Conservation Genetics 4: 249–264, 2003. © 2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands. 249 Effective population size and temporal genetic change in stream resident brown trout (Salmo trutta, L.) Stefan Palm1∗ , Linda Laikre1 , Per Erik Jorde1,2 & Nils Ryman1 1 Division of Population Genetics, Stockholm University, S-10691 Stockholm, Sweden; 2 present addresses: Institute of Marine Research, Department of Coastal Zone, Flødevigen Marine Research Station, N-4817 His, Norway, and Division of Zoology, Department of Biology, University of Oslo, P.O. Box 1050 Blindern, N-0316 Oslo, Norway (∗ Author for correspondence, e-mail: Received 25 February 2002; accepted 15 May 2002 Key words: allozymes, conservation, genetic drift, heterozygosity, monitoring, Ne , overlapping generations, temporal method Abstract Temporal genetic data may be used for estimating effective population size (Ne ) and for addressing the ‘temporal stability’ of population structure, two issues of central importance for conservation and management. In this paper we assess the amount of spatio-temporal genetic variation at 17 di-allelic allozyme loci and estimate current Ne in two populations of stream resident brown trout (Salmo trutta) using data collected over 20 years. The amount of population divergence was found to be reasonably stable over the studied time period. There was significant temporal heterogeneity within both populations, however, and Ne was estimated as 19 and 48 for the two populations. Empirical estimates of the probability of detecting statistically significant allele frequency differences between samples from the same population separated by different numbers of years were obtained. This probability was found to be fairly small when comparing samples collected only a few years apart, even for these particular populations that exhibit quite restricted effective sizes. We discuss some implications of the present results for brown trout population genetics and conservation, and for the analysis of temporal genetic change in populations with overlapping generations in general. Introduction Temporally replicated sampling has become increasingly common in empirical genetic studies of natural populations. One reason for this trend is that temporal data can be used for estimating the genetically effective population size (Ne ), a key parameter in conservation and population biology (e.g., Hedgecock et al. 1992; Miller and Kapuscinski 1997; Scribner et al. 1997; Lehmann et al. 1998; Funk et al. 1999; Turner et al. 1999). The effective size summarizes the relevant particulars of reproduction into one comprehensive measure that quantifies the rate at which a population is expected to lose genetic variation and accumulate inbreeding over time. Because of the large number of demographic factors that influence this quantity, Ne is typically difficult to estimate directly. The effective size may be estimated indirectly, however, from measurements of temporal change in allele frequencies (e.g., Nei and Tajima 1981; Waples 1989a); larger shifts are expected in effectively small populations and vice versa. Another reason for performing temporal genetic sampling appears to reflect the concern that studies on spatial genetic heterogeneity that are based on samples collected on a single occasion only may provide a biased picture of the amount of population differentiation (Allendorf and Phelps 1981; Jordan et al. 1992; Ryman 1997; Waples 1998). In salmonid fishes, for example, several recent studies have included temporal genetic data (e.g., Moran et al. 1995; Hansen and Loeschke 1996; Moffet and Crozier 1996; 250 Stone et al. 1997; Estoup et al. 1998; Nielsen et al. 1999; Tessier and Bernatchez 1999; Banks et al. 2000; Carlsson and Nilsson 2000, 2001; Kanda and Allendorf 2001). A frequent conclusion in these studies is that the amount of temporal change within populations is minor in comparison with the differences observed between populations. The overall proportion of reported significant temporal changes within populations is also typically small (but see, e.g., Jorde and Ryman 1996; Garant et al. 2000; Laikre et al. 1998, 2002). The scarcity of studies reporting significant temporal genetic heterogeneity is somewhat surprising considering that such variation is expected due to genetic drift and other microevolutionary processes (e.g., Waples 1989b). In particular, for organisms with overlapping generations, such as salmonids, theoretical work on temporal dynamics has shown that larger allele frequency shifts may be observed over short periods of time (e.g., intervals shorter than a few generations) than for discrete generation populations of the same effective size (Waples 1990; Jorde and Ryman 1995; Ryman 1997). In age-structured populations the individuals belong to various cohorts (year-classes) that are expected to be genetically different. This differentiation is due to a limited number of parents producing each cohort, and to the fact that those parents, in turn, frequently represent only a restricted number of the age-classes present in the population. As a consequence of the reproductive pattern, populations with overlapping generations typically display ’systematic’ short term allele frequency fluctuations that occur in addition to random genetic drift. For example, the amount of short term change in the entire population may be greater or smaller (depending on the demography) than the amount of change expected from Ne alone (Jorde and Ryman 1995). Similarly, allele frequency differences among consecutive cohorts are usually larger than those of the total population over the same period of time, and when samples for genetic analysis are taken from one or a few age-classes only (e.g., juveniles or mature adults), the short term allele frequency shifts observed may be poor indicators of those in the population as a whole. No finite populations are temporally stable except in a relative sense. Nevertheless, the expression ‘temporal stability’ is commonly used to describe a situation where the amount of genetic change within a population appears so small that it may be safely ignored in studies of spatial population structure. Several authors have also suggested that their observations of such apparent temporal stability (i.e., lack of statistical significances) in certain salmonid populations may reflect an Ne so large that only minor allele frequency shifts occur (e.g., Jordan et al. 1992; Hansen et al. 1993; Hansen and Loeschke 1996; Tessier and Bernatchez 1999). An alternative reason for not finding significant temporal genetic heterogeneity may be low statistical power for detecting the allele frequency shifts actually occurring over the observed period. In such cases, an observation of ‘temporal stability’ may provide little or no information on the effective size or on the true allele frequency dynamics of the population. The matter of power is quite complex, though, and depends on a series of factors including effective population size, sample size, and the time span separating the samples (Waples 1989b). For species with overlapping generations the population demographic characteristics and the age composition of the samples also play important roles (Waples and Teel 1990; Jorde and Ryman 1995, 1996; Ryman 1997; Laikre et al. 1998). Clearly, there is a need for studies providing estimates of effective population size that also assess the probability of detecting temporal genetic change