FORMATION OF INORGANIC SUBMICRON PARTICLES UNDER SIMULATED PULVERIZED COAL COMBUSTION CONDITIONS by Matthew Neville B.S., University of New Hampshire (1977) SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF SCIENCE at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY August, 1982 Signature of Author Department of Chemical Engineering Certified by Adel F. Sarofimn, Thesis Advisor Accepted by ulenn C. Williams, Chairman Departmental Committee on Graduate Theses ArchTve WFTTS INSTITUTE OFC DEC 19OLOGY 31982 LIBRARIES FORMATION OF INORGANIC SUBMICRON PARTICLES UNDER SIMULATED PULVERIZED COAL COMBUSTION CONDITIONS by Matthew Neville Department of Chemical Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 August, 1982 Professor Jack P. Ruina Secretary of the Faculty Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 Dear Professor Ruina: I In accordance with the regulations of the Faculty, herewith submit a thesis, entitled, "Formation of Inorganic Submicron Particles Under Simulated Pulverized Coal Combustion Conditions", in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor in Science in Chemical Engineering at Massachusetts Intitute of Technology. Respectfully submitted, Matthew Neville iii FORMATION OF INORGANIC SUBMICRON PARTICLES UNDER SIMULATED PULVERIZED COAL COMBUSTION CONDITIONS by Matthew Neville Submitted to the Department of Chemical Engineering in August, 1982 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Science from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ABSRTACT The factors governing the physico-chemical characteristics of the inorganic submicron particles produced by the combustion of coal have been examined by burning size-graded Montana lignite particles in a laminar flow drop-tube furnace at 1700 K. The particle combustion temperature achieved vary from 1800 K to 2800 K as the oxygen concentration in which the coal particles burn is increased from 5 percent to 100 percent. Size fractionation of the ash yields a bimodel size distribution. The average size of the primary particles in the submicron mode varies from less than 50 angstroms to greater than 400 angstroms, depending on the combustion conditions. The submicron particles are produced by vaporization of the mineral matter species during combustion and their subsequent recondensation. The amount of fume produced as metal oxide increases from 0.1 percent at 1800 K to 20 percent at 2800 K. The growth of the submicron particles is well predicted by classical coagulation theory where theory provides a good representation of the observed primary particle size as a In the early function of residence time and degree of ash vaporization. stages of coagulation the particles coalesce, but as the temperature in the vicinity of the particles decreases subsequent to the completion of combustion of the char and as the primary particle diameter increases, the coalescence rate decreases and the agglomerate produced appears as aggregates of spheres. The chemical composition of the Montana lignite fume is dominated by MgO and CaO at all but the lowest particle combustion temperature (< 1900 K), apparently because the vaporization of these refractory oxides is augmented by their chemical reduction to the more volatile metal vapor in the locally reducing atmosphere within the burning char particle. The inorganic submicron particles are found to consist of a core of MgO, CaO, and FeO with an inner coating of silica and an outer coating of sodium, arsenic, and other trace metals. Furthermore, silicon and the volatile and trace species show an increase in concentration with decreasing particle size in the submicron range (< 400 angstroms). From a steady state one dimensional model the reoxidation of the vaporized reduced-state species of Mg, Ca, and Fe away from the char surface results in the supersaturation of these refractory oxides in the boundary layer of the burning char particle which is predicted to provide the necessary driving for the formation of a new condensed phase by homogeneous nucleation. Silicon deposition subsequently occurs as a probable consequence of the low rate of oxidation of the SiO vapors released by the burning coal particle. The volatile and trace species condense on the outer surface as the combustion products are cooled. Most of the ash surface is provided by submicron particles even though they constitute only a small fraction of the total ash. Both the residual and submicron particles are coated with a surface deposit of volatile (Na) and trace (As,Sb) elements. The distribution of the volatile elements between the two size modes of the ash is influenced by the amount of submicron particles produced during combustion and the rate at which the combustion products are cooled. However, in the case of the trace species, where an insufficient driving force for diffusion-controlled condensation exists, the surface deposition of these species is believed to be chemically controlled. Consequently, the distribution of the trace species between the two size modes is influenced by both the relative reactivity and surface area between the two size modes. Thesis Advisor: Adel F. Sarofim Professor of Chemical Engineering ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to express his sincere graditude to his advisor, Professor Adel F. continued his for Sarofim, encouragement, guidence, and enthusiasm throughout the course tional goal would not have been possible. this of without which the attaining of this thesis, educa- The principles in which Professor Sarofim has instilled in the author have made a lasting impression. Special graditude is Quann, Modestino, Anthony J. also extented and Charles A. Mims, and Haynes for their support, advise, Richard to J. Brian S. with the assistance experimental and conceptual aspects of this study. The Author is also greatful to John Martin for his assistance with Auger Spectroscopy and ESCA, Sande Vander Professor Garret-Ried for their assistance with Scanning Tony and Transmission Electron Microscope, and Morteza Janghorbani for the Neutron Activation Analysis Service. This work was supported by Electric Power Research Institute and N.I.E.H.S. To all express enough members of appreciation my family, for their the author cannot encouragement and support. Finally, I wish to thank the members of my office and vi the members of the combustion group with special graditude to Myongsook Lee, Lyle Timothy, Harvey Stanger, and Kim Ritrievi for their continued support coarse of this thesis work. and encouragement through the iiv TABLE OF CONTENTS Page . TITLE PAGE.. . . . AUTHORIZATION PAGE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii . . . . . . . . . . ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . TABLE OF CONTENTS . . . . . . . . . . LIST OF FIGURES . . . . . . . . . . . ABSTRACT.. . . . V . . . . . . . . . SUMMARY . . . . . . . . . 1.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . 1.2 Experimental Apparatus . . . LIST OF TABLES CHAPTER ONE. . . . 1.3 Results. . . .6 .......... . . 2 tion on 1.3.1 Dependence of Concen . 6 1.3.2 Surface Enrichment. 7 Particle Size . 1.4 Discussion. . . . . . 15 . . . . 1.4.1 Particle Nucleation 15 1.4.2 Particle Growth . 21 . ion. 1.4.3 Heterogeneous Conden 25 37 1.5 Conclusions. . . . . . . . BACKGROUND . . . . 2.1 Introduction. . . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . . 46 CHAPTER TWO. 2.2 Objectives. . CHAPTER THREE. . . 39 . . COMBUSTION AND SAMPLING SYSTEM 3.1 Combustion Furnace. 3.2 Feeder System . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 49 . . . 51 iiiv 3.3 Collection Probe . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 3.4 Cascade Impactor . . . . . . . . . . . 56 ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES . . . . . . . . 62 CHAPTER FOUR. . 4.1 Transmission Electron Microscope. . . .... 62 4.2 Automated Image Analyzer. . . . . . . . 4.3 Mobility Classifier . . . . . . . . . . . 66 4.4 Bulk Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . 67 4.5 Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope 69 . . . 4.6 Auger Spectroscopy . . 4.7 ESCA . . CHAPTER FIVE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 . ................ 103 FACTORS INFLUENCING THE BULK CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SUBMICRON PARTICLES.. . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 5.1 Fly Ash Mass Distribution. . . . . . . . 110 5.2 Bulk Chemical Composition. . . . . 120 . . . 5.3 Combustion Temperature Time Histrory . . 126 5.4 Vaporization . . . . 134 . . . . . . . . . . CHAPTER SIX. CHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE SUBMICRON PARTICLES . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.1 Bulk Composition . . . . . . . . 147 6.2 Dependence of Concentration on Particle Size . 149 ...... 6.3 Surface Enrichment 6.4 Chemical State Analysis . CHAPTER SEVEN. DISCUSSION. . 7.1 Nucleation 7.2 Coagulation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 156 .. .. 165 . . . 178 179 ........ . . . . . ... . . . . . 7.3 Heterogeneous Condensation . 7.3.1 Refractory Oxides. . . . . . . 147 ... . . . . . . 193 209 . 212 __ __li_ _ __1_ _II __ :jl_ ~I _1 ~__ ix . . 217 . . 240 .. . . 241 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 244 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246 . .. CHAPTER EIGHT. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS . . 7.3.2 Volatile and Trace Species . 8.1 Conclusions . .............. 8.2 Recommendations . REFERENCES . . ~----- :. -I-~ -;--..-.i~-~.~--------- --- ----- - -- - _-- LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1.1 Elemental Concentration for Primary Particles by STEM Verses Inverse Diameter . ......... 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Concentration of Various Elements in the size Classified Fume Verses Inverse Diameter ...... Model Prediction for the Supersaturation of . . . . . . . . . . . Magnesium Oxide . . .. 1.8 2.1 2.2 9 . . . 20 Experimental and Predicted Time Dependence for the Mean Diameter of the Primary Submicron . Particles ................... . . 22 Predicted Coalescence Time for Crystaline Magnesium Oxide Particles . ............ 24 Tendency for Critical Supersaturation of Sodium Sulfate as Combustion Products are Cooled in the . . . 31 Concentration of Sodium in the Residual Fly Ash Verses Inverse Diameter Squared . . . . . . . . . . 34 Fraction of Sodium Collected With the Fume for Various Degrees of Vaporization of the Total Ash. . 36 Schematic Diagram of Fly Ash Formation During . . . . . . . . . . Pulverized Coal Combustion . 43 Presence of Residual and Submicron Particles. 1.7 8 . Fly Ash Particle Size Distribution Obtained From a Utility Boiler . .............. 45 3.1 Schematic Diagram of Laminar Flow Furnace .... . 50 3.2 Gas Temperature Profiles in Laminar Flow Furnace. . 52 3.3 Schematic Diagram of Coal Feeder. 3.4 Schematic Diagram of Water Cooled Collection . .. ........... Probe ........ 3.5 4.1 4.2 .. ... . 53 .... 55 .. Schematic Diagram Showing Two Stages of a Cascade .. . . . Impactor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 57 Calibration of the Mobility Classifier With Respect to Primary Partcile Diameter. . ...... . 68 Decay in Beam Current and Specimen Count Rate 4.3 4.4 With Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 STEM X-Ray Spectra Before (A) and After (B) Modifying the Aperature Configuration . ...... 79 Adsorption Correction for Various Particle Diameters . ................. . . . . 82 4.5 Beam Broadening for Various PArticle Diameters. . . 84 4.6 STEM Sensitivity Correction Factors Referenced to Sulfur . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 4.7 Auger Peak Amplitude Verses Beam Current. . .... 95 4.8 Auger Peak Amplitude Verses Sensitivity Settings. . 97 4.9 Auger Peak Amplitude Verses Modulation Amplitude . . . . . . Setting . ................ 98 4.10 Auger Spectra of Mg and MgO . ... . 4.11 ESCA High Resolution Scan of Carbon C is Line .. ... for Fume Sample .......... 5.1 . 5.3 106 .. . Mass Distribution of Particle Combustion Products on Cascade Impactor Stages and Final Filter . 5.2 101 ....... . .. 111 Distribution of Particulate Combustion Products for Various Combustion Conditions . . . . . . . . . 114 Fume Particles Produced From the Combustion of Montana Lignite in 40 (A) 20 (B) and 10 (C) Percent Oxygen in Nitrogen. ............ . 115 5.4 Volume-Mean Diameter of Submicron Primary Particles 118 for Various Oxygen Partial Pressure . ....... 5.5 Particle Size Distribution of Particulate ............... Combustion Products . . . . .. 119 5.6 Variation of Composition of the Fume for Various Combustion Conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 5.7 Sulfur Retention in 5.8 Comparison of S to Na and K in 5.9 Average Particle Temperature of Montana Lignite ... (90/105 um) by Two Color Pyrometry. . .... 5.10 Buring Time the Fume. . for Montana Lignite . . .. the Fume ........... 122 ...... 127 (90/105 um) . . . 129 . . 131 xii 5.11 Reciprocal of Burning Time Verses Ln(l + Xo2) 5.12 Dependence on Oxygen Partial Pressure of Elemental and Ash Fraction in Fume. ........ . . . 133 135 5.13 Variation of Elemental Mass Fraction with Particle . 137 Size for the Residual Fly Ash ........... 5.14 Concentration of As in Size Classified Residual Fly Ash Particles. ... . . ......... . 139 Temperature Dependence of the Elemental Vaporization Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142 5.15 5.16 5.17 Time Resolved Profile of Maximum Char Yield of Char and Submicron Particle Constituents. . . . 143 Time Resolve Measurement of the Mean Primary Particle Radius for the Submicron Particles . 6.1 .. . . . 145 Elemantal Concentration for Size Classified Samples . .......... by INAA . . . . . . . . . . . ... 151 6.2 Elemental Concentration for Size Classified Samples 152 ... by INAA ................... 6.3 Elemental Concentration for Primary Particle by STEM . . . ................ ..... . . .. . 6.4 6.5 153 Sectioned Particle Showing the Contribution from the Outer Suface (A) and the Shaded Regions from the Ion Sputtering Gun. .......... . . . . . . 160 Escape Depth of Auger Electron Verses Electron ........ Energy. ........ . . . .. . 162 6.6 ESCA High Energy Scan of Carbon C is Line for the . .. . . . 166 ......... ........ Fume. . . . . . . 6.7 ESCA High Resolution Scan of Magnesium Mg 2 p line for the Fume . ... . .. . . ........ . . . . . 168 6.8 X-Ray Diffraction Lines for Submicron Particles 6.9 ESCA High Resolution Scan for Iron Fe 2 p Line . ..... for the Fume. . ........... 6.10 6.11 . . . ESCA High Resolution Scan of Silicon Si 2 p line for the Fume. .... .......... . . . . .... . . . ESCA High Resolution Scan of Sulfur S 2 p line .. ........ for the Fume. . ........ 169 170 . 172 . 173 xiii 6.12 6.13 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 ESCA High Resolution for the Fume. . ......... line Scan of Sodium Na Is . . ....... . 175 . 176 Equilibrium Vapor Pressure for Magnesium for Various Fuel Equivalence Ratio. . ......... . 181 Schematic Diagram of Magnesium Vaporization and Recondensation During Char Combustion . ..... . 183 Model Prediction for the Supersaturation and Cond. . ............ densation of Magnesium. 191 for the Fume Size Distribustion Primary Particle with the Self-Preserving Size Distribution. . ... 198 Experimental and Predicted Growth of the Primary Submicron Particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 ESCA High Resolution Scan of Calcium Ca for the Fume. . ............... Predicted Coalescence Time for Solid . ............ Magnesium Oxide Particles 2 p Line ... Crystaline 204 Variation of Mean Diameter of Primary Submicron with Degree of Vaporization of the Ash . Particle 206 Experimental and Predicted Growth of the Primary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Submicron Particles 207 Profile Char . of Silicon at Various Distances from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Elemental Concentration for Primary Particle by STEM Verses Inverse Diameter . ........ Tendency for Critical Supersaturation of Sodium Sulfate as Combustion Products are Cooled in the Presence of Residual and Submicron Particles . . . 214 . 216 . 223 Concentration of Various Elements in the Size Fume Verses Inverse Diameter . ..... Classified Concentration of Na and K in the residual Verses Inverse Daimeter Squared . ....... Concentration of As and Verses Inverse Diameter 225 Fly Ash . . 227 Sb in the Residual Fly Ash . . . . . . . ....... 229 Area of Fume with Predictions Superficial . .... Self-Preserving Size Distribution from . . Fraction of Sodium Collected With the Fume for . . 232 xiv 7.17 7.18 Various Degrees of Vaporization of the Total Ash. . 234 Concentration of Na in the Residual Fly Ash Verses Inverse Diameter Squared . ....... . . 235 Fraction of As and Sb Collected With the Fume for Various Degrees of Vaporization of the Total Ash. . 239 xv LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1.1 1.2 1.3 Analytical Instruments Used for the PhysicoChemical Characterization of the Submicron Particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . Auger Spectroscopy of the Fume Before and After Sputtering. . ............ for 100 Coals. . 3.1 Calibration of the Ambient Andersen 3.2 Elemental Material Balance on Furnace and Collection System . . . . . .......... 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 . . . . 5 . 11 13 . 41 . . 59 . . 61 . . 63 ......... Mean Composition 4.2 . Ratio of High and Low Energy Auger Electron Emission from the Submicron Particles and Homogeneous Bulk Standard . .............. 1.4 4.1 . . . Impactor. Analytical Instrumentation Used for PhysicoChemical Characterization of the Submicron Particles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Calibration of the Magnification Settings for ........ . .. . the Philips 200 TEM . .... INAA Analysis of Opel Glass, NBS Standard Number 91 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 . . . 70 Sources of Error and Correction Implimented in Order to Obtain Quantitative X-Ray Analysis of the Submicron Particles with the STEM . . . . . . . 72 . Repetitive Analysis of Submiron Particles for . .. the Elements Silicon and Iron . ....... 77 Theoretical and Experimentally Determined Sensitivity Correction Factors for 100 Kv . 88 .... Comparison of the Chemical Analysis by the STEM and Neutron Activation (INAA) . . . . . . . . . . Elemental Retention During Analysis with the High Intensity Electron Beam of the STEM. .... Relative Sensitivity Factors Obtained Experimentally (Ep = 5.0 Kev) . ....... Calibration of ESCA Spectrometer with Au, . Ag, . 90 . 92 . . 102 xvi and Cu Metal Standards. . ..... .. . 107 ....... 4.11 Comparison of the Peak Position from Standards with the Reference Binding Energy Compiled by PHI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 5.1 Coal Composition for Major, Minor, and Trace Elements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124 5.2 Submicron Fume Composition . . . 125 6.1 Chemical Analysis of the Submicron Particles Produced from the Combustion of Montana Lignite (45/53 um) at Furnace Temperature of 1700 K in . ... Twenty Percent Oxygen in Nitrogen . ... . 149 . . . . . . . . . 6.2 STEM Microprobe Analysis of Individual Submicron Particles Produced from the Combustion of Montana Lignite (150 um) at Furnace Temperature of 1700 K . 155 in Seventy Five Percent Oxygen. . ......... 6.3 Auger Spectroscopy of the Fume Produced from the Combustion of Montana Lignite (45/53 um) at a Furnace Temperature of 1700 K in Twenty Percent Oxygen in Nitrogen. . ............... . 157 Auger Spectroscopy of the Fume Before and After . Sputtering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . 159 Ratio of High and Low Energy Auger Electron Emission from the Submicron Particles and .... Homogeneous Bulk Standard . ...... . 163 6.4 6.5 . CHAPTER ONE - SUMMARY 1.1 INTRODUCTION Interest in the control of fine particles emitted considerations coal combustion is motivated by environmental a relatively high trace toxic of concentration and lungs the since fine particles can penetrate deep into contain by emitted by utility boilers (Markowski et. al., 1980) shows that most of species. Studies of size distribution of the ash the ash is concentrated in a size range of 1 to microns 20 total ash by weight, is present in the submicron which shows up as a distinct spike the in the of but that a small amount, of the order of one percent range size size particle distribution. The mechanisms for the formation of the ash the two size ranges are different. coal (Padia, 1976). are The larger particles matter produced by the fusion and coalescence of mineral The finer particles, in in in submicron the size range, are produced by the vaporization and condensation composition of larger ash particles have of Studies of the mineral constituents (Flagan, 1979). shown have concentrations of volatile trace species that that the these increase 1974) and that the surface layers of the particles are enriched in the with decreasing particle size (Davison et. al., coal combustion with the rate of deposition being on during produced particles ash the surface of the residual condense vapors tent with a hypothesis that trace metal consis- is This same trace species (Linton et. al., 1977). controlled by mass transfer (Flagan and Friedlander, 1978). In general, the toxic effects of the fine tes (i.e., ing submicron) are unknown because field data pertaintheir to particula- are characteristics physico-chemical fragmentary, and relevent toxicological experiments have yet been conducted. The objectives of are thesis this determine the physico-chemical characteristics of the cron particles under simulated coal pulverized not to submi- combustion about the evolution of these particles with particular emphasis on the better conditions and to obtain a understanding sequence of condensation for the vaporized inorganic elements distribution and the the of and volatile species trace between the two size modes. 1.2 EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS A dilute cloud of coal particles is burned under well controlled, furnace. conditions reproducible in a Small homogeneous samples of well coal particles are fed through a narrow water tube and are injected oxygen/nitrogen mixture. axially into laminar size classified cooled a flow feeder preheated The coal particles heat up rapidly, ignite and burn in a narrow stream within 6.2 x 10-3 ignite, and burn in a narrow stream within 6.2 x i0 meters meters of the center axis, where radial dispersion of the particles is minimized by the stable laminar flow field. All the combustion products, both gaseous and solid, are collected at a specified distance from the point of injection in the furnace by a water cooled coal probe whose position may be adjusted in order to vary residence time. the entrance to the probe, the rapidly quenched and diluted. combustion products At are Particle deposition within the probe is avoided by transpiring gas through a porous liner in the probe. The particles and gas from the collection probe are passed through an Andersen Impactor for on-line aerodynamic size classification of the particles greater than 0.3 pm. The submicron particles, because of their through the impactor. Several utilized for these submicron information sought. small collection particles size, pass procedures were depending Collection on 0.2 pm upon fluoropore the filter was utilized for weight and chemical analysis, deposition on transmission electron microscope grids placed in an electrostatic precipitator for microscopy studies, on-line size classification using a mobility classifier (Knutson et. al., 1975) for measurement of the variation in or composition with particle size. Insight on the fundamental formation of the submicron aerosol processes can be detailed physico-chemical characterization of particles. governing obtained the the from submicron A list of the analytical techniques employed for Table 1.1. Particle for distibutions size the submicron an automated particles are obtained from TEM micrographs by image activation analysis and (AA), adsorption atomic (INAA), neutron instrumental by determined submicron particles is the of composition elemental bulk The analyzer. in presented the characterization of submicron particles is The elemental liquid chromatography (Mizisir et. al., 1978). with composition of individual primary particles is obtained a 100kv field emission scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) fitted with an energy dispersive x-ray spectrome- adsorption characteristics of the the sensitivity detector, and Al, correction factors for the light elements (Mg, had to be determined. in uncertainty of Because ter (Vander Sande, 1979). system The unique feature of this Si) is its twenty angstrom spatial resolution for elemental analysis of single particles. high the under However, intensity electron beam the volatile species such as sulfur and Consequently, sium were preferentially lost during analysis. analysis by this method is limited to stable the electron beam. elements: signals silicon, iron, calcium, and magnesium, the x-ray which remain constant during exposure to the Auger spectroscopy is used to obtain informasubmicron angstroms. Auger composition electron and is of which the is a order mean the The depth of analysis is determined by free path of the elemental of intensity high tion about the elemental stratification within the particles. potas- function of of twenty The instrument used was a PHI 590A scanning Auger Table 1.1 - Analytical instrumentation used for physicochemical characterization of the submicron particles APPLICATION INSTRUMENT Physical Characterization TEM Particle morphology Automated image analyzer PSD Mobility classifier Discrete sized Samples within the submicron mode Chemical Characterization INAA, AA, and liquid chromatography Bulk analysis STEM Individual particle analysis AUGER spectroscopy Surface analysis ESCA, mossbauer, and x-ray diffraction Chemical state microprobe with submicron spatial resolution of two tenths of both The 590A utilizes a micron for analysis. single electron optics for image analysis and an argon ion ing gun for depth profiling. sputterfactors sensitivity Relative found compounds had to be redetermined for the specific pass in the fume since the peak to peak amplitude of the differential In order to minimize some of the elements. state chemical signal was found to be sensitive to the for charging severe under the incident electron beam in Auger analysis, a conductive silver membrane filter was employed for the collection of the submicron particles. 1.3 RESULTS For carefully controlled combustion conditions, the important variables which govern the physico-chemical characteristics of the submicron particles (i.e., size, amount, and bulk composition) were examined. The details have been et. al., presented elsewhere (Neville et. al., 1980; Haynes 1981; Quann, 1982). detail on the The results presented here will focus in chemical characteristics of the submicron particles produced from the combustion individual Montana of lignite 45/53 pm in twenty percent oxygen in nitrogen. 1.3.1 Dependence of concentration on particle size Data were obtained by two methods. A STEM was used to analyze individual particles and INAA was used size segregated particles collected and sized by to a analyze mobility classifier. and Particles with diameters ranging between 80 400 angstroms were analyzed at random using the STEM. The elemental concentration of individual particles diameter is plotted in Figure 1.1. Ca, and Fe show no major trend silicon exhibits a marked reciprocal versus The concentration of with concentration in increase whereas size particle with Mg, decreasing particle size. Four discrete cuts of tained from the mobility the with classifier The relative of concentration particles mean diameters of 100, 200, 300, and 400 angstroms by INAA. analyzed were Na, Ca, Fe, Mg, These results As,and Sb are reported in Figure 1.2. ob- particles submicron show a systematic increase in concentration with decreasing particle The concen- size for all elements other than Mg, Ca, and Fe. trations of iron, calcium, and magnesium did particle size in either the STEM analysis not vary of with individual particles or the INAA analysis of size classified samples. 1.3.2 Surface Enrichment elements The enrichment of the particle's surface in selected the surface was determined by: (1) comparing concentration, measured by Auger spectroscopy, with the concentration measured by AA, INAA, chromatography; (2) determining the variation tion measured by Auger spectroscopy as the liquid and in bulk concentra- surface layers 100 STEM 80 A - Mg x 0.2 [ - si x 10 0 - Fe x 0.5 O - ca 60 CD z 40 El z -)El 0.000 0.003 0.006 0.009 INVERSE DIAMETER 0.012 (Ao)-1 Figure 1.1 - Elemental concentration for primary particles by STEM versus inverse diameter 100 MOBILITY CLASSIFIER A - Na x 1.OE 1 +- - As x 4.8E 3 O - Sb x 2.BE 4 [] - Ca 75 - - Mg x 2.8E-1 - Fe A CD F-4 50 L-- LU CD L3 25 H 0 0. 