ELECTRICITY MARKET DESIGN: Coordination, Pricing and Incentives William W. Hogan Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government John F. Kennedy School of Government Harvard University Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138 ERCOT Energized Conference Austin, TX May 2, 2008 ELECTRICITY MARKET Electricity Restructuring The case of electricity restructuring presents examples of fundamental problems that challenge regulation of markets. • Marriage of Engineering and Economics. o Loop Flow. o Reliability Requirements. o Incentives and Equilibrium. • Devilish Details. o Retail and Wholesale Electricity Systems. o Market Power Mitigation. o Coordination for Competition. • Jurisdictional Disputes. o US State vs. Federal Regulators. o European Subsidiarity Principle. 1 ELECTRICITY MARKET Energy Market Pricing Consider three cases of interest that present difficult challenges for regulators. A focus on pricing illustrates an important thread of modeling and analysis. Constrained optimization provides a central organizing framework. • Design Framework: “Locational Marginal Pricing” LMP. Bid-based, security constrained economic dispatch. • Design Implementation: Scarcity Pricing Better scarcity pricing to support resource adequacy. • Design Limitation: Uplift Payments Unit commitment and lumpy decisions. Coordination and bid guarantees. 2 ELECTRICITY MARKET Transmission Management Defining and managing transmission usage is a principal challenge in electricity markets. Transmission Capacity Definitions Contract Path Contract Path Fiction OASIS Schedules and TLR Flow-Based Paths Point-to-Point Parallel Flows Flows Implicit Flowgate Rights FGRs Financial Transmission Rights FTRs 3 ELECTRICITY MARKET Order 888 and the Contract Path Under Order 888 the FERC made a crucial choice regarding a central complication of the electricity system. “A contract path is simply a path that can be designated to form a single continuous electrical path between the parties to an agreement. Because of the laws of physics, it is unlikely that the actual power flow will follow that contract path. … Flow-based pricing or contracting would be designed to account for the actual power flows on a transmission system. It would take into account the "unscheduled flows" that occur under a contract path regime.” (FERC, Order 888, April 24, 1996, footnotes 184185, p. 93.) Why is this important? A quick tutorial follows. 4 NETWORK INTERACTIONS Loop Flow Electric transmission network interactions can be large and important. • Conventional definitions of network "Interface" transfer capacity depend on the assumed load conditions. • Transfer capacity cannot be defined or guaranteed over any reasonable horizon. POWER TRANSFER CAPACITY VARIES WITH LOAD (WITH IDENTICAL LINKS, TRUE CONSTRAINT ON LINE FROM OLDGEN TO BIGTOWN) Is The "Interface" Transfer Capacity 900 MW? Or OLDGEN NEWGEN 0 MW 900 MW 0 30 W M 600 =m ax 600 MW 600 =m ax BIGTOWN 1800 MW INTERFACE 0 MW OLDGEN INTERFACE 300 MW 900 MW 1800 MW? M 00 12 1800 MW W BIGTOWN NEWGEN 5 NETWORK INTERACTIONS Loop Flow There is a fatal flaw in the old "contract path" model of power moving between locations along a designated path. The network effects are strong. Power flows across one "interface" can have a dramatic effect on the capacity of other, distant interfaces. Transmission Impacts Vary Across the Eastern System Transfer Interface Impact (1000 MW) Transfer Capability Impacts 1000 MW from VACAR to BG&E/PEPCO 0.2 Contract Path Assumption (Impact = 0) 0.0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 -1.0 -1.2 -1.4 -1.6 -1.8 -2.0 -2.2 -2.4 -2.6 EC A R to M EC AR AA to VP C DU TV MA A KE EC W N to AC /C .E DU YPP AR P& CA to KE to to VP Lt R M DU /C oV to P& AA OH KE P C L /C P& L Interface in Eastern Interconnected System Source: VEM, Winter Operating Study, December 1993. 