General Linear Cameras: Theory and Applications

General Linear Cameras: Theory and Applications
Jingyi Yu
Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
at the
August 2005
) Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2005. All rights reserved.
Author............. ............. ...........................
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
August 9, 2005
Certified by ........
Certified b y.
... ,
... ''
Fredo Durand
Assistant Professor
Thesis Supervisor
Leonard McMillan
Associate Professor
· .~-
Arthur C. Smith
Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students
MAR 2 8 2006
General Linear Cameras: Theory and Applications
Jingyi Yu
Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
on August 9, 2005, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Philosophy
I present a General Linear Camera (GLC) model that unifies many previous camera
models into a single representation.
The GLC model describes all perspective (pin-
hole), orthographic, and many multiperspective (including pushbroom and two-slit)
cameras, as well as epipolar plane images. It also includes three new and previously
unexplored multiperspective linear cameras. The GLC model is general and linear
in the sense that, given any vector space where rays are represented as points, it
describes all 2D affine subspaces (planes) formed by the affine combination of 3 rays.
I also present theories of projection and collineation for GLCs and use these theories
to explain various multiperspective distortions.
Given an arbitrary multiperspective imaging system that captures smoothly varying set of rays, I show how to map the rays onto a 2D ray manifold embedded into a
4D linear vector space. The GLC model can then be use to analyze the tangent planes
on this manifold. Geometric structures associated with the local GLC model of each
tangent plane provide an intuitive physical interpretation of the imaging system, and
they are closely related to the caustics of reflected rays. These geometric structures
are characteristic
of only 4 of the 8 GLC types.
I also prove that the local GLC
type at each tangent plane is invariant to the choice of parametrization, and, thus,
an intrinsic property of the reflecting surface. Using GLCs to analyze the caustics
of reflection extends the previous Jacobian-based approaches, which consider only a
pinhole model at each infinitesimal region about each surface point.
Finally, I demonstrate how to use the GLC model in computer vision, computer
graphics, and optical design applications. In particular, I show how to use GLCs for
modelling and rendering multiperspective images and characterizing real multiperspective imaging systems such as catadioptric mirrors.
Thesis Supervisor: Fredo Durand
Title: Assistant Professor
Thesis Supervisor: Leonard McMillan
Title: Associate Professor
I would like to thank my advisor, Professor Leonard McMillan for his support and
advice. It has been a great pleasure working with Leonard on such an interesting and
challenging project for the last five years. Thanks for keeping me focused on the big
picture and pushing me to do my best. I have learned much more than research from
Leonard. Thanks for tolerating my stubbornness from time to time. I would also like
to thank my thesis co-advisor, Professor Fr6do Durand, who has made tremendous
efforts for helping me to finish my dissertation in time. And also thanks to Fredo for
providing the guidelines to the thesis and for assisting me on my job talk.
I would like to thank my thesis committee members Professor Steven Gortler and
Professor Tomas Lozano-Perez for their time and helpful feedback. To Tomas for his
critical efforts working with Fredo and Leonard to make my Ph.D. defense possible.
To Shlomo for the useful phone discussions and his recommendation
letter to my
faculty application.
Many thanks to my friends Jason Yang, Jingdan Zhang, Eric Bennett, and Xianfeng Gu. Thanks to Jason for his codes on GPU-based real-time light field renderer.
Thanks to Jingdan for his useful inputs on many of my published papers. Thanks to
Eric for his outstanding proofreading ability. Thanks to my buddy Xianfeng for his
critical help on the "Non-existence of Cross-slit Mirror" proof.
Special thanks to Professor Eric Grimson and Professor Srini Devedas for their
support during my last semester at MIT. Thanks to Marilyn Pierce, Bryt Bradley,
and Missy Wood for handling numerous administrative
issues. Thanks to everyone
in the MIT Graphics Group for making the lab a fun and productive place to work.
Thanks to Professor Marc Pollefeys and Professor Stephen Pizer at UNC Chapel Hill
for the useful discussions and their recommendation letters. Thanks to Dr. Harry
Shum for his continuous support as a mentor and a friend.
I thank my parents for supporting my decision to study in the US. They have been
the greatest parents and I love them very much. Without their support, I wouldn't
have fulfilled my dream today. Thanks to my buddies, Zhongji Liao and Jingshen
Jiang, for their ability and willingness to help during any crisis, large or small, real
or imagined.
1.2 Thesis Statement
1.3 Contributions . .
Thesis Overview.
2 Background and Previous Work
2.2 Multiperspective Images .........
. . . .
2.3 Multiperspective Cameras .......
Commonly Used Multiperspective
Catadioptric Mirrors ......
. .
2.4 Ray Representation ...........
Light Fields Parametrization . . .
. .
Ray Space Analysis ........
3 General Linear Cameras
General Linear Camera Model ......
Equivalence of Classic Camera Models
3.3 Characteristic Equation of GLC .....
Characterizing Classic Camera Models
A = 0 case .............
3.4.2 A
2.1 Cameras ..................
New Multiperspective Camera Models
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
New Camera Models .....
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
All General Linear Cameras
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Example GLC Images
. .
4 GLC Characteristics
4.1 Relative Two Plane Parametrization
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sweeping Area .............
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
GLC Slits
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Linear Ray Manifolds ..........
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Canonical GLC Representation
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
GLC to Linear Constraints . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60
GLC Degrees of Freedom
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4.5 Plfcker Coordinates ..........
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Discussion ................
5 GLC Projection and Collineation
5.1 GLC Projection ................
Plane Sweeping ...........
Singularities ..............
Projections of Lines ..........
Projections of Points at Infinity . . .
GLC Collineation
General Collineation between GLCs .
Collineation Degeneracies .....
6 GLC Differential Invariance Theorem
6.1 Limitations of 2PP ............................
Local Tangent GLC ............................
6.3 Differential Invariant Theorem ......................
7 Multiperspective Rendering
7.1 Background and Previous Approaches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
GLC as Multiperspective Images
Multiperspective Ray Manifold
Piecewise Multiperspective Image Plane
Adjacency Table ............
. . . .
. . . .
.. . .
. .. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
GLC Multiperspective
Image Layout
Ray Blending
7.4 Multiperspective Sampling ...........
Perspective and Projective Distortions
Resampling . ..............
. ...
7.5 Multiperspective Rendering Results .......
Multiperspective Panoramas ......
Artistic Multiperspective ........
Multiperspective Faux-Animation .
8 Reflection Analysis
8.1 Background and Previous Work .........
. . . . . . . .
GLC Reflection Analysis .............
. . . . . . . .
Multiperspective Reflection Model ....
. . . . . . . .
Orthographic Viewing Conditions ....
. . . . . . . .
Perspective Viewing Conditions .....
. . . . . . . .
Caustic Surfaces .................
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . .
Cross-slit Rulings ............
8.4 Characteristic GLC Distortions .........
Cross-slit Distortion ..........
. . . . . . . .
Predicting Distortions on Mesh Surfaces
. . . . . . . .
9 Conclusions and Future Work
9.1 The Theory of GLC ...........................
GLC Applications
Future Work ........................
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A Non-existence of Cross-slit Mirrors
List of Figures
images in art.
(a) Hall City by M.C. Escher.
Portrait of a Young Girl by Pablo Picasso.
(c) Red Fish by Henri
Matisse ...................................
2-2 Pushbroom and Cross-slit Camera. (a) Acquisition geometry of a push-
broom camera. (b) The stationary column sampling routine for synthesizing a pushbroom camera. (c) Acquisition geometry of a cross-slit
camera. (d) The linearly varying column sampling routine for synthesizing a cross-slit camera .................................
images in graphics and vision. (a) and (b) Images
captured from catadioptric mirrors (Courtesy of Tomas Pajdla). (c)
A reflection image observed on the car window.
(d)A pushbroom
panorama by University of Washington (Courtesy of Steve Seitz).
An camera array samples a light field with an array of images .....
2-5 Two plane parametrization.
A new pinhole image can be synthesized
by querying and blending rays from the light field. Each ray is parameterized by intersecting the two parallel planes as [s, t] and [u, v].
General Linear Camera Model. a)A GLC is characterized
by three
rays originated from the image plane. b)It collects all possible affine
combination of three rays .........................
Classic camera models represented as GLC. (a)Two similar triangles on
two planes define a pinhole camera; (b)Two parallel congruent triangles
define an orthographic camera; (c)Three rays from an cross-slit camera.
Bilinear Surfaces. (a) r 3 is parallel to S; (b) r3 is parallel to S, but
still intersects S; (c) r 3 is not parallel to S, and does not intersect S
either ....................................
3-4 Pushbroom, Twisted Orthographic, and Pencil Cameras. (a) A pushbroom camera collects rays on a set of parallel planes passing through
a line; (b) A twisted orthographic camera collects rays with uniform
directions on a set of parallel planes; (c) A pencil camera collects rays
on a set of non-parallel planes that share a line.................
Comparison between synthetic GLC images. From left to right, top
row: a pinhole, an orthographic and an EPI; middle row: a pushbroom,
a pencil and an twisted orthographic; bottom row: a bilinear and an
cross-slit .............................................
GLC images created from a light field. Top row: a pencil, bilinear, and
pushbroom image. Bottom row: an cross-slit, twisted orthographic,
and orthographic image...................................
A multiperspective bilinear GLC image synthesized from three pinhole
cameras shown on the right. The generator rays are highlighted in red. 53
Synthesizing GLCs by cutting through a 3D horizontal light fields.
Left: we cut through the light field vertical diagonally to generate a
cross-slit GLC. Right: we cut through the light field vertical diagonally
to generate a pencil GLC.........................
From left to right: the area formed by the three generators at each sweeping
plane. Green corresponds to positive areas and red corresponds to negative.
When the area is zero, all rays will pass through a slit on the corresponding
sweeping plane................................
Area-Depth Curve (ADC) for GLCs. From left to right: ADC of a
pinhole/pencil camera is quadratic and intersects area = 0 axis once;
ADC of orthographic/twisted
orthographic camera is a constant line
parallel to area = 0 axis; ADC of a pushbroom camera is a line that intersects area = 0 axis once; ADC of a cross-slit camera is quadratic and
intersects area = 0 axis twice; ADC of a bilinear camera is quadratic
and never intersects area = 0 axis; ADC of an EPI camera is the area
= 0 axis ...................................
(a) Projecting a point P to a ray in the GLC. (b) The projection of P can
be computed using the same affine coordinate on the sweeping plane IIz. .
(a) and (c) are cross-slits images synthesized from light fields. (b) and
(d) are pushbroom images synthesized from light fields. The distortions of
the curved isolines on the objects illustrate various multi-perspective effects
of GLC cameras. The pushbroom camera also exhibits apparent stretching/duplications of objects faraway from the image plane, e.g., the lamp on
the background ...............................
(a) Imaging the GLC on a plane parallel to the uv plane. (b) Imaging the
GLC on a different plane. (c) A GLC image of a toy dog synthesized from a
video using image plane (a). (d) A different image of the same GLC camera
using image plane (b) ......................................
Image fusion by composing a GLC image: a new pose of the cow (right)
is synthesized by specifying the three generator rays (red) of a GLC
from left three poses .......................................
7-2 A neocubism styled multiperspective image synthesized using our framework. It combines pinhole images from different points of views with
various multiperspective (pushbroom and cross-slit) images.....
General Linear Camera Models. There are precisely eight GLCs, shown in
(a) to (h). (a) In a pinhole camera, all rays pass through a single point.
(b) In an orthographic camera, all rays are parallel. (c) In a pushbroom,
all rays lie on a set of parallel planes and pass through a line. (d) In a
cross slit camera, all rays pass through two non-coplanar lines. (e) In a
pencil camera, all coplanar rays originate from a point on a line and lie on
a specific plane through the line. (f) In a twisted orthographic camera, all
rays lie on parallel twisted planes and no rays intersect. (g) In an bilinear
camera, no two rays are coplanar and no two rays intersect. (h) In an EPI
camera, all rays lie on a 2D plane .
7-4 A tessellation of the image plane with triangles that correspond to
different types of general linear cameras. This model is equivalent to
a 2D piecewise planar manifold embedded in 4D ...........
Desirable image fragments from different GLCs are overlayed on the
im age plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ray coordinate of each vertex in the overlapped region is computed
using Algorithm 1.............................
(a) Sampling of a pinhole camera (homography).
(b) Sampling of a
cross-slit camera. (c) Sampling of an arbitrary multiperspective image
is achieved by assigning a sampling plane to each GLC .........
(a) A multiperspective image before sampling correction; (b) A mul-
tiperspective image after sampling correction using sampling planes is
applied. In the original stuffed toy, the head is oriented such that it
looks at the tail. This multiperspective image appears like a plausible
perspective image with a different pose of the toy ............
(a) Nusch Eluard by Pablo Picasso; (b) Our synthesized multiperspec. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7-10 Multiperspective panoramas: (a) Our synthesized multiperspective panorama
from a virtual flight path. (b) Blended camera types of the multiperspective image. Different GLCs are marked with different colors, red
for cross-slit, blue for pinhole, and green for pushbroom .........
7-11 (a) A perspective view. (b) A synthesized multiperspective image that
fuses different perspective views of the handle and beak. (c) A omniperspective image that shows a 360 degree view of the teapot .....
7-12 From left to right: extracted images from a faux-animation.
The source
images were acquired by rotating a ceramic figure on a turn table. Mul-
tiperspective renderings were used to turn the head and hind quarters
of the figure in a fake image-based animation.
Bottom right:
with resampling .
Top row: without re-
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
A reflected image seen on a car window. Subregions illustrate multiperspective distortions such as shearing (yellow), uneven aspect ratio (red), and
duplications (green)..........................................
At each point on the surface, the reflected ray is mapped into the ray space
by intersecting with the two parametrization planes .............
