Math 1320 - Lab 14 Name:

Math 1320 - Lab 14
Today we are going to play two games for 25 minutes each: pictionary with words/phrases/concepts
we have encountered in the overall course thus far and a game related to partial derivatives.
Grades for the assignment are based on active participation.
Break into teams of 2-4 players. The rules of the game are as follows:
• There will be six groups of phrases - one corresponding to each chapter we have covered
in the class (6-11).
• One team will have control of the board and a player from that team will roll a die. Add
5 to the value of the roll to determine the chapter from which you draw a phrase.
• The player will then have one minute to draw pictures that represent the picked word/phrase.
No numbers,letters, mathematical symbols/notation are allowed. Everyone begins to guess
the word/phrase that is being illustrated.
• If their teammates guess the phrase first then that team gets credit for completing the
corresponding chapter and retains control of the board. A new player goes to the board
to draw.
• If a player from another team guesses the word/phrase first then they get control of the
board (but no point).
• If no player guesses the word phrase before a minute has passed, (or if the player drawing
uses numbers, letters or mathematical notation), control of the board goes to the next
team in a counterclockwise manner.
• Once a word has been used, it may not be used again.
• Players need to take turns drawing at the board. All team members must draw once before
someone can draw a second time; everyone must draw twice before someone can draw a
third time, and so on.
• The team completes the requirements for each chapter first wins. Have fun!
Spot-it Partial Derivatives
Find a partner/nemesis or two to play against. Each group will get a set of cards to play with.
• Play begins by flipping over two cards. Each card has 4 objects in some combination of
functions, partial derivatives, gradients, or directional derivatives.
• Between any
in common.
the other; or
gradient of f
pair of cards there is only one pair of objects on each card with a function
It could be the function on one card and its partial with respect to x on
it could be the partial of function f with respect to x on one card and the
on the other.
• The first person to correctly identify this pairing gets a point.
• Flip over two new cards and resume play.
• Player with the most points wins. Have fun!