Fire Restrictions and Closures September Roundup Notes

Fire Restrictions and Closures
September Roundup Notes
September 10th @ 0900 Mountain Time 1-888-844-9904 Passcode: 3599209#
Area Restrictions and Media Coordinators – please ensure your Area is represented,
Agency Representatives
 Updates from your Area: preparing for the 2015 season – what your Area will be
working on and what are your Area needs
 After Action Review of 2014 season: what worked well, what needs improvement, what
the geographic agencies need to address
Participants: listed below in Agenda; also attending:
Area Updates and Needs
Preparing for the 2015 Season – items that your Area will be working on,
your Area needs
ID: Clearwater
Not on Call
Not on Call
Not on Call
MT: Billings, Miles City
Great Falls/Helena
 Will be working with Missoula Area regarding the lower ½ of
Missoula Co. (split between two Areas).
 Will be moving towards getting GIS information for each
management unit.
 There will be a new restrictions coordinator next year.
 Only Roosevelt and Petroleum Counties went into Stage I
 Had weekly conference calls that were well attended and
distributed notes.
 Had good engagement of Agency Administrators.
 Website updates made it more user friendly. Will be working with
the programmer this fall on some additional ideas.
Not on Call
Not on Call
Not on Call
Not on Call
Manny Mendoza
Sarah Tunge
provided notes
In 2015 will explore options with fire departments to work more
closely with Emergency Managers at the county level regarding
Also outreaching to fire departments to utilize the data collected
2014 September Roundup
NRCG Restrictions and Closures
Karly DeMars
provided notes
Not on Call
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regarding fuel conditions based on NFDRS (moved from the GFDI
to NFDRS this year)
After Action Review – 2014 Season
What Worked Well
 Good coordination with partners
 Having a statewide DNRC person on all the restrictions call worked
well to coordinate with Counties and working with the Area
Restrictions Coordination
What Needs Improvement
 Continue to enhance the features of the website
 Need to promote the use of the training materials for managers
 Start early next year to have restrictions and media coordinators
 Continue to build relationships with county on coordinating
restrictions. Discuss the benefits of a coordinated approach.
What the Geographic Agencies Need to Address
 Goal moving towards standardized – definitions and terminology
Need for a larger after action review:
 Mike will send out the form used last year for Areas provide input.
Preparing for the 2015 Season
 Procedures: clean up Appendix to reflect boundary changes
 Website User Guide: update to reflect website changes
 Website posting of prevention tips: Agencies and public. Mike
Dannenberg will be working with the programmer to determine
Future Changes
 Evolving organizational changes. Putting restrictions back under
the umbrella of the NRCG prevention and education committee.
 Prevention and Education Committee is moving from zone based
to Agency based leadership. Agencies can provide the leadership,
funding and decision making.
 Restriction Areas will still need to have Restriction and Media
Agency Reports
 Nothing to add
 See ND Area report.
 2014 restrictions season was a success. The process has evolved a
lot since 2000.
 For 2014 sage grouse will be a big issue. Will begin seeing an
increase in prevention efforts regarding sage brush habitat.
2014 September Roundup
NRCG Restrictions and Closures
Not on Call
Cathy Scofield
Mike Dannenberg
Not on Call
Crystal Beckman
Sarah Tunge
Mike Dannenberg
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Slow summer, not a lot happened.
 From a geographic perspective: Areas did a good job of
coordinating with their partners, there were no issues that were
brought to the geographic level.
 Have identified items to work towards for 2015. Need to maintain
the momentum throughout the winter to work towards being
ready for next year.
Changes from Last Call
 None
2014 September Roundup
NRCG Restrictions and Closures
Cathy Scofield
Cathy Scofield
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