Training Presentation

Fire Restrictions & Closure
 Define
fire restrictions and closure
program, including its purpose.
 Provide
consistent information across the
Northern Rockies regarding restrictions:
• Initiation
• Implementation
• Rescission
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
 Distinguish
between fire restrictions and
burn bans.
 Explain
the importance of frequent
inter-agency, inter-area coordination.
 Direct
stakeholders and the public to
current restrictions information.
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
Fire restrictions and closures impose limitations
on the general public and private industry and
should be implemented only after other fire
prevention measures have been taken.
In general, fire restrictions should be considered
when high to extreme fire danger exists and is
predicted to persist, human-caused fires are
increasing, and current fire activity is impacting
available suppression resources.
Closures within an Area should only be
implemented under the most severe conditions.
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
 Each
jurisdictional agency has the authority
to implement restrictions and closures
within its boundaries.
 Restrictions
process begins with
recommendations from local fire officials
from each agency.
 Within
each Area, the Area Restrictions
Coordinators assist cooperating agencies
with the initiation, implementation and
rescission of restrictions.
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
U. S. Department of the Interior
• Code of Federal Regulations
• Federal Land Policy and
Management Act of 1976
USDA Forest Service
• Code of Federal Regulations
• Code of Federal Regulations
• Treaties
• Tribal Constitution
• Ordinances
State and Private Forested
• State Code Annotated
Local County
• State Code Annotated
• State Constitution
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
U. S. Department of the Interior
• Manager: “Fire Prevention or Special Order”
USDA Forest Service
• Forest Supervisor: “Special Order”
• Tribal Chairperson: “Tribal Order”
State and Private
• State Forester/Governor: “Proclamation”
• County Commission: “Resolution/Ordinance”
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
U.S. Dept. of Interior
Fire Prevention or
Special Order
Field Office Manager
Refuge Manager
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
USDA Forest Service
Special Order
Pursuant to 36 Code of Federal Regulations 261.50 (a) and (b) the following acts are prohibited on all National
Forest System lands administered by the Kootenai and Flathead National Forests in Lincoln, Sanders, Flathead,
Missoula, Lewis & Clark, Powell, and Lake Counties, Montana. These restrictions are in addition to those
enumerated in Subpart A, Part 261, Title 36 Code of Federal Regulations and become effective at 0001 a.m.
Mountain Daylight Time on Monday, July 23, 2007 and will remain in effect until rescinded.
36 FR 261.52 - Fire
1. Building, maintaining, attending or using a fire, campfire or stove fire.
[36 CFR 261.52(a)]
Note: For the purpose of this order under Stage I fire restrictions, stove fires, campfires
and charcoal fires are allowed ONLY at developed designated recreation sites,
campgrounds or improved sites, as listed in Exhibit A.
Forest Supervisor
Open fires contained in fire pans will be allowed below the high water line on the North
Fork and Middle Fork of the Flathead River.
In addition, completely contained wood stoves with a fire screen or spark arrester are
allowed ONLY in the Bob Marshall Wilderness Complex.
Insert jpeg of document
Fires fueled solely by liquid petroleum or LPG fuels may be used anywhere on National
Forest System lands during Stage I fire restrictions.
2. Smoking except within an enclosed vehicle or building; a developed recreation site;
or while stopped in an area at least three feet in diameter that is barren or cleared
of all flammable material.[36 CFR 261.52(d)]
Note: For the purpose of this order under Stage I fire restrictions the above exception for
smoking also includes improved places of habitation, developed designated recreation
sites, campgrounds or improved sites, as listed in Exhibit A, where an area at least three
feet in diameter is barren or cleared of all flammable material.
NOTE: This order also applies to all Flathead National Forest System lands within the
Bob Marshall and Great Bear Wilderness Areas within the Bob Marshall Wilderness
Pursuant to 36 CFR 261.50(e), the following persons are exempt from this order:
Persons with a permit specifically authorizing the otherwise prohibited act or
Any Federal, State, or local officer, or member of an organized rescue or
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
Tribal Order
Tribal Chairperson
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
State and Private
State Forester/Governor
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
County Commission
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
• Within each restriction Area,
there are multiple
jurisdictions that may not
follow county lines.
• This phenomena may result in
multiple difficulties during
the process, highlighting the
importance of coordination
and communication prior to a
jurisdiction implementing
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
Local cooperators develop
Area Restrictions Plans,
tiered to the NRCG Guidelines.
Update & validate annually.
Includes a communications strategy.
Phone contacts:
• Agency Administrators
• Restrictions Coordinators
• Interagency Fire Managers
• Media Contacts
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
Geographic Agency Administrators
Northern Rockies Coordinating Group
Geographic Restrictions Coordinator
Area Agency Administrator/Chairperson
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
Lead Area Agency Administrator/Chair
Area Restrictions Coordinator
Area Media Coordinator
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
Coordinate the
restrictions and closure
process among Area partners.
Provide accurate, consolidated restrictions
information for the media, general public,
partners, volunteers & employees.
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
Before Fire Season
• Review & validate the plan.
• Develop documents in template format.
All partners should plan and implement fire prevention
campaigns, utilizing key messages
and enforcement patrols.
Utilize Area fire prevention working groups, if available.
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
Fire Danger
not working
Large Fires
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
 Campfires
prohibited except as
exempted by agency
 Smoking
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
 Campfires
prohibited except as
exempted by agency
 Smoking
 Off-road
vehicle prohibitions
 Acts
prohibited from 1 p.m. to 1 a.m.
