GEOPHYSICAL METHODS Originally appreared in: January 2007 issue, pgs 47–52. Posted with permission. Passive low frequency spectral analysis: Exploring a new field in geophysics This pathfinder/DHI technique is under rapid development and uptake for exploration. René Graf, Spectraseis Technologie AG, Zurich; Dr. Stefan M. Schmalholz, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich; Dr. Yuri Podladchikov, University of Oslo; Dr. Erik H. Saenger, Freie Universität Berlin Amplitude, arbitrary units In 2003, a group of scientists in Swit- Hz as noise, and for good reason: conven- A strong scientific team, substantial rezerland set out to answer some intriguing tional geophones are insensitive in this do- search funding and the support of credquestions with implications for the way main and little useful data can be expected. ible operating partners would also be reoil and gas reserves are discovered and As one geologist put it, “All my career I’ve quired. All of this came at a time when produced. Research conducted by Dr. been fighting noise. Now you want me to investment in geophysical services, not Stefan Dangel at the University of Zur- believe the noise is information?” to mention funding for technology startich had highlighted a strong and consisYet, low-frequency waves are less sus- ups, was at a low ebb. tent empirical relationship between low- ceptible to many of the problems that With barely a scent of the present exfrequency spectral anomalies in seismic plague conventional seismic and electro- ploration boom in the air, Spectraseis Techbackground wavefields and geological magnetic methods, particularly in areas nology Inc. was founded in early 2003 to characteristics of a collection of reservoirs, with poor seismic response or obstacles begin the task of acquiring low-frequency mainly in the Middle East. Similar ob- such as thick basalt or conglomerate lay- seismic data and to develop industrial servations have also been reported in the ers. Successful unraveling of these pat- applications as the research progressed. Russian literature since the early 1990s. terns observed in the sub-10-Hz domain Promising early work with Petrobras in Dangel’s research was robust by any would be a valuable new contribution to Brazil and a Shell affiliate in Austria drew standard, but focused on one feature in exploration geophysics. Swiss government funding for a dedicated particular: curious amplitude peaks clusA high-quality effort would need to research group at ETH Zurich. An intered around 3 Hz in surface velocity data acquire new, high-quality datasets and vestment by the new technology ventures measured above hydrocarbon reservoirs.1 tackle the physical mechanisms behind group of Norsk Hydro in 2005 helped to The possibility of a universal hydrocar- these “hydrocarbon micro-tremors” that accelerate and expand the development of bon-indicator, while attention-grabbing, Dangel1 and others2,3,4,5 have found. commercial acquisition systems and data did not sit well with the realprocessing software. world complexities that the Today, with a research and 3.0 industry confronts day-to-day. development team of 10 sciNot above oil reservoir Moreover, the reasons for such entists and commercial land Above oil reservoir features were left largely open. surveys planned or in progress 2.5 The question was whether with Petrobras in Brazil, Pemex Dangel’s research pointed more in Mexico, Norsk Hydro in 2.0 generally to coherent patterns Libya and KOC in the Arabian in low-frequency background Peninsula, it is evident that 1.5 waves. If so, could these be dilow-frequency analysis will be rectly related to reservoirs and part of the exploration and res1.0 other subsurface structures in ervoir characterization toolkit a way that would provide new of the future. The questions data for exploration and pronow are which applications 0.5 duction decisions? will prove most useful and how An accumulating body of quickly the rest of the industry 0.0 knowledge in the earth science will embrace them. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Frequency, Hz world suggested this might be the case, but the subject had HYDROCARBON never been seriously tackled Fig. 1. Data from a survey in Brazil showing consistent MICROTREMORS with an eye on oil and gas. The anomalies in the Fourier spectra of surface velocities, The starting point for our within and outside the boundaries of a known oil seismic industry systematically measured work has been the empirical reservoir. disregards seismic data below 10 observations of Dangel, et al.,1 JANUARY 2007 World Oil GEOPHYSICAL METHODS and since then, augmented with larger scale surveys. More than 20 studies at different oil and gas fields around the world have shown characteristic spectral anomalies with a high degree of correlation to the location and geometry of hydrocarbon reservoirs.1,2,3,4,5,6 The studies focus on passive seismic data in the 1- to 10-Hz frequency range, acquired using high-sensitivity broadband seismometers instead of conventional geophones. The key observation is that modifications of the seismic background spectrum are different for interactions with geological structures containing hydrocarbon-filled pores compared to interactions with similar structures containing water only. In other words, “hydrocarbon tremors” may be viewed as a frequency dependent “scattering” of the incoming background waves. Subsurface structures, such as hydrocarbon reservoirs, generate characteristic patterns in the Fourier spectra of surface velocities, Fig. 1. The assessment of subsurface