Financial Reporting Transaction

Administration and Finance
Information Systems Management
Transaction Reports
FI026 – Operating Ledger Transaction Report………………………………………..4
FI026A – Advanced Op Ledger Transaction Report………………………………….7
FI027 – Balance Sheet Transaction Report………………………………………….12
FI030 – Encumbrance Ledger Transaction Report………………………………….14
FI040 – Operating Ledger Transaction Report by FOP……………………………..17
FI040A - Advanced Operating Ledger Transaction Report by FOP………………19
FI045 – Monthly Ledger Transaction Report…………………………………………23
Cognos Navigation Tips ………………………………………………………………..32
This training document was developed by and for the use of:
Department of
Administration and Finance Information Systems Management
June 2013
The transaction level reports provide details regarding the activity that has taken place
within the FOP / FOAP. Prudent financial management includes verifying and
reconciling accounts. The transaction level reports aid in that process. Often times
these reports are used to answer questions about specific account events.
Document Prefix Identifiers
In the transaction level reports, the Document ID tied to that transaction is provided.
This doc id allows identification of the type of transaction, the department involved and
the contact person. A reference guide is available on AFISM’s Crosswalks and Code
Charts to aid in understanding the Document ID and in finding the appropriate contact
should questions arise.
The path to this reference tool is:
Raiderlink > A&F Work Tools Tab > AFISM Channel > Crosswalks and Code Charts >
Banner Finance tab > Finance Code Chart > Document Prefix Identifiers FY11
FI0026 – Operating Ledger Transaction Report
This is a simple report. As the name implies, this report is used to gain various information
about accounting transactions that post to the Operating Ledger. Find information about
revenue – budgets, actual revenue and transfers in; expenses – actual and transfers out as well
as encumbrance activity.
Prompt page 1:
This report has a many optional parameters that can be used to narrow the focus of the report.
The only required entry is in the Fiscal Year field. This can be viewed by Org, by FOP, by
Document ID, etc.
*In the account parameter field, the first digit of the account must begin with a 5,6,7,8 or 9 as
these are revenue, salary, expense, transfer and fund additions which will hit the operating
*Tie finance information to payroll by enter a payroll doc id (from HR47) along with
FOP or Org
Chart - This identifies the institution. T =Texas Tech University;
S= Texas Tech University System Administration; H= Texas Tech University Health
Sciences Center
Fiscal Year – Required parameter. This is the academic year, the 12 month period
beginning on September 1 and ending on August 31st
Posting Period- This is a numeric value which represents a month in the fiscal year. 01
= Sept, 02=Oct, 03=Nov etc., 00 is not used by the campus.
Document ID – This is a user-defined or system generated document number
You may enter a doc id found on another report to get details about that
document and can tie information back to payroll
Document Reference Number – An identifier that provides some detail about the
transaction. Enter the trip number from the travel system in this field to look at details for
that travel event.
Fund – This is an accounting code that identified where the money is coming from.
Organization – This is an accounting code that identifies who is spending the money
Account – This is an accounting code that details what the money is being spent on.
Program – This is an accounting code that describes why the money is being spent.
Prompt Page 2
This prompt allows selection of how the data will be sorted. The report, by default will be sorted
by Chart of Account; however other sort options can be selected. One option is required in
order for the report to run. If more than one selection is made, the sort order will match the order
of the choices on the sort list, starting with Chart. For Example: Posting Period, then
Organization and then Program.
The report displays the parameters selected in the boxes below the report title. A section
header (Expense Budgets in the example below) details the information being viewed. The final
row of each section is a summary row of the activity amount. The Expense – Budgets section
should always have a -0- total.
The columns within the report provide the following information:
Chart - This identifies the institution
Fiscal Year –This is the academic year, the 12 month period beginning on September 1
and ending on August 31st
Posting Period- This is a numeric value which represents a month in the fiscal year.
i.e. 01 = Sept, 02=Oct, 03=Nov
Rule Class and Rule Class Description – This is a code and definition of the type of
Transaction Date – the date the event posts to the ledger
Activity Date – the date the transaction is entered into the system (Banner)
Document ID – This is a user-defined or system generated document number
Transaction Amount – the dollar amount of the transaction
Transaction Description – information about the transaction
Document Reference Number - an identifier that provides some detail about the
transaction, useful to search on a travel document.
