Faculty of Business Administration 177 Faculty of Business Administration 3302 Lohn Building, (604) 291-3708 Tel, (604) 291-4920 Fax, www.bus.sfu.ca Dean (to be announced) Associate Deans L.N. Meredith BA, MA, PhD (S Fraser) B.H. Reich BA, MSc, PhD (Br Col) Professors Emeriti P.L. Cheng BS (Natnl Chiao Tung), MA (Missouri), PhD (Wis) L.D. Etherington BEd (Alta), MBA, PhD (Wash) J.P. Herzog BS, PhD (Calif) R.A. Holmes BA, MA (Sask), PhD (Indiana) B. Schoner BEng (McG), MBA (W Ont), PhD (Stan) S.J. Shapiro AB (Harv), MBA, PhD (Penn) M.N. Stark, QC, BA, LLB (Br Col) Ming and Stella Wong Endowed Chair, Professor in International Business R.L. Tung BA (York), MBA, PhD (Br Col), FRS(C) Professors E.U. Choo BSc (Nan), MSc, PhD (Br Col) P.M. Clarkson BSc (Trent), BA (WOnt), BCom, MBA (Windsor), PhD (Br Col) D.R. Finley BS (Harding), MA, PhD (American, DC), CPA R.R. Grauer BCom, MBA (Br Col), PhD (Calif) C.E. Love BEng, MBA (McM), PhD (Lond) G.A. Mauser BA, PhD (Calif) L.N. Meredith BA, MA, PhD (S Fraser) L.T. Pinfield BSc (Leeds), MS (Carnegie Tech), PhD (Stan) G. Poitras BA (Dal), MA (McM), MPhil, PhD (Col) D.M. Shapiro BA (Calg), MA, PhD (C’nell) R.L. Tung BA (York), MBA, PhD (Br Col), FRS(C) A.R. Vining LLB (London), MBA, MPP, PhD (Calif) J.H. Waterhouse BSc, MBA (Alta), PhD (Wash) W.C. Wedley BCom (Br Col), MBA, PhD (Col) M.N. Wexler BA (McG), MA (WOnt), PhD (York, Can) R.G. Wyckham BA, MBA (WOnt), PhD (Mich State) J.L. Zaichkowsky BHE (Br Col), MSc (Guelph), PhD (Calif) Associate Professors M.F. Abdel Magid BCom (Alexandria), MSc, PhD (Ill) A. Bick BSc, MSc (Tel Aviv), MBA (Jerusalem), PhD (Calif) G.W. Blazenko BA (S Fraser), MA (WOnt), PhD, (Br Col) E.W. Bukszar, Jr. BA (J Carroll), MBA, PhD (Arizona) G.R. Bushe BA (C’dia), PhD (Case W Reserve) C.P. Egri BCom, MSc, PhD (Br Col) C.E.N. Emby BCom (Manit), MBA (Br Col), PhD (Alta), CA A.M.G. Gelardi Cert in Educ (Keele), MSc (Miami, Fla), PhD (Arizona), CA I.M. Gordon BA, MA, PhD (S Fraser), CGA J.W. Heaney BA, MSc (Sask), MA, PhD (S Fraser), PhD (Alta) R.D. Iverson BA, MA (Monash), PhD (Iowa) D.C. Parker BCom, MBA (Calg), PhD (WOnt) J.G. Richards BA (Sask), BA (Camb), MA, PhD (Wash, Mo) B.H. Reich BA, MSc, PhD (Br Col) R.W. Schwindt AB, PhD (Calif)* J.P. Sheppard BS (Penn State), MBA (Indiana), PhD (Wash) C.F. Smart BCom, MBA, PhD (Br Col) D.C. Thomas BSc (Appalachian State), MBA (N Carolina), PhD (S Carolina) A.R. Warburton BA (Br Col), MSc (Montr), PhD (Br Col) Assistant Professors N.A.R. Abramson BA (Sask), MA, MBA, PhD (WOnt) M.J. Brydon BEng, MEng (RMC) C.M. Collins-Dodd BCom, PhD (Alta) M. Favere-Marchesi BSc, MAcc (Brigham Young), PhD (S Calif), CPA J.N.P. Francis BSc (WI), MBA (York), PhD (Wash) A.C. Gemino BA, MA, MBA (S Fraser), PhD (Br Col) D.R. Hannah BCom (Br Col), PhD (Tex) J. Jermias BA (Indonesia), MAcctg, PhD (Wat) P.C. Klein BSc, LLB, MBA (WOnt), PhD (Tor), CFA R. Krider BSc, MSc, PhD (Br Col) B.A. Lautsch BA (Regina), MIR (Qu), PhD (MIT) N. MacKay BMath, MASc (Wat), PhD (Cant) E.M.A. Maine BA, BSc (Qu), SM (MIT), PhD (Camb) H. Merchant BCom (Bom), MBA (Clarion), PhD (Purdue) A.D. Pavlov BSc (Sonoma), MBA (Thunderbird), MA, PhD (Calif) C.D. Zatzick BA, PhD (Calif) Adjunct Professors A. Svendsen, BA, MA (Br Col) R.C. Wilband, MBA (S Fraser), CGA Z.G. Zhang BSc, MA (Nankai, China), MBA (York), PhD (Wat) Senior Lecturers A. Duncan, BA (Qu), MBA (York, Can), CA M.R. Fizzell BEd, BComm, MSc (Sask), CMA Lecturers D.L. Patient LLB (Lond), MBA (Br Col) K.G. Stewart BA (McM), MA (Br Col) R.A. Yates LLB, MBA (Br Col) Instructors J.C-W. Chang BA, MEng (C’nell) C.E. Zietsma BA (W Laur), MBA (S Fraser) *joint appointment with economics Undergraduate Degrees Offered Bachelor of Business Administration (Honors) Bachelor of Business Administration Programs Offered BBA – General Program Major in Business Administration Joint Major in Business Administration and Communication Joint Major in Business Administration and Economics Joint Major in Business Administration and Geography Joint Major in Information Systems in Business Administration and Computing Science Joint Major in Business and Latin American Studies Joint Major in Business Administration and Psychology BBA – Honors Program Honors in Business Administration Joint Honors in Business Administration and Economics Ms. M. Czornobay, undergraduate program advisor, 2391 Lohn Building, (604) 291-3747 Tel, (604) 291-5571 Fax, www.bus.sfu.ca/ugrad Introduction The faculty offers honors, major and minor programs, in co-operation with the Faculties of Applied Sciences and Arts. The faculty also offers joint programs. For a complete list, please see Programs Offered above. The value of a broadly based education