COLLEGE OF BUSINESS Curriculum Committee October 16, 2012 2:00 p.m.

Curriculum Committee
October 16, 2012
2:00 p.m.
2012-13 #3
E. Towell (chair), L. Matuszewski, J. Johnson, J. Burton, V. Krishnan, C. Petersen, L.
Marcellus, M. Salmon
J. Bruce, L. Williams
G. Gordon, C. Liu
Action on Minutes
The minutes from the Second Meeting, October 2, 2012, were approved as presented.
October 30 Agenda
Members were reminded of items to be discussed at the October 30 meeting and asked to
bring input from their departments:
Examination of course content of UBUS 223
Permitting double majors within the College of Business
Allowing students to declare the business administration minor – and how to
gate this
Continued review of UBUS 310/UBUS 311 as needed
OM&IS Certificates of
Study, OMIS 352
The committee approved proposals from the Department of Operations Management and
Information Systems for new Certificates of Undergraduate and Graduate Study in
Business Analytics Using SAP Software. Changes to OMIS 352 were also approved.
(See pages 14, 16-18 of 18)
MGMT Items
Several items were approved from the Department of Management: a Minor in Social
Entrepreneurship along with three new courses related to social entrepreneurship, a new
consulting course in human resource management and leadership, and a change to the
requirements for the B.S. in management degree. (See pages 6-7, 9-11 of 18)
MKTG Items
The committee approved from the Department of Marketing a new Certificate of
Graduate Study in Strategic Marketing, changes to the Interactive Marketing area of
study as well as the Certificate of Undergraduate Study in Interactive Marketing, and
revisions to MKTG 525. (See pages 11-14 of 18)
FINA 410
A revision to FINA 410 was approved to more accurately state the
prerequisite/corequisite. (See page 5 of 18)
Learning Goals and
Per request from the Provost’s Office with regard to the Higher Learning Commission
visit next March, the committee approved adding the college and department learning
goals and objectives to the catalog. (See pages 1-9, 11-12, 14-16 of 18)
The meeting adjourned at 3:10 p.m.
Minutes approved: October 25, 2012
James Burton, Assistant Faculty Chair/Secretary
October 16, 2012
Northern Illinois University
[Undergraduate Emphasis or Minor or Graduate Specialization or Concentration]
Responsible department or administrative unit: Management
Name of degree program (if applicable): NA
Proposed title of subdivision: Minor in Social Entrepreneurship
CIP classification (if applicable):
Date of implementation: Fall 2013
Description of proposed offering: series of courses available to any NIU undergraduate student in
good standing
Rationale for proposal:
Social entrepreneurship has seen an explosion in growth over the past decade. According to a
recent survey, the number of social enterprises launched each year has steadily grown, with the
most rapid growth occurring in the last two decades. According to some estimates, the social
entrepreneurship space employs over 40 million people. In the last few years, social
entrepreneurship education has also grown, with more than 30 universities developing courses
and programs focused on teaching individuals how to develop social enterprises and become
agents of change. At NIU, enrollments in social entrepreneurship offerings have risen steadily
since 2007.
Expected impact of proposal on existing campus programs: All departments who offer courses in
the minor have been contacted and see no problems with serving the minor students.
Expected curricular changes including new courses: two (2) new courses added, and revisions to
one (1) existing course
Expected enrollments within first three years of implementation: year 1, 10; year 2, 20; year 3, 30
Expected methods for course delivery: face-to-face
Anticipated staffing needs: year 1, none; year 2, one (1) faculty member; year 3, one (1)
Anticipated funding needs and source of funds: Scholarship funding for international travel.
Currently developing funding proposals with the development officer.
If the subdivision is an emphasis or specialization, the IBHE expects that it will have a core of
courses in common with existing subdivisions with the major. Complete the correct attached
chart depending on if the major has existing subdivisions or if this will be the first subdivision of
the existing major. NA
Catalog Copy:
Minor in Social Entrepreneurship (21-30)
The minor in social entrepreneurship is available to NIU undergraduate students in good
academic standing. This minor will help students develop the entrepreneurial skills related to the
unique features of building and sustaining ventures to generate economic, social, and
environmental change. Students with a major in Management may take a minor in social
entrepreneurship. Retention in the social entrepreneurship minor is competitive based on the
student’s overall GPA and a C or better in all courses in the minor.
Students must complete an application for the social entrepreneurship minor by the semester
deadline. Applications and deadline dates are available in the Department of Management.
ACCY 288 - Fundamentals of Accounting1 (3)
or ACCY 206 - Introductory Financial Accounting (3) and
ACCY 207 - Introductory Cost Management (3)
MGMT 320 - Foundations of Business and Entrepreneurship1 (3)
or UBUS 310 - Business Core: Lecture (9)
MGMT 327 - Creativity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship (3)
MGMT 311 - Social Entrepreneurship (3)
MGMT 411 - Entrepreneurship in Microfinance Organizations (3)
or MGMT 421 - Global Social Venture Consulting (3)
MGMT 431 - Social Venture Competition (3)
One of the Following (3)
ACCY 480 - Governmental and Not-For-Profit Accounting (3)
CLCE 300 - Nonprofits and Community Engagement (3)
ECON 386 - Environmental Economics (3)
ENVS 303 - Environment in the Social Sciences and Humanities (3)
ENVS 304 - Environment Law, Policy & Economics (3)
ENVS 450 - Issues in Environmental Studies (3)
IDSP 219 - Introduction to African Studies (3)
MGMT 335 - Organizational Behavior (3)
MKTG 350 - Principles of Selling (3)
MKTG 443 - Marketing Research (3)
PSPA 326X/POLS 326 - Non-profit Management (3)
PSPA 328/POLS 328X - Role of Nongovernmental Organizations in Development (3)
PSPA 401 - Philanthropy & Volunteerism (3)
PSPA 402/MGMT 402X - Resource Strategies for Non-profit Organization (3)
SOCI 270 - Social Problems (3)
TECH 305/ENVS 305X - Green Technologies (3)
Footnote: 1Course not open to College of Business majors.