the skew conformation was found to be 1368 in this analysis, which was an increase of 208 compared to that found using a static model [4]. However, this angle is very dependent on the assumption made for the molecular geometry during the internal rotation. The ®rst ab initio calculations from 1978 [8] predicted that the less stable conformation is a skew form. The energy difference between skew and syn was calculated to 3.2 kJ mol 21. Considerable uncertainty has existed for this energy difference. The experimental determinations ranging in fact from 0 [1] to 9.6 kJ mol 21 [9]. In the ED work from 1979 this difference was judged to be between 4.2 and 9.6 kJ mol 21 from available experimental information. A recent extensive spectroscopic investigation supplemented with ab initio calculations [10] determined the energy difference to be 8.9 (8) kJ mol 21. The MW spectrum of the skew conformer has not been assigned previously. If the energy difference between the two conformations is not too large, it should be possible to assign the MW spectrum of the skew conformer and thereby get useful information about: (1) the energy difference between the two conformers, (2) the torsion angle for the skew conformer which is uncertain and very dependent of the model used in the analysis of the ED data [6,7], (3) the lowest vibration frequencies of the two conformations. Another aspect of this work was to test how accurate the quantum chemical calculations could predict rotational constants and the energy difference between the two conformations. 2. Experimental 2.1. Synthesis Methyl vinyl sul®de was prepared as described in Ref. [11]. The substance was checked by NMR spectroscopy and found to be pure. No impurities were found in the MW spectrum. 2.2. MW spectroscopy The MW spectrum was studied using the Oslo spectrometer [12]. The 12±40 GHz spectral range was investigated thoroughly. Selected regions of the 40±60.5 GHz spectral range were also studied. The MW absorption X-band brass cell was held at dry ice temperature (2788C) in the experiments. The pressure was about 4±6 Pa when the spectra were recorded, and stored electronically using the computer programs written by Waal [13]. The accuracy of the frequency measurements is presumed to be better than ^0.10 MHz. Radio frequency-MW-frequency double resonance (RFMWDR) experiments were carried out as described in Ref. [14] using the equipment mentioned in Ref. [15]. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Quantum chemical calculations The quantum chemical computations have been made with the gaussian94 program package [16] using the IBM RS6000 cluster in Oslo. The calculations were performed at four different levels of theory; Hartree±Fock (HF), Mùller±Plesset second order perturbation calculations (MP2) [17] with all electrons included, density functional theory (DFT) employing the B3LYP method [18] as well as QCISD [19]. The basis sets utilized were 6-31111G pp, cc-pVTZ [20] and AUG-cc-pVTZ [20]. The structural parameters for the syn and the skew rotamers from the different calculations are given in Tables 1 and 2, for the transition state between syn and skew in Table 3, and for the anti transition state in Table 4. The numbering of the atoms is given in Fig. 1. All computations predict the syn rotamer to be the most stable form. The CyC bond length (Tables 1±4) is underestimated at the HF level of theory as compared with the bond lengths predicted when correlation is included. However, the CyC bond length decreases by about 1 pm when going from the 6-31111G pp basis set to the cc-pVTZ basis set. The two C±S bond lengths and the two CSC and CCS bond angles are also varying more than expected both with respect to the level of theory and the basis set. However, as shown explicitly in Table 5 and K.-M. Marstokk et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 567±568 (2001) 41±57 43 Table 1 Molecular structures of the most stable syn conformation of methyl vinyl sul®de from quantum chemical calculations (energies (hartree) for column 1±5 are: 2514.6347334, 2515.3874726, 2515.2588325, 2515.4247500, 2516.1809818, respectively. Cs symmetry) HF 6-31111G pp MP2 full 6-31111G pp QCISD 6-31111G pp MP2 full cc-pVTZ DFT/B3LYP AUG-cc-pVTZ Bond length (pm) C1yC2 132.07 C1±S3 175.84 C4±S3 180.49 C1±H7 107.69 C2±H5 107.42 C2±H6 107.54 C4±H8 108.21 C4±H9,10 108.24 134.49 174.43 180.49 108.74 108.30 108.41 109.08 109.18 134.38 175.76 180.69 108.86 108.51 108.61 109.30 109.38 133.42 173.91 179.25 107.73 107.44 107.56 108.29 108.42 133.11 175.43 181.36 108.35 108.01 108.10 108.74 108.35 Bond angles (8) C2C1S3 129.13 C1S3C4 103.23 C1C2H5 123.33 C1C2H6 119.79 C2C1H7 120.10 S3C4H8 106.17 S3C4H9,10 111.06 H8C4H9,10 109.09 H9C4H10 110.24 128.57 100.91 123.10 119.40 119.85 106.71 111.12 108.93 109.94 128.73 101.30 123.18 119.66 119.99 106.58 111.15 108.94 109.98 128.23 100.69 122.78 119.45 120.01 106.68 110.69 109.35 110.01 129.19 102.71 123.18 119.66 120.40 106.58 110.90 109.29 110.12 indirectly in Tables 1±4 the corresponding differences between structure parameters of the syn and skew conformations are remarkable constant both with respect to the level of theory and size of the basis set. This ®nding has been used to obtain an accurate torsional angle of the skew rotamer (see below). In Table 6 are listed different parameters connected to the potential energy distribution for rotation about the C1±S3 bond. There are several striking features in