The following goals and competencies for the criminology graduate program were... criminology faculty during Fall 2008 and Spring 2009 semesters. Upon... Student Outcomes Assessment Plan

Student Outcomes Assessment Plan
Criminology Graduate Program
Fall 2008/Spring 2009
Goals and Competencies
The following goals and competencies for the criminology graduate program were developed by the
criminology faculty during Fall 2008 and Spring 2009 semesters. Upon completion of the degree
requirements for a Master of Arts degree in criminology, students should be able to:
Goal 1: Develop an understanding of the social construction of crime and societal reactions to crime.
Competency 1.1
Apply criminological concepts and principles to analyze how crime, punishment,
and reactions to crime are influenced by social factors.
Competency 1.2
Identify the macro and micro-level influences related to crime, offenders, victims,
policy and social reactions to crime.
Goal 2: Evaluate and apply criminological theory.
Competency 2.1
Identify criminology theories and compare and contrast their key concepts and
Competency 2.2
Apply theories to explain criminological research findings.
Goal 3: Evaluate and apply social scientific methods.
Competency 3.1
Demonstrate an understanding of the purpose and limitations of research methods.
Competency 3.2
Develop and evaluate a sociology or criminology research project.
Competency 3.3
Describe and apply the principles of ethical practice in conducting research.
Goal 4: Engage in critical analysis.
Competency 4.1
Analyze quantitative and qualitative data to test hypotheses or address research
Competency 4.2
Develop a critical argument about a criminological topic.
Competency 4.3
Conduct an analysis of criminological material.
Goal 5: Engage in intellectual discourse on issues of crime, law, and justice.
Competency 5.1
Critically discuss or present course material in class.
Competency 5.2
Write reaction/analysis papers of class material.
Version: March 21, 2009