under different ecological and sampling conditions. In this paper we estimate the effective size of two natural stream resident populations of brown trout (Salmo trutta). This species has been subject to extensive ecological and genetic analysis (e.g., Elliott 1994; Laikre 1999; and references therein), but so far only few studies have attempted to estimate Ne (Jorde and Ryman 1996; Laikre et al. 1998, 2002). The brown trout is typical for many species having overlapping generations; i.e., only some of the multiple age-classes participate in reproduction, and the relative contribution of these mature age-classes to the newborns vary. In addition, the species is iteroparous and individuals may reproduce more than once during their lifetime. Using temporal genetic data collected over a period of nearly 20 years we estimate current Ne to be fairly small for both of these populations (19 and 48). Estimates of the proportion of significant allele frequency comparisons observed between samples separated by different numbers of years are also provided, and our case study illustrates empirically that extensive sampling sometimes is needed to detect temporal heterogeneity, also when the effective size is small. 251 Figure 1. The Haravattsån stream, central Sweden, and the two sampled localities (I and II). Small arrows indicate the direction of waterflow, and numbers represent elevations (m). Letters A-C mark waterfalls that are referred to in the text. No brown trout were present in the water system above fall A until 1979. Materials and methods The brown trout examined were collected within the scope of an ongoing long-term genetic and ecological survey of natural and introduced salmonid populations in the County of Jämtland, central Sweden (Jorde and Ryman 1996; Palm and Ryman 1999). The present material is from the Haravattsån stream (mean annual flow c. 1.3 m3 /s) located in the uppermost part of the River Indalsälven drainage system that flows into the Baltic Sea (Figure 1). In this stream natural brown trout are present below an impassable waterfall (A in Figure 1), and the fish were collected from two sections located about 2 km apart. The two stream sections are of similar length (150– 250 m) but represent contrasting habitats. The uppermost section (Locality I) is located directly below the impassable waterfall A and is delimited downstream by a smaller waterfall. In Locality I the stream consists of some deep pools (maximum depth 6 m) interrupted by shallow passages. In contrast, Locality II represents a short subset of an approx. 3 km shallow part of the 252 stream (depth usually below 0.5 m) that lacks apparent barriers for fish migration (between falls B and C; Figure 1). There are significant growth differences between the trout of the two locations, the growth being faster at Locality I (e.g., the mean total length at age 6+ is 24.3 cm in Locality I as compared to 17.2 cm in Locality II; unpublished data). Materials: Sampling in the Haravattsån stream was initiated in 1980. About 100 (mainly adult) trout have been collected annually from each locality, with the exception of a few years in the early phase of the project when no sampling took place. Fish were caught by angling in July or August. The present analysis is based on collections through 1999. For each fish weight, total length, and sex was recorded. Otoliths for age determination (Filipsson 1967; Williams and Bedford 1974) and subsequent cohort assignment were collected, as well as tissue samples for protein electrophoresis (white skeletal muscle, eye, and liver; see Jorde and Ryman (1996) for details). In recent years the stage of maturation has also been recorded (breeding the year of collection or not; recorded since 1990 and 1991 in Locality I and II, respectively). The collection in a particular year always comprised at least five age-classes, 2–3 of which typically constituted about 75% of the catch. For the statistical evaluations all individuals belonging to a specific cohort (within locality) were lumped; thus, each cohort-locality combination comprised fish of various age collected in different years. For Locality I only fish born in 1987 or earlier were used (n = 636), whereas all cohorts available from Locality II were included (n = 1392), and the reason for this difference is as follows. Until the late 1970s Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) was the only fish species present above the waterfall A (Figure 1), but in 1979 brown trout was introduced in the uppermost part of the water system as part of a transplantation experiment (Palm and Ryman 1999). Our interest here refers exclusively to the characteristics of the natural populations at Localities I and II before any potential effect of immigration has occurred. The introduced fish were genetically marked and distinct from those at Locations I and II at several allozyme loci; identification of immigrants and first generation hybrids could be achieved with a high degree of precision. To date, there is no evidence of exogenous genes in Locality II, and all the fish collected from this locality through 1999 was therefore included in the present analysis (Table 1). With respect to Locality I there is strong evidence of substantial immigration of introduced fish (and their progeny) and subsequent hybridization, particularly during recent years. Because the influx of exogenous genes into this locality may provide a biased picture of the genetic composition and temporal dynamics of the ‘original’ local population, the 636 individuals from Locality I included here represent fish obtained through i) eliminating cohorts born after 1987 (potentially including second generation hybrids that may be difficult to identify), and ii) removing from the remaining data set fish that could be identified as immigrants or first generation hybrids on the basis of their genotype. The details of the introgression process will be reported separately. With respect to the present data set, however, the observed distribution of multilocus genotypes indicates that the probability that the number of unidentified exogenous trout (including hybrids) among the 636 ones from Locality I exceeds four is less than 3%. For the 1392 fish from Locality II a similar assessment yields a probability of this material including more than six immigrants of less than 5%. Thus, the possible existence of unidentified descendants from the introduced stocks should have little effect on the present analyses. Genetic and statistic analyses: Screening of allozymes was performed by conventional horizontal starch gel electrophoresis of known polymorphic loci (Allendorf et al. 1977; Guyomard and Krieg 1983; Taggart and Ferguson 1984; Jorde et al. 1991; Jorde 1994). We follow the nomenclature proposed by Shaklee et al. (1990) for designation of loci and alleles with modifications as suggested by the ‘TroutConcert Specialist Group’ ( TroutConcert/TroutConcert.htm). The following 17 loci were found to be polymorphic (previous locus designations in papers from our group in brackets; alleles in parenthesis, the ∗ 100 allele representing the generally most common one): sAAT-4∗ [AAT-6] (∗ 100, ∗ 50); CK-A1∗ [CPK-1] (∗ 115, ∗ 100); DIA-1∗ [DIA] (∗ 100, ∗ 95); bGALA-2∗ (∗ 100, ∗ 95); bGLUA∗ [BGA] (∗ 150, ∗ 100); G3PDH2∗ [AGP-2] (∗ 100, ∗ 50); sIDDH-1∗ [SDH-1] (∗ 100, ∗ -50); sIDHP-1∗ [IDH-2] (∗ 160, ∗ 100); LDH-A1∗ [LDH-1] (∗ 100, ∗ QO); LDH-C1∗ [LDH-5] (∗ 105; ∗ 100); aMAN∗ (∗ 100, ∗ 70); sMDH-2∗ [MDH-2] (∗ 125, ∗ 100); sMDH-3,4∗ [MDH-3,4] (∗ 125, ∗ 100, ∗ 80); ME∗ [MEL] (∗ 120, ∗ 100); MPI-2∗ [PMI] (∗ 105, ∗ 100); PEPLT∗ (∗ 100, ∗ 70). Several of these poly- 253 Table 1. Basic genetic data for two stream resident brown trout populations: sample sizes, allele frequency ranges (over sampling years and cohorts) for the generally most common allele (∗ 100) at 17 di-allelic allozyme loci, FI S expected heterozygosity (H), and levels of significance from exact tests for Hardy-Weinberg conformance (significance level of FI S ) and for temporal allele frequency homogeneity (significance level of allele frequency ranges). FST (Weir and Cockerham 1984) quantifies the divergence between populations (FI S and FST correspond to FI T and FLT in the hierarchical designs in Table 2). Allele frequency ranges were computed from samples with a minimum of 20 fish, whereas the exact significance tests for allele frequency homogeneity include all samples. The ‘total’ significances given at the bottom of each range-column (all P < 0.001∗∗∗ ) were obtained by combining single locus P-values using Fisher’s method. All monomorphic loci in Locality I (i.e., those without a range) are fixed for the ∗ 100-allele Locus sAAT-4∗ CK-A1∗ DIA-1∗ bGALA-2∗ bGLUA∗ G3PDH-2∗ sIDDH-1∗ sIDHP-1∗ LDH-A1∗† LDH-C1∗ aMAN∗ sMDH-2∗ sMDH-3∗† sMDH-4∗† ME∗ MPI-2∗ PEPLT∗ Total H (17 loci) H (74 loci) Locality I No. FI S of fish No. Allele of frequency years range (years) Locality II No. Allele No. FI S of frequency of cohorts range (cohorts) fish No. Allele of frequency years range (years) 427 0.04 543 –0.03 319 319 0.16∗ 319 0.04 636 416 0.09 319 636 636 319 636 –0.02 319 636 319 0.02 319 0.09 319 –0.02 8 9 7 7 7 10 8 7 10 10 7 10 7 10 7 7 7 11 12 8 8 8 14 10 8 14 14 8 14 8 14 8 8 8 13 14 12 12 12 14 14 12 14 14 12 14 12 14 12 12 12 0.024∗ 0.59–0.74 0.78–0.91∗∗ 0.91–0.98 0.90–0.95 0.90–1.00∗∗∗ 0.48–0.66 0.95–1.00∗∗∗ 0.52–0.61 0.96–0.98 0.89–0.97 P < 0.001∗∗∗ 0.61–0.74 0.68–0.96∗∗∗ 0.76–0.98∗∗∗ 0.90–0.97 0.90–1.00∗∗∗ 0.39–1.00∗∗∗ 0.94–1.00∗∗∗ 0.48–0.69∗ 0.91–0.99 0.82–0.97∗∗ P < 0.001∗∗∗ 1249 1392 1178 1174 1175 1392 1385 1178 1392 1392 1176 1392 1179 1392 1179 1176 1179 –0.03 0.13∗∗∗ –0.01 –0.02 0.03 0.09∗∗ –0.01 –0.04 –0.01 0 0.01 –0.05 –0.03 0.00 –0.003 0.132 0.030 FST No. Allele (between of frequency localities) cohorts range (cohorts) 0.71–0.85∗∗ 0.94–0.99 0.97–1.00 0.55–0.66 0.68–0.83∗ 0.73–0.92∗∗∗ 0.59–0.77∗∗ 0.60–0.78∗ 0.74–0.89 0.86–0.95 0.99–1.00 0.60–0.77∗∗ 0.88–0.94 0.76–0.87∗ 0.77–0.86 0.95–1.00 0.82–0.95∗∗ 20 22 18 18 18 22 22 18 22 22 18 22 18 22 18 18 18 P < 0.001∗∗∗ 0.68–0.91∗∗∗ 0.94–0.99 0.96–1.00 0.53–0.75∗∗ 0.61–0.83∗∗ 0.64–0.97∗∗∗ 0.57–0.79∗∗∗ 0.56–0.86∗∗∗ 0.67–1.00 0.83–0.97∗∗∗ 0.99–1.00 0.52–0.82∗∗ 0.86–0.97∗ 0.74–0.89∗∗ 0.74–0.88∗ 0.95–1.00 0.78–0.96∗∗∗ 0.028∗∗∗ 0.156∗∗∗ 0.007∗∗ 0.212∗∗∗ 0.084∗∗∗ 0.110∗∗∗ 0.171∗∗∗ 0.233∗∗∗ 0.082∗∗∗ 0.063∗∗∗ –0.001 0.207∗∗∗ 0.056∗∗∗ 0.150∗∗∗ 0.147∗∗∗ –0.001 0.012∗∗∗ P < 0.001∗∗∗ 0.133∗∗∗ 0.254 0.058 ∗ P < 0.05; ∗∗ P < 0.01; ∗∗∗ P < 0.001. † Locus scored as dominant; exact tests performed on phenotypic frequencies; F cannot be computed. IS morphisms were detected during the present study (e.g., Jorde et al. 1991; Jorde 1994) and not all were screened before 1988. Thus, the number of genotyped individuals varies considerably between loci (Table 1). In addition to the above loci, previous electrophoretic screening revealed 57 putative loci that appear monomorphic or nearly so in the present populations (Jorde and Ryman 1996). Three loci (LDH-A1∗ and sMDH-3,4∗ ) were scored as ‘dominant’; allele frequencies at these loci were estimated from the frequency of the ‘recessive’ phenotype (assuming Hardy-Weinberg proportions) following Jorde et al. (1999). The polymorphism at LDH-A1∗ is due to a null allele which makes it very difficult to distinguish more than two banding patterns (Allendorf et al. 1984). sMDH-3,4∗ represents a pair of isoloci (both have ∗ 100 alleles with identical electrophoretic mobility) where we usually score the variant ∗ 80 and ∗ 125 alleles in muscle and eye tissue, Table 2. F-statistics for temporal and spatial genetic variation in brown trout. The computations were performed through analyses of variance of allele frequencies (e.g., Weir and Cockerham 1984) including co-dominant loci only. Levels of significance were evaluated through permutations. Only those cohorts were included where a minimum of ten fish had been scored for all the co-dominant loci. Note that FLT and FI T correspond to FST and FI S in the non-hierarchical analyses in Table 1 Fixation index Analysis including Both localities Between localities (FLT ) Between cohorts within locality (FCL ) Within individuals within cohorts (FI C ) Within individuals within total (FI T ) ∗ P < 0.05; ∗∗∗ P < 0.001. 0.144∗∗∗ 0.014∗∗∗ –0.014 0.145∗∗∗ Locality I Locality II 0.019∗∗∗ 0.014∗∗∗ 0.004 –0.016∗ 0.023 –0.002 254 respectively. We cannot separate the banding patterns for individuals carrying different number of ‘doses’ of these variant alleles, and assumed that this polymorphism was due to two separate loci where the slow (∗ 80) and fast (∗ 125) variant alleles are both dominant to the common (∗ 100) allele (but co-dominant to each other). Hence, the ∗ 80 and ∗ 125 alleles have been arbitrarily designated to sMDH-3∗ and sMDH-4∗ , respectively (Jorde 1994). The statistical significance of allele frequency differences and deviations from Hardy-Weinberg proportions were evaluated by chi-square tests (Ryman and Jorde 2001) and exact tests using GENEPOP 3.3 (Raymond and Rousset 1995). F-statistics (Weir and Cockerham 1984; Nei 1987) quantifying spatial and temporal genetic heterogeneity and their significances were estimated in hierarchical analyses using the softwares ARLEQUIN 2.001 (Schneider et al. 2000) and FSTAT 2.9.3 (Goudet 1995, 2001). In these hierarchical analyses we only used data from the 14 co-dominant loci and the cohorts for which all loci had been scored. Estimation of Ne : Variance effective population size was assessed using the so-called temporal method (e.g., Nei and Tajima 1981; Waples 1989a; Williamson and Slatkin 1999) following the approach of Jorde and Ryman (1995, 1996). This approach was developed specifically for overlapping generations, and implies that Ne (per generation; not to be confused with Nb , the effective number of breeders per year; e.g., Waples 1990) is estimated from temporal shifts of allele frequencies between consecutive cohorts under the assumption that these shifts represent random genetic drift and sampling error only. All fish were sampled destructively and not returned to the population, but we evaluated the allele frequency shifts between consecutive cohorts under the so-called sampling plan I (Nei and Tajima 1981; Waples 1989a) assuming that removal of individuals from one cohort does not affect the allele frequency of the following one, and that the number of newborns (N1 ) in each cohort is so large that the term 1/N1 can be ignored. As discussed by Jorde and Ryman (1996) these assumptions seem reasonable for a species where the first age-class does not contain mature individuals, and where the fecundity is high and survival rates are low. Pollak’s (1983) Fk was used to quantify the observed allele frequency shifts, and this quantity was corrected for sampling (Fk ) following Pollak (1983, eqn. 20). A slightly modified version of Fk was applied that is expected to be less biased when sample sizes are small (i.e., when number of individuals <50; Jorde and Ryman, unpublished). However, the difference between Ne estimates generated by the two different ways of computing Fk was small for the present material. For the three dominant loci, Fk was calculated using the equations provided by Jorde et al. (1999). Allele frequencies close to 0 or 1 may result in biased Ne estimates (Waples 1989a; Turner et al. 2001). Thus, to avoid unnecessary bias, at any particular locus we only included allele frequency shifts between pairs of consecutive cohorts where the average frequency of the variant allele was 0.025 or higher (all loci are di-allelic; Table 1). For similar reasons, only those pairs of consecutive cohorts were used where the harmonic mean sample size (number of fish) was at least 10 or 20 at co-dominant and dominant loci, respectively (Jorde et al. 1999). All in all, this resulted in 64 and 243 usable Fk values for Locality I and II, respectively. When generations overlap (as in the brown trout) the amount of temporal shift of allele frequencies depends not only on Ne but also on the demographic characteristics of the population. Allele frequency changes between consecutive cohorts are expected to be larger than for the population as a whole, and life table data are required for calculating a correction factor (C) that accounts for this phenomenon and for assessing the generation interval (G; Jorde and Ryman 1995, 1996). Age specific survival rates (li ) were estimated from the observed number of trout (both sexes) in each ageclass using the Chapman-Robson method (Robson and Chapman 1961; Youngs and Robson 1978). This method takes into account that young age-classes may be underrepresented in the catch; it is assumed that the probability of survival from one year to another is the same at all ages (type II mortality; e.g., Roff 1992). Many fishes, including the brown trout, are characterized by a very high mortality during the earliest life stages, and assuming a type II mortality may therefore appear inappropriate. In the present case, however, our life tables are based on an annual ‘enumeration’ that takes place after the period of high mortality that is typical for the alevine and fry stages and when the mortality starts to approach a constant rate (Elliott 1993). Further, as was also observed on brown trout in neighboring lakes (Jorde and Ryman 1996; their Figure 3), our present age distributions 255 Table 3. Age-specific estimates of li (survival rate), bi (birth rate), and pi (probability that a gene in an individual was inherited from a parent in age-class i) for two stream resident brown trout populations. The birth rates, bi (m) and bi (f), are for males and females, respectively, and their average were used when calculating pi . C is a correction factor for overlapping generations and G an estimate of the generation interval calculated from li and pi . See text for details Age 0+ 1+ 2+ 3+ 4+ 5+ 6+ 7+ 8+ 9+ 10+ 11+ C G Age-class (i) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Locality I Locality II li bi (m) bi (f) pi li bi (m) bi (f) pi 1.0000 0.3672 0.1349 0.0495 0.0182 0.0067 0.0025 0.0009 0.0003 0.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0 0 0 1.8 14.5 40.6 77.5 108.3 170.2 170.2 170.2 170.2 0 0 0 0 5.1 51.6 126.8 166.4 186.5 220.7 220.7 220.7 0 0 0 0.044 0.178 0.308 0.251 0.124 0.059 0.024 0.009 0.003 1.0000 0.3773 0.1424 0.0537 0.0203 0.0076 0.0029 0.0011 0.0004 0.0002 0.0001 0.0000 0 0 0 2.1 14.6 31.3 60.3 83.7 130.7 144.9 144.9 144.9 0 0 0 0.7 13.2 50.0 60.7 78.4 78.4 78.4 78.4 78.4 0 0 0 0.076 0.281 0.311 0.174 0.088 0.043 0.017 0.007 0.002 14.4 6.6 for older (mature) age-classes show a good fit to that expected under a type II mortality (data not shown). Age and sex specific birth rates (bi ) were assessed from the observed proportions of mature fish in various age-classes weighted by body size (weight) after normalizing the bi values to provide a constant population size (li bi = 1). Finally, the li and bi values were used for calculating pi = li bi , the estimated probability that a gene in an individual was inherited from a parent of age i, and the factors C and G (using the expressions 5 and 10 of Jorde and Ryman (1996), respectively). Our bi estimates (Table 3) are necessarily associated with a large degree of uncertainty because the quantity of interest, i.e., the average number of ‘newborns’ produced by a fish of a particular age, has not been measured directly. Fortunately, however, this uncertainty does not appear to pose a major problem for estimation of Ne in the present populations. Without going into details, it is the product pi = li bi (rather than li or bi by themselves) that is of interest when assessing the factors C and G used for estimating Ne . Further, for the present populations which are characterized by a low annual survival rate (less than 0.4; Table 3), the estimates of Ne are quite robust to uncertainties regarding bi . Extensive 12.4 6.2 sensitivity analyses (not presented) have shown that with i) the present approximate li values, ii) a maturation age of 3+ to 4+, and iii) the constraints of a constant population size (i.e., li bi = 1), the estimates of Ne remain strikingly stable for a wide range of bi values. This observation is in line with previous findings by Jorde and Ryman (1995, 1996), suggesting that the present method for estimating Ne appears quite robust to moderate uncertainties in the demographic parameter estimates. Confidence intervals for the Ne estimates were obtained using the method suggested by Waples (1989a) under the assumption that Fk follows a χ 2 distribution with one degree of freedom (di-allelic loci). This approach resulted in confidence intervals that were almost identical to those obtained using a Normal approximation (cf. Turner et al. 2001). Results Our results are consistent with those expected when sampling from two genetically distinct populations of restricted effective size where generations overlap. In such a situation we expect to find i) an overall allele frequency heterogeneity among populations, ii) allele frequency differences between cohorts within each 256 population, and iii) a slight excess of heterozygotes within cohorts of the same population due to the restricted number of parents producing each cohort (e.g., Robertson 1965; Pudovkin et al. 1996). In contrast, the total (pooled) material may display a heterozygote excess, deficiency, or no deviation from Hardy-Weinberg proportions. The difficulty in predicting the direction and degree of deviation from Hardy-Weinberg proportions in the total material is because the heterozygote excess within cohorts may be counterbalanced by a heterozygote deficiency (a Wahlund effect) that is dependent on the magnitude of the allele frequency differences between cohorts and populations (cf. Christiansen 1988). The observed allele frequencies are presented in Table 1. Clearly, there are genetic differences between Locality I and II; a majority of the loci display significant allele frequency differences and the overall FST = 0.13 must be considered fairly large for two neighboring populations with a potential for gene flow in at least one direction. Such marked discontinuities are common in the brown trout and other salmonids, however (e.g., Ryman 1983; Allendorf and Leary 1988; Ferguson 1989). The difference between the localities is fairly stable over time, the FST estimates for separate years ranging from 0.10 to 0.19 (all P < 0.001; data not shown). There is an