Experimenters form

Experiments form
Please send the full form to Tsachi Ein-Dor (teindor@idc.ac.il), the lab manager.
Name of the experiment
Type of experiment (please circle)
Campus / Online
Experiment Description for the
participants (if necessary, please mention
any restrictions on participants)
Names and phone
Experimenters details
MyIDC usernames
(separated by ; ):
Duration of the experiment (in minutes)
Total number of participants
Experiment framework (please circle)
Faculty / Doctorate or MA thesis / Research
seminar / Experimental laboratory
School restrictions (in case the
experiment targets students of a certain
None / Psychology / Economy / Business
Laboratory booking needs
Email address for laboratory booking
authorization (Gmail preferred)
None / Observation Lab / Two-participant lab /
Single-participant lab
If it is an online experiment, please include the link: