Benefits of the Ballot Box for Species Conservation 1 2 3 Kailin Kroetz1, James N. Sanchirico2, Paul R. Armsworth3, H. Spencer Banzhaf4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1 Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616 ; email: 2 Department of Environmental Science and Policy, University of California, Davis, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616 and University Fellow, Resources for the Future; email:; phone: (530) 754-9883 3 Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996; email: 4 Department of Economics, Andrew Young School of Policy Studies, Georgia State University, 14 Marietta Street, NW, Atlanta, GA 30303, and Research Associate at the NBER, and a Senior Research Fellow at the Property and Environment Research Center (PERC); email: 15 16 Running title: Ballot Box Conservation 17 18 Keywords: Biodiversity, conservation, conservation movement, endangered species, integer programming, open space, referenda, reserve site selection 19 20 Type of article: Essay 21 Manuscript length: Abstract (143 words), Body (5,000), References (43), Figures (4), Tables (1) 22 Corresponding author: 23 24 25 26 27 28 James N. Sanchirico Department of Environmental Science and Policy University of California, Davis One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616 Telephone: (530) 754-9883 Email: 29 30 31 32 Author Contributions: K.K, J.N.S., P.R.A., and H.S.B. designed research, analyzed results, and wrote the paper. The authors declare no conflict of interest. 1 33 34 Benefits of the Ballot Box for Species Conservation 35 36 Kailin Kroetz, James N. Sanchirico, Paul R. Armsworth, H. Spencer Banzhaf 37 38 39 Abstract 40 Recent estimates reaffirm that conservation funds are insufficient to meet biodiversity 41 conservation goals. Organizations focused on biodiversity conservation therefore need to 42 capitalize on investments that societies make in environmental protection that provide ancillary 43 benefits to biodiversity. Here, we undertake the first assessment of the potential ancillary 44 benefits from the ballot box in the United States, where citizens vote on referenda to conserve 45 lands for reasons that may not include biodiversity directly but that indirectly might enhance 46 biodiversity conservation. Our results suggest that referenda occur in counties with significantly 47 greater biodiversity than counties chosen at random. We also demonstrate that large potential 48 gains for conservation are possible if the past and likely future outcomes of these ballot box 49 measures are directly incorporated into national-scale conservation planning efforts. The possible 50 synergies between ballot box measures and other biodiversity conservation efforts offer an 51 under-utilized resource for supporting conservation. 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 2 59 60 Introduction 61 Global conservation funding needs to at least double to meet the 2020 biodiversity commitments 62 of the Convention on Biological Diversity (McCarthy et al. 2012). The shortfall of funding 63 heightens the importance of finding additional funding sources to support conservation. It also 64 means that what resources are available need to be deployed efficiently and has led to calls for 65 improving the coordination and planning of conservation organizations in a bid to capture 66 potential efficiency gains (Mace et al. 2000; Kark et al. 2009). The idealized coordinated efforts 67 that some authors have called for would prioritize sites that protect biodiversity at low cost 68 (Margules & Pressey 2000; Naidoo et al. 2006; Wilson et al. 2009), engage in planning that 69 operates at a number of scales (Erasmus et al. 1999; Meretsky et al. 2012), and have access to 70 resources for conservation that are fungible over these scales (Balmford et al. 2003). 71 72 Although the conservation biology literature includes pleas for more systematic planning 73 (Margules & Pressey 2000; Wilson et al. 2009), these efforts often are not well-coordinated 74 (Bode et al. 2011) or when coordinated, there is a mismatch between ecosystem and planning 75 scale (Meretsky et al. 2012). Indeed, much of the support for conservation is locally sourced 76 (Armsworth et al. 2012) and is intended to meet locally derived priorities (e.g. to provide open 77 space, recreation opportunities and other ecosystem services). For example, in the United States 78 there are over 1,600 active nonprofit land trust organizations that have varying objectives 79 including open space preservation, but whose activities may provide ancillary benefits for 80 biodiversity conservation (see e.g. Chang (2011)). As these groups have their own locally- 81 derived objectives aside from biodiversity, their conservation activities might not be judged as 82 efficient in terms of biodiversity conservation per dollar spent. Nevertheless, their efforts are 83 likely beneficial to biodiversity. Understanding the magnitude of these potential gains and how 84 best to capitalize on them in biodiversity planning is an important question for the conservation 85 community. 