(a) If viewed from an orthographic camera, the parametrization plane is
perpendicular to the incident direction. (b) If viewed from a pinhole camera,
the parametrization plane at each point on the surface is parallel to its
tangent plane .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The caustic surface and its ruling of typical mirrors. The viewpoint is shown
as a blue sphere. (a) A hyperbolic mirror. (c) A parabolic mirror. (e) A
cylindrical mirror. (b), (d), and (f) show the ruling of the caustics of (a),
(c), (e), respectively.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Aspect ratio distortion. Top row: reflected images of a hyperbolic, spherical,
and cylinder mirror. Bottom row: estimated ratio distortion by the slits
distance of the respective mirrors ......................
Estimating reflection distortions of a general surface. (a) A pear-shaped
mesh. (b) Estimated distortions. Bright colors correspond to large distortions (closer to pushbroom) and dark colors correspond to small distortions
(closer to pinhole).
(c) A ray-traced image of the parametric
surface. No-
tice reflections at regions around the red dashed line correspond to brightest
regions in (b) ............................................
A-1 Reflection between pinhole cameras. Left: an ellipsoid mirror reflects
between two pinhole cameras on the same side. Right: a hyperbolic
mirror reflects between two pinhole cameras on different sides
A-2 Geometric constraints on mapping between pinhole and cross-slit camera. 141
List of Tables
3.1 Characterize General Linear Cameras by Characteristic Equation
Characterize GLC with Lines
Degree of Freedom of GLCs
Adjacency Tables of GLCs ........................
. .
Camera models are fundamental to the fields of computer vision, computer graphics, and photogrammetry. The classic pinhole and orthographic camera models have
long served as the workhorse of 3D imaging applications.
However, recent develop-
ments have suggested alternative multiperspective camera models can provide different and potentially advantageous imaging systems for understanding the structure of
observed scenes. Researchers have also shown that these multiperspective
are amenable to stereo analysis and interpretation
[30, 27, 47].
In contrast to pinhole and orthographic cameras, which can be completely characterized using a simple linear model (the classic 3 by 4 matrix [15]), multiperspective cameras models are defined less precisely. In practice, multiperspective cameras
models are described by constructions. By this I mean that a system or process is
described for generating each specific class. While such physical models are useful
for both acquisition and imparting intuition, they are not particularly amenable to
In this thesis, I present a new theory called the General Linear Camera (GLC)
model that unifies many previous multiperspective camera models as well as the pinhole camera into a single representation.
The GLC model describes all perspective
(pinhole), orthographic, and many multiperspective (including pushbroom and crossslit) cameras, as well as epipolar plane images (EPI). The GLC model is both general
and linear in the sense that, given any vector space where rays are represented as
points, it describes all 2D affine subspaces (planes) formed by the affine combination
of 3 rays. The incident radiance seen along the rays of these 2D affine subspaces are
a precise definition of a projected image of a 3D scene. The GLC model and the GLC
images help to explain the cause of various multiperspective
show that the GLC model provides an intuitive physical interpretation
I further
and is closely
related to the caustics of the rays. Applications of the GLC model include modelling
and rendering multiperspective images, creating cel-animation, image-based faux animation, and characterizing real image systems such as catadioptric mirrors.
A perspective image represents the spatial relationships of objects in a scene as they
would appear from a single viewpoint. In contrast, a multiperspective image combines
what is seen from several viewpoints into a single image. Despite their incongruity
of view, effective multiperspective images are still able to preserve spatial coherence.
More importantly multiperspective images can depict, within a single context, details
of a scene that are simultaneously inaccessible from a single view, yet easily inter-
pretable by a viewer. Multiperspective rendering techniques are frequently employed
by artists to depict more than can be seen from any specific point. Classic examples
include the visual paradoxes of Escher, and the Cubism of Picasso and Braque.
images have also received attention from the computer vision
community for analyzing structure revealedvia motion [30,27] and generating panoramic
images with a wide field-of-view using mirrors [22]. Several researchers have proposed
alternative multiperspective camera models which capture rays from different points
in space. These multiperspective
cameras include pushbroom cameras [13], which
collect rays along parallel planes from points swept along a linear trajectory,
two-slit cameras [26], which collect all rays passing through two lines. Finally in our
everyday lives, we experience multiperspective images when observing reflections off
of curved surfaces.
Despite all these efforts in modelling and rendering multiperspective images, there
remain several fundamental problems unresolved. First, most of the previous multiperspective models are constructed by enforcing specific geometric constraints. This
makes it difficult to characterize and study the general properties and variations of
multiperspective cameras. A unified model is desirable to model, render, and characterize arbitrary multiperspective images. Second, very little work has been to qualitatively and quantitatively analyze multiperspective distortions, such as curving of
the lines, shearing of the angles, stretching of scene geometry, and the duplication of
the scene points. Most previous studies have been restricted to specific mirrors and
camera types. Furthermore, there has been little work on that relates image distortions to the geometry of the imaging system. Finally, only perspective rendering is
widely supported in three-dimensional computer graphics. There are no simple and
efficient methods for supporting multiperspective rendering. This is partly due to
the inherent difficulty of specifying the projection process necessary for mapping 3
dimensions down to 2 for multiperspective renderings.
This thesis addresses these problems by presenting a unified framework of the
General Linear Camera model. It provides a complete set of analytical and modelling
tools for interactively designing, analyzing, and rendering multiperspective images.
Thesis Statement
The General Linear Camera (GLC) model unifies many previous perspective and
multiperspective camera models and provides a complete description of all 2D aine
subspaces of rays. The GLC model also provides a first-order differential tool for
modelling, rendering, and analyzing arbitrary (higher-order) multiperspective imaging
The GLC model unifies perspective (pinhole), orthographic, and many multiperspective (including pushbroom and two-slit) cameras, as well as epipolar plane
images into a single analytical representation. GLC projections and collineations can
be used to model any coherent multiperspective imaging systems. Geometrically, the
GLC model characterizes all possible all 2D affine subspaces of rays. These set of
hyperplanes provide a first-order approximation tool to analyze arbitrary multiperspective imaging systems.
I show the GLC model has many useful applications in
computer graphics and computer vision, including creating multiperspective panoramas, neocubist-style renderings, faux animations from still-life scenes, characterizing
multiperspective image distortions, and guiding mirror designs to improve catadioptric imaging systems.
This thesis makes the followingcontributions
* It introduces a General Linear Camera (GLC) model that unifies many previ-
ous perspective and multiperspective cameras within a single framework and
discovers three new, previously unexplored multiperspective camera types.
* It provides an analytical representation of the GLC model as 2D affine subspaces
of rays parameterized under two-plane-parametrization.
* It introduces a set of characteristic equations for identifying each of the 8 atomic
GLC types, and proves that these types are completely characterize all possible
linear multiperspective camera models.
* It provides a projection and collineation theory to model the GLC image distortions.
* It describes an analytical framework for mapping arbitrary imaging systems
into 2D ray manifolds and uses GLCs as the first-order differential model of
local ray behavior.
* It proves a Differential Invariant Theorem that shows the local GLC model on
the ray manifold is invariant to choice of the parametrization
* It provides a complete set of adjacency rules for constructing piecewise linear
ray manifolds by tiling GLCs onto an image plane.
* It provides an analysis framework for studying reflection ray manifolds via local
GLC models. It proves that local reflections observed on arbitrary mirrors can
originate from only four of the eight possible GLC cameras.
* It characterizes the distortions seen in reflections according to the local GLC
model and collineation and it connects specific distortions to the mirror geometry.
* It shows the close relationships between GLCs and the caustic surfaces of rays.
In particular, the caustic surface, if it exists, corresponds to the loci of the local
cross-slit GLCs.
* Finally, I show how to use the GLC analysis to assist mirror design and predict
distortions seen in catadioptric imaging systems.
Thesis Overview
This thesis is organized as follows. Chapter 2 describes related work on pinhole
and multiperspective camera models and their applications in computer graphics and
computer vision. I also highlight the limitations of the current approaches in modeling
multiperspective imaging systems.
Chapter 3 introduces the General Linear Camera (GLC) model and shows the
GLC model describes all pinhole, orthographic, pushbroom, cross-slit, and Epipolar
(EPI) cameras, as well as three new camera models. It also includes the derivation
of the GLC characteristic equation, which is useful for identifying the 8 atomic GLC
types, and proves that this set is complete.
Chapter 4 describes algebraic properties of the GLCs. I show GLCs are 2D linear
subspaces in the 4D ray space and use the GLC model to analyze higher-order ray
subspaces. In addition, I compare GLCs under two-plane-parametrization and under
the Plucker coordinates.
Chapter 5 develops the a model of GLC projection and collineation. Specifically,
the projection maps the 3D scene geometries to the rays and the collineation then
maps the rays onto an image plane. I use the projection and collineation theory to
explain multiperspective distortions for specific types of the GLCs.
Chapter 6 studies arbitrary multiperspective imaging systems by mapping them
to ray manifolds.
I show how to locally model each multiperspective
ray manifold
using the GLC model. Furthermore, I derive the Differential Invariant Theorem to
show that the local GLC analysis is invariant to the choice of the parametrization
Chapter 7 uses the GLC framework for multiperspective rendering.
sets of GLCs, when constrained
I show that
by an appropriate set of rules, can be laid out
to tile the image plane to form a piecewise continuous ray manifold, and, hence,
generate arbitrary multiperspective renderings. I demonstrate applications of the
proposed framework in multiperspective panoramas, neocubist style renderings, and
Chapter 8 uses the GLC framework to analyze reflections.
I first map the re-
flected rays off of the mirror to a ray manifold and then use local GLC analysis to
characterize the resulting images. GLCs are used to characterize the image distortions
seen on arbitrary mirrored surfaces as well as the conventional catadioptric
Furthermore I show the connection between the GLC model and caustic surfaces of
reflections. In particular, I show the "slits" of local GLCs reveal important surface
rulings on the caustic surfaces of reflection. I demonstrate
applications of the GLC
caustic model to improve mirror design, to predict distortions, and to characterize
surface properties.
Chapter 9 describes future directions for this work and concludes the thesis.
Chapter 2
Background and Previous Work
This chapter discusses the background and the previous work on multiperspective
cameras and images. I first review the classical pinhole (perspective) camera model
and its physical setup, imaging process, and limitations. I then discuss alternative camera models known as the multiperspective cameras, including pushbroom,
cross-slit, and oblique cameras, as well as real multiperspective catadioptric
systems. Finally, I introduce the light-field ray parametrization and review previous
work on ray space analysis.
The concept of a pinhole camera predates modern history. In particular the model of
a camera obscura has been described throughout history and across many cultures.
Precise mathematical
models of pinhole cameras are fundamental
to the fields of
photogrammetry, computer vision, and 3D computer graphics.
Geometrically, a pinhole camera collect rays passing through a common 3D point,
which is called the Center of Projection (COP). Each pinhole camera, therefore, can
be uniquely defined by only 3 parameters (the position of COP in 3D). The image
of a pinhole camera requires specifying an image plane for projecting these rays.
The image transformation due to the change of the image plane is referred to as the
The pinhole imaging process, thus, can be decomposed into two parts: projecting
the scene geometry into rays and projecting the rays onto the image plane. We refer
to the first part as projection and the second as collineation. It has been shown
that the projection and collineation can be combined by the classic 3 x 4 pinhole
camera matrix [15],which combines six extrinsic and five intrinsic camera parameters
into single operator that maps homogenous 3D points to a 2D image plane. These
mappings are unique down to a scale factor, and the same infrastructure can also
be adapted to describe orthographic cameras. Since pinhole cameras capture similar
images to those we observe from our eyes, i.e., in human perspectives, pinhole cameras
are also called perspective cameras.
The simple pinhole projection model has many nice properties that are useful to
computer graphics and computer vision applications. For instance, under the perspective projection, all lines in the scene are projected to lines on the image. Similarly,
a triangle in 3D space is projected in a triangle on the pinhole image.
Thus, by
representing the scene geometry using triangles, one can efficiently render the entire
scene by projecting the triangles onto the image plane and then rasterizing the triangles in the image space. Furthermore, in light of two-eye human perception, modern
computer vision systems use two pinhole cameras to generate binocular stereo. The
perspective projection model also induces the so-called epipolar constraints, which
significantly reduces the search space for establishing the correspondences that determine a point's depth.
More general camera models do not need to satisfy the same physical constraints
that a perspective camera does, i.e., not all rays collected by the camera need to pass
through a common point.
Such cameras are often referred to as multiperspective
cameras and the corresponding images are called multiperspective images. However,
most multiperspective cameras are still expected to satisfy some properties in order
to capture meaningful (interpretable) images. A list of these properties include:
* 2D Ray Subspace.
A multiperspective
camera, like any camera, collects an
image. Typical images, which will be the only one considered in this thesis, are
2-D dimensional subset of the radiant energy along rays.
Figure 2-1: Multiperspective images in art. (a) Hall City by M.C. Escher. (b) Portrait
of a Young Girl by Pablo Picasso. (c) Red Fish by Henri Matisse.
* Continuity. A multiperspective camera should collect a smoothly varying set of
rays. This guarantees that continuous objects will project to continuous images.
If we further assume all rays can be embedded as points in some rayspace, then
the first and second criteria indicate that a multiperspective camera captures
rays lying on a 2D continuous manifold in this ray space.
* Unique Projection. Excepting singularities (which are discussed in detail later),
a multiperspective camera should generally image each 3D point at most once.
In a perspective camera, only the point lying at the Center Of Projection (COP)
will be imaged multiple times. Likewise, each point in 3D should be imagined
no more than once in a multiperspective camera.
Multiperspective Images
In a perspective image, objects in a scene appear as if they would appear from a single
viewpoint. Artists have long found this single perspective description too restrictive
for illustrating an entire scene. Ideally, an image should be able to smoothly combine
different perspectives into a single multiperspective image. Many artists use a multiperspective representation to improve the comprehensibility of the scene and better
illustrate the structure and the spatial relationships between the scene objects.