000 1 i 0.003 0.006 INVERSE DIAMETER 0.009 0.012 (A0 ) -i Figure 1.2 - Concentration of various elements in the size classified fume versus inverse diameter comparing (3) were sputtered away; and the of ratio the emitted intensity of the high and low energy Auger electrons from the sample to the ratio for a homogeneous bulk standard. electron The surface concentration measured by Auger the with spectroscopy (column one) is compared in Table 1.2 bulk particle concentration by INAA (Na2 0, CaO, MgO, FeO), AA (K20 , SiO2 ), four). (column and liquid chromatography (SO3 ) A All elements are reported as their oxides for convenience. that shows comparison of the two analyses sulfur, sodium, potassium, and silicon are highly concentrated in the surface layers, while magnesium and are iron comparison of the two analysis, calcium is the From depleted. highly neither enriched nor depleted in the surface layers. In order to obtain the concentration as a function of depth from the surface, the fume sample was at sputtered a milling rate that corresponds to a surface regression rate of about twenty five angstroms per minute for a Te20 5 sputtering analyses Auger standard (Martin, 1981). original the of surface and at several sputtered times are presented in Table 1.2. The concentration of species in which enriched, such as that decrease as the surface of layers are sputtered species in which the surface is depleted, such and iron, increase. The relative concentration with successive sputtering remains constant is potassium, and sulfur, sodium, surface the while away, magnesium as of calcium suggesting that calcium is present near the surface as well as in the core of Table 1.2 species Na20 surface conc. (wt%) 11.8 5.6 16.4 so03 Auger spectroscopy of the fume before and after sputtering. 3 minute (wt%) bulk cone. (INAA)* (wt%) 6.0 4.6 5.3 3.7 1.8 7.9 6.4 3.5 1.6 sputter 1 minute (wt%) sputter 14.9 13.3 13.8 3.3 CaO 12.3 11.3 11.7 9.7 MgO 29.3 49.1 53.1 SiO FeO 2 3.9 6.5 7.8 58.6 11.8 * supplemented with AA and liquid chromatography It should be noted that the sputtering rate is the particle. uniform over a horizontal cross-section and that Auger the emission for a sectioned particle will always include contributions from surface layers. Another measure of the elemental stratification within the submicron particle is provided by a comparison intensities from the KLL and LMM Auger emission for elements in the fume with those from standard (Kane, 1974; King, 1979). a specific homogeneous bulk The extent of attenuation of the Auger electron moving through a solid will dependent on its own mean free path. The be escape mean free path X ) of the low energy LMM Auger 100 ev) highly 1000 ev). the intensity of the high energy electrons the to low obtained from a homogeneous bulk standard, the distance of the Therefore, elements a comparison of from the the the to surface intensity ratio increase will of Auger energy relative (- energy Consequently, the ratio element, emission for a subsurface (or depth is considerably smaller than that of the high KLL Auger electrons ( of as increases. ratios for the elements in the submicron particles with those from homogeneous bulk standard provides a measure of the distribution sulfur, magnesium, and silicon as a function Table 1.3). greater than, of the ratio from the homogeneous the slightly sample, bulk which suggests that sulfur is in the outer surface the submicron particle. For magnesium, (see depth For sulfur, the ratio is close to, but of layer intensity of ratio 13 Table 1.3 element Ratio of high and low energy Auger electron emission from the submicron particles and homogeneous bulk standards electron energy A AO fume ratio standard ratio 120 1.5 1834 76 10.4 1606 Mg 35 Mg 1190 20 14 greatly exceeds that ratio suggesting that magnesium is The extent of attenuation of silicon indicates that this element lies surface layer enriched in elements such the between as for emission energy low the particle. the of core in the standard homogeneous the from outer the and sulfur particle's core enriched in elements such as magnesium. of The above data are only semi-quantitative because complexities introduced by the different degrees of attenua- different elements by tion for the Auger electrons emitted and because of the averaging of the emissions from chords in a spherical results The particle. complicated by the attenuation of the Auger are in by The an layer intermediate mean layer. This apparent anomaly is explained by the larger free path of silicon KLL compared to that of sulfur outer the sample will attenuate the sulfur signal to a angstroms) The angstroms). (4.3 carbon contamination present on (25 electron auger a results surface the whereas those in Table 1.3 suggest it is in further electrons carbon film that forms on the sample's surface. in Table 1.2 suggest that silicon is different surface greater adsorbed of the extent than the attenuation of the silicon signal by surface layers. Therefore, Auger analysis yields an apparently surface concentration. However, by the use high silicon of several measurement techniques such as those employed in this a coherent story can be developed. study, 1.4 DISCUSSION The elemental record of the condensation particle provides a the various inorganic vapors. The believed to be responsible condensed by phase for in the Fe) are and Ca, Mg, sequence present elements core of the submicron particles (ie., initial the for the formation of homogeneous submicron the within stratification those while nucleation, the elements such as Na and K which form the outer layers of at submicron particles are believed to condense temperatures. lower much formation The phenomena involving the initial of the submicron particles should be evident by examining the which vaporization and condensation of magnesium, resides in the core of the submicron particles, not only but also accounts for over sixty percent of the submicron particle by weight. 1.4.1 Particle Nucleation compounds From the rate of vaporization of different it is possible to infer their partial pressure at the surface magnesium, the vapor was found to exceed the equilibrium vapor pressure for magnesium oxide of the burning char particle. For pressure calculated from the rate of vaporization, by several orders of magnitude (Quann, of vaporization is explained by 1982). chemical reduction oxide to the more volatile metal vapor in the cing atmosphere within a burning char The high of rate the locally redu- The metal particle. thus providing the neccessary driving force homogeneous for the from away temperature in decrease The nucleation. supersaturated, be will Upon reoxidation, the oxide vapors environment. oxidizing surrounding the char particle into burning the vapors will reoxidize as they diffuse away from particle can only accentuate this tendency. A steady phenomena examine in detail the nucleation of oxide. magnesium involving to homogeneous the the estimates model The order in developed was model state temperature, oxygen partial pressure, magnesium metal partial pressure, and partial oxide magnesium from the char particle. distance of function governing differential equations as a the from pressure The temperature at various distances from the char particle was derived from Fourier's law of heat conduction 1 r2 ( r 2 k rT = 0 Eq. 1.1 dr dr where the particle temperature was determined pyrometry (Timothy et. al., 1980). from pressure at various distances the The char by color two oxygen partial particle was derived from Fick's first law, 1 ( 2 dr r2 D dn2) = 0 Eq. 1.2 AB dr where the oxygen partial pressure at the surface of the particle was calculated from char oxidation kinetics char (Field, 1967). distan- The partial pressure of magnesium at various differential the ces from the cnar particle was governed by equation, (d r2 dr r 2 D dnMg Eq. 1.3 -Kngn Mg 02 AB dr char particle was calculated from data (Quann, 1982). The reaction The modeling of the homogeneous -KnMgno2 by vapor for the consumption of magnesium metal gas accounts , oxidation. oxidation phase coefficient magnesium will entail establishing the rate the vaporization experimental term, of surface where the magnesium partial pressure at the of for the governing bimolecular reaction MgO(v) + 0 Mg(v) + 02 --- as proposed by Markstein (1963). The Eq. 1.4 pressure, low low temperature studies concluded that the bimolecular homogene- ous reaction will account for initial formation of magnesium homogeneously oxide vapors which, upon supersaturation, will nucleate to form the initial particles. high temperature environment of For the combustion, atmospheric estimated the rate coefficient from collision theory was used to model bimolecular oxidation of magnesium metal vapors the (Laider, 1965). The partial pressure of magnesium oxide at various distances from the char surface was governed by the differen- 18 tial Equation, 1 (d r2 dr r 2 DAB dnMg) = Rrxn + Rnucl + Rhet Eq. 1.6 AB dr/ = K nM Rrxn no Rnucl = I 3 av = F'i(d) -a Rhet where the reaction terms on the right hand side 1.6 account for the continual production of equation of oxide magnesium consump- the vapors by oxidation of the metal vapors, Rrxn, tion of magnesium oxide by homogeneous nucleation, Rnucl, and vapors the consumption of magnesium oxide condensation on the stable nuclei of heterogeneous by magnesium oxide. rate of homogeneous nucleation of a spherical liquid for single component droplet from calculated was I, vapors, The the classical theory of nucleation of Volmer and Weber and Becker and Doering (Hirth et. al., 1963) using the predicted mag- nesium oxide partial pressure and equilibrium vapor pressure. The size of the stable nuclei forming by homogeneous nuclea- tion is specified by the critical cluster size, r*, which a cluster of size such that the addition of one monomer lead to the formation of heterogeneous stable a of condensation the cluster. The condensable the kinetic theory >> 10) of which is derived gases (Friedlander, from 1977) will rate of vapors is determined from the rate of deposition per particle for molecular regime (Kn is the and free from the number density, N , for the stable nuclei formed by homogene- monodisperse particle size distribution, a simple solution to the kinetic equation ous nucleation. In assuming a nearly rate for brownian coagulation can be used to approximate the of of change in the number density and average particle size the stable nuclei as a result of coagulation. model's The magnesium for predictions corresponding combustion the to Montana lignite in twenty percent presented in Figure 1.3. The of condensation the condition for nitrogen are in oxygen supersaturation magnesim of oxide is predicted to occur within the thermal boundary layer the of the char particle due to the relatively high rate for homogeneous oxidation of magnesium. The model predicts a very sharp rise increases. in This the nucleation the uncertainties in the assumed values for and pressures at the char particle's surface. rate oxidation 1965), constant of Mg(v) and MgO surface tension (Smithells, and the estimate of the magnesium oxide to insensitive relatively is position supersaturation as rate partial oxygen Since the onset of the in changes nucleation is very sensitive to temperature, values assumed for the above parameters will result in only a nuclea- slight displacement of the position for the onset of tion because of the steepness near the particle surface. the of temperature The duration of wave is attributed to the continual addition homogeneous gas phase oxidation of the of magnesium Since the transient time for establishing the gradient nucleation monomer metal steady by vapor. state 20 18 -3 En -,- E -I 4-J -4 16 -5 14 -6 12W U-) CL OC Er a.r EL JI z I- -7 10 < -8 8 LJ zo ID -9 6 1 5 13 9 R/Rp Figure 1.3 - Model prediction for the supersaturation of magnesium oxide 17 gas and temperature profiles arround extremely short and the fact that the char particle times characteristic the is for oxidation and nucleation are over two orders of magnitude shorter than the time for char burnout, magnesium assumed to homogeneously nucleate very early on can during be the combustion process, where the temperature is relatively high. 1.4.2 PARTICLE GROWTH The classical nucleation theory predicts the forma- tion of a large number of particles (a nucleation rate of 1.0 x 1017 nuclei/cc sec) of extremely cles of SiO 2 size. density, the initially high particle number grow rapidly. small 1976), 1973), and soot (Wagner, 1979) have been governed by coagulation theory. In inoganic to shown present the partiHomer, be study well the parti- submicron theory was shown to apply to the inorganic an will and (Graham Pb to particles The studies of the growth of (Ulrich et. al., Due cles produced from simulated pulverized coal combustion where the rate of coagulation was governed by quency of the particles due to random that particle coalescence was assumed the particle motion Brownian to contact. at diameter the predictions from coagulation theory in Figure with the self preserving distribution function and good The various distances from the point of coal injection are compared particle size distribution is found to be in fre- instantane- occur ously to form single spherical particles upon experimentally measured mean collision 1.4. with The agreement (Friedlander, 300 - PRIMARY PARTICLE n AGGLOMERATED PARTICLES PROJECTED AREA DIAMETER - COAGULATION THEORY 0 S 200 CHAR COMBUSTION rr -ZONE I <JI 7 O II 100 II I 0 0 5 10 15 20 25 DISTANCE FROM COAL INJECTION (cm) Figure 1.4 - Experimental and predicted time dependence for the mean diameter of the primary submicron particles For 1977). early periods growth theory coagulation the provides an excellent representation of the change in primary particle size with time. curve, it From extrapolation is apparent that the formation of particles is occurring at the initation of The continuous addition of new of the the char material growth submicron combustion. due to further vaporization during char combustion is accomidated by adjustment in the volume fraction. in Figure 1.4 the primary In examining the particle growth growth ceases curve shortly after char burnout as the gas temperature drops back down the furnace gas temperature of 1700 K diameter approaches 160 and angstroms. as This the particle apparent between theory and experimental observation can be by a decrease in coalescence rate. The time for governed by solid-state diffusion for two to break explained coalescence, particles having the same diameter may be estimated from the relationship -__- t 5/2 AL Lo ( 2 K T) r6/ (20 a D*) where AL/Lo is the fractional Eq. 1.7 5 shrinkage of the coalescing particles, a3 is atomic volume of diffusing vacancy, was selected to derive Figure 1.5. estimates The decrease in of solid magnesium oxide coalescence temperature D* A is the self diffusion coefficient (Kingery, 1965). phase diffusion coefficient for crystalline and on times completion in of combustion and the increase in particle diameter both contribute to the decrease of the coalescence rate. The primary 0.0 oC) G1) IF) -1.0 LLJ M: H- LUJ LLJ C-) w Co L3 -2.0 CD G L).0 CD -J -3.0 -4.0 1400 1600 1800 TEMPERATURE 2000 K Figure 1.5 - Predicted coalecsence time for crystaline magnesium oxide particles 25 particle diameter is agglomerated of formation particles particles where the discrete size of the colliding is The conserved. projected agglomerated the of areas particles at a sampling position of 20 cm from the injection of the coal is in agreement good very particles ceases at relatively high temperatures point of with the of these (i.e. 1700 The fact that the coalescence coagulation theory. point, Beyond this when both these factors become important. further coagulation leads to the angstroms 160 to 120 in the range of K) is consistent with the hypothesis that the species Na, are products being cooled since combustion the and K condense at much lower temperatures as would impurities these S, undoubtedly increase the coalescence rate at 1700 K (Kingery, 1965). 1.4.3 CONDENSATION In a manner analogous to magnesium, vaporization the the chemical more volatile of calcium, iron, and, silicon is augmented by reduction of the refractory oxides to the suboxide vapor (Sio) and metal vapor (Ca and Fe) the the locally reducing environment within As these vapors diffuse surrounding the char into particle, the they char oxidizing will sequence of condensation for the various to the formation of stable nuclei, one environment refractory pressures. might of particle. reoxidize. will be highly dependent on the rate coefficients oxidation and their relative partial because for The species their Subsequent anticipate an 26 oxidation increase in the condensation rate by heterogeneous oxygen of the metal or suboxide vapors by collision with the The contribution of this is formation MgO to mechanism particles. growing the atom layer formed on the surface of estimated to be two orders of magnitude smaller than that due to homogeneous even oxidation, Silicon calcium, condenses is slow. magnesium, to relative and iron because the silicon and its rate of oxidation 1959). 1969; Glassman, late low is concentration monoxide silicon The at surface collision efficiency of magnesium atoms with the high temperatures (Markstein, low the neglecting when vapor pressure at the surface is reduced to a level below the equilibrium value because of a diffusional resistance. Such a diffusional limitation is not and magnesium for important calcium because magnesium and calcium are finely dispersed an elemental form in to silicon which is (Quann, 1982). SiO to SiO 2 is present in discrete contrast in the original coal particle inclusions mineral The rate of oxidation of a monoxide expected to be much slower than oxidation of the metal to the monoxide; this based on an analogy with aluminum for which it the oxidation of aluminum by 02 to magnitude faster than that of AlO to A1O A10 2 that two is as of the orders iron surface of the burning char particle as determined is that found (Fontijn, The proximity of the saturation of calcium and such statement is in of 1976). to the from the steady state model suggests that these species like magnesium condense However, after shortly onset the char of combustion. temperature drops back upon temperature furnace the to gas local silicon is shown to saturate only as the completion of the combustion of the char particles. mean free path of the gas molecules, the rate of the than smaller Since the submicron particles are heterogene- ous condensation of the vapor molecules on the particles will the be governed by with frequency which the vapors collide with the surface of the condensable the In particles. free molecular regime, the rate of heterogeneous condensation per particle, F i (d), as calculated from the of gases (Friedlander, is given by 1977) F.(d) = d 2 (P - mk (2 Peq, i T)1 / 2 ) Eq. 1.8 Consequently, the concentration dependence of cron particles is predicted to be inversely From STEM the analysis species those which condense heterogeneously on the surface of particle diameter. theory kinetic submi- the proportional to individual of submicron particles, the concentration dependence for silicon is best correlated with inverse diameter, the concentration of magnesium, dependence on particle size. calcium, Figure and while 1.1, iron show no The interparticle concentration of those species which condense relatively early during growth process should be relatively uniform since the the evolu- tion of the submicron particles will entail the coalesence of 28 a large number (i.e., However, size in the case of silicon, the predicted particle the of ously after the coalescence The late condensation of other refractory oxides is heterogene- condenses dependence is preserved since silicon ceased. particles. 1.0 x 104) of various sized primary particles has to the relative silicon spec- Auger further supported by troscopy which has shown silicon to be present near the outer calcium, surface of the submicron particles while magnesium, up and iron are shown to make the submicron the of core particles. of calcium, magnesium, iron, much species dependent on the area of the residual and be will homogeneously highly submicron primary condensation particles availible for heterogeneous vapor higher Whether these pressures than the refractory oxides. or they and silicon either because are present in dilute quantities or have condense heterogeneously oxides refractory dense at much lower temperatures than the con- to assumed The volatile and trace species are and the rate at which the combustion products are cooled. The method employed for determining whether homogeneous nucleation of the volatile and trace species can occur in the presence of the pre-existing particles will be determined for by establishing whether or not the criteria nucleation has been exceeded (i.e., (Hirth et. al., 1963). I = 1 homogeneous nuclei/cc sec) As the combustion products are cooled the volatile and trace species will eventually saturate. As the partial pressure of species the gases are cooled further, i will be determined by calculating the amount of the condenon the pre-existing particles over the short time increment at each sable temperature. heterogeneously condenses that vapor The amount of condensable vapor species remain- next starting amount for the condensation, increment time of the amount condensing determined from the flux integral /n(v) used the at the as next heterogeneous diffusion-limited For temperture. be will ing in the gas phase after each step volatiles will be F i dv For the . residual ash particle mode which obeys continuum behavior (Kn function, distribution size << 1), the particle approximated numerically from the experimental data n(v), is and the diffusion flux, Fi(d), which is given by Fi(d) dp D (Pi k T = 2 Kn >> 10), by represented n(v) is function, * (7), Peq,i ) the size Eq. 1.9 free molecular mode which exhibits For the submicron particle behavior (i.e., - self-preserving size distribution and the molecular diffusion flux, obtained from equation 1.8. condensable vapors to the Kelvin effect (Friedlander, In establishing submicron 1977) function distribution F'i(d), the particles, and the reduction area of the primary particles due to agglomeration flux is of both the in the (Medalin, 1967) will be taken into account. The model's predictions for the extent of supersatur- 30 the presence of the residual and submicron ation of sodium in 1.6. For sulfate is sodium lignite, chlorine low a as Montana thermodynamically favored such coal content the Figure in particles for various cooling rates are presented sodium vapor species over the temperature range at which the condense to is anticipated state Furthermore, chemical sodium is particles. present as (McNellan analysis the in sulfate sodium that shows ESCA by 1981). al., et. submicron The equilibrium vapor pressure for sodium sulfate is calculated assuming a pure condensed phase. The particle size distribution for the residual and submicron particles is the based on the fly ash distribution obtained from combus- tion of Montana lignite 45/53 um at a furnace temperature of rate at The nitrogen. 1700 K in twenty percent oxygen in which the combustion products are cooled as they approach the water cooled collection probe was estimated from the temperature profiles in the furnace to range between 2,000 K/sec 7,000 Assuming K/sec. all sodium the about 1400 K. during vaporizes combustion, the sodium vapors are predicted saturate to heterogeneously. all the sodium to predicted is Only at much higher cooling condense rates, K/sec, is the partial pressure of sodium predicted to the crtical supersaturation partial the onset of homogeneous pressure nucleation. cooling rate of 40,000 K/sec, still at As the gases are cooled below 1400 K at a rate of 5,000 K/sec, sodium is to over exceed for necessary However, ninety 40,000 at even percent of a the predicted to condensed heterogeneously before I 1 U') 4-, (0 -4 - I I Cooling rate 5,000 K/sec Na2 SO4 , 2 - 20, 000 K/sec 3 - 40, 000 K/sec LLJ Lf) c-f) PNa ,SO, LL C -J CL0 -6 -8 F- CD . cI ~_4 I 1000 I 1200 I I 1600 1400 TEMPERATURE K Figure 1.6 - Tendency for critical super saturation of Na2SO4 as combustion products are cooled in the presence of residual and submicron particles 32 the criteria for homogeneous nucleation is assumed sodium, the other volatile and trace species are as heterogeneously condense the Like satisfied. are products combustion to cooled. concentration For diffusion-limited condensation the dependence of those species which condense heterogeneously on the submicron particles have proportional to particle size. Sb, Fe, Ca, been The concentration of Na, As, of size and Mg obtained from the INAA classified samples of the inversely be to shown submicron discrete versus reciprocal diameter in Figure observation The 1.2. plotted are particles is that the concentration dependence of As, Sb, and Na predic- model's correlated by d-1 relationship supports the best tion that the volatile and trace species condense heterogeneously as the gases are being cooled. determination The submi- the stratification of the various elements within the form species outer the most of surface volatile the that cron particle by Auger spectroscopy show of the submicron particle. the Under the combustion conditions examined, tile species had been previously assumed to totally during combustion due to their high the discrepency between the amount of two size volatile appearing in the submicron particles with that in the coal (i.e., - forty percent) cannot be vaporize However, volatility. based on the respective surface area of the vola- explained modes species parent by the 33 amount of material condensing on the residual fly ash parti- cles since the submicron particles account ninety of percent free the for available area for heterogeneous the in The concentration of sodium condensation. over residual fly ash from the combustion of Montana lignite in 45/53 um at oxygen a furnace temperature of 1700 K in twenty percent shown in Figure 1.7 to be inversely proportional to sodium in the residual fly ash is present of the a result of fact that the as the However, condensation. heterogeneous diameter substantial fraction which suggests that a squared, is 2 intercept for the sodium concentration versus 1/d posi- is tive also suggests that not all the sodium volatilized during combustion. From the about trend, concentration In order percent of the sodium is estimated to vaporize. explain the distribution of the vaporized sodium, primary tition between the residual fly ash particles sodium was vapors vaporization, varied, 4. of spheres a as examined for sink by various diffusion-limited (i.e., condensation, the of fume identity). distribution of volatile species between the two modes can be estimated the flux integral for the residual fly ash particles and primary spheres of the submicron stated, particles. the Kelvin effect and the reduction in As the ash is remain will the of the condensing vaporized ash self-preserving and degrees As the fraction of total ash the total area of the residual fly 00.6 the to compe- the fume for relatively constant while the total area vary the seventy will For the from the previously area of 8 0 z CD rl H- LU : 2 0 2 0 4 INVERSE DIAMETER SQUARE Figure 1.7 6 (um)-2 - Concentration of sodium in the residual fly ash versus inverse diameter squared 8 35 into taken are agglomeration the primary particles due to account in the flux integral for the submicron particles. experimental and A comparison between the predicted degrees fraction of sodium appearing in the fume for various of ash vaporization is of sodium vaporized trends for each condition. sodium The fraction of vaporized The increase in estimated rate which is the lower bound for the cooling the fraction of sodium twenty , is percent can be attributed to the increase in the area of the fume 40.6. in appear- ing in the fume as the amount of total ash vaporized, increased from less than one percent to over to K/sec 2,000 of rate be fairly well predicted by a cooling shown is fume) appearing in the submicron particles (ie., the furnace. concentration the from estimated was amount the shown in Figure 1.8 where The variation in the prediction of sodium appearing by in the fume with cooling rate can be attributed to the fact that at lower cooling rates the concentration of condensable vapor is shown to remain fairly pressure (see Figure 1.7). rates, Consequently, the that the potential particles. However, Kelvin for as the effect condensation cooling supersaturation of the condesable rate vapor vapor saturation low for (Pi - Peq,i the potential for condensation, small enough reduce the to close will ) cooling , will preferentially submicron to the is increased the and the increases Kelvin effect becomes less pronounced due to the increase the potential for condensation. be in 1.0 LLJ LL 0.8 - -N Co Z C2 UJ NJ 0.6 --/i LL. 0.4 Li F- CD) CD Cooling rate 0.2 -/ 2 1 - 7,000 K/sec U- 2 - 2,000 K/sec 0.0 1 0. )0 I 0.05 I 0.10 I I 0.15 0.20 FRACTION OF TOTAL ASH VAPORIZED Figure 1.8 - Fraction of sodium collected with the fume for various degrees of vaporization of the total ash 1.5 CONCLUSION The submicron inorganic coal combustion have a stratified the core of the particles in Montana a on study inner The concentration. present during produced particles lignite consists mainly of the oxides of magnesium, iron, and calcium produced by the vaporization of the metals generated in the particle, locally reducing The nuclei coagulate at of the which is In the surface nucleation of the resulting oxides near the burning particle. homogeneous the oxidation of the metal vapors and char burning a within regime a rate adequately predicted by classical coagulation theory. early stages of coagulation the particles coalesce, the the temperature in the vicinity of particles but, as decreases subsequent to the completion of combustion of the char and as the primary particle diameter increases, the coalescence rate aggregates decreases and the agglomerates produced appear as of spheres. Silicon monoxide generated in the oxidized to condenses on and magnesium oxides. As cing atmosphere of the burning char particle is silica at a relatively slow rate and therefore the core produced by iron, calcium, the combustion products are cooled volatile compounds metals such as Na, As, and Sb condense to produce layer of the inorganic particles. redu- locally The volatile species between the two size modes is outer the distribution of sensitive the rate at which the combustion products are cooled and fraction of the total ash vaporized. of the to the The hypotheses relating 38 to the