University of Northern Iowa Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminology

University of Northern Iowa
Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Criminology
Master of Arts: Sociology
Outcomes and Competencies
Prepared by the Sociology Faculty
Updated: November 1, 2008
Upon graduation from our program, a sociology major should achieve the following outcomes
and competencies:
Outcome 1: Apply a sociological perspective.
Competency 1.1
Apply sociological concepts and principles to analyze a social situation.
Outcome 2: Evaluate and apply sociological theory.
Competency 2.1
Identify sociological theories and compare and contrast their key concepts
and assumptions.
Competency 2.2
Apply sociological theories to explain social phenomenon or data.
Outcome 3: Design and implement sociological methods.
Competency 3.1
Develop a sociological research project.
Competency 3.2
Describe and apply the principles of ethical practice as a sociologist.
Outcome 4: Engage in critical analysis.
Competency 4.1
Create a critical argument.
Competency 4.2
Identify and evaluate an argument based on its thesis, assumptions and
supporting evidence.
Competency 4.3
Analyze quantitative and qualitative data to test hypotheses or address
research questions.
Outcome 5: Develop and implement professional skills.
Competency 5.1
Give an oral presentation in a professional venue.
Competency 5.2
Write results of a research project in publication-ready format.
Competency 5.3
Develop teaching skills.