Fund – This is an accounting code that identified where the money is coming from. This
field is case sensitive and requires upper case values.
Organization – This is an accounting code that identifies who is spending the money
Account – This is an accounting code that details what the money is being spent on.
Program – This is an accounting code that describes why the money is being spent.
Vendor ID – Tech ID for the vendor
Bank – code for the bank that the transaction hit
FI026A – Advanced Operating Ledger Transaction Report
As the title indicates, this is an advanced version of the previous report. The parameter page is
designed to provide more flexibility to the user. The differences include the ability to enter both
Beginning and Ending Fiscal Year, providing support for Grant Reporting. In addition, both the
Beginning and Ending Posting Periods can be entered allowing a focus on specific times.
The option for searching by Fund and Organization vary greatly from the previous version, with
the addition of hierarchal options for both Fund and Organization. The report can be generated
by Fund Category or Fund Class and for multiple funds at one time. For Organization, the
report can be executed at the Division, Area, Organization Department, Org Section or Org
Level. Multiple Org selection is also supported.
Other differences include being able to select one or multiple account codes or to select
Account Type or Transaction Type.
Parameter Page (1)
The top section of the parameter page provides selection of Chart of Account. The Fiscal Year
parameter provides for multi-year view which supports those who work with grants. The other
parameters within the top section are optional. You can enter in a Grant ID to look at just that
grant. To focus on a specific point in time, the beginning and/or ending Posting Periods may
be entered. To look at activity for a specific document, enter the ID of the document (i.e PO or
Budget Document). Document Reference Number can be used to review travel documents,
entering the Trip Number from the Travel Application.
The middle section of the parameter page allows for selecting the Fund and / or Organization
details. Once Chart is selected, the Fund Category and Class and the Organization Department
and Section parameter choices populate. A search box is provided for both Fund and
Organization searching. It is possible to enter all or part of the Fund or Org code for the search.
A second parameter page exists and on this page is the option to run by Division or Area
The final parameter options on the first parameter page allow for selecting Account, Account
Type, Program and / or Transaction Type. Use Ctrl + Click for multi-selection within a
parameter box.
FI026A – Advanced Operating Ledger Transaction Report – Parameter Page (2)
The second parameter page to this report provides for selection of Organization Division or
Organization Area if the data is needed at either of those hierarchical levels. Also provided are
the option to select how the fields will sort within the report. It is possible to select more than
one sort field, sorting will occur in the priority of how they appear within the list from top to
bottom. Finally, an option is provided to select whether or not certain columns appear within the
FI026A – Advanced Operating Ledger Transaction Report Output
The advanced Operating Ledger Transaction Report has these columns which do not display in
the FI026 – Operating Ledger Transaction Report.
PO Number which supports reconciling of accounts
Commodity Name
Grant ID
Grant ID Description
Tracking Payroll Transactions:
When verifying payroll transactions, one method is to use data provided by the FI040, the FI026
or the FI045 Report (Actual Expenses section) and tie that to the HR047 – Payroll Expenditures
and Encumbrances report.
The screen shot below shows the fields from the FI040 report that can be used to cross
reference to the HR047 – Payroll Expenditures and Encumbrance Report so that the payroll and
finance data can be tied together.
Along with the FOP, theDocument ID from the finance report can be entered in
parameter field provided on the HR047 to see only those details.
When comparing a finance report to an HR report, use fields such as Account,
Document ID, Transaction Amount, Transaction Description.
SM in the Transaction description field refers to semi-monthly payroll while MN
refers to montly payroll
FI027 – Balance Sheet Transaction Report
Review transactions that have processed against asset and liability account codes with this
report. This report shows transactions affecting the balance sheet for a Fund and Account. The
report has many parameter options that help to narrow the focus of the report.
Required Parameters: Chart, Beginning and Ending Fiscal Year and Fiscal Period
Optional Parameters: Document ID, Document Reference Number, Fund, Fund Category,
Prompt Page 1:
Prompt Page 2:
By default, the report will sort by Chart. You may keep this option and add others or remove
this option. However, at least one sort option must be selected.
The FI027- Balance Sheet Transaction Report is shown below:
The report is broken down into sections – Assets, Liabilities, Control Accounts.