Classic examples include the visual paradoxes of Escher, and the Cubism of Picasso
and Matisse, as shown in Figure 2-1. Escher uses highly curved projection model
to generate "impossible" perspectives of a scene shown in Figure 2-1(a).
and other Cubism pioneers made effective of of rearranging different parts of the
depicted scene while maintaining their local spatial relationships, which results in an
incongruous spatial systems. Despite the large disparities between projections, the
overall impression of a three-dimensional space remains intact, as shown in Figure
2-1(b). Matisse used similar techniques with smoother transitions between different
perspectives. In his work Red Fish shown in Figure 2-1(c), the perspective smoothly
transitions from horizontal (at the glass container) to the vertical (at the table).
images have also been used as backdrops in cel animation to
effectively depict camera motion in a single panorama. In cel-animations, a moving
foreground element would translate across the background image with no change in
parallax. A local camera is attached with the moving foreground element to generate
an illusion of motion. In contrast to the foreground elements, backdrop artists often
draw by hand a multiperspective projection background to create a deeper, more dynamic environment. Computer generated multiperspective panoramas, as presented
by Wood et al [39], combined elements of multiple pinhole cameras into a single image using a semi-automatic
image registration process. They relied on optimization
techniques, as well as optical flow and blending transitions between views.
The concentric mosaics of [32] and [27] are another type of multiperspective
age that is useful for exploring captured environments. Durand [9] suggests that
projections can also be an interactive process and uses them as an
example to distinguish between picture generation and user interaction.
Agrawala et al [1] developed a system for rendering multiperspective images from
three-dimensional models based on spatially varying projections. They point out that
the most difficult part of multiperspective rendering using spatially varying projections is resolving occlusion. This difficulty can be relaxed if the transition between
projections vary smoothly. Hanson and Wernert [14]addressed the occlusion problem
by densely interpolating the path of the ray.
The MCOP (multiple center of projection) images of Rademacher [28]are another
example of unstructured
multiperspective images. They are closely related to images
generated pushbroom cameras, but they are not constrained to follow linear paths.
While these images were intended as scene representations, they are also interesting
and informative images on their own. Glassner [10]described a camera construction
for collecting rays from a more general camera model..
In his approach, rays are
specified by the two surfaces with common parameterizations.
However, none of the
previous approaches maintain both the continuity and unique projection property.
In general, a desirable multiperspective image design toolbox should guarantee both
continuity and uniqueness properties, as well as provide intuitive user controls.
Although most of the previous approaches are able to synthesize plausible multiperspective images, very little work has been done on characterizing multiperspective
distortions. This is mainly because most of these approaches lack sufficient descriptive power of the local imaging model since, at an infinitesimal level they treat local
neighborhoods of rays as pinhole camera approximations.
Zorin and Barr show how
to correct perceptual distortions in photographs by reprojecting them. Swaminathan
and Nayar [35] also analyzed the distortion of multiperspective images with known
scene geometry. However, qualitative and quantitative characterizations of multiperspective distortions are missing, resulting in many questions such as what causes
multiperspective distortions, what are all possible types of distortions, to what extend
one can reduce distortions by manipulating the images, and etc.
Multiperspective Cameras
One way of analyzing a multiperspective image is to consider the hypothetical camera
that might have generated it. I will refer to such cameras, whether realizable or not,
as multiperspective
camera models have been explored
in the computer vision community. These multiperspective cameras include pushbroom cameras [13], which collect rays along parallel planes from points swept along
a linear trajectory, two-slit cameras [26], which collect all rays passing through two
lines, and oblique cameras, in which every two rays are oblique (neither parallel to
Figure 2-2: Pushbroom and Cross-slit Camera. (a) Acquisition geometry of a pushbroom camera. (b) The stationary column sampling routine for synthesizing a pushbroom camera. (c) Acquisition geometry of a cross-slit camera. (d) The linearly
varying column sampling routine for synthesizing a cross-slit camera.
intersect). Seitz [30] has analyzed the space of stereo cameras to determine those
with a consistent epipolar geometry and suggested that pushbroom, cross-slit and
linear oblique cameras can all be used to analyze three-dimensional structure, just as
pinhole cameras are commonly used.
Commonly Used Multiperspective Cameras
The pushbroom camera model was first introduced by Bolles et al [4] for generating
Epipolar images (EPI). A pushbroom camera consists of an optical system projecting
an image onto a linear array of sensors. The pushbroom sensor is mounted on a
moving rail, and as the platform moves, the view plane sweeps out a volume of space
and forms a pushbroom image on the sensor as shown in Figure 2-2(a). In practice, the
pushbroom view plane is often replaced by a perspective camera and the pushbroom
image is synthesized by assembling the same column of each perspective image shown
in Figure 2-2(b). Gupta and Hartley [13] investigated the theoretical insights such as
the projection and fundamental matrices as well as the epipolar geometry of linear
pushbroom cameras. They showed, although the epipolar constraints are totally
different from that of a perspective camera, a matrix analogous to the fundamental
matrix of perspective cameras exists for pushbroom cameras.
Another popular class of multiperspective cameras are the cross-slit cameras. A
cross-slit camera has two slits 11 and 12 that are oblique (neither parallel nor coplanar)in 3D space. The camera collects rays that simultaneously pass through the two
slits and projects them onto an image plane, as shown in Figure 2-2(c). Zomet et
Figure 2-3: Multiperspective images in graphics and vision. (a) and (b) Images
captured from catadioptric mirrors (Courtesy of Tomas Pajdla). (c) A reflection
image observed on the car window. (d)A pushbroom panorama by University of
Washington (Courtesy of Steve Seitz).
al [47] carried out an extensive analysis and modelling of cross-slit cameras. They
have shown a cross-slit camera can be synthesized similar to the pushbroom camera
by stitching linearly varying columns across the pinhole viewing cameras, as shown
in Figure 2-2(d). They also showed that the projection and collineation of a cross-slit
camera is no longer a 3x4 projection matrix but a 3x4x4 quadratic tensor.
Most recently, Pajdla [25] proposed the oblique camera model. The oblique camera
is the opposite extremal of the pinhole camera. A pinhole camera collects rays passing
through a common point in 3D whereas an oblique camera collects pairwise oblique
rays. This means no two rays in an oblique camera can intersect or be parallel. In
order to give a complete description of the rays collected by the oblique camera,
Pajdla used transition closure to find all rays. He further used the quadratic ruling
surface to determine its epipolar geometry.
2.3.2 Catadioptric Mirrors
Another class of "real" multiperspective cameras are catadioptric imaging systems
that combines a standard perspective camera (which I will refer to as the viewing
camera) pointing at one or more mirrored surfaces. An important subclass of catadioptric mirrors places the viewing camera at the geometric focus of a hyperbolic or
parabolic surface to synthesize a perspective image with a wider field of view [22, 2]
as shown in Figure 2-3(a) and 2-3(b). This setup requires accurate alignment of the
viewing camera [18, 36]. When the camera moves out of the alignment, the rays
quickly deviate from the desired COP, forming a multiperspective image, and the
corresponding imaging geometry is difficult to analyze [37].
Most previous research has been restricted to simple parametric reflectors such
as spherical or conical mirrors [8, 40], and equiangular mirrors [34]. Reflection multiperspective images are observed almost everywhere in our daily lives, for example
the reflections off of the windows, as shown in Figure 2-3(c). Many of these reflected
images exhibit similar distortions as shown in the pushbroom and cross-slit cameras.
However, it is unclear where and precisely how they are similar and whether they
do correspond to any particular multiperspective camera model or not. Thus, it
is desirable to have a multiperspective camera model that applies to reflections off
of any parametric or mesh surface and to catalog the expected imaging properties
(distortions and ray foci).
Ray Representation
The key to modelling multiperspective cameras is to specify the sets of rays that they
collect. The image captured by the camera is then determined by the radiance along
each ray that the camera collects. Thus, it is crucial to have an efficient and precise
description of the rays. In general, the radiance may vary along a ray in space in
presence of participating
media and occlusions. To simplify the analysis, I assume
that there is no participating media or occlusions within the space I analyze the rays
so that these rays can be equivalently represented as lines.
Camera Array
Virtual Camera
Figure 2-4: An camera array samples a light field with an array of images.
A naive approach to represent each line in 3D space is to use a source point and its
direction. The source point can be any point (3D) lying on the line and the direction
of the line can be its angular orientation (2D), which gives a 5D representation for
each line. Although the 5D point-direction representation can describe all possible
rays, it is quite redundant because one can choose a different point along the line to
describe the same ray.
Light Fields Parametrization
An efficient 4D ray representation is the two-plane or light-field parametrization.
Light fields are an image-based computer graphics representation that uses a collection
of rays as a scene description in place of geometry. In a light-field parametrization, two
parallel planes are given in prior and each ray is parameterized using its intersection
points with the two planes. Since each intersection point is constrained on a plane,
it is 2D, and the over parametrization of the ray is 4D. In theory, light fields capture
all the necessary rays within a certain sub-space that are not parallel to the image
plane so that a wide range of views within a region can be synthesized, as shown in
Figure 2-4.
The two parallel planes are often referred to as the st camera plane and uv image
plane. In an actual light field setup, an array of images are captured on a regularly
sampled 2D plane, as shown in Figure 2-5. Each pixel on an image corresponds to
Figure 2-5: Two plane parametrization. A new pinhole image can be synthesized
by querying and blending rays from the light field. Each ray is parameterized by
intersecting the two parallel planes as [s, t] and [u, v].
a ray that is indexed as [s, t, u, v], where [s, t] and [u, v] is the intersection of the ray
with the st plane z = zt and the uv plane z = zu,. Except for rays that are parallel
to the uv plane, all rays can be uniquely represented as a 4-tuple [s, t, u, v].
The nice property of 2PP is that rays parameterized under 2PP form a four dimensional vector space. A linear combination of the Is,t, u, v] coordinate of any two
rays is still a valid representation of some ray. This contrasts with other parameterizations, such as the 6D Pliickercoordinates [33, 12] which do not form closed vector
space. I will give a detailed comparison between 2PP and Pliicker Coordinate in
Chapter 4.
In this thesis, I use 2PP to represent rays. Unless otherwise specified, I assume
to lie on z = 0 plane and its origin to coincide with the origin of the coordinate
system and the second plane HIt is at z = 1. I will use interchangeably HII,,a
Ray Space Analysis
As mentioned in the beginning of this chapter, a multiperspective image captures
a two dimensional manifold of rays. Thus, under 2PP, all possible multiperspective
images correspond to 2D continuous manifolds under this mapping.
Of all these
2D manifolds, it is particularly interesting to study the planar manifolds, and many
previous work have shown that pinhole cameras are 2D planes in the ray space.
Gu et al [12] explored of the linear structures of the rays under two plane para-
metrization. Their initial results form the foundation of this thesis. Their primary
focus was on studying the duality of points and planes under this mapping for characterizing
D, 2D, and 3D linear subspaces. In particular, they identified two classes
of 2D linear manifolds: cross-slit and pinhole cameras. Pushbroom camera, in their
is a special subclass of the cross-slit when one of its two slits lies at
infinity. In addition, they have shown that all rays passing through a line are subject
an interesting linear constraint. However, they did not show if there exist other 2D
subspaces other than cross-slit and pinholes.
My thesis focuses on identifying all possible 2D subspaces and using them to characterize arbitrary multiperspective
ray manifolds/cameras.
In particular, I show in
Chapter 3 that, besides cross-slit, pushbroom, and pinhole cameras, there exist several
important but unexplored subsets of multiperspective cameras that also correspond
to 2D linear subspaces of rays. I show these cameras can be uniquely characterized
using the characteristic equations. Furthermore, [12]only cares about the set of rays
lie on a 2D subspace while my work also study the distribution of these rays on the
image plane via a general theory of projection and collineation that will be described
in Chapter 5. Finally, I show how to use this complete set of 2D ray subspaces for
characterize arbitrary
ray manifolds for real imaging systems such as catadioptric
In summary, I have discussed the background and previous work on multiper-
spective cameras and images in this chapter. I have shown the limitations of the
perspective camera model and described many previously discovered multiperspective cameras. I have also introduced the light-field ray parametrization
and reviewed
the initial work for analyzing the ray space.
Before proceeding, I explain my notation.
Superscripts, such as pX, py, and pZ
represent the x and y and z component of a point or vector. Subscripts, such as fx
and fy represents the first-order partial derivatives of f with respect to x and y. And
similarly, fx refers to the second-order partial derivative of f with respect to x twice.
Chapter 3
General Linear Cameras
In this chapter, I introduce the General Linear Camera (GLC) model that is able to
describe many common imaging systems. In fact, under an appropriate interpretation,
GLCs describe all possible linear images. This provides a single camera model that
unifies existing perspective and multiperspective cameras. I also derive characteristic
equations that uniquely categorize each variety of GLC.
General Linear Camera Model
The General Linear Camera (GLC) is defined by three rays that originate from three
points p(ul,
l1), p 2 (u 2 ,v 2 ) and p3 (u 3 ,v 3 ) on an image plane Himage,as is shown
in Figure 3-1(a). A GLC collects radiance measurements
along all possible "affine
combinations" of these three rays. In order to define this affine combination of rays,
we assume a specific ray parametrization.
W.o.l.g, we define Himageto lie on z = 0 plane and its origin to coincide with the
origin of the coordinate system. From now on, we refer to
to parameterize rays, we place a second plane
as IIuv. In order
at z = 1. All rays not parallel to
HIt, Iu, will intersect the two planes at s, t, 1] and [u, v, 01respectively. That gives a
4D parametrization
of each ray in form [s, t, u, v]. This ray representation,
called the
two-plane parametrization (2PP), is widely used by the computer graphics community
for representing light fields and lumigraphs [21, 11]. Under this parametrization,
Figure 3-1: General Linear Camera Model. a)A GLC is characterized by three rays
originated from the image plane. b)It collects all possible affine combination of three
affine combination of three rays ri[si, ti, ui, vi], i = 1, 2, 3, is defined as:
r = a " [sl, tl, Ui, V1] + ) * [S2 ,t 2 , U2 ,v 2 ] + (1-
-- ) . [S3, t3, U3, V3]
The choice of Hst at z = 1, is, of course, arbitrary. One can choose any plane
parallel to HII,
to derive an equivalent parametrization. Moreover, these alternate
parameterizations will preserve affine combinations of three rays.
Theorem 3.1-1. The affine combinations of any three rays under two different
2PP parameterizationsthat differ by choice of IIt (i.e., [s, t, u, v] and [s', t',u, v] ) are
the same.
