Genetica 83: 9-16, 1990. 0 1990 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed 9 in the Netherlands. Evolution of a telomere associatedsatellite DNA sequencein the genome of Drosop?datristi and related species L. Bachmann, M. Raab & D. Sperlich LehrstuhlPopulationsgenetik, Fakultiitfir FRG Received 18.4.1990 Accepted in revised form Biologie, Universitiit Tiibingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 28, D-7400 Tiibingen, 4.9.1990 Abstract A highly repetitive satellite DNA sequence from the genome of Drosophila tristis with a length of 18 1 bp has been cloned in the pUC plasmid. The sequence hybridizes to the telomeres of all chromosomes but the Y ofD. tristis and produces a ladderlike hybridization pattern with filterbound genomic DNA of D. tristis digested with Eco RI or Pst I with the hybridization bands at fragment lengths in multiples of 181 bp. A similar pattern is found when the genomic DNA comes from D. ambigua or, though less clear, from D. microlabis. Additional bands appear in the zones of high fragment lengths, too. In D. obscura and D. kitumensis, however, the 181 bp sequence is found in fragments with a length of a few kb only. The 18 1 bp sequence is tandemly arranged in the genome of D. tristis and has a copy number of about 82,000 per haploid genome (i.e. 10 per cent of the total DNA). A sequence comparison among four independently cloned copies of the family from D. tristis and another homologous sequence from D. obscura, found by chance, shows a one to six per cent variation in basepair composition. However, low divergence (only one per cent) between two copies of D. tristis and between the one of D. obscura and one of D. tristis was observed, and high divergence (six per cent) between these two pairs. This is discussed and explained as the evolutionary consequence of an existing homogenization process by unequal crossing over. Introduction Satellite DNA is known to consist usually ofa number of highly repetitive DNA sequences which are typically arranged in large tandem arrays in the genome. With specific staining techniques and by chromosomal in situ hybridizations with satellite specific probes it could be shown that the bulk of satellite DNA corresponds with those regions of the chromosomes that correspond cytologically with heterochromatin which is mainly located in the centromeric but sometimes also in the telomeric regions of the chromosomes. Although it is still an open question, whether satellite DNA has any function for the organisms, a common organization pattern and some other common properties are visible when results from so different taxonomic groups as Primates (Musich et al., 1980) Rodents (Dod etal., 1989), Drosophila (Lohe & Brutlag, 1987 a, b; Bachmann et al., 1989), corn (Jones & Flavell, 1983), and other organisms are compared. It is specifically obvious that highly repetitive DNA can diverge drastically between closely related species with respect to sequence composition, number of copies and length of repetition units but is rather uniform in all respects intraspecifically. Amplification and homogenization events are regarded as the main forces determining the evolution of satellite DNA leading to the phenomenon of the so-called concerted evolution (Dover, 1982). Most of the investigations on satellite DNA evolution accomplished until today deal with sequences from the centromeric regions of the chromosomes. Only little is known about telomeric satellites. Jones and Flavell (1983) have described a number of different repetitive units of telomere associated sat- 10 ellites in rye and related species having a length of 120, 480 and 610 bp respectively. A 340 bp long sequence was found in the telomere regions of Chironomus chromosomes by Saiga and Edstrom (1985). More complex repetitive DNAs have been reported for some Drosophila species. A 3kb fragment was isolated by Rubin (1978) from the telomere regions of the chromosomes of D. melanogaster. Later, Staller-Young et al. (1983) sellected a 12 kb DNA fragment that hybridizes to the telomeres but also to the pheterochromatin of the chromosomes of D. melanogaster and related species. This fragment shows also partial homology with the 3 kb DNA fragment isolated by Rubin (1978). A similar behaviour, i.e. hybridization to telomeres