obvious difference with respect to the amount of genetic variability within the two populations. The number of variable loci is lower in Locality I (10 vs. 17), as is the average heterozygosity (H [74 loci] = 0.030 and 0.058 in Locality I and II, respectively; Wilcoxon’s signed-ranks test for paired observations yields P = 0.044; cf. Nei 1987; Luikart et al. 1998). Within Locality I there is a slight tendency towards an overall heterozygote deficiency across loci (FI S > 0), whereas no such trend can be seen in Locality II (Table 1). There is marked temporal genetic variation within both populations as revealed by the significant allele frequency heterogeneities among both sampling years and cohorts (Table 1). In both populations the magnitude of these differences are larger among cohorts than among sampling years, as expected when each year comprises fish of various age representing different cohorts. (In Table 1 the tests for overall heterogeneity were obtained by Fisher’s method; the corresponding P-values are even smaller using the chi-square summation approach, but this difference is unimportant in the present context of obvious heterogeneity; cf. Ryman and Jorde 2001.) The amount of spatial and temporal variation in the total material (T) was quantified by F-statistics using the hierarchy locality (L), cohort (C) within locality, and individual (I) within cohort (Table 2). Most of the overall allele frequency variation is due to population divergence, the spatial component (FLT ) being about ten times larger than the variation among cohorts within localities (FCL ). The minor difference between the estimates of population differentiation in Tables 1 and 2 (FST = 0.133 vs. FLT = 0.144) is due to computational differences (non-hierarchical vs. hierarchical design) and to the fact that Table 2 is based exclusively on co-dominant loci and a somewhat smaller number of fish. With respect to FI C , which quantifies the deviation from Hardy-Weinberg expectations within cohorts, we observe a weak, but significant, heterozygote excess in Locality II (FI C < 0; Table 2), whereas FI C is not significantly different from zero in Locality I. The number of fish and polymorphic loci is considerably larger for Locality II than for Locality I (Table 1), however, and the overall result indicates a slight heterozygote excess within cohorts, as expected when the number of parents of a cohort is restricted. When considering the total material, the marked overall heterozygote deficiency (FI T 0) appears primarily to be explained by a Wahlund effect reflecting the fairly large allele frequency differences between the two populations. In contrast, FI T is close to zero within each locality (Table 2), most likely because of the comparatively smaller differentiation among cohorts that results in a weaker Wahlund effect balancing the heterozygote excess within cohorts. For Locality I the hierarchical analysis yields a nonsignificant FI T , whereas the corresponding (total) FI S in the non-hierarchical analysis (Table 1) is marginally significant. We note, however, that the test in Table 1 was produced using the multisample score test of GENEPOP, whereas applying a corresponding permutation test in FSTAT results in non-significance (P ≈ 0.10). For comparison with the Weir-Cockerham estimates presented in Table 2, we also computed Fstatistics using the gene diversity approach of Nei (e.g., 1987). For the present material, the two methods result in similar estimates (data not shown). The only major difference was found for FLT which was 0.144 and 0.091 for Weir-Cockerham and Nei, respectively. This difference is due primarily to the Nei estimate being dependent on the number of populations, and 257 Table 4. Average temporal allele frequency shifts between consecutive cohorts (F¯k and F¯k ) and estimates of effective population size (N̂e ) with 95% confidence intervals (C.I.) Number of F-values F¯k F¯ k N̂e C.I. Locality I Locality II 64 0.0904 0.0563 19 11–35 243 0.0422 0.0208 48 34–71 correcting for this dependence (Nei 1987) results in an FLT = 0.167 that is more close to that of WeirCockerham. We also searched for genetic differences between fish belonging to the same cohort (born in the same year) sampled in different years, potentially indicating, for example, immigration or the operation of selection. No evidence of such heterogeneity within cohorts was found. Within each combination of locality, cohort, and locus exact contingency tests for allele (and genotypic) frequency homogeneity among sampling years were performed; out of a large number of tests less than five percent were significant on the 5% level, and no tendency for these significances to represent particular loci or cohorts could be seen. Effective population size: The li , bi , and pi estimates, as well as the quantities C and G, are quite similar for the two locations (Table 3). There is a tendency for the fish in Locality II to start reproducing somewhat earlier, which is also reflected in a shorter generation interval, but these differences are minor. Using the average standardized variances in allele frequency shifts between consecutive cohorts (F¯k ; Table 4) and the observed values of C and G, the effective population size was estimated as 19 and 48 for Locality I and II, respectively. The 95% confidence intervals show only marginal overlap, and a randomization test for equal means of Fk values in the two populations yields a highly significant result (P = 0.002; e.g., Sokal and Rohlf 1981), indicating a real difference in effective size. Since the present data set represents a series of consecutive cohorts, it was possible to check for variation of effective population size over the study period. Using the same type of randomization approach as when testing for a population difference, we addressed the hypothesis that average Fk was the same for all pairs of consecutive cohorts (within locality). The temporal heterogeneity in Fk was significant in Locality II (P = 0.003), but not in Locality I (where the number of cohorts and polymorphic loci is smaller). The present kind of Ne estimates are necessarily associated with a large sampling error, and it is difficult to see a trend in this variation when only considering the point estimates for the separate pairs of consecutive cohorts. Smoothing by means of moving averages, however, indicates that Ne of Locality II was smaller in the early and late years of the period than in between (Figure 2). Detecting temporal change: The probability of detecting temporal change of allele frequencies within populations depends on several factors, as illustrated by the observed proportion of significant tests between pairs of sampling years and cohorts separated by different number of years (Figure 3). First, the proportion of significances is generally larger in Locality I, in line with the smaller Ne estimate of this population. Second, it is increasingly easier to detect temporal heterogeneity as the time period separating the samples grows larger (cf. Waples 1989b). Third, summation of chi-square statistics over multiple loci increases the probability of obtaining significant sample comparisons (cf. Ryman and Jorde 2001). Finally, when considering comparisons over ‘short’ periods the temporal heterogeneity is more accentuated between cohorts than between sampling years (consisting of a mixture of multiple cohorts; cf. Jorde and Ryman 1995). In the present data set this tendency of a higher