86 87 Much of the support for local land trusts derives from the direct democracy process, where 88 citizens vote on ballot initiatives to conserve lands for a myriad of reasons (e.g., public access to 89 open-space, conservation, groundwater protection, and recreation). According to the Land Trust 3 90 Alliance (LTA), there have been approximately 2,400 land-vote referenda since 1988 occurring 91 in over 46 states and setting aside more than $58 billion in conservation funds (Trust for Public 92 Land 2012). Although larger conservation organizations (e.g., LTA, The Nature Conservancy) 93 do provide support to help formulate initiatives and bring them to the ballot (Kline 2006; 94 Kotchen & Powers 2006; Sundberg 2006; Nelson et al. 2007; Banzhaf et al. 2010), ultimately 95 the success of the referendum depends on the preferences of the jurisdictional (e.g., municipality, 96 county) residents towards land conservation as expressed through their votes (see, e.g., Deacon 97 & Shapiro (1975)). 98 99 To date, there is no systematic assessment of the potential ancillary benefits of the ballot box 100 initiatives on biodiversity protection. Even though the local services citizens derive from land 101 conservation are likely not the same as the value of a site assigned by a planner with the 102 objective of maximizing biodiversity, the potential biodiversity benefits can be nonetheless large 103 in aggregate because ballot initiatives are prevalent and the sums of money are substantial (e.g., 104 according to Jordan et al. (2007), the average yearly expenditure on these initiatives is 105 approximately on par with the U.S. average annual expenditure of the U.S. Conservation Reserve 106 Program). 107 108 Furthermore, the potential for efficiency gains by incorporating these ballot measures into 109 national-scale planning is an open question. For example, Abbitt, Scott, and Wilcove (2000) 110 identified U.S. county-level hotspots of vulnerability across the United States as a type of area 111 for central planning efforts to target. These hotspots where based on projected increases in 112 populations and development and occur in areas near urban centers. These areas, however, 113 might also be the places more likely to hold ballot measures for land conservation (see e.g. Press 114 (2002)). 115 116 We contribute to the literature by developing insights into the complementarity of these two 117 processes: top-down national-scale biodiversity planning and bottom-up citizen voting. 118 Specifically, our paper connects the political-economy research analyzing the occurrence and 119 success of the land-vote referenda (e.g., Kline (2006), Kotchen & Powers (2006), Nelson et al. 120 (2007) and Banzhaf et al. (2010)) and the conservation biology literature on the optimal 4 121 conservation site selection that assumes a nationally-planned and well-coordinated set of 122 activities. In particular, we compare the outcome of the direct democracy process with a 123 hypothetical top-down planner to address the following questions: how well has direct 124 democracy done at directing funding towards places that the top-down planner would have 125 identified and how well is direct democracy likely to do by this standard in the future? We also 126 illustrate the potential for efficiency gains by incorporating the spatial patterns of direct 127 democracy directly into conservation planning. 128 129 130 Materials and Methods 131 132 We divide up our analysis into three parts. First, we undertake a retrospective analysis and 133 examine the overlap of the location of past successful ballot measures with areas of high species 134 concentration. We also compare the successful ballot measures with both a random selection 135 process and one that corresponds to the recommendation of a hypothetical top-down biodiversity 136 planner allocating a fixed conservation budget across the United States. The planner is 137 represented by the solution of a reserve site selection algorithm (RSS). In the second part, we do 138 a prospective analysis using a multivariate regression model to predict the likelihood of 139 jurisdictions holding and passing land vote referenda. We compare the set of predicted counties 140 to data on the presence of endangered species and to the sites selected by the top-down planner. 141 Finally, we do an illustrative experiment where we include the past results of referenda directly 142 into the reserve site RSS algorithm to investigate the potential efficiency gains from 143 incorporating direct democracy outcomes in conservation planning. 144 145 Our analysis uses a number of different data sources to capture the two processes. The three 146 main data sets include; county-level USDA agricultural land values as a proxy for the cost of 147 conservation land in a county; county-level data on the presence of endangered species; and 148 county referenda ballot and outcome data between 1988-2006 come from the Trust for Public 149 Land’s “Landvote database”. To focus on referenda that have potential ancillary benefits for 5 150 conservation, we exclude measures that list only recreational and historical purposes (removes 151 ~10% of the total referenda from 1988-2006). 