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Table of Contents ,Abstract .. . . .............. 3 Inxtroductiienta Proue ...... .. . . 4 Prccsdurle ... . . . . . . . . ............. 17 °esults . *1 Discussion. . ....... .......4 Conclusion. Bibliorahy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 41 Abstract The effects investigated particle 90° impingementwere of single using a rotating arm erosion tester. The resultant impacts were studied using a scanning electron microscope. The primary appears to be pure shear. mechanism of the this erosion Secondary damage caused by frag- ments of the specimens and the test apparatus clouds the tests. results of rotating arm erosion -3- Introduction Gradual wear process is commonly known as erosion.. The subject of this thesis is erosion caused by solid particle impingement. Several In many cases, this wear is highly undesirable. examples of the detrimental effects are the of erosion following: 1.) The compressor blades of gas turbines when operated over dusty terrains are seriously damaged by erosion. efficiency of the compressor drops radically surfaces of the blades wear. ing edge of the blades, often an inch, is consequently life of such turbines Steam turbines The as the airfoil On small gas turbines the trailas thin as five thousandths readily is reduced of worn away. In some cases, the to 10% of its expected life.1,2 perating in the wet-steam regions are also affected similarly by erosion caused by the water droplets. 2.) In industrial processes involving pipelines such 3 as the catalytic cracking of oil, in the fluid can cause serious foreign particles suspended erosion. This problem est at bends in the lines or at constrictions is great- such as valves where particles are more likely to strike the surfaces. 3.) Erosirn due to rain can cause considerable to the nose of aircraft. ture of the dome weakened is also greatly In a radome, not only is the struc- but the effectiveness reduced. 4 -4- damage of the radar 4.) Rocket nozzles cn be sevely particles carried by the ht dam--gedby slid ases that flow through them. 5 to On the other hand, erosion can be used beneficially machine surfaces as in sand blasting or the erosive drilling of hard materials. 0 Although many people have solved specialized a specific problems when undertaking erosion ask, few until design recently have attempted to examine the overall mechanism of In 1958, Finnie derived euations erosion. based on cutting tool theory, for the weight loss of material causedby a moving particle Finnie i In a later study a known manner. suggestedthat lwofactors were involved i in 19GO, the amnount of material eroded. Thesewere the conditions of the fluid flow and the mechanism of material removal. For ductile materiLls, he predicted the mannerin which material removal varies with particle direction and seed. did not disagree with the results Althou-!gh his figures of metal cutting tests, they could not accurately determine the amount of erosion that occurred. Forbrittle materials, Bitter predicted the initial fracture of the material by calculating stresses hetween the particle and te surface.3 In ractice, a distinction between brittle Nominally and ductile beha-vior is very difficult brittle materials loadsare aplied. sm.lall to deteri-.1ne. ay act in a ductile fashion when Since none of the proosed theories -5- seem to pedict research- the amount of erosion accurately, se ars have proposed that the erosion of a material strength is an entirely separate property unrelated or only slightly related to the knownmaterial properties. of previous The results easily summarized can be most investigators impingement, particle size, speed, and material General agreement roperties. in the literatuire exists regardirig the effect of the angle of narticle in Figure angle of four main variables: by considering resented This effect is ipingerent. and in Figure 1 far ductile-actii-g materials 2 for brittle-actino materils.- 3 3 4-, .4- LC C Q: (i 3 .U MI .r O L. !Pi_ h I 3-di0o 6e porte/l soroha I I I Fig. 2 100 ,I O I t qo° Erosive wear of briutle materials ductile materials to note that the same material may act either in a brittle or ductile manner impinging particle. _ 20 parddo qptqoach nga n/e Fig. 1 Erosive wear of It is interesting . o l o" depending on the size of the It has been generally fou!nd that erosion increases with increasing particle size u to a critical Areement as to -the exact relation -5-~ between erosion size. and particle size has not been reached; both linear and non-linear functions have been reported. The amount increasing of erosion has velocity. For ductile shown to be proportional Erosion in britle velocity, been shown to increase with aterials, to about the 2.3 materials erosion has been power of the velocity. also rises as a power of the but this powervaries from 1.4 to 5.1 depending on the secific material. ther factors which can affect the amount of erosion ut wJhich are unrelated to its actual mechanismare particle cmposition and cncentration o erosive particles in a fluid.. Most previous studies have dealt with theweight loss of material per weight of irnnacting particles. prinmarily concerned with the effect ment. This study is of single particle By studying the effect under magnification, imringe- it may be possible to determine the mechanisms of material failure. A relation betweenfailure and grain size is also investigated. -7- Experimental Procedure The method mployed to achieve a single particle impinge- ment consists of dropping a silicon carbide particle into the path of a specimen moving at a known velocity and impact angle. This control of the specimen rotating arm. experiment is attained by placing it on a To eliminate aerodynamic effects the whole is performed in a vacuum. Test Apparatus: A rotating arm erosion tester had been designed and built in the Materials Processing Laboratory. This apparatus consisted chamber, of a twelve inch arm which rotated an air turbine to drive the arm, and a photo transistor coupled with an electronic arm. In order to obtain in a vacuum counter to measure thespeed of the a low vacuum for accuratedetermination of impingement speeds, silicon rubber gaskets and neopreme "0" rings were used on shafts and demountable surfaces.. A mercury manometer was used to measure the vacuum. An arm was designed and built to undergo constant stress throughout its length and to withstand the bending moment created by the specimens. The apparatus is shown in Figures 3 through9. Test Procedure: Tests were performed on the following three materials: a.) 1020 C.R. steel both as received and annealed for 1 hour annealed specimen grain size 35/ -8- -- 17280 F ROTATING ARM AA - TOP VIEW: COVER REMOVED PARTICLE LIGHT SOURCE DROPPER IM EN CELL AIR - I SECTION AA FIG. 3 TEST CHAMBER -9- C W E no LiJ 6 < --<E0 -- -u _r w LLJ T Li 0 II w U (3 z D O 0 U) II En D UltSLb iE ~D 1 0U)0 v-<cZ I [I Om w 'LLU n f- Ljo I U) C_J 'o +i --10- - 7 Li z I- d D x I O '2 z - x .4 00 ,A w I 1 vI 1 z ( w 4 O4 CKa _a: 0 I QC LU 4: Ra -I 4 0 a, f.- Z z FF- 0 o: tu li CL LLI C: FO a0 0 1 J. It __ - II LL n,w OH 0 -I 0. L,' cm w 0 o Lr 2- <: D C i F, ;- m T3t i jacu 7 j-` I .- ., ', .-tT ~ ;-ri I;E ChmT1ber 1 - I"-, r---. Lc",lel - , 'I -:1S I !C p ,--. idii]- c 1,1 I _- ' iL (a C]I-- a;iis, -.L . - -1 ___ I_ - " - b.) Modified. 1010.steel* ( both as received phase ), forged @ 1350°F and annealed annealed secimen for 1 hour 1100°F grain size l1/ Composition: .6% Magnesium .13% Carbon .5% Titanium .17% Plutonium c.) Doped Titanium alloy*, forged both as received 1400°F and annealed for 1 hour ED 1100 F annealed specimen grain size 1/Composition: 1.5% .5% Hafnium Zirconium . 15%Chromium .12% Molybdenum To prevent corrosion during annealing, the 1010 steel and titanium samples were heated of the specimens in a vacuum were milled of less than 10 to a uniform size of Y -4 torr. ll x Y" x /1'. They were then polished with successively finer grades of emery and polishing wheels terminating with 4-0 paper for the 1020 steel and 5abrasives All polishing for the modified 1010 and titanium alloys. was done before heat treating to avoid work hard- eningzof the surface. In the erosion tests, the specimens were mounted on the arm, the silicon carbide particles ( 60 mesh or 250-500L6) loaded *The 1010 steel and titanium samples were obtained from Dr.Ernest .tAbramsonat the