6 ELECTRICITY MARKET Order 888 and the Contract Path Under Order 888 the FERC made a crucial choice regarding a central complication of the electricity system. “A contract path is simply a path that can be designated to form a single continuous electrical path between the parties to an agreement. Because of the laws of physics, it is unlikely that the actual power flow will follow that contract path. … Flow-based pricing or contracting would be designed to account for the actual power flows on a transmission system. It would take into account the "unscheduled flows" that occur under a contract path regime.” (FERC, Order 888, April 24, 1996, footnotes 184185, p. 93.) “We will not, at this time, require that flow-based pricing and contracting be used in the electric industry. In reaching this conclusion, we recognize that there may be difficulties in using a traditional contract path approach in a non-discriminatory open access transmission environment, as described by Hogan and others. At the same time, however, contract path pricing and contracting is the longstanding approach used in the electric industry and it is the approach familiar to all participants in the industry. To require now a dramatic overhaul of the traditional approach such as a shift to some form of flow-based pricing and contracting could severely slow, if not derail for some time, the move to open access and more competitive wholesale bulk power markets. In addition, we believe it is premature for the Commission to impose generically a new pricing regime without the benefit of any experience with such pricing. We welcome new and innovative proposals, but we will not impose them in this Rule.” (FERC, Order 888, April 24, 1996, p. 96.) Hence, although the fictional contract path approach would not work in theory, maintaining the fiction would be less disruptive in moving quickly to open access and an expanded competitive market! 7 ELECTRICITY MARKET Pool Dispatch An efficient short-run electricity market determines a market clearing price based on conditions of supply and demand. Everyone pays or is paid the same price. SHORT-RUN ELECTRICITY MARKET Energy Price Short-Run Marginal Cost (¢/kWh) Price at 7-7:30 p.m. Demand 7-7:30 p.m. Price at 9-9:30 a.m. Price at 2-2:30 a.m. Demand 9-9:30 a.m. Demand 2-2:30 a.m. Q1 Q2 Qmax MW 8 NETWORK INTERACTIONS Locational Spot Prices The natural extension of a single price electricity market is to operate a market with locational spot prices. • It is a straightforward matter to compute "Schweppe" spot prices based on marginal costs at each location. • Transmission spot prices arise as the difference in the locational prices. LOCATIONAL SPOT PRICE OF "TRANSMISSION" Energy Price Short-Run Marginal Cost (¢/kWh) Price differential = Demand MW A Pa = 51 Marginal losses + Constraint prices Constraint B Energy Price Pb = 66 C (¢/kWh) Short-Run Marginal Cost Demand Energy Price Pc = 55 Short-Run Marginal Cost (¢/kWh) MW Demand MW Price of "Transmission" from A to B = Pb - Pa = 15 Price of "Transmission" from A to C = Pc - Pa = -4 9 NETWORK INTERACTIONS Locational Spot Prices Locational prices ($/MWh) arise from the standard formulation of security constrained economic dispatch to balance generation and load at each location. For instance, in PJM there are several thousand locations with thousands of constraints for each of thousands of contingencies. Bid-Based, Security-Constrained, Economic Dispatch Max d ,g ,x, y B(d ) − C ( g ) subject to d−g = y K ( x, y ) ≤ 0. PJM :p :μ Real Time Hourly LMP Values for 20080224 Range Max Average Min Node 1 2 3 4 Start of Real Time LMP Data Date PnodeID Name Voltage Equipm Type Zone 20080224 1 PJM-RTO ZONE 20080224 3 MID-ATL/APS ZONE 20080224 51291 AECO ZONE 20080224 8445784 AEP ZONE 551.94 550.57 516.16 434.34 69.79 -5.18 -35.78 -116.23 23.80 16.38 -0.53 -7.42 127.90 142.74 66.17 14.84 126.10 71.28 -4.88 -54.82 21.06 14.18 -0.53 -6.88 138.60 166.06 48.86 27.46 137.61 109.89 -2.22 -27.72 16.42 11.13 -0.44 -5.29 100 100 100 1200 1200 1200 1800 1800 1800 TotalLM CongestioMarginalLossPricTotalLMP CongestioMarginalLossPriceTotalLMP CongestioMarginalLossPrice 75.90 0.34 0.06 71.84 0.20 0.06 51.63 0.07 0.04 97.78 19.30 2.97 90.79 16.52 2.69 60.51 6.89 2.11 46.33 -33.86 4.69 91.28 15.17 4.53 48.86 -6.21 3.55 43.55 -28.48 -3.47 32.42 -35.94 -3.22 37.52 -11.51 -2.49 … 424 425 426 20080224 20080224 20080224 32406789 107 DIX138 KV TR76 34LOAD COMED 41.23 32406793 109 APT138 KV TR72 12LOAD COMED 42.72 32406795 109 APT138 KV TR73 12LOAD COMED 42.69 -28.37 -28.66 -28.66 -5.90 -4.12 -4.15 32.16 33.46 33.43 -34.15 -34.39 -34.39 -5.27 -3.73 -3.76 35.61 36.73 36.71 -11.59 -11.74 -11.74 -4.32 -3.05 -3.07 15.14 15.14 -31.29 1.93 1.93 -3.64 93.33 93.33 32.11 19.83 19.83 -36.24 1.92 1.92 -3.23 59.47 59.47 36.19 6.41 6.41 -12.85 1.54 1.54 -2.48 … 8075 8076 8077 20080224 49498 ZIONSV115 KV 1B12 20080224 49499 ZIONSV115 KV 2B12 20080224 32413125 ZUBER 138 KV T1 End of Real Time LMP Data LOAD METED LOAD METED LOAD AEP 92.57 92.57 40.57 10 NETWORK INTERACTIONS Locational Spot Prices Locational spot prices for electricity exhibit substantial dynamic variability and persistent longterm average differences. From MISO-PJM Joint and Common Market, http://www.jointandcommon.com/ for March 3, 2008, 9:55am. Projected 2011 annual average from 2006 Midwest ISO-PJM Coordinated System Plan. 11 NETWORK INTERACTIONS Financial Transmission Rights A mechanism for hedging volatile transmission prices can be established by defining financial transmission rights to collect the congestion rents inherent in efficient, short-run spot prices. NETWORK TRANSMISSION FINANCIAL RIGHTS A Pa = 51 Constraint B Pb = 66 C Pc = 55 Price of "Transmission" from A to B = Pb - Pa = 15 Price of "Transmission" from A to C = Pc - Pa = -4 DEFINE TRANSMISSION CONGESTION CONTRACTS BETWEEN LOCATIONS. FOR SIMPLICITY, TREAT LOSSES AS OPERATING COSTS. RECEIVE CONGESTION PAYMENTS FROM ACTUAL USERS; MAKE CONGESTION PAYMENTS TO HOLDERS OF CONGESTION CONTRACTS. TRANSMISSION CONGESTION CONTRACTS PROVIDE PROTECTION AGAINST CHANGING LOCATIONAL DIFFERENCES. 12 ELECTRICITY MARKET A Consistent Framework The example of successful central coordination, CRT, Regional Transmission Organization (RTO) Millennium Order (Order 2000) Standard Market Design (SMD) Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR), “Successful Market Design” provides a workable market framework that is working in places like New York, PJM in the Mid-Atlantic Region, New England, and the Midwest. The RTO NOPR Order SMD NOPR "Successful Market Design" Contains a Consistent Framework Bilateral Schedules Coordinated Spot Market Bid-Based, Security-Constrained, Economic Dispatch with Nodal Prices Financial Transmission Rights (TCCs, FTRs, FCRs, CRRs, ...) Market-Driven Investment License Plate Access Charges at Difference in Nodal Prices 07/05 07/02 12/99 5/99 Poolco…OPCO…ISO…IMO…Transco…RTO… ITP…WMP…: "A rose by any other name …" 13 ELECTRICITY MARKET Path Dependence The path to successful market design can be circuitous and costly. The FERC “reforms” in Order 890 illustrate “path dependence,” where the path chosen constrains the choices ahead. Can Order 890 be reformed to overcome its own logic? Or is FERC trapped in its own loop flow? Paths to Successful Market Design SMD t rke a M Bilateral Schedules License Plate Access Charges at Difference in Nodal Prices Coordinated Spot Market Bid-Based, Security-Constrained, Economic Dispatch with Nodal Prices Financial Transmission Rights (TCCs, FTRs, FCRs, CRRs, ...) 888 Standardization Transparency "Simple, Quick" Market-Driven Investment ed niz ing ga r nc O a l ion Ba iss m ns hts Tra Rig C AT "Last Resort" 890 Reform Rules Explode ISO PX Zonal Contract Path TLR Flowgate 14 ELECTRICITY MARKET A Consistent Framework Regional transmission organizations (RTOs) and independent system operators (ISOs) have grown to cover 75% of US economic activity. Bilateral Schedules Market-Driven Investment License Plate Access Charges at Difference in Nodal Prices Coordinated Spot Market Bid-Based, Security-Constrained, Economic Dispatch with Nodal Prices Financial Transmission Rights (TCCs, FTRs, FCRs, CRRs, ...) PJM Locatinal Prices 1/15/08 700 600 Price ($/MWh) 500 400 300 200 Max Min 100 0 -100 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 -200 -300 Hour 15 ELECTRICITY MARKET Resource Adequacy There is a simple stylized connection between reliability standards and resource economics. Defining expected load shedding duration, choosing installed capacity, or estimating value of lost load address different facets of the same problem. A Simple Reliability Model MW Curtailment Capacity Load Duration Duration Optimal Duration ≈ Peaker Fixed Charge Value Lost Load (Steven Stoft, Power System Economics, IEE Press, Wiley Interscience, 2002, p. 138) 16 ELECTRICITY MARKET Resource Adequacy The simple connection between reliability planning standards and resource economics illustrates a major disconnect between market