Proof: Suppose IHI,, is at some arbitrary depth zo, zo # 0. Consider the transformation of a ray between the default parametrization (zo = 1) and this new one. If
r [s, t, u, v] and r[s', t', u, v] represent the same ray r in 3D, then r[s, t, u, v] must pass
through [s', t', zo], and there must exist some A such that
A. [s, t, 1] + (1 - A) - [u, v, 0] = [s', t', zo]
Solving for A, we have
s' =s.zo+u.(1-zo),
Since this transformation is linear, and affine combinations are preserved under linear
transformation, the affine combinations of rays under the default two-plane parametrization (zo = 1) will be consistent for parameterizations
over alternative parallel
planes. Moreover, the affine weights for a particular choice of parallel lit are general.
We call the GLC model "linear" because it defines all 2-dimensional affine subspaces in the 4-dimensional
"ray space" imposed by a two-plane parametrization.
Moreover, these 2D affine subspaces of rays can be considered as images. We refer to
the three rays used in a particular GLC as the GLC's generator rays. Equivalently,
a GLC can be described by the coordinates of two triangles with corresponding vertices, one located on list, and the second on II.
Unless otherwise specified, we will
assume the three generator rays (in their 4D parametrization) are linearly independent. This affine combination of generator rays also preserves linearity, while other
such as the 6D Pluicker coordinates [33], do not [12].
Theorem 3.1-2. If three rays are parallel to a plane II in 3D, then all aine
combinations of them are parallel to II as well.
Proof: Let r[sl,
l, v], r 2 [s2 , t 2 , u 2 ,v 2], and
r 3 [S3, t 3 , U3, V3]
be the three gener-
ator rays that are parallel to plane II. Let h be the unit normal of plane II. Since rl,
r 2 , and r3 are all parallel to II and ri has direction di = [si - ui, ti - vi, 1], we must
The direction of a ray that is the affine combination of the three generator rays is
daffine = (di
+ d2 + (1 - ac- /3)d3. By distributing the inner products, it is clear
that it is easy to see that daffine h = 0. Thus, any affine combination of these three
rays will be parallel to II as well.
Theorem 3.1-3. If three rays intersect a line I parallel to the image plane, all
Figure 3-2: Classic camera models represented as GLC. (a)Two similar triangles on
two planes define a pinhole camera; (b)Two parallel congruent triangles define an
orthographic camera; (c)Three rays from an cross-slit camera.
affine combinations of them will intersect 1 as well.
Proof: By theorem 3.1-1, we can reparametrize three rays by placing Hst so that
it contains 1 without changing the affine combinations of the three rays. Because the
st plane intersections of the three rays will lie on 1, all affine combinations of three
rays will have their st coordinates on 1, i.e., they will all pass through 1. The same
argument also holds when all rays which pass through a given point.
Equivalence of Classic Camera Models
Traditional camera models have equivalent GLC representations.
Pinhole camera: By definition, all rays of a pinhole camera pass through a single
point, C in 3D space (the center of projection). Any three linearly independent rays
from C will the intersect II,, and IIst planes to form two triangles. These triangles
will be similar and have parallel corresponding edges, as shown in Figure 3-2(a).
Furthermore, any other ray, r, through C will intersect II., and Ht planes at points
and 4qt. These points will have the same affine coordinates relative to the triangle
vertices on their corresponding planes, and r has the same affine coordinates as these
two points.
Orthographic camera: By definition, all rays on an orthographic camera have
the same direction. Any three linearly independent rays from an orthographic camera
intersect parallel planes at the vertices of congruent triangles with parallel corresponding edges, as shown in Figure 3-2(b). Rays connecting the same affine combination
of these triangle vertices, have the same direction as the 3 generator rays, and will,
therefore, originate from the same orthographic camera.
Pushbroom camera: A pushbroom camera sweeps parallel planes along a line
I collecting those rays that pass through 1. We refer to this family of parallel planes
as II*. We choose IIv, parallel to but not containing 1, and select a non-degenerate
set of generator rays (they intersect IHuvin a triangle). By Theorem 3.1-2 and 3.13, all affinriecombinations of the three rays must all lie on II* parallel planes and
must also pass through
and, hence, must belong to the pushbroom camera. In the
other direction, for any point P on Iuv, there exist one ray that passes through P that
intersects I1and is parallel to II*. Since P must be some affine combination of the three
vertexes of the uv triangle, the ray must lie on the corresponding GLC. Furthermore,
because all rays of the pushbroom camera will intersect Iuv, the GLC must generate
equivalent rays.
By definition, an cross-slit camera collects all rays passing
through two non-coplanar lines. We choose IIuv to be parallel to both lines but not
containing: either of them. One can then pick a non-degenerate set of generator rays
and find their corresponding triangles on lst and Huv.. By Theorem 3.1-3, all affine
combinations of these three rays must pass through both lines and hence must belong
to the cross-slit camera.
In the other direction, authors of cross-slit [26, 47] have
shown that each point
on the image plane Iu,, maps to a unique ray, r, in an
cross-slit camera. Since p must be some affine combination of the three vertexes of
the uv triangle, r must belong to the GLC. The GLC hence must generate equivalent
rays as the cross-slit camera.
Plane Image: EPI [4] cameras collect all rays that lie on a plane in
3D space. We therefore can pick any three linearly independent
rays on the plane
as generator rays. Affine combinations of these rays generate all possible rays on the
plane,so long as they are linearly independent.
Epipolar Plane Images.
Therefore a GLC can also represent
Characteristic Equation of GLC
Although we have shown that a GLC can represent many commonly used camera
models, the representation is not unique (i.e., different sets of three generator rays can
define the same camera). In this section we develop a criterion to classify general linear
cameras. One discriminating characteristic of affine ray combinations is whether or
not all rays pass through a line in 3D space. This characteristic
is fundamental to
the definition of many multi-perspective cameras. We will use this criteria to define
the the first characteristic equation of general linear cameras.
Recall that any 2D affine subspace in 4D can be defined as affine combinations of
three points. Thus, GLC models can be associated with all possible planes in the 4D
since GLCs are specified as affine combinations of three rays, whose duals in 4D are
the three points.
Theorem 3.3-1. Given a non-EPI, non-pinhole GLC, if all camera rays pass
through some line 1, not at infinity, in 3D space, then must be parallel to Hu,.
Proof: We demonstrate the contrapositive. If is not parallel to Ilu,, and all rays
on a GLC pass through , then we show the GLC must be either an EPI or a pinhole
Assume the three rays pass through at least two distinct points on , otherwise,
they will be on a pinhole camera, by Theorem 3.1-3. If is not parallel, then it must
intersect IIst, IIH,, at some point [so, to, 1] and [o, vo, 0]. Gu et al [12] has shown all
rays passing through
must satisfy the followingbilinear constraint
(u-uo)(t- to)-(v-vo)(s -so) =0
We show that the only GLCs that satisfy this constraint are EPIs or pinholes.
All 2D affine subspaces in s, t, u, v] can be written as the intersection of two linear
constraints Ai s + Bi t + Ci u + Di v + Ei = 0, i = 1, 2. (See Chapter 4.2 for
details.) In general we can solve these two equations for two variables, for instance,
we can solve for u-v as
u=A .s+B.t+E , v=A. s+B2 t+E
Substituting u and v into the bilinear constraint (3.3), we have
(A .s + B; t + E- uo)(t - to) = (A' s + B' t + E2- vo)(s-
This equation can only be satisfied for all s and t if A = B' and B1 = A = 0,
therefore, equation (3.4) can be rewritten as u = A' s + E' and v = A'. t + E2. Gu et
al [12] have shown all rays in this form must pass through a 3D point P (P cannot be
at infinity, otherwise all rays have uniform directions and cannot all pass through any
line 1, not at infinity). Therefore all rays must lie on a 3D plane that passes through
I and finite P. The only GLC camera in which all rays lie on a 3D plane is an EPI.
If the two linear constraints are singular in u and v, we can solve for s-t, and similar
results hold.
If the two linear constraints cannot be solved for u-v or s-t but can be solved for
u-s or v-t, then a similar analysis results in equations of two parallel lines, one on
rIst, the other on Iluv. The set of rays through two parallel lines must lie on an EPI.
Theorem 3.1-3 and 3.3-1 imply that given a GLC, we need only consider if the
three generator rays pass through some line parallel to rIst. We will show an alternative proof of Theorem 3.3-1 using Pliucker Coordinate in Chapter 4. We use this
relationship to define the characteristic equation of a GLC.
The three generator rays in a GLC correspond to the following 3D lines:
ri = Ai [si,ti, 1]+ (1-A i) [ui, vi, ] i = 1,2,3
The three rays intersect some plane HI= parallel to Hu, when A1 = A2 = A3 = A.
By Theorem 3.1-3, all rays on the GLC pass through some line 1 on HI,=, if the three
generator rays intersect 1. Therefore, we only need to test if there exist any A so that
the three intersection points of the generator rays with II,=, lie on a line. A necessary
and sufficient condition for 3 points on a constant z-plane to be co-linear is that they
have zero area on that plane. This area is computed as follows (Note: the value of z
is unnecessary):
(A Si1+ (1 - A)* Ul)
.v 2)
V3 )
.u 2 )
(A/ t I + (1 - A)* V1 )
(A. s 3 + (1 -A) u 3 )
(A. t 3 + (1 -A)
Notice equation (3.6) is a quadratic equation in A of the form
A A2 + B A+ C = 0
S1 - U1
s 2 -u
t2 -v
s 3 -u
t3 -v
1 , C=
u 2 v2 1 ,
U3 sV3
I call equation 3.9 the first characteristic equation of a GLC. Since the characteristic equation can be calculated from any three rays, one can also evaluate the
characteristic equation for EPI and pinhole cameras. The number of solutions of
the characteristic equation implies the number of lines that all rays on a GLC pass
It may have 0, 1, 2 or infinite solutions. The number of solutions depends
on the denominator A and the quadratic discriminant A = B 2 - 4AC.
Notice, a GLC can also be equivalently generated by two generator triangles on
the st and uv plane. The followingTheorem shows the translation invariant property
of a GLC.
Theorem 3.3-2. Given a GLC, three generator rays [si,ti, ui, vi], i = 1, 2, 3,
translating the two generator triangles [s', ti] = [si + T, ti + Tt], [u', v'] = [ui+ Tu, vi +
Tv], i = 1, 2, 3, do not change the coefficients A, B and C of the characteristic
equation of the GLC.
Proof: This is because the determinants used in the expressions of A, B and C
are invariant to translation. For instance,
s1-u 1 t1 -v 1 1
+Ts- U
-u T
S2 -u11
2 t2 -
1 =
S2+ T -
2 -Tu
S3 -'u11
3 t3 -
s3 +Ts-u
t +Tt-vi -Tv 1
t 2 + Tt - v 2 t 3 +Tv-V
Tv 1 =A
3 -Tv
Similar results hold for B and C.
Characterizing Classic Camera Models
In this section, I show how to identify standard camera models using the characteristic
equation of 3 given generator rays.
Theorem 3.4-1. Given a GLC, three generator rays, and its characteristic equation A A2 + B A + C = 0, then all rays are parallel to some plane if and only if
Proof: Notice in the matrix used to calculate A, row i is the direction di of ray ri.
Therefore A can be rewritten as A = (d1 x d 2 ). d3 . Hence A = 0 if and only if d-, d 2
and d3 are parallel to some 3D plane. And by Theorem 3.1-2, all affine combinations
of these rays must also be parallel to that plane if A = 0.
A = 0 case
When A = 0, the characteristic equation degenerates to a linear equation, which can
have 1, 0, or an infinite number of solutions. By Theorem 3.4-1, all rays are parallel to
some plane. Only three standard camera models satisfy this condition: pushbroom,
orthographic, and EPI.
All rays of a pushbroom lie on parallel planes and pass through one line, as is
shown in Figure 3-4(a). A GLC is a pushbroom camera if and only if A = 0 and the
characteristic equation has 1 solution.
All rays of an orthographic camera have the same direction and do not all simul-
taneously pass through any line 1. Hence its characteristic equation has no solution.
The zero solution criteria alone, however, is insufficient to determine if a GLC is
We show in the following section that one can twist an orthographic
camera into bilinear sheets by rotating rays on parallel planes, as is shown in Figure 3-4(b), and still maintain that all rays do not pass through a common line. In
Section 3, we showed that corresponding edges of the two congruent triangles of an
orthographic GLC must be parallel. This parallelism is captured by the following
(ui-uj) i j = 1,2,3 and i j
We call this condition the edge-parallelcondition, and define it as the second characteristic equation of a GLC.. It is easy to verify that a GLC is orthographic if and
only if A = 0 (all rays are parallel to at least one plane), its characteristic equation
has no solution, and it satisfies the edge-parallelcondition.
Rays of an EPI camera all lie on a plane and pass through an infinite number of
lines on the plane. In order for a characteristic equation to have infinite number of
solutions when A = 0, we must also have B = 0 and C = 0. This is not surprising,
because the intersection of the epipolar plane with Hst and lHuvmust be two parallel
lines and any set of three generator rays must satisfy A = 0 (because they lie on a
plane), C = 0 (because the area formed on the three rays on uv plane is zero), and
$ 0 case
When A $ 0, the characteristic equation is quadratic and can have 0, 1, or 2 solutions
depending on the characteristic equation's discriminant A. We show how to identify
the remaining two classical cameras, pinhole and cross-slit cameras in term of A and
All rays in a pinhole camera pass through the center of projection (COP). Therefore, any three rays from a pinhole camera, if linearly independent,
cannot all be
parallel to any plane, and by Theorem 3.4-1, A # 0. Notice that the roots of the
characteristic equation correspond to the depth of the line that all rays pass through,
hence the characteristic equation of a pinhole camera can only have one solution that
corresponds to the depth of the COP, even though there exists an infinite number
of lines passing through the COP. Therefore, the characteristic equation of a pinhole
camera must satisfy A
$ 0 and A =
0. However, this condition alone is insufficient
to determine if a GLC is pinhole. In the following section, we show that there exists
a camera where all rays lie on pencil of planes sharing a line, as shown in Figure
3-4(c), which also satisfies these conditions. One can, however, use the second GLC
characteristic equation (the edge -parallel condition) to verify if a GLC is pinhole.