U.S. Army 1Materials Research Massachusetts. -15- L-.. Center in atertown, into the dropping mechanism, and the cleaned chamber evacuated. For the 1020 steel, runs a vacuum of 1 mm. was oained except the lC00 ft/sec. For the 1010 run at which alloy, steel and titanium the for all the vacuum was 2 mm. a vacuum of 3 mm. w1as obtained for all the runs except for the 1000ft/sec. runs at which the vacuum was 4 mmin.The poorer was caused by the deterioration vacuum at high speeds of the '"0"ring seal on the shaft. Small leaks developed in the chamber which accounted for the poorer vacuum during the modified steel tests. The vacuum was measur- ed by comnaring the manometer reading of the chamber to the barometric pressure. The barometric pressure was determined by connecting the vacuum pump directly After a snecified to the mEnometer. vacuum had been obtained, then rotated by,acce erating nhe turbine with the arm compressed air. For the lowestseed ( 10Gfeet per second ), a steady sate sOeed was at-ained. For the higher speeds, at an ariroximately cons-;ant acceleration. rS the arm was run The articles were dropped when the counter indicated the correct speed. In all cases, the total more than 10:I. error in the collision A small enough number of particles dro,-ped to insure that only single After the -articles examined and relmoved. hotographed Electron Microscope. using partic e impacts the api-iaratus were drooped, down and the specimens speed was not The secimens a ELCO was was always occurred. shut were then model J.3M3- Scanning Stereo photographs were taken to three dimensional analysis. ermit Results The scanning electron microscope pictures on the following pages. -17- are presented F-i 10 i I__ ____ ___ fC,:; !I Ia l Inl J _I :2IL, t l, tiJ ate _ ___ 0 f, t/s'ec. Eii11*/ LLID -i. L... ai, C C _ _ 'rem§. ir ; Ii I l itiL:tli kiv, ~:Ie' ~'' `i> idiiiod 'i - d 1!I0! 01De i '- _--. I 1-,1, . f ,RE: b X .~c5 E9I1 ['i:'.or"! ! i~i C15 {}at '--"{ai~-; I_ _I__ I _ _ . 1~3, i- .n!i t ':q::if Fiq. 14 ~: ,i i . ! ;·i.Tiiu-nium Illov ' : fse i itnium ,I.loy, i . ,nniEalen C. K U fZt/uf3c. Fig. 16 A.R. odified li10 3teel, 300 feet/sec. Fig. 17 Annealed Podified 110 Steel, -21- 3 f et/sec. I Fin. !a -;.. Ti iniun Fid. "1 :nnealsd Titanium il oy, 3Ci f t/ec. lloy, 31." f.t/sac. a1 3q, Fiq. 21 L-r Annnr. l cd If F- -it, a1, -273- L_~~~~~~~~~~1,[ -. fti /:. . i-dified 1010 it'-eel, 500 feet/sec. Fig. 22 !.-I. Fig. 23 ;. . roCified DALee, 010 -24- i - Feet/sec. 5e Fin. 2 (j-o,*25 oiw . iodi F, j1, inch-t31 'I I5 10 fet/s~---c rFodi-ieci 110 3tel, i. : H ,-- - -)5 i o . ;.1i.I_; '.0 i , i j_ f -- /i/S. I -i. IA1 1 . fa et/snc 50' lloy, ,I..' 1 Titaniumn L - 04 aL 11 F J L- 277 :JOD feat/s-c. Fir.~ 23Alnnsaled 120 tcel, GO fcet/sc. a- Fi. r 29 " * 1e LI 11I Modified IA]!0 -27- i2iu seC j i-g. `0 :.. MIodified 11i0 tIe.l, -O fet/sec. I,..--,) 1il. 31. kor - `" -d ~~~i~~~~~. 3L FiQ. ~ C~ 1A D , L G iL __ _ L--l, 4 Fig. 32 Annealed Modified 1010 S3teel, Fin, 33TiU:-ni ,.. -1l , ~'5 feet/ec. o00feeat/sec. - -- ;i . ,-,nneiiod 34 1 ' , . 3 J -', U: C ··· !I t ~V,GDE'f,0 Pt s c Tita;nium L~~~i~~L: iu i-j 1 ~7 ·' ;,I J !js /-ec a0 A F Fig. 3E6 qnnr!io- 12[IJ tdei, t o!',1 I fP'rt-/2cc. l i; 0. et i 37., X 1_20 -,11-, i j t!c -.c " /I C i*.u F .4 u6 R.R. P'Iodificd 10 st~tel. A..$1 r eon 0. a1 r i zI·n t. I II > '-'.j it'i i'::13'fI Rt nu6eteb I. I 11, -i r Ft/oc. 1L. L... Fig. 4D0 A.R. Titaniurnri Alloy, 18000Teet /s e2c. Discuasion The darrmae iwhich occurred during the rarticle mE;;ttests relies on many factors. s rength of ietals, First amongthese is -the which determines the degre A second conributing im inge- of damage. factor is material defects and varia- tKons in material c postion. Finally, the variations in speed may affect the damage to the specimens. Tests over 1G20 feet per second because of the limiting effect of the of metals. Lere not performed theoretical strength From a omic-bond theory: O-theoretical 15 anld = E -theoretical = .0- Now consider the case of a mass traveling hitting a long rod. distance In time At te at velocity end of the rod mrrves a Vat. I mass , I V ,~~~~~~~~~ At :at 9i Fig. 41, Strain waiavein a rod. A stress wave travels in time