pricing and the implied value of lost load. Reliability Planning Standard and Value of Lost Load Implied Average Value of Lost Load Average Value of Load Load ($/MWh) $80,000 Twenty Four Hours in Ten Years $70,000 $60,000 $50,000 Optimal Duration ≈ $40,000 Peaker Fixed Charge Value Lost Load $30,000 $20,000 $10,000 $0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Annual Duration of Load Curtailm ent (Hours) Peaker fixed charge at $65,000/MW-yr. 17 ELECTRICITY MARKET Reliability Standards There is a large disconnect between long-term planning standards and market design. The installed capacity market analyses illustrate the gap between prices and implied values. The larger disconnect is between the operating reserve market design and the implied reliability standard. Reliability Standard and Market Disconnect Implied Average Value of Lost Load Average Value of Load Load ($/MWh) $80,000 One Event in Ten Years $70,000 $60,000 Twenty Four Hours in Ten Years $50,000 $40,000 Optimal? $30,000 Price Cap $20,000 $10,000 $0 0 5 10 15 20 25 Annual Duration of Load Curtailm ent (Hours) Peaker fixed charge at $65,000/MW-yr. Implied prices differ by orders of magnitude. ( Price Cap ≈ $10 ; VOLL ≈ $10 ; Reliability Standard ≈ $10 ) 3 4 5 18 ELECTRICITY MARKET Pricing and Demand Response Early market designs presumed a significant demand response. Absent this demand participation most markets implemented inadequate pricing rules equating prices to marginal costs even when capacity is constrained. This produces a “missing money” problem. The big “R” regulatory solution calls for capacity mandates. The small “r” approach addresses the pricing problem. SHORT-RUN ELECTRICITY MARKET Energy Price Short-Run Marginal Cost (¢/kWh) Price at 7-7:30 p.m. Demand 7-7:30 p.m. Price at 9-9:30 a.m. Price at 2-2:30 a.m. Demand 9-9:30 a.m. Demand 2-2:30 a.m. Q1 Q2 Qmax MW 19 ELECTRICITY MARKET Generation Resource Adequacy A variety of market rules for spot markets interact to create de jure or de facto price caps. The resulting “missing money” reduces payments to all types of generation. A Market Price Duration Curve P($/MWh) A Price Cap Results in "Missing Money" P($/MWh) Missing Money Returns for Peak Generator Returns for Mid-Range Generator Price Cap A A Returns for Base Load Generator $85 $85 B $35 B $35 C $15 $15 8760 (Hours) C 8760 (Hours) Missing money reduces the payments to all types of generation. If market prices do not provide adequate incentives for generation investment, the result is a market failure. The market design defect creates the pressure for regulators to intervene to mandate generation investment. 20 ELECTRICITY MARKET Generation Resource Adequacy A workable “energy only” market would eliminate the “missing money” problem and provide an alternative to the growing prescriptions of installed capacity markets. The concept is not that there should be no market interventions. But the interventions should not overturn the market. An “Energy Only” Market Outline • Implicit demand for inflexible load would define the opportunity costs as the average value of lost load (VOLL). An Illustrative Demand for Electricity Price Responsive Demand Inflexible Demand Total Demand P ($/MWh) P ($/MWh) P ($/MWh) $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 + = $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 $30 $30 30,000 Q (MW) $30 15,000 Q(MW) Demand 45,000 Q(MW) Involuntary curtailment of inflexible demand has an opportunity cost at the average value of lost load (VOLL). 21 ELECTRICITY MARKET Generation Resource Adequacy … An “Energy Only” Market Outline • Operating reserve demand curve would reflect capacity scarcity. Illustrative Reserve Demand P ($/MWh) $20,000 Reserve Demand 3% $10,000 $30 Energy Demand 7% Q(MW) There is a minimum level of operating reserve (e.g., 3%) to protect against system-wide failure. Above the minimum reserve, reductions below a nominal reserve target (e.g., 7%) are price senstive. 22 ELECTRICITY MARKET Generation Resource Adequacy … An “Energy Only” Market Outline • Market clearing eliminates the “missing money.” Normal "Energy Only" Market Clearing P ($/MWh) $20,000 $10,000 Scarcity "Energy Only" Market Clearing P ($/MWh) Generation Supply Energy + Reserves $30 $20,000 $10,000 $7,000 Generation Supply Energy + Reserves $30 Q(MW) When demand is low and capacity available, reserves hit nominal targets at a low price. Q(MW) When demand is high and reserve reductions apply, there is a high price. 