is emphasized. Because of this objective, students will take mainly non-business courses during the first 60 hours, completing three categories of courses. The first category consists of lower division requirements. These are mainly tool courses to prepare for more advanced upper division business courses. The second category consists of group requirements which roughly correspond to humanities, social sciences and sciences. In the third category, students choose courses based on intellectual interest or usefulness in achieving academic goals. The first two categories should be completed during the first 60 hours of the degree program. The University Calendar in effect at the time the student’s honors or major is approved establishes the degree requirements for the graduation of that student. All students should confirm with the undergraduate program co-ordinator the details of the requirements. Admission Information Criteria Students will be selected competitively from one of four streams. Category 1 – direct from secondary school A portion of the annual admission will be selected from secondary school graduates based on the general Simon Fraser University admission requirements plus mathematics 12.* Category 2 – direct from college A portion of the annual admission will be selected from students transferring from community colleges or technical institutes. These students must have completed all of the required lower division courses (except BUS 207 and 254 which may be completed after faculty admission**). Students will be selected competitively based on the Simon Fraser University admission grade point average. Category 3 – all courses at Simon Fraser University A portion of the annual admission will be selected from students who have completed all of their courses at Simon Fraser University including the lower division requirement courses (except BUS 207 and 254 which may be completed after faculty admission**). Students will be selected competitively based on the cumulative grade point average. Undergraduate Programs Category 4 – some SFU and other postsecondary courses Director J.W. Heaney, BA, MSc (Sask), MA, PhD (S Fraser), PhD (Alta) A portion of the annual admission will be selected from students who have completed some courses at Simon Fraser University and some at other postsecondary institutions including the lower division requirement courses (except BUS 207 and 254 which may be completed after faculty admission**). Students will be selected competitively based on a grade point average which will be a combination of grades earned at SFU and other institutions. Advisors Ms. C. Hamblin BA (S Fraser), undergraduate program co-ordinator, 2389 Lohn Building, (604) 291-4624 Tel, (604) 291-5571 Fax 178 Faculty of Business Administration To be considered for admission to the faculty, students in categories 2, 3 and 4 must have completed each lower division requirement course with a minimum C- grade. The number of undergraduate students granted entry to the faculty is limited to 400 to 600 new students per academic year. *or equivalent advanced placement or international baccalaureate courses as listed under General Admission Requirements for British Columbia Secondary Schools. **if BUS 207 and/or 254 have been taken, they will be calculated into the GPA used for admission to the faculty. Application Procedures Students applying under category 1 or 2 should apply to the faculty at the same time that they apply for admission to the University. Students applying under category 3 or 4 should apply to the faculty after completing their 30th credit hour and before completing the 60th credit hour. Students should apply during the semester in which the lower division requirements, as listed below (except BUS 207 and 254) are completed. Students not accepted upon initial application may reapply. Unsuccessful applicants may appeal through the faculty appeals committee. Application Deadlines April 1* for summer semester August 1* for fall semester December 1* for spring semester *application earlier in the semester is recommended Application forms are available in the undergraduate program offices in the second month of each semester. Non-Majors Access to Business Courses Priority in upper division business courses is given to those students who are approved in a business program. (A business program is defined as major, minor, honors and joint programs.) Students are permitted to undertake the lower division business courses without formal faculty admission. Students other than those accepted into a program in business administration may take upper division business administration courses contingent upon • space