Thus a GLC is pinhole, if and only if A
0, it first characteristic equation has one
solution, and it satisfies edge-parallelcondition.
Rays of an cross-slit camera pass through two slits and, therefore, the characteristic equation of a GLC must have at least two distinct solutions. Furthermore, Pajdla
[26] has shown all rays of an cross-slit camera cannot pass through lines other than
its two slits, therefore, the characteristic equation of an cross-slit camera has exactly
two distinct solutions. Thus, a GLC is an cross-slit if and only if A $ 0 and A > 0.
New Multiperspective Camera Models
The characteristic equation also suggests three new multiperspective camera types
that have not been previously discussed. They include
1)twisted orthographic: A = 0, its first characteristic equation has no solution,
and all rays do not have uniform direction;
2)pencil camera: A
Oand the equation has one root, but all rays do not pass
through a 3D point;
3)bilinear camera: A $ 0 and the characteristic equation has no solution. In this
r2 4.
(C) -
Figure 3-3: Bilinear Surfaces. (a) r3 is parallel to S; (b) r 3 is parallel to S, but still
intersects S; (c) r3 is not parallel to S, and does not intersect S either.
section, we give a geometric interpretation of these three new camera models.
Before describing each new camera model, however, we will first discuss a helpful
interpretation of the spatial relationships between the three generator rays. An affine
combination of two 4D points defines a 1-dimensional affine subspace. Under 2PP,
a 1-D affine subspaces corresponds to a bilinear surface S in 3D that contains the
two rays associated with each 4D point. If these two rays intersect or have the same
direction in 3D space, S degenerates to a plane. Next, we consider the relationship
between ray Tr
3 and S. We define r3 to be parallel to S if and only if r 3 has the same
direction as some ray r E S. This definition of parallelism is quite different from
conventional definitions. In particular, if r3 is parallel to S, r3 can still intersect S.
And if r3 is not parallel to S, r3 still might not intersect S, Figure 3-3(b) and (c)
show examples of each case.
This definition of parallelism, however, is closely related to A in the characteristic
equation. If r3 is parallel to S, by definition, the direction of r3 must be some linear
combination of the directions of rl and r2 , and, therefore, A = 0 by Theorem 3.4-1.
A = 0, however, is not sufficient to guarantee r3 is parallel to S. For instance, one
can pick two rays with uniform directions so that A = 0, yet still have the freedom
to pick a third so that it is not parallel to the plane, as is shown in Figure 3-3(c).
The number of solutions to the characteristic equation is also closely related to
the number of intersections of r3 with S. If r3 intersects the bilinear surface S(rl, r2 )
at P, then there exists a line 1, where P E 1, that all rays pass through. This is
Figure 3-4: Pushbroom, Twisted Orthographic, and Pencil Cameras. (a) A pushbroom camera collects rays on a set of parallel planes passing through a line; (b) A
twisted orthographic camera collects rays with uniform directions on a set of parallel
planes; (c) A pencil camera collects rays on a set of non-parallel planes that share a
because one can place a constant-z plane that passes through P and intersects r, and
r2 at Q and R. Because S is a bilinear surface, the cut by a constant-z plane on S
is a line. Therefore, P, Q and R must lie on a line and all rays must pass through
line PQR. Hence r 3 intersecting S(rl, r2 ) is a sufficient condition to ensure that all
rays pass through some line. It further implies that, if the characteristic equation of a
GLC has no solution, no two rays in the camera intersect. GLCs whose characteristic
equation has no solution are examples of oblique cameras from [25].
New Camera Models
Our GLC model and its characteristic equations suggests 3 new camera types that
have not been previously described.
Twisted Orthographic Camera: The characteristic equation of the twisted
orthographic camera satisfies A = B = 0 and C 5 0, thus, has no solution, and
its generators do not satisfy the edge-parallel condition. If rl, r2 and r3 are linearly
independent, no solution implies r3 will not intersect the bilinear surface S. In fact,
no two rays intersect in 3D space. In addition, A = 0 also implies that all rays are
parallel to some plane II in 3D space, therefore the rays on each of these parallel
planes must have uniform directions as is shown in Figure 3-4(b). Therefore, twisted
orthographic cameras can be viewed as twisting the parallel planes of rays in an
orthographic camera along common bilinear sheets.
Table 3.1: Characterize General Linear Cameras by Characteristic Equation
Characteristic Equation 2 Solution 1 Solution
A= 0
0 Solution
Inf. Solution
t: A GLC satisfying edge-parallel condition is pinhole(A y! 0) or orthographic (A =
Pencil Camera: The characteristic equation of a pencil camera satisfies A # 0,
has one solution and the generators do not satisfy the edge-parallelcondition. In
Figure 3-4(c), we illustrate a sample pencil camera: rays lie on a pencil of planes
that share line 1. In a pushbroom camera, all rays also pass through a single line.
However, pushbroom cameras collect rays along planes transverse to
planes of a pencil camera contains
whereas the
(i.e., lie in the pencil of planes through
), as is
shown in Figure 3-4(a) and 4(c).
Bilinear Camera: By definition, the characteristic equation of a bilinear camera
satisfies A $ 0 and the equation has no solution (
< 0). Therefore, similar to twisted
orthographic cameras, no two rays intersect in 3D in a bilinear camera. In addition,
since A $ 0, no two rays are parallel either. Therefore, any two rays in a bilinear
camera form a non-degenerate
bilinear surface, as is shown in Figure 3-3(a). The
complete classification of cameras is listed in Table 3.1.
All General Linear Cameras
Recall that; the characteristic equation of a GLC is invariant to translation, therefore
we can translate (sl,tl) to (0,0) to simplify computation. Furthermore, we assume
the uv triangle has canonical coordinates (0, 0), (1, 0) and (0, 1). This gives:
A = s2 t3 -s 3t2 - 2 -t 3 + 1,
A = (s2 - t3)2 + 4s3t2
The probability that A = 0 is very small, therefore, pushbroom, orthographic and
twisted orthographic cameras are a small subspace of GLCs. Furthermore since s2, t2 ,
and t3 are independent variables, we can, by integration, determine that approxi-
mately two thirds of all possible GLCs are cross-slit, one third are bilinear cameras,
and remainders are other types.
Example GLC Images
In Figure 3-5, we compare GLC images of a synthetic scene. The distortions of
the curved isolines on the objects illustrate various multi-perspective
effects of GLC
cameras. In Figure 3-6, we illustrate GLC images from a 4D light field. Each GLC is
specified by three generator rays shown in red. By appropriately transforming the rays
on the image plane via a 2D omography, most GLCs generate easily interpretable
images. In. Figure 3-7, we choose three desired rays from different pinhole images and
fuse them into a multiperspective bilinear GLC image.
GLC images can be rendered directly by ray tracing a synthetic scene, or by
cutting through pre-captured light fields. In Figure 3-8, we synthesize a cross-slit and
cross-slit camera by cutting through a 3D light field along different directions.
appropriately organizing rays, both GLCs generate interpretable images similar to
pinhole and orthographic cameras. The pencil camera shown on the right of Figure
3-8 is highly twisted. This is because we are moving the viewing angle from left to
right while scanning the image from the top to the bottom.
Images of different GLC types also exhibit unique distortions.
For instance, all
lines in 3D space are preserved as lines on the 2D image for orthographic and pinhole
camera while they are curved in most other GLCs. In particular, lines are strongly
twisted in the images of twisted orthographic and pencil camera. This is mainly because the rays collected by both cameras are twisting in 3D space in nature. Similar
to pinhole cameras, many GLCs have "vanishing" points of parallel lines. Furthermore, in pushbroom camera, objects far away from the camera are stretched while
their size is preserved under pinhole camera, orthographic, and cross-slit cameras. I
will provide a complete characterization of the GLC images in Chapter 5.
.1-,- ';ýP_
- ul
Figure 3-5: Comparison between synthetic GLC images. From left to right, top row:
a pinhole, an orthographic and an EPI; middle row: a pushbroom, a pencil and an
twisted orthographic; bottom row: a bilinear and an cross-slit.
Figure 3-6: GLC images created from a light field. Top row: a pencil, bilinear, and
pushbroom image. Bottom row: an cross-slit, twisted orthographic, and orthographic
Figure 3-7: A multiperspective bilinear GLC image synthesized from three pinhole
cameras shown on the right. The generator rays are highlighted in red.
Figure 3-8: Synthesizing GLCs by cutting through a 3D horizontal light fields. Left:
we cut through the light field vertical diagonally to generate a cross-slit GLC. Right:
we cut through the light field vertical diagonally to generate a pencil GLC.
Chapter 4
GLC Characteristics
This chapter explains several important geometric and algebraic properties of the
GLC model. I first introduce the relative two-plane-parametrization (R-2PP) to
simplify te GLC characteristic equations, and show how it can be interpreted as the
area formed by the three generator rays on a sweeping plane. The solutions to the
first characteristic equation correspond to slits at both finite and infinite distance.
I then derive all possible transitions one type of GLC to another by changing its
slit geometry.
Next, I explore several algebraic properties of the GLC model.
show GLCs are 2D linear subspaces in the 4D ray space and can be alternatively
represented by two linear constraints.
The two linear constraints satisfy specific
algebraic properties for different types of GLCs. Finally, I compare GLCs defined
under two-plane-parametrization and under Pliicker Coordinate.
Relative Two Plane Parametrization
GLCs are defined as the affine subspaces of three generator rays that are parameterized by their intersections with two parallel planes at s, t, 1] and [u, v, 0]. Therefore,
the two-plane-parametrization
of the ray can be viewed as a two-point parametriza-
tion of a line. Alternatively, each ray can be parameterized by a point and a direction.
If we choose the point as u, v, 0] and direction as [a, T, 1] = [s,t, 1] - [u, v, 0], we have
a point-direction-parametrization
of a ray [a, T, u, v]. Since [, T, 1] can also be viewed
as the relative coordinate of [s,t, 1] with respect to [u, v, 0], I refer to this parametrization as the relative-two-plane-parametrization (R2PP).
The transformation from 2PP to R2PP is linear, and more precisely a shearing
transformation, thus, affine subspaces are preserved under R2PP. We can reparameterize a GLC by representing the rays under R2PP as:
GLC = a [ 1 , T1,U1 , V] +
[0'2, 2 , U 2, V2] +
(1- a -
) -[0'3 , T3 , U3 , 3]
The first characteristic equation 3.8 under R2PP simplifies to
ul+ A- al
u2 +
+ A
Vl +-
V2 + A
v 3 + A*
resulting in a simplified quadratic equation AA2 + BA + C = 0 where
A =
B =
0' 2
0' 3
3 1
V3 1
U3 1
The second characteristic equation 3.12 (edge-parallel condition) under 2PP is then
transformed as:
(,i-Uj) = (u-uj)
(i -j)
i,j = 1,2,3 and i j
(Vi -Vj)
From now on, I will use the characteristic equations under R2PP throughout the
k = 0.0
= 2.3
k = 5.2
Figure 4-1: From left to right: the area formed by the three generators at each sweeping
plane. Green corresponds to positive areas and red corresponds to negative. When the area
is zero, all rays will pass through a slit on the corresponding sweeping plane.
Sweeping Area
Recall from chapter 3.3 that the left hand side of the first characteristic equation of a
GLC computes the area formed by the intersections of the three generator rays with
each plane at depth A shown in Figure 4-1. Thus, we can plot the area formed the
generator rays vs. the depth of the plane:
ul +Aal
2. Area(A)= u2 + A o 2
u 3 + A.o3
vl +
v 2 + A'
1 =AA2 + BA+C
V3 + A
where A, B, and C can be computed in equation 4.3.
The area-depth curve is, in general, quadratic in A with either 0, 1, or 2 intersections with the area = 0 axis. The roots correspond to the depth of the slits(s) that
all rays in the GLC pass through. For example, cross-slit cameras should always have
two intersections with the area = 0 axis. Pencil and Pinhole cameras have a single
intersection and are tangent to the area = 0 axis. The area-depth curve of a bilinear
cameras never intersects the area = 0 axis and, therefore, maintains either positive
or negative definite areas. Furthermore, the area-depth curve degenerates from a
quadratic into a line when A = 0, which implies all rays are parallel to some plane.
This happens with pushbroom, orthographic, twisted orthographic, and EPI cameras,
as shown in Table (3-1). By analysis in Chapter 3, pushbroom cameras also satisfy
0. Therefore, the area-depth curve has a slope. The first characteristic equation
of the orthographic and twisted orthographic cameras satisfy A = B = 0, thus, the
Ortho/T. Ortho.
Figure 4-2: Area-Depth Curve (ADC) for GLCs. From left to right: ADC of a
pinhole/pencil camera is quadratic and intersects area = 0 axis once; ADC of orthographic/twisted orthographic camera is a constant line parallel to area = 0 axis;
ADC of a pushbroom camera is a line that intersects area = 0 axis once; ADC of a
cross-slit camera is quadratic and intersects area = 0 axis twice; ADC of a bilinear
camera is quadratic and never intersects area = 0 axis; ADC of an EPI camera is the
area = 0 axis.
area formed the three generator rays will remain constant and the area- depth curves
lie parallel to the area axis. Finally, the area-depth of an EPI camera coincides with
the area = 0 axis because all rays lie on a plane. The complete characterization is
shown in Figure 4-2.
Furthermore, since any quadratic curve is uniquely defined by three points, we
can determine the first characteristic equation and the type of a GLC if we know the
areas formed by the generator rays on three different depth planes.
GLC Slits
The slits of a GLC determine the fundamental behavior of the rays. When the slit
changes, the structure of these rays also changes accordingly, and in the extreme, a
slit can move to infinity and the GLC characteristics change dramatically. However,
the first characteristic equation only allows A with finite values as solutions. Ideally,
we would like to have a uniform description of slits at both finite and infinite depths
as solutions to the first GLC characteristic equation.