structures by analyzing the Fourier spectra of surface velocities is in line with an increasing number of methods that investigate ambient seismic waves to get information about subsurface structures. For example, earthquake hazards for buildings are assessed in this way, by deriving site-specific amplification factors (micro-zonation) for incoming earthquake waves. Power spectral density, (cm sec)2 Hz DATA ACQUISITION Passive low-frequency surveying, as the name implies, relies on ambient seis- mic waves, a continuous natural wave field found with varying amplitudes at every location on earth.7 The main driving force for these waves are believed to be the ever-present ocean waves. They have a peak around 0.2 Hz, as can be seen in Fig. 2. As with other passive methods, lowfrequency surveys enjoy significant environmental, logistical and cost advantages over conventional active seismic and electromagnetic methods that require a powerful artificial source. They also have an inherently low health-and-safety risk profile. Spectraseis’ proprietary approach, dubbed HyMAS, uses ultra-sensitive, portable 3C broadband seismometers to acquire complex data, which can be filtered to separate artificial and surfacegenerated signals from spectral patterns related to subsurface structures. The instruments are installed in shallow holes about 0.5-m deep for weather shielding and to improve coupling, Fig. 3. Others have experimented with different equipment. A low-frequency survey led by Shell in Saudi Arabia’s Rub Al-Kali Desert employed amplified 3C, 4.5-Hz geophones, surface deployed and equipped with a low-noise amplifier to increase sensitivity and integrate passive recordings within a conventional 2D seismic acquisition workflow.8 Ideally, a grid layout is used with node spacing ranging from 250 to 1,000 m. Several monitoring stations are installed for the duration of the entire survey. The crew moves the recording stations from point to point, leaving them at a given location to measure and record between 3 and 24 hours, depending on local noise conditions (high cultural/industrial noise levels require longer measuring times), Fig. 4. Quality control is applied in the field. Data points must meet certain specifications. An efficiently managed survey of 100 sq km can be acquired by a crew of 20 to 30 people in about 30 days. This is significantly faster than the acquisition of active seismic data. Specialized data management software and field stations launched by Spectraseis in 2006 have moved low-frequency surveys from the realm of scientific experiments to a tightly controlled and highly scalable commercial operation. What does this mean for an operator? Low-frequency data can be acquired, processed, interpreted and used in decision-making in as little as 10% of the time needed to acquire and process a conventional seismic survey. CAUSES OF 1 TO 10 HZ SPECTRAL ANOMALIES It has been established in many parts of the world that coherent patterns relating to oil and gas reservoirs exist in the low-frequency domain. Identifying the underlying physical mechanisms of these so-called Direct Hydrocarbon Indicators (DHIs) is the key challenge for us as researchers. Success will enable us to perform more realistic numerical simulations and sensitivity studies. Three candidates are described below and illustrated in Fig. 5. 10-8 10-10 Noisy 10-12 Quiet 10-14 10-16 0.001 0.01 0.1 1.0 Frequency, Hz 10 100 Fig. 2. A survey of seismic stations worldwide shows that seismic background waves vary in amplitude but are continuously present. The so-called “ocean wave peak” is seen around 0.2 Hz. Source: Aki, K., Richards, P.G., Quantitative Seismology: Theory and Methods. Freeman 1980. Fig. 3. A portable broadband seismic station installed at a Pemex field in the Burgos basin, Mexico. JANUARY 2007 World Oil Standing wave resonance. frequency dependence of the This occurs on a macro-scale, reflection coefficient. where characteristic maxima are generated due to reflections beResonant amplification. tween the reservoir and the surResonant amplification effects face, and within the reservoir, of ambient seismic waves are caused by complex impedance also promising candidates for contrast due to the reservoir. explaining hydrocarbon miWhen seismic waves propagate cro-scale tremor signals. These from one medium into another effects will behave like a driven medium with different complex source and they are supported impedance, then a part of the by the following observations1: wave is reflected. The charac1. An often narrow-freteristic two-way travel time, or quency range of the signal resonance frequency, between (1.5–4Hz) the Earth’s surface and the bot2. The mean absolute powtom of a low-velocity surface er of the hydrocarbon tremor layer or the top of a reservoir, depends on the level of the engenerates characteristic spectral Fig. 4. A survey layout for Norsk Hydro over a field in Libya vironmental noise anomalies. Importantly, the ef- includes monitoring stations, a 1,000-m grid and two densely3. The power of the signal fective impedance contrast can spaced line profiles for the non-permanent stations. is proportional to the total hybe enhanced or solely generated drocarbon-bearing layer thickby high attenuation in reservoir ness of the reservoir rocks.9 We study spectral anomalies gener- the dominant mechanism between 1 4. 