Table 6 which should be emphasized when going from the 6-31111G pp basis set to the cc-pVTZ basis set. The barrier separating the syn and the skew rotamers increases by 6±8 kJ mol 21 to about 20 kJ mol 21 while the anti barrier decreases by several kJ/mol to 0.3±0.6 kJ mol 21. Moreover, the torsional angle increases by more than 138, and the energy difference between the syn and the skew conformations increases to about 6±9 kJ mol 21. The results obtained using the cc-pVTZ basis sets are in good agreement with the MW results, as shown below. Comparison of the calculated rotational constants and the dipole moment components of the syn form with the experimental ones are shown in Table 7. The A rotational constant is excellently predicted by the cc-pVTZ basis set, while the B and C rotational constants are relatively poorly predicted. The observed rotational constants seem to be the average of the MP2 and DFT calculations indicating that the experimental structure parameters would be something in between those found in the two calculations. It is important to note that the m a dipole component of the syn rotamer is grossly overstimated at all levels of theory. The calculated unscaled vibrational frequencies (B3LYP/AUG-cc-pVTZ level) are given in Table 8 together with observed and assigned vibrational frequencies of the gas phase [10]. There is quite good agreement for the syn form. 3.2. MW spectrum of the syn conformation The ground state and two vibrationally excited states, viz the C±S torsion and the methyl torsion, were assigned by Penn and Curl [2]. Later some more vibrational excited states were assigned by Samdal et al. [7]. In order to assign the second conformation of MVS, our strategy was to assign as many syn transitions in the spectrum as possible hoping that some of the unassigned transitions could be assigned 44 K.-M. Marstokk et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 567±568 (2001) 41±57 Table 2 Molecular structures of the skew conformation of methyl vinyl sul®de from quantum chemical calculations (energies (hartree) for column 1±5 are: 2514.6338418, 2515.3855112, 2515.2575761, 2515.4212990, 2516.1787892, respectively. No symmetry constraints were used in these calculations) HF 6-31111G pp MP2 full 6-31111G pp QCISD 6-31111G pp MP2 full cc-pVTZ DFT/B3LYP AUG-cc-pVTZ Bond length (pm) C1yC2 131.88 C1±S3 176.89 C4±S3 181.26 C1±H7 107.78 C2±H5 107.59 C2±H6 107.61 C4±H8 108.24 C4±H9 108.29 C4±H10 108.18 134.19 175.55 180.66 108.90 108.50 108.48 109.14 109.21 109.07 134.15 176.76 181.52 108.99 108.70 108.68 109.35 109.43 109.30 133.17 174.83 180.21 107.86 107.62 107.58 108.33 108.39 108.28 132.93 176.31 182.21 108.42 108.18 108.10 108.76 108.84 108.75 Bond angles (8) C2C1S3 123.51 C1S3C4 100.45 C1C2H5 121.98 C1C2H6 120.55 H5C2H6 117.47 C2C1H7 115.62 S3C4H8 106.79 S3C4H9 110.78 S3C4H10 111.00 H8C4H9 108.80 H8C4H10 109.28 H9C4H10 110.10 123.27 98.79 121.45 120.41 118.14 115.87 107.24 110.76 111.37 108.33 109.02 110.01 123.36 98.95 121.66 120.59 118.34 115.66 107.22 110.76 111.31 108.44 109.05 109.96 123.71 98.94 121.42 120.23 117.36 115.47 106.99 110.47 111.03 108.82 109.19 110.25 124.20 100.70 122.25 120.39 117.75 114.85 106.48 110.68 111.13 108.90 109.25 110.29 Torsional angles (8) C2C1S3C4 137.68 H5C2C1S3 24.03 H5C2C1H7 179.67 H6C2C1S3 175.16 H6C2C1H7 21.14 H7C1S3C4 245.84 C1S3C4H8 176.29 C1S3C4H9 57.95 C1S3C4H10 264.68 139.89 25.10 179.64 174.12 21.13 244.65 174.01 55.98 266.79 139.66 24.71 179.66 174.46 21.17 244.50 174.37 56.23 266.44 152.58 24.34 179.44 174.91 21.31 231.02 176.00 57.70 264.94 157.62 24.00 179.56 175.21 21.23 225.74 175.07 56.86 266.05 to the skew conformation. In this process four more vibrationally excited states were found. The ground states of the four isotopic species of the heavy atoms of the skeleton of the syn form in their natural abundance were assigned too. All rotational constants and centrifugal distortion coef®cients are much more precisely determined in this work than in previous studies [2,7]. The improved spectroscopic constants are given in Tables 9±12. All vibrational excited states lower than approximately 500 cm 21 have been assigned. The three combined v1 1 v2, v1 1 v3 and v2 1 v3 vibrationally excited states were readily assigned using: Xvi1vj Xvi 1 Xvj 2 X0 ; where X is a rotational constant. The estimated rotational constants (A, B, C) are: (10613.4, 4719.0, 3353.2), (10685.1, 4750.4, 3352.4) and (10707.7, 4724.3, 3336.4 MHz) for v1 1 v2, v1 1 v3 and v2 1 v3, respectively. These values are close to the observed ones given in Table 11. This con®rms the assignment of these combination excited states. The assignments of the isotopic species were made K.