available at the end of the first week of classes • meeting the prerequisites for the individual course requested First bachelor’s degree candidates in other Simon Fraser University faculties may have specific course requirements modified by the faculty, upon request. General Requirements In addition to the specific requirements for major, minor, honors and joint programs, all students should note the following. In addition to normal university grade point average requirements, the faculty requires for continuance in all programs a minimum CGPA of 2.25 and a minimum CGPA of 2.00 in all business administration courses. For a course to be accepted as fulfilling a prerequisite, or for a lower division requirement, or for a core course to be accepted in a student’s program in business administration, a student must have obtained a minimum grade of C- (C minus). Students with fewer than 60 credit hours may enrol in a maximum of 16 credit hours per semester. Those with 60 credit hours or more may enrol in a maximum of 18 credit hours. Major Program Upper Division Requirements Students must complete at least 120 credit hours which must include a minimum of 50 credit hours outside the Faculty of Business Administration. Courses taken as part of group requirements (see “Group Requirements” below) or non BUS or non BUEC courses taken as part of the lower division requirements may count toward the 50 credit hours outside business administration. In the last 60 credit hours, students must take a minimum of 45 credit hours in upper division courses, of which a minimum of 36 hours must be in business administration or BUEC courses. Lower Division Requirements BUEC 232-3 Elementary Economic and Business Statistics I (or STAT 270) BUS 207-3 Managerial Economics* (or ECON 301) BUS 237-3 Introduction to Computers and Information Systems in Business (or a 200 level CMPT course) BUS 251-3 Financial Accounting I BUS 254-3 Managerial Accounting I* BUS 272-3 Behavior in Organizations ECON 103-3 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 105-3 Principles of Macroeconomics MATH 157-3 Calculus for the Social Sciences I (or MATH 151 or 154) and two of ENGL 101-3 Introduction to Fiction ENGL 102-3 Introduction to Poetry ENGL 103-3 Introduction to Drama ENGL 104-3 Introduction to Prose Genres ENGL 105-3 Introduction to Issues in Literature and Culture ENGL 199-3 Introduction to University Writing PHIL 001-3 Critical Thinking PHIL 100-3 Knowledge and Reality PHIL 120-3 Introduction to Moral Philosophy *courses with an asterisk (BUS 207 and 254) may be completed following admission to the faculty. Note: students planning to major in business administration are advised to take BUEC 333 Elementary Economic and Business Statistics II in the first 60 credit hours (see regulations below governing upper division courses taken in lower level). Group Requirements To satisfy the three group requirements (groups A, B and C), students must complete the following. Group A Students must complete four courses from at least two departments from the following: contemporary arts, English, general studies, history, humanities, languages, linguistics, philosophy. Group B Students must complete four courses from at least two departments from the following: archaeology, Asia-Canada, Canadian studies, communication, criminology, economics, education, geography (excluding all physical geography courses), gerontology, Latin American studies, political science, psychology, sociology and anthropology, women’s studies. Group C Students must complete two courses from the following: biochemistry, biological sciences, chemistry, computing science, earth sciences, kinesiology, mathematics, physical geography: GEOG 111, 112, 213, 214, 215, 311, 313, 314, 315, 317, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, physics, statistics Note: courses selected to meet the group requirements may be upper or lower division and need not be completed prior to application to the faculty. The 36 upper division credit hours in business administration must include the following. • all core courses (see Core Courses below) • an area of concentration (see Areas of Concentration below) • at least three 400 division BUS or BUEC courses (excluding practicum courses and BUS 478). These courses may count toward the requirements for the area(s) of concentration. Further upper division courses in any discipline must be completed to bring the total upper division credit to 45 credit hours minimum. Students may not register in upper division (300 and 400 level) business administration courses before completing the first 60 lower division credit hours, with two exceptions: • approved business majors and minors may take upper division BUS courses after the completion of 45 credit hours • all students may take BUEC 333 before completion of 60 credit hours Any 300 or 400 division course taken before the completion of 60 credit hours will not count as fulfilling the 45 upper division credit hours required in the final 60 hours of the program, or as part of the upper division hours for the major or minor. Core Courses Students majoring in business administration are required to complete all of BUEC 333-3 Elementary Economic and Business Statistics II BUS 303-3 Business, Society and Ethics BUS 312-4 introduction to Finance BUS 336-4 Management Science BUS 343-3 Introduction to Marketing BUS 360-3 Business Communication BUS 393-3 Commercial Law BUS 478-3 Seminar in Administrative Policy and one of BUS 374-3 Organization Theory BUS 381-3 Introduction to Human Resource Management It is recommended that students complete BUS 360 before their 75th credit hour. Areas of Concentration Students must complete a concentration within one or more of the following areas by completing the courses specified below. Accounting BUS 251-3 Financial Accounting I BUS 254-3 Managerial Accounting I BUS 319-3 Integrative Financial and Managerial Accounting BUS 320-3 Financial Accounting: Assets BUS 321-3 Financial Accounting: Equities BUS 421-3 Accounting Theory BUS 424-3 Managerial Accounting II Finance BUS 312-4 Introduction to Finance BUS 315-4 Investments BUS 316-3 Derivative Securities and two of BUS 410-3 Financial Institutions BUS 413-4 Corporate Finance BUS 418-3 International Financial Management Faculty of Business Administration 179 International Business Honors Program BUS 346-3 International Business BUS 380-3 Comparative Management BUS 435-3 Management of International Firms After the completion of 15 upper division business administration credit hours, students can apply to enter the honors program. Both the CGPA and GPA for upper division BUS and BUEC courses must be at least 3.00 (or 3.50 for honors first class) for entry into and continuance in the honors program. and two of BUS 418-3 International Financial Management BUS 431-3 Business with East Asian Countries BUS 432-3 International Human Resources Management BUS 447-3 International Marketing Management Other upper division courses deemed to have significant international business relevance may, with prior faculty permission, be substituted for the above courses. These may be offered in another faculty. Note: students concentrating in international business are strongly advised to consider combining it with another business concentration. Management and Organization Studies two of BUEC 384-3 Industrial Relations BUS 374-3 Organization Theory BUS 381-3 Introduction to Human Resource Management and two of BUEC 485-3 Collective Bargaining BUS 432-3 International Human Resources Management BUS 472-3 Seminar in Organizational Behavior BUS 481-3 Human Resource Planning and Staffing BUS 482-3 Reward Systems and Employee Development BUS 484-3 Workplace Industrial Relations BUS 487-3 Organizational Development and Change BUS 488-3 Human Relations in Business Management Information Systems BUS 362-4 Information Analysis and Systems Design BUS 364-3 Information Systems in Organizations and Society BUS 468-3 Management Issues in Information Systems and one of CMPT 110-3 Event Driven Programming in Visual Basic CMPT 117-3 Internet Programming Using JAVA and two of BUS 462-4 Management Support Systems BUS 466-3 Managing Data Communications BUS 490-496-3 Selected Topics courses Management Science BUS 336-4 Management Science BUS 473-4 Operations Management and two of BUEC 433-5 Forecasting in Business and Economics BUS 437-3 Decision Analysis in Business BUS 440-4 Simulation in Management Decision Making BUS 445-3 Analysis of Data for Management BUS 462-4 Management Support Systems Marketing BUS 343-3 Introduction to Marketing BUS 347-3 Consumer Behavior BUS 442-3 Introduction to Marketing Research and two of* BUS 344-3 Business to Business Marketing BUS 445-3 Analysis of Data for Management BUS 446-4 Marketing Strategy BUS 447-3 International Marketing Management BUS 448-4 Advertising and Sales Promotion BUS 449-3 Marketing and Society *at least one of these must be selected from 344, 446, or 447 Honors students must meet all major program requirements. The honors program requires 12 credit hours of 400 division courses beyond the 120 hours required for the major degree. These hours must be in 400 division BUS or BUEC courses or in other faculties that are approved by the area co-ordinator. These 12 credit hours are in addition to those required for