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
• Public awareness campaigns.
• Restrictions Coordinator initiates discussions.
• Coordinate timing (restrictions, rescissions,
media releases) across all entities.
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
ERC (3-day avg.)
90-94th percentile 95-97th percentile
98th percentile
Live Fuel
1000-hr Fuel
* Thresholds for fuel moistures will vary by restrictions area.
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
 Current
fire activity impacting resources.
 High/increased
# of human-caused fires.
 Adverse
fire weather conditions/risks are
predicted to continue.
 Life
safety is jeopardized.
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
• Restrictions Coordinator documents decisions.
• Agencies complete, sign, fax/email documents to
Restrictions Coordinator.
• Written permits for exemptions/exceptions/waivers.
• Notification to internal employees.
• Public notification and signage on affected agency
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
Cooperative Extension - local county agents
Local Government Center - contacts for county commissioner & city officials
County Fire Councils - contacts for all fire managers in the county
Northern Rockies Coordinating Group – contacts with a variety of agencies
and fire personnel
Agency Fire Prevention and Education Specialists – contacts with public
Non-profit / Community Groups
FireSafe Montana - local firesafe councils
Firewise - local firewise communities
Keep Montana Green
Ready Set Go
Recreation User Groups
Sporting Goods Stores
Chamber of Commerce Organizations
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
 Signed
orders/proclamations provide authority.
 Restrictions
Coordinators ensure consistency
and work with Media Coordinators.
 Sign
posting should include agency sites in the
field and locations throughout the community.
 Media
press releases and community contacts.
 Electronic “trap
lines” and posting to website.
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
Jurisdictions have to be signed;
the public needs to know.
The signs should be posted
prior to enforcement.
Adequacy of resources for
enforcement patrols.
Wildfire Prevention Guide PMS 456, June 1998
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
 Plan
restrictions for long-term fire danger.
 Do
not react to small fluctuations in risk,
weather and fire danger.
 When
danger subsides, Area Restrictions
Coordinator will work with Media
Coordinator to distribute information.
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
 Burning
allowed by a burn permit is usually
banned by resolution, but can be an ordinance
(MCA 7-33-22 or 7-5-108).
 Typically
based on high fire hazard areas; some
counties restrict based on air quality.
 Typically
authorized by Principal Executive
Officer (county commission); may be delegated.
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
• Written into agency’s/tribe’s enabling documents.
• Mitigation measures should be included.
• Do not absolve liability or responsibility for fire.
• Exemptions valid for both Stage I and II.
Specific locations where campfires will be allowed.
With a written permit.
Device fueled by liquid petroleum or LPG fuels.
Where activity is authorized by written posted notice.
Officer or rescue/firefighting force on official duty.
Land within city boundary.
Others unique to agency/tribe.
Use of sheepherder stoves and/or river pans (w/ mitigation).
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
• Exemptions valid for Stage II only
Operating generators (w/mitigation measures).
Operating motorized vehicles on designated roads and trails.
Emergency repair of public utilities .
Emergency repair of railroads.
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
• Need determined by individual agency/tribe.
• Include mitigation measures.
• Include vehicle requirements.
• Coordination and communication are critical.
• For industrial operations.
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
 Isolated
areas where public and/or
firefighter safety is a concern.
• On-going incident
• Extreme fire conditions
 Coordinate
with all Area agencies/tribes.
 Coordinate with adjacent Areas.
 Exemptions authorized by Agency
Administrator/Tribal Chair and/or the
Incident Commander.
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
1935 3rd Avenue East
Kalispell, MT 59901
Forest Supervisor’s Order
Lindbergh Lake Fire Closure
Pursuant to 36 Code of Federal Regulations 261.50 (a) and (b) the following restrictions are in effect on the
Swan Lake Ranger District of the Flathead National Forest, Missoula County, Montana. These restrictions are
in addition to those enumerated in Subpart A, Part 261, Title 36 Code of Federal Regulations, and become
effective immediately and will remain in effect until rescinded.
36 CFR 261.52-Fire
Going into or being upon the area. [Title 36, 261.52 (e)]
36 CFR 261.54 – National Forest System Roads
Being on the road. [Title 36, 261.54 (e)]
36 CFR 261.55 - National Forest System Trails:
Being on the trail. [Title 36, 261.55 (a)]
Area Description:
For the purpose of this order it is prohibited to be on any National Forest System Road, Trail, or within the
boundaries of the Lindbergh Lake Fire Closure as described and defined on the attached map here-by-made part
of this order. (Map may be updated as fire conditions change)
Pursuant to Title CFR 261.50(e), the following persons are exempt from this order:
Persons with a permit authorizing the otherwise prohibited restriction;
Owners or lessees of land in the area;
Residents in the area;
Any Federal, State, or local Officer, or member of an organized rescue or fire fighting force in the
performance of an official duty.
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
Geographic Agency Administrators assess.
May involve multiple units and/or jurisdictions.
Evaluation guidelines may include:
• Potential loss of life due to extreme fire conditions
• Potential for extreme fire behavior
• Stage II restrictions not effective in reducing # of human-
caused fires
• Critical shortage of firefighting resources across the
geographic level
Standard exemptions noted on closure documents.
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
 Desk
reference guide
 Restrictions
 Frequently
stages wallet card/signs
asked questions (FAQs)
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
Insert any agency-specific or area-specific information here!
To be utilized by the presenters.
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training
“When you partner with a partner you can do great things.”
NRCG Fire Prevention & Education Committee: Fire Restrictions & Closure Training