At the soeed of sound - Since then cAt where in the rod ( for steel, c=1.36 c c- a distance at C6 -34- c is x 104 ft/sec. ). Therefore, in order to remain the maximum value 1000 ft/sec. of V must for steel. within the theoretical be less than strength, approximately This assumes that the abrasive particles are rigid. Our results with te small grained specimens are diff- icult to evaluate due to numerous voids throughout the specimens. These voids are clearly shown in Figures 13,15,17,18,19,25,26, 32, and 34. Material properties such as the comoressive strength of the material may be drastically affected by such voids. The examination of the right side of Figure 26 with stereo viewers shows that apparently a section of the surface is depressed without showing any displaced metal elsewhere. This may be an indication that some of the voids were eliminated during the process. An uncertainty was caused by particles other than the intended ones striking the surface of the specimens. and 14 both show chios which surface. No damage is observed lying on the surface. likely imbedded a significant only slightly as the chips appear Low velocity ( 100 ft/sec. Figures in the to be just ) is most factor in the absence of damage. chip in Figure 13 appears to have been freshly 13 The " machined while the chip in Figure 14 looks as if it struck several " things before finally lodging in the specimen. At higher velocities, however, the damage caused by such chips may be uite severe as shown in Figures 26,2,32,and -35- 34. Since the articles la3ck the specimens, it surface of the 26, the is Furthermore, the same materill. Figure voids that are prevalent articles doubtful in the that they are of with the possible exception do not appear to be silicon of carbide, a non-conductor which would apoear white under the microscope. Nost likely, the particles from eitLher the rotating are chips Figure 33 shows a large arm or the sides of the test chamber. A similar chip hit the chip which imbedded in the surface. surface in Figure smaller pieces. mentation. 32 but upon impact shattered into many Figure 29 shows a dramatic example of frag- Figures are both enlargements 30 and 31, which of Figure 29,show respectively 50-micron fragments and sub-micron fragments. Logically, all of the fragments in these pictures did not remain lodged and some would be free to strike It is unlikely that either surface again causing more damage. of the chips the chips or the fragments the would be stationary inside the test chamber; instead, they would be traveling Since the specimen is moving at a at some unknown velocity. known velocity, the impact speed would be the vector umknown velocity and the known velocity. are obscured by not knowing results it is possible of the controlled Therefore our results the true impact conditions. Now that the uncontrollable have been examined, sum of the aspects of the experiments to discuss variations objectively in the testing. the As might be expected, increased impingement velocity generally resulted in increased crater depth. Figures 10,11,12,and 15 all show shallow craters which were formed by FOarticlestraveling at 100 ft/sec. Slightly deeper craters were formed at 300 ft/sec. in Figures as shown 17 and 13, still deeper craters at 500 ft/sec. as shown in Figures 20, 22, and 25, and the deepest craters 00 and 1000 ft/sec. as shown at in Figures 27,28,35,3a, This result is fairly conclusive as the 1020 steel and 39. acted in the same manner as the uestionable materials in which voids were numerous. The secondary damage which was mentioned before ( damage by fragmented particles and material ) also tends to increase Only a general test velocity.- with increasing can statement Figures be made since the true impinging velocity is not known. 