condensation sequence are supported by measurements on the stratification of the elements within the particle and by the observation that the concentration of the in the outer layer is proportional to the reciprocal particle diameter. found species of the 39 CHAPTER TWO - BACKGROUND 2.1 INTRODUCTION Coal is atmospheric of source major the still operation particulates, inspite of improvements in combustor and the implementation electrostatic of precipitators and Interest in the scrubbers for particulate emission control. control of fine particles emitted by pulverized coal combus- tion is motivated by environmental considerations since fine particles can penitrate deep into the lungs, have atmospheric residence times, relatively high are and concentrations of believed to ash Studies of the size distribution of the fly contain by emitted al., et. McCain utility boilers (Markowski, et. al., 1980; long species. trace toxic the 1975) show that most of the fly ash is concentrated in a size range of 1 to 20 microns but that a small order of one to two percent of the total present in the submicron size range ash which the of amount, is weight by up shows as distinct spike in the particle size distribution. Studies a of shown that these have concentrations of the volatile trace species that et. al., the composition of the larger ash particles have increase with decreasing 1974) and that the particle surface layers size of (Davison the particles are 40 enriched in the same trace species (Linton et. al., 1977). physical Fly ash is formed from the high temperature been extraneous. original plant material or association the coal formation period. Adventitious during water ion-exchange processes with circulating ground of result a as the to bonded chemically carbonaceous matter of the coal because of their the or those encompasses matter The inherent mineral coal of adventitious, inherent, as categorized inorganic elements intimately or with present matter The ash forming constituents with the parent coal. have mineral the and chemical transformation of matter mineral is present as finely distributed micron sized mineral crystallyBecause of the association tes in the carbonaceous material. of mineral adventitious material, the mineral inclusions can also be inherent. Extraneous mineral matter is catigorized associaand minor, The major, trace element content in coals are listed in Table 2.1 as average of 100 US coals. major The earth minerals, the most abundent calcite, and pyrite. being in occur common kaolinite, quarts, and With respect to their vaporization can condensation characteristics, the inorganic elements catigorized as refractory or volatile depending volatility and/or abundence in the parent coal. an which consitituents, generally include; Si, Al, Fe, Ca, and Mg as from dirt free appreciable adjacent sedimentary bands without any tion with the carbonaceous material. carbonaceous the with matter The on be their refrac- Table 2.1 - Mean composition for 100 coals CONSTITUENTS MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION MIN MAX Refractory Al 1.29 0.45 0.43 3.04 Ca 0.77 0.55 0.05 2.67 Fe 1.92 0.79 0.34 4.32 Mg 0.05 0.04 0.01 0.25 Si 2.49 0.80 0.58 6.09 0.50 93.00 Volatile 17.7 As 14.02 PPM Cd 2.52 PPM 7.60 0.10 65.00 Cr 13.75 PPM 7.26 4.00 54.00 Hg 0.20 PPM 0.20 0.02 1.60 Ni 21.07 PPM 12.35 3.00 80.00 Pb 34.78 PPM 43.69 4.00 218.00 Sb 1.26 PPM 1.32 0.20 8.90 Zn 27.29 PPM 694.23 6.00 5350.00 55.23 80.14 Ultimate Analysis C 70.28 % 3.87 H 4.95 % 0.31 4.033 5.79 N 1.30 % 0.22 0.78 5.79 O 8.68 % 2.44 4.15 16.03 11.44 % 2.89 2.20 25.80 Ash 42 while oxides major tory species encompass the non-volatile the volatile species encompass the volatile and trace species carcinogens, (i.e., toxic potentially are which some of mutagens, and heavy metals). At high combustion temperatures, mineral matter will transformations. The undergo both and physical scenario depicting the chemical mechanisms formation ash fly for during pulverized coal combustion is presented in Figure 2.1. sions averaging around one to two small inclu- (Padia, 1976). as The inherent mineral matter is represented microns Initially, as the coal particle is heated, volatile hydrocarpyroly- bons originally present in the coal or formed during sis are vaporized. A residual char particle is proceeds to burn by heterogeneous oxidation of surface. which left, external the For non-swelling coals, the char surface receeds as combustion proceeds, exposing more and more inclusions on the surface. Because ash has a high surface tension, it does inclu- wet the exposed carbon surface, instead these surface sions will coalesce to form spherical ash droplets 1969). Near the tail end of will fracture, each combustion, leading coalesced ash particle (Padia, to the 1976). the (Ramsden, particle char of single mineral matter formation The not residue of the burned-out suspended coal particles typically have mass mean diameters of 10 to 20 microns and are commonly refered to as residual fly ash. released in this way. However, not all the ash is During combustion, the char combustion COAGULATION NUCLEATION 0 o o. Inorganic Vapors mineral Inclusion 0 0 00 0 VAPORIZATION ash particle / HETEROGENEOUS. CONDENSATION Inorganic Submicron Particle 0 Coal Particle Char Particle CHAR BURNOUT 0 0 Residual Fly Ash I - 20 Ia - DECREASING TEMPERATURE - Figure 2.1 - Schematic diagram of fly ash formation during pulverized coal combustion temperatures (1700 - 2200 K) are high enough that some of the As the mineral matter will volatilize. products combustion are cooled, the inorganic vapors must condense either heteroparticles geneously on the free surface of residual fly ash or by homogeneous nucleation if the inorganic vapors supersaturated thereby leading to phase condensed extremely of formation the nucleation, the large number of stable nuclei should 1979). Upon rapidly formation grow by coagulation, eventually leading to the Desrosier, et. al., The presence of submicron aerosol where the size distribution of (1975), fly ash to found was It should be noted that be 1980) Results from a more recent study (Marcowski, are presented in Figure 2.2. partiin the lumped and of ten Studies of the composition of the residual fly ash cles greater than ten microns which preseperator of the cascade impactor were have collected been subsequently classified as having particle diameters microns. of 1979; (Flagan, um was first substantiated in the field study of McCain bimodal. new a of particles. small particles with mass mean diameter of 0.1 become particles have shown that these have concentrations of volatile trace species that increase with decreasing particle size (Davison, et. al., 1974) and that the surface layers (Linton, et. This is consistent with the hypothesis that the the particles are enriched in the same species al., 1977). of trace metal vapors condense on the surface of the residual ash particles produced during pulverized coal combustion with the rate of deposition being controlled by mass transfer 45 2.8 I I I III I I I 2.4 2.0 ,, 1.6 1.2 0.8 e--FIT TO EASA DATA - CASCADEIMPACTOR 0.4 0.01 0.1 1 GEOMETRIC AEROOL DIAMETER (micron IS) Figure 2.2 - Fly ash particle size distribution obtained from a utility boiler (Marcowski, 1980) (Flagan and Friedlander, 1978). 2.2 OBJECTIVES In general, the toxic effect of the fine (i.e., submicron) are unknown because field to their physico-chemical characteristics and relavent toxicalogical conducted. data experiments are have particles pertaining fragmentary, not yet been Furthermore, reevaluation of particulate emission standards will most probably require fine particle emission. the reduction In obtaining a better of the evolution of the submicron particles, in the understanding insitu altera- tion of the submicron particles through combustion modifica- tions may provide both the determine the a viable means for reducing emission and toxic effect of those particles. The objectives of this thesis are physico-chemical characteristics of the produced under a wide range of laboratory laminar flow to submicron combustion furnace and understanding about the evolution of to these particles conditions obtain in a better The particles. analytical capabilities for the specific characterization the submicron particles will be developed inorder mine the bulk composition, chemical individual submicron particle surface, within the submicron mode, chemical state of and profile), chemical characteristics of discrete size of constituents, particle morphology, and particle size of deter- to characteristics (bulk, a the depth sampling inorganic distri- 47 bution (PSD). of Since the phenomena vaporization ash of this thesis will pertain to those vaporization with specific emphasis process on the focus the being examined in detail by Richard Quann (1982), is subsequent to condensation sequence of the vaporized inorganics, particle growth process by coagulation and agglomeration, and vaporized volatile and trace species modes. distribution between the of two the size CHAPTER THREE COMBUSTION AND SAMPLING SYSTEM The central features of the laboratory scale continuous tion system are a laminar flow-drop tube furnace, collection coal feeding system, and water cooled combus- probe for products continuous recovery and quenching of the combustion followed by an Andersen impactor for on line size classification of the residual fly ash particles. The advantages an apparatus conducting combustion experiments on such of are that: (1) the combustion conditions can be precisely defined, controlled, and monitored to permit detailed investigation of a number of effecting parameters of small homogeneous samples particle well be (2) coal are characterized employed for the experiments; (3) all leaving the furnace can formation; particulate completely collected productes and size classified for subsequent analysis which eliminates questions inevitably present in field studies to the extent collected samples are representative; and (4) the laboratory system can simulate environments encountered in both tional pulverized coal fired boilers and extreme that conven- conditions such as those proposed for advanced energy conversion systems (e.g., MHD). In this chapter, the combustion furnace, continuous coal feeding capabilities, system, and collection operating system, parameters monitoring described are in detail. 3.1 COMBUSTION FURNACE flow-drop tube furnace (Astro Model 1000a) is presented in Figure 3.1. The elements, the A schematic diagram of has furnace the graphite heated electrically laminar current temperature of which are regulated with an automated controller. In order to protect the ments the from isolated from the muffle tube. oxidizing central graphite zone by flows through an alumina honeycomb at zone, an isothermal region of uniform laminar oxygen-nitrogen gas mixture is regulated by controllers. through a Well size classified narrow water cooled coal feeder axially into the main gas stream just dual mass are particles tube below hot The temperature composition The velocity. it preheater, and delivering the main gas at the specified furnace a enters 1979). (House, the 1800 the of top honeycomb serves as both a flow straightener with is where furnace the m 0.1 by gas, The main gas, a pre-mixed oxygen inert are alumina an temperature at 1.0 x 10- 4 m 3 /s through the top of the ele- elements imposed Due to the thermal limitation alumina, the maximum operating furnace Kelvin. the environment, combustion heating flow fed injected and the of honeycomb. The coal particles are rapidly heated and combustion begins. Radial dispersion of the particles is minimized by the stable 50 Coal Particles and Carrier Gas ,Water Cooled Particle Injector Flow Figure 3.1 - Schematic diagram of laminar flow furnace laminar flow field. Visual observation shows that inside the - 2 m, the furnace, which has an internal diameter of 5.0 x 10 -3 m of the axis. burning particles remain within 6.2 x 10 Axial temperature profiles of the gas in the hot zone measurements. of the furnace were determined by thermocouple These measurements were preformed under flow conditions liters/min main gas) identical to those used in (6 combustion experiments. Coal was not fed, however, for the gas tempera- ture measurements. The measured axial gas temperature profiset les were obtained with the water cooled collection probe at 0.15 m from the honeycomb flow the probe, Figure 3.2. and straightener without At a furnace wall temperature of 1750 K, the average gas temperature in the hot zone of the furnace the is 1700 K without the water cooled probe and 1650 K with water cooled probe. ture was cooled at Following the hot zone the gas rate a of 2,000 K/s and temperaK/s, 7,000 respectively. 3.2 FEEDER SYSTEM Because of experimental the apparatus was designed to feed continuously and reproducibly. small scale, quantities diagram A schematic feeding system is presented in Figure 3.3. cles are entrained in 1.0 x 10- 6 m 3 /s of which flows over the surface of the the The inert agitated into the stationary fine gauge tubing. The gas coal feeding coal of of the parti- carrier gas bed and coal velocity in 1700 Is 1400 LU H- 1100 LU F- 800 500 5 10 15 25 20 DISTANCE FROM POINT OF COAL INJECTION (cm) Figure 3.2 - Gas temperature profiles in laminar flow furnace To Furnace er Gas e Gauge Tubing O-Ring i Vial Bed Figure 3.3 - Schematic diagram of coal feeder 54 the fine gauge tubing is sufficient to keep the particles suspension. The rate of entrainment is rate at which the coal feed vial established is driven by the towards the stationary fine gauge tubing by the syring pump. A feeding rates from 1.7 x 10- 4 grams/s to 1.7 x in range 10- 3 of grams/s is obtainable by changing the speed of the syringe pump. For a given syringe setting, a fixed clearance between the top of the coal bed and the fine gauge after an intial transient. tube will be One to three grams established of coal are normally fed per experiment. 3.3 COLLECTION PROBE All the combustion products, both gaseous are collected at a given height in the cooled probe which is inserted furnace. resolved studies. A schematic diagram probe is presented in Figure 3.4. water cooled collection probe is The fitted a water bottem the adjustable The probe position is solid by furnace through and to of collection core with the time enable the inner of a of the stainless The steel porous tubing through which gas is transpired. -2 1.27 x 10 m ID porous tubing is constructed from fused five micron stainless steel spheres. In the top x 2.5 10- 2 m combustion products are rapidly -4 quenched at a rate of 1.0 x 10-4 degrees per second by 3.0 x section of the probe, the 10- 4 m 3 /s of nitrogen. 6.6 x 10- 5 m 3 /s of A minimal inward radial gas nitrogen velocity of 3.5 x 10- 3 which corresponds m/s is maitained through flow to the a of gas subse- 55 COMBUSTION QUENCH ZONE O-RING FURNACE MUFFLE TUBE POROUS TUBE QUENCH GAS - COOLING WATER WALL GAS - TO COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS Figure 3.4 - Schematic diagram of water cooled collection probe 56 quent section of the porous tubing to counter phoretic velocity of the particles (e.g., 1.8 the thermo- 10- 4 x m/s), thereby, preventing particle deposition on the inner wall of the probe. 3.4 CASCADE IMPACTOR probe, From the collection enter directly into an Andersen 20-800 Ambient Sampler is a multistage gas Sampler for The Andersen aerodynamic classification of the particulates. Ambient and particles the impactor cascade which contains eight stages followed by a 0.2 um Fluoropore filter. Each stage of the impactor contains multicircular jets, The designed to permit highly efficient size classification. principle involved in this technique is illustrated in Figure 3.5. velocity determined by the size of the The orifice. stream is deflected by a collection plate. at jet) The aerosol flow through an orifice (i.e., a gas Smaller particles are able to modify their direction of flow and follow the gas streamlines, while the larger particles possessing a large diame- kinetic energy impact on the plate. Since the orifice of ter decreases with succeeding stages, the size particles will decrease with succeeding stages. gas flow rate for this impactor is 4.72 will accomodate the high gas flow x The 10- 4 rates impacting optimal m 3 /s which neccessary for quenching the combustion products. Several laboratory and field studies (Ondov, 1975; 57 o 0. p 0 • Colltion Plate Air oFlow .I 2 CIMm.n Collction Pl Figure 3.5 - Schematic diagram showing two stages of a cascade impactor (Friedlander, 1977) 58 McCain, 1978; and Rao, 1978) have noted that the of impactors can be severly hampered reentrainment, and particle bounce. by wall The problems with reentrainment and particle bounce can be implementing the use of greased aluminum apezon grease type H) and minimizing avoid particle overloading on each the the furnace. fly ash particles associated eliminated time incorporating was recalibrated in the laboratory stage obtained from scanning electron micrographs by an image analyser, where between two hundred five and described in greater detail in section 4.1.2. hundred will particle size distribution are presented in Table theoretical volume mean diameter for each stage for the 3.1. were The calcu- lated for spherical particles with specific density of three Due to the close aggreement with theory each and the observed narrow distribution on evident that problems associated with reentrainment have been eliminated. Consequently, the inlet transpired stage, and Significant wall loss wall nozzle was through the is bounce of the inlet redesigned its graphite wall to eliminate particle deposition. of selected inorganic elements on it particle has been observed to occur on the inner be be For each stage the volume mean diameter and the standard deviation that gases could was automated particles were sized. The particle sizing technique nozzle. to By The particle size distribution for each (Friedlander, 1977). by (i.e., sampling stage. generated loss, substrate these modifications, the Andersen impactor for performance impactor inner so porous The recovery stages and 59 Table 3.1 - Calibration of the ambient Andersen impactor stage number experimental Theory* D D P p 12.2 5.65 1.8 5.52 3.46 0.89 3.63 2.54 0.46 2.47 1.58 0.37 1.65 0.9 0.20 0.95 0.55 0.23 0.54 * particle density= 3.0 g/cc 60 final filter should verify whether significant wall of of selected after combus- inorganic particles is occuring. The percentage elements in the coal feed ulimately recovered loss Generally, more than ninety tion are presented in Table 3.2. percent of an element in the coal feed is recovered in particulate product. This indicates that no significant of particles or inorganic vapors are occurring within the loss the furnace, collection probe, or Andersen Impactor. The submicron particulates, because size pass through the impactor. presently employed for the particles for the Three of sampling of preparation their the various analytical techniques collection on a filter for subsequent weight analysis; grids (2) deposited on transmission in the electrostatic studies; and (3) classifier. on-line size and for classification methods submicron are; (1) chemical microscope electron precipitator small microscopy by mobility These various option will be descused in greater detail in chapter four. 61 Table 3.2 - Elemental material balance on furnace and collection system. Gas temperature 1750 K oxygen partial pressure 0.5 atmospheres Element percent recovered Al 77.3 As 99.6 Ca 96.0 Cr 100.5 Fe 91.7 La 100.4 Mg 80.7 Mn 90.0 Na 89.0 Sb 100.0 62 CHAPTER FOUR - ANALYTICAL TECHNIQUES processes Insight on the fundamental nature of the submicron particles detailed physicochemical particles. can be charaterization governing obtained of the from this section The focus of this will be to evaluate the analytical capability of a submicron A list of the analytical techniques used in study are presented in Table 4.1. the tech- each nique for quantitative analysis. 4.1 TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPE A Philips 200 transmission electron microscope (TEM), with a working magnification of 125,000 morphological characterization of The high resolution of the TEM of several angstroms can produced by thermionic be achieved. emission "hairpin" filament held at -100 kV. are accelerated and partially from The collimated wehnelt electrode surrounding the a resolution electrons heated emitted by filament. highly a point The a for particles. with obtained collimated electron beam, where a point to used was submicron the is x, are tungsten electrons controlling With magnetic lenses, the electron beam is first condensed and than focused onto the electron thin specimen held in the specimen stage. 63 Table 4.1 - Analytical instrumentation used for physico-chemical characterization of the submicron particles INSTRUMENT APPLICATION Physical Characterization TEM particle morphology Automated image analyzer PSD Mobility classifier discrete sized Samples within the submicron mode Chemical Characterization INAA, AA, and liquid chromatography bulk analysis STEM individual particle analysis Auger spectroscopy surface analysis ESCA, mossbauer, and x-ray diffraction chemical state The transmitted electrons are then magnified to form a planar image of the specimen on the viewing screen at the bottem ob- are images the Micrographs of the microscope column. of tained with a plate camera which is located below the viewing screen. Samples of the submicron particles prepared are by depositing the particles on transmission electron microscope grid placed in an electrostatic percipitator down stream the cascade impactor. of The TEM grid is a 200 mesh copper grid with a vacuum deposited carbon support film. By allowing the electrostatic precipitator to fill uniformally with particles before each pulse of presentative collection the samples the of plate submicron re- electrode, can particles be obtained. the Quantitative calibration of set- magnification tings for the Philips 200 was obtained with a carbon diffraction grading replica standard, containing lines per millimeter. At low magnification the distance between used. The calibration of the the magnification between the large number of lines is two diffraction 2,160 used, while discrete magnification compaired with the manufacture's for the Philips 4.2. distance points setting 200, Due to slight drift in the magnification settings time, recalibrations were periodically conducted. high at is are Table with Table 4.2 - Calibration of the magnification the Philips 200 TEM settings for magnification setting manufacture calibration 12 9,900 8,700 17,000 18,100 30,500 32,100 55,000 58,200 94,000 97,100 4.2 AUTOMATED IMAGE ANALYZER micrographs and agglomerated particles are obtained from TEM of the submicron particles by with the software computerized a establishing for calabilities equivalent spherical diameter of both primary and ted particles. Since the growth process upon instantaneously frozen by with sampling analyzer image automated The automated image analyzer is (Magiscan). system an particles primary of The particle size distibution agglomera- coagulation the is collection coagula- probe, time resolved studies can be used to examine tion kinetics where the relative rate of coalescence leads to agglo- the formation of either single spherical particles or merated particles. 4.3 MOBILITY CLASIFIER The mobility classifier (Knutson and Whitby, 1975) is an on line instrument developed for particle size classification of submicron particles where the classification is based on the electrical mobility of unicharged particles. feature of the mobility classifier is its An added capability for of the extracting discrete sized samples. In order to obtain discrete primary particles for bulk chemical sized samples analysis, the mobility classifier had to be calibrated with respect to the inorganic submicron particles since slight particles will occur before sampling. agglomeration The primary of these particle size distributions for the discrete sized cuts obtained from the mobility classifier are broader than that predicted from theory. However, the of breadth the particle size distributions, which is a consequence of agglomeration, not pose a significant problem in obtaining several sized cuts of the particle mode. primary particles will discrete within the submircon The calibration was conducted for submicron particles produced from the (53/63 um) at a furnace combustion temperature percent oxygen in nitrogen. of of Montana 1700 The new voltage mean diameters for the primary particles K Lignite in twenty settings are verse presented in Figure 4.1. 4.4 Bulk Analysis The bulk elemental composition for the major, and trace inorganic elements is determined by neutron activation analysis (INAA) supplemented absorption (AA) for silicon, potassium, and liquid chromatography (Mizisir et. instrumental with atomic phosphorus, for 1978) al., minor, and sulfur. INAA, a multielemental analysis technique, is a reliable sensitive method for the determination of trace The amounts of one nanogram or less. elements employs technique and in a high neutron flux source for the production of radionuclides The radionuclides (i.e., isotopes) from the target element. decay, leading to the emission of gamma rays of specific energy which are measured with a gamma spectrometer, a Ge(Li) 68 250 200 r1- 0 150 CD FCD cr LJ U 100 z 50 -O 0 100 200 MEAN DIAMETER 300 (Ao) Figure 4.1 - Calibration of the mobility classifier with respect to primary particle diameter 69 solid state detector coupled to a multichannel analyzer. The precise and accurate amount of each element in the sample calculated by ratioing the measured activity with the activity of a standard of known NBS coal). The accuracy of INAA several Opal Glass samples "NBS was of the sample composition (i.e., checked standard by analyzing number 91". The composition of the oxides of Ca, Al, and Na as determined INAA are within one percent of the NBS is composition, by Table 4.3. The submicron particles are collected on high purity filter (i.e., Fluoropore) placed stage of the cascade impactor. polytetrafluoroethylene in 0.2 micron the filter The flouropore filters are substrate bonded to high a density polyethylene net for improved ease of handling. 4.5 SCANNING TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPE The elemental composition of individual primary particles are obtained with a 100kv field emmission scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) fitted with an energy dispersive x-ray spectrometer. In order to obtain quantitative results a computerized data acquisition accurate, system, known as quantex-ray, is available for x-ray evaluation. The STEM provides a wide range of image and analysis capabilities not previously combined in a single instrument, a major advance in instrumental microanalysis and Hall, 1979). The unique feature of the representing (Vander STEM is Sande its 70 Table 4.3 - element INAA analysis of Opal Glass, NBS standard number 91 INAA NBS analysis Na 2 34.5% 34.1% Al203 24.8% 24.1% CaO 40.7% 41.8% for elemental analysis. This permits microprobe analysis of the individual resolution spatial of angstroms twenty parti- primary paticles where the contribution from adjacent cles can be neglected. Submicron particle samples for the STEM are prepared elec- transmission by depositing the submicron particles on tron microscope grid placed in the electrostatic precipitator down stream of the cascade impactor. samples in the uncertainty in the When X-ray spectra of standards and STEM are aquired, there exists some analysis, culminating from both systematic and random errors. The approach taken in minimizing the systematic errors are outlined in Table 4.4. 