23 ELECTRICITY MARKET Operating Reserve Demand Operating reserve demand is a complement to energy demand for electricity. The probabilistic demand for operating reserves reflects the cost and probability of lost load. Pricing operating reserves could provide the missing money. Example Assumptions Expected Load (MW) Std Dev % Expected Outage % Std Dev % 34000 1.50% 0.45% 0.45% Expected Total (MW) Std Dev (MW) VOLL ($/MWh) 153 532.46 10000 Operating Reserve Demand 7,000 6,000 Under the simplifying assumptions, if the dispersion of the LOLP distribution is proportional to the expected load, the operating reserve demand is proportional to the expected load. Total value is of same magnitude as the cost of meeting load. P ($/MWh) 5,000 Marginal VEUE 4,000 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 0.00% 1.00% 2.00% 3.00% 4.00% 5.00% 6.00% Q (% of load) 24 ELECTRICITY MARKET Operating Reserve Demand Existing market designs underprice scarcity and provide poor signals for investment. Hence we have the resource adequacy debate. A market approach would be reinforced by adopting an explicit operating reserve demand curve. The maximum generation outage contingency quantity provides a vertical demand curve that adds horizontally to a probabilistic operating reserve demand curve. Operating Reserve Demand 12,000 10,000 Security Minimum 8,000 P ($/MWh) If the security minimum will always be maintained over the monitored period, the VEUE price at r=0 applies. If the outage shocks allow excursions below the security minimum during the period, the VEUE starts at the security minimum. A realistic operating reserve demand curve would address the missing money problem and help jump start greater demand participation. 6,000 Demand=Minimum + Marginal VEUE 4,000 2,000 Marginal VEUE 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Q (MW) 25 ELECTRICITY MARKET Better Scarcity Pricing Improved pricing through an explicit operating reserve demand curve raises a number of issues. Demand Response: Better pricing implemented through the operating reserve demand curve would provide an important signal and incentive for flexible demand participation in spot markets. Price Spikes: A higher price would be part of the solution. Furthermore, the contribution to the “missing money” from better pricing would involve many more hours and smaller price increases. Practical Implementation: The NYISO and ISONE implementations dispose of any argument that it would be impractical to implement an operating reserve demand curve. The only issue is the level of the appropriate price. Operating Procedures: Implementing an operating reserve demand curve does not require changing the practices of system operators. Reserve and energy prices would be determined simultaneously treating decisions by the operators as being consistent with the adopted operating reserve demand curve. Multiple Locations: Transmission limitations mean that there are locational differences in the need for and efficacy of operating reserves. This would continue to be true with different demand curves for different locations. Multiple Reserves: The demand curve would include different kinds of operating reserves, from spinning reserves to standby reserves. Reliability: Market operating incentives would be better aligned with reliability requirements. Market Power: Better pricing would remove ambiguity from analyses of high prices and distinguish (inefficient) economic withholding through high offers from (efficient) scarcity pricing derived from the operating reserve demand curve. Hedging: The Basic Generation Service auction in New Jersey provides a prominent example that would yield an easy means for hedging small customers with better pricing. Increased Costs: The higher average energy costs from use of an operating reserve demand curve do not automatically translate into higher costs for customers. In the aggregate, there is an argument that costs would be lower. 