152 To derive species presence/absence information, we utilize NatureServe’s GIS files and 153 calculate, for each U.S. county, a list of the species that are present and the rating the species 154 receives from NatureServe. NatureServe rates species on a G1 to G5 scale, where G1 is 155 critically imperiled and G5 is secure. We focus on species classified as G1 (critically imperiled) 156 and G2 (imperiled). We also use the same data on Federal endangered species that have been 157 used in other site selection algorithms (see e.g. Ando et al. (1998)). NatureServe’s G1 and G2 158 designations include 3,949 species, which is much more inclusive than the Federal endangered 159 species list which only includes 874 species. The correlation between the number of 160 NatureServe G1G2 species in a county and the number of ES is .74, suggesting there are 161 differences in the spatial distribution of biodiversity represented by the two datasets (Stein et al. 162 2000). 163 164 Retrospective Analysis 165 In the retrospective analysis, we examine two questions: 166 167 168 169 Do successful ballot referenda occur in counties with more or fewer G1G2 species and ES than the G1G2 species and ES in randomly sampled counties? Are successful ballot referenda more likely to have occurred in counties targeted by RSS algorithms? 170 171 To answer the first question, we compare ballot box outcomes to a random sample of counties. 172 First we compare the number of species in ballot box counties to the number of species covered 173 when randomly selecting 146 counties (equal to the number of counties with prior successful 174 referenda; see Figure SI-14 and SI-15 for G1G2 species and ES). Then we compare the number 175 of species in ballot box counties to the number of species covered by randomly selecting 176 counties having the same overall area as those with successful ballot measures (see Figure SI-16 177 and SI-17 for G1G2 species and ES). 178 6 179 To answer the second question, we examine how outcomes of successful ballot box measures 180 compare to the set of sites selected by a top-down biodiversity planner. In this case our 181 benchmark is the outcomes of an RSS algorithm. While there are many possible variants of RSS 182 formulations to consider (see, e.g. Sarkar et al. (2006) and our review in the SI), we choose for 183 illustration purposes the simple yet seminal framework of Ando et al. (1998). Following Ando 184 et al. (1998), we use two common site selection approaches to summarize the results of top-down 185 conservation planning. Specifically, we solve the set covering problem (SCP) (Underhill 1994) 186 and the maximum coverage problem (MCP) (Camm et al. 1996; Church et al. 1996) (see SI for 187 mathematical formulation) from operations research. We explore several budgets in our 188 analysis. Our base budget amount is consistent with that used in Ando et al. (1998), except that 189 we account for the differences in farmland values (1992 in Ando et al. and 2002 here) by 190 inflating the budget to reflect an 8% increase per year over the 10-year period. 191 192 Prospective Analysis 193 A key component of the prospective analysis is the development of a predicted probability of a 194 successful referendum for each county in the U.S. that reflects the likelihood of the local citizens 195 putting a measure on the ballot and passing it. We use these predicted probabilities to examine 196 the overlap between predicted sites of successful referenda and species presence/absence and the 197 RSS benchmark. Specifically, we address the following two questions: 198 199 200 201 How do the predictions of our model of successful ballot box referenda compare to counties with G1G2 species or ES? How do the predictions of our model of successful ballot box referenda compare to counties targeted by RSS? 202 203 To predict the probability of a successful referendum, we build off of the econometric analysis of 204 Banzhaf, Oates, and Sanchirico (2010) and utilize the same set of covariates. They estimated a 205 polychotomous sample selection model using Landvote data from 1988-2006. Their set of 206 covariates included U.S. Census data, USDA Economic Research Service land use data, U.S. 207 county election data, and data on state characteristics that may influence the occurrence of 208 referenda. 7 209 210 Based on their results, we make a number of simplifying assumptions. First, we use a probit 211 model for estimating the probability of holding a successful referendum. Banzhaf, Oates, and 212 Sanchirico (2010) used a multinomial logit model due to their interest in developing predictions 213 specific to funding mechanism (e.g. bond, tax) for the referendum. The funding mechanism, 214 however, is not of prime interest for our analysis. Second, we do not control for the potential 215 selection issue (that is, we only observe counties that have held referenda), because they found 216 along with Kotchen and Powers (2006) and Nelson, Uwasa, and Polasky (2007) that a two-step 217 Heckman (1979) correction for sample selection is not necessary. 