Note that sets of the parallel planes intersect at an infinite line. Algebraically,
this corresponds to GLCs with a characteristic equation coefficient of A = 0, and by
Table 3.1, only pushbroom, twisted orthographic, orthographic, and EPI have infinite
slits. In the following, I re-characterize GLC in terms of finite and infinite lines that
Table 4.1: Characterize GLC with Lines
Number of Lines GLC Type
0 line class
1 line class
2 line class
oo line class
Pencil (1 finite); Twisted Orthographic (1 infinite);
XSlit (2 finite); Pushbroom (1 finite, 1 infinite);
Pinhole (oo finite); (Orthographic (o infinite); EPI (oo finite and infinite);
they intersect:
0-Line Class GLC: Bilinear camera is the only GLC that all rays pass through
no finite or infinite lines.
1-Line Class GLCs: Rays in a pencil camera pass through one finite line. Rays
in an twisted orthographic camera passes through one infinite line. A twisted orthographic camera is formed by pushing the finite line in the pencil GLC to infinity.
When the line in a pencil shrinks to point, it transitions to a pinhole camera. If we
push the point to infinity, it becomes an orthographic camera.
2-Line Class GLC Rays in a cross-slit camera pass through two finite lines.
When one of the lines goes to infinity, a cross-slit transitions to a pushbroom camera.
When both lines in a cross-slit camera go to infinity, it transitions to an orthographic
camera. When the two slits intersect, it transitions to a pinhole camera. When the
two slits approach to coplanar, it transitions to an EPI image.
The complete characterization
is shown in Table 4.2. It describes all possible
transitions between GLCs in terms of the change in slits. Notice, there is no possible
transitions between 0-line, 1-line, and 2-line classes. Most recently, Roman et al 29]
used a similar analysis for interactive designing panorama images. We will derive the
transitions of the GLC on a differentiable continuous ray manifold and use them for
generating various multiperspective rendering effects in Chapter 7.
Linear Ray Manifolds
GLCs describe 2D affine subspaces of rays. When parameterized under 2PP, GLCs
are 2D hyperplanes in a 4D vector space. Any 2D hyperplane in 4D can also be
defined via two linear constraints. In this section I discuss the mappings from a GLC
to two linear constraints and study the algebraic properties these linear constraints
should satisfy for specific GLCs types.
Canonical GLC Representation
Recall that a GLC is defined as an affine combination of three generator rays, each
represented as (ai, i, ui, vi], i = 1, 2, 3. Thus, it takes 12 variables to define a GLC.
However, this GLC representation is not unique since one can pick a different set of
three rays to define the same GLC.
To enforce uniqueness, I choose the three generator rays in a specific form as
[al, Ti, 0, 01, [
[1, 0, 0], ad
, T2 , 1, 0],
and [a3 ,
, 0, 1],
i.e., the three rays originate from [0,0, 0],
[0, 1, 0] from the image plane. I call this parametrization
the canonical
GLC representation. Except for those GLCs that have a slit lie on the uv plane, all
other GLC's can be uniquely represented using this 6-parameter canonical representation.
Since the uv plane corresponds to the image plane, using the canonical GLC
representation is similar to specifying the texture coordinate of a triangle, where
the texture coordinate here represents the direction [a, r] of the ray. I will use the
canonical representation of the GLC to study the multiperspective imaging properties
in Chapter 5.
GLC to Linear Constraints
In order to find the pair of linear constraints associated with a particular GLC, we
represent the GLC in its canonical form as
, v] = a [o1 ,r 1 ,0,0] + . [0'2 , -2,1,0] + (1- -a -3). [0'3, 3, 0, 1]
Solving for a, r, u, and v gives two linear constraints
a =' (1 -u-v)
T =
+ a 2 + a3 = ( 2 -a I)u + ( 3 - 1)v + 1
-V)T1 + UT2 + VT3 = ( 2 - T1)U+ (3-
I-)V + LT
Next, I introduce a vector notation to simplify the analysis, where each linear con-
straint equation A.+BT+Cu+Dv+E
= 0 is represented as the vector [A,B, C, D, E].
As a result, the two constraints of a GLC can be written as:
= [1, , a1 - a 2, a1 -a0'3,-a1 ]
T2 ,7T1 - T3 , -7'1]
The two constraints are unique for each GLC and I call them the canonical constraints
of a GLC. All rays in a GLC should satisfy its canonical constraints.
Furthermore, any linear combination of the two canonical constraints gives another
linear constraint that the GLC must also satisfy. We are particularly interested in
the special forms that these linear constraints take for each specific GLC type.
In a pinhole camera, all rays pass through a 3D point [px,pY, pZ]. Therefore, each
ray [a0,r, u, v] of a pinhole GLC must, for some value of A, satisfy:
[u,v,0] + A[a, , 1] =
It is easy to see A = pZ. Hence the pinhole GLC is subject to the linear constraints
u + pZa' = px
+ pZT' = pY
or in vector form, 1, 0,
0, _px/pZ] and [0,1, 0, l/pZ, py/pZ]. This means some
linear combination of the two canonical constraints (4.8) of the GLC should satisfy
the two specific pinhole constraints above, i.e., 3a,
1, a 2 , 02
1 +/ 1F2=
[1,0, l/pZ, 0, -pX/pZ]
a 2 r1 +132r2 =
[0, 1,0, l/pZ, -pY/pZ]
Substituting Equation 4.8 into 4.11, we get al =
1 and
a2 = 31 =
0. Solving for
the remaining terms gives the second characteristic equation (edge-parallel condition)
of the GLC (3.12).
For those GLC types where every ray is parallel to at least one common plane
(Pushbroom, Orthographic, Twisted-Orthographic, and EPI), it is equivalent to say
that, these rays must be perpendicular to the plane's normal. Let the normal of the
plane be nr= [nX,n y , nZ]. Then we must have
[a 7, 1][nx, ny, nz] = 0
nx n
yrn+ Z = 0
This implies some linear combination of the two canonical linear constraints of the
GLC should give the two specific constraints 4.13, i.e., 3a, /3
al' + /3r2 =
[nx , n y , 0, 0, nZ]
Solving equation 4.14 gives A = 0 of the first canonical GLC characteristic equation
For orthographic cameras, all rays have a common direction, i.e., a = a0 and
trhus, there exist some linear combinations of the two canonical linear
constraints that satisfy the two orthographic constraints, i.e., 3
a1 F1 + /1F2
a 2 F 1 + "2F2 =
[1, 0, 0, 0, -o]
[0,10, 0, -o]
1, a 2 ,
Solving for the remaining terms in equation 4.15 gives ai = uo, and
i = To, for i =
1, 2, 3.
Finally, if all rays in a GLC pass through a slit parallel to the uv plane at z = pZ
plane, we can parameterize the line with a point and its direction parallel to the uv
plane as [pX,py, pZ] + u[dx,d y , 0]. Each ray [a, r, u, v] will intersect the slit, therefore,
there must exist some A, p for each ray such that
[u, v, O] + A[a, r, 1] =
pY, pZ] +
[dx, d y , ]
Solving the equation array gives A= pZ, and substituting for the term / gives:
u + pza - px
+ pzT - p
r + (dpY- dp) = 0
dY u -dx. v + (pzdY)a - (pzdx)
which can be rewritten as the linear constraint [A1 , B 1 , k 1A1 , k 1B1 , C1 ].
Since all rays should satisfy this constraint, there must exist a and 3 so that
aFll + 1r12= [Al,B1,klA 1,klB 1 ,C1 ]
Solving 4.19 gives the first characteristic equation of the GLC.
GLC Degrees of Freedom
The canonical GLC representation defines any GLC using 6 free parameters. However,
it does not mean that all GLCs have 6 degree of freedom (DOF). Consider that a
pinhole camera can be uniquely determined by only three degrees of freedom (the x,
y, and z coordinates of the center of projection). Thus, a pinhole camera must be
subject to additional 3 constraints. This is not surprising, because pinhole GLCs are
subject to the second characteristic equation (the edge-parallel condition).
In general, the sum of the degrees of free (DOF) of a GLC and the number of
Table 4.2: Degree of Freedom of GLCs
GLC Type P
A=0 0
Constraints EP EP,A=0 A=O
A=B=0 0
Equations 3
constraints it satisfies should be 6. In order to determine the DOF for a specific
GLC, we only need to count the number of constraints. These constraints are from
the first and the second characteristic equations, which constrain the coefficients A,
B, C and the discriminant A, as well as the edge-parallel equation. For instance, a
twisted orthographic camera is subject A = 0 and B = 0, thus it has 6 - 2 = 4 DOF.
The complete characterization
of all GLC types is shown in Table 4.2.
Pluicker Coordinates
The major reason to choose a two-plane-parameterization to represent rays is that,
under 2PP, rays form a vector space, whereas other ray/line parameterizations
as the Pluicker Coordinates, do not. Nevertheless, in this Section, we compare GLCs
under 2PP to their equivalent structures under Plucker Coordinates.
The Pluicker Coordinate
P =
(PC) of a line I can be found by picking two points
py, pZ] and Q = [qX,qY, qZ]on 1. The Pluicker Coordinate is the the six tuple
IPC = [10, 71/, 712,
13, 7r14 , 1'/5 ],
r1o =
- qpY
q pZ
7r12 = pYq -qyp
13 =
pX - qX
pY - qY
7 15
pZ _ qZ
Plucker Coordinate has both advantages and disadvantages compared with 2PP.
2PP cannot represent rays that are parallel to the parametrization plane while PC can
represent all possible rays. Furthermore, lines parameterized under PC are oriented,
and thus preserve the direction of the ray, (P - Q or Q - P) while 2PP does not.
PC also has other nice linear properties to determine the spatial relationship between
the rays, as I will show later in this section. The major disadvantage of PC is that
it does not form a vector space. More precisely, all rays under Plucker Coordinates
lie on a bilinear manifold (notice the first three coordinates 7rlo,7r11 ,
are bilinear
functions of 713,714 , and 7rl5 ), and, therefore, the linear combination of the PC of two
rays is not guaranteed to be a valid line/ray parametrization.
Since GLCs are defined
in terms of the affine combinations of rays, Plucker Coordinate is, thus, not suitable
for representing rays in GLCs.
The side operator of the PC is defined to determine the spatial relationship of
two rays, i.e., if they intersect, are parallel, or oblique, as follows. Given two rays pa-
rameterized under Plucker Coordinate a[ao,al, a 2 , a3 , a 4 , a5] and r[ro, r1 , r2 , r 3 , r4 , r],
we define
= aor5 + ar 4 + a2 r3 + a3 r2 + a4rl + asro
It has been shown in [33] that side(a,
r)= 0 if and only if the two rays are coplanar
(i.e., either intersect or are parallel). I use this property to simplify the proof of
Theorem 3.3-1.
To do so, we first transform the 2PP parametrization of the ray to its Plucker
Coordinate. Given a ray s, t, u, v] under 2PP, we choose two points P[s, t, 1] and
Q[u, v, 0] and compute its Pluicker Coordinate using equation 4.20 as.
r2pp[s,t, u, v] = rpc[tu - sv, u, v, u - s, v - t,-1]
Notice the middle four terms correspond to the relative-two-plane-parametrization of
the ray, and the first term is bilinear in the other four terms.
A GLC is defined as all possible affine combinations of the three generator rays
r[s, t, u, v] = a[si,t, Ul,vl] + /[S2, t 2 , u2 ,v 2] + (1 - a
)[s3, t3 , U3,v 3]
All these rays can also be parameterized under Plucker Coordinate using equation
4.20 as
rpc = [(atl + ft 2 + (1 - a-
)t3)(aUl + /3u
2 + (1 - a -
(as1+ S2+ (1 -a- f)s3 )(av + V2+ (1-a-3)
aUl + fU 2 + (1 - a -/)U
aV1 + 3V2 + (1 - a - 3)V
(aUl+ U2 + (1 - a - )U3 - (as1
+ s 2 + (1 -
a - /)S3),
av1 +-/V
2 +(1-a-)v 3 - (at +ft 2 (1-a- f)t3 ),-1]
Now we can easily prove Theorem 3.3-1 using PC and the side operator.
Theorem 4.5-1. Given a non-EPI, non-pinhole GLC, if all camera rays pass
through some line 1, not at infinity, in 3D space, then 1 must be parallel to
Proof: Suppose all rays in a GLC pass through some line a that is not parallel to
the parametrization plane.
First we represent all rays in the GLC as rpc
, r 3, r4 , rs] as shown in
equation 4.22. Notice, r has both quadratic and bilinear terms in a and . It is easy
to compute the coefficientsA, B, and C of these terms as:
2 P1 = (tl - t3)(Ul oa
P2 = (t2 - t)(u
a/3: P3 = P l+P2-((t
- U3 ) - (82 - 3)(v2-t
- (1 -S3)(Vl - V3)
2 )(Ul-U
2 )-(S1
-S 2 )(v1 -v2)
The remaining terms of the PC rl to r 5 are linear in a and 1.
Now that consider if all rays in a GLC pass through a line a that is not parallel to
the parametrization plane. If we also represent a under Plucker Coordinate
[ao, a1 , a 2 ,a 3 , a4 , a5], we have a5
0. Since all rays in the GLC pass through a, we
must have side(a,r) = 0 for all a and /.
Computing side(a, r) using equation 4.21, it is easy to see a 5ro is the only term
that consists of a 2 , a,
and 32. And, since side(a, r) = 0 for all a and
and a 5 $ 0,
we must have the coefficient of the quadratic terms be zero, i.e, P1 = P2 = P3 = 0.
This yields to the edge-parallel condition, which can only be satisfied by pinhole,
orthographic, and EPI cameras.
if a is parameterized using the intersections with 2PP as [uo, vo, 0]
and [s, t, 1], its Plucker Coordinate can be computed as equation 4.22. We can then
rewrite side(a, r) = 0 as
(-1)(touo- soVo)+ (o)(v
t) + (v)(u- s)
+(uo - so)(v)+ (vo- to)(u)+ (-1)(tu- sv) =
(s - so)(v- vo)- (t - to)(u- o) =
Gu et al [12]derived this same constraint through other means.