4.5.1 Reproducability A. Beam Current Decay The decay in beam current results from contamination build up on the filament of the field emission gun, the of which depends on 1979). the chamber gun decay The significance of beam current the fact that the intensity of induced the vacuum specimen is directly the (Garret-Ried, arises from emission from beam current After cleaning the filament proportional (Goldstien and Williams, 1977). with a high current pulse, x-ray rate objective to aperture current (indirect monitor of beam current) and count rate for inconel Table 4.4 - Sources of error and corrections implemented in order to obtain quantitative x-ray analysis of the submicron particles with the STEM Phenomena I. II. Correction Reproducibility A. Decaying probe current monitor for each analysis B. Specimen contamination bake samples before analysis C. Drift mechanically realign sample D. Counting statistics determine the uncertainty in x-ray counting and propagate through calculation Maximize signal/bremsstrahlung A. Bremsstrahlung establish spurious sources and eliminate contribution B. Hole count use virtial objective aperture in back focal plane III. Quantitative analysis A. Thin film criteria 1. Absorption 2. Fluorescence 3. Beam spreading establish significance of absorption, fluorescence, and beam spreading making the necessary adjustment to raw intensities B. Standards implement use of experimental sensitivity factors Kab C. Specimen stability establish stable species 73 600 standard (i.e., Iron) were monitored seconds, 1500 for X-ray analysis obtained at different Figure 4.2 (Was, 1980). time intervals during the decay cycle will hamper comparative analysis of the raw intensity. intensities x-ray The variation in decaying beam current could be eliminated by acquisition analysis. and time cleaning resulting from decreasing the each before filament the of life However, this would sharply decrease the time. the filament and subsequently increase instrument down the normalize Instead, the corrective procedure used was to x-ray intensities with respect to beam current. B. Specimen Contamination Contamination build up on the specimen will surface the attenuate both the primary electrons and x-ray signal of specimen. The effect of analysis is illustrated in Figure 4.2, for Fe drops off more sharply current with time. build contamination than where the the during up rate count objective aperture The effect of contamination build up more serious for the light elements (e.g., Na and Mg), is since their low energy x-rays will be attenuated more severely. During analysis, surface adsorbed hydrocarbon carbon oxides (i.e., contamination) will coke under the and high energy electron beam leaving a residual film of carbon (Ennos 1953; Heide, 1963). In the high vacuum sample rate of residual vapor deposition will be chamber, extremely the slow. 74 1.0 FC - specimen count rate (Fe) O - objective aperature current 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 I I 0.0 0 500 TIME 1000 1500 (sec) Figure 4.2- Decay in beam current and specimen count rate with time 75 Therefore, the observed contamination build up during sis has been attributed to the migration of surface hydrocarbons and carbon oxides into the Proper sample preparation by removing will eliminate analysis. substantial contamination adsorbed analysis adsorbed region. contaminates build This is achieved by baking the TEM analy- up grids during at 200 centigrade in a vacuum of 10- 6 torr for an hour. C. Drift For extended counting periods (i.e., >20 seconds), the drift of the specimen can occur such that the particle of interest is no longer being analyzed. from expansion of the carbon Specimen drift results support film with heating, and/or movement in the specimen holder or retaining ring to vibrations. In analysis, continual order to compensate realinement of the for during drift specimen due will be required. D. Counting Statistics Since x-ray photon emission is a random process, some variance (i.e., counting error) in the will exist for a series measurement of acquired of measured repetitive counts, N, the intensities For analyses. standard a counting error is represented by the relationship (Kevex, 1980) a = (N)1 / 2 Eq. 4.1 76 particle, For a series of repetitive analyses of a submicron the standard deviation in the normalized counts for Si and Fe with was determined and is compared deviation in Table 4.5. the standard counting that indicates The close agreement the contribution from all sources of error other coun- than ting error are relatively small. is The precision of each analysis which by defined the relationship S1 Precision N (N) can be greatly enhanced by increasing Eq. 4.2 1/2 the time acquisition (i.e., number of counts) while maintaining a high signal to background ratio. 4.5.2 Maximize Signal/Bremstrahlung A. Bremsstrahlung Background is the result of the detection of unwanted x-rays or electrons. The primary source of background electrons originates from inelastic collision of the primary with the specimen, resulting in the production of a continuum of x-rays. This continuum bremsstrahlung or braking is sometimes radiation. The to referred high as background level detracts from the statistical precision of the results by increasing the difficulty in interpreting the signal from 77 Table 4.5 - Repetitive analysis of submicron particles for the elements silicon and iron. number average standard deviation standard counting deviation total count Si Fe 258 187 269 226 311 213 268 199 276 206 background, Figure 4.3 (a). bremsstrahlung, extraneous the background, minimization of high and rates counting low the of Because the source of which can be traced by the presence of spurious reduction. From examination, the largest source of bremsstrahlung was attri- x-rays, will be data for essential buted to the copper grid matrix whose x-ray signal dwarfs the unusually high production of through prepaired thin foil standard. For a specially a in hole a convergent perfectly standard beam, no interactions between the electron beam and should occur. extremely However, high objective the hole count was eliminated by shifting the objective sharp in the spurious x-ray and bremsstruhlung emanating copper grid matrix was achieved. Figure 4.3 by examining the after (b) modifying the x-ray objective This increased current convergence of the electron beam. reduction from (a) before spectra aperture density aperture illustrated is The increase in x-ray counts from the specimen result of the high The tron beam which accounts for the high hole count. Consequently, a elec- the aperture to the specimen causes the scattering of into the back focal plane. were counts hole The close proximity of detected (Was, 1980). the Here, matrix) was resolved by examining the hole count. electron beam is directed grid (i.e., x-rays spurious the for explanation The specimen signal, Figure 4.3 (a). due the in and configuration. is to a direct improved 2 4 6 X-RAY ENERGY 8 10 8 10 (KeV) (A) 0 2 4 6 X-RAY ENERGY (KeV) (B) Figure 4.3 - STEM x-ray spectra before (A) and after (B) modifying the aperture configuration 80 4.5.3 Quantitative Analysis A. Thin Film Criterion The thin film criterion states that no adsorption or specimen is fluorescence corrections need be applied if the infinitely thin. Many people interpret this criterion to mean that if the film is transparent to electrons (i.e., thin) at the operating potential film criterion is satisfied. being employed, electron thin the However, absorption effects can be appreciable for electron thin films (Tixier, 1979), if the combination of mass absorption coefficient and film thickness are large enough. For this reason, the theoretical extent of absorption and fluorescence were examined for a range of film thicknesses. The extent of absorption can be calculated approximation, if one considers that the average half the thickness x-ray excitation occurs at one film. If the path length represented as (tcsc a )/2, for the in absorption generalized first to depth the form of film of of the is the equation reduces to Kab = K abT.F. e-(Xb-a) u AX b-a spec b ( p t/2) Eq. 4.3 u c c sc p spec a 81 film, where Kab)T.F. )T.F is the Kab ratio for an infinately thin and u/pspea u/Pspec (spec), respectively, a 1977). al., magni- The will tude of the binary absorption coefficient as increase elements the difference between the atomic number of the two Al and The calculated absorption factors for Mg increases. the is is the take off angle, and t electron path length (Goldstien et. film thin the in characteristic x-rays of element a and b for coefficient absorption mass are relative to Fe are presented in Figure 4.4, where the absorp- et. al., absorption can be for neglected x-ray of effect The 1980; Henke et. al., 1956). (Bender literature tion coefficients were obtained from the less than 750 calculated from the particles angstroms in diameter. is The extent of fluorescence relationship I r -1 a f Ia where C b a ra A u a pb Ab Pb spec a I a, Wb is the element b, ra is the absorption jump b a 2 ca Ecb is the fluorescence intensity which is added to the primary intensity u/ E u is the mass absorption radiation in element a, ratio coefficient element Aa and Ab are the atomic element a and b, and Eca and Ecb are the critical energies for the characteristic lines of a, element for of for yield fluorescence elements b's weights of excitation a and b 1.08 a b Mg Fe I - Al Fe O - 1.06 1.04 1.02 1.00 0 250 500 PARTICLE DIAMETER 750 (Ao) Figure 4.4 - Adsorption correction for various particle diameters 1000 83 cence of the detected elements the in submicron particles for particles percent one were calculated to be less than fluores- the 4.4, (Philibert et. al., 1975). From equation less than 1000 angstroms in diameter. be The spacial resolution for analysis is assumed to of on the order (i.e., angstroms twenty through the specimen. pass they as scattered However, electrons are elastically diameter). beam Consequently, the analysis volume from beam diameter depending on extent the electron primary the exceed which x-rays are produced can beam of spreading. Goldstien et. al. (1977) has estimated the effective electron beam spreading or broadening, b = 625 Eq. 4.5 t 3/2 p 1/2 A Z Eo where b is the extent of broadening for a zero diameter beam, Z is the atomic number, A is the atomic weight , accelerating voltage in KeV, p is the density and t is thickness. specimen a of In particles summary beam greater Consequently, broadening than 250 will of beam function of film be angstroms Figure apreciable in for diameter. the effect of beam broadening will have considered before comparing the raw intensities from sized particles. film, the thicknesses for pure element targets are presented in 4.5. the is values Calculated broadening for a zero diameter beam as Eo to be various 84 125 100 0 75 -- I Z Lu Co 50 J Wi £0 25 0 250 500 PARTICLE DIAMETER 750 1000 (Ao) Figure 4.5 - Beam broadening for various particle diameters B. Standards Quantitative microanalysis x-ray of particle is simplified, since the effect used as the Cliff and Lorimer method was in analysis a submicron to binary For x-ray the from determined mixtures, the weight percent is known direct obtain percent. weight and adsorption A simple ratio technique fluorescence can be ignored. quantitative of intensities by the relationship, Ca Cb Ia b K Cb ab where I is the measured x-ray Eq. 4.6 Ib intensity, C weight the is fraction of the species, and K is the sensitivity correction The factor, K, accounts for the relative efficiency factor. of x-ray production by the analyzed element and the detection efficiency of the x-rays at Analysis of multicomponent characteristic their mixtures can be binary developing a series of K factors from referencing all K factors to the response of energies. achieved mixtures and element. one The weight fraction of species i can be determined by divi- by ding the adjusted intensity for species i by the sum of the adjusted intensity of all species detected. Ki I i C Where = 1 K I WC Eq. 4.7 IJ i = 1 quantitative for The sensitivity correction factors x-ray analysis are determined from bulk standards, thin foil standards, or calculated from theory (Goldstien, 1979). For the of application thin film sensitivity the analysis, correction factors determined from bulk standards have will to be adjusted to account for the effects of x-ray adsorption and fluorescence (i.e., section. previous the ZAF corrections has been outlined in for The procedure ZAF corrections). Since thin foil standards, which are of known mass thickness, meet the thin foil criterion, ZAF corrections are not needed. lated from theory by ionization cross section, the fluorescence yield, charac- Because of the uncertainty in teristics of the EDS detector. EDS the absorption characteristics of the in (Kevex, 1980), manufacturing the of theoretically calculated (Cliff and Lorimer, sensitivity the extent sensitivity 1975) with theoretically estimation of the K factors for the light elements due to of factors correction sensitivity correction factors (Goldstien, 1977). stien (i.e., Na and Mg) arises of light elements) by This is evident from the comparison determined to window beryllium the absorption of the low energy x-rays (i.e., experimentally due detector correction factors may not properly estimate the detector window. frac- the tion of total intensity measured, and the adsorption nonuniformity the element; each for establishing calcu- directly be Sensitivity correction factors can also calculated The under by Gold- uncertainty in the 87 thickness of the detector's beryllium window, Table 4.6. The approach used in establishing the sensitivity correction factors for the STEM was derived from the combination of the three techniques. adsorption characteristics thickness), sensitivity Because of the uncertainty of the correction (i.e., detector factors for elements had to be determined experimentally. in window the light a Mg-Fe From thin film standard, the sensitivity correction factor for Mg relative to Fe was found to be 7.5 (Hall, 1978). From a Mg-Si bulk standard, the sensitivity correction relative to Si after ZAF corrections was For the remaining elements of factor found interest, to the correction factors were calculated from theory. for Mg 6.7. be sensitivity The derived sensitivity correction factors which have been referenced sulfur are presented in Figure 4.6. The to high unusually K values for the light elements (i.e., Mg and Si) results from the high adsorption of their low energy x-rays thin by the mylar film which has been placed on the outer surface of the beryllium window in order to absorb the low energy electrons. By comparing the average primary particles determined from concentration for the with the bulk the STEM composition of submicron particles by INAA, the derived sensitivity correction factors analysis of the submicron particles can be 4.7. Ca, for use of the quantitative justified, The variation in the relative concentration of Mg, Table Si, and Fe by the STEM with that by INAA can be attributed to 88 Table 4.6 - Theoretical and experimentally determined sensitivity correction factors Kx/Si for 100 kV. Z Kexperimental (Cliff, 75) Ktheoretical (Goldstien, 77) 11 Na 5.77 1.66 12 Mg 2.07 1.25 13 Al 1.47 1.12 14 Si 1.00 1.00 20 Ca 1.00 1.02 26 Fe 1.27 1.33 10 8 CE CD I- Cf) N.I. 12 16 20 24 28 ATOMIC NUMBER Figure 4.6 - STEM Sensitivity correction factors referenced to sulfur 90 Table 4.7 - Comparison of the chemical analysis by the STEM and neutron activation (INAA) element Mg conc. (wt%) conc. (wt%) STEM INAA 64.4 6.1 Si 4.1 + 0.8 P 1.2 S K + 60.3 2.8 0.2 3.3 0.7 0.1 5.4 0.5 0.1 2.3 Ca 13.3 Fe 15.5 1.3 11.9 1.5 14.1 + 91 the inherent counting error for STEM analysis. However, apparent breakdown in analysis for S, K, and P can only explained by examining the stability of those elements the high intensity electron beam. the be under This will be discussed in greater detail in the following section. C. Sample Stability Morphological changes in the the particle under observed. the high internal intensity structure electron beam The observed mobility within the particle explained in terms of localized heating on an The stability of each element was in analysis. In comparing volatile species S, particles by INAA, P, and K were found to the Table be level. to elements average concentration of the primary particle with the bulk tion of the submicron be order determined whether preferential loss of some of the was occurring during was may atomic examined of composi4.7, the substantially depleted. The loss phosphorous has been noted in the analysis of biological specimen (Sudenfield, 1979). the elements Si, Ca, Fe, Mg, and S were The stability examined detail where the total counts after each of four analyses were compiled. 4.8. S, in of more consecutive The results are presented in Table The behavior of the volatile species, as represented by clearly demonstrates intensity electron beam. for Si, Mg, their instability The variation in the and Fe are attributed to error for x-ray analysis. under the in high counts total inherent The gradual decrease the counting Ca with Table 4.8 - Elemental retention during analysis with the high intensity electron beam of the STEM Intensities* Element Standard Counting Deviation (time sec) 150 250 350 Mg 494 485 509 475 22.5 Si 187 226 213 199 17.1 Ca 512 531 434 409 24.6 Fe 258 269 311 268 18.1 72 33 9.6 * Normalized to beam current 93 be successive analysis can not however, error alone, Ca by justified will the counting analysis, since its retention for the first the into incorporated be seconds 200 is bounded within the uncertainty for x-ray analysis. only Quantitative x-ray microanalysis will con- be ducted for the elements Si, Ca, Fe, and Mg where the error in analysis will be specified by the counting error. 4.6 AUGER SPECTROSCOPY The surface sensitive technique of Auger Spectroscopy (Powell and Spicer, 1978; Kane and Larraby, 1974) was used to extract information about the elemental stratification within the submicron particle. Scanning Electronic 590A The system Auger a was used Physical submicron with Microprobe The 590A utilizes spatial resolution of 0.2 um for analysis. and both single pass electron optics for image analysis, Auger Ar ion sputtering gun for depth profiling. copy is a highly number of escaping Auger electrons exponentially with distance into atomic layers. the the sample decays matrix, the first few the electron the Auger signal is more readily detected by energy the Because the Auger peaks are superimposed on a continuous background from the secondary the sample from analysis should represent the composition of SpectrosSince technique. sensitive surface an distribution function (e.g., emission, differentiating dN(E)/dE). The submicron particles are collected on a silver membrane filter 94 charging sample severe (0.2 um pore size) which eliminates during analysis. Ep, cross section transition. of the ele- of range The optimum Auger yield for the Auger the in involved level core ionization impact is largely determined by the electron energy, beam primary The Auger electron yield with ments present in the fume will be obtained for a primary beam energy of 5 KeV. The other important instrumental parameters the sensitivity (sens), for and, responce peak to peak the of ensure to order In spectrum, the modulation energy (Em). quantitative analysis, the dN(E)/dE conventional the (Ip), current for peak enhancement are the primary electron be examined increases linearly to amplitude with instrumental parameters need for both the low and high energy Auger signals. The Auger peak to peak amplitude and Mg KLL Auger signal (1174 eV) in accelerating for excessively high beam current densities and voltages, this linear relationship will beam damage of the specimen. break Consequently, the beam current will be maintained below Under accelerating voltage of 3 and 5 kV. conditions no significant loss of evident. the However, 4.7. Figure eV) (32 signal with beam current as shown for Mg LMM Auger due down analysis during one for microamp these volatile The very slight decay in the signal from to operating species is homogene- ous standards with time is attributed to contamination up on the specimen surface, since the signal returns build to its 95 I I EO - Mg (32 eV) O - Mg (1174 eV) 41 LU Jz - 2 - Oz Z1 O 0.0 I I 0.5 1.0 BEAM CURRENT (microamp) Figure 4.7 - Auger peak amplitude verse beam current 1.5 96 original amplitude upon cleaning with the ion gun. For S LMM Auger signal (152 eV), the peak to peak amplitude increases linearly over the entire range of sensi- tivity settings, Figure 4.8. The Auger peak to peak ampiltude signal (32 eV) and S KLL Auger verses eV) (2117 signal Auger LMM Mg for to The Auger peak modulation energy is shown in Figure 4.9. peak amplitude is proportional to the modulation energy when Auger peak width. However, as the modulation energy becomes will of Mg LMM Auger signal (32 for narrow peak width, becomes nonlinear greater than 2 eV. Since its with eV), peak the electron energy, the peak to peak Consequently, amplitude peak correspondingly modulation energy with increases width amplitude the as nonlinear The peak to modulation energy is increased. the increased, is broadened. Auger peak width is instrumentally the peak to peak amplitude the to the modulation energy is small relative of the S KLL Auger signal (2114 eV) increase linearly through a modulation energy of 8 eV. Therefore, in using enhance the peak to peak amplitude, ity for the various elements must be modulation the extent of incorporated energy to nonlinearinto the the mass peak to peak normalization. Theoretically, quantitative analysis of concentration for the surface layers can be determined the peak to peak amplitudes with the use of relative from sensi- 97 20 - O - S (152 eV) L 5- O --I S 10 L1 D I0 )-j CD 0 50 100 150 200 SENSITIVITY SETTING Figure 4.8 - Auger peak amplitude verse sensitivity setting 20 O - Mg (32 eV) [-1 - S (2117 eV) LU 15 F--j ul 10 LU N ._J 2: 5F I I I I 10 15 20 MODULATION AMPLITUDE SETTING Figure 4.9 - Auger peak amplitude verse modulation amplitude setting 25 99 tivity factors. The effects roughness) is believed decrease to the analysis will only be understood relative The semi-quantitative. ionization sensitivity factors accommodate for variations in electrons Auger cross sections and escape depths of various for homogeneous samples. relative generating The method of normal- sensitivity factors from homogeneous standards is to ize the intensities (i.e., peak to peak element to one specific each amplitude) of silver) using (i.e., element until However, better the full effects of surface roughness are by signals Auger all 1974). nearly the same percentage (Fadley, (e.g., topography surface of the relationship x/Ag a Eq. x a +b 4.8 IAg where Ix and IAg are the peak to peak amplitude for element x and pure silver standard, respectively (Davis et. al., A and b are the chemical formula indices of 1976). compound XaYb - The determination of relative sensitivity factors for quantihighly tative Auger spectroscopy will be standards chosen. The relative dependent sensitivity factors Whether the impurity the standard, thereby reducing the atomic sorbed on the surface of the standard (i.e., thereby leading to the preferential is the obtain lead to inherent in from standards with small amounts of impurities can substantially errors. on density, or ad- contamination), adsorption of the low energy Auger electrons, the relative sensitivity factors will 100 be inaccurate. The Auger spectra varies dramatically between peak In the case of magnesium, the the metal and the oxide. the of location and shape (i.e., number of satellite peaks) Auger signal varies between the metal and the oxide, but more importantly, the peak to peak amplitude of signal (i.e., to appears dN(E)/dE) al, et were 1976) the to sensitive be oxidation state of magnesium, Figure 4.10. for Mg and MgO (Davis differential the The Auger spectra for obtained a Auger peak, the sensitivity factor for the oxide (1174 ev) is over three primary beam energy, Ep, of 3 KeV. times greater addition, than that For Mg the ratio of the relative sensitivity The In factors of is the Mg KLL auger peak to the Mg LMM auger peak the metal and 1.09 for the oxide. ev). (1186 metal the for KLL for 0.23 factors sensitivity for the specific chemical state of the detectable elements in the fume are presented in Table 4.9 for a primary beam energy of 5 KeV. The chemical state analysis by ESCA for generated from the combustion of Montana lignite fume the um) (45/53 in twenty percent oxygen in nitrogen at a furnace temperature of 1750 K is presented in chapter six. Despite the fact that sputtering is a widely accepted technique for obtaining elemental depth profiles, the sput- artifacts, where be used in the interpretation of the results from tering depth profile due to sputtering certain species can be preferential sputtered Hathorne, 1972; Sigmund, 1969). care should (Andersen and > I MgO x 2.5 x 2.5 dN x4 2. x 2.5 dN dE dE x 2.5 1174 S= 0.416 S= 0.283 S=0.311 45 0 100 " 1100 1200 Electron Energy (eV) 1300 0 100 / 1100 1200 ' Electron Energy (eV) Figure 4.10 - Auger spectra of Mg and MgO (Davis et. al., 1976) 1300 102 Table 4.9 - element Relative sensitivity factors obtained experimentally (Ep = 5.0 KeV) electron energy (eV) LMM 152 KLL 2117 Sx/Ag 0.724 0.0138 LMM 76 0.084 KLL 1606 0.367 Mg IMM 32 0.164 Mg KLL 1174 0.246 KLL 990 0.25 KLL 252 0.90 KLL 291 0.478 KLL 703 0.21 Fe 103 4.7 ESCA was used to determine the chemical species. inorganic the of state (ESCA) analysis chemical Electron spectroscopy for The system used was a PHI 548 ESCA/Auger unit with double pass a a precision electron analyzer. The analyzer, cylindrical mirror the measures kinetic energy of the input, grid retarding with analyzer 9 below 10 chamber is analysis during 400 of cromatic Mg k alfa x-rays at 1253.6 eV with a source The sample mono- produces excitation source is a magnesium anode which watts. The photoelectron. maintained Torr. monochromatic with In ESCA, the specimen is excited x-ray beam. In returning to their ground state, atoms these eject photoelectrons, whose measure kinetic energy is defined by Eq. 4.9 KE = hv - BE - Os where hv is the energy of the binding energy of the electron electron. KE Using is this the BE the orbital state from spectrometer work in kinetic relation, calculated once the energy of the the of energy x-rays exciting chemical the energies binding emitted electron's kinetic energy are known. the binding energies are known, the photon, which the electron originated, Os is function, and is incident emitted can and be the In theory, when state information 104 can be deduced, (how since the binding energy are held to their chemical state. In general, (> 1.0 eV) the various compounds is limited, the oxidation differences measurable the various differentiation between for exist oxidation states. On the other hand, they to sensitive identification of the state can be easily determined since in the binding energy is atoms) respective tightly since the difference in the resulting shift maybe small (< 1.0 eV). chemical The identification of state depends pri- marily on the accurate determination of the binding energies. narrow To determine binding energies accurately, a peak with sweep range must be recorded with good statistics, and accurate correction must be made for insulating specimen when static charging is present. During analysis, insulating samples tend to acquire a steady state charge. between electron loss This steady state charge is from the balance emission by surface a and electron gain by conduction or by acquisition of slow thermal electrons from the vacuum space. problem A serious exact determination of the extent of shifting. charge steady state charge, usually positive, adds to tion of the photoelectron and tends to make higher binding energy. Charging can shift is the peak peak the The retardaappear at location by more than 2 eV as well as affecting the shape of the peak. The method for valid charge correction for insulating 105 samples is to reference the carbon Cls line (284.6 eV) of the on adventitious hydrocarbon present Any shift in the Cls peak from the is charge correction procedure eV 284.6 taken as a measure of the static charge. surface. sample's the of An example presented the 4.11. Figure in be can value Verification of the measured extent of static charge shifting can be obtained by establishing the species least one of the by an chemical state for (ie., method independent at mossbauer, x-ray diffraction, and Auger spectroscopy). Instrumental calibration is essential tive analysis. conductive calibration. for quantita- To eliminate problems arising from charging, samples The first for employed were analysis spectrometer the a established linearity problem with the electronics, where the deviation in apparent binding binding energies (ie., measured) from the referenced energies for three conductive standards (eg., Cu, Ag, and Pt) increased with increasing binding energy. After realinement tenths of the spectrometer, the deviation was within two of an eV, Table 4.10. for After correcting charge static shifting, chemical state of inorganic species in the fume mined by comparing the apparent binding ference binding energies compiled by PHI deter- were energy to (Wagner the the et. real., identification was obtained by checking the reference binding energies with our 79). Conformation for chemical own standards, Table 4.11. state The error in the peak location 1 Charge Shift of 2.7 eV S# A - Measured carbon peak (287.3 eV) %., B - Reference C is line (284.6 eV) LL I'A 'A n 293 289 m I 285 BINDING ENERGY I 281 (eV) Figure 4.11 - ESCA high resolution scan of carbon C is line for fume sample 107 Table 4.10 - Calibration of ESCA spectrometer with Au, Ag, and Cu metal standards apparent binding energy reference binding energy 83.8 84.0 Ag 367.9 367.9 Cu 932.4 932.4 standard Au peak 4f 7 / 2 108 Table 4.11 - element Mg (2p) Comparison of the peak position from standards with the reference binding energy compiled by PHI (Wagner, 79) compound Standard's binding energy (ev) 51.6 * 49.4 MgO 711.4 Fe (2P 3 / ) 2 Si (2p) SiO2 S Na 2 SO (2p) reference binding energy (eV) 4 Na (is) Na2SO4 Ca (is) CaO 103.1 103.4 168.8 168.6 1071.2 1071.3 347.4 346.3 * * Castleton (81) also disputes PHI B.E. 109 for Mg and Ca for the spectra compiled by PHI (Wagner et. al., 1979) has been confirmed from work conducted at the DOE research facility, METC (Castleton, 1981). 110 CHAPTER FIVE FACTORS INFLUENCING THE BULK CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SUBMICRON PARTICLES combust a dilute stream of pulverized furnace. drop the well controlled conditions in coal characteristics of the Specifically, the conditions, residence time, of physico-chemical particles submicron influence the govern which examined. were condition, combustion the flow laminar For the carefully controlled combustion the important variables under particles tube size and coal type on mass loading, particle distribution (PSD), particle morphology, to was The experimental basis of this investigation chemical bulk and composition of the submicron particles were examined. 