218 219 The probit model is 𝑃𝑟(𝑆𝑢𝑐𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑓𝑢𝑙 𝑅𝑒𝑓 = 1|𝑋𝑖 ) = 𝛷(𝛽𝑋𝑖 ), where Successful Ref is the 220 dummy variable for whether or not the county has held at least one successful referendum from 221 1998-2006, X is a matrix of explanatory variables, Φ is the cumulative normal distribution, and β 222 is a vector of coefficients on the explanatory variables. The set of explanatory variables include 223 those in Table 1 and public finance (e.g., type of measure, tax or bond), political-economy (e.g., 224 % voting for Bush in 2000, voter turnout in the election, home rule index, etc.), along with other 225 controls (e.g., latitude and longitude, land area (sq. miles), % change in farmland, % of land in 226 farming, % living in urbanized area, etc.). Estimation results are available in the SI. Using the 227 estimated coefficients, we predict the probability of a successful referendum. 228 229 Efficiency gains experiment 230 231 In addition to illustrating the overlap between areas of conservation interest and those places that 232 have passed or are likely to pass ballot measures, we construct a thought experiment to 233 illuminate the potential gains from directly incorporating the outcomes of ballot measures into 234 conservation planning. 235 236 237 238 In particular, we ask the following question: How much would including counties with successful ballot referenda in RSS algorithms improve the efficiency of conservation expenditures? 239 8 240 The answer to this question depends in part on the nature of the conservation organization that is 241 engaging in national-scale planning. We consider the case where the organization views any land 242 preserved through referenda as exogenous to their efforts and as a potential substitute for their 243 own land acquisitions (we discuss other possible scenarios in the Discussion section). 244 Substitution is equivalent to assuming that the organization will count species as covered if 245 counties with successful referenda coincide with species ranges. For such an organization, we 246 illustrate the potential gain they could realize by adapting their prioritization of land purchases to 247 account for the ballot box measures. 248 249 We measure the gains by examining the change in number of species conserved and budget 250 invested when (1) RSS is conducted independently of land vote and (2) RSS takes into account 251 locations of past successful referenda and assuming species in these counties are covered at zero 252 cost. The latter assumption implies that the hypothetical conservation planner can focus their 253 limited budget only on the remaining, unprotected species. 254 255 A possible extension could consider an organization that does not want to work directly within 256 the land vote process but wants to invest resources in co-locating conserved and referendum 257 sites. In this case, the spatial configuration of sites is important for measuring the potential gains, 258 as groups can benefit from investing and/or partnering with other groups that are also conducting 259 local conservation efforts, possibly supported by funding made available through the ballot box. 260 261 262 Results 263 Retrospective Analysis 264 Analyzing the Land Vote data for U.S. counties from 1988-2006, we find that counties with at 265 least one successful referendum tend to have a higher median household income, a higher 266 median home value, and a higher population density than counties with none (see Table 1). 267 These successful referenda counties, therefore, have similar characteristics to those used by 268 Abbitt et al. (2000) to create their vulnerability index, suggesting there may be some overlap 269 with counties important for biodiversity investments. 270 9 271 To test this possibility, we compare the distribution of successful referenda counties with the 272 G1G2 species and ES presence/absence data. Just over 20% of species classified as G1G2 occur 273 in the set of 146 counties that had successful referenda from 1988-2006 (see Figure SI-1 for a 274 map of all counties with at least one successful referendum from 1988-2006). Approximately 275 35% of ES are present in counties that had successful referenda. These counties tend to be in the 276 Northeast, Florida, and the West. 277 278 To provide context for these percentages, we compare ballot box outcomes to a random sample 279 of counties. We test whether the number of G1G2 species and ES in ballot box counties is 280 greater than the number of G1G2 species and ES covered when randomly selecting 146 counties 281 (equal to the number of counties with prior successful referenda). We find that counties with 282 successful referenda cover more species than would be expected by a random sample: the p- 283 values associated with the hypothesis test for G1G2 species and ES are .00018 and .00308, 284 respectively. We also find that the number of G1G2 species and ES in ballot box counties is 285 greater than the number covered by randomly selecting counties having the same overall area as 286 those with successful ballot measures (the p-values associated with the hypothesis tests for G1G2 287 species and ES are .00072 and .0031, respectively). 