proportion of significances between cohorts than between years is most pronounced for samples separated by about five years or less. We note that this time period corresponds roughly to the estimates of generation time (G = 6.2 – 6.6 years), but the relevance of this observation is presently not clear. Discussion The present empirical case study has focused on spatio-temporal genetic variation in stream resident brown trout. In brief, we have presented evidence that our samples are from two distinct populations inhabiting the same stream, estimated Ne from temporal shifts of allele frequencies, and assessed the probability of detecting temporal change over different periods of time. For the purpose of the present 258 Figure 2. Point estimates of effective size (N̂e ) for all pairs of consecutive cohorts ( and for Locality I and II, respectively), and the corresponding (harmonic) mean N̂e (open symbols) obtained from moving averages for Fk over five consecutive cohorts (i.e., four cohort pairs). ‘Cohort’ on the x-axis represents the first cohort used for each Ne estimate. Stippled lines indicate the total estimate for each population (cf. Table 4). Note the broken y-axis and that large Ne point estimates are given as numbers (∞ = infinity). presentation the discussion here focuses primarily on issues relevant to brown trout population genetics and conservation, and on some aspects relating to the interpretation of temporal genetic data from populations with overlapping generations. Brown trout genetics: We have observed a ‘stable’ genetic population structure, where the spatial component of variation is significantly larger than that of the temporal one within the populations. This observation is similar to what has been found in several other studies of salmonid fishes (e.g., Jordan et al. 1992; Moran et al. 1995; Jorde and Ryman 1996; Moffet and Crozier 1996; Stone et al. 1997; Carlsson et al. 1999; Nielsen et al. 1999; Tessier and Bernatchez 1999; Kanda and Allendorf 2001; Laikre et al. 2002). With respect to our observations on the amount of temporal genetic change, however, there are few empirical results to compare with. The effective size estimates of the present populations are 19 and 48 for Locality I and II, respectively. We are aware of only four other brown trout populations where Ne has been estimated. Those four populations are located within a 10 km distance from the present stream resident ones and refer to lake dwelling trout. The Ne estimates were obtained using the same method and set of loci as in the present study, and ranged between about 50 and 500 (Jorde and Ryman 1996). In addition, female effective size (Nef ) of two populations has been assessed from temporal variation of mtDNA haplotype frequencies (Laikre et al. 1998, 2002). For one of those populations total effective size (Ne ) had also been estimated in the study by Jorde and Ryman (1996), and it was found that the Nef estimate was about half of that of Ne (Laikre et al. 1998). In the other study of mtDNA variation the estimate of female effective size represented a (harmonic) mean for 13 anadromous ‘sea trout’ populations at the Island of Gotland in the Baltic Sea, and assuming that the total effective size approximates twice that of the female segment in these populations also, Ne would be in the order of 50–70 (Laikre et al. 2002). The population in Locality I (N̂e = 19) displays a significantly smaller level of genetic variation (H = 0.030) than the effectively larger one at Locality II (N̂e = 48; H = 0.058), as expected for isolated populations of different effective size. This empirical observation contrasts with the results of previous studies, however. In particular, Jorde and Ryman (1996) found the levels of heterozygosity in their four populations to be strikingly similar (H in the range 0.052–0.061) in spite of the fairly wide range of the Ne estimates (50–500). Those authors suggested that the apparent lack of correlation between N̂e and H might be due to local populations being connected by naturally occurring gene flow of a magnitude that is small enough to permit differentiation but large enough to prevent excessive loss of genetic variation. 259 Figure 3. Proportion of chi-square tests yielding statistical significance (P < 0.05) in single locus pairwise allele frequency comparisons between sampling years () and cohorts () that are separated by different number of years. Only co-dominant loci and samples with a minimum of 20 fish were used. The open symbols represent the result when combining the information for multiple loci (summation of chi-square for the eight and eleven most polymorphic loci in Locality I and II, respectively). The right-most symbols indicate the overall average for each type of test. Total number of single-locus tests are 80 and 1005 (years) and 175 and 1736 (cohorts) in Locality I and II, respectively; the corresponding number of ‘multilocus tests’ are 6 and 66 (years) and 10 and 105 (cohorts). The small number of tests for Locality I is due to the considerably smaller number of samples and polymorphic loci available for this locality. The estimates of Ne and H obtained in the present study are consistent with such an explanation. First, the population at Locality I is the only one (of the six in this area for which estimates of Ne and H are available) with an apparent potential for restricted immigration from neighboring populations due to the waterfall located immediately downstream of this site. Second, the heterozygosity at the apparently less isolated Locality II is remarkably similar to that of the four lake populations, in spite of its relatively small Ne estimate. The notion that gene flow constitutes a major factor for the preservation of genetic variability in the brown trout is also supported indirectly by observations from other studies. Most or all of the populations that have been reported to display a notably low degree of genetic variation refer to situations where immigration appears restricted, i.e., the population is either physically isolated or located in the uppermost part of the drainage (Garcia-Marin et al. 1991; Marshall et al. 1992; Riffel et al. 1995; Prodöhl et al. 1997; Carlsson and Nilsson 2001). It must be noted, though, that none of those reports of low heterozygosity have been accompanied by effective size estimates. The results suggest that the samples from Locality II are drawn from a single, effectively small, population, and it is not clear how to interpret these findings with respect to the population structure in this lower part of the Haravattsån stream. This site represents a subset of an about 3 km long physically homogeneous section of the stream without apparent barriers to migration and where brown trout is abundant (between the falls B and C; Figure 1). The relatively small Ne estimate may indicate that we have sampled only one of several populations inhabiting different sections of this part of the stream, but additional sampling above and below Locality II is necessary for addressing this issue. The observation that the two stream resident populations examined here represent the two smallest estimates of Ne reported so far is interesting. It must be noted, though, that at Locality II there is a significant variation of Ne over the time period examined (20 consecutive cohorts), and a shorter study could easily have resulted in a larger estimate (Figure 2). Further, because average Ne over time tends to approach a