Boston College Libraries Journal Policy Survey, April 2012 The chart below indicates the policies of journals surveyed in Biology. The list of individual journals and their policies, is included on the attached spreadsheet. Our goal was to determine which versions of an author’s article could be deposited in an institutional repository, such as eScholarship@BC, without asking the publisher’s permission or paying a fee. Among 17 journals surveyed, 15 allowed some version to be deposited; only 2 allowed no deposit at all. Definitions: Preprint version is the author's original submitted manuscript prior to peer-review. Postprint version is the final submitted manuscript including changes made during peer-review. Publisher's pdf is the final formatted article as it appears in the journal. Biology Journals 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Boston College Libraries Journal Policy Survey, April 2012 The chart below indicates the policies of journals surveyed in Chemistry. The list of individual journals and their policies is included on the attached spreadsheet. Our goal was to determine which versions of an author’s article could be deposited in an institutional repository, such as eScholarship@BC, without asking the publisher’s permission or paying a fee. Among 31 journals surveyed, 18 allowed authors to deposit some version of their article in their institutional repository. Thirteen journals either did not allow deposit or their policies were not stated and would, therefor, require an inquiry. Definitions: Preprint version is the author's original submitted manuscript prior to peer-review. Postprint version is the final submitted manuscript including changes made during peer-review. Publisher's pdf is the final formatted article as it appears in the journal. Chemistry Journals 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Boston College Libraries Journal Policy Survey, April 2012 The chart below indicates the policies of journals surveyed in Classical Studies. The list of individual journals and their policies, is detailed on the attached spreadsheet. Our goal was to determine which versions of an author’s article could be deposited in an institutional repository, such as eScholarship@BC, without asking the publisher’s permission or paying a fee. Among the 13 journals surveyed, 9 allowed some version to be deposited; only 4 allowed no deposit at all. Definitions: Preprint version is the author's original submitted manuscript prior to peer-review. Postprint version is the final submitted manuscript including changes made during peer-review. Publisher's pdf is the final formatted article as it appears in the journal. Classical Studies Journals 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Boston College Libraries Journal Policy Survey, April 2012 The chart below indicates the policies of journals surveyed in Communications. The list of individual journals and their policies, is detailed on the attached spreadsheet. Our goal was to determine which versions of an author’s article could be deposited in an institutional repository, such as eScholarship@BC, without asking the publisher’s permission and without paying a fee. Among the 20 journals surveyed, all allowed authors to deposit some version of their article in their institutional repository. Definitions: Preprint version is the author's original submitted manuscript prior to peer-review. Postprint version is the final submitted manuscript including changes made during peer-review. Publisher's pdf is the final formatted article as it appears in the journal. Communications Journal Policies 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Boston College Libraries Journal Policy Survey, April 2012 The chart below indicates the policies of journals surveyed in Computer Science. The list of individual journals and their policies is included on the attached spreadsheet. Our goal was to determine which versions of an author’s article could be deposited in an institutional repository, such as eScholarship@BC, without asking the publisher’s permission or paying a fee. Among 25 journals surveyed, all allowed authors to deposit some version of their article in their institutional repository. Definitions: Preprint version is the author's original submitted manuscript prior to peer-review. Postprint version is the final submitted manuscript including changes made during peer-review. Publisher's pdf is the final formatted article as it appears in the journal. Computer Science Journals 25 20 15 10 5 0 Boston College Libraries Journal Policy Survey, April 2012 The chart below indicates the policies of journals surveyed in Business and Management. The list of individual journals and their policies is included on the attached spreadsheet. Our goal was to determine which versions of an author’s article could be deposited in an institutional repository, such as eScholarship@BC, without asking the publisher’s permission or paying a fee. Among 12 journals surveyed, all allowed authors to deposit some version of their article in their institutional repository. Definitions: Preprint version is the author's original submitted manuscript prior to peer-review. Postprint version is the final submitted manuscript including changes made during peer-review. Publisher's pdf is the final formatted article as it appears in the journal. CSOM Business/Management Journals 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Boston College Libraries