288 289 Next we ask: How do the outcomes of successful ballot box measures compare to the set of sites 290 selected by a top-down biodiversity planner? For each comparison of the RSS to referenda 291 outcomes, we consider the overlap in terms of the counties and the species covered. We present 292 results here for our base budget, which is consistent with that used in Ando et al. (1998). In 293 terms of the counties, when the objective is to maximize G1G2 species covered, 170 counties are 294 selected via RSS, of which only 10 counties (~7%) are also in the set of counties with prior 295 successful referenda (Figure 1). These RSS-selected counties are more concentrated in the west, 296 are not as concentrated in the northeast, and have a denser distribution in Appalachia than the 297 counties with prior successful referenda. 298 299 In terms of species covered, we find that 2,719 G1G2 species (~69%) are covered by RSS 300 selected counties compared to 846 G1G2 species in counties with past successful referenda 301 (~21%). Not surprisingly, the average number of G1G2 species and ES is higher in counties 10 302 selected via RSS and the farmland and housing prices are lower (see Table 1). The RSS is by 303 design selecting counties with greater diversity at lower cost. 304 305 Prospective Analysis 306 While the focus of the retrospective analysis is on how well direct democracy has done at 307 passing land set-aside referenda in important locations for preserving species, the prospective 308 analysis asks how well it likely will do by comparing local citizen preferences for land 309 conservation measures with G1G2 species and ES data. To develop the predicted probabilities 310 associated with any county holding and passing a land vote referenda, we estimate a multivariate 311 cross-sectional regression (probit) model for 1998-2006 – the period over which we have a full 312 suite of covariates. We find a pseudo-R2 of .4735 (column 1 in Table SI-1), which is an 313 acceptable fit for a cross-sectional analysis. 314 315 We also run two sets of robustness checks. First, we do an out of sample test (see Methods) 316 where we compare the predicted probabilities for the 13 counties that hold successful referenda 317 from 2007-2011 to those for counties that never have a successful referendum from 1988-2011. 318 We find the average predicted probability for the counties with successful referenda from 2007- 319 2011 is 24.92% compared to an average of 2.31% for the counties that never have a successful 320 referenda. Second, we omit the referenda that occurred in a given year and repeat the 321 estimation. We do this omitting each year one at a time for 1998-2006. The average predicted 322 probabilities for the counties that previously were designated as having had a successful 323 referendum before we dropped the year’s data are, on average, higher (24.1% average predicted 324 probability of holding a successful referendum for counties with prior successful referenda 325 versus 2.4% for counties without prior successful referenda). 326 327 In terms of statistically significant covariates, we find that voter turnout in the election, the % 328 voting for Bush in the 2000 presidential elections (proxy for Republican voters), and % without a 329 high school degree in the county are statistically significant at the 1% level and negatively 330 correlated with the probability of holding a successful referenda. Median income (1% level), 331 home rule index (1% level), and % living in an urbanized area (10% level) are all positively 332 correlated. 11 333 334 To examine the potential contribution to biodiversity conservation from counties that are more 335 likely to hold successful ballot measures in the future, we examine species coverage over varying 336 thresholds of probabilities for both the comparison to G1G2 species and ES and the RSS 337 benchmark. That is, we assume that all counties with a predicted probability greater than the 338 threshold eventually will pass referenda that protect lands (and cover the species) in the county. 339 In this analysis we only generate predictions for counties that have not had prior successful 340 referenda. 341 342 We first examine the number of species that are present in counties with varying predicted 343 probabilities of having successful referenda (see Figure 2 for the G1G2 results and Figure SI – 7 344 for the ES results, which are similar). While most of the predicted probabilities are clustered 345 near zero, there are, however, 16 counties with a predicted probability of having a successful 346 referendum greater than 50%. Approximately 3% of G1G2 species and 8% of ES are covered by 347 this set of counties. If we assume all species in counties that had successful referenda in the past 348 are also conserved, then 23% of G1G2 species would be expected to be conserved overall. 349 Under the same assumption 37% of ES would be expected to be conserved overall. The number 350 of species covered varies with the probability threshold, for example, there are 82 counties with 351 predicted probabilities of having a successful referendum greater than 20%. These 82 counties 352 cover 11% of G1G2 species and 29% of ES. These results suggest that past and predicted future 353 referenda conserve lands in counties that overlap with the presence of species of concern. 