the area of concentration and core course requirements for the major program. Approvals in advance by the area co-ordinator and the faculty are required for these 12 credit hours. In the student's upper level (normally the last 72 hours of the honors program), the student must take a minimum of 57 upper division credit hours, of which 42 must be in BUS or BUEC courses. Minor Program Lower Division Requirements BUEC 232-3 Elementary Economic and Business Statistics I (or STAT 270) BUS 237-3 Introduction to Computers and Information Systems in Business (or a 200 level CMPT course) BUS 251-3 Financial Accounting I BUS 254-3 Managerial Accounting I* BUS 272-3 Behavior in Organizations ECON 103-3 Principles of Microeconomics ECON 105-3 Principles of Macroeconomics MATH 157-3 Calculus for the Social Sciences I *may be completed after admission to the faculty Upper Division Requirements Students should note that, if permission is granted to take any 300 or 400 level BUS or BUEC course before the completion of 60 credit hours, then those courses will not count toward fulfilling the 16 upper division hours for the minor. At least 16 credit hours of upper division BUS or BUEC credit hours are required including the following. BUS 312-4 Business Finance BUS 343-3 Introduction to Marketing and one of BUS 374-3 Organization Theory BUS 381-3 Introduction to Human Resource Management Joint Programs Common Requirements of All Joint Programs All joint major and honors programs require that the student must qualify for and receive admission to, and must remain qualified for continuance in, the Faculty of Business Administration, and must be accepted as a joint major or joint honors in the co-operating department or school. The lower division requirements and core courses of the Faculty of Business Administration must be completed, except as specifically modified below (see “Core Courses” on page 178). For joint programs, BUS 360 is recommended but not required. Students in joint programs may opt for a degree from either faculty involved. Faculty requirements will be governed by the faculty from which the student chooses to take a degree. Joint Major in Business Administration and Communication Students are required to complete at least 32 hours of upper division credit in business administration or BUEC courses including the core courses, and the courses specified below in marketing. Marketing Required Courses BUS 343-3 Introduction to Marketing BUS 347-3 Consumer Behavior BUS 442-3 Introduction to Marketing Research and at least one of the following 400 division marketing courses BUS 445-3 Analysis of Data for Management BUS 446-4 Marketing Strategy BUS 448-4 Advertising and Sales Promotion BUS 449-3 Marketing and Society Communication Lower Division Requirements CMNS 110-3 Introduction to Communication Studies CMNS 130-3 Explorations in Mass Communication and five additional lower division courses for a total of 21 hours in communication including all of CMNS 221-3 Media and Audiences CMNS 260-3 Introduction to Empirical Communication Research Methods CMNS 261-3 Documentary Research in Communication Communication Upper Division Requirements for Marketing Concentration Required Students must complete 24 credit hours of upper division courses in communication including both of CMNS 323-4 Cultural Dimensions in Advertising CMNS 425-4 Applied Communication for Social Issues Directed studies (readings) and field placement credit will not count as part of the upper division hours required by communication for the joint major. The completion of a course in basic science or social science methods, as required for the communication major, will be deemed fulfilled by the requirements for a major in business administration. Joint Major in Information Systems in Business Administration and Computing Science Students must qualify for and receive admission to, and must remain qualified for continuance in, the Faculty of Business Administration, and must be accepted as a computing science joint major. Lower Division Requirements BUEC 232-3 Elementary Economic and Business Statistics I (or STAT 270) BUS 251-3 Financial Accounting I BUS 254-3 Managerial Accounting I BUS 272-3 Behavior in Organizations CMPT 101-4 Introduction to Computer Programming (or CMPT 104) CMPT 150-3 Introduction to Computer Design CMPT 201-4 Data and Program Abstraction CMPT 275-4 Software Engineering ECON 103-3 Principles of Microeconomics 180 Faculty of Business Administration ECON 105-3 Principles of Macroeconomics MACM 101-3 Discrete Mathematics I MACM 201-3 Discrete Mathematics II MATH 151-3 Calculus I (or 157) MATH 152-3 Calculus II (or 158) MATH 232-3 Elementary