COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Curriculum Committee March 22, 2005 2:00 p.m.

Curriculum Committee
March 22, 2005
2:00 p.m.
2004-05 #11
W. Tallon (chair), D. Sinason, D. Docking, S. Marsh, C. DeMoranville, G. Aase, A. Farraj,
L. Suwalski, M. Salmon
Action on Minutes
Minutes from the Tenth Meeting, dated March 8, 2005, were approved as presented.
UCC Vacancies
It was reported that there will be two vacancies on the Undergraduate Coordinating
Council to be filled beginning Fall 2005.
ACCY Items
The Department of Accountancy asked to have their revision to catalog copy describing the
Institute of Internal Auditors’ certificate tabled to the next meeting. The committee
approved the request to add MGMT 512 to the list of electives in the Managerial
Accounting Systems Area of Study of the MAS program. (See page 1 of 1)
Assessment Report
The 2004 College of Business Assessment Report was distributed to members. Discussion
regarding the report will take place at the next meeting when Sally Wakefield will also be
in attendance.
NIU Grading System
A memo from the Admissions Policies and Academic Standards Committee was
distributed to members. APASC is seeking input on suggested options for change in the
grading system. Discussion will continue at the next meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 2:50 p.m.
Next Meeting
The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 5, 2005, at 2:00 p.m.
Minutes approved: April 5, 2005
Diane Docking, Assistant Faculty Chair/Secretary
Copies to: Vice Provost; Undergraduate Curriculum Committee; Director of Admissions; Graduate Council
Curriculum Committee; University Publications; Community College Relations; University Archives; College
Curriculum Committees; Student Association; Registration/Scheduling; College of Business Faculty
Curriculum Committee
March 22, 2005
Page 1 of 1
2004-05 #11
Department of Accountancy
Other catalog change: Page 59, 2005-2006 Graduate Catalog
Managerial Accounting Systems Area of Study
ACCY 611, Advanced Accounting Information Systems (3)
Three of the following (9)
FINA 560, Financial Markets and Investments (3)
MGMT 512, Advanced Topics in Business Law (3)
MGMT 650, Strategic Environmental Analysis (3)
Rationale: MGMT 512 is a new course instituted in the last year and includes material tested on the CPA exam. The
addition of this course to this list clarifies its acceptability to this area of study.