The details provided include Chart, Fiscal Year and Posting Period, Rule class with Description,
Activity and Transaction Dates, Document ID, Transaction Amount, Transaction Description,
Fund and Account tied to the transaction, the Vendor ID and the Bank that the transaction hit.
Changing Parameters:
To run a report with different parameters, use the link in the upper right as shown below:
FI030 – Encumbrance Ledger Transaction Report
This report provides data about encumbrances, including payment information and current
balances. Check details are also found in this report. The parameter page provides many
options for requesting data. None of the parameters are required. Parameter options include
searching by a specific encumbrance number (PO or PR), by open or closed encumbrance or
both, by Document Reference Number (travel encumbrances), by FOP, by Org, by Vendor
using either the Vendor ID (R number) or by Vendor name.
The report output is in two sections. The top section of the report displays encumbrance
information, including reductions and remaining balances. The bottom section of the report
displays check information.
The screen shot below displays the Encumbrance Section of the Report.
The report displays encumbrances, sorted in alphabetical order. Because there is more than
one type of encumbrance, some of the fields within the report may be blank.
The column titled “Closed” indicates whether the encumbrance is open or closed. The Rule
Class and Rule Class description provide definition about the type of transaction. The
document ID is an identifier that is specific to a transaction or multiple transactions, and is used
to identify the contact person regarding the event. Transaction Description shows some type of
information about the event, such as for travel, the name and destination; for a PO, the vendor
is displayed. The commodity description gives additional details about the event that aid in
identification. The funding FOAP is displayed, followed by Vendor ID, Name and then the bank
that the event hits.
This report doesn’t provide details for a Blanket Purchase Order as this type of PO does not
encumber funds; refer to FI070 – Blanket Order Summary for details regarding this type of PO.
Check Section
Use this report to find the check number for a paid encumbrance and for details such as check
amount and transaction date.
The check information section of the FI030 report is grouped by Check number. Following the
check number is the Encumbrance number, the Encumbrance Item Number, the Requisition
Line Item Number and then the Banner Invoice Number. This information is followed by the
Chart, Fiscal Year, Posting Period, Transaction Date, Amount and Description. The FOAP is
then identified followed by Vendor ID, Vendor Name and Bank.
If the check number begins with an !, the payment was made by direct deposit rather than a check being cut
and sent to the vendor.
FI040 – Operating Ledger Transaction Report by FOP
This report provides the line item details regarding transactions that have occurred within the
Operating Ledger. This is data like that in the FI026 report, except that the Fund, Organization
and Program Codes display within the report header rather than being displayed in columns
within the report. The only required prompt is that of Fiscal Year. Posting Period returns data
for the period selected unless left blank and then all posting periods will be displayed. To view a
specific document (i.e. PO) enter the document number and only data for that document will
display. If entering a payroll doc, enter the FOP or FOAP involved.
This report can be executed at any of the following levels:
Fund – receive data for all FOP’s tied to that Fund
Organization – receive data for all FOP’s tied to that Org
Fund Manager – receive data for all FOP’s belonging to the Fund Mgr
Org Manager – receive data for all FOP’s belong to the Org Mgr
Or, a specific FOP can be entered.
Choose whether Chart , Fiscal Year and Account Description display as columns in the report.
The FI040 – Operating Ledger Transaction Report by FOP displayed below. The report
is sectioned on activity type, below which the FOP is identified. In review of the data,
the Rule class and Rule Class Description identify the type of transaction taking place.
The Doc ID is an identifier that can be used in researching the document used to
complete the transaction. Transaction Description provides more information regarding
the transaction, providing better definition. The Account is followed by Vendor ID and
A summary total is provided at the end of each section.
FI040A – Advanced Op Ledger Transaction Report by FOP
Built on the framework of the FI040 report, this report provides the opportunity to see data at
various levels of Fund and Organization hierarchies. In addition, this report supports grants
reporting as the Year parameter provides both beginning and ending fiscal year entries. Posting
Period parameter provides both beginning and ending entries as well. For details on specific
expenditures, the report provides opportunity to look only at particular Account and Transaction
types. The report allows for focusing on a specific data set that the original version does not
Top section of parameter page, shown below has the fields that were added highlighted.