If a is parallel to 2PP, we pick two points on the slit as P[xi, Yi, zo] and Q[x 2 , Y2, o]
so that it has PC as
= [xly2
-x 2y 1, (X1 -X 2 )ZO,(Y1 -y 2 )Zo,(
-x 2 ), (Y1 -Y2),O]
Thus, side(a, r) to a linear constraint:
- y2)u +(x1 - X2)v +(Y1- y2)zo(u- ) +(X1 - X2)Z(V-t) + (XlY
2 - X2 Y1) =
(Y1-y 2 )(1 + O) u + (x1 -x 2 )(1 + O) v
-(Y1-Y2 )ZO' - (i -X 2)ZO t + (lY 2 -X2Y) =0
We can rewrite this linear constraint as As+Bt+KAu+KBv+C
as [A, B, K
= 0, or abbreviated
A, K. B, C], resulting in a consistent relationship as derived in Section
To conclude, I have derived the relative two-plane-parametrization
(R-2PP) in order
to simplify the GLC characteristic equations. The first characteristic equation reveals
the change of the area formed by the three generator rays on a sweeping plane. I
have also explored some of the algebraic properties of the GLC model. Specifically,
I have shown that GLCs are 2D linear subspaces in the 4D ray space and can be
alternatively represented by two linear constraints. The two linear constraints satisfy
specific algebraic properties for different types of GLCs. Finally, I have compared
GLCs defined under two-plane-parametrization and under Pluicker Coordinates.
Chapter 5
GLC Projection and Collineation
In this chapter, I present theories of projection and collineation in GLC images. The
GLC imaging process can be broken down into two separate stages: the mapping of
3D geometry to rays and and the sampling of those rays over an image plane. In this
chapter, I derive a closed-form solution to projecting 3D points in a scene to rays in
a GLC. The GLC image is created by sampling these rays over image planes.
This chapter develops a notion of GLC collineation analogous to pinhole cameras.
GLC collirneation describes the transformation
between the images of a single GLC
due to changes in sampling and image plane selection. Given a GLC camera with
two different image planes, the collineation maps the pixels on one image to the
corresponding pixels of the second image.
I show that general GLC collineations
can be characterized by a quartic (4th order) rational function. GLC projection and
collineation provides a basis for developing new computer vision algorithms suitable
for analysing a wider range of imaging systems than current methods, based on simple
pinhole projection models, permit.
GLC Projection
GLC projection is the mapping of points in 3D to their corresponding ray in a specific
GLC. First, we consider projecting 3D point onto a GLC. To simplify the analysis,
I will use the canonical GLC representations (equation 4.6) with the three generator
rays [al 1 l,, 0, 0,
1, 01],and [a3, r3, 0, 1]. This setup describe almost all GLCs
(except for a subspace of GLCs whose slits lie on the uv plane). Every ray [, r, u, v]
in the GLC is subject to the linear constraint equations 4.8:
J= (1- u - v)a 1 +ua 2 + a3
u- V)T1 + UT2 + VT3
T = (1-
The GLC ray that passes through a point P(x, y, z) in 3D satisfy the linear constraints equation 4.10:
= x
= y
Equation 4.8 and 4.10 can be combined into a matrix form as
erl -
a -
1 0
T1 -T
al - 2 -
T1 - T2
T1 - T2 -T
The ray passing through P is, thus, the solutions of the four equations given in 5.1
- Z(l(y -1)- a3y - (T1- T3))
- a3T)
- X)
z2(si(t2 V
t3) + s2(ta- tl) +S3(tl- t2))- Z(S1 - 2+ tl - t3)+ 1 .
(z2 (alT2 - a2 T) - z(aly -
+ T(1 - X) + T2X) + y)
Z2(Sl(t2-t3) + s2(t3 - tl) + S3(tl - t2)) - Z(S1 - 2 + tl - t3 ) + 1
Notice the denominators in u and v corresponds to the characteristic equation of
the canonical GLC as shown in Chapter 4. I call this equation the GLC Projection
F r3
Figure 5-1: (a) Projecting a point P to a ray in the GLC. (b) The projection of P can be
computed using the same affine coordinate on the sweeping plane II,.
Plane Sweeping
The GLC Projection Equation has an intuitive geometric interpretation. Consider a
plane Hz parallel to the uv plane and passing through P. The three generators will
intersect IIz at T 1 ,T 2 ,T 3 , where
= (0,0,0) + z. (01, T-i, 1) = (az, rz, z)
(1,0,0) + z (O2, T2, 1) = (o2 z + 1, -72, z)
T3 =
(0,1,0) + z - (a3, T3, 1) = (a3 z, r3 Z + 1, z)
The affine combination [a, /] of the three generator rays that passes through P,
P = (1 - a -
) -T + a T2 +/3 T 3
[a, /] can be computed using the ratio of the signed areas formed by triangle
AtPlPT3 7,AlblT 2 P over AT 1T 2T 3 , as is shown in Figure 5-1. Notice the area formed
by AT1T2T3 corresponds to the first characteristic equation of the GLC. Thus, the
affine coefficients (,
rl t
3) can be computed as:
At 1 PT3
ZO 1
1 + ZT3
AZ2 + Bz + C
1 +za
(r, A\
ZT 1
Az2 + Bz + C
Equation system 5.3 and Figure 5-1 gives a geometric interpretation to equation 5.1.
Notice Equation 5.4 may lead to no solution or multiple solutions when the denomi-
nator Az 2 + Bz + C = 0 (i.e., the first characteristic equation is zero). This happens
when P lies at the depth of a slit. Thus, using Table 3.1, we can conclude that these
singularities can only happen in cross-slits, pushbroom, pencil, and pinhole cameras.
When the points lie precisely on the slits, duplicated images will occur, because
multiple GLC rays pass through these points. The ray passing through the point
is determined by the solution to the 4x4 system of equations given in 5.1. When
the point lies on the slit, the determinant of this matrix is zero, and, therefore,
the four equations become linearly dependent. For pinhole cameras, when the point
coincides with the center of projection, the 4 linear equations will degenerate to 2
linear equations as 4.10 and the projection of the point will cover the whole image.
For pushbroom, cross-slits, and pencils, the 4 linear constraints will degenerate to
three independent equations, and the projection of each point on the singularity
covers a 1I) subspace of rays, or in its image it will project to a line. A similar case
happens to EPI cameras.
Furthermore, not all 3D points project onto a given GLC. There are two possible
un-projectable situations: 1) there is no ray in the camera that can pass through
Figure 5-2: (a) and (c) are cross-slits images synthesized from light fields. (b) and (d)
are pushbroom images synthesized from light fields. The distortions of the curved isolines
on the objects illustrate various multi-perspective effects of GLC cameras. The pushbroom
camera also exhibits apparent stretching/duplications of objects faraway from the image
plane, e.g., the lamp on the background.
Table 5-1: Singularities in GLC Projections
Finite Pt. with
Pts. onthe slit
the p
(OP and parallel
Pts.on the slits
Pts. onthe slit
the EPI
_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _
Ipassing tough
ita pllel
Pt.Intinltc ll PProjectabl
directtt as
_ _ _ direction
the p
th li
atd paallel to the
Pts.onthe plane
tg itheh
Pts. on theplane
ad plelt
slit andparllel to
Pts. that do
tha donle
oP. the
Pts. wtth the directiott
parallel to the
dieeetioo as
the twisted
All Projectabhile
All Projectable
All Projectable
Pts.onthe EPI
GLC Projections for Pinhole (P), Orthographic (), Pushbroom (PB), Cross-slits (X),
Pencil (PN), Twisted Orthographic (T), Bilinear (B), and EPI.
the point, or 2) the ray that passes through the point is parallel to 2PP, and hence
cannot be represented. Points that cannot be projected can only happen when the
of equation 5.4 is zero and the numerator is non-zero.
For cross-slit
cameras, these points lie on the two planes HIIz=zl
and IZ=Z
2 that contain the slits
but do not; lie on these slits. This is representative of the first case. For pencil and
pushbroom cameras, these singularity points lie on plane II,=, that contains the slit
but do not lie on the slit, and it followsthe second case. Pinhole cameras are a special
case of pencil cameras. In theory, it can image all points in 3D space. However, for
points that lie on the plane parallel to the parametrization plane and passing through
the COP, the corresponding rays are parallel to 2PP and hence cannot be imaged by
a pinhole GLC, as shown in Table 5-1.
Projections of Lines
Now we consider the projections of lines onto various GLCs. If
uv plane, we can parameterize
is parallel to the
as a point [x0 ,y0o, 0] on the line and the direction
[dx, dy , 0] of the line. It has been shown [12] that all rays passing through 1 satisfy
[u,v, 0] + Al[a, , 1] = [x0 , yo,z 0 ] + A 2 [dx, dy, 0]
which is equivalent to the linear constraint
(u+ zoo -xo)dY - (v + zor -yo)dx = 0
The GLC rays passing through is the intersection of three linear constraints: equation system 4.8 and 5.6. Thus, the rays collected by any GLC passing through 1 are,
in general, a D linear manifold. If we assume the uv plane is the default image plane,
then (u, v) gives the pixel coordinates of the projection. This implies that the image
of a line 1 parallel to the uv plane also a line.
If is not parallel to the uv plane, then 1 will intersect uv plane at (u0 , vo,0) and
has direction (o, to, 1). All rays passing through
in this case satisfy the bilinear
constraint [12]:
(u - uo)( -
o)- (v - vo)( - o) = 0
The projection of 1 hence can be computed using equation array 4.8 and equation 5.7
as follows:
(u - uo)(( -u-v)ri +ur2 + vr3 - o)
-(v - Vo)((1- u - v)o'1 +uo'2 +v
which corresponds to a
3 - a0
) =0
D quadratic manifold of rays. Similarly, if we take the uv
plane as the image plane, the image of
is a quadratic curve on the image plane as
shown in Figure 5-2(a) and 5-2(b).
5.1.4 Projections of Points at Infinity
We can use the line projection to determine the GLC projections of points lying in
the plane at infinity. An infinite point can be written as:
P(x, y, z) = (o, vo, 0) + z(a0 , TO, 1), z -* oc
Substituting P in equation 5.4, it is easy to see that the numerator and the denominator of u and v are both quadratic in z. Howevereither or both terms may degenerate
to linear or constant.
For pinhole, pencil, bilinear, and cross-slits, the first GLC characteristic equation
(the denomrninatorin the projection equation) is always general quadratic in z, as is
shown in Table 3-1. And since the numerator is at most a quadratic
in z, when
oc, both u and v will have finite values, i.e., points infinitely far away from the
image plane all have a projection in the camera.
[x, y, z] in equation 5.9 into 5.1, we get
Auz 2 + Buz + Cu
tl)+ 3(tl-t 2))- Z(sl- 2+tl -t 3) + 1(5'1 10))
2 - t3) + s2(t3 -
Avz2 + Bvz + Cv
Z2(S(t2 - t3) +s2(t3 - tl)+s3(tl- t2))- Z(S1
- 82+tl- t3) +1
T1 1
o 1 ,A=
Thus, the coefficients of z2 in both the numerator and denominator of the projection
equation are functions of ao, To, and the intrinsic parameters of the GLC, not uo
or vo. This implies the final projection is only dependent on the direction of the
infinite points. In the pinhole case, these points correspond to the vanishing points
associated with directions and such vanishing points also exist for all pencil, bilinear,
and cross-slits cameras.
For pushbroom cameras, the directions of three generator rays are parallel to some
plane Hpushboomand its characteristic equation is linear in z. The denominator in the
Projection Equation 5.4 is, thus, a linear function in z. However, the numerator can
be quadratic in z in format as shown in equation 5.11. Therefore, only when
o 1 =0,
A =
1 =0
0 To
can the point be projected into the camera. However, since the three generator rays
are parallel to some plane, we must also have
= 0
From equation 5.11 and 5.12, [ 0 , To,1] must be a direction parallel to
the projection of the infinite points are constrained to one dimensional subspace and
causes infinite stretching at the other, as shown in the pushbroom panorama Figure
2-3(d). Cross-slit GLCs, however, are able to project all points infinitely far away
and, therefore, are a better choice for creating panoramas. Figure 5-2(a) and 5-2(c)
compares pushbroom and cross-slit panoramas. Objects far away are stretched in
pushbroonL cameras, but not in cross-slit cameras.
Similarly, for orthographic and twisted orthographic cameras, whose first characteristic equations are constant, an infinite point has a projection only if [o,
1] is
the direction of the ray of the GLC at point [u0,v0,0]. For instance, for orthographic
cameras, only infinite points along the view direction can be seen in the projection.
The complete characterization of singularity and infinite projection of GLCs is shown
in Table 5-1.
GLC Collineation
In the previous section, I study the projections of points and lines in a GLC by taking
the uv plane as its default image plane. In this section, I derive how a given GLC
Figure 5-3: (a) Imaging the GLC on a plane parallel to the uv plane. (b) Imaging the
GLC on a different plane. (c) A GLC image of a toy dog synthesized from a video using
image plane (a). (d) A different image of the same GLC camera using image plane (b).
image transforms as it is sampled over different image planes. This transformation is
analogous to planar collineation to pinhole cameras.
Assume the new image plane lnew is specified by an origin P and two spanning
directions dl, d2. For every ray r[aU , u, v] parameterized under the default 2PP, we
intersect the ray r with
to obtain its new pixel coordinate [il, jl]:
[u,v, 0] + A[, r, 1] =
P + dlil + d2jl
To simplify our computation, we translate origin P on the plane to simply our computation. If we assume the new image plane is not parallel to the z axis, we can choose
= [0, 0 ,pZ]. Otherwise, we can choose the image plane's intersections with either
the x or y axis, and similar results hold. The new image coordinate of the ray [i1 , jl]
can be computed as by solving equation 5.11 as:
pZ(d2o- d2r)+ d'u - d2v+ d(v
pz(d~-d) +dv-dlu- d(v - -ru)
d2 dz
a r
Since all rays lie in a GLC satisfy equation 4.8, thus, a and r are linear functions
in u and v.. Furthermore, -yis linear in a and , and, therefore, can also be written
as y =
a3 u
+ b3 v + C3 . Thus, il and jl can be computed as:
alu2 +bluv+clv2 +d
u+e v+fl
a2 u2 +b2 uv+c2 v2 +d2 u+e2 v+ f 2
-y is zero when the ray is parallel to the new parametrization
plane, which we will
not consider. The numerator is, in general, a quadratic function in u2 , v 2 , uv, and
therefore, the collineation from the default image plane (uv plane) to a new image
plane is a quadratic rational.