and to the chromocenter, was observed for another sequence by Renkawitz-Pohl and Biolan (1984). All these sequences exist in the genome in moderately repetitive copy numbers and it was proposed by Staller-Young et al. (1983) that some of them contain different repetitive motives in a clustered and scrambled organization. This hypothesis concerning the general organization pattern has been also discussed by Felger and Sperlich (1989) who analysed the distribution of hybridization sites of various middle repetitive sequences ofD. subobscura. About thirty per cent of the different probes gave signals in the telomeric and centromeric regions of the chromosomes but were also detectable in the entire euchromatic parts of the chromosomes in a dispersed arrangement. Steinemann (1984) and Steinemann and Nauber (1986) observed that one of their cloned, moderately repetitive sequences hybridized exclusively to the telomeres of all chromosomes and additionally to a single euchromatic site of the neo-Y chromosome of D. miranda. They explain this with the assumption that the neo-Y of this species arose by an end to end fusion of two acrocentric chromosomes homologous to the Y-chromosome and to the III chromosome of D. pseudoobscura. from flies collected in Vienna by W. Pinsker. A line of D. microlabis and of D. kitumensis were provided by M. L. Cariou. D. guanche and the stock H 271 of D. subobscura were given to us by A. Prevosti. The D. melanogaster strain used was the Canton S strain. All lines have been kept at least for some time in the laboratory before they were used for the experiments described here. Isolation and cloning of highly repetitive DNA Total genomic DNA of adult Drosophila flies was extracted following the protocol of Preiss et al. (1988). Highly repetitive DNA was isolated from restriction satellite DNA bands appearing after polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis of Eco RI or Pst I digested genomic DNA. Restriction fragments were recovered by overnight incubation of small pieces of the gel containing the satellite bands in 500 mM NaAc; 1mM EDTA and ligated into the plasmid pUC 19 according to King and Blakesley (1986). Cells of E. coli JM 103 were transformed with the recombinant plasmids and selected using the blue-white colour system of the /3-galactosidase reaction (Davis et al., 1986). Hybridization of labelled probes to filterbound DNA Labelling of probe DNA, hybridization to lilterbound DNA and detection of the hybridization signals were performed using the ‘DIG DNA Labelling and Detection Kit nonradioactive’ (Boehringer: No. 109 36 57), as described in the manual, or according to standard protocols (Davis et al., 1986) when 32P-labelled probes were used. DNA was transferred to nitrocellulose or Hybond N (Amersham) membranes by the procedure of Southern (1975). In situ hybridization Material and methods Drosophila strains The strains of D. tristis and D. obscura were derived from flies collected in Tubingen, that of D. ambigua Preparation of mitotic chromosomes and in situ hybridization were carried out as described by Bachmann et al. (1989). 11 DNA sequencing CsCZ-density gradients Plasmid DNA was prepared according to the manual of ‘Diagen Plasmid Kit Hi-purity’ (Diagen: No 41014). Sequencing was carried out as described in the instruction of ‘T7 Sequencing Kit’ (Pharmacia: No. 27-1682-01). 50 to 100 kg of genomic DNA was centrifuged in a CsCl solution, adjusted to a refraction index of 1.398 for 48h at 42,000 rpm using a TI 50 rotor (Beckman). The gradient wascollected in 3.5fractions by an ISCOfractionizer and the DNA concentration recorded photometrically at h = 253 nm. The gradients containing 0.85 pg Hoechst 33258/pg DNA (Manuelidis, 1977) were prepared to achieve a better resolution. They were treated otherwise in the same way as described above. Estimation of copy number of satellite DNA Defined concentrations of genomic DNA and purified cloned satellite DNA were blotted on a Hybond N (Amersham) membrane by means of a Schleicher and Schuell Minifold II apparatus. 