Display options were added for Rule Class Description, Vendor Name and Grant Description.
Required parameters are Chart of Accounts, Beginning Fiscal Year and Ending Fiscal Year. All
others are optional.
The additional Fund parameters on the FI040A report are:
Fund Category, Fund Class and Fund Search
 Fund Category and Class parameters populate based upon the Chart of Accounts
 Fund Category and Class parameters have multi-select functionality, supported with
the control + click action.
 The Fund search provides the ability to search by the first few characters of the fund
code and pull in the funds tied to that entry. It is possible to search on more than one
Fund, pulling desired Funds from all searches into the Choice box.
The additional Organization parameters on the FI040A report are:
Organization Department, Organization Section and Organization Search
 These function like Fund parameters described above
The Account parameters on the FI040 are:
Account and Account Type
 The Account parameter supports multi-select functionality
 The Account Type allows to select specific type of data
Additional Parameters on the FI040:
 This parameter supports multi-select functionality
Type of Transaction
 Allows to eliminate unnecessary data
Sort order allows selecting which field displays first within the report. If multiple fields are
selected, sort order will be based upon display order within the list. For example if both Posting
Period and Organization are selected, output will display posting period first followed by
Report output:
The report displays by FOP by and is sectioned by Type of Transaction. As shown below, there
is a section for Actual Expense and Encumbrances. There could also be sections for other
transaction types such as Expense – Budgets.
Both Activity Date and Transaction Date display in this report. Activity Date refers to the date
the transaction was actually keyed into the Banner System while the Transaction Date refers to
the date the transaction became effective.
FI045 – Monthly Ledger Report
This is basically 4 reports in one. A parameter selection allows viewing one or all – Revenue
and Expense Budget Summary, Detail Transaction Report – Monthly, Total Actual Revenues
and Expenses by Budget Pool and Account and the Open Items Report. This report was
designed to use in reconciliation of accounts.
All parameter are required for the execution of this report. Notice that the Select Desired
Reports allows option of executing one or more reports. Use Control + Click action or “Select
All” for indicating which report(s) to execute.
The “Select Run Options” parameter is where it is indicated if the report is to be executed at the
Fund Manager, Organization Manager or FOP level. Once the option is selected in this choice
box, additional parameter page(s) display, based upon the Run Option selected.
The additional parameter pages are introduced on the following pages.
Fund Manager Option (2nd Parameter Page):
 Search on last name of Fund Manager, click on desired person in Choice box
 Select Back to return to previous parameter page
 Select Next to choose Fund(s) and add Organization(s) and Program(s), if desired
Fund Manager Option (3rd Parameter Page):
 Select the funds for the report from the box at the top of the page
 Enter one or more Organization Codes, if desired
 Enter one or more Program Codes, if desired
Organization Manager Option (2nd Parameter Page):
 Search on last name of Orgn Manager, click on desired person in Choice box
 Select Back to return to previous parameter page
 Select Next to choose Organization(s) and add Fund (s) and Program(s), if desired
Organization Manager Option (3rd Parameter Page):
 Select the funds for the report from the box at the top of the page
 Enter one or more Organization Codes, if desired
 Enter one or more Program Codes, if desired
Fund, Organization and / or Program Option (2nd Parameter Page):
 Enter desired code(s) in box on the left and click insert to move to the Choice box on the
 Control + Click to choose desired code(s) or use the “Select all” link to choose all.
As a reminder, not all fields above have to have entries.
 Enter a Fund code, all FOPs tied to it will display
 Enter an Organization code, then all FOPs tied to it will display
 If a Fund – Org combination is entered, all FOPs tied to it will display
FI045 – Revenue and Expense Budget Summary
The report output provides a Summary of the activity – Revenue Budget Summary or Expense
Budget Summary. The output below shows summary information for a FOP that is both
Revenue and Expense. It is possible to receive only the Expense Summary for a FOP as not all
FOPs have revenue budgeted.
The report details both Revenue and Expenses for both Current Month and Year to Date. Grant
Incept to Date figures, if applicable, are provided. The Revenue Budget Summary section
provides details regarding revenue for the month and for the year to date as well as an Over /
Under recognized amount while the Expense Budget Summary shows any open encumbrances
and an uncommitted budget amount.