Linear Algebra PHIL 001-3 Critical Thinking and one of the following writing courses ENGL 101-3 Introduction to Fiction ENGL 102-3 Introduction to Poetry ENGL 103-3 Introduction to Drama ENGL 104-3 Introduction to the Essay as Literature ENGL 105-3 Introduction to Issues in Literature and Culture ENGL 199-3 University Writing Upper Division Requirements all of BUS 312-4 Introduction to Finance BUS 336-4 Management Science (or BUEC 333) BUS 343-3 Introduction to Marketing BUS 364-3 Information Systems in Organizations and Society BUS 468-3 Management Issues in Information Systems BUS 478-3 Seminar in Administrative Policy CMPT 300-3 Operating Systems CMPT 307-3 Data Structures and Algorithms CMPT 320-3 Social Implications of a Computerized Society CMPT 354-3 Database Systems and Structures CMPT 370-3 Information System Design and one of BUS 374-3 Organization Theory BUS 381-3 Introduction to Human Resource Management and one of BUS 466-3 Managing Data Communications CMPT 371-3 Data Communications and Networking plus nine credits of additional upper division CMPT courses, excluding CMPT 301. At least one of the courses must be at the 400 level or above. Joint Major in Business Administration and Economics Students must complete at least 29 upper division credit hours in business administration or BUEC,* including the core courses with the following exceptions. • BUS 207 and 303 are waived. • BUEC 333, which must be taken, will count as upper division economics hours rather than as upper division business administration hours. Three courses beyond the core must be completed within the requirements of a single concentration. At least two 400 division BUS or BUEC courses* (excluding practicum courses and BUS 478) *These courses may be within the area of concentration. Students must also complete at least 25 upper division credit hours in economics or BUEC* including ECON 301-5 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory ECON 305-5 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory and at least one 400 division economics or BUEC* course (excluding ECON 431, 435, BUEC 433 and 485). Economics Group Requirements Students must complete one ECON 102-3 Contemporary World Economies ECON 110-3 Foundations of Economic Ideas ECON 208-3 History of Economic Thought ECON 250-3 Economic Development in the Pre-Industrial Period ECON 309-3 Introduction to Marxian Economics ECON 353-4 Economic History of Canada ECON 355-4 Economic Development ECON 395-5 Comparative Economic Systems ECON 404-3 Honors Seminar in Methodology of the Social Sciences ECON 407-3 Seminar in Marxian Economics ECON 409-3 Seminar in Economic Thought ECON 450-3 Seminar in Quantitative Economic History ECON 451-3 Seminar in European Economic History ECON 455-3 Seminar in Economic Development *BUEC courses may count only once as business administration credits or as economics credits. Joint Major in Business Administration and Geography Business Administration Requirements The student must successfully complete the core courses and complete one additional 400 division course in the Faculty of Business Administration. Geography Requirements The student must successfully complete a minimum of 15 credit hours of lower division geography courses including the following. GEOG 100-3 Human Geography GEOG 111-3 Physical Geography GEOG 221-3 Economic Geography The student must successfully complete a minimum of 24 credit hours of upper division geography courses including the following. 12 credit hours at the 300 division courses 12 credit hours at the 400 division courses Joint Major in Business Administration and Latin American Studies Business Administration Requirements The student must successfully complete the core courses (which must include BUS 346) and two of the following courses. BUS 380-3 Comparative Management BUS 434-3 Foreign Market Entry BUS 435-3 Management of International Firms BUS 439-3 North American International Trade Issues BUS 447-3 International Marketing Management With the permission of the international business area co-ordinator and the faculty, another course may be substituted for one the seven listed above. Latin American Studies Requirements Lower Division Students must demonstrate reading and speaking competence in Spanish or Portuguese equivalent to successful completion of three college level courses. A minimum of 12 hours is required including the following courses. LAS100-3 Images of Latin America LAS 140-3 Cultural Heritage of Latin America LAS 200-3 Introduction to Latin American Issues The remaining three credit hours are taken from the approved list of Latin American content courses (see “Latin American