32Plabelled (Feinberg & Vogelstein, 1983) satellite DNA, was hybridized to these filters and autoradiographed. It was assumed that spots of the same intensity contain also the same amount of homologous satellite DNA. The validity of this method was confirmed by measuring and comparing the bound radioactivity quantitatively in the scintillation counter. With both methods it is only possible to determine the relative proportion of a sequence in the genome. For the calculation of absolute copy numbers it is necessary to know the size of the total genome. For D. t&is a genome size in the magnitude of that of D. melanogaster was assumed, i.e. 150 X lo6 bp. Results As can be seen from Figure 1, showing the results of buoyant density centrifugation of genomic DNA of D. tristis in a standard CsCl-density gradient (Fig. la) and in a Hoechst 33258 CsCl-density gradient (Fig. lb), no satellite DNA can be separated from the mainband DNA under either condition. If there is any satellite DNA in the genome of D. tristis it must be cryptic. Yet, a prominent restriction satellite can be detected if genomic DNA of D. tristis is digested with the restriction endonucleases Eco RI, Pst I, Hae III or Sau 3A respectively and separated electrophoretically in agarose gels or, giving even more conspicous b c & 5 t ZQ 0 A buoyant density Fig. 1. Distribution of fragments addition of Hoechst 33258 (b). of different buoyant buoyant density densities of genomic DNA of D. fristis in a C&I-density gradient without (a) or with 12 fragment bands, in polyacrylamide gels. To find out, whether the basic band with approximately 180 bp fragments is really formed by a class of satellite DNA units, this fraction wascloned into the pUC 19 plasmid (see Material and methods). Four of the clones obtained (pTET 181/l to 4) were choosen for further analysis. All the four recombinant plasmids carried a 18 1 bp Eco RI insert and were derived independently from Eco RI digested DNA of D. t&is. The plasmids pTET 181/l-4 were first used for hybridization to filterbound genomic DNA of D. tristis digested with the restriction enzymes Eco RI or Pst I. The pattern achieved is depicted in Figure 2. The typical satellite ‘ladder’ with signals of decreasing intensity at 18 1,362,543,724 bp, and so on fragment lengths is a proof that the satellite is composed of a 181 -724 bp -543 bp -362 bp -181 bp Fig. 2. Hybridization of Digoxigenin labelled DNA from the clone pTET 181/l to filterbound genomic DNA of D. tristis digested with Eco RI. Moderate stringency conditions (65°C 0.2 X SSPE). Fig. 3. In situ hybridization of the cloned sequence pTET mitotic chromosomes of D. tristis. 18 I to the bp long basic unit that is tandemly arranged in the genome and that it posessesa single restriction site for Eco RI or Pst I at most. Variability with respect to presence or absence of the proper restriction site (or uncomplete digestion) will result in the production of monomeric, dimeric, trimeric fragments (and so on) giving a ladderlike hybridization pattern. The fact that each of the four clones hybridizes in the same way is in accordance with the assumption that all four clones are members of the same satellite family. The cytological location of the 18 1 bp satellite was determined by means of in situ-hybridization of the cloned DNA to the mitotic chromosomes ofD. t&is. As can be seen from Figure 3 strong signals appear in the telomeric regions of all chromosomes but the Y, which have been already previously known to show a large heterochromatic block at telomeres that can be made visible by the staining technique of C-banding (Raab, unpubl.). Hybridization of labelled pTET 181/l DNA to filterbound Eco RI and Pst I digested genomic DNAs of the related Drosophila species D. ambigua. D. obscura, D. microlabis, D. kitumensis, D. subobscura, D. guanche, and D. melanogaster, the latter not belonging to the D. obscura group, gives almost no cross-hybridization at high stringency conditions with exception of D. ambigua, for which a ladder of the same shape appears as in D. tristis but with considerably lower intensity. At very low stringency conditions the ladder becomes a smear in D. ambigua and a 13 12345676 - 5.4 kb _ - 3.35 3.1 kb kb Fig. 4. Hybridization of Digoxigenin labelled DNA from the clone pTET 181/l tofilterboundgenomic DNA ofD. kirumensis(lanes 1 & 5), D. micro(nbis (lanes 2 & 6), D. obscure (lanes 3 & 7) and D. ambigua (lanes 4 & 8). Low stringency conditions (60°C, 2 X SSPE). similar but less pronounced signal can be detected in