-M. Marstokk et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 567±568 (2001) 41±57 45 Table 3 Molecular structures of the transition state between syn and skew rotamers of methyl vinyl sul®de from quantum chemical calculations (energies (hartree) for column 1±5 are: 2514.6300685, 2515.3819834, 2515.2458824, 2515.4170344, 2516.1734780, respectively. No symmetry constraints were used in these calculations) HF 6-31111G pp Bond length (pm) C1yC2 131.81 C1±S3 178.31 C4±S3 181.65 C1±H7 107.63 C2±H5 107.61 C2±H6 107.66 C4±H8 108.29 C4±H9 108.16 C4±H10 108.09 MP2 full 6-31111G pp 134.07 177.45 181.07 108.71 108.57 108.58 109.21 109.09 109.02 Bond angles (8) C2C1S3 125.02123.43123.73123.48124.31 C1S3C4 102.01 98.96 C1C2H5 122.35 121.46 C1C2H6 120.52 120.59 H5C2H6 117.13 117.95 C2C1H7 120.45 120.44 S3C1H7 114.52 116.13 S3C4H8 106.25 106.98 S3C4H9 110.63 110.91 S3C4H10 111.37 111.32 H8C4H9 109.30 108.84 H8C4H10 109.04 108.83 H9C4H10 110.15 109.87 Torsional angles (8) C2C1S3C4 62.14 H5C2C1S3 0.18 H5C2C1H7 181.56 H6C2C1S3 180.48 H6C2C1H7 1.86 H7C1S3C4 2119.17 C1S3C4H8 176.13 C1S3C4H9 57.60 C1S3C4H10 265.26 70.36 1.17 181.47 181.39 1.69 2109.92 176.86 58.29 264.36 QCISD 6-31111G pp MP2 full cc-pVTZ DFT/B3LYP AUG-cc-pVTZ 134.05 178.55 181.92 108.83 108.76 108.78 109.41 109.31 109.24 133.04 176.89 180.84 107.76 107.69 107.72 108.42 108.29 108.23 132.61 178.81 183.03 108.35 108.22 108.30 108.84 108.74 108.67 99.46 121.73 120.75 117.52 120.58 115.69 106.87 110.88 111.37 108.91 109.85 109.87 99.32 121.21 120.58 118.21 120.38 116.14 106.61 110.54 110.85 109.30 109.27 110.19 101.33 122.04 120.71 117.27 120.67 115.00 106.01 110.71 111.05 109.32 109.31 110.32 69.15 0.87 181.41 181.20 1.75 2111.37 176.80 58.23 264.45 68.73 0.96 181.55 181.39 1.98 2111.84 178.36 59.67 262.82 71.91 0.14 181.67 181.44 1.87 2107.37 178.62 60.16 262.75 in the following manner. The differences between the rotational constants of the parent and the isotopic molecule were calculated from the equilibrium geometry of high-level quantum chemical calculations and added to the observed rotational constants. This approach gave a very good prediction of the rotational constants for all the isotopic species. The assignments of the transitions of the three 13C species in their natural abundance were possible even if the intensity of the transitions were small. The results are given in Table 12. 3.3. Vibrational frequencies The calculated frequencies (B3LYP/AUG-ccpVTZ) for the two conformations are given in Table 8 together with their assignment and observed frequencies [10]. The calculated frequencies are not scaled. There is good agreement between the observed and calculated frequencies that support the proposed assignments. However, the calculated frequency for n 1 of the skew conformer is considerably smaller 46 K.-M. Marstokk et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 567±568 (2001) 41±57 Table 4 Molecular structures of the anti transition state of methyl vinyl sul®de from quantum chemical calculations (energies (hartree) for column 1±5 are: 2514.6328740, 2515.3839652, 2515.2561690, 2515.4210527, 2516.1786508, respectively, Cs symmetry) HF 6-31111G pp MP2 full 6-31111G pp QCISD 6-31111G pp MP2 full cc-pVTZ DFT/B3LYP AUG-cc-pVTZ Bond length (pm) C1yC2 131.88 C1±S3 176.71 C4±S3 181.04 C1±H7 107.69 C2±H5 107.63 C2±H6 107.51 C4±H8 108.21 C4±H9,10 108.23 134.26 175.33 180.43 108.80 108.52 108.36 109.14 109.11 134.20 176.56 181.34 108.89 108.73 108.57 109.35 109.34 133.19 174.80 180.09 107.78 107.63 107.53 108.32 108.31 132.96 176.34 182.09 108.36 108.20 108.07 108.77 108.79 Bond angles (8) C2C1S3 124.17 C1S3C4 100.75 C1C2H5 122.32 C1C2H6 120.37 C2C1H7 120.65 S3C4H8 106.46 S3C4H9,10 111.10 H8C4H9,10 108.89 H9C4H10 110.30 124.36 99.43 122.00 120.05 120.36 106.71 111.36 108.44 110.39 124.28 99.51 122.11 120.33 120.56 106.73 111.29 108.55 110.30 124.28 99.14 121.76 120.03 120.58 106.85 110.83 109.92 110.40 124.59 100.86 122.48 120.26 120.71 106.30 111.02 108.99 110.40 than the proposed experimental assignment (69 and 106 cm 21, respectively). Vibrational frequencies can be obtained from MW spectroscopy by means of relative intensity measurements which have been carried out as described in Ref. [21]. The large uncertainties of this method are mainly due to the dif®culties of estimating the position of the base line. For the syn rotamer relative intensity measurements gave n 1 120 ^ 30 cm 21 for the C±S torsional frequency, n 2 190 ^ 40 cm 21 for the methyl torsion, n 3 190 ^ 40 cm 21 for the CSC bending and n 4 370 ^ 50 cm 21 for the CCS bending. These estimated frequencies are all smaller than the observed frequencies [10] in the gas phase. Hanyu et al. [22] have obtained a formula for the calculation of the torsional frequency from the difference between the inertial defect of two consecutive torsionally excited states: pVTZ gives 181.4 cm 21 which is not in agreement with our results. The ®rst and second excited state of the torsional motion of the skew conformer are estimated from relative intensity measurements to be as low as 28 (10) and 81 (15) cm 21. The torsional frequency of 28 (10) cm 21 is considerably smaller than both the calculated, 69 cm 21 and proposed experimental value of Dvt11 2 Dvt 267=nt ; where D vt11 and D vt are the inertia defects of the two states and n t is the torsional frequency. This give a frequency of 125 cm 21 for n 1. Durig et al. [10] give 170 cm 21 for this frequency and B3LYP/AUG-cc- Fig. 1. The numbering of the atoms for the syn conformations for methyl vinyl sul®de. The torsional angle about the C1±S3 bond is de®ned as 08 for this conformation. K.-M. Marstokk et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 567±568 (2001) 41±57 47 Table 5 Molecular structures differences between syn and skew rotamers for methyl vinyl sul®de from quantum chemical calculations (D skew2syn. Distances in pm and angles in degrees) D (C1yC2) D (C1±S3) D (S3±C4) D (C2C1S3) D (C1S3C4) HF 6-31111G pp MP2 full 6-31111G pp QCISD 6-31111G pp MP2 full cc-pVTZ DFT/B3LYP AUG-cc-pVTZ 20.19 1.05 0.77 25.62 22.78 20.30 1.12 0.98 25.30 22.12 20.23 1.00 0.83 25.37 22.35 20.25 0.92 0.96 24.52 21.75 20.18 0.88 0.85 24.99 22.01 106 cm21 (Table 8). The proposed observed value [10] of 106 cm 21 is not consistent with our measurements. 