354 355 Finally, we compare the potential contribution of direct democracy toward biodiversity to our 356 biodiversity planner benchmark. We do this by comparing the predicted probability of having a 357 successful referendum with our RSS sets. The sets of sites selected via RSS are identical to the 358 sets described previously. We focus on the overlap between counties with past successful 359 referenda and various thresholds for the predicted referendum success, and sites selected via 360 RSS. Figure 3 shows the distribution of the predicted probability of success of referenda in 361 counties in the contiguous United States (darker colors indicate higher predicted probability) 362 overlaid with the results from the base case RSS (black-hashed counties). 363 12 364 We see evidence, for example in the Western United States, of overlap between counties with 365 high predicted probabilities and the RSS set. However, we also observe counties, for example, 366 inland counties in the Great Plains and Appalachia, which are selected via RSS but have a low 367 probability of successful referenda. We also find a number of places where the referenda occur in 368 counties neighboring those chosen by the biodiversity planner, implying that there might be 369 agglomeration benefits especially for species with ranges that cover multiple counties 370 (something we are not considering in this analysis; see e.g. Önal & Briers (2002)). These results 371 assume a budget for the RSS consistent with Ando et. al (1998), which is 14% of the total 372 necessary to conserve all G1G2 species; as we increase the budget the number of counties in the 373 RSS increases as does the overlap (see Figure SI-12). 374 375 Potential Efficiency Gains 376 377 Here we illustrate one possible way a national conservation organization might use ballot box 378 measures to utilize their budgets more efficiently. Specifically, we rerun for a range of budgets 379 the previous RSS (MCP) analysis assuming land in counties with prior successful referenda is 380 free (zero cost) to the central planner. 381 382 Figure 4 panel A illustrates the relationship between a national conservation group’s budget and 383 species (see Figure SI-9 for ES). The additional coverage, in terms of species, from taking into 384 account sites covered via prior successful referenda is substantial, especially at low budgets. For 385 example, if we focus on the base case budget, which is marked in the figure by the red dashed 386 line and based on updating budgeting assumptions used in Ando et al.’s (1998) top-down 387 planning study, we find that the base RSS budget could be reduced by 45% while still protecting 388 the same number of G1G2 species (horizontal green line in the Figure; 47% with ES). Looked at 389 another way, at the same budget level, the planner can protect 14% more G1G2 species (vertical 390 blue line; 12% more ES). 391 We also find that the location of conservation priorities change when accounting for the ancillary 392 benefits available from successful referenda in national scale conservation planning (see Fig. 4 393 panel B). For example, at the base budget, the national-scale planner omits 27 counties from the 13 394 optimal solution, 10 of which had past successful referenda but 17 of which did not. These 17 395 share species with counties protected by referenda and thus become a lower priority, as 396 evidenced for example, by the new RSS no longer selecting counties in peninsular Florida. With 397 the savings from not having to allocate funds to counties with past referenda, the planner adds 34 398 new counties to their optimal set. When comparing sets of species in the omitted and new 399 counties, we find that the planner substitutes toward counties that have a higher concentration of 400 species not in referenda sites. 401 402 403 Discussion 404 The purpose of this paper is to examine the potential for the direct democracy process to 405 contribute to biodiversity conservation in the United States. To our knowledge the ancillary 406 benefits of citizen-supported initiatives have yet to be considered in this light. The values local 407 residents derive from living near land set aside via referenda is analogous to the “human amenity 408 value” that Fuller et al. (2010) suggested could be incorporated into top-down planning objective 409 functions. Rather than requiring top-down planning to account for human amenity value though, 410 the referenda process in the United States allows local residents to express their support for 411 particular amenities and local biodiversity by voting in favor of conservation initiatives directly. 412 Therefore, unlike other processes outside the control of the top-down planner that may serve as a 413 source of inefficiency, such as political pressure (Pressey 1994; Margules & Pressey 2000), we 414 demonstrate that the direct democracy process might actually enhance the efficiency of 415 conservation budgets. 