5.1 FLY ASH MASS DISTRIBUTION particulate The mass distribution of the products (ie., final filter (FF) from (45/53 um) at a furnace the combustion temperature stages impactor fly ash) on the cascade of of combustion Montana 1700 K lignite in twenty The percent oxygen in nitrogen are presented in Figure 5.1. mass distribution of the fly ash was obtained by and weight analysis of the various impactor stages and final filter. The weights are based on one gram of coal burned. Clearly, bulk of the mass is collected in the preseperator (stage the 0) 111 .01 C CE cD .0001 F- F- FF .00001 -1.0 7 6 5 I 0.0 4 3 2 1 0 _ 1.0 LOGIo(AERODYNAMIC DIAMETER um) Figure 5.1 - Mass distribution of particulate combustion products on cascade impactor stages and final filter 112 greater where the aerodynamic diameters of the particles are than 11.5 microns. mass The the stages are refered to as are which ash fly residual impactor various the a (stages percent of the mass is collected on the final stages The particles collected on of tenths decreasing particle size where less than three 6 and 7). with successively decreases inclusions produced by fusion and coalescence of the mineral The variation in ash in each coal particle during combustion. particle size, which is considerably greater than that of the parent coal particle, is attributed content of individual coal particles, by the ash (Ramsden, 1977; 1969; Sarofim et. al., Williams, 1965; and Raask, 1966). increase in the amount of material filter fragmentation to a is There on collected of formation and to cenosphere coal particles during combustion, ash in differences to and Raask sigificant final the relative to stages 6 and 7 which reflects the bimodal field studies in observed nature of the fly ash previouly (Marcowski et. al.,1980; McCain et. al., 1975). the inorganic vapors, which pass through the filter submi- condensation cron mode is believed to be formed from the impactor and collect on the final The cascade entire because of their of less than 0.5 obtained from the cascade impactor for various combustion conditions where the small size with aeorodynamic diameters of microns. The fly ash mass distributions main gas oxygen partial pressure was varied from ten percent 113 to sixty six percent for the combustion of Montana (45/53 um) at a furnace temperature of 1700 K, are in Figure 5.2. The relative mass stages depends only on (i.e., weakly loading the on lignite presented the combustion various conditions oxygen partial pressure) where a slight shift in loading to the lower impactor stages with partial pressure is observed. loading on the final filter increasing On the other is extremely hand, collecting on the final filter increases over magnitude as the oxygen partial pressure is oxygen the sensitive specific combustion conditions where the amount mass to of an mass the material order increased of from ten percent to sixty six percent. Transmission electron collecting on the final filter micrographs of are presented the in material Figure 5.3 in 10, for the combustion of Montana lignite (45/53 microns) 20, and 40 percent oxygen in nitrogen. The samples were prepared for the TEM by depositing the submicron particles on TEM grids placed in the electrostatic stream from the cascade impactor. the final filter are as extremely small, less Under these conditions the which are existence of clustered and chained agglomerates, composed on the average of three to four particles, is observed. down The particles collecting on anticipated than 1000 angstroms in diameter. precipitator The average discrete primary spherical particle increases with increasing oxygen partial pressure. oxygen partial pressures where the mass loading is size For low small, the 114 0.3 U' 0.2 A - stage 0 & I (x 0.1) D - stage 2 & 3 (x 0.25) 0 - stage 4 & 5 + - stage 6 & 7 X - final filter CD H- 7 CD CD F- 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 OXYGEN PARTIAL PRESSURE 0.6 (atms) Figure 5.2 - Distribution of particulate combustion products for various combustion conditions CT 2~I- 0 . ,. w 01i :: ~ i~~ W k Figure 5.3 - Fume particles produced from the combustion of Montana lignite in 40 (A), 20 (B), and 10 (C) percent oxygen in nitrogen. I 116 many of presence observed, transmission by their faint haloes is (C). Figure 5.3 their mor- by identified The faint haloes have been in visible made particles transparent phology as sulfuric acid mist (Frank and Lodge, 1967). As the oxygen partial pressure is increased (i.e., increase in mass loading), the observed presence of sulfuric acid observed. mist acid sulfuric the of presence percent the fifteen of pressure partial diminishes where above oxygen mist not is For low oxygen partial pressures, the simultaneous collection of sulfuric acid mist with the inorganic submicron integrity environment. The collection this in particles inorganic the of reactive filtration mist has been shown to be highly dependent on the temperature and the flow gas (Cheney et. al., 1979). filtration 104 (ie., temperature results from the dilution of the collected under those concern about anomalies for in the in dew order analysis The point) Consequently, analysis chemical conditions m3 /sec. products (e.g., combustion SO 3 and H2 0) by the quench gas upon sampling. all samples being prepared temperature filtration above 323 K for gas flow rates above 1.7 x low time) The collection of sulfuric acid mist can be eliminated by maintaining the relatively contact (i.e., rate acid sulfuric for efficiency the about concern raises filter final the particles on due to to will be alleviate sampling artifacts. The volume-mean diameter of the primary submicron 117 where particles produced under various combustion conditions ten the main gas oxygen partial pressure was varied from seventy five percent for the combustion was from obtained TEM micrographs by the cles were sized for each condition. As previously noted, submicron the with increasing oxygen partial pressure increases particles (i.e., an parti- automated image analyzer where between 200 and a 1000 volume-mean diameter of in submi- primary The volume-mean diameter of the cron particles shown is K (45/53 um) at a furnace temperature of 1700 Figure 5.4. lignite Montana of to increase in mass loading of fume). cron range (i.e., filter) those particles and on various impactor stages for the combustion fifteen in Montana lignite (45/53 um) oxygen in nitrogen are shown 5.5. Figure in were used. The determination actual The through actual the of of percent forty and volume-mean diameters of the particles at stages one seven, final the on collected submi- the The volume distributions of particles in volume-mean diameters for each of the stages is discussed in section 3.4. The actual volume distribution of the particles collected in the preseparator is presented order in to illustrate the distribution of the residual fly ash particles greater than 5.65 microns. The distinct separation between the residual fly ash mode and the submicrom particulate clearly demonstrates the bimodal nature from the direct combustion of of pulverized fly coal ash mode formed particles. 118 500 400 o < cc LU 300 FH LU r2: I LJ 200 CD - 100 0 . 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 OXYGEN PARTIAL PRESSURE (atms) Figure 5.4 - Volume-mean diameter of submicron primary particles for various oxygen partial pressure I -6H I I I Montana lignite fly ash PSD o - 15% 021N2 O - 40% 0 2/N2 C. o .- CD CD -8H _0 0o CD CD I -10 - -12 -3 -2 -1 LOG1 o DIAMETER pm Figure 5.5 - Particle size distribution of particulate combustion products 120 Comparison of the distributions for the two conditions clearly illustrated the sensitivity of mass loading and volume mean diameter of the combustion the total submicron mode to the combustion condition. 5.2 BULK CHEMICAL COMPOSITION The composition of the major oxides in the fume produced under various combustion conditions where the main gas oxygen partial pressure was varied from fifty percent for the combustion of shown is The concentration of the major oxides by INAA, AA, and liquid MgO partial pressures the refractory oxides, counts for most of the mass, while were At chromatography. at low the concentration of sulfur in increasing oxygen partial pressure, the to (45/53 in Figure determined higher and oxygen ac- CaO, oxygen pressures the volatile species Na20 accounts for fraction of the mass of the particles. percent lignite Montana um) at a furnace temperature of 1700 K 5.6. ten partial significant Despite the fact that fume decreases with the relative retention of sulfur in the fume increases from one to six percent, Figure 5.7. Since the rate of oxidation of SO 2 to SO 3 is extremely slow, the increase stable inorganic in the formation of sulfate with increasing amount of fume appears to account for the observed decrease in the amount of sulfuric acid mist at ambiant temperatures. The concentration of the major, minor, and trace 121 100 I I I I MgO CaO 4- Si02 10 S0 3 Na2 0 .0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 OXYGEN PARTIAL PRESSURE (atms) Figure 5.6 - Variation of composition of the fume for various combustion conditions 0.6 122 1 1 I 0.06 LL ICD L F- 0.04 - 2: LL -j HF- 0.02 H 0.00 12 WEIGHT OF FUME 16 (mg/gcoal Figure 5.7 - Sulfur retention in the fume 20 123 inorganic elements are given in Montana lignite, North Pittsburgh No 8. Table Dakota lignite, tion of the mineral matter [SiO2 ], for discrete kaolinite the metal From detailed 1982), the mineral phases such pyrite [FeS], 4 ], [CaCO 3 ], and dolomite [MgCa(CO 3 )2 ]. The occur as either impurities in content coals as were quarts calcite elements trace major the and characteriza- (Quann, [Al 2 SiO5 (OH) coals: Rosa, Alabama The major, minor, and trace of the different coals do vary. found to contain 5.1 forms mineral can as discrete mineral phases in extremely small quantities or as chelated compounds in the organic matter of the coal. In the occur as the high rank bituminious coals, phases mineral micron sized mineral inclusions embedded in the matrix. By contrast, rank lignites are not carbonacious the alkaline earth metals in the any extent as discrete present to low mineral phases but rather as an intimate part of the chemical structure of the coal. More precisely, they in occur ion exchanged form on carboxyl and phenolic function groups. The amount and composition of the fumes produced from temperature the combustion of each of the coals at a furnace of 1700 K in twenty percent oxygen in nitrogen are Table 5.2. The amount and concentration much more dramaticaly than anticipated amoung the original coals. For amount of fume produced is the of from the the bituminous less than that for coals, particularly the high sodium containing the given fume in vary variation coals, the low rank North Dakato 124 TABLE 5.1 - Coal composition for major, minor, and trace elements element MS(L) ND(L) weight AL(B) PT#8(B) percent Mg 0.61 0.31 Si 0.75 0.55 1.65 .36 Al 0.71 0.41 0.66 .88 Ca 1.72 1.13 Fe 0.20 0.49 0.36 .89 S 0.55 0.55 0.77 .83 .073 .59 parts p er million Na 250.0 7360.0 330.0 650.0 K 300.0 300.0 1700.0 810.0 3.4 21.0 As 4.0 Zn 11.0 62.0 Cr 7.5 16.0 Sc 0.83 1.1 2.0 7.5 6.9 7.1 ASTM ash <10.0 2.0 7.4 * weight percent 125 Table 5.2 - Submicron fume composition element MS(L) ND(L) Al(B) weight percent 59.9 13.3 0.6 3.0 SiO2 3.6 1.4 22.6 46.9 A1 2 0 3 0.4 0.1 1.3 1.0 CaO 8.9 2.7 1.07 1.5 FeO 12.4 14.3 54.5 20.9 Na 2 0 4.3 38.4 9.4 13.9 SO 3 6.6 29.8 5.6 MgO Pt#8(B) parts per million As 375.0 200.0 6490.0 984.0 Zn 1140.0 650.0 3900.0 4160.0 Cr 360.0 154.0 962.0 3630.0 Sc 0.8 0.3 42.0 4.3 2.86 8.85 Percent of ASTM ash 1.63 1.56 ^~l~-i-lll^-~-~I~I~YPVL ~ L -126 lignite. The fume from the bituminous coals are dominated by silicon and iron while in contrast the fumes from the low rank coals have significant and dominant amounts of magnesium and calcium in addition to iron. The fume lignite is mostly composed of sodium. The for the high sodium fume of North of North sulfur Dakota retention lignite thirty percent while for the relatively low Dakota is sodium fume Alabama rosa, the sulfur retention is below one percent. sulfur content in the various fumes correlates with the sodium and potassium content in each examined, over of The fairly well the fumes of Figure 5.8. The combustion conditions have been shown to influence the nature of the particulate where the amount, composition, and particles are extremely sensitive combustion size to of the combustion greatly products submicron condition. the combustion In order to facilitate a better understanding, process will be reviewed. 5.3 COMBUSTION TEMPERATURE TIME HISTORY Extensive theoretical and experimental been devoted to the subject (Field et. al., of 1967;Smith, conditions being investigated, pulverized 1978). Under where the coal efforts have coal combustion the combustion particles are less than 150 microns in diameter and the particle combustion temperatures are above 1600 K, the rate of combustion will be externally diffusion limited. Therefore, the temperature 127 4 E - Beulah N.D. 0 S- Ill # 6 Montana lignite E A - Alabama Rosa Co 3 DOC D DI I 1 2 3 LOGio (Na AND K IN FUME ug/gcoal) Figure 5.8 - Comparison of S to Na and K in the fume 4 128 the in pressure dependent on the oxygen partial highly be will particle char time history of the burning gas bulk phase. lignite particles will be determined color optical pyrometry. greater (Timothy, 82; discussed else- Alterichter, 81). employed where Briefly, a slightly modified feeding system is coal the measurement of the temperature of single presented was obtained (1980), (1979), Altrichter particle burning times were invesigations the and (1981) Timothy obtained particles be to data The temperature-time from allow will This single particles can be fed individually. from ignition to burnout. of application The priniciple and detail two by experimentally this technique to the combustion furnace is where in Montana for The combustion temperature-time history Dictor by the where with simultaneously particle temperature measurements for single coal particles. Temperature measurements by two color optical pyrometry were obtained for individual Montana lignite particles in oxygen partial pressures greater than fifteen percent, Figure 5.9. parti- At each condition, fifteen to twenty individual cles were examined. At lower oxygen light emitted from the burning particle was of the insufficient Consequently, detection. intensity for photomultiplier pressures partial at extremely low oxygen partial pressure the particle combustion temperatures temperatures. were assumed As evident, to approach increasing the the bulk oxygen gas partial 129 2800 2400 LU 2000 UJ 02 LU I- 1600 1200 0 .0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 OXYGEN PARTIAL PRESSURE (atms) Figure 5.9 - Average particle temperature of Montana lignite (90/105 pm) by two color pyrometry. 130 pressure results in an increase in the combustion temperature The particle of the coal particles. exceeds the bulk gas temperature due heat released oxidation reaction the to from the highly exothermic heterogeneous occurring at the surface of the temperature combustion oxygen low For particle. partial pressure in argon the particle combustion temperature is However, pressure. increase in the at oxygen high particle partial combustion gradual with increasing oxygen partial oxygen in variation to sensitive extremely the pressures temperature is pressure. This has of the partial been attributed to the high temperature dissociation more heat gases in the particle boundary layer which enhances the transfer away from the burning char particle (Sarofim, 1979). For the two furnace temperatures examined (e.g., 1700 K 1250 K), the characteristic trends in the particle combustion temperatures with oxygen partial pressure are the magnitude of the particle temperatures combustion dependent is shown to be and while similar during achieved on furnace the temperature. The average time elapsed between ignition and burnout of 90/105 micron Montana lignite particles for oxygen partial pressures from ten to one hundred precent are shown in Figure 5.10. The various studies qualitatively display response: as the oxygen partial pressure decreases the burning time of the particle increases. fusion limited combustion of For non-swelling same the total external coals such difas 131 150 I I I I A - Dictor 80 (75/90 pm) 125 k O - Altrichter 81 0 - Timothy 81 100 G) (i) E LLJ F- 75 k O 50 A CD Z FD Q3 El A A 25 0 I 0.0 I 0.2 I 0.4 I I 0.6 0.8 OXYGEN PARTIAL PRESSURE (atms) Figure 5.10 - Burning time for Montana lignite (90/105 pm) 1.0 132 governed Montana lignite the burning time should be by the Eq. 5.1 relations b t 24 cw D 2 where tb is d° Ln(1 + X0 02 the total burning time, with respect to carbon content, DO cient for 02, and XO222 is ) p is the particle density of fraction the mole coeffi- is the diffusion is XO2) limited obtained, Figure 5.11, indicating external diffusion combustion. As oxygen. evident, a linear correlation of do2/tb with In(l + The burning times for Montana lignite at a given oxygen partial pressure will proportional to of square the The main gas temperature does the intial particle diameters. not appear to have significant effect on burning time as seen from the comparison of the burning times between Timothy with a main gas temperature of 1250 K and Alterichter at 1640 K. particle The temperature/time history for the single are feed experiments by two color optical pyrometry to apply to the combustion of particles in experiment. From those studies, dilute the cloud the temperature/time history shown for the combustion of Montana lignite has been the main gas results in corresponding increase in combustion rate and temperature burning coal particle. examine the mechanism of The focus of the ash next vaporization, be to Increasing highly dependent on the oxygen partial pressure. the oxygen partial pressure in assumed section the extent a of will of 133 0.010 - 0.008 C U) E CU- 0.004 - 0.002 0.000 0.0 0.4 0.2 Ln ( 0.6 + X 2) Figure 5.11 - Reciprocal of burning time verse In (1 + Xo0) 0.8 134 which will be highly sensitive to the temperature/time history of the mineral constituents associated with the particle. Since the submicron particles are formed volatilized inorganics, the vaporization establish the influence that the from mechanisms combustion coal type have on the ultimate composition, char should conditions amount, the and and size of the submicron particles. 5.4 VAPORIZATION It has been proposed that the elements in the fume, final filter, determination of the that material which is collected on the should prove to be a sensitive measure degree of ash vaporization, of the since the submicron particles are formed from the condensation of the vaporized ash (Quann, 1982). The fraction of the total ash elements appearing on the final filter and the for various combustion conditions where the oxygen partial pressure is six to fifty percent oxygen for lignite (45/53 um) Figure 5.12. Ca, Si, of from Montana shown in The fraction of refractory constituents Mg, Al, order of magnitude as the In contrast, the oxygen particle combustion temperature) Na, combustion varied at furnace temperature 1700 K, is Fe and Sc appearing in fifty percent. the constituent the is fume increase increased from six constituents volatile on an pressure (i.e., partial and Sb show only a slight dependence over oxygen to As, partial 135 1.0 o o- 0A N Mg Mn 0.I Co ASH 0.01 AI MONTANA LIGNITE GAS TEMPERATURE 17500 K 0.001 0.I 0.2 0.4 0.3 P [02]) 0.5 0.6 ATM Figure 5.12 - Dependence on oxygen partial pressure of elemental and ash fraction in fume 136 pressure where the fraction of these the fume is relatively high (> forty combustion conditions examined, the should have pressure. totally vaporized elements appearing percent). volatile due to Under trace their in the species high vapor The discrepency between the amount of the volatile species appearing on the final filter and that in the parent coal may be attributed to the fact that some of these tile species will heterogeneous condensation on the of the larger ash particles. Evidence for the condensation of the volatile species on the dependence of their concentration classified samples of the on residual heterogeneous of the examining the particle fly surface surface residual fly ash particles can be obtained by ash vola- size. Size particles for chemical analysis by INAA were obtained by using the cascade impactor. species The concentration of some of the on the various stages of the cascade typical impactor and final The concentration of those species in the overall ash are shown on the right axis. The concentration and filter are shown in of Figure 5.13. magnesium, calcium, iron, alumina, scandium show no systematic variation with particle size. the other hand, antimony, the volatile trace species such and sodium all show pronounced as increasing On arsenic, concen- tration trends with decreasing particle size. Relative to the parent ash, sodium in the concentration of arsenic, antimony, and the larger particles are depleted while the smaller ones are highly enriched. tration for sodium, The observed increase arsenic, and antimony with in concen- decreasing 137 IMPACTOR STAGE Al Al Mg I4 10 No No- B Mn As As- 10 I -% 0.2 I I I I II 0.5 t 10 dp (,um) Figure 5.13 - Variation of elemental mass fraction with particle size for the residual fly ash 138 particle size suggest that these species condense heterogene- 1979). al., et. Smith al., 1974; Ondov et. al., 1979; and et. (Davison ously on the surface of the residual fly ash. in The concentration trends for the volatile element arsenic the residual fly ash produced from the combustion of lignite (45/53 um) oxygen are The observed concentration trends for in 5, shown in Figure 5.14. Montana 10, 20, and 50 percent with the different combustion conditions are best correlated inverse diameter. increased, As the the slope of the particle diameter is amount concentration arsenic with coencides with of This less accentuated. fume, the increase in the amount of arsenic collected in the Figure 5.12. The parallel and paths competing chapter seven. residual and submicron) will for the of the modes deposition of the volatile species in the two fly ash (e.g., is produced fume of be examined in vaporiza- The determination of the degree of tion and hence the rate of vaporization will be restricted to the refractory species. the The details of vaporization of mineral various constituents have been investigated in a complimentary (1) have The finding from his investigation by R. Quann (1982). established; study the internal and external vaporization vapor rate transport is contolled by (2) the processes; volatilization of the refractory oxides is enhanced by chemical reduction to their more volatile suboxide metal (Mg) vapors due to the extremely reducing their (SiO) or environment 139 1600 1200 rzn 0m 0m 800 H C- CI U o 400 0 1 INVERSE DIAMETER 2 (Ao) Figure 5.14 - Concentration of As in sized classified residual fly ash particles 140 of vaporization particle size, (extraneous, coal original the on dependent be will rate the overall (3) found within the burning char particle; forms the degree of dispersion of the mineral inherent micron size inclusion, and dispersed within carbon matrix), present in the specific coal (e.g., or the on atomically forms mineral quartzs vs Kaolinite for silicon). external The rate expression for diffusion limited vaporization can be derived from Fick's first law: dni Rvap 2 _ dt 7 Di Ps (T ) s p d (t) p 2 R RT Eq. 5.2 where P (T ) is the vapor pressure at the char surface, T is P s p the particle temperature, n i is the number of moles vaporized from the single particle, Di d (t) of diffusivity is the is the char particle diameter at time t. burning char particle is modeled as a shrinking and nonswel- For lignite ling coals which is the case for Montana i, coal, the sphere with the time dependence d (t) = d 1 t)1/ 2 Eq. 5.3 where d0 is the intial diameter and tb is the burning time of the char particle. In substituting relationship for char particle size, the equation integrated over the total burning time. The ized is time dependence 5.2 fraction can be vapor- 141 4 (tb) 8 Di Ps(T) tb Eq. 5.4 Eq. 5.4 2 Co R T do where Co is now the initial volume concentration of species i in the particle. Assuming a Clausius - Clapeyron tempertaure dependence of the vapor pressure, the fraction vaporized will have the following tempertaure dependence. dln b 1 dHvap R Eq. 5.5 tb where Hvap is the heat of diffusion limited vaporization, the log of time) rate (extent vaporized per unit proportional to particle temperature. 5.15, a linear externally For vaporization. the should vaporization inversely be As evident in relationship is obtained between the the rate of vaporization verses particle combustion ture for Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Fe, and Sc where the Figure log of tempera- burning time and average particle temperature were obtained from two color optical pyrometry studies. At conventional combustion temperatures (~2000 K) the rate of vaporization increases the sequence Al, Ca, Fe, in and Mg where the relative rates span over three orders of magnitude. Time-resolved measurements of the Quann (1982) are shown in Figure 5.16. ash vaporized by In these experiments, Montana lignite (nominal 140 micron diameter) was burned in 142 K 100 3500 3000 2750 2500 2250 2000 10 No As Zn I Mg Fe 0.1 .01 I I I 3.0 4.0 5.0 I x 104 Tp K-1 Figure 5.15 - Temperature dependence of the elemental vaporization rates 50 TIME (msec) 100 150 200 250 300 2800 2600 2400 -u P:1 2200 C ;r 2000 m 1800 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0 12.5 DISTANCE FROM INJECTION (cm) 15.0 Figure 5.16 - Time-resolved profiles of maximum yield of char and submicron particle constituents 144 thirty percent oxygen in nitrogen at a furnace temperature of 1750 K. The position of the collection probe was adjusted to quench the char particle stages of burnout. determine the combustion Weight extent loss of process at measurements burnout at successive were each used position. fraction of ash vaporized was determined from the to The amount of fume collected on the final filter of the cascade impactor at each residence time. During the first 100 coal is the heated initial period, to furnace milliseconds, temperature. the After this the char particles ignite and burn to comple- tion at about 12.5 cm. The data demonstrate vaporizes only during the char combustion expected because it is during this that process. period that experiences the locally reducing atmosphere within the ash This is the ash the char and the tempertaure overshoot caused by the exothermic char It post combustion reation. is of note that in the tion period there is no measurable change in combusmass the of submicron material. For the time resolve vaporization study, the varia- tion in primary particle size was examined, Figure 5.17. submicron particles are shown to form at the combustion, where their size increases very The of char rapidly with onset position. The vaporization charateristics elements which are dependent on both the tions and coal type ultimately determine of the inorganic combustion the amount, condisize, 145 200 150 o C) LU CI 100 F- L __J 50 4 8 12 DISTANCE FROM COAL INJECTION (cm) Figure 5.17 - Time resolve measurements of the mean primary particle radius for the submicron particles 16 146 and composition of the submicron fume produced depends on the particles. combustion history and the characteristics of the The amount of temperature/time mineral since forms on the extent of vaporization has been shown to be dependent these two parameters. The large contribution of the refac- tory oxides which account for the bulk of the fume is attrioxides refractory buted to the enhanced vaporization of the by their chemical reduction to the more volatile suboxide the metal due to the reducing environment found within particle during combustion. The char from composition fume or different coals vary to a greater degree than in the overall ash as a result of the influence of the in differences degree of dispersion of the inorganics and forms present. type of the mineral 147 CHAPTER SIX CHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE SUBMICRON PARTICLES The following investigation examined the chemistry of combustion the inorganic submicron particles formed from the of Montana lignite (45/53 pm) at furnace temperature of With the development K in twenty percent oxygen in nitrogen. of the analytical capabilities of the electron microscope (STEM), ESCA, transmission scanning Auger size, elemental the the individual primary particles, and spectroscopy, concentra- INAA detailed information about the dependence of tion on particle 1700 composition elemental the of stratification the within the submicron particle, and the chemical state of major elements was determined. 