Journal Policy Survey, April 2012 The chart below indicates the policies of journals surveyed in Earth and Environmental Sciences. The list of individual journals and their policies is included on the attached spreadsheet. Our goal was to determine which versions of an author’s article could be deposited in an institutional repository, such as eScholarship@BC, without asking the publisher’s permission or paying a fee. Among 19 journals surveyed, 15 allowed authors to deposit some version of their article in their institutional repository; only 4 allowed no deposit at all. Definitions: Preprint version is the author's original submitted manuscript prior to peer-review. Postprint version is the final submitted manuscript including changes made during peer-review. Publisher's pdf is the final formatted article as it appears in the journal. Earth & Environment Journals 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Boston College Libraries Journal Policy Survey, April 2012 The chart below indicates the policies of journals surveyed in Economics. The list of individual journals and their policies is included on the attached spreadsheet. Our goal was to determine which versions of an author’s article could be deposited in an institutional repository, such as eScholarship@BC, without asking the publisher’s permission or paying a fee. Among 29 journals surveyed, all but one allowed authors to deposit some version of their article in their institutional repository. Definitions: Preprint version is the author's original submitted manuscript prior to peer-review. Postprint version is the final submitted manuscript including changes made during peer-review. Publisher's pdf is the final formatted article as it appears in the journal. Economics Journals 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Boston College Libraries Journal Policy Survey, April 2012 The chart below indicates the policies of journals surveyed in Education. The list of individual journals and their policies is included on the attached spreadsheet. Our goal was to determine which versions of an author’s article could be deposited in an institutional repository, such as eScholarship@BC, without asking the publisher’s permission or paying a fee. Among 23 journals surveyed, all allowed authors to deposit some version of their article in their institutional repository. Definitions: Preprint version is the author's original submitted manuscript prior to peer-review. Postprint version is the final submitted manuscript including changes made during peer-review. Publisher's pdf is the final formatted article as it appears in the journal. Education Journals 25 20 15 10 5 0 Boston College Libraries Journal Policy Survey, April 2012 The chart below indicates the policies of journals surveyed in English. The list of individual journals and their policies is included on the attached spreadsheet. Our goal was to determine which versions of an author’s article could be deposited in an institutional repository, such as eScholarship@BC, without asking the publisher’s permission or paying a fee. Among 26 journals surveyed, all but one allowed authors to deposit some version of their article in their institutional repository. Definitions: Preprint version is the author's original submitted manuscript prior to peer-review. Postprint version is the final submitted manuscript including changes made during peer-review. Publisher's pdf is the final formatted article as it appears in the journal. English Journals 25 20 15 10 5 0 Boston College Libraries Journal Policy Survey, April 2012 The chart below indicates the policies of journals surveyed in German Studies. The list of individual journals and their policies is included on the attached spreadsheet. Our goal was to determine which versions of an author’s article could be deposited in an institutional repository, such as eScholarship@BC, without asking the publisher’s permission or paying a fee. Among 20 journals surveyed, 9 allowed authors to deposit some version of their article in their institutional repository. Eleven journals either did not allow deposit or their policies were not stated and would, therefor, require an inquiry. Definitions: Preprint version is the author's original submitted manuscript prior to peer-review. Postprint version is the final submitted manuscript including changes made during peer-review. Publisher's pdf is the final formatted article as it appears in the journal. German Studies Journals 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Boston College Libraries Journal Policy Survey, April 2012 The chart below indicates the policies of journals surveyed in Mathematics. The list of individual journals and their policies is included on the attached spreadsheet. Our goal was to determine which versions of an author’s article could be deposited in an institutional repository, such as eScholarship@BC, without asking the publisher’s permission or paying a fee. Among 23 journals surveyed, all but one allowed authors to deposit some version of their article in their institutional repository. Definitions: Preprint version is the author's original submitted manuscript prior to peer-review. Postprint version is the final submitted manuscript including changes made during peer-review. Publisher's pdf is the final formatted article as it appears in the journal. Mathematics Journals 25 20 15 10 5 0 Boston College Libraries Journal Policy Survey, April 2012 The chart