26 ELECTRICITY MARKET Energy Pricing and Uplift Payments Energy dispatch is continuous but unit commitment requires discrete decisions. Bid-based, security constrained, combined unit commitment and economic dispatch presents a challenge in defining market-clearing prices. • Continuous convex economic dispatch o System marginal costs provide locational, market-clearing, linear prices o Linear prices support the economic dispatch • Discrete, economic, unit commitment and dispatch o Start up and minimum load restrictions enter the model o System marginal costs not always well-defined o There may be no linear prices that support the commitment and dispatch solution 27 ELECTRICITY MARKET Energy Pricing Energy dispatch is continuous, convex and yields linear prices.1 A simplified example with two generating units illustrates the total and marginal costs. Marginal Cost Illustration Aggregate Cost Illustration Marginal Variable Cost Total Variable Cost 120 35000 Marginal Cost ($/MWh) A&B Total Cost 30000 25000 A 20000 15000 B 10000 5000 A 100 A&B B 80 60 40 20 0 0 0 100 200 300 Load 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 Load 1 Paul R. Gribik, William W. Hogan, and Susan L. Pope, “Market-Clearing Electricity Prices and Energy Uplift,” Harvard University, December 31, 2007, available at www.whogan.com. 28 ELECTRICITY MARKET Energy Pricing and Uplift Unit commitment requires discrete decisions. Now the second unit (B) has a startup cost. Aggregate Cost: Two Generator Example Marginal Cost: Two Generator Example Total Commitment and Dispatch Cost Marginal Cost 40000 120 MC v Marginal Cost ($/MWh) 35000 V Total Cost 30000 25000 20000 A 15000 A&B 10000 5000 0 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 100 200 300 Load 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 Load Marginal cost-based linear prices cannot support the commitment and dispatch. The solution has been to make “uplift” payments to assure reliable and economic unit commitment. 29 ELECTRICITY MARKET Energy Pricing and Uplift Selecting the appropriate approximation model for defining energy and uplift prices involves practical tradeoffs. All involve “uplift” payments to guarantee payments for bid-based cost to participating bidders (generators and loads), to support the economic commitment and dispatch. Uplift with Given Energy Prices=Optimal Profit – Actual Profit • Restricted Model (r) o Fix the unit commitment at the optimal solution. o Determine energy prices from the convex economic dispatch. • Dispatchable Model (d) o Relax the discrete constraints and treat commitment decisions as continuous. o Determine energy prices from the relaxed, continuous, convex model. • Convex Hull Model (h) o Select the energy prices from the Lagrangean relaxation (i.e., usual dual problem for pricing the joint constraints). o Resulting energy prices minimize the total uplift. 30 ELECTRICITY MARKET Minimum Uplift Economic commitment and dispatch is a special case of a general optimization problem. v ( y ) = Min f ( x) x∈ X g ( x ) = y. s.t. From the perspective of a price-taking bidder, uplift is the difference between actual and optimal profits. π ( p, y ) = py − v ( y ) Actual profits: Optimal Profits: π * ( p ) = Max { pz − v ( z )} Uplift ( p, y ) = π z * ( p ) − π ( p, y ) Classical Lagrangean relaxation and pricing creates a familiar dual problem. L ( y , x, p ) = f ( x ) + p ( y − g ( x ) ) { } Lˆ ( y, p ) = Inf f ( x ) + p ( y − g ( x ) ) x∈ X { { }} L* ( y ) = Sup Lˆ ( y, p ) = Sup Inf f ( x ) + p ( y − g ( x ) ) p p x∈ X The optimal dual solution minimizes the uplift, and the “duality gap” is equal to the minimum uplift. v ( y ) − L* ( y ) = Inf Uplift ( p, y ) . p 31 ELECTRICITY MARKET Energy Pricing and Uplift Comparing illustrative energy pricing and uplift models. Comparison of Example Uplift Costs Comparison of Example Marginal Costs Implied Uplift Implied Marginal Cost 35.00 MC d 120 MC r 30.00 MC h 100 Ur 25.00 Uplift ($/MWh) Marginal Cost ($/MWh) 140 80 60 40 20.00 15.00 10.00 Ud Uh 20 5.00 0 0.00 0 100 200 300 Load 400 500 0 100 200 300 400 500 -5.00 Load Both the relaxed and convex hull models produce “standard” implied supply curve. The convex hull model produces the minimum uplift. 