3.4. Assignment of the skew conformer The assignments for the syn conformer given above include almost 2000 transitions, most of which have been assigned for the ®rst time. All strong transitions and all lines of medium intensity as well as a large number of weak ones had at this point been assigned. The spectrum of methyl vinyl sul®de is a rich one, and numerous relatively weak absorptions still remained unassigned. If the skew form indeed existed, it had plenty of `hiding room' amongst these many weak remaining transitions. There was an additional complication. The theoretical results given in Table 7 indicate that m b of skew is much larger than the other two dipole moment components. A b-type spectrum will always depend very much on the A rotational constant. It is seen in the same table that the theoretical predictions of A vary by about 2 GHz. The spectrum of the skew conformer was thus not just weak, but the frequencies of its b-type transitions were uncertain by at least ^5 GHz. The possibility that some of them were overlapped by the much stronger transitions belonging to the syn rotamer was also quite likely. One thing could be helpful in assigning the spectrum. The theoretical calculations predict that a low, double-minimum barrier exists at the anti position. This barrier could lead to a splitting of the transitions into a symmetrical (1) state and an antisymmetrical (2) state. A pair of lines of equal intensity would then result. Such a spectrum has previously been observed for the skew forms of the related compounds H2CyCHSCuN [23,24] and H2CyCHSH [25]. With this in mind, searches were made for bQbranch K21 2 Ã K21 1 series of lines which are the strongest ones present in the 30±40 GHz spectral region. Success in assigning this Q-branch series was obtained after only a few trials using transitions that appeared to be split into closely spaced doublets of equal intensity. Representative examples are shown in Table 14 for what is assumed to be the ground vibrational state, since it had the strongest spectrum of all the states that were subsequently assigned. The b Q-branch series of two additional states appearing as doublets were assigned next. These transitions, not given in Table 13, are assumed to be vibrationally excited states of the skew form. Attempts were then made to assign the bR-branch transitions. However, these lines are considerably weaker than the Q-branch lines. Our ®rst attempts to ®nd them were therefore unsuccessful. Table 6 Energy differences for methyl vinyl sul®de from quantum chemical calculations (energy differences, DE, in kJ/mol in relation to the syn conformation. The torsion angle, w , in degree is 08 for syn) DE (tr. st.) DE (skew) DE (anti) w (tr. st.) w (skew) HF 6-31111G pp MP2 full 6-31111G pp QCISD 6-31111G pp MP2 full cc-pVTZ DFT/B3LYP AUG-cc-pVTZ 12.3 2.3 4.9 62.1 137.7 14.4 5.2 9.2 70.4 139.9 12.3 3.3 7.0 69.2 139.7 20.3 9.1 9.7 68.7 152.6 19.7 5.8 6.1 72.0 157.6 HF 6-31111G pp 0.07 b 1.13 b 1.14 b c b a See Table 9. See Ref. [2]. See Table 14. Dipole moments ma mb mc mt Skew conformation Rotational constants A 17503 c B 3520 c C 3051 c Dipole moments ma mb mt Syn conformation Rotational constants A 10606.6 a B 4784.3 a C 3366.2 a Observed 0.25 1.64 0.20 1.67 16281.0 3541.3 3117.0 0.83 1.11 1.38 10763.7 4676.6 3328.4 0.30 1.58 0.18 1.62 16086.5 3579.7 3130.6 0.80 1.02 1.30 10537.2 4834.4 3385.5 MP2 full 6-31111G pp 0.29 1.60 0.18 1.63 15967.1 3544.9 3100.8 0.81 1.06 1.33 10485.9 4755.5 3341.7 QCISD 6-31111G pp 0.49 1.53 0.11 1.61 17236.8 3574.7 3089.6 0.75 0.98 1.24 10606.3 4904.6 3426.1 MP2 full cc-pVTZ 0.72 1.36 0.09 1.54 17758.2 3463.7 3000.5 0.87 0.74 1.14 10610.3 4695.3 3323.7 DFT/B3LYP AUG-cc-pVTZ Table 7 Rotational constants (MHz) and dipole moments (Debye) for the syn and skew conformation of methyl vinyl sul®de from quantum chemical calculations 48 K.-M. Marstokk et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 567±568 (2001) 41±57 K.-M. Marstokk et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 567±568 (2001) 41±57 49 Table 8 Calculated frequencies for the syn and skew conformation of methyl vinyl sul®de (Cs symmetry only for the syn conformation) Sym Cs Assignment No. n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 n9 n 10 n 11 n 12 n 13 n 14 n 15 n 16 n 17 n 18 n 19 n 20 n 21 n 22 n 23 n 24 A 00 A 00 A0 A0 A 00 A0 A0 A 00 A 00 A0 A 00 A0 A0 A0 A0 A 00 A0 A0 A0 A 00 A0 A0 A0 A0 Asym. tors CH3 tors CSC bend CCS def CH bend CSC sym str CSC asym str CH2 rock CH3 asym def CH3 rock CH3 rock CH2 wag CH bend CH3 sym def CH2 scissor CH3 asym def CH3 asym def CyC stretch CH3 sym str CH3 asym str CH3 asym str CH2 sym str CH stretch CH2 asym str Syn Skew Observed B3LYP AUG-cc-Pvtz 170 240 250 455 592 678 741 862 953 953 963 1040 1277 1315 1390 1432 1442 1585 2922 2981 2994 3014 3033 3095 181.4 217.5 234.6 456.2 608.5 672.5 735.2 885.7 969.2 976.1 994.0 1061.1 1309.3 1348.4 1430.9 1467.9 1486.2 1638.9 3039.0 3114.3 3133.3 3147.6 3160.4 3230.1 Observed 106 401 698 735 1268 1378 B3LYP AUG-cc-pVTZ 69.0 156.4 221.4 402.0 605.0 691.0 726.0 913.3 969.6 979.4 992.1 1060.0 1300.0 1355.2 1422.9 1470.6 1483.8 1644.1 3041.9 3119.0 3132.3 3136.4 3146.8 Table 9 Spectroscopic constants for the ground state and three excited states of the C1±S3 torsion Av (MHz) Bv (MHz) Cv (MHz) D J (kHz) D JK (kHz) D K (kHz) d J (kHz) d K (kHz) F J (Hz) F JK (Hz) F KJ (Hz) F K (Hz) f J (Hz) f JK (Hz) f K (Hz) IA 1 IB2IC/10 220 (u m 2) No Rms Ground state 1.excited tors 2.excited tors. 3.excited tors. 10606.5838 (21) 4784.3241 (10) 3366.2351 (7) 2.3052 (17) 0.631 (8) 9.5178 (33) 0.75605 (29) 5.554 (8) 0.2398 (6) 0.572 (11) 3.051 (32) 20.488 (21) 20.02450 (23) 2.177 (7) 21.67 (5) 23.148117 (10) 468 0.059 10598.7399 (31) 4764.7320 (13) 3367.7055 (14) 2.230 (10) 20.09 (6) 9.683 (24) 0.770 (4) 5.11 (8) 20.124 (33) 20.87 (34) 22.0 (6) 0.45 (24) 0.011 (13) 20.4 (4) 1.0 (7) 23.68328 (4) 350 0.050 10593.022 (5) 4744.4398 (20) 3369.3158 (20) 2.311 (17) 20.34 (9) 10.18 (4) 0.767 (7 5.34 (14) 0.05 (4) 21.0 (4) 20.8 (4) 0.44 (4) 20.043 (22) 1.6 (5) 1.0 24.23439 (6) 238 0.066 10590.05 (12) 4723.30 (11) 3371.00 (11) 2.6 (15) 21.7 (11) 10.18 0.28 (6) 5.34 0.05 21.0 20.8 0.44 20.043 1.6 1.0 24.7993 (20) 27 0.859 50 K.-M. Marstokk et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 567±568 (2001) 41±57 Table 10 Spectroscopic constants for the ®rst and second excited state of the methyl torsion and the excited states of the C1±S3±C4 and C2yC1±S3 bending motion Av (MHz) Bv (MHz) Cv (MHz) D J (kHz) D JK (kHz) D K (kHz) d J (kHz) d K (kHz) F J (Hz) F JK (Hz) F KJ (Hz) F K (Hz) f J (Hz) f JK (Hz) f K (Hz) IA 1 IB2IC/10 220 (u m 2) No Rms 1.excited methyl 2.excited methyl 1.excited C1±S3±C4 1.excited C2yC1±S3 10621.275 (13) 4738.618 (6) 3351.722 (4) 2.015 (21) 3.84 (18) 5.18 (9) 0.780 (13) 1.01 (27) 0.330 (7) 3.86 (21) 3.051 20.488 20.0245 2.177 21.67 23.45100 (12) 112 0.187 10647.741 (16) 4710.056 (7) 3340.410 (7) 2.79 (6) 0.93 (32) 13.3 (10) 0.965 (24) 7.15 (4) 0.33 3.86 3.051 20.488 20.0245 2.177 21.67 23.46886 (22) 46 0.135 10693.048 (8) 4770.0065 (34) 3350.8913 (33) 2.379 (15) 22.03 (13) 14.15 (6) 0.820 (10) 8.86 (20) 0.2222 (32) 0.63 (10) 3.051 20.55 (7) 20.0245 2.177 21.67 22.39244 (10) 174 0.110 10600.824 (9) 4770.463 (4) 3359.440 (4) 1.72 (4) 2.37 (21) 6.5 (4) 0.492 (16) 2.75 (27) 0.2398 0.572 3.051 20.488 20.0245 2.177 21.67 23.17725 (13) 41 0.080 The theoretical predictions (Table 7) indicate that the skew form should possess a sizeable m a dipole component. It was then decided to use the MWRFDR method [14] in an attempt to ®nd the aR-transitions because this technique is so speci®c. These experiments met with immediate success. Six very weak series of lines belonging to the ground and to ®ve vibrationally excited states were observed. This gave Table 11 Spectroscopic constants for the combination band of methyl vinyl sul®de Av (MHz) Bv (MHz) Cv (MHz) D J (kHz) D JK (kHz) D K (kHz) d J (kHz) d K (kHz) F J (Hz) F JK (Hz) F KJ (Hz) F K (Hz) f J (Hz) f JK (Hz) f K (Hz) IA 1 IB2IC/10 220 (u m 2) No Rms 1.excited methyl 11.excited tors. 1.excited C1±S3±C4 11. excited tors. 1.excited C1±S3±C4 11.excited methyl 10616.020 (13) 4721.943 (5) 3353.177 (5) 2.277 (25) 0.31 (19) 8.69 (9) 0.575 (17) 5.21 (30) 0.046 (5) 20.29 (5) 0.53 20.02 20.007 0.89 20.34 23.91659 (18) 94 0.143 10682.754 (11) 4748.374 (5) 3352.680 (4) 2.416 (20) 21.92 (18) 13.70 (7) 0.752 (14) 8.06 (26) 0.063 (12) 20.99 (20) 0.53 20.05 20.007 0.89 20.34 23.00115 (13) 95 0.127 10697.02 (4) 4722.33 (4) 3337.21 (4) 1.2 (9) 20.1 (8) 15 (4) 0.59 (5) 3.5 (8) 0.276 2.25 3.051 20.52 20.0245 2.177 21.67 22.8261 (8) 29 0.172 K.-M. Marstokk et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 567±568 (2001) 41±57 51 Table 12 Spectroscopic constants for the ground state of the isotopic species for methyl vinyl sul®de 13 13 10550.153 (11) 4736.075 (11) 3336.646 (10) 1.98 (22) 0.29 (11) 9.5189 0.742 (6) 5.554 0.2398 0.572 3.051 20.488 20.0245 2.177 21.67 23.14776 (22) 29 0.091 10543.159 (13) 4635.526 (14) 3285.965 (13) 2.01 (16) 0.31 (15) 9.518 0.679 (19) 5.554 0.2398 0.572 3.051 20.488 20.0245 2.177 21.67 23.15806 (31) 32 0.120 C1 Av (MHz) Bv (MHz) Cv (MHz) D J (kHz) D JK (kHz) D K (kHz) d J (kHz) d K (kHz) F J (Hz) F JK (Hz) F KJ (Hz) F K (Hz) f J (Hz) f JK (Hz) f K (Hz) IA 1 IB2IC/10 220 (u m 2) No Rms three additional series of excited states in addition to the previously assigned bQ-branch series just described. The several excited states found in our case parallel the ®ndings made for skew H2CyCHSCuN [23,24] where many excited states were observed. These new aR transitions were not split into resolved doublets, presumably because they are not very sensitive to the A rotational constant. The a-type R-branch transitions were then used with the bQ-branch lines mentioned above to predict b-type R-branch transitions. The assignments of bRbranch transition were essential in order to con®rm the assignments. The bR-branch lines were in all cases found to be split into doublets, as was expected. The resulting spectroscopic constants of the three states that were fully assigned are listed in Table 14. Only rough values of B and C are available for the additional three vibrationally excited states identi®ed in the MWRFDR experiments. These values are as follows: B 3498 2 and C 3031 2 for the fourth, B 3525 3 and C 3039 4 for the ®fth, B 3533 3 MHz and C 3062 3 MHz for the sixth excited state, respectively. No quantitative relative intensity measurements could be made for these three states because they are so weak. In fact they `drowned' in the background of other transitions and 34 C2 S3 10453.155 (7) 4741.3211 (31) 3329.4435 (25) 2.186 (21) 0.93 (13) 8.48 (5) 0.676 (9) 5.80 (17) 0.158 (27) 20.9 (5) 1.7(5) 20.61 (5) 20.0275 (20) 2.177 21.67 23.14653 (7) 140 0.075 13 C4 10338.935 (16) 4723.048 (15) 3308.772 (15) 2.5 (4) 20.14 (7) 9.518 