29,30, and 31 show an excellent example of secondary damage. Other examples are shown in Figures 26, 33, and 40. So far, observations on the mechanisms of erosion not been discussed in this paper. have Finnie's model of micro- in the introduction is possibly machining as mentioned supported in four cases... It should be noted that his model. was based on smaller impingement angles then 90'. However, due to the uncertainty in our testing, it is possible that this damage occurred from particles moving in unknown directions. Figure 34 shows a fragment of metal or silicon carbide which skimmed along the surface machining a groove until it lodged in the specimen. Figures 21 and 39 show a similar -37- occurrence. The foreign lodged article in Figure after the erosion 39 was assumed took lace. to have been In Figure 22, a larger particle could have skimmed from the lower left of the picture, machined a groove, and as it left, formed the large ridge. Figures 23 and 24 are enlargements of this damage. The most revalent form of damage, however, appears to be the pure shearing best examples shearing of this are in Figures can also be seen in Figures 35,36,and shearing of -the sides of the craters.. 39. In Figure 12 it took place. Although the 38, 28, 20, and 10L, 12,15, 18,15,22,25,26,27, can be seen how cleanly In the lower left corner, the the voids were undisturbed during the shearing process. Another very interesting occurrence is the appearance of fibrous material in the bottom of the craters. This looks very similar to the exposed surface of a ductile material after a tensile fracture. effect in decreasing Figures 38,22,20, and 10 show this clarity as do many of the other pictures listed above that show erosion in the shear mode. Several other infrequent occurrences may also be noted. Figure 16 shows a small particle which imbedded in the surface of the specimen. size of the Two fragments of the surface, equal to the article, have been almost broken loose. If the particle had had more energy, possible both the fragments and the particle would have left the surface and the resultant crater would have been similar to that in Figure 12. -38- Another interesting case specimen's edge is Figure 27 where the right crater ( bright white lines ). on the The crater itself is cold worked and many voids have been formed. fluid-like flow aeared is Also, no to take place in any of the cases, as had been previously reported by Sherman.ll Finally, no difference was observed in the erosion characteristics of the different materials. However, until the mechanisms of erosion are more fully understood, observing the effects of impacts in different materials cannot accurately predict their espective erosion characteristics. reason, no conclusion For this is drawn as to the superiority metal over another. -39- of one Conclusions As a result of the 90 ° single particle impingement tests performed, the following conclusions may be drawn. The rimary mechanism of this erosion 'appears to be pure shear.. Uncertainties caused by secondary damage from both the specimen and the apparatus cloud the results of rotating arm erosion tests. Until the mechanisms of erosion are more fully understood, the analysis of materials should be done by more conventional erosion testing rather than by single particle impingement tests. -40- BibliograPhy 1. Tilly, G., "Erosion Caused by Airborne Particles," Wear, Vol.14, 1969,pp.63-79. 2. Smeltzer,C., Gulden,M., and Compton,W., "Mechanisms of Metal Removal by Impacting Dust Particles", ASME, Paper No. 69-!dA/MET-8. 3. Bitter,J., "A Study of Erosion Phenomena, Wear, Vol.6, 1963,pp.5-21. Parts I and II," 4. Heymann, F., "Erosion by Liquids", Machine Design, DecemberlO, 1970, ppll7-124. 5. Neilson, J., and Gilchrist,A., "n Experimental Investigation into Aspects of Erosion in Rocket Motor Tail Nozzles", Wear, Vol. 11, 1968,pp. 123-143. 6. Sheldon, G., and Finnie, I., "The Mechanism of Material Removal in the Erosive Cutting of Brittle Materials", Journal of Engineering for Industry, Nov. 1966, pp.393-400. 7. Finnie, Iain, "The Mechanism of Erosion of Ductile Metals", 1958, pp.527-532. 8. Finnie, Iain, "Erosion of Surfaces by Solid Particles", Wear, Vol.3, 1960, pp. 87-103. 9. Sheldon,G., and Finnie, I., "On the Ductile Behavior of Nominally Brittle Materials During Erosive Cutting", Journal of Engineering for Industry, Nov. 1966, pp.387-392. l0.Sheldon,G., "Similarities and Differences in the Erosion Behavior-of Materials", SME, Paper No. 69-WA/Met-7. ll.Sherman,Charles, "Wear of Metallic Surfaces by Particle Impingement", Unpublished Thesis,M.I.T., Jan., 1971. -41-