6.1 BULK COMPOSITION (K2 0 and SiO2), and liquid chromatography AA INAA, The average bulk particle concentration by (SO3 ) of four The concen- separate fume samples is presented in Table 6.1. tration of those species in the overall ash, calculated the coal composition with an ash content of also presented in Table 6.1. All the elements are in their highest oxidation state. of the submicron particles percent 7.1 are The dominant the refractory from is presented constituents oxides of 148 Table 6.1 Chemical analysis of the submicron particles produced from the combustion of Montana lignite (45/53 um) at furnace temperature of 1750 K in twenty percent oxygen in nitrogen. element weight percent MgO 59.9 3.6 SiO2 Al 2 0 0.4 3 CaO 8.9 FeO 12.4 Na20 4.3 SO 3 6.6 parts per million 375.0 Zn 1140.0 Cr 360.0 Sc 0.8 Percent of ASTM ash 2.86 149 The percent). trace a particles, having of concentration submicron over two order (i.e., oxide weight), approximately fifteen the fume with its extremely high surface makes the of adsorption Repetitive (Rothenbergand Cheng, 1980). showed that the dry weight of filter was analysis of percent the The hydroscopic nature of weight could not be accounted for. m2/g), the chemical by determined of When ash. final the on weight of the material collected amount the overall magnitude greater than that in the compared with the in enriched antimony, and sodium are highly arsenic, as such species volatile (8.0 iron magnesium (56 percent), calcium (10 percent), and the 133.0 (i.e., area unavoidable water experiments drying filter coincided with the weight of the oxides. final the on material When the dry filter was exposed to the room environment, the filter sample The regained its original weight within ten minutes. experiments suggested the presence thus it can be assumed that the of total water, adsorbed amount drying of and material collected on the filter is now accounted for. 6.2 DEPENDENCE OF CONCENTRATION ON PARTICLE SIZE Size classified samples of the submicron particles for chemical analysis by INAA were obtained with the mobility classifier. The chemical composition of the individual submicron particles were obtained from microprobe analysis by the STEM. 150 400 ang- classifier. The and with mean particle diameter of 100, 200, 300, stroms were obtained with mobility the particles submicron the Four discrete size cuts of in As relative concentration of Mg, Ca, Fe, Al, Na, Sb, and each of the four size cuts are shown in Figure 6.1 and Figure 6.2. Sodium, arsenic, chromium, antimony, and all aluminum show increasing concentration trends with decreasing particle size. Iron, and calcium show systematic no slight decrease in concentration shows magnesium while concentration with particle size, a particle decreasing with in variation size. The STEM's capability for microprobe analysis provi- des for the first time detailed information about the compo- sition of individual As particles. submicron mentioned in section 4.5, only those previously (i.e., species stable over Si, Mg, Fe, and Ca) whose x-ray signals remain constant time under examined. the high Microprobe electron intensity the of analysis particles, with diameters ranging primary between hundred angstroms were choosen at random. the elemental particles. concentration the for There is no major trend in the magnesium, calcium, and iron with beam, eighty Figure various size. magnesium and iron do show a slight variation is relatively constant. submicron four and 6.3 shows primary concentration particle tion from particle to particle, while be will calcium in of However, concentra- concentration Silicon, on the other hand, exhibits 151 100 80 60 H 7- Cr- 40 CU £3 20 0 100 200 DIAMETER 300 (Ao ) Figure 6.1 - Elemental concentration for size classified samples by INAA 400 152 10 A - Na 0E - Al x 1.4E 1 0- - Sb x 2.8E 3 8 + - As x 5.1E 2 0- CD )--- UJ 4 L1 CD 2 0 0 I I I I 100 200 300 400 DIAMETER (AO) Figure 6.2 - Elemental concentration for size classified samples by INAA 153 100 A - Mg x 0.2 OL - si x 10 80 0 - ca + - Fe x 0.5 60 CH- z.. 40 20 20 0 0 I I I I 100 200 300 400 DIAMETER (AO) Figure 6.3 - Elemental concentration for primary particles by STEM 154 decreasing particle Results showing the concentration trends for calcium, a marked increase in concentration with size. analysis STEM iron, and magnesium with particle size by individual particles and by INAA of sized classified of samples of a large number of particles are in agreement. decreas- The observed increase in concentration with is ing particle size for Na, As, Sb, Al,and Si the composed particles pre-existing elements these to result from heterogeneous condensation of on the surface of hypothesized of magnesium, iron, and calcium. The concentration trends result from the fact that the surface to volume ratio increases with decreasing particle size. The microprobe analysis of submicron particles formed from the combustion of (120/150 lignite Montana um) in seventy five percent oxygen shows a dramatic variation in the Table composition irrespective of particle size, calcium, relative concentration of silicon, The 6.2. and magnesium, iron in the bulk fume sample as determined by INAA and AA are also shown in Table 6.2. A large the of number primary particles are highly enriched in either silicon (98 percent), percent), calcium (86 percent), or magnesium (76 remaining particles have percent). unusually The analysis suggests high iron these that selectively condense, forming relatively pure particle is due the content (43 species might particles of presence of silicon, magnesium, calcium, and iron where the other constituents in each while to subsequent 155 Table 6.2 particle diameter Ao STEM microprobe analysis of individual submicron particles produced from the combustion of Montana lignite (150 um) at furnace temperature of 1700 K in seventy five percent oxygen. Sio 2 (wt%) CaO MgO FeO (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) 80 8 66 15 140 1 51 32 3 2 3 1 1 43 1 0 1 23 60 10 250 92 300 350 425 98 450 14 75 6 480 86 7 3 52 35 3 bulk fume conc. * * by INAA and AA 156 heterogeneous condensation and coagulation between relatively pure particles. 6.3 SURFACE ENRICHMENT The elemental stratification in ticle was determined concentration, measured particle concentration by: by measured by INAA, bulk with spectroscopy, Auger surface the comparing (1) par- submicron the liquid and AA, concentra- chromatrography; (2) determining the variation in tion measured by Auger spectroscopy as the surface layers are sputtered away; and (3) comparing the ratio of the intensity of the high and low energy Auger electrons emitted from the sample to the ratio for a homogeneous bulk standard. The surface concentration by Auger is spectroscopy compared in Table 6.3 with the bulk particle concentration by INAA (Na2 0, MgO, CaO, and liquid chromatography (SO3). FeO), All AA (K2 0, elements and are and SiO 2 ), reported as two the A comparison of analyses shows that sodium, sulfur, potassium, and silicon are highly concentrated in the surface layers, while conver- their oxides for convenience. sely magnesium and iron are depleted. From the comparison of nor the two analyses, calcium is neither highly concentrated depleted in the surface layers. In order to obtain the concentration as a function of depth from the surface, the fume sample was sputtered at a milling rate that corresponds to a surface regression rate of 157 Table 6.3 species Auger spectroscopy of the fume produced from the combustion of Montana lignite (45/53 um) at furnace temperature of 1700 K in twenty precent oxygen in nitrogen. surface conc. (Auger) (wt%) bulk conc. (INAA) * (wt%) Na 2 0 11.8 5.3 SO 3 16.4 7.9 5.6 K20 1.6 14.9 3.5 CaO 12.3 9.7 MgO 29.3 SiO FeO 2 3.9 58.6 11.8 * supplemented with AA and liquid chromatography 158 about twenty five angstroms per minute for a Te205 sputtering standard (Martin, 1980). analyses Auger the of original surface and at several sputtered times are presented in Table 6.4. the The concentration of species in which enriched, such as sodium, and sulfur, surface potassium decreases surface with extent of sputtering, while species inwhich the is depleted, such magnesium iron, and The relative concentration of proportionally. sucessive as sputtering remains increase with calcium that suggesting constant, is calcium is present near the surface as well as in the core of the particle. The asymptotic concentration shows a signifiThis is cant contribution from the surface enriched species. will unavoidable since the emission for a sectioned particle 6.4 always include contributions from surface layers, Figure (A). This is compounded by the of nature the sample's surface topography, since the ion sputtering source is at low grazing angle to the sample's surface, while the detector and the primary electron source are perpendicular to the sample's surface, Figure 6.4 (B). Consequently, shaded regions are highly enriched with Na, S, K, and Si will which persist with sputtering. Another measure of the elemental stratification comparing the within the submicron particle is provided by intensities from the low energy LMM Auger electron emission Auger electron emission (~100 ev) and the high energy KLL (~1000 ev) for each element (Kane and Larraby,, 1974; King, 159 Table 6.4 Auger spectroscopy of the fume before and after species surface conc. (wt%) Na20 11.8 5.6 16.4 SO 3 sputtering. sputter 1 minute (wt%) sputter 3 minute (wt%) 6.0 4.6 3.7 1.8 6.4 3.5 14.9 13.3 13.8 CaO 12.3 11.3 11.7 MgO 29.3 49.1 53.1 6.5 7.8 SiO FeO 2 3.9 160 (A) (B) FIGURE 6.4 - Sectioned particle showing the contibution from the outer surface (A) and the shaded regions from the ion sputtering gun which are in view of the detector (B). 161 1979). The extent of electrons Auger the of attenuation moving through a solid will be highly dependent on their mean free path (or escape depth X ) the in shown is as relationship; I(x) = I(o) e - X/A where I(x) is the intensity of Eq. 6.1 Auger traversed through a solid of thickness x, sity of the original signal, the Auger electron. and after having I(o) is the inten- signal the mean free path A is of For electron energies above 100 eV, the to the escape depth of an Auger is electron energy of that electron, Figure 6.5. proportional Consequently, the ratio emission of the intensity of high energy to low energy Auger for a subsurface element, relative to the ratio obtained from a homogeneous bulk standard, will increase as the distance of the element from the surface increases. Therefore, a compar- ison of the intensity ratios for the elements in cron particles with those from homogeneous the bulk For 6.5. the ratio is close to, but slightly greater than, from the homogeneous bulk sample. The observed identified surface-adsorbed carbon (as CO 2 and standards magnesium, provides a measure of the distribution of sulfur, and silicon as a function of depth, Table submi- the sulfur ratio presence of hydrocarbon), less than a monolayer in thickness on the fume surface, will energy Auger lead to slight emission. attenuation of sulfur's low Consequently, the results suggest that in the outer surface layer of the submicron sulfur particle. is For --- O 0 Tarng & Wohnor 1972 Phys. Elect. Conf. Eastman 1972 P. E. C.Albuquerque EJ Ridgeway & Hanemsn Surface Spienc- 24 0 451 26 83 (1971) Palmberg & Rhodin J. Appl. Phys. 39 2425 (1968) Jacobi Surface Science 26 54 (1971) A Baer et al S. S. . 8, 1479 (1970) Steinhardt et at ICES Asilomar (1971) + Seah Surface Science 32 703 (1972) Au AL Ag C Au F. I - I I I • •I 100 I ! 200 I . .r 300 i 1000 I 1500 ELECTRON ENERGY (eV) Figure 6.5 - Escape depth of Auger electron verses electron energy N) 163 Table 6.5 element Ratio of high and low energy Auger electron emission from the submicron particles and homogeneous bulk standards electron energy ~ AAO fume ratio standard ratio 120 1.5 1834 28 76 4 10.4 Si 1606 Mg 35 Mg 1190 20 164 magnesium, the ratio greatly exceeds that ratio The magnitude of the homogeneous standard. sity ratio, a result of extreme of gests that magnesium is in the core the magnesium's layer, sug- particle. The surface of the inten- sample's attenuation low energy Auger emission by the outer from extent of attentuation of the low energy emission for silicon indicates that this element lies between the outer layer enriched in elements such as sulfur and the surface particle's core enriched in elements such as magnesium. part The above data is only semi-quantitative due in to the complexities derived from the attenuation by the Auger electrons elements and also due to the differing emitted from of averaging The is highly results surface layers, whereas the in from results enriched Table of different emissions different chords in the sphercal particles. Table 6.3 suggest that silicon degrees 6.5 in in the suggest silicon is in an intermediate layer. The apparent anomaly can be explained by comparing the mean free path of Auger electron (~25 angstroms) to the mean silicon free KLL path of sulfur KLL Auger electron (~4 angstroms). The adsorbed carbon contamination present on the outer surface of the sample will probably attenuate the sulfur signal by a greater extent than the attenuation of the silicon signal by the outer surface of the outer surface layers. yields Therefore, an Auger apparently analysis high spectroscopy for analysis of silicon the concentration. elemental Auger stratification 165 the within individual particles can be justified even though area, analysis the than particles are much smaller since by STEM ESCA was determined for magnesium, iron, silicon, sulfur, sodium, and inter particle homogeneity established been has analysis. 6.4 CHEMICAL STATE ANALYSIS Accurate chemical state identification calcium. In general, identification of the by state oxidation can be easily determined since measurable differences in binding energy (> 1.0 eV) exist states. On the hand, other for differentiation various compounds is limited, since the oxidation various the between the in the difference However, a resulting chemical shift may be small (< 1.0 eV). because eliminated large number of compounds can be readily of the detailed knowledge about the chemistry of the the submi- cron particle. The extent of static charging for the fume sample was determined by comparing carbon Cls line (i.e., energy (Wagner et. al., line (i.e., 284.6 eV), observed binding energy the observed 287.3 eV) with the referenced 1979) for Figure 6.6. for adventitious static binding Cls in the carbon charging from its of the Therefore, in order to correct shifting, all observed binding energies will be for carbon The 2.7 eV shift adventitious reference binding energy is due to insulating fume sample. energy binding adjusted this by I I I I I I Charge Shift of 2.7 eV I / A - Measured carbon peak (287.3 eV) "\ B - Reference C is line (284.6 eV) LLuj zl I A 293 289 .. 285 BINDING ENERGY 281 (eV) Figure 6.6 - ESCA high resolution scan of carbon C Is line for fume sample 167 2.7 eV. Figure 6.7 shows the high resolution nesium Mg2p line. A comparison energy for magnesium (49.1 eV) of with the the scan for observed binding reference binding energy (Castleton, 1981) for magnesium metal (47.2 eV) and in the magnesium oxide (49.4 ev) suggest that the magnesium fume is present in its highest diffraction analysis of the fume oxidation confirms crystaline magnesium oxide, Figure 6.8. the diffraction lines is magnesium oxide crystals a result (Padro, state. the X-ray presence of The slight shift in of impurities 1981). Since in the cles is composed of magnesium, calcium, and iron, in the diffraction lines is probably due After correcting for to the Auger analysis has indicated that the core of the submicron and calcium. mag- parti- the shift dissolved static iron charging, the observed binding energy for magnesium, which has been pendently shown to be present as magnesium oxide, is within magnesium oxide. 0.2 eV of the reference binding energy for This excellent agreement the verifies use of inde- carbon the referencing technique to accurately determine the extent of static charge shifting for the insulating fume sample. The high resolution scan for present in Figure 6.9. 1979) Fe2p3/ 2 A comparison of the observed energy for iron (711.1 eV) to the (Wagner .et al., iron reference for iron (706.9 eV), line binding binding FeO is (709.5 energy eV), Fe 2 0 3 (711.0 eV), and Fe30 4 (711.4 eV) suggests that the iron I I 49.3 I 54 I I I I I I 47.2 I I 46 50 BINDING ENERGY I (eV) Figure 6.7 - ESCA high resolution scan of magnesium Mg2p line for fume sample O FII LLJ F- 39 44 54 49 59 64 20 Figure 6.8 - X-Ray diffraction lines for submicron particles LJ 23 725 715 BINDING ENERGY 4 705 (eV) Figure 6.9 - ESCA high resolution scan of iron Fe2p line for fume sample 171 oxidation state resolution scan highest its in the fume is present in as either Fe20 3 or Fe3 0 . 4 Figure silicon Si2p line. high the shows 6.10 binding observed the of comparison A for energy for silicon (101.7 eV) to the reference binding energy ESCA of the However, silicate specific eV) in its by Identification silicate. a highest oxidation state as (101.78 present is fume the suggests that the silicon in silicate and eV), silicon dioxide (103.4 eV), (99.0 metal silicon for (Wagner, Gale, and Raymond, 1979) possible. not is compound the chemical analysis also suggest that both alumina of the The concentration of aluminum in the sublayer and some of the calcium are present in the particle with silicon. submicron particles displays the same This dence as silicon, Figure 6.2. suggests heterogeneously condenses on the surface thereby placing aluminum submicron particle. at near or that surface the alumina particles, the of depen- size particle the of Auger analysis suggests that some of the calcium is near the surface of the particle. The high resolution presented in Figure 6.11. scan A for is sulfur S2p line of the observed comparison binding energy for sulfur (168.8 eV) to the reference binding =4 energy (Wagner et. al., 1979) for suflate ion (SO = 4 eV), sulfite ion (SO= 3 ~ 166.3 eV), elemental 163.9 eV) and sulfide ion (S ~ 161.4 eV) ~ sulfur establishes 168.6 (SO ~ that suflur is present in its highest oxidation state as a sulfate I I I I I I LLI I- 106 Si0 2 silicate Si 103.4 101.8 99.0 I , I 102 BINDING ENERGY I I I 98 (eV) Figure 6.10 - ESCA high resolution scan of silicon Si2p line for fume sample LU -,4 168.6 I I 174 so S0=3 16 166 3 I 170 166 BINDING ENERGY (eV) = 16.4 I I I 162 Figure 6.10 - ESCA high resolution scan of sulfur S 2p line for fume sample 174 ion. Auger analysis shows that sulfur is highly enriched charac- chemical the outer suface of the particle. From the in terization of the submicron particle the bulk of the sulfur will be present either as sodium sulfate eV) and/or calcium sulfate (169.3 eV). sulfur S2p line, The (168.6 shift chemical slight sodium, due to the cation of calcium verses between differentiation is not significant enough to permit in the two compounds. Figure 6.12 shows the high resolution scan for sodium Nals line. The photoelectron chemical shift is than 2 ev, for the less However, sodium. of states oxidation small, differentiation between the binding energy for some plausible obtained with good statistics (i.e., can be width). A resolution sodium compounds is possible when a high narrow peak (1071.4 comparison of the observed binding energy for sodium eV) to the reference binding energy (Wagner et. al., 1979) of Na2 0 (1072.5 ev), sodium chloride sulfate (1071.3 eV) (1071.5 suggests that the sodium in present as either the chloride or ratio of sulfur to sodium in the fume is 1:2, ratio insufficient chlorine in of sodium to is molar The while the molar ratio of chlorine to sodium is less than 0.1:1. stoichiometric molar fume the sulfate. the sodium and eV), The sulfur the fume tends to suggest proper and the that the scan for bulk of the sodium is present as sodium sulfate. Figure 6.13 presents the high calcium Ca2P3/ 2 line. A comparison of resolution the observed binding LL w 1078 1066 1072 BINDING ENERGY (eV) Figure 6.10 - ESCA high resolution scan of sodium Na is line for fume sample II II Ii II I I LLJ CaS04 348.7 I 354 I I CaO 487.4 I 350 BINDING ENERGY 346 (eV) Figure 6.13 - ESCA high resolution scan of calcium Ca2p3/2 line for the fume 177 oxide 1981) for calcium energy (Castleton, referenced the to eV) (347.1 energy for calcium binding and eV) (347.4 present calcium sulfate (348.7 eV), suggests that calcium is as calcium oxide. The multiple analytical tools used in this investiga- the elemental stratification of the submicron core of the particle is composed of magnesium, presence of dissolved crystals. The outer constituents whose dependence with is surface concentration the analysis shows that two of composed of display a par- on the suggests oxide volatile the size state Chemical elements, enriched surface the and particle species. trace other calcium, magnesium the in impurities The analysis x-ray the ticle size. Furthermore, particle. dependence iron where their concentrations show no about story tion have lead to the development of a coherent sodium and sulfur, are present as sodium sulfate. The subsurface layer between these two strata silicon whose concentration also dependence. Chemical state is which has been analysis to be present near the surface as core of the particle, coexist in the silicon. and/or a well subsurface size Auger by as size calcium. particle shown of that demonstrates analysis Both alumina, whose concentration displays calcium, particle a displays silicon is present as a silicate of alumina dependence, and mostly composed in layer the with 178 CHAPTER SEVEN DISCUSSION The examination of the bulk characterizatics submicron particles in chapter five has provided information about the amount, size, and bulk composition of these cles which have been shown to be combustion environment and the of the mineral matter. dependent vaporization The detailed the of parti- both on the characteristics chemical characteriza- tion of the individual submicron particles in chapter six has provided specific information about the size dependence composition for particles in the submicron range and elemental stratification within these particles. mation about the physico-chemical on the The evolution five of and the of the six has submicron particles subsequent to their initial formation. The of this section will be to examine the hypotheses about formation and subsequent growth of that can be inferred from the the submicron physico-chemical tics of the submicron particles. the infor- characteristics submicron particles presented in chapter provided some insight on of focus the particles characteris- The discussion will pertain most closely to the conditions corresponding to tion of Montana lignite (45/53 um) at a furnace of 1700 K in twenty percent oxygen in nitrogen. the combus- temperature 179 7.1 NUCLEATION more In the absence of a condensed phase, one or the vaporized should elements inorganic supersaturate, onset thereby, providing the necessary driving force for the available made The free surface of homogeneous nucleation. (i.e., with the formation of the stable clusters precursors the of the submicron particles) can be expected to alleviate supersaturation of the other inorganic vapors as a result heterogeneous The Martinez-Sanchez et. al., 1978). stratifica- elemental provided tion of the submicron particles is believed to have condensation a chronological signature of the The elements the various inorganic vapors. sequence present core of the submicron particles are believed to be ble for the formation of the initial condensed homogeneous nucleation, while those elements which in initial much later. formation of The the factors submicron responsible particles for the responsiphase by form the outer layers of the submicron particles are believed to condensed of 1981; al., et. (McNellan condensation of for should have the be evident by examining the phenomena involving the vaporization and subsequent condensation presides in the core of the of which not only particle, but also magnesium, submicron accounts for over sixty percent of the submicron particle by weight. The vaporization of the mineral matter has been 180 (1982). Quann Richard examined in a complimentary study by In the case of Montana lignite, the vaporization of magnesium was be to determined externally diffusion-limited. The for mag- vaporization experimentally observed high rate of vaporization nesium could not be explained by the direct the fact that partial the magnesium of pressure from evident was This magnesium oxide into the gas phase. of the at surface of the char particle calculated from the experimental vapor equilibrium vaporization data was found to exceed the magnitude of pressure for magnesium oxide by several orders combustion conditions examined in this study (i.e., particle combustion temperatu- the rate of char oxidation will be externally (Quann, res > 2000 K), the For 1982). diffusion-limited (Smith, range 1978; of 1967). al., et. Field Consequently, a locally reducing atmosphere will exist within the burning char particle, since oxygen penetration into porous structure of the char particle will be minimal due the high oxidation rate at the char surface. stable magnesium presence of H, C, S, N, and 02 over equivalence ratios. equilibrium compounds wide in of range The results are presented in Figure where for simplicity only CO2 , shown. a 02, MgO(v), The equilibrium vapor pressure for and Mg(v) of magnesium oxide fairly constant up to a fuel equivalence ratio of the fuel 7.1 are increases Mg(v) sharply as the conditions are changed from fuel lean to rich, while the vapor pressure to The NASA sp-273 equilibrium program can be used to calculate the vapor pressure for the the fuel remains 2.5. For 181 1 TEMP = 2080 K -1 Mg F- LLJ cn cn n~ -4- 2: CO2 -5 -1 or I CD 0 -7 CD I_ 02 -90.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 EQUIVALENCE RATIO Figure 7.1 - Equilibrium vapor pressure for Magnesium for various fuel equivalence ratios 182 char particle (i.e., fuel equivalence ratio > 1) the metal is the dominate burning the condition anticipated within the is vapor species for magnesium which vapor pressure of the oxide by several orders magnesium can be explained by of rate The experimentally observed high the the exceed to shown of magnitude. for vaporization chemical magnesium oxide in the condensed phase to the reduction of more volatile as magnesium metal vapor. The dramatic change in the environment metal vapors diffuses from the locally within the burning char particle out environment reducing into atmosphere surrounding the char particle should the supersaturation of magnesium vapor. vaporization and subsequent presented in Figure 7.2. oxidizing the account for for the A scenerio condensation of magnesium atmosphere In the locally reducing oxide within the char particle the vaporization of magnesium will occur by chemical reduction to form metal vapor. The metal vapor surface of the char particle. will be the is volatile more to transported the metal Once at the surface the vapors will diffuse away from the burning char particle into the surrounding oxidizing environment, where the metal vapors will reoxide. Upon reoxidization, the magnesium oxide vapors will be supersaturated, thus providing the necessary force for homogeneous nucleation. The decrease ture away from the burning char particle can only driving tempera- in accentuate the tendency for the supersaturation of the magnesium vapors diffusion of Mg vapors from char oxidation MgO(v) + 0 Mg (v) + 02 - ----------- \ MgO(s) + CO - Mg(v) + CO2 formation of condensed phase 'V'1 I char particle surface REDUCING ATMOSPHERE Peq. Mg P eq. MgO OXIDIZING ATMOSPHERE Pmagnesium >> P eq. MgO0 Figure 7.2 - Schematic diagram of magnesium vaporization and recondensation during char combustion 184 supersatura- The point at which magnesium upon reoxidation. tes will be dependent on the rate of oxidation and the oxygen potential, subsequent the magnesium of pressure partial oxide, and the gas temperature at various distances from the char particle. A steady state one dimenstional model in order to examine in detail homogeneous nucleation of magnesium oxide particle. pressure, partial magnesium oxygen pressure, partial metal the char the arround temperature, the estimates model The involving phenomana the developed was and magnesium oxide partial pressure from the governing differential equation particle. as function a of distance The major assumption about the from present the model that a barrier exist for both the oxidation of the metal char is and the initial formation of the condense phase despite the large potentials that may exist. From two color optical pyrometry the particle combustion temperature has been shown to overshoots 1982). temperature (Timothy, Consequently, the the bulk gas phase. The at temperature surface various from the char particle was derived for spherical gas temperature a gradient will exist between the char particle's bulk and distances coordinates from Fourier's first law of heat conduction, 1 d (r2 k dt) r dr dr - 0 Eq. 7.1 185 color where the particle temperature was determined from two The magnesium partial pressure is low enough that pyrometry. the heat released upon oxidation and condensation should perturb the layer. tempertaure in profile boundary thermal the the The heat effect from the oxidation of CO in gas oxidation of since the rate stream has not been considered, not extremely slow. of CO is For combustion, diffusion-limited externally an oxygen gradient will exist between the bulk gas phase and the various distances from the partial oxygen The char particle's surface. r r2 DAB derived 2) = 0 Eq. 7.2 where the oxygen partial pressure at the surface of the from The (Field et. al., 1967). boundary layer by the for dr dr particle was calculated at law, spherical coordinates from Fick's first 12 d was particle char pressure the oxidation char of consumption oxidation at the kinetics in the vapors and oxygen metal char carbon monoxide have not been considered. The partial pressure of magnesium at various distance from the char surface was governed equation for spherical coordinates by the differential 186 1 r 2 d r 22 DAB dnMg = -K n Eq. n 7.3 2 dr dr surface where the partial pressure of magnesium metal at the of the char particle was calculated from experimental vapori- for hand side of equation 7.3 accounts magnesium metal by oxidation. right the on The reaction term 1982). zation data (Quann, consumption the of homogene- The modeling of the ous gas phase oxidation of magnesium will entail establishing the rate coefficient for the governing bimolecular reaction as proposed by Markstien Eq. 7.4 MgO(v) + O Mg(v) + 02 -- The (1963). low pressure, low temperature studies concluded that the bimolecular homogene- ous reaction will account for initial formation of magnesium homogeneously oxide vapors which, upon supersaturation, will nucleate to form the initial particles. For high temperature environment of combustion, the atmospheric the estimated rate coefficient from collision theory was used to model bimolecular oxidation of magnesium metal vapors the (Laider, 1965) K = A Tn e - E/RT Eq. 7.5 187 A = 4.44 x 1018 m 3 /mole sec n = 1/2 E = 1.28 x 105 joules/mole various at oxide The partial pressure of magnesium distance from the char surface was governed by the differen- tial equation in spherical coordinates, 1 d r1dr r dr 2 dnMgO -AB Rrxn + Rnucl + Rhet dn dr Eq. 7.6 Rrxn =K nM n I Mg Rnucl Rhet ~ F'(d) where the reaction terms on the right hand side 7.6 accounts for; the continual addition of magnesium of and the consumption magnesium nucleation, vapors by oxide consumption vapor by oxidation of the metal vapor, Rrxn; the of magnesium oxide vapors by homogeneous equation of Rnucl; heterogeneous condensation on the stable nuclei of magnesium oxide. The rate of homogeneous nucleation of a liquid droplet from unary vapors can be calculated spherical from the classical theory of nucleation of volmer and weber and Becker and Doering (Hirth and Pound, 1963). I (nuclie/cc s), I= The rate of nucleation, is given by P. 2 2a (2cm / 2 1/2V (kT) 2 m 1m) exp - 3 6 3 k T AGv 2216 Eq. 7.7 188 \GV 0Gv =In m where ac is the condensation P eq eq,i eq,i ( species i, a is the surface tension of liquid i, Vm molecular volume, constant, and m is the mass of molecule i, droplet formation per unit volume. the the energy for of the development The classical nucleation theory is based on condsiderations stability) and kinetics imposed by both thermodynamics (i.e., Inother words, the rate (i.e., probability). is boltzman k is free the change in Gibbs' AGv is vapor the are the partial and equilibrium pressure of of and Pi stick), and embryo fraction (the coefficient molecules that collide with an i ln k T of nucleation is governed by the net number of clusters per unit time which grow larger than the critical size. cluster The critical cluster is a cluster of size such that its rate of growth is equal to its rate of decay. Any cluster which fluctuates to a size larger than the critical macroscopic size while clusters size will most likely shrink size will smaller back to probably that the the grow to critical monomer. The critical cluster size is determined from the relation, r* = 2 aV m k T In (Pi/Peq,i) Eq. 7.8 where the addition of one monimor leads to the formation of a stable cluster. 