Studies Program” on page 158). Upper Division Students are required to complete 20 upper division credit hours of Latin American studies credit, including at least 16 credit hours in both LAS 300 and 400 division courses. The remaining four credit hours may be taken from the list of approved Latin American content courses. Joint Major in Business Administration and Psychology Business Administration Requirements • The student must successfully complete at least one 400 management and organization studies course. • Students must successfully complete the business administration core courses, except with advance permission of the Faculty of Business Administration, the combination of PSYC 210 and 301 may be substituted for the combination of BUEC 232* and 333. See note below. Psychology Requirements Lower Division Requirements all of PSYC 100-3 Introduction to Psychology I* PSYC 102-3 Introduction to Psychology II* PSYC 201-4 Introduction to Research Methods in Psychology* PSYC 207-3 Introduction to the History of Psychology* PSYC 210-4 Introduction to Data Analysis in Psychology* PSYC 260-3 Introduction to Social Psychology *to be admitted to the psychology program, students must obtain a final course grade of C (2.0) or better in each of these courses. Note: The above requirement applies to courses transferred from other institutions as well as to courses taken at Simon Fraser University. Complete one of PSYC 221-3 Introduction to Cognitive Psychology PSYC 241-3 Introduction to Abnormal Behavior PSYC 250-3 Introduction to Developmental Psychology PSYC 270-3 Introduction to Theories Personality PSYC 280-3 Introduction to Biological Psychology Upper Division Requirements Complete 21 credit hours in upper division psychology courses. No more than five of these credit hours may be in directed studies. At least 11 upper division psychology credit hours must be taken at Simon Fraser University. Note: students must complete either BUEC 232* and 333 or PSYC 210 and 301. Students who complete BUEC 333 must still fulfil a minimum of 21 upper division credit hours in psychology. Students who complete PSYC 301 must still fulfil a minimum of 24 upper division credit hours in business administration. Joint Honors in Business Administration and Economics Economics Group Requirements Students must include at least one ECON 102-3 Twentieth Century Economies ECON 110-3 Foundations of Economic Ideas ECON 208-3 History of Economic Thought ECON 250-3 History of Economic Development A ECON 252-3 History of Economic Development B ECON 309-3 Introduction to Marxian Economics ECON 353-5 Economic History of Canada ECON 355-4 Economic Development ECON 395-5 Comparative Economic Systems ECON 404-3 Honors Seminar in Methodology of the Social Sciences ECON 407-3 Seminar in Marxian Economics ECON 409-3 Seminar in Economic Thought Faculty of Business Administration 181 ECON 450-3 Seminar in Quantitative Economic History ECON 451-3 Seminar in European Economic History ECON 455-3 Seminar in Economic Development Thailand Lower Division Requirements United States The requirements are the same as for the joint major in business administration and economics. Refer to that section. Upper Division Requirements • at least 35 credit hours of upper division credit in business administration including the core courses, with the exception of BUEC 333, which is counted as economics upper division credit hours rather than business administration upper division credit hours. • an area of concentration • at least three 400 division courses (excluding practicum courses and BUS 478). These courses may be within the area of concentration. • plus at least 32 credit hours of upper division credit in Economics or BUEC including BUEC 333-3 Elementary Economics and Business Statistics II ECON 301-5 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory ECON 305-5 Intermediate Macroeconomic Theory ECON 331-5 Introduction to Mathematical Economics ECON 402-3 Advanced Topics in Microeconomics (or 403) ECON 435-5 Quantitative Methods in Economics ECON 499-6 Honors Seminar in Economics Exchange Programs Contacts C. Hamblin, undergraduate program co-ordinator, 2389 Lohn Building, (604) 291-4624 D. Hucal, student exchange co-ordinator, International & Exchange Student Services, 1200 Maggie Benston Student Services Centre, (604) 291-5887 The faculty participates in undergraduate student exchange agreements with the following institutions. Australia Swinburne University of Technology Canada Thammasut University Turkey Koc University San Diego State University University of Maine For more information, contact the above listed individuals. Also, see “International & Exchange