416 417 While we illustrate one way in which conservation planners might be able to interact more 418 systematically with the land vote process, our results also hint at other ways conservation 419 planners might be able to interact more systematically with the land vote process. For example, 420 a conservation organization may find it cost-effective to allocate resources to help referenda with 421 a low probability of occurrence but a relatively high predicted percent voting yes to get on the 422 ballot. Resources could also be allocated to help referenda already on the ballot pass. 423 14 424 425 To inform such efforts, organizations could investigate the role of demographic, political, 426 economic, and other factors in predicting the probability of referenda occurring and the percent 427 voting yes as a means to better inform the allocation of their resources. Some groups including 428 The Conservation Fund and The Trust for Public Land already have manuals regarding how to 429 support conservation through ballet measures (see SI for more detail). As an illustration of how 430 statistical models could enhance current conservation efforts, we estimated a probit regression to 431 predict the probability of referenda occurring and a log-odds regression to predict the percent 432 voting yes (see Table SI-1, Figure SI-2, Figure SI–3). Our results, for example, suggest that 433 counties with higher percentages of the population with at least a bachelor’s degree have larger 434 number of voters voting yes. Previous econometric work related to open space referenda has 435 identified additional characteristics of a jurisdiction associated with having and passing a 436 referendum using a variety of different models (Kline 2006; Kotchen & Powers 2006; Nelson et 437 al. 2007; Banzhaf et al. 2010; Wu & Cutter 2011). 438 439 Given the diversity of RSS approaches in the literature, we use our formulations as a benchmark 440 for comparison and as a representation of “idealized” top-down planning, and do not view our 441 results as offering a management prescription (see the SI for a discussion of various elements to 442 account for when choosing an RSS-set). Some recent advances in RSS literature, for example, 443 formulate a return on investment approach that combines multiple attributes, such as 444 vulnerability to development, land prices, spatial contiguity and/or complementarity benefits (see 445 e.g., Murdoch et al. (2007), Polasky (2008), Underwood et al. (2009), Murdoch et al. (2010), 446 and Withey et al. (2012)). While our benchmark considers only the role of land prices, our 447 analysis can be tailored by organizations to particular conservation objectives and datasets to 448 make management decisions. 449 450 A possible concern about the potential use of ballot box measures for conservation is the 451 presence of taxonomic bias in the species covered. In RSS planning efforts, for example, the 452 species to use as a surrogate for biodiversity and the weights used in the objective are chosen 453 based on the objectives of the conservation exercise (Margules & Pressey 2000). In our RSS 454 analysis, we give all species, regardless of their taxa, equal weight. To check for potential 15 455 mismatches between the set of species conserved in the two processes, we calculate the 456 percentage of each taxa-type covered in the RSS (base budget) and the ballot measures. Our 457 results suggest that any taxonomic bias may be small (~10% for plants and vertebrates, see 458 Figure SI-19) at least for county-level referenda. 459 460 In this paper, we focus on the potential role of county-level ballot initiatives. Further work 461 should integrate data on land set aside via municipal and state level initiatives and other 462 protected lands into RSS type planning exercises to get a more holistic view of all of the 463 conservation activities being undertaken in the U.S. A possible hypothesis for such an analysis 464 might be that the potential gains from ballot measures are lower, after taking into account all of 465 these other types of protection. In our efficiency gains experiment, for example, we do not 466 account for land held by Federal and state governments. Using information from the Protected 467 Area Database (US Geological Survey 2012), we test the robustness of our findings by 468 conducting auxiliary analysis with protected area data. We assume that species in a county are 469 covered if greater than 25% or 50% of the county land area is protected (achieves GAP 1 or GAP 470 2 status). We find there are still large efficiency gains available through consideration of the 471 land vote process. For example, the budget gains when holding the number of species constant 472 and when only considering land vote are ~45%, when only considering protected areas are 473 ~13%, and when both past referenda and protected areas are considered jointly are ~52%. (See 474 SI for additional details of the robustness check.) 475 476 We leave for future work incorporating complexities such as spatial configurations of reserves, 477 institutional arrangements such as partnering with local land trusts, and interactions between 478 conservation efforts such as attraction and repulsion of new reserves to current reserves and 479 crowding out by government (Albers et al. 2008a; Albers et al. 2008b; Parker & Thurman 2011). 480 We also do not consider the anti-growth/development ballot measures, which are the other side 481 of the coin to the land conservation referenda (see, e.g., Gerber & Phillips (2005)). 