189 The rate of heterogeneous condensation of the condensable vapor molecules on the newly formed stable cluster of magnesium oxide whose size is much smaller than the mean free frequency path of the gas molecule will be controlled by the with which the vapor molecules collide with the The rate of deposition per particle of size dp from the kinetic theory of gases (Friedlander, F' (d) = particles. dirived is 1977) *) (P. - P d 2 a eq, i 1 c p (2 r m k T) where ac is the condensation coefficient and have a value of be unity. Eq. is assumed nuclei of magnesium oxide. the number rate of stable of density to conden- The rate of heterogeneous sation for the condensable vapors obtained from the deposition per particle and 7.9 The overall rate of heterogeneous condensation will be highly dependent on the and size distribution of the particles. of The details growth process of the particles by coagulation will with in detail in section 7.2. density number However, in delt be assuming the nearly monodispersed particle size, a simple solution to the kinetic equation for brownian coagulation can be used to the number density and average particle size nuclei of magnesium oxide. of approximate the stable The decay in the total number of particles with time is approximated from the rate expressions dN dr 1 K N2 2 Eq. 7.10 190 where the collision frequency factor, K, is given by K = Eq. 7.11 The average particle size can be approximated from the volume fraction and the total number of particles. model's The magnesium are presented in 7.3 Figure condensation the for prediction conditions the for twenty corresponding to the combustion of Montana lignite in percent oxygen in nitrogen. is The supersaturation of magnesium boundary predicted to occur within the thermal the char particle due to the relatively This increases. nucleation position rate surface estimate of the partial tension for oxygen at the char particle's surface. layer of for the predicts a supersaturation as insensitive oxidation the magnesium Since to rate and the oxide and 1965), (Smithells, pressure rate model relatively is uncertainties in the assumed values for constant and high The homogeneous oxidation of magnesium. very sharp rise in the of onset the nucleation is very sensitive to temperature, changes in of the values assumed for the above parameters will result in only a slight displacement of the position of nucleation because the steep surface. temperature gradient near the The duration of the nucleation is char of particle's attributed to the 20 ov -3 18 -4 16 P Mg D co cn 14 -5 N 0LU 0 LN Mg -6 12 c CD F-4 0 < -7.eq, o MgO 8 --8 z rCD CD 9I 1 5 I I I 9 13 17 6 R/Rp Figure 7.3 - Model prediction for the supersaturation and condensation of magnesium 192 continual addition of by monomer phase gas homogeneous time oxidation of magnesium metal vapor. Since the transient profi- for establishing the steady state gas and temperature les arround the char particle is extremely short and the fact are over two orders of magnitude shorter than char burnout, magnesium can nucleate very early on during the combustion homogeneously combustion process, observa- as in shown early very tions indicate that the submicron particles form on during the where process Experimental high. the temperature is relatively for time the to inferred be nucleation and oxidation that the characteristic times for time the resolve study in Figure 5.17. cles form very early on during the combustion is supported by which process This observation. experimental parti- submicron The present model predict that the been has vapori- shown to be a direct consequence of the mechanism of zation where the refractory oxides are chemically reduced to form the more volatile metal vapor, and the sharp temperature gradient surrounding the char particle. diffuse into the oxidizing As the metal vapors metal vapors environment, reoxides forming supersaturated oxide for the early formation of the the vapors submicron examining the sequence of condensation for ganic species relative to magnesium, the account which particles. other the growth the inor- process the submicron particles will be examined more closely, the presence of these particles may influence Before of since condensa- 193 tion process for the other inorganic vapors. 7.2 COAGULATION particles submicron inorganic The formation of the of have been shown to result from the homogeneous nucleation boundary the in the supersatured vapors of magnesium oxide The classical nucleation layer of the burning char particle. theory predicts the formation of an extremely large number of stable nuclei with critical radii of six angstroms. The high particles will coalesce to "coagulation" form stick which particles spherical single growth the describes collisions. particle-particle result in a high frequency of The colliding small extremely particle mobility of these upon aerosol for process in the number total of term The particles. account systems where the random particle-particle collision for the reduction should contact particles coalescence accounts for the increase in the average size the primary particles. and of From the physical characterization of the submicron particles in chapter primary particles was found to be five, of the both the size the on dependent residence time and the total mass in the submicron mode. By convention, the rate of coagulation is designated by the collision frequency of the particles where the quent coalescence of the colliding particles occur instantaneously. is The kinetics governing the subse- assumed to collision frequency of the particles as a result of brownian motion in 194 determine the decay in the total can 1917) a uniform flow field (Smoluchowski, number of used be particles to with time dN =- 2 (v,u,t) n(v,t) dt n(u,t) dv du Eq. 7.12 where n(u,t) is the particle volume distribution function and B(v,u) is the collision frequency between particles of volume v and u (Lai et. al., For particles much smaller than 1972). free molecular the mean free path of the gas molecules (i.e., regime), B(v,u), the collision frequency factor, is derived collisions amoung molecules that behave as rigid elastic spheres (i.e., nonin- kinetic from the theory of gases for teracting spheres) B(v,u) = where k is boltzman constant, T is P is the particle density, and /3+ /2 + 1/6/2 a the absolute a the is For 1970). the case of In examining kinetics for molten lead the aerosols, quency of the particles (i.e., G=2) the and spheres, intermolecular are coagulation forces were collision fre- dispersion found to account for the enhancement in coeffi- (Hidy unity molecular free Eq. 7.13 temperature, noninteracting interaction forces such as electronic or neglected. 2 sticking of cient which is assumed to have a value Brock, u/3 (Graham and Homer, 1972). The origin of the dispersion forces resulted from a theoreti- 195 cal treatment of london van der waals forces (Hamaker, 1937). The total number of particles per unit volume, N. , expressed be volume fraction of the dispersed phase, V, can the and in the form: on(V,t) dv Eq. 7.14 v n(v,t) dv Eq. 7.15 N,(t) = V For pure = absence the in coagulation condensation, of evaporization, or particle loss by settling or diffusion, the volume fraction, V, will be invariant with respect to time. The partial integro-differential governing equation increase calculations become extremely combersome due to the in particle inventory with time. However, the however particle coagulation can be solved numerically, with the discovery that the evolving particle size distribution aerosol an of asymo- whose growth is governed by coagulation approaches an class of analytical solutions have been developed based on the use of totic form with time (i.e., a similarity transformation for the particle tion (Swift and 1966). Friedlander, The unique feature of 1964; the size distribution function is that distribution conforms to the a self-preserving), size Friedlander self-preserving once the self-preserving distribuand Wang, particle particle size distribution, the normalized distribution will be invariant with time and 196 independent of the The particle size distribution. of peculiarity individual is based n(v,t), initial transformation similarity for the particle size distribution, the the on assumption that the fraction of the particles in a given size the mean particle volume, = n(v,t) V, N 2 Eq. # (7) V (t) 7 where = v N-(t) V 7.16 v is a B(u,v), Since the collision frequency factor, ous function, normalized by v, range is a function only of particle volume, the similarity transformation of the size distribution will reduce the kinetic equation the decay of the total number of particles, homogeneparticle governing to equation 7.12, an ordinary integro-differential equation 3 dN dt dt where 8 is the VI ) - / 6 N N4 2 dimensionless 11/6 1/6 6kT collision 0 (7), and is by numerical analysis (Lai et. al., 1972). self-preserving distribution, / 6 Eq. 7.17 6 integral for found to be The the 6.67 analytical solution to equation 7.17 yields a simple expression for time dependence of the number of particles in the system the 197 = N(t) (Kth theory 6/5 1 Vl 6t K where Ktheory (Ktheory Therefore, V1/ 6 the be will t) 12 47 on times For coagulation 2 3 1/6(6kT )1/ 5 where Eq. 7.18 1 5/6) N + order much G P of millisecond, one (1/N)5/ than larger 6 equation 7.18 can be further simplified N(t) = (Ktheory V/6 t) - 6/ 5 Eq. 7.19 be will where the predicted number density, N(t), dent of the initial particle number density for several times greater than particle volume idenity, v = V/N , the particle the volume average diameter the dependence time of coagulation From milliseconds. indepen- the mean of coagulating particles can be obtained: d p =() Eq. 7.20 1/3 (Ktheory V t)2/5 In order to examine the volume fraction and time for the growth of the that 7.20), predicted by inorganic coagulation submicron kinetics particles (i.e., the distribution of the submicron particles self-preserving. In Figure 7.4, dependence with equation must be the particle size distribu- . 198 2 [] - 15% 02 I - OA ._ - 40% 0 0 0 CL - 20% 02 -3 Oo CD I -4 SELF PRESERVING SIZE DISTRIBUTION -5 I -6I -1.0 -0.6 -0.2 0.2 0.6 LOGio (dp/dpv) Figure 7.4 - Primary particle size distribution for the fume with the self-preserving distribution 199 combustion of Montana lignite 45/53 um in percent fairly are oxygen the by represented well 40 and 20, 15, the from produced tion of the primary submicron particles The calculated transiant self-perserving size distribution. for time for the transformation of the initial distribution order the the submicron particles to self-preserving is on of several milliseconds (Hyde and Lilly, 1965). In order to examine growth of the primary the particles, submicron measurements were conducted where samples of resolve time the the for dependence time submicron particles were collected at various distances from the point The time of coal injection. resolve measurements of the diameters for the experimentally determined mean particle primary submicron particles produced from the combustion of Montana lignite 45/53 um at a furnace temperature of 1700 K in twenty percent oxygen in nitrogen are compared with those predicted from coagulation theory (i.e., Figure 7.5. The predicted curve for equation the 7.20) mean in particle diameters were generated using the appropriate value for the volume fraction and elapsed time where the formation of the at the initial submicron particles was initiation of char combustion. assumed to The volume occur fraction is obtained from the measured value of the fractional vaporization for the metal oxides, t, assuming that the fume parti- cles remain within the core along the furnace axis in the coal particles are visually observed to burn (i.e., which core 200 O 300 C1 - PRIMARY PARTICLE AGGLOMERATED PARTICLES PROJECTED AREA DIAMETER - COAGULATION THEORY 0 S5 200 CHAR COMBUSTION ZONE rC LIJ I L. L I I Z I I LL 5 100 I I I I I I I I I I 0 0 I I I I 5 10 15 20 DISTANCE FROM COAL INJECTION (cm) Figure 7.5 - Experimental and predicted growth of the primary submicron particles 25 201 radius of 0.62 centimeters). the time scale of the This is reasonable because on transport by particle experiments, diffusion can be neglected. diameter The experimental mean of the primary particle is determined by the automated image analyser from electron micrographs as previously described. coagu- In examining the growth curve in Figure 7.5, the of representation lation theory provides an excellent changes in the primary particle size with time for the early coalesce. and brings about the decrease in particle 2.76 x 10 large the particle size is observed to increase rapidly as number of small nuclie collide primary The growth period between 3.81 to 6.35 centimeter. Coagulation from density number particles/cc at 3.81 centimeters to 6.24 x 1010 volume mean 6.35 particles/cc at centimeters the while diameters of the particle increases from 34 angstroms to 139 new combustion, char angstroms, respectively. material is continiously added to the vapor phase by further vaporization. Originally, During had it assumed been because the of the inorganic vapor continually released no forma- initial subsequent nucleation would occur after the tion of the submicron particles, that concentration during combus- tion was anticipated to remain close to the saturation vapor pressure as a consequence of heterogeneous condensation on the surface of the particles produced by the initial nucleation wave (McNellan et. al., 1978). However, 1981; Martinez-Sanchez et. al., the thermophoretic forces resulting from 202 char the steep temperature gradient surrounding the burning the from away particles the particle will rapidly drive dimen- state one will continously nucleate close to the char particle as long as vaporization char's surface. Consequently, the steady tional model persists. that suggests magnesium Since magnesium is the the contribution from makes up the submicron particles, condensing other inorganic vapors the combustion char during of addition However, the continuous will be minimal. which species dominate new particles should be rapidly accomodated, since a much higher rate of coagulation will exist particles older particles with their high mobility and the formed newly the between 1977). with their larger cross sectional area (Friedlander, The success of the coagulation growth of the submicron particles model in predicting for the zone further supports the assumption that combustion char the the addition of new particles will be rapidly accomodated. In examining the growth curve growth of the primary particles The apparent brake Figure shortly ceases sampling point at 8.9 centimeters from injection. in point the between theory observed experimentally may be explained by a 7.5, the after the of coal and that decreased the coalescence rate after char burnout as the gas tempera- ture drops back down to the furnace gas temperature of K and as the particle diameter approaches 160 in 1700 angstroms. Since the particles during the early growth period have been 203 and and calcium iron, proposed to be composed of magnesium, the fact that these particles should be solid below 1800 the coalescence rate for these particles at the furnace will be governed difference in free K temperature of 1700 The diffusion. chemical or energy potential between the neck area and the surface of material two between the diffusion (i.e., centers governed The time for coalescence, coalescence). the for particles' the between distance decrease in the boundary grain responsible be will particles the along two the particles provide a driving force for solid state where the transfer of gas state solid by K, by solid state diffusion for two solid particles with identical diameters may be estimated from the relationship where AL/L 5/ 2 ( 2 a t T) D*) r6/5 (20 t ALL t 7.21 Eq. the is the fractional shrinkage of coalescing particles, a 3 is atomic volume of diffusing vacancy, and is the self diffusion inspection the coalescence time particle size, (Kingery, coefficient be crystaline From 1965). by governed and temperature. composition, diffusion coefficient for will A solid magnesium D* the phase oxide was selected to derive estimates of the coalescence time for the primary submicron particles during growth where only magnesium, calcium, proposed to condensed. Figure 7.6 the early and shows Iron the stages have of been estimated 204 0 COMBUSTIO TEMPERATU FURNACE TEMPERATURE 0 I I I I LLU DP CD = 80 AO LD CD -3 -4 = 40 AO =p I I I 1400 1600 1800 -4 TEMPERATURE 2000 K Figure 7.6 - Predicted coalescence time for solid crystaline magnesium oxide particles 205 coalescence time as The local gas particle size. temperature and temperature surrounding the furnace gas main the exceed will burning char particle both of function a temperature due to the liberation of heat during combustion. Consequently, both the decrease in temperature on completion of combustion and the increase in contribute to the decrease of the primary particle diameter is particle diameter both rate. The coalescence to 120 of range in the Beyond angstroms when both these factors become important. this point further coagulation leads agglomerated particlces of size discrete the where formation the to 160 of the The projected area of the colliding particles is conserved. agglomerated particle at sampling position of 20 centimeters with coagulation theory. agreement good from the point of coal injection is in very The fact that the coalescences of these particles cease at relatively high temperatures (i.e., Na, S, and, K particles have solidified only and the upon cooling of the would tend impurities combustion products since these increase the coalescence rate after well condense heterogeneously (Kingery, species the 1700 K) is consistant with the hypothesis that 1965). average Coagulation theory predicts that the volume particles diameter for equivalent vary as V2 / 5 , or as time coagulation 2/5 since the volume fraction, proportional to the fractional vaporization, ticle size dependence for the primary to 4. submicron The should V, is par- particles 206 are shown to be well governed in Figure tional vaporization to the 2 /5th power. 7.7 by frac- the 4 The value of 0.002 to 0.15 were generated from the combustion of from Montana lignite (38/45 um) in oxygen concentration varying from ten percent to seventy five precent in nitrogen at 1700 K. The mean major assumption in presenting the verses the fractional vaporization of the the two fifths power is diameter particle oxides metal time that the coagulation primary particles for the range of conditions to for the examined are the primary submicron particles produced from the combustion of Montana nitrogen, Figure In examining the growth curve for equivalent. lignite in seventy five percent oxygen in 7.8, the duration for produced particles percent oxygen is ference in anticipated, the in twenty relatively time burning coalescence percent equivalent for the coagulation theory is representation of the change in growth of the primary submicron and seventy five the dif- despite two conditions. the period. particle However, sizes (i.e., 400 angstroms) good the shortly ceases the The coalescence of much larger As particle primary after the sampling point of 8.9 centimeters from of coal injection. a shown to provide the size with time for the early growth submicron the for point particle tends to suggest that the local gas temperature is much higher than the main gas temperature of 1700 K during and immediately following char combustion. The relationship between mean particle radius and fractional vaporization for similar growth times is further conforma- 400 O MONT. LIGNITE 38/45 GAS TEMP. 1700 K C 300 uJ 200 z L 100 0 0.0 0.1 0.3 0.2 0.4 02/5 Figure 7.7 - Variation of mean diameter of primary submicron particle with degree of vaporization of the ash 0.5 208 800 700 600 P 500 CT S400 z - 300 El LL 200 100 0 0 5 10 15 20 DISTANCE FROM COAL INJECTION (cm) Figure 7.8 - Experimental and predicted growth of the primary submicron particles 25 209 governed tion that particle growth is well coagulation by kinetics. 7.3 HETEROGENEOUS CONDENSATION particles submicron The formation of the inorganic have been shown to result from the homogeneous nucleation of the supersaturated vapors of magnesium oxide in the boundary the If layer of the burning char particle. to the driving force for homogeneous heterogene- condense ously on the surface of these particles, of layer those species which saturate outside the boundary the char particle are anticipated high, sufficiently the stable nuclei of magnesium oxide is of area total thereby, decreasing those of nucleation condensable vapors. The mechanism of mass transfer between particles and the gas phase will depend on the particle size the mean free path of the gas molecules. This relationship between particle size and mean free path of the gas les is defined by the knudsen number, to relative Kn (i.e., molecu- Kn = 2 X/dp). For particles much larger than the mean free path of the gas molecules (i.e., continuum regime Kn << 1), a concentration gradient of condensable arround each particle. gas will molecules For continuum particle dynamics << 1), the rate of diffusion-limited heterogeneous tion is given by exist (Kn condensa- 210 2 7rd F.(d) p D (P. kT where Fi(d) is - Peq, i) eq,i 1 Eq. the flow of condensable gas molecules per unit The number of molecules 1977). particles of size dp per unit mass of the diameter dp condensing on can be of time to the surface of a spherical particle (Friedlander, 7.22 particle expressed as F.(d) a 1 ( P p( Thus, /6) d 3 ) for the continuum regime the 1 Eq. - 7.23 d 2 concentration dependence of a species which condense heterogeneously will be inversely proportional to the particle diameter squared. For particles much smaller than the mean free path of Kn >> 1), the rate of deposition of the condensing inorganic vapors on the the gas molecules (i.e., free molecular regime, which the Therefore, vapor molecules collide the rate of deposition of the with the with frequency particle's surface will be controlled by the particles. condensable inor- ganic vapors on the surface of those particles will occur gradient. a random fashion in the absence of a concentration The rate of deposition per particle of size from the kinetic theory of gases (Friedlander, dp by is 1977) derived 211 F' dp(P c = (d) i - P eq,i (2 = m k T)1 where c Eq. / 2 is is the condensation coefficient and have a value of unity assumed 7.24 to The number of molecules condensing on a particle of size dp per unit mass of can particle be expresed as 1 F'l (d) 1 ( P ( p Thus, Eq. 7.25 dp d 3) p /6) depen- for the free molecular regime the concentration dence of a condensing species will be inversely proportional to the particle diameter. the In the transition regime between free molecular regime (i.e., 10 > Kn > 1), deposition of the condensable inorganic vapors continuum the rate and of is governed by the relationship proposed by Fuchs and Sutugin (1971). F.i1 (d) 2 rd = p D (P.-P k T 1 eg,i .) (1 + Kn) 2 (1 + 1.71Kn + 1.33Kn ) Eq. 7.26 Kn In the limit of the continuum particle dynamics (i.e., 1), equation 7.26 reduces to equation 7.22, limit of the free molecular particle dynamics will approach the form of equation 7.24 if while in equation the << the 7.26 diffusion 212 velocity coefficient is given by D = 1/3 C where the average of the vapor molecules, C, is expressed as (8kT/rm)1/2 7.3.1 REFRACTORY OXIDES presented The steady state one dimentional model pathway section 7.1 will be used to examine the condensation (i.e., homogeneous verses heterogeneous ) for the iron, and silicon in calcium, oxides the of presence the in of stable nuclei of magnesium oxide. In a manor analogous to magnesium, of calcium, iron, and silicon is augmented the chemical more volatile by reduction of these refractory oxides to their suboxide (SiO) or metal (Ca and Fe) vaporization the locally vapor due to the 1982). reducing environment within the char particle (Quann, As those vapors diffuse into the surrounding the burning char particle, reduced species will reoxidize. oxidizing the environment The sequence of condensation for the refractory oxides of calcium, tion and their relative partial pressure. in will iron, and silicon oxida- be highly dependent on the rate coefficient for their formation of stable nuclei, those of vapors the Subsequent to increase one might anticipate an the oxidation rate by heterogeneous oxidation of the metal or suboxide vapors by collision with the oxygen atom layer formed on the surface of the growing particles. The contribution of this mechanism to Mgo formation is estimated two orders of magnitude smaller than than that due to to be homo- 213 calcium, late condenses and its rate of oxidation slow. is 1959). to relative and iron because the silicon high at surface the 1969; Glassman, temperatures (Markstien, Silicon with atoms magnesium efficiency of collision low the neglecting even when geneous oxidation, magnesium, monoxide silicon The low is concentration vapor pressure at the surface of the char particle is reduced to a level below the equilibrium value because of a diffusiodiffusional Such a nal resistence within the char particle. limitation is not important for magnesium and calcium because ginal coal particle 1982). present is in contrast to silicon which in discrete mineral inclusions (Quann, ori- the in magnesium and calcium are atomically dispersed rate The of oxidation of a monoxide such as SiO to SiO 2 is expected to be much slower than that for the oxidation of a the to metal monoxide; this statement is based on an analogy with aluminum for which it to AlO is was found that the oxidation of aluminum by 02 two orders of magnitude faster than that of A10 to saturation of A10 2 (Fontijn, 1976). The proximity the of calcium and iron to the surface of the buring as determined from steady state model char combustion. However, condensation of silicon in magnesium oxide, the model's the suggest that onset of for the prediction the presence of stable Figure 7.9, the silicon will condense heterogeneously only upon these that suggests species like magnesium condense shortly after particle char nuclei bulk the of of the comple- E 4-J LU cr cn-5 Psio -6 C) C) L r Peq, Si0, -7-7 0 iPsi0 CD -8 9 1 5 13 9 17 R/Rp Figure 7.9 - Profile of SiO and SiO particle's surface 2 at various distances from char 215 tion of char combustion where the local gas temperature drops back to the furnace temperature of 1700 K. to the surface of the that suggest particle char burning iron and The proximity of the saturation of calcium these species like magnesium condense shortly after the onset of char combustion, as the local drops temperature gas char the of combustion temperature upon completion of the furnace the to back only saturate shown to while silicon is particles. free molecular behavior (i.e., Kn ~ 100). concentration dependence the Consequently, condense which species those of exhibit to The submicron particles are small enough heterogeneously on the surface of the submicron particles to predicted to be inverse proportional equation 7.25. diameter, particle only Of the major refractory oxides examined silicon displays a particle dependence, size 6.3. section From the STEM analysis of individual submicron particles, magnesium, size. Figure calcium, 7.10 while the concentration of particle on and iron show no dependence the with concentration dependence for silicon is best correlated inverse diameter, is From the growth process of the submicron particles the relative uniform concentration for iron with particle size cain be magnesium, calcium, and During and explained. shortly after the completion of the combustion of char, the the growth of the submicron particles have been shown to well predicted by the classical coagulation theory where be the 216 1 1 r 100 A - Mg x 0.2 80 O - Si x 10 0 - ca <- 4 Fe x 0.5 J 60 z3D F0C U I-UZ) 40 z 20 P A n I 0.000 I 0.003 80 0.006 0.009 INVERSE DIAMETER 0.012 (Ao ) Figure 7.10 - Elemental concentration for primary particle by STEM verses inverse diameter 217 colliding particles rapidly coalesce upon contact. as the local gas temperature back drops However, furnace the to temperature upon completion of the combustion of the char and rate as the primary particle size increases, the coalescence leads is shown to decrease sharply where further coagulation to condensation of calcium and iron are predicted to account for the formation the magnesium, of aggregates. The initial formation of the submicron particles where the growth of the particles from the angstroms to the final primary particle size of six of size cluster critical hundred one fifty angstroms will entail the coalescence of a large number (i.e., the ~1.0 x 104) of various sized particles. interparticle concentration species those of Consequently, which condense relatively early during the growth process should be relatively uniform as is observed for the case of calcium, and iron. However, the in case of magnesium, silicon, the predicted particle size dependence is preserved since silicon has been shown to condense heterogeneously after the coales- The late conden- cence of the primary particles has ceased. sation of silicon relative to the other refractory oxides further supported by Auger spectroscopy which has bulk of the silicon to be present near the outer the submicron particles while magnesium, are shown to make up the core of section 6.3. 