D. microlabis (see Fig. 4). No comparable hybridiza- tion is visible with the DNA of any of the other species listed above (only D. kitumensisand D. obscura are shown in Fig. 4). Yet, another somewhat unexpected and additional group of bands emerges in the DNA of the species of Figure 4. A group of two bands at 3.35 kb and 3.1 kb respectively is present in all the four lanes of Figure 3 and a clear band at 5,4 kb in D. ambigua and somewhat longer in D. obscura independent from the restriction enzyme used (Eco RI or Pst I). This indicates the existence of rather long fragments that contain the 18 1 bp sequences or at least a part of them. It is probable from the pattern that these fragments are not comprised from large tandem repeats of the 181 bp subunits that have lost their Eco RI as well as the Pst I restriction site but that they are more complex clusters in which only a part of the sequence, having no Eco RI and Pst I restriction sites, is present. In conclusion it can be assumed that the 18 1 bp sequence of the pTET 181 clones exists in the genome of D. tristis in a very high copy number but in that of D. ambigua in a comperatively lower and in that of D. microlabis still lower amplification stage. It can be seen from Figure 5 that, using the same hybridization solution, the signal intensity of about 2 ng pTET 18 l/l corresponds to the signal of somewhat less than 25 ng of genomic DNA of D. tristis. That means that roughly 10 per cent of genomic DNA is made up by copies of the pTET 18 1 bp sequence. If the entire haploid genome contains 150 X lo6 bp then there must exist about 82,000 copies of this sequence in the haploid genome of D. tristis. To learn more about the character and especially about the intraspecific variability of the 181 bp subunits the clones pTET/l, pTET/2, pTET/3, and pTETM were sequenced (Fig. 6). When the sequences were available it became obvious that another Pst I clone existed in our collection which has not only exactly the same size of 18 1 bp but also an extremely high degree of homology with the pTET 181 clones. This clone comes from D. obscuraand its sequence has been aligned to the pTET 181 sequences and is also shown in the Figure 6. As can be seen the sequences are neither significantly AT- (58.3%) nor GC-rich (41.7%) and the satellite composed by this sequence must be included in the main band DNA as a cryptic satellite in the CsCldensity gradient (see Fig. 1). Further, the independent copies are not identical among each other indicating that some variability among copies exists. The degree of divergence between the copies can be expressed by per cent base pair differences. The values are given in Table 1. The smallest divergence is found between pTET 18 l/l and pTET 181/4 and between pTET 18 l/2 and the obscura clone pOPT 18 1, while pTET 18l/3 is rather distant to either similar pairs. This internal existence of clusters or subfamilies of similar copies might be interpreted as the result of evolution by inhomologous crossing over. B A 13405 3229 6730 2273 3720 1089 1478 681 730 346 402 124 a Fig, 5. Hybridization experiment for the determination of the copy number of the pTET 18 1 fragment in the genome of D. trisris. Genomic DNA was blotted in amounts of 250,125,62.5,25,12.5, and 6.25 ng (A)andcloned satellite DNA in amounts of 10,5,2,1,0.5, andO. 1 rig(B) on a Hybond N membrane. The filter was hybridized with “P-labelled pTET 181/I DNA (a). The radioactivity of the various hybridization bands was measured additionally in the scintillation counter. The corresponding counts per minute (cpm) are listed in b. 10 20 40 30 50 60 70 pTET 181/l GAATTCCAAT TCGCATTTTG ATTGTGGTGT TGCGGATATG GATTGCAGAT TATTGTGCCA TATATACATT pTET 181/Z ------A--- C---m----- ---A----A- --e----T/,- A--------- ____------ _____----- pTET 181/3 ------____ -------m-T --------A- -------T/C,- A--------- ______-_-- ______---- pTET 181/4 -----___-- ------e--T ______---- _____----- _____----- _______--- _______--- pOPT 181 ------A--- C--------s ---A----A- -------TA- A--------- __________ __________ 100 110 60 50 80 TTGCAGCAGG 80 70 100 90 ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- pTET 181/3 __----____ -_________ -------m-G __________ -_________ __________ -_________ pTET 181/4 ---------- ---------- -------m-G __-_______ _----_____ __-----___ ____------ pOPT 181 -----_____ --T-----v- -------e-G __________ __________ -_________ ---_______ 150 160 170 180 160 170 181/l AGGGCATATT AAACTGCAAT CTTGATCCCA AATTTCAATC G pTET 181/2 _____----- ___------- -___------ -----G---m _ pTET 181/3 ---------- ---------- ---------- ------____ _ pTET 181/4 ---------_ ---------- -----cm--- --------__ _ pOPT 181 _____----- _________10 -_________ 30 CTATGCCTGC 180 pTET 20 ATATATGTCG 140 181/2 150 TGTCGCCAGA 130 pTET 140 CCAGGAAATG 120 181/l 130 CTAGGGCCTT 110 pTET 120 AGATAGGTGG 90 -----G---m _ 40 Fis. 6. Base pair sequences of the four cloned copies of the 18 1 bp satellite sequence pTET of D. obscura. 18 l/l to 4 and a homologous sequence of pOPT 18 I 15 Fig. 1. Base pair divergence between the cloned copies pTET 181/l-4 of D. rristis and pOPT 181 of D. ohcura in per cent. pTET pTET pTET pTET 181/l 181/2 181/3 181/4 pTET 181/l pTET 181/2 pTET 181/3 pTET 181/4 pOPT 181 - 4.40 3.30 3.30 1.66 6.10 2.80 5.50 1.10 3.30 6.10 Discussion The cloned satellite DNA sequences pTET/l-4 represent a family of a tandemly arranged telomere associated 181 bp satellite-DNA of D. tristis. It could be shown for this species that the copies of the family are located at the telomeres of all chromosomes, but the Y, and that they are species specifically amplified to a very high copy number of roughly 82,000 per haploid genome. This high degree of amplification can be regarded as characteristic for D. tristis although homologous sequences could be detected in other species, too. A length of 181 bp as the repetition unit of this telomeric satellite DNA is identical in length with that of the basic unit of a satellite DNA located in the centromeres of D. tristis. It is, however, not homologous to the centromeric satellite DNA sequence (Bachmann, in prep.). This observation supports the hypothesis of John et al. (1986), that particular repeat families are restricted to specific heterochromatic regions, i.e. either to proximal or to distal chromosome regions, but not to both. Yet, the correspondence of the telomeric and centromeric repeat families with respect to sequence length could be interpreted, if not assumed as a random coincidence, as due to the mechanism of amplification. It may be supposed that the homogenization events on repetitive units is size dependent in the same way in centromeric and telomeric regions but otherwise independent of the actual nucleotide sequence that is amplificated and homogenized. If this hypothesis would be true this mechanism should be assumed to be more precise at the telomeres than at the centromeres, since the variability between the cloned telomeric repeats pTET 181/l-4 is pretty low, on average 3,75% (see Table l), compared to centromeric repeats. E.g., for a 290 bp centromeric satellite DNA of D. guanche the average variability proved 11.6% (Bachmann et al., 1989) and it is of similar magnitude for the 181 bp centromeric repeats of D. tristis (Bachmann, in prep.). Following the idea that the homogenization mechanism is always the same, the differences in the observed average variability between copies indicate most probably a difference in the frequency of recombination between telomeric and centromeric repetitive DNA sequences. Another explanation would be that strong selection is effective specifically on the pTET 181 bp repeat family. This assumption is supported by the high degree of homology between pTET 18111-4 from D. tristis and pOPT 181 from D. obscura. Hybridization of pTET to lilterbound genomic DNAs of D. ambigua, D. obscura, D. microlabis, D. kitumensis and also of D. tristis detected repetitive DNAs homologous to pTET 181 repeats but of a length of several kb. Perhaps, these moderately repetitive sequences could represent in anology to the long telomeric repetitive DNAs described for D. melanogaster (Rubin, 1978) and D. miranda (Steinemann, 1984) an ancient type of telomeric repetitive DNA, which was partially amplified in the species listed above to the pTET 181 repeat family. Acknowledgement The work was supported by the grant Sp 14616 of ‘Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft’. We are extremely grateful to Dr. Cariou for giving us the strains of D. kitumensis and D. microlabis. 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