3C recordings show a trough inated by standing wave resonance for elastic and 10 Hz is the so-called patchy satu- stead of a peak in the H/V-ratio and poroelastic media. ration model.12,13,14 We study patchy 5. Investigations on the wave-field saturation effects within the reservoir propagation directions (using a direcSelective attenuation. Characteristic to determine under what conditions a tionally sensitive sensor setup) showed minima are due to frequency-dependent selective, frequency-dependent attenu- that the signals causing the anomaly attenuation within the reservoir. Fre- ation could generate spectral anomalies originate from the reservoir direction. quency-dependent reflections take place similar to the observed hydrocarbon miDirect numerical simulations using if the seismic waves hit a layer with dif- crotremor signal. Navier-Stokes equations show that pores, fusive attenuation properties or if waves Wave attenuation on the small-res- which are partially saturated with oil and propagate from an elastic into a poroelas- ervoir scale will be approximated by an gas, exhibit a resonance frequency. This tic medium.9,10 There exist several physi- effective model, capturing the essentials resonance mechanism can be approximatcal models to describe the attenuation of of wave attenuation and dispersion, at ed by a damped-oscillator model. Dependseismic waves due to wave-induced po- the larger scale (top 10 km) to evaluate ing on pore geometry, the oscillator modrous fluid flow.11 These models describe the transfer of the spectral anomalies to- els are either linear or nonlinear.15 Similar wave attenuation on different spatial and ward the Earth’s surface. We particularly resonance effects have been described for temporal scales. focus on the differences between gas and capillary trapped oil blobs.16,17 A model that presumably describes oil pore-fill and the consequences on the We couple the oscillator model to a ��������� ��������������� �������������������������� ������������������������� ������������������������� ��������� ���������������� ��������� ������������� ���������� ���������� ����� ��������� �������� ��������� ��������� ��������� �������� ��������� �������� ��������� Fig. 5. Three possible mechanisms that generate DHIs in the background spectrum: standing wave resonance, selective attenuation, resonant amplification. JANUARY 2007 World Oil World Oil JANUARY 2007 3 GEOPHYSICAL METHODS Data storage Normalization Signal cleaning Calibration Analysis Mapping QC and management e.g. time and frequency filtering Final values Homogenization Information consistency Hydrocarbon potential and thickness Point data QC Raw data Processing sensor MDA Point data analysis Interpretation Outputs maps Reporting Dataset analysis Templates Central database Information archiving for 4D Fig. 6. RIO’s integrated workflow automates many processing functions and has drastically cut the turnaround time and strengthened quality control for low-frequency data sets. one-dimensional wave propagation equation and study under what conditions the resonance of the oil-filled pores is activated, and under what conditions the resonance frequency can be measured at the surface. In particular, we investigate the coupling between the porous reservoir material and the ambient rock material, and the subsequent propagation of the resonant waves to the Earth surface. An alternative explanation of the mechanism is the so-called “drop-bubble model”, which considers non-equilibrium phase transitions in hydrocarbon reservoirs.5 DATA PROCESSING AND INTERPRETATION The aim of processing the data is to remove or attenuate all signals that are not related to subsurface structures—mainly surface noise, generated by road traffic, industrial activities, wind and rain—and to correct the dataset for inter-temporal and near-surface geology-related variations. For this purpose, a proprietary toolbox has been developed that encompasses data storage, data management and data-selection routines. A range of techniques can be applied to the selected data encompassing time domain, frequency domain and combined temporal-spectral analysis. The company’s processing software suite, called RIO (Fig. 6), contains more than fifty processing and analysis routines, Fig. 7. A mapping tool for multi-attribute and geostatistical interpretation of low-frequency passive seismic data. several of which are the subject of key patent applications. One recently developed, patent-pending technique applies an innovative auto-normalization method to resolve signal variations over time. Processing has been largely automated so that relatively simple cases can be processed with a minimum of human interaction. More difficult problems still need an experienced analyst to solve them. Overall, the RIO software package has drastically reduced the turn-around time for data sets and strengthened qual- ity control by moving stable processes from the test bench to a well structured and controlled workflow. The company has also developed a specialized mapping and geostatistical program for interpretation, which it will be providing to survey customers under a limited license, Fig. 7. It allows an efficient interpretation of low-frequency survey results. The low-frequency data can be easily and interactively overlaid with other geological and geophysical information, i.e., seismic contour maps, fault maps, etc. In addition, a variety of mathematical operators for multi-attribute cross-correlation can be applied. The program also allows a visual inspection of various data sets. Fig. 8. The maximal value of the V/H ratio within the 1- to 6-Hz range for each sensor is shown over the southern part of a fully explored reservoir in Voitsdorf, Austria. This alternative to the standard H/V technique is an additional, proprietary