harmonic rather than an arithmetic mean, estimates of Ne are usually expected to decrease as longer time scales are considered (e.g., Crow and Kimura 1970; Vucetich and Waite 1998). Previous estimates are based on fewer consecutive cohorts. The tendency of a difference between lake and stream resident trout may thus be spurious, and additional studies are required to clarify whether or not this observation reflects a general difference between life history forms. Considerable interest in conservation and evolutionary biology is presently focused on the ratio Ne /N, where N represents the ‘total’ population size (e.g., Frankham 1995; Vucetich and Waite 1998; Rieman and Allendorf 2001; Kalinowski and Waples 2002). A major reason for this interest is that information on Ne /N might facilitate rough assessment of Ne from 260 census data alone. We have no information on the total number of fish (N) at the sampled locations, which precludes direct estimation of Ne /N ratios for the present populations. However, we have sampled (destructively, without replacement) about 100 adult fish per year from each population without seeing any indications of declining population sizes. Thus, if N is taken as the total number of adults existing at a given point of time, it is clear that Ne /N should be smaller than 0.2 and 0.5 for Locality I and II, respectively, although our data do not allow inference on how much smaller these ratios might be or whether they are different for the two populations or not. Finally, our present data lend further support to the idea that natural brown trout populations are commonly of a quite restricted effective size and that gene flow plays a central role for the retention of genetic variation (cf. Jorde and Ryman 1996; Laikre et al. 1998, 2002). These observations reinforce the need to focus conservation and management efforts on the maintenance of population systems and migratory routes rather than on particular local populations alone. Temporal genetic change and Ne : Most studies on genetic variation in natural populations are based on samples collected at one or a few occasions only, and our data can be used to examine empirically to what extent the results from a less exhaustive sampling would have differed from the present ones. A typical funding period, for example, only permits sampling over two or three consecutive years. With respect to the spatial aspect of population structure, the divergence between Locality I and II is so large that it seems unlikely that it would have gone unnoticed even with only a single year of sampling. In contrast, it is not as obvious what conclusions would have been drawn regarding the amount of temporal change within populations using a less exhaustive sampling strategy. It is clear that both populations have changed genetically over time and that the temporal shifts are substantial, i.e., they are large enough to correspond to effective sizes that in most situations would be considered quite restricted. It is also clear from the moving averages depicted in Figure 2 that reasonably accurate Ne estimates could have been obtained from a considerably smaller number of cohorts than used for our present overall estimates (Table 4). When considering Figure 2, however, it is important to realize that each moving average represents genetic data for five consecutive cohorts. The average time we spent on collecting all the fish of a particular cohort was 5.8 years, whereas it took us about 4 years to obtain 90% of those individuals. Similarly, sampling over a minimum of 6 consecutive years was required to get the majority of the genetic data behind each moving average in Figure 2. In situations where a restricted number of samples are taken only one or a few years apart, the probability of detecting the existence of temporal heterogeneity (i.e., of detecting that the populations are not ‘very large’) may be fairly small (Figure 3). At Locality II, for example, the probability of detecting a single locus allele frequency shift between sampling years that are 1–2 years apart is only about 10%, and the corresponding probability for cohorts is about 20% (Figure 3, lower panel). The power increases when combining the information from multiple loci, but the probability of obtaining a significance (P < 0.05) is still quite modest (about 40% and 60%, respectively), even when the number of loci is relatively large (here 11 di-allelic ones). The probability of detecting temporal heterogeneity increases when comparing samples that are separated by more than a few years, and particularly so at Locality I. The increase of power over time is consistent with theoretical expectations (as discussed by Waples 1989b for populations with nonoverlapping generations), but the rate of increase is quite slow at each particular locus if the effective size is not very small (as in Locality I). Thus, even allele frequency changes over a time period of ten years or more may go undetected in a population with an Ne of about 50 unless a ‘reasonable’ number of loci is examined (Figure 3). It should be stressed, though, that our observations are strictly empirical, and that a more general treatment of the issues of statistical power for detecting temporal genetic heterogeneity when generations overlap appears warranted. Robustness to assumptions: Our conclusions are based on a number of assumptions, a few of which may be violated to some extent. Much of the analysis, for example, is based on assignment of individuals to ageclasses and cohorts by means of age determination through otolith reading. The main effect of a substantial frequency of random errors in the age determinations would result in our present ‘cohorts’ actually consisting of a mixture of fish from multiple, genetically distinct cohorts. Unrecognized mixing of this type is expected to produce estimates of genetic differenti- 261 ation among cohorts that are biased downwards, and thereby inflated estimates of Ne . Our present estimates of effective size are so small, however, that it appears unlikely that they are subject to significant upward bias. Another source of possible bias refers to the genetic interpretation of zymograms at the sMDH3,4∗ isoloci where exhaustive inheritance studies are lacking for the brown trout (cf. Taggart and Ferguson 1984). We have treated the ∗ 80 and ∗ 125 alleles as belonging to different ‘dominant’ loci, but the segregation of both variant alleles at either or both loci cannot be excluded on the basis of our present data. Our genetic interpretation of the MDH zymograms is not crucial for the present results, however. First, sMDH3,4∗ is only polymorphic at Locality II, and for this population the exclusion of these loci only marginally affects the estimate of effective size. Further, the results concerning, e.g., F-statistics (Table 2) and statistical power (Figure 3) are based entirely on co-dominant loci and do not include sMDH-3,4∗. The temporal method for estimating effective size is based on the assumption that observed allele frequency shifts are due to genetic drift and sampling error only, and immigration from genetically divergent populations might therefore bias the estimates of Ne (Nei and Tajima 1981; Waples 1990; Jorde and Ryman 1996). Although it appears unlikely that the present populations are completely isolated, we do not consider potential bias due to immigration as a major problem when estimating effective size. The large amount of differentiation between