below indicates the policies of journals surveyed in Nursing. The list of individual journals and their policies is included on the attached spreadsheet. Our goal was to determine which versions of an author’s article could be deposited in an institutional repository, such as eScholarship@BC, without asking the publisher’s permission or paying a fee. Among 9 journals surveyed, all allowed authors to deposit some version of their article in their institutional repository. Definitions: Preprint version is the author's original submitted manuscript prior to peer-review. Postprint version is the final submitted manuscript including changes made during peer-review. Publisher's pdf is the final formatted article as it appears in the journal. Nursing Journals 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Boston College Libraries Journal Policy Survey, April 2012 The chart below indicates the policies of journals surveyed in Philosophy. The list of individual journals and their policies is included on the attached spreadsheet. Our goal was to determine which versions of an author’s article could be deposited in an institutional repository, such as eScholarship@BC, without asking the publisher’s permission or paying a fee. Among 20 journals surveyed, all but one allowed authors to deposit some version of their article in their institutional repository. Definitions: Preprint version is the author's original submitted manuscript prior to peer-review. Postprint version is the final submitted manuscript including changes made during peer-review. Publisher's pdf is the final formatted article as it appears in the journal. Philosophy Journals 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Boston College Libraries Journal Policy Survey, April 2012 The chart below indicates the policies of journals surveyed in Physics. The list of individual journals and their policies is included on the attached spreadsheet. Our goal was to determine which versions of an author’s article could be deposited in an institutional repository, such as eScholarship@BC, without asking the publisher’s permission or paying a fee. Among 33 journals surveyed, 23 allowed authors to deposit some version of their article in their institutional repository. Ten journals either did not allow deposit or their policies were not stated and would, therefor, require an inquiry. Definitions: Preprint version is the author's original submitted manuscript prior to peer-review. Postprint version is the final submitted manuscript including changes made during peer-review. Publisher's pdf is the final formatted article as it appears in the journal. Physics Journals 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Boston College Libraries Journal Policy Survey, April 2012 The chart below indicates the policies of journals surveyed in Political Science. The list of individual journals and their policies is included on the attached spreadsheet. Our goal was to determine which versions of an author’s article could be deposited in an institutional repository, such as eScholarship@BC, without asking the publisher’s permission or paying a fee. Among 18 journals surveyed, all allowed authors to deposit some version of their article in their institutional repository. Definitions: Preprint version is the author's original submitted manuscript prior to peer-review. Postprint version is the final submitted manuscript including changes made during peer-review. Publisher's pdf is the final formatted article as it appears in the journal. Political Science Journals 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Boston College Libraries Journal Policy Survey, April 2012 The chart below indicates the policies of journals surveyed in Psychology. The list of individual journals and their policies is included on the attached spreadsheet. Our goal was to determine which versions of an author’s article could be deposited in an institutional repository, such as eScholarship@BC, without asking the publisher’s permission or paying a fee. Among 18 journals surveyed, all but one allowed authors to deposit some version of their article in their institutional repository. Definitions: Preprint version is the author's original submitted manuscript prior to peer-review. Postprint version is the final submitted manuscript including changes made during peer-review. Publisher's pdf is the final formatted article as it appears in the journal. Psychology Journals 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Boston College Libraries Journal Policy Survey, April 2012 The chart below indicates the policies of journals surveyed in Romance Languages and Literature. The list of individual journals and their policies is included on the attached spreadsheet. Our goal was to determine which versions of an author’s article could be deposited in an institutional repository, such as eScholarship@BC, without asking the publisher’s permission or paying a fee. Among 16 journals surveyed, all but one allowed authors to deposit some version of their article in their institutional repository. Definitions: Preprint version is the author's original submitted manuscript prior to peer-review. Postprint version is the final submitted manuscript including changes made during peer-review. Publisher's pdf is the final formatted article as it appears in the journal. Romance Language & Lit Journals 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Boston College Libraries Journal