0.768 (9) 5.554 0.2398 0.572 3.051 20.488 20.0245 2.177 21.67 23.14475 (30) 28 0.087 Stark components when we tried to observed them using Stark spectroscopy. The assignment of the vibrationally excited states of the skew rotamer is not straightforward. The strongest lines are of course assigned to the ground vibrational state. The second strongest excited state is assigned to the ®rst excited state of the C1±S torsional mode. This state is about 80% as intense as the ground vibrational state at dry ice temperature. Relative intensity measurements [21] yielded 28 (15) cm 21 for this fundamental vibration. The correct vibrational assignment of the next excited state, which has a frequency of 86 (20) cm 21, is uncertain. It could be the second excited state of the C1±S torsional vibration, or some other mode involving heavy atoms, since the changes of the rotational constants upon excitation are relatively large. No speci®c assignments are offered for the remaining three excited states, whose rough B and C constants are given in the text above. Our assignments of the (1) and (2) states (Tables 13 and 14) are somewhat arbitrary. The (1) state of the ground vibrational state has been chosen because Ia 1 Ib 2 Ic is larger than for the (2) state. This is an indication that the (1) state is less planar than the (2) state, as would be expected in this case. The remaining (1) and (2) assignments are arbitrary. 52 K.-M. Marstokk et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 567±568 (2001) 41±57 Table 13 Transitions (MHz) for the 0 1 and the 02 ground state of the skew conformation Transition 01 Observed2calculated 31,2 Ã 30,3 31,3 Ã 20,2 40,4 Ã 30,3 41,3 Ã 31,2 42,2 Ã 32,1 42,3 Ã 32,2 51,5 Ã 41,4 60,6 Ã 50,5 50,5 Ã 41,4 51,4 Ã 50,5 51,5 Ã 40,4 60,6 Ã 51,5 61,5 Ã 51,4 61,5 Ã 60,6 61,6 Ã 50,5 61,6 Ã 51,5 62,4 Ã 52,3 62,5 Ã 52,4 63,3 Ã 53,2 63,4 Ã 53,3 64,2 Ã 54,1 64,3 Ã 54,2 65,1 Ã 55,0 65,2 Ã 55,1 70,7 Ã 61,6 71,6 Ã 70,7 71,7 Ã 60,6 72,5 Ã 71,6 72,5 Ã 62,4 75,2 Ã 65,1 75,3 Ã 65,2 76,1 Ã 66,0 76,2 Ã 66,1 80,8 Ã 71,7 81,7 Ã 80,8 82,6 Ã 81,7 83,6 Ã 73,5 85,3 Ã 75,2 85,4 Ã 75,3 91,8 Ã 82,7 91,8 Ã 90,9 92,7 Ã 82,6 93,6 Ã 83,5 94,5 Ã 84,4 94,6 Ã 84,5 95,4 Ã 85,3 95,5 Ã 85,4 96,3 Ã 86,2 96,4 Ã 86,3 100,10 Ã 91,9 101,9 Ã 92,8 101,9 Ã 100,10 102,8 Ã 101,9 111,10 Ã 110,11 112,9 Ã 111,10 122,10 Ã 121,11 132,11 Ã 131,12 142,12 Ã 141,13 15674.91 32528.38 0.07 20.21 26392.49 26276.98 0.04 0.12 20610.78 18054.74 43650.82 28004.58 0.18 20.09 20.21 0.20 19762.41 48957.05 20.16 20.14 39498.24 39488.29 39470.11 39470.11 39461.65 39461.65 35442.07 21867.96 54143.96 37681.42 0.07 20.14 20.15 20.07 20.04 20.04 20.19 20.14 0.11 0.33 46045.36 46045.36 46039.77 46039.77 42875.47 24409.21 36838.93 52688.56 52632.39 52632.39 20.14 20.14 0.22 0.22 0.12 20.03 0.23 20.02 20.08 20.08 27416.25 20.06 59256.50 59254.58 59222.88 59222.88 59208.30 59208.30 57551.98 0.06 20.04 20.19 20.17 0.19 0.19 20.02 30906.87 35748.42 34881.59 35640.94 35907.20 0.06 0.05 0.23 20.05 20.08 37760.12 20.12 02 Observed2calculated 26169.92 27199.97 26392.49 26276.98 31635.13 39029.07 0.13 0.06 20.04 0.06 0.00 0.08 28003.96 40736.74 20.04 20.14 48957.75 37932.78 39774.33 39376.20 39498.24 39488.29 39470.11 39470.11 39461.65 39461.65 35442.07 21869.48 54143.96 0.13 0.15 20.14 0.09 0.02 0.09 20.14 20.06 0.04 0.04 0.10 20.03 20.23 46536.27 46045.36 46045.36 20.11 20.03 20.03 24410.81 20.03 52688.56 52632.39 52632.39 26379.82 27418.12 60204.12 59377.63 59256.50 59254.58 59222.88 59222.88 20.08 0.05 0.05 20.30 0.01 0.14 0.06 0.10 20.01 20.04 20.02 34966.10 30909.01 35750.84 34883.87 35643.44 35909.68 36601.23 37762.60 0.11 0.18 0.19 0.30 0.12 20.02 20.16 20.33 K.-M. Marstokk et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 567±568 (2001) 41±57 53 Table 13 (continued) Transition 01 Observed2calculated 02 Observed2calculated 152,13 Ã 151,14 162,14 Ã 161,15 163,13 Ã 162,14 173,14 Ã 172,15 182,16 Ã 181,17 183,15 Ã 182,16 192,17 Ã 191,18 202,18 Ã 201,19 203,17 Ã 202,18 223,19 Ã 222,20 233,20 Ã 232,21 243,21 Ã 242,22 39429.74 41638.21 58185.57 56720.67 47753.02 55513.63 51667.40 56131.27 54200.82 0.14 20.06 0.19 20.22 20.01 20.05 0.14 20.23 20.10 39432.13 20.33 58190.13 56725.43 0.03 20.15 56134.71 20.12 55976.51 57759.06 0.00 0.12 54819.64 55981.36 57764.17 0.18 20.15 0.22 3.5. Energy difference between syn and skew form Relative intensity measurements were carried out as described in Ref. [21] to determine the energy difference. This difference depends on the ratio of the dipole moments. Ratios of dipole moments from several of the calculations in Table 7 were tested to derive a value of 5.0 (3) kJ mol 21, which should be compared with the calculated values of 5.8 and 9.1 kJ mol 21 as shown in Table 6. The estimated standard deviation of ^0.3 kJ mol 21 is assumed to take both systematic and random errors into account. Previous determined experimental values for the energy difference are: 4.2 (13) using a static model and 7.9 (8) kJ mol 21 using a dynamic model [7], 5.9 kJ mol 21 from IR [3] and 8.9 (8) kJ mol 21 [10]. The ED results [7] could be further improved by using a better force ®eld and including relaxation of all the structure parameters from high level quantum chemical calculations in the dynamic model. 