Locality I and II suggests that the overall amount of gene flow is quite restricted in this water system. Furthermore, and as discussed above, the genotypic distributions within each population appear compatible with those expected in randomly mating populations without substantial immigration. Ignoring overlapping generations: Sampling from populations with overlapping generations may result in observed temporal allele frequency shifts that are expected to deviate from those in populations with discrete generations of the same effective size. Thus, when estimating Ne from shifts over ‘short’ periods of time, this deviation should be accounted for on the basis of demographic information from the population studied. Over longer time periods the need for such a correction becomes progressively less important, but it is unclear when the time span between samples is large enough for this complication to be negligible. We evaluated the consequences of ignoring the ‘overlapping generations effect’ in the present material through comparing the observed amount of genetic change per year to that expected from random genetic drift alone, given our estimates of Ne and G (Tables 3 and 4). When generations overlap the expected amount of annual allele frequency change due to genetic drift is determined by the annual effective population size (Na ), a quantity that relates to Ne as Na ≈ Ne G, where G is the generation interval (Hill 1979). Thus, in order to assess the significance of disturbing effects from overlapping generations, we ‘estimated’ Na in Locality II (which represents our largest data set) directly from the observed annual allele frequency shifts without accounting for the sample age-structure. The estimates were based on entire samples collected various numbers of years (1– 10) apart, all the age-classes within a sampling year were pooled, and Na was calculated using the relation Na = t/(2Fk ), where t is the number of years separating the samples. For comparison, Na was also estimated from temporal allele frequency shifts generated in pseudo-random number computer simulations in a population with overlapping generations and the same effective size and demography (i.e., li and bi ) as estimated for Locality II. The simulations were conducted as described by Jorde and Ryman (1995) and Ryman (1997), and sampling from the simulated population was performed 1–10 years apart maintaining the same age distribution as in the empirical samples. The empirical estimates of annual effective size (Figure 4; panel A) show that this direct approach results in considerable underestimation of Na for samples collected only one or a few years apart. This implies that the observed amount of temporal genetic change in Locality II (corrected only for sample size error) is larger than that expected from genetic drift alone. The bias appears fairly small for comparisons more than about one generation apart, but we do not think that this tendency can be taken to reflect a general phenomenon. The simulation results (Figure 4; panel B), which are largely congruent with the empirical observations, indicate that a downward bias remains also for comparisons 10 years apart, i.e., almost two generations. They further indicate that underestimation of Na is to be expected both when the allele frequencies represent sample estimates and when they are for the population as a whole. Thus, the large allele frequency shifts observed in our data (that exceed the expected amount of change due to genetic 262 Figure 4. Hypothetical point ‘estimates’ of annual effective size (N̂a ) as they appear when the effects of overlapping generations are ignored. A: Empirical estimates for Locality II. B: Simulated estimates (based on 5000 replicate runs; × and are for samples and the total population, respectively) for a population with the same effective size, demographic characteristics, and sample age distribution as for Locality II. Each point estimate is based on average Fk (Fk for the simulated total population) computed for all possible pairwise combinations of allele frequencies a particular number of years apart. “. . . The dotted lines (panel A) represent 95% confidence limits for the empirical Na estimates, whereas the stippled straight lines (both panels) indicate the overall estimate of annual effective size (N̂a ≈ N̂e Ĝ ≈ 48 × 6.2 ≈ 300). Note that the amount of data behind each point estimate is larger for comparisons separated by a few years only; in panel A, for example, the underlying number of Fk values are 156 and 40 for the estimates that are 1 and 10 years apart, respectively. See text for details.” drift) mainly appear to reflect a true characteristic of the population, rather than just ‘artifacts’ due to inadequate sampling design. Clearly, further theoretical or simulation studies are required for a more general evaluation of when the signal from random genetic drift overrides the systematic short term changes and sampling effects that are characteristic of populations where generations overlap. Implications for genetic monitoring: The ‘biodiversity crisis’ has accentuated the demand for quick identification of populations that require special attention, and temporal genetic data may be used to detect, for example, genetic introgression, bottlenecks, or alarmingly small effective sizes (UNEP 1995; Luikart et al. 1998; Laikre 1999). Some of the empirical observations of the present study are directly relevant to such genetic monitoring and reinforce the results of previous theoretical work. First, extensive sampling over a series of years may be needed to detect significant temporal change or that the effective size of a population is below some critical level of, say, Ne = 50 (e.g., Franklin 1980). Conversely, an observed lack of statistically significant temporal heterogeneity must be interpreted with great caution; such ‘temporal stability’ does not necessarily imply a very large effective size unless supported by a statistical power analysis or independent ecological data. Second, when dealing with populations where generations overlap it is imperative to consider the peculiarities of the allele frequency dynamics relative to the discrete generation situation, for example when estimating Ne . Likewise, considerable frequency differences may be expected among cohorts, or between samples dominated by one or a few cohorts, also in populations of a fairly large effective size (Ryman 1997). Thus, the observation of statistically significant allele frequency differences should not necessarily be considered an indication of introgression, the operation of selection, non-random sampling of, e.g., family groups, or a remarkably small effective population size. Acknowledgements We thank associate editor Robin Waples and two anonymous reviewers for comments on an earlier version of the manuscript. Gunnar Ståhl is acknowledged for valuable discussions and information regarding the early phases of the ‘Lakes Bävervattnen’ project. The present study was supported by grants to N.R. from the Swedish Natural Science Research Council and from the Swedish research program on Sustainable Coastal Zone Management, SUCOZOMA, funded by the Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research, MISTRA. L.L. acknowledges grants from The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Science and Spatial Planning (FORMAS) and from the Erik Philip-Sörensen Foundation. 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