482 483 484 485 16 486 487 Acknowledgements 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 We thank Andrew Chua for research assistance; Lynn Kutner, Data Management Coordinator at NatureServe, for NatureServe species data; several colleagues, including Michael Bode, Martin Smith, Alex Pfaff, Chris Timmins, Susan Harrison, and Andy Sih, as well as four anonymous referees, for helpful comments and suggestions. Sanchirico acknowledges support from Agricultural Experimentation Station project CA-D-ESP-7853-H. Kroetz acknowledges support of the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville where she was a shortterm visitor. 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 17 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 References 1. Abbitt R.J.F., Scott J.M. & Wilcove D.S. (2000). The geography of vulnerability: incorporating species geography and human development patterns into conservation planning. Biological Conservation, 96, 169-175. 2. Albers H.J., Ando A.W. & Batz M. (2008a). Patterns of multi-agent land conservation: Crowding in/out, agglomeration, and policy. Resource and Energy Economics, 30, 492-508. 3. 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Ecological Economics, 70, 554-563. 21 710 711 Tables 712 Table 1: Summary statistics Median Levels Federal Endangered Species NatureServe G1G2 Species Median Household Income ($1,000s) Median Home Value ($1,000s) Percent in Poverty Percent Age > 65 Percent Age < 18 Percent No High School Degree Percent Bachelor's Degree Population Density Farmland Price per Acre 713 714 715 716 All counties 3 1 33.69 71.80 15.08 14.43 25.34 20.80 14.40 42.21 $1,668 No successful referenda 2 1 33.23 70.40 14.78 14.54 2534 21.10 14.10 39.73 $1,611 At least one successful referendum 4 3 48.66 140.00 26.96 11.38 25.06 13.80 28.50 435.82 $4,485 ES RSS 8 10 31.79 80.10 12.64 13.55 25.57 22.15 15.15 20.50 $1,183 G1G2 RSS 6 11 31.54 78.50 11.98 14.13 25.66 21.80 15.20 11.08 $763 Note: Counties are categorized according to whether the county has held at least one successful referendum from 1988-2006 and whether or not it was selected via RSS at the base budget that is ~14% of the amount needed to cover all G1G2 species and ~33% of the amount need to cover all ES species (see Methods and SI). 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 22 729 730 Figures 731 Figure 1: Comparison of counties with past successful referenda and optimal RSS with 732 G1G2 species. This figure shows the overlap between the counties with prior successful referenda between 1988 733 and 2006, and the results of the RSS algorithm. The RSS results are based on maximizing the number of G1G2 734 species covered subject to a budget. We use a base budget similar to that of Ando et al. (1998) but adjusted to 735 account for differences in the cost of farmland. The base budget represents ~14% of the total budget needed to 736 cover all G1G2 species (see Methods). 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 23 746 Figure 2: Relationship between G1G2 species covered and predicted probability of 747 referendum success. We calculate, for counties with a predicted probability of a successful referendum greater 748 than the threshold probability, the number of G1G2 species covered under two assumptions: (1) species covered by 749 counties with prior successful referenda are included in the count; and (2) species covered by counties with prior 750 successful referenda are not included in the count. 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 24 759 Figure 3: Comparison of counties predicted to have future successful referenda and our 760 benchmark (RSS using G1G2 species data and base budget). The figure shows an overlay of the 761 RSS results on the predicted probability of having a successful referendum, by percentile group, along with the 762 counties that have had successful referenda from 1988-2006. The probabilities of holding a successful referendum 763 associated with the percentile groups are as follows: 75th percentile (1% or less), 76th-80th (1-2%), 81st-85th (2- 764 3%), 86th-90th percentiles (3-5%), 91th-95th (5-13%), 95th-100th (13% or greater). 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 25 773 Figure 4: Efficiency gains for G1G2 species covered. We solve a series of RSS problems maximizing 774 the number of species covered, but varying the budget. In panel A, we plot the species covered for each budget 775 under two scenarios. In our Without Ballot Measures scenario, a site must be purchased to preserve it. In our With 776 Ballot Measures scenario species in sites with successful referenda from 1988-2006 are preserved for free and all 777 other sites must be purchased to be preserved. We present the species as a proportion of the total number of G1G2 778 species and the budget as a percentage of the total budget required to cover all G1G2 species. Panel B represents the 779 changes in the set of sites chosen by the RSS planner when the ballot measures are incorporated directly into the site 780 selection problem at the base budget. In particular, the map corresponds to the gains in species covered labeled in 781 panel A. 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 26 A. B. 803 27