3.6. Structure The substitution coordinates [26] of the heavy atoms are given in Table 15. The a- and b-axis coordinates were derived from the rotational constants shown in Table 12 using Kraitchman's equations [27]. The c-axis coordinates were assumed to be zero for symmetry reasons. The errors, s (x), of the a- and b-coordinates were obtained from the formula s (x) K/uxu where K was taken from van Eijck's tabulation [28]. The rs-structure of the heavy atoms was then calculated from these coordinates. The uncertainties have been calculated from the s (x) values using the formula for propagation of errors. Owing to the fact that all the coordinates are far Table 14 Spectroscopic constants for the skew conformation methyl vinyl sul®de Ground state 01 Av Bv Cv DJ D JK DK dJ dK IC2IA2IB No Rms 1st tors. excited state 02 11 Excited state 12 21 22 17502.951 (32) 17503.67 (4) 17786.58 (6) 17787.66 (6) 17657.189 (26) 17658.417 (25) 3520.238 (6) 3520.267 (6) 3512.239 (6) 3512.281 (7) 3515.538 (6) 3515.560 (6) 3051.174 (6) 3051.168 (5) 3035.119 (6) 3035.122 (6) 3041.201 (6) 3041.188 (6) 1.35 (5) 1.35 (4) 1.60 (4) 1.58 (4) 0.97 (5) 0.97 (5) 218.06 (15) 217.25 (20) 220.06 (9) 219.47 (10) 23.71 (9) 23.61 (10) 322 (5) 277 (5) 360 (13) 338 (14) 92 (4) 95 (4) 0.0918 (26) 0.1123 (25) 20.003 (4) 0.025 (4) 0.1886 (23) 0.1900 (19) 8.24 (30) 5.69 (30) 9.24 (33) 7.6 (4) 21.59 (22) 21.41 (21) 26.80350 (12) 26.80080 (12) 25.79392 (19) 25.79057 (20) 26.20008 (10) 26.19650 (10) 55 51 40 43 48 47 0.154 0.147 0.145 0.156 0.105 0.103 54 K.-M. Marstokk et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 567±568 (2001) 41±57 Table 15 Kraitchmans coordinates for the skeleton atoms of the syn conformation in the principal axes system and the structure (coordinates and distances in pm and bond angles in degrees) Atom A B C C1 C2 S3 C4 104.04 (8) 184.48 (4) 269.82 (4) 2116.47 (7) 51.23 (16) 254.87 (15) 60.52 (5) 2113.02 (7) 0 0 0 0 Structure Bond distances C1±C2 133.15 (18) C1±S3 174.11 (0) S3±C4 179.70 (9) Bond angles C2±C1±S3 130.23 (5) C1±S3±C4 101.99 (5) from the principal axes an accurate geometry of the heavy atom skeleton of the syn conformation could be derived which is also given in Table 15. The agreement between these experimental determined structure parameters and those calculated using the cc-pVTZ basis sets (Table 1) is very good. The torsional angle of skew has been estimated in the following way. To the experimental determined geometry of the heavy atom skeleton of the syn conformer (Table 15) the calculated changes between the syn and skew conformers have been added using B3LYP/Aug-cc-pVTZ values (Table 5). All the calculated structure parameters determining the H-atoms for the skew conformer (Table 2) have been added to this skeleton frame. The torsional angle has been ®tted to reproduce the observed rotational constants for the ground state of the skew conformer. A torsional angle of 1548 gives the following rotational constants 17525, 3503 and 3038 MHz for A, B and C, respectively. This should be compared with the corresponding values in Table 14. The A rotational constant is very dependent on the torsional angle while the B and C are less sensitive. It is therefore felt that the torsional angle is rather accurately determined using this method. Exactly the same torsional angle is found for the second conformer of vinyl mercaptan [25] while a small basis set ab initio calculations gives 1408 [29]. 3.7. The barrier height at the anti form MVS most likely has a barrier at the anti position. It is possible to estimate this barrier height using the information obtained from the ground and the vibrationally excited states of the skew rotamer. Gwinn et al. [30] have given a quantitative treatment of this problem, see also Ref. [31]. They have shown that it Table 16 Comparison of calculated and observed rotational constants (MHz) for the skew conformer using B 211.48 (observed rotational constants are listed in Table 13) vT Calculated2observed (MHz) A B C 01 02 12 11 Calculated rotational constants (MHz) Av 20798 (39)2594.4 (22) kz 2lv20.4 (11) kz 4lv Bv 3428.1 (13)116.73 (7) kz 2lv20.006 (34) kz 4lv Cv 2865.51 (32)133.601 (18) kz 2lv10.003 (9) kz 4lv 20.53 0.53 20.46 0.46 20.017 0.017 20.015 0.015 0.004 20.004 0.004 20.004 K.-M. Marstokk et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 567±568 (2001) 41±57 55 Table 17 Internal rotation splittings of the methyl torsional second excited state (uncertainty is one least square standard deviation) Transition vA(obs) vA2vE (observed) vA2vE (calculated) 52,3 Ã 51,4 62,4 Ã 61,5 51,4 Ã 50,5 22,1 Ã 21,2 72,5 Ã 71,6 73,4 Ã 72,5 63,3 Ã 62,4 82,6 Ã 81,7 61,5 Ã 60,6 53,2 Ã 52,3 52,4 Ã 51,5 43,1 Ã 42,2 33,0 Ã 32,1 50,5 Ã 51,4 62,5 Ã 61,6 63,4 Ã 62,5 73,5 Ã 72,6 31,3 Ã 20,2 21,2 Ã 10,1 41,4 Ã 30,3 Calculated rotational constants (MHz) A 10646.97 (7), B 4709.06 (5), C 3340.41 (5) Direction cosine: 0.293 (9) Methyl barrier (kJ mol 21): V3 13.61 (5) 16848.29 18719.67 21240.77 21921.57 22220.09 25495.01 27166.27 27396.31 27851.60 29211.79 30730.29 31024.64 32232.62 34842.79 35115.25 36378.19 38697.36 26752.53 20668.70 32508.76 1.79 5.56 13.22 5.99 11.77 24.00 25.46 18.76 18.53 26.91 8.99 214.27 233.86 3.08 12.31 6.04 8.19 0.00 0.24 0.00 1.47 6.25 14.16 4.81 12.48 25.25 27.23 20.78 19.34 28.16 9.15 214.23 233.58 3.68 12.66 5.25 7.83 20.07 0.45 20.48 is possible to de®ne a potential function for the torsion as V A kz 4 l 1 Bkz2 l; where z is a dimensionless coordinate. If B is positive, the heavy atom skeleton has a symmetry plane, if B is negative, the equilibrium conformation will be nonplanar. According to this theory the rotational constants can be expanded in a power series