MATH 1220, Calculus II, Section 1 MTWH 12:30 - 13:30, JTB 140 Instructor: Mike Shrieve, Office Hours: TBD (in LCB Loft, 4th floor) and by appointment. Course Website:∼shrieve/1220 Dates: Please consult the official academic calendar for any registration or tuition deadlines. The first day of class is Monday, May 13; the last day is Wednesday, July 31. We will not have class Monday, May 27; Thursday, July 4; and Wed, July 24. Text: The textbook is Calculus, by Varberg, Purcell, and Rigdon (9th Edition). The homework will be out of the book, and I would strongly encourage reading the chapters. Prerequisites: C or better in Math 1210 or equivalent. Homework: Homework will be mostly from the book. There will be one assignment per week, due each Monday. I will announce the problems in class, and post them to the course website. Quizzes:: There will be a 10 minute quiz each Thursday (unless there is a midterm). I will drop your lowest two quiz scores. Midterms: There will be 2 one hour midterm exams on Thursday, June 6 and Wednesday, July 3. Final: The final exam will be comprehensive and will take place Friday, August 2, 12:30 - 14:30, in our usual room. Calculators: No calculators of any kind will be allowed on quizzes or exams. Grading: Grades will be available to view on Canvas. Please check to make sure your grades are accurately entered, and hold on to graded assignments at least until you verify that Canvas shows the correct grade. Let me know as soon as possible if you spot a mistake. The final grades will be calculated as follows: quizzes: 15%, homework: 15%, midterms: 40%, and final: 30%. I will use the normal grading scale: 93-100 is an A, 90-92 A-, 87-89 B+, 83-86 B, 80-82 B-, etc. Depending what the class grades look like at the end of the semester, I may curve them. Grades could only improve after the curve.