Student Services” on page 13. Co-operative Education Program 2310 Lohn Building, (604) 291-3619 Tel, (604) 291-5922 Fax, www.sfu.ca/coop The Faculty of Business Administration offers co-operative education to qualified students. Co-operative education formally integrates a student’s academic studies on campus with relevant work experience. Employers from business, industry and government support and participate in the program. This ‘hands-on’ approach to education extends the learning process beyond the limits of the classroom and into the working world by alternating full time study semesters with full time paid work semesters of career-related practical experience. For those seeking a professional accounting designation (CA, CGA, CMA) arrangements have been made with respective accounting organizations so that work experience obtained during the program may be recognized toward the required practical experience. Admission Admission to the Faculty of Business Administration is generally required before application to the co-operative education program is considered. A student must remain in good academic standing in the Faculty of Business Administration to continue in the program. Admission to the program will normally be based on a student’s academic record and a personal interview with one of the business co-op program’s co-ordinators. Laval University Withdrawal Korea Admitted students who fail to secure a placement through job competition in two consecutive semesters may be required to withdraw from co-operative education. This withdrawal does not necessarily effect continuance in the Faculty of Business Administration. Normally, withdrawal from a work semester constitutes withdrawal from co-operative education. Yonsei University Mexico Instituto Tecnologico Autonomo de Mexico (ITAM) Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (ITESM) Universidad de Las Americas-Puebla Universidad de Guadalajara Netherlands Practicum Course Requirements Hanzehogeschool Groningen To qualify for the bachelor of business administration with a major in business administration and a co-operative education designation, students must meet University and Faculty of Business Administration graduation requirements. Norway Norwegian School of Management Scotland Heriot-Watt University In addition, students who choose the chartered accountancy option must complete five work semesters. A co-operation education designation requires four work semesters and a certificate requires three work semesters. During study semesters a student must maintain full time status. A brochure which outlines program features is available from the business administration co-op education program co-ordinators. Business Career Services 4303 Lohn Building, www.bus.sfu.ca/ecs, bus-ecs@sfu.ca Co-ordinator Ms. J. Martin BA, MBA (S Fraser), (604) 291-4075 Tel, (604) 291-3312 Fax Business Career Services office assists students in preparing for their business careers and provides access to full time, part time, on-going and temporary work opportunities. In addition to one-on-one assistance, extensive career information and resources are available on the Business Administration Career Services website, which is accessible 24 hours a day from any computer with an Internet connection. Council for North American Business Studies 2307 Harbour Centre, (604) 291-5106 Tel, (604) 291-5098 Fax This centre provides a focal point for the study and analysis of commercial issues of importance to business and government in Canada, the US and Mexico. The general economic integration of North America presents new opportunities and challenges. By establishing an on-going forum for business, government and academic leaders, by providing expert analysis and by disseminating information and research findings, the centre will provide a service contributing to the success of North American business in meeting the competitive challenges of this decade and the 21st century. Scotiabank Resource Centre for Women Entrepreneurs 2400 Harbour Centre, (604) 291-5214 Tel, (604) 291-5122 Fax Director C.F. Smart BCom, MBA, PhD (Br Col) This centre assists women entrepreneurs in established businesses and women starting new businesses. Initiatives launched by the centre include business education programs, advising and mentoring activities, and networking opportunities. By supporting entrepreneurship, the centre will provide women business owners with the expertise to meet and respond to industry changes, and to improve business opportunities. It is the intention of the centre to be a continuing resource and a contributing factor in the success of businesses started and run by women.