of the expectation values kz 2l and kz 4l, where bn is the An, Bn or Cn rotational constants in the nth excited state of the torsion. The empirical parameters b0, b2 and b4 are adjusted to give the best ®t to the data. The values kz 2ln and kz 4ln depend only on the B constant in the equation given above. The rotational constants of successively excited states of the torsional vibration were least-squares ®tted to the equation Bn b0 1 b2 kz2 ln 1 b4 kz4 ln employing a program described in Ref. [32] for a series of B-values. Using two rotational constants for the ground state and two for the ®rst excited state of the torsion, it was found that the value B 211.48 yields the best overall ®t (Table 16). This negative B-value indeed shows that the heavy atom skeleton is nonplanar. The A constant was then adjusted to reproduce the torsional fundamental frequency of 28 cm 21. This was achieved with A 3 cm 21, which gives a barrier of 100 cm 21 or 1.2 kJ mol 21. This barrier is considerably larger than the barrier found for vinyl mercaptan which is 19 cm21[25]. 3.8. Methyl barrier Internal rotation A±E splittings for the v 1 methyl torsional state have been measured for four transitions by Penn and Curl [2], and they determined the V3 methyl barrier to be 13.5 ^ 0.4 kJ mol 21. The measured splittings were between 0.5 and 1.0 MHz. We have assigned the v 2 methyl torsional state, and used 20 transitions with splittings as large as about 34 MHz to determine the methyl barrier using 56 K.-M. Marstokk et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 567±568 (2001) 41±57 Fig. 2. The potential energy functions derived from the (O) MP2 full/cc-pVTZ and (X) B3LYP/AUG-cc-pVTZ results (see text). the mb15 computer program [33] which is based on the principal axis method [34]. The transitions together with the observed and calculated vA ±vE splittings are given in Table 17. The methyl barrier was determined to be 13.61 (15) kJ mol 21, which is in excellent agreement with the value of Penn and Curl [2]. Durig et al. [10] have determined the barrier to be 16.28 ^ 0.04 kJ mol 21 for the -d3 compound which is not in agreement with the results from MW spectroscopy. This strongly indicates that it must be something in the proposed assignment [10] for the observed bands which is wrong. The calculated methyl torsional frequency from the methyl barrier is 222 cm 21 which is in very good agreement with the B3LYP/AUG-cc-pVTZ frequency of 217.5 cm 21 (Table 8). 3.9. Potential function The potential function, V(w ), for internal rotation about the C1±S bond can be expand as a Fourier series X 1 2 cos nw: V w n1 From the values of the extremal points, i.e. 2V=2w 0; given in Table 6 can ®ve Fourier coef®cients Vn be determined by solving the set of linear equations: V wts Vts ; 2V=2wwts 0; V wskew Vskew ; 2V=2wwskew 0 and V 180 V180 : The Fourier series always satisfy the additional requirements V 0 2V=2ww0 2V=2ww180 0: The Fourier coef®cients Vn derived from the MP2/cc-pVTZ and B3LYP/ Aug-cc-pVTZ are: V1 0.22 and 21.10, V2 6.78 and 7.50, V3 4.02 and 3.68, V4 0.81 and 0.34, and V5 0.61 and 0.47 kJ mol 21, respectively, and these two potential functions are shown in Fig. 2. The torsional frequencies can be calculated from the relation: 22 V=2w2 4p2 n2 G21 which give nsyn tt 190 cm21 and nskew 67 cm21 for the B3LYP/Augcc-pVTZ calculation and nsyn 204 cm21 and nskew 74 cm21 for the MP2/cc-pVTZ. Compared to the observed torsional frequencies nsyn 170 cm21 [10] and n syn < 130 cm 21 (MW) and nskew 106 cm21 [10] and n skew < 28 cm 21 (MW). These results indicate that the syn/skew barrier is too high and that the nskew 106 cm21 assignment [10] must be wrong. Some features of the experimental potential function can be estimated from MW results using the same set of K.-M. Marstokk et al. / Journal of Molecular Structure 567±568 (2001) 41±57 equations as given above. The energy difference, which corresponds to the difference between the ground states, is 5.0 (3) kJ mol 21 from MW. The differences in the zero point energies is 1.4 kJ mol 21, which gives an energy difference between the skew and syn minimum, Vskew, equal to 6.4 kJ mol 21. The anti barrier is determined to be 1.3 kJ mol 21 which should give V180 equal to 7.7 kJ mol 21. Since the torsional vibrational frequencies are calculated to be too large this strongly indicates that the calculated syn/skewbarrier is too large. [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] 4. Conclusions Gaseous methyl vinyl sul®de exists in syn and skew conformations. The syn form (Fig. 1) is the preferred conformer being 5.0 (3) kJ mol 21 more stable than skew. The syn rotamer has a planar heavy atom skeleton. Ten vibrationally excited states were determined for this rotamer. Less information is available for the skew rotamer which is obtained from the syn form by rotating approximately 1548 around the C±S bond. Elaborate quantum chemical calculations have been carried out for the two forms, and it became evident that a 6-31111G pp basis set or smaller basis sets were not suf®cient to reproduce the torsional angle of the skew conformer. The best agreement with experimental values is found using the cc-pVTZ basis set. 5. Uncited reference [8]. Acknowledgements We are grateful to The Research Council of Norway (Programme for Supercomputing) for a grant of computer time at the IBM RS6000 cluster at the University of Oslo. 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