attribute for microtremor hydrocarbon detection. JANUARY 2007 World Oil APPLICATIONS Low-frequency data can be applied in exploration, field appraisal and production. It is an additional tool to reduce the risk of drilling a dry hole by providing a DHI. It should not be viewed as a stand-alone tool, as it cannot provide the detailed geometrical information necessary for planning wells. This new passive technique is particularly efficient for exploration. It allows large exploration areas to be screened quickly and at a low cost to identify areas with a high hydrocarbon potential. More expensive 3D seismic can then be limited to these high-potential areas. This saves time and money and can significantly shorten the time span from exploration to production. The technique is also suitable to identify stratigraphic traps that are normally not mappable on 2D- or 3D-seismic data, an increasingly important application as the oil industry runs out of classical structural traps. Another interesting area of application is in deep offshore exploration, where large fields are still expected to be found. 3D seismic normally cannot identify whether mapped structures contain hydrocarbons. The new method can. CASE STUDIES The volume of data supporting lowfrequency spectral analysis is now accumulating rapidly. At least nine new surveys will be completed in the first half of 2007, which will more than double the volume of data available for further research. While the usual limitations on disclosure of customer data have constrained the number of published case studies, two can be mentioned here. Petrobras Mossoro. A 100 sq km blind test for Petrobras in 2004, covering a known complex producing field in the Potiguar basin in northeastern Brazil, clearly identified two, and partly revealed the third, producing zones within the block. The results also showed a strong positive correlation between signal amplitudes and oil column thickness measured by eight logged wells. Subsequent surface corrections and reprocessing, using newly developed 2006 processing techniques, resolved the discrepancy with respect to the third area. Further surveys starting this month in the same region will provide a comprehensive set of new results. RAG Voitsdorf. An experimental survey in collaboration with Shell-affiliate RAG in Austria correctly predicted the company’s first successful oil well in ten years. Data from an exploration target was calibrated with the results from an existing producing area some 5 km to the north. The results (Fig. 8) indicated that an oil column at least twice as thick as the 15-m payzone of the northern field could be expected from the alreadyplanned exploration well, and in fact, some 32 m of pay was logged. A number of major operators have also reported encouraging results from experimental surveys focusing on low frequen- cies, including Kuwait Oil Co. (KOC) and ADCO in the Middle East.2,4 New studies from surveys in Mexico and Libya should be released in the near future, supported by both seismic and drilling results. Field development and reservoir characterization applications are the focus of a five-year technical co-operation agreement recently signed with KOC. 6 7 8 9 10 11 OUTLOOK 2007 promises to be a breakthrough year for the development of both our scientific understanding of low-frequency behavior and interest in commercial applications of passive seismic techniques. An EAGE workshop on passive seismic methods and applications held in Dubai from December 10–14 attracted some 120 professionals from various oil companies and contractors. Developments in the next six months will include a groundbreaking marine trial in the North Sea, in collaboration with Norsk Hydro and Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego. The marine survey will use recoverable ocean bottom sensors deployed over a proven non-producing field on the Norwegian Shelf. Our scientific strategy is to use wellestablished and state-of-the-art theories and tools—including data analysis, normal-mode analysis, poroelastic theory, attenuation, inversion, and numerical modeling—to evaluate and tune the technique to particular campaigns, to improve methods for finding oil and gas. Results of this research will be used to incrementally improve the data processing work flow. Although many important questions have now been answered, others remain and will no doubt be the subject of research and debate for some years to come. The challenge for low-frequency spectral analysis, as for any new geophysical technology, will be to mature and establish the method’s technical limits while channeling development efforts toward applications with the highest payoff for the industry. 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He has more than 30 years of oil and gas industry experience at Shell International and as managing partner of PROSEIS, an integrated geological and geophysical consulting firm. He holds a MSc in geophsysics from ETH Zurich. Dr. Stefan M. Schmalholz is a senior research scientist and lecturer at the Geological Institute of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich, Switzerland. stefan.schmalholz@erdw. Dr. Yuri Podladchikov is a professor and PGP Division lead at Norway’s Center of Excellence for the Physics of Geological Processes at the University of Oslo, Norway and a senior consulting scientist with Spectraseis Technology Inc. Dr. Erik H. Saenger is a senior research scientist and lecturer in geophysics at Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. saenger@geophysik. Printed in U.S.A. .