Policy Survey, April 2012 The chart below indicates the policies of journals surveyed in Slavic and Eastern Languages. The list of individual journals and their policies is included on the attached spreadsheet. Our goal was to determine which versions of an author’s article could be deposited in an institutional repository, such as eScholarship@BC, without asking the publisher’s permission or paying a fee. Among 14 journals surveyed, all but one allowed authors to deposit some version of their article in their institutional repository. Definitions: Preprint version is the author's original submitted manuscript prior to peer-review. Postprint version is the final submitted manuscript including changes made during peer-review. Publisher's pdf is the final formatted article as it appears in the journal. Slavic & Eastern Language Journals 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Boston College Libraries Journal Policy Survey, April 2012 The chart below indicates the policies of journals surveyed in Social Work. The list of individual journals and their policies is included on the attached spreadsheet. Our goal was to determine which versions of an author’s article could be deposited in an institutional repository, such as eScholarship@BC, without asking the publisher’s permission or paying a fee. Among 20 journals surveyed, all but one allowed authors to deposit some version of their article in their institutional repository. Definitions: Preprint version is the author's original submitted manuscript prior to peer-review. Postprint version is the final submitted manuscript including changes made during peer-review. Publisher's pdf is the final formatted article as it appears in the journal. Social Work Journals 20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Boston College Libraries Journal Policy Survey, April 2012 The chart below indicates the policies of journals surveyed in Sociology. The list of individual journals and their policies is included on the attached spreadsheet. Our goal was to determine which versions of an author’s article could be deposited in an institutional repository, such as eScholarship@BC, without asking the publisher’s permission or paying a fee. Among 20 journals surveyed, all allowed authors to deposit some version of their article in their institutional repository. Definitions: Preprint version is the author's original submitted manuscript prior to peer-review. Postprint version is the final submitted manuscript including changes made during peer-review. Publisher's pdf is the final formatted article as it appears in the journal. Sociology Journals 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Boston College Libraries Journal Policy Survey, April 2012 The chart below indicates the policies of journals surveyed in Theater. The list of individual journals and their policies is included on the attached spreadsheet. Our goal was to determine which versions of an author’s article could be deposited in an institutional repository, such as eScholarship@BC, without asking the publisher’s permission or paying a fee. Among 18 journals surveyed, all allowed authors to deposit some version of their article in their institutional repository. Definitions: Preprint version is the author's original submitted manuscript prior to peer-review. Postprint version is the final submitted manuscript including changes made during peer-review. Publisher's pdf is the final formatted article as it appears in the journal. Theater Journals 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Boston College Libraries Journal Policy Survey, April 2012 The chart below indicates the policies of journals surveyed in Theology. The list of individual journals and their policies is included on the attached spreadsheet. Our goal was to determine which versions of an author’s article could be deposited in an institutional repository, such as eScholarship@BC, without asking the publisher’s permission or paying a fee. Among 16 journals surveyed, 9 allowed authors to deposit some version of their article in their institutional repository. Seven journals either did not allow deposit or their policies were not stated and would, therefor, require an inquiry. Definitions: Preprint version is the author's original submitted manuscript prior to peer-review. Postprint version is the final submitted manuscript including changes made during peer-review. Publisher's pdf is the final formatted article as it appears in the journal. Theology Journals 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Boston College Libraries Journal Policy Survey, April 2012 The chart below indicates the policies of journals surveyed in Theology and Ministry. The list of individual journals and their policies is included on the attached spreadsheet. Our goal was to determine which versions of an author’s article could be deposited in an institutional repository, such as eScholarship@BC, without asking the publisher’s permission or paying a fee. Among 7 journals surveyed, all allowed authors to deposit some version of their article in their institutional repository. Definitions: Preprint version is the author's original submitted manuscript prior to peer-review. Postprint version is the final submitted manuscript including changes made during peer-review. Publisher's pdf is the final formatted article as it appears in the journal. Theology & Ministry Journals 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0