FI045 – Detail Transaction Report – Monthly
The report displays budget pool activity by FOP. If there was no activity within the FOP for the
time period entered, the Beginning Expense Budget will be displayed and will be the ending
budget as well.
When activity has occurred, the document ID for that activity, the transaction date, Vendor
name, Account Code, Description of Transaction, Document Reference number and amount are
shown. The first row within the budget pool details provides the Beginning Expense Budget or
Beginning Expenses Actual while the last row provides Expense Budget, Actual or
FI045 - Total Actual Revenues and Expenses by Budget Pool and Account
As shown below, the report is sectioned by Revenue / Expense and grouped by Budget Pool.
The total revenue / expense for each Account within the budget pool is provided. These
amounts are summarized first by Budget Pool and then Totaled for Revenue and for Expense.
FI045 – Open Items Report
The report shows the status of encumbrances for a FOP, with a page break on each FOP.
Within the FOP, the information is grouped by Budget Pool. Details about the encumbrance are
provided for recognition, with the outstanding amount displayed in the final column. The final
row of the report shows that Total Dollar Amount of Encumbrances outstanding for the FOP. If
an encumbrance has been closed, it will display with a -0- balance.
If no open items exist for the FOP, the following message will display:
Action Column in Cognos – Run with Options
The column on the right of the page has some options that may be beneficial when running a
Options window.
Clicking on the blue triangle
will open the Run with
Select Report Format
The default format of a report is HTML. To change to another format, open the drop down box
shown below and select the desired output. Click Run.
Choices shown below are 1) View the report now 2) Print the report or 3) Send me the report by
email. If you select to Print the report, you will be directed to select the printer.
If you select “email the report to me”, an overview of your input will be provided once you have
selected the desired output. Click OK and the report will be generated.
Schedule Report Run Time
Within the “Run with Options” window is a link titled “advanced options”. Click on the link.
In the window that opens, select the time and mode for running the report. If run in the
background and later are selected, the date and time for running the report must be selected.
Follow steps 1 – 3 as detailed below.
When “Run in the background” is selected, the following selections will appear. Check inside
the box to the left of desired delivery.
To the right of the delivery selection is an “Edit the options….link. This will open a window that
requests information about where the report view is saved (i.e. My folders) or information about
the email address and whether the report is to be attached to the email or a link to the report is
within an email.
Click RUN at the bottom of the window when selections are complete.
Setting My Preferences
In the upper right corner of Cognos Connection is a drop down box with a choice “My
Preferences”. This link accesses an area to personalize the portal.
Within this section, it is possible to:
 Change the number of entries in a list view – so the user does not have to arrow over to
more pages
 Separators and style of separators in a list view can be selected
 Style can be selected – this changes the colors in which Cognos appears
 The default report format can be selected
 The welcome page can be removed from display.
The middle section allows the Portal view to be set to either a List or Detail style and if Details is
selected, the number of columns in the view is also selected here.
Select OK at the bottom of the page once selections are made.
In the upper right section of Cognos Connection is a tool bar with icons:
selects a list view for reports
selects a detail view for reports
is for creating a new folder in “My Folders”
is for ordering items in “My Folders
Changing Formats after Running a Report
After a report has run, the format can be changed by clicking the drop down box in the upper
right as detailed below. In the drop down box, the desired format is selected and if Excel is
selected, the second box will open and the Format of Excel should be selected.
Note** Not all systems are compatible to use Excel format. See AFISM knowledge base for
information on how to run a report in Excel format. Short term workaround is to depress the
control key prior to select excel format and holding it down until the spreadsheet is opened.
Note*** CSV format is excel without all headers. This format is useful when data manipulation
is needed.
Add a report to My Folders
This allows the report to be run from the “My Folders” tab, saving some clicks along the way.
This action must be completed once the report has been run. To do this, click on the drop down
Add this report and select Add to My Folders:
Provide a name if desired and make sure that My Folder is the selected location. Select Finish.
To run the report, click on the shortcut in My Folders:
Creating sub-folders within “My Folders”
Click on “My Folders” tab. The toolbar in the upper right corner has a folder icon
, click on it.
In the window that opens, provide a name for the sub-folder that is being created. Click Finish.