7.3.2 VOLATILE AND TRACE SPECIES the calcium, submicron is shown the surface of and iron particles, 218 The volatile and trace species are magnesium, conoxides refractory dense at much lower temperatures than the of calcium, to assumed they iron, and silicon either because they vapor pressures than the refractory oxides. or species condense heterogeneously these Whether will homogeneously the of highly dependent on the area higher much have are present in dilute quantities or and residual be primary condensation submicron particles availible for heterogeneous and the rate at which the combustion products are cooled The method employed for determining whether homogeneous nucleation of the volatile and trace species can occur in the presence of the pre-existing particles will be determined for the criteria Classically, nucleation has been exceeded. homogeneous for by establishing whether or not the criteria homogeneous nucleation has been defined by that condition which the nucleation rate one exceeds nuclei cal nucleation theory, section 7.1, species will eventually saturate. the As of homogeneous can be calculated. I = 1 nuclei/cc sec) the combustion products are cooled classi- the critical supersatura- tion partial pressure required for the onset nucleation (i.e., cubic per From centimeter per second (Hirth and Pound, 1963). at the volatile gases and are As trace cooled further, the partial pressure of species i will be determined by calculating the amount of the condenses heterogeneously on the the over the short time increment at condensable pre-existing each vapor that particles temperature. The 219 amount of condensable vapor in remaining species the gas phase after each step will be used as the starting amount for temperature. next the the next time increment at partial pressure of species i exceeds its turation partial pressure supersa- during cooling, assumed to presummed to homogeneous nucleation in the classical sense is occur. The trace volatile and are species condense only as the gases are being cooled ticle size distribution for the residual ash particles are well established. the critical point any at If where and Therefore, tion from both the residual and submicron fly the submicron parfly the contribuash particles will be considered in the present model. For diffusion-limited heterogeneous condensation, the from the amount of condensing volatiles will be determined flux integral: Eq. 7.27 Sn(v) Fi dv For the residual ash particle mode, bution function, n(v), experimental data. the particle size distri- is approximated numerically Thus, from the the flux integral becomes 7 Snk Fi(dk) Eq. 7.28 stage k=O where nk is the number density of particles in the size range 220 corresponding and is given by nk = to stage k, 4 Here, kV/vk. and k is the fraction of the total ash appearing on stage k vk is the average particle volume for that stage 3.1) while V is 7.2). In Table section (see fraction the total ash volume (see order to account for the non continuum behavior 7), the smaller residual fly ash particles (stage 6 and molecular diffusion flux, Fi(dk), is substituded into required The 7.28. equation the regime transition for the of sum is there fore 12VD (P - P 1 RT e, ) f2FS (d k 1d ) Eq. 7.29 stage k=0 The behavior distribution t ('7), function, 7 = when size self-preserving f v/ vf and (Friedlander, volume average submicron particle molecular free the and obey kn > 10) (i.e., exhibit particles submicron transforming the size distribution the 1977). In of the n(v), function, is submicron particles for self-preserving (see section 7.2) and substituting the flux, molecular diffusion F'i(dp), equation 7.24 to account for the free molecular 1 of the flux integral becomes the submicron particles, 12VD (P. behavior from - RT P eq,i ) 0.65 X d G Eq. 7.30 221 G where The 2/3-moment of 72 / = 3 #(7) d7 0.90. represented by G has the value #(q) Depending on the magnitude of the potential for condensation, (P 1 the - Peq, i), eq,i which effect, kelvin accounts the for elevated vapor pressure over extremely small particles due to reduces will preferentially their curvature, for condensation to the smaller particles (i.e., 1000 angstroms). An expression for the vapor potential the < diameter pressure, Pd' over a drop of diameter dp has been derived from thermodynam1977) ics (Friedlander, Eq. Km exp P Pd 7.31 where Peq is designated as the equilibrium vapor pressure for From equation 7.31, a flat surface. a drop is decreases. shown to increases the vapor pressure as the particle Since the volatile and trace species are over diameter assumed to condense well after coalescence of the submicron particles has ceased, the area of the primary particles condensation agglomeration. will be dependent on available the extent The projected area of such agglomerates been shown to be Agg = n 0 87 A where A is the agglomerate (Medalin, establishing the flux of condensable vapors to the of have crossecof such 1967). In tional area of a primary sphere and n is the number primary particles in the for submicron 222 particles, primary submicron particles will be accounted for. the For the to assumed are agglomerates present calculations, the of area both the kelvin effect and the true be composed of five primary particles (see section 7.2) The model's predictions for the extent of supersaturation of sodium in the presence of the residual and submicron 7.11. For a low Montana as such coal content chlorine Figure in particles for various cooling rates are presented vapor lignite, sodium sulfate is the thermodynamicly favored anticipated to Furthermore, chemical state analysis section 6.4. sodium is present as sodium sulfate in the fume, Therefore, based the present calculations for sodium are the assumption that sodium presides as sodium sulfate. equilibrium vapor pressure for sodium sulfate is assuming a pure condensed thermochemistry involved, Because phase. accounting for of the considered. The particle size residual and submicron particles is temperature percent oxygen in nitrogen. The complex the formation of will not distribution for the the fly ash based on distribution obtained from the combustion of Montana (45/53 um) at a furnace on calculated sodium silicate and other sodium bearing solutions be that shows ESCA by is 1981). al., et. (McNallan condense sodium the which species over the temperature range at of 1700 K in lignite twenty The rate at which the combustion products are cooled as they approach the water cooled collection probe was estimated from the temperature profiles in the I I I P N82S0, Cooling rate U, 1 - 5,000 K/sec 2 - 20, 000 K/sec 3 - 40, 000 K/sec E t crit -4 Na SO4 , eq LLJ :l U) LLJ 0n- I I I Na SO4 -6 3 Er- -8 -2 O_J.. -n 1000 1200 1600 1400 TEMPERATURE K Figure 7 .11 - Tendency for critical supersaturation of Na2 SO4 as combustion products are cooled in the presence of residual and submicron particles 224 7,000 Assuming K/sec. combustion, the sodium during vaporizes the sodium vapors are predicted about 1400 K. saturate to heterogeneously. all the sodium condense to predicted is rates, Only at much higher cooling 40,000 exceed is the partial pressure of sodium predicted to the onset of homogeneous nucleation. cooling rate of 40,000 K/sec, still over condense of percent a the predicted to condensed heterogeneously before the criteria for homogeneous nucleation is sodium, at even However, ninety for necessary pressure the crtical supersaturation partial sodium is at As the gases are cooled below 1400 K at a rate of 5,000 K/sec, K/sec, all to K/sec 2,000 between range furnace (see Figure 3.2) to satisfied. as the combustion to assumed the other volatile and trace species are heterogeneously Like are products cooled. For diffusion-limited condensation the concentration dependence of those species which condense heterogeneously on the submicron particles have proportional to particle size. Sb, Fe, Ca, been to inversely be As, The concentration of Na, and Mg obtained from the classified samples of the shown submicron INAA of particles verses reciprecal diameter in Figure 7.12. that the concentration dependence of As, The are plotted observation Sb, and Na correlated by d-1 relationship supports the size discete model's is best predic- tion that the volatile and trace species condense heterogeneously as the gases are being cooled. The determination of 225 100 MOBILITY CLASSIFIER 75 A - Na x i.OE I + - As x 4.8E 3 0 - Sb x 2.8E 4 [ - Ca X - Mg x 2.8E-1 - Fe - CDI 502: LL H U OC U- 25 F 0 L 0.000 0.003 0.006 INVERSE DIAMETER 0.009 0.012 (Ao)-I Figure 7.12 - Concentration of various elements in the size classified fume verses inverse diameter 226 submi- the stratification of the various elements within the trace species form the the of layer surface most outer volatile the that cron particle by Auger spectroscopy show submicron particles. Under the combustion conditions examined, have totally (Quann, 1982). volatile species to assumed tile and trace species have been vaporized due to their high vapor pressure The discrepency between the amount of the vola- the appearing with the submicron particles and that in the parent heterogeneously volatile and trace species will condense the surface of residual fly ash particles. condensation of the volatile and trace on the the re- on species For size. particle concentra- diffusion-limited dependence heterogeneous condensation, the concentration the the volatile and trace species in residual predicted to be inversely proportional to square (i.e., continuum regime Kn > 1). that a significant fraction of sodium and residual fly ash is present as condensation on these particles. tration trend for both sodium and a of is diameter shows 7.13 potassium in the heterogeneous of from potassium that some of the sodium and potassium may vaporized during combustion. Figure ash fly particle result However, on Evidence for sidual fly ash can be obtained by examining their tion dependence the of coal were initially attributed to the fact that some it not Despite their high the concen- is evident have totally volatility, the concentration of sodium and potassium for the very large 10 8 CD FH LLJ C-) 12: C-) 2 4 INVERSE DIAMETER SQUARE Figure 7.13 6 (um)-2 - Concentration of Na and K in the residual fly ash verses inverse diameter squared 228 residual fly ash particles do not tend toward zero, instead their concentration appears to reach an asymotote. There is some question as to whether a condensation driving force is the experimental system for the volatile actually achieved in trace species. the In case of arsenic, the example, for partial pressure of arsenic in the sampling system at 500 K -9 less than the considerably is 1.3 x 10 9 atms. This is equilibrium vapor pressure of coolest point in the system ( 60 C in As40 6 ) (as arsenic since impactor), the the at the boiling point of arsenic (as As 4 0 6 ) is 730.2 K (Weast et. al., eighty to ninety percent of the arsenic Yet, 1974). the coal is recovered with the ash in the The fact that the arsenic implies a low arsenic at deposits activity the in impactor. cascade all system the in phase. solid The high-temperature gas-phase chemistry of As has been shown <H3 AsO 4 be dominated by the forms HAsO 2 < AsO Srivastava, 1975). The very low concentration of arsenic tion of As 2 species during cooling, forms of arsenic temperatures. In can be this case, expected Consequently, to dominate the condensed phase. species the at acid lower the mechanism of deposition could involve the reaction of the acid with bases such as CaO in in forma- the even though such may become thermodynamically favored. to and (Farber our sampling system precludes on kinetic grounds in MgO and Similar considerations may apply to other volatile trace species as well (i.e., Sb). The rate of adsorption of gaseous species reacting at the surface of a spherical particle in the continuum regime is 229 F.(d) = 1 P. 7a D 2.60 A where a is the probability of 1 d 2 p Eq.7.32 on reaction The collision. of number of molecules depositing on particle size dp per unit mass of the particle can be expressed as Fi(d) ( P( Thus, 1d p =/6) d 3) the concentration dependence of which is adsorption controlled in be to expected diameter. the continuum particle correlated by the d - 1 relationship than the d - 2 that the adsorption-limited. of deposition Since, ash particles, are these species can be assumed to is species these particles better relationship, As the concentration of tend toward zero for the very large some of Figure 7.14 shows that the concentration Sb is regime the to of the volatile trace species such as As and confirming species depositing a proportional inversely Eq. 7.33 dp and fly residual have Sb totally vaporized. The concentration dependence of Na, K, As, and Sb the residual fly ash volatile and trace species in result of that confirms condensation the and/or the presences residual adsorption. fly of ash However, in the is a the 230 100 Q K - As x 1.0E 5 - Sb x 5.OE 6 75 0 4-) CD H F-- 50 CD LLU 25- 0 0 1 INVERSE DIAMETER Figure 7.14 3 2 (um)1 - Concentration of As and Sb in the residual fly ash verses inverse diameter 231 sidual fly ash is not obvious, re- the in species explanation for the magnitude of those particles since the submicron should dominate as the sink for the condensing vapors because particles of the high specific surface area of the submicron relative to the residual fly ash particles. The been has function distribution residual-mode shown to be more or less independent of the overall degree of ash vaporization, flux to this conditions. f, mode However, the self preserving size distribution, area the area of dependence fume as 0.6. for fume vapors can be fully described in terms of the overall volatile the distribution of the species modes can be estimated from the flux sidual fly ash particles, spheres of the fume, equation equation 7.30. As degree condensation, between the two for the re- integral 7.29, and condensing the . For diffusion-limited the 7.15. Figure The competition between the primary spheres of the the residual fly ash particles as a sink for the 0.6 to submicron particles is clearly demonstrated in of ash vaporization, obeys submicron-mode which determines the flux to this mode should vary The conformation of the funcoverall the to sensitive Since the degree of ash vaporization. combustion distribution the submicron-mode tion has been shown to be highly the of independent is specific the Therefore, (section 5.1). the primary previously stated, and of the primary particles due to agglomeration will be accounted for the kelvin effect and the reduction in the area 232 OXYGEN PARTIAL PRESSURE { ATM) 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.4 0 U 0.3 L O W 0.2 LL 0 0 Li a: 0.1 0.05 0.15 0.25 , 3/5 Figure 7.15 - Superficial area of fume with predictions for self-preserving size distribution 233 in the flux integral for the submicron particles. A comparison between the predicted fraction of vaporized appearing sodium various cooling rates is experimental and in the fume The amount of shown in Figure 7.16. trends sodium vaporized was estimated from the concentration for each condition, Figure 7. 17. The fraction apperaing in the submicron particles (i.e., fume) of rate be fairly well predicted by a cooling of is shown to K/sec in estimated the fraction of sodium The increase in sodium 2,000 which is the lower bound for the cooling rates the furnace. for appear- ing in the fume as the amount of the total ash vaporized, is increased from less one than to percent , twenty over percent can be attributed to the increase in the area of the 0.6 the prediction of sodium . The variation in fume by 0 to appearing in the fume with cooling rate can be attributed condensable vapor is shown to Peq,i ) to that the preferentially reduce the potential for However, creased the supersaturation of as the the the Consequently, the potential for condensation, will be small enough submicron particles. close 7.11). Figure of concentration fairly remain saturation vapor pressure (see for low cooling rates, the rates the fact that at lower cooling (Pi effect kelvin - will condenstion to the rate is in- vapor in- cooling condensable creases and the kelvin effect becomes less pronounced due the increase in the potiential for condensation. to 1.0 0 0.8 H- 2: LLJ O ru 0. 6 - CL 0.4 LL CD C Cooling rate I - 7,000 K/sec 2 - 2,000 K/sec 0.2 2 LL LL 0.0 ~L 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 FRACTION OF TOTAL ASH VAPORIZED Figure 7.16 - Fraction of sodium collected with the fume for various degrees of vaporization of the total ash 235 2 0-50% 02 A 00 CD H- r-r C--- LLU 1 0 0.0 I I I I 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 INVERSE DIAMETER SQUARE Figure 7.17 0.5 (um)2 - Concentration of Na in the residual fly ash verses inverse diameter squared 236 For adsorption-limited deposition, amount the of trace volatiles will be determined from the area integral. the particle size distri- For the residual ash particle mode, n(v), bution function, Eq. 7.34 d 2 dv n(v) is approximated numerically fly ash indicate that there is neglible internal Consequently only the superfical area of the surface. particles need Thus the area integral becomes 7 7 = nk dk2 Eq. 7.35 k/dK 6V stage k=O stage k=O In transforming the size distribution function, of the submicron the The BET area measurements of the residual experimental data. to be considered. from for particles self-preserving, n(v), area the integral for the submicron particles becomes 6V df G = where The 2/3-moment of #(77) G Eq. 7.36 j 2/3 I(7) d7 represented by G has the The reduction in the area of the primary 0.90. value particles due agglomeration will be accounted for in the area integral the submicron particles. to for 237 As of fraction the fume for shown in Figure 7.18. The in appearing Sb and adsorption-limited deposition is experimental and A comparison between the predicted elements As and Sb unlike sodium and potassium appear to have ash for the very large residual fly Therfore, 7.14). depositing fraction of these elements in the vapor phase particles and residual If ash equal, submi- the fraction of As and Sb collected with the However, cron particles is less than that predicted. residual reactivity of the submicron particles and particles differ significantly, depositing material can be expected Chemical characterization of the the distribution submicron the fly ash of the particles mainly shown the outer layers of the particles are if accordingly. change to the sink. dominate the submicron particles are predicted to be Clearly, are particles on submicron the reactivity of the fly the of elements recovered with the fume is a direct measure the submicron particles. these of mass input the fraction of the Figure (see particles zero to completely vaporized since their concentration tend have composed of SiO 2, Na 2 SO 4 ' and K2 SO 4 , while the surface of the residual particles will be partially composed of MgO and CaO since the deposition of the volatile species will only the outer surface Consequently, of arsenic, should be of the residual partially ash fly for the hypothesis proposed for the coat particles. deposition the reactivity of the residual fly ash particles the submicron greater than the reactivity of I 1.0 I _ _ LU 0.8 C= HI A ADSORPTION CONTROL )- I 0.6 LL - l 3 0.4 - 0.2 H 0.0 0. 00 A- As C= e y- Sb 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 FRACTION OF TOTAL ASH VAPORIZED Figure 7.18 - Fraction of As and Sb collected with the fume for various degrees of vaporization of the total ash 239 particles. As shown in Figure 7.18, reactivity of the fume, residual fly ash, C, is eight surface the relative if the than less times the predicted distribution curve looks very Because Sb. much like that found experimentally for As and of the complex thermochemistry involved the exact determinais tion of the relative reactivity of the two particle modes not possible. However, results the do that indicate relative reactivity of the two particle modes will the influence the the fraction of the volatile trace species depositing on submicron particles. Magnesium, Iron, the and Calcium are submicron particles where their condense to form the initiial to concentration are relatively homogeneous due quent coagulation of which species various sized subse- the the While particles. concentration of those species which condense heterogeneously after coalescence has ceased will dependence. display a size particle Futhermore the elemental stratification of the submicron particle by auger spectroscopy has shown that those species which condense heterogeneously form the outer surface layers of the particles. The amount of volatile condensing on the submicron particles has been shown species to be highly sensitive to the rate at which the combustion products are cooled and the degree of total ash vaporization. In the case of the volatile trace species As and Sb whose concentration display the same particle size dependence as the submicron particles can be assumed to be highly sodium in enriched 240 on the outer surface of these particles. amount The volatile trace species depositing on the submicron particles whose deposition has been shown to be adsorption-limited be highly sensitive to the relative particle mode. reactivity of of the will two 241 CHAPTER EIGHT CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 8.1 CONCLUSIONS The factors governing the physico-chemical characteristics of the inorganic by submicron particles produced combustion of coal have been examined by burning the size-graded Montana lignite particles in a laminar flow drop-tube furnace vary at 1700 K. The particle combustion temperature achieved from 1800 K to 2800 K as the oxygen the coal particles burn is Seperation of percent. concentration increased from 5 submicron the percent particles residual fly ash particles which are deposited cascade impactor and the utilization of schemes for these necessary for particles accurate has out several provided detailed in the which to 100 from the in the collection versatility characterization of the submicron particles. Size fractionation of the ash yields a distribution. The average size of the the submicron mode varies from greater than 400 angstroms, less primary than depending 50 on bimodel size particles in angstroms to the combustion conditions. The submicron particles are produced by vaporization of the mineral matter species during combustion and 242 The amount of fume produced their subsequent recondensation. to 20 percent at 2800 K. The growth of the submicron particles is a good observed the of representation particles coalesce, the particles In the early stages of completion diameter particle combustion of the char and as the primary the the vicinity of the to subsequent of coagulation of but as the temperature in decreases primary degree particle size as a function of residence time and ash vaporization. theory where well predicted by classical coagulation theory provides K 1800 as metal oxide increases from 0.1 percent at increases, the coalescence rate decreases and the agglomerate produced appears as aggregates of spheres. The chemical composition of the Montana lignite is dominated by MgO and CaO at all but combustion temperature (< 1900 K), particle lowest the apparently fume the because vaporization of these refractory oxides is augmented by their chemical reduction to the more volatile metal the in vapor locally reducing atmosphere within the burning char particle. The inorganic submicron particles are found to consist of a core of MgO, CaO, and FeO with an inner coating of silica and an outer coating of sodium, arsenic, Furthermore, the concentration of silicon and trace species which are found metals. and other trace to and make the up volatile the outer surface of the submicron particles show a sharp increase with decreasing particle size. 243 reoxi- From a steady state one dimensional model the and dation of the vaporized reduced-state species of Mg, Ca, supersaturation Fe away from the char surface results in the burning char particle is which predicted of the provide the layer boundary the in of these refractory oxides to phase necessary driving for the formation of a new condensed subsequently deposition Silicon by homogeneous nucleation. occurs as a probable consequence of the low rate of oxidation The of the SiO vapors released by the burning coal particle. surface volatile and trace species condense on the outer as the combustion products are cooled. Most of the ash surface is provided by submicron particles even though they consti- total ash. residual and submicron particles are coated with deposit of volatile (Na) the of fraction tute only a small (As,Sb) trace and distribution of the volatile elements between amount the modes of the ash is influenced by particles produced during combustion and the the combustion products are cooled. the trace species, However, where an insufficient diffusion-controlled condensation exists, tion of these controlled. species Consequently, is believed the surface a The elements. the of rate size two submicron at which in the case driving force of for the surface deposito distribution be of chemically the species between the two size modes is influenced by both relative reactivity and surface area between modes. the Both the two trace the size 244 8.2 RECOMMENDATION (A) the A more detailed investigation of facilitate growth studies should be conducted in order to to coalescence of one from particles submicron a of the coagulation better understanding of the transition in the resolved time The approach would be to examine the growth of agglomeration. the where coals the fume produced from other contribution rich Focusing on those fumes combustion of Montana lignite. the from produced fume the in less pronounced than that much is from the refractory oxides of calcium and magnesium temperatures in iron, coalescence should occur at much lower and between much larger particles. (B) A more detailed investigation of the vaporization of to be the volatile examined, constituents, with specific various mineral forms. such as sodium, emphasis on its needs vaporization char despite the increase decreasing times. burning the rational is that at higher temperatures sions will be molten and consequently, the sodium will be greatly enhanced. of the temperatures combustion char in for time sodium appears to be sensitive to the burnout with the For the case of Montana lignite where sodium is atomicly dispersed, the extent of associated in activity present The mineral inclu- their interaction with In obtaining a better understanding of the thermochemistry and examining the extent of vaporization of sodium in different association of sodium is varied, a more coals where fundamental the under- 245 standing of the vaporization of sodium can be obtained. The (C) between competition the of condensation the vaporized volatile species on the submicron particles verses the residual fly ash particles highly is predicted dependent on the rate at which the cooled. In the to combustion be products obtaining better control of the cooling combustion products, competition between the two a better size rate for of the for the understanding modes as are sinks volatile species can be obtained. (D) The competition between the deposition of species between the two size modes has been the trace proposed to dependent on the relative reactivity of the surfaces for two size modes. The distribution between the two size modes for the of the trace fly ash produced be the species from different coals suggests that the relative reactivity between the two size modes is dependent on coal type. zing the surfaces of the fly ash produced from In characterithe various coals of interest and obtaining a better understanding of the thermochemistry may facilitate a better understanding of distribution for the modes. trace species between the two the size 246 REFERENCES Altericher, D., B.S. Engineering (1980) Thesis, MIT, Andersen, C.A. and Hathorne, J.R., Analyser", Science, 853-60 (1972) Department "Ion of Chemical Mass Microprobe Bender, B., Willaims, D., and Notis, M., "Absorption Effects in STEM Microanalysis of Ceramic Oxides", J. American Ceramic Society, 63 , 149-151 Castleton, K., Cliff, G., (1968) personnal communication, DOE, METC (1981) and Lorimer, G.W., J. 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