32 ELECTRICITY MARKET Energy Pricing and Uplift Alternative pricing models have different features and raise additional questions. • Computational Requirements. Relaxed model easiest case, convex hull model the hardest. But not likely to be a significant issue. • Network Application. All models compatible with network pricing and reduce to standard LMP in the convex case. • Operating Reserve Demand. All models compatible with existing and proposed operating reserve demand curves. • Solution Independence. Restricted model sensitive to actual commitment. Relaxed and convex hull models (largely) independent of actual commitment and dispatch. • Day-ahead and real-time interaction. With uncertainty in real-time and virtual bids, expected realtime price is important, and may be similar under all pricing models. 33 ELECTRICITY MARKET Electricity Restructuring Summary With current technology, property rights are difficult to define and there is a continuing need for coordination to support markets. Regulation must adapt to the requirements of hybrid markets. • Little “r’ regulation: Design rules and policies that are the “best possible mix” to support competitive wholesale electricity markets. o Necessary functions for energy markets. Real-time, bid-based, security constrained economic dispatch with locational prices. o Necessary functions for energy markets with effective long-term hedges. Financial transmission rights (FTRs). o Valuable functions for energy markets with effective long-term hedges. Day-ahead energy market with associated reliability unit commitment. Transmission planning and investment protocols. o Necessary features of everything else Rules and pricing incentives compatible with the above. • Ancillary Services • Resource Adequacy • Big “R” regulation: Frame every problem in its own terms—inadequate demand response, insufficient infrastructure investment, or market power—and design ad hoc regulatory fixes that accumulate to undermine market incentives. The slippery slope. 34 William W. Hogan is the Raymond Plank Professor of Global Energy Policy, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University and a Director of LECG, LLC. This paper draws on work for the Harvard Electricity Policy Group and the Harvard-Japan Project on Energy and the Environment. The author is or has been a consultant on electric market reform and transmission issues for Allegheny Electric Global Market, American Electric Power, American National Power, Australian Gas Light Company, Avista Energy, Barclays, Brazil Power Exchange Administrator (ASMAE), British National Grid Company, California Independent Energy Producers Association, California Independent System Operator, Calpine Corporation, Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce, Centerpoint Energy, Central Maine Power Company, Chubu Electric Power Company, Citigroup, Comision Reguladora De Energia (CRE, Mexico), Commonwealth Edison Company, Conectiv, Constellation Power Source, Coral Power, Credit First Suisse Boston, Detroit Edison Company, Deutsche Bank, Duquesne Light Company, Dynegy, Edison Electric Institute, Edison Mission Energy, Electricity Corporation of New Zealand, Electric Power Supply Association, El Paso Electric, GPU Inc. (and the Supporting Companies of PJM), Exelon, GPU PowerNet Pty Ltd., GWF Energy, Independent Energy Producers Assn, ISO New England, Luz del Sur, Maine Public Advocate, Maine Public Utilities Commission, Merrill Lynch, Midwest ISO, Mirant Corporation, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley Capital Group, National Independent Energy Producers, New England Power Company, New York Independent System Operator, New York Power Pool, New York Utilities Collaborative, Niagara Mohawk Corporation, NRG Energy, Inc., Ontario IMO, Pepco, Pinpoint Power, PJM Office of Interconnection, PPL Corporation, Public Service Electric & Gas Company, PSEG Companies, Reliant Energy, Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission, San Diego Gas & Electric Corporation, Sempra Energy, SPP, Texas Genco, Texas Utilities Co, Tokyo Electric Power Company, Toronto Dominion Bank, TransÉnergie, Transpower of New Zealand, Westbrook Power, Western Power Trading Forum, Williams Energy Group, and Wisconsin Electric Power Company. The views presented here are not necessarily attributable to any of those mentioned, and any remaining errors are solely the responsibility of the author. (Related papers can be found on the web at www.whogan.com ). 35