General Collineation between GLCs
Finally, we can compute the collineation between any two planar parameterizations
of the same GLC. Suppose we want to compute the collineation from image plane
ri1 = {,
, d2 } with pixel coordinate [i1 ,jl] to image plane 112 = {qd 3 , d4} with
pixel coordinate [i2 , j2]. First, we compute the transformation from 11 to the default
image plane. Second we use the transformation from the default image plane to 112.
The first transformation
is in fact simply projecting each point on 11 onto the
default plane, which can be described by the Projection equation 5.4. Consider each
pixel m[ul, vi] corresponds to point M
M[x,y,z] =P+d+1 i1 +d 2j 1
p +ild¥ +jld2
P1+ ildl + jld2
The projection of M onto the uv plane is quadratic rational in [x, y, z] and [x, y, z]
is linear in [i1 , jl] as shown in equation 5.13, therefore, the composed transformation
can written as
u = fi(il,jl)
f2 (il,jl)
f1 (i1 , jl) = A1i 2 + B1iljl + Clj 2 + Dil + E1 jl + F1
f 2 (il,jl) = A2 i2 + B2iljl + C2j 2 + D2il + E2j + F2
= A3i2 + B3 i 1jl + C3 j 2 + D3i1 + E3 j1 + F3
Thus the transformation
from [u, v] is quadratic rational in i and jil.
Next, we compute the Collineation from [u, v] to II2[i2 , j2] using equation 5.6 and
result is a composition of two quadratic rational functions, which is a quartic rational
function that has the form:
I(i, j )
where Hi(il,jl),
I(i, j)
H2 (ii,jl) and I(il,j 1 ) are all quartic (4th order) polynomials in il
and j.
In Figure 5-3, we show two images (in red rectangle) of the same GLC camera
using two image planes. The GLC used is a cross-slit. This indicates, although the
collineation is quartic rational, the behavior of changing the image plane is similar to
homography in a pinhole image.
Collineation Degeneracies
The planar collineation of a GLC is in general a quartic rational function. However,
it may degenerate into a quadratic or even a linear rational function for specific types
of GLCs. In this section, the form of special collineations for cross-slit, pushbroom,
and pinhole cameras are considered.
First, consider equation 5.15 which maps rays onto an image plane IIl as pixel
[i1,jl], as a function of u, v, a, and
. Given a second image plane II2, we can
represent u, v, a, and r in terms of its pixel coordinate [i2,j2], and directly compute
the collineation from II2 to ll.
If 112is parallel to the default 2PP, then u, v, a, and
are linear functions of i 2
and j2, as shown in Chapter 4. Substituting them into equation 5.15 gives a quadratic
rational (quadratic in the numerator and linear in the denominator) collineation. If
112 is
not parallel to the default 2PP, then it is non-trivial to represent a, r, u, and
v in terms of i2 and j2, because ao, , u, and v are no longer linear functions of i 2
and j2. However, for some special types of GLCs, such as pinhole, pushbroom, and
cross-slits, it is still possible to represent a,
For cross-slit cameras, if
u, and v in simpler forms of i2 and j2.
is not parallel to the default 2PP, then the two
slits will intersect the new 2PP can be represented as two lines 11[al, rl, ul, vi] and
12[a 2 , T2 , u2.:, v2].
If we choose
2 as the image plane for parameterizing
each ray
[a, T, u, v], we have u = i 2 and v = j2. Furthermore, since all rays passing through 11
and 12 are subject to two bilinear constraints as is shown in equation 3.3. Thus,
(i2 - ul)(r - T) - (j2- v)(a - a 1) = 0
(i2 - 2)( we can solve a and
- (j2 -v2)(a - 2)= 0
in term of i 2 and j2 as:
A 2i 2 + B 2 i2 j 2 + C2j2 + D2 i 2 + E 2j 2 + F2
A 1 i2 + Bj2 + C1
A 3 i2 + B 3 i 2j 2 + C3j2 + D3i 2 + E 3 j 2 + F3
A l i2 + Blj 2 + C1
T -
where Ai, Bi, Ci, Di, Ei, Fi, i = 1, 2, 3 are all constant.
Expanding equation 3.3 gives
i2r -
Finally, if we substitute
i2T -j
A 4 i2 + B4 j 2 + C4 cr + D4 T + E4
a, and r into the collineation equation 5.15, the
quartic rational collineation degenerates to quadratic rational (quadratic in numerator
and denominator).
An alternative proof using a quadratic tensor is shown in [47].
For pushbroom cameras, if
2 is not parallel to the default 2PP, then the slit
will intersect the new 2PP as the line [a, T1 , u 1 , v2], and the new ray parametrization
[a,r, i 2 , j2] is subject to one bilinear constraint, as is the case for cross-slit GLCs:
(i2 -u)(r - T)-(j 2 -vl)( -)
In addition, since all rays of a pushbroom GLC are parallel to some plane, all rays
mustalso satisfy a second constraint
[a, r, 1]. [no,n1, n2] = noa + n1t + n2
Solving a and r for equation 5.22 and 5.23 gives
A 2 i2 + B 2j 2 + C2
Ali 2 + Blj 2 + C1
A3i2 + B3j 2 + 3
Ali 2 + B1 j2 + C1
in the collineation equation, and
Similarly, we can substitute i2T - j 2 a, a and
the quartic rational collineation degenerates to a quadratic rational (quadratic in
numerator and linear in denominator).
For pinhole cameras, rays in the GLC satisfy
We can solve a and
T- as
a = -Plzi2 + 5 and
i2 +
pZa = pX and j2 + PZT = pY.
= pl 2 +
. Substituting a and T
into the collineation equation, the quartic rational collineation degenerates to a linear
rational (a homography).
Finally., for bilinear, pencil, twisted-orthographic
GLCs, when the first image plane
is not parallel to the default 2PP, it is non-trivial to solve a and
in terms of i2 and
j2 in general. And the quartic rational collineation will not reduce into simpler form.
In summary, I have presented theories of projection and collineation for GLC
images. A closed-form solution for projecting 3D points to rays in a GLC was derived.
In addition, I showed that colllneations between the images of the same GLC but on
different imaging planes are up to quartic (4th order) rational. Using GLC projection
and collineation theory, it is easy to explain the multiperspective
distortions such as
curving of lines, apparent stretching and shrinking, and duplicated projections of a
single point.
Chapter 6
GLC Differential Invariance
In this chapter, I will expand the use of GLCs to model arbitrary multiperspective
first introduce the model of an arbitrary smooth (non-planar) ray man-
ifold that maps rays collected by a multiperspective camera onto a two-dimensional
subspace in the ray space. I then show how to model this ray manifold by analyzing
its local tangent planes. Each local tangent plane corresponds to a GLC. The GLC's
type can be used to characterize the group behavior of around each ray. The set of
rays in a GLC, however, are not invariant to the choice of the parametrization
Therefore, in this chapter I will prove a GLC differential invariance theorem that
states that, even though the ray manifold changes when the parametrization plane
changes, the GLC type and geometric features remain invariant.
Limitations of 2PP
A multiperspective
camera in general captures a 2D subspace of rays that lie on a
2D (non-planar) manifold in the ray space under two-plane-parametrization (2PP).
When we choose a different set of the parametrization
planes, the same set of rays
will lie on a different 2D ray manifold. As a special case, all GLCs that correspond to
2D linear subspaces of rays under the default 2PP may map to non-linear manifolds
under a different choice of the parametrization
For instance, consider a cross-slit GLC camera under a given 2PP. All rays in this
cross-slit GLC lie on a 2D hyperplane as we have shown in Chapter 3. Now if we
choose a different set of parametrization planes, not parallel to the original 2PP, I will
show the same set of rays lie on a non-linear manifold under the new parametrization.
Since the new parametrization planes are not parallel to the original 2PP, each of the
two slits must intersect with the new planes at two points [si, t, 1], [ui, v, 0], i = 1,
2. Recall that all rays in cross-slits pass through these two lines and are subject to
two bilinear constraints under the new parametrization
- (t-tl)(u-
-2)(v - V2)- (t - t2)-
as shown in Chapter 4:
Ul) = O
Since the intersection of two bilinear subspaces is, in general, a non-linear manifold, the same set of rays of one GLC lie on a non-linear manifold under the new
parametrization whereas they lie on a 2D linear subspace under the original parametrization. In general, with the exceptions of pinhole, orthographic, and EPI GLCs, all
other GLCs map to non-linear manifolds when the new parametrization plane is not
parallel to the defining 2PP. This is because the bilinear surface formed by the two
generator rays shown in Chapter 3 changes when the parametrization
plane changes.
In addition, the local tangent plane on an arbitrary ray manifold at the same ray
will also be different under this new parametrization.
An intrinsic ray analysis should
reveal the behavior of rays independent of parametrization.
I show that differentially,
in a infinitesimal region about each ray, GLC analysis satisfies this invariant property.
For instance, although a cross-slit maps to a non-linear manifold when the new 2PP
is not parallel to the default 2PP, the local tangent plane around any ray on this new
non-linear ray manifold, is still a cross-slit camera.
Local Tangent GLC
Given 2D continuous ray manifold
under [a, r, u, v] parametrization,
it can be
rewritten in term of two free variables, e.g., x and y as
(x, ) = [(x, y), (x, ),u(x, ), (x,y)]
where u(x, y), T(x, y), u(x, y), and v(x, y) are continuous and differentiable in x and
We can compute the tangent plane of this manifold by computing two spanning
vectors dc and d2 at each point on the manifold by taking partial derivatives with
respect to x and y as
= [Trx ,uX,vx],d2 = [y,
y, uy, vy]
This is the same as finding the tangent plane of a surface in 3D space.
There are two significant properties of the ray manifold's tangent planes. First,
they characterize group behavior of the neighboring rays around each point on the
manifold. Second, since a tangent plane is a 2D linear manifold, it must be one of the
GLCs. The group characteristic behavior of the rays on the tangent plane is determined by the intrinsics of the GLC camera type as determined by its characteristic
To compute the GLC characteristic equations of a tangent plane, we can choose
three points on the tangent plane, which are E(x, y), E(x, y) + d1 , and E(x, y) + d2 ,
yielding the following first characteristic equation:
v + A
(u + u)+ (a+a x) (v+vx)+A( + x) 1 =0
(v+vy)+A(T+Ty) 1
As usual, it corresponds to a quadratic equation AA2 + BA + C = 0 where
A = acy-ayr
- rTUy + Tryu
C = uzvy - uyv
The discriminant, A, can be computed as
A = (r
vy- %Vx)
4(axry - ay7-)(Uvy - Uyvx)
The second characteristic equation (edge-parallel condition) also simplifies to:
UxVx -TxUx
(o - oy)(vx
TyUy = O
vY) - (T - Y)(uX - uY) = 0
Differential Invariant Theorem
Our goal in this section is to show that the first and the second characteristic equations
of the local tangent GLC correspond to the same GLC type despite changes in the
parametrization planes.
Recall that the GLC type is determined by, A, B, and A in the first characteristic equation, and the edge-parallel condition. In order to prove the the differential
invariance of GLC type, I show that the signs and zeros of the characteristic equa-
tion's A, B, and A terms, as well as the edge-parallel condition, are invariant to the
Given a set of rays that map to a 2D manifold under a specific parametrization,
first compute the transformation from the old manifold to the new one. Assume the
new parametrization
planes are specified by two points P5and
on each of the plane,
and two spanning directions d, d2 of the plane. For every ray [a, r, u, v] on the old
manifold, the intersections of the ray with the two new planes s', t'] and [u', v'] are
given by:
[u,v,]+Aj[a, ,
1] = P+d$'+d2t'
+ d' + d2v
[u,v, 0]+A 2 [a,r, 1] =
Theorem (3.3-2) shows that the characteristic equations of a GLC does not change
when the origins P and
translate in the plane. Assuming the two planes are not
parallel to the z axis, we can choose P = [0, 0, pZ] and
= [0,0, qZ] to simplify the
analysis. ()therwise, we can choose their intersections with either the x or y axis and
similar results hold. The new [a', T', u', v'] can be computed as:
/ = s-U
= (pz q)(d2ya - d2r)
t'-v -(qZ pZ)(~la dir)
- d T) +d - vy dudz(av- u)
2d d2
The new [', T', u', v'] parametrization is bilinear rational function of a, ,
The transformation
, v.
also has a singularity where y is zero. This happens when a ray
in the original parametrization
is parallel to the new parametrization
The spanning vectors of a tangent plane under the new parametrization can
be computed by taking the partial derivations of [', T', u', v'] as [a', T, u', v'] and
[a, T, u, t.y] using the chain rule. The new first and second characteristic equations
can be computed using Equation 6.5 to 6.7.
As a result, the relationship between the default characteristic coefficients A, B,
C and A and the new ones A', B', C' and A' satisfy:
d d)
C =_(C72
(pz - qZ)2 A
- qz)(B?+ 2A)
+ B7¢+ A2)
(dd2 - d2dY1)2 (pz - qz)2A
The edge-parallel equations can be computed as:
U = L(oxv - rxux)
crv,u(ayvy('- -rUy)
- TU/
y,)(v =- v,)
- TY,)(U' u,)
vY) - (T- - 'ry)(uX - uY))
(dxd2 - ddl)(pz
- qZ)
d2 d2y d2
Since the t-Iwoplanes intersect the z axis at two different points p and q, pZ _ qz 4
0. The two spanning vectors on the parametrization
plane have to be different, so
d2d 5 O. Thus, A'= 0 if and only if A = 0. And when A = 0, B' = 0 if and
only if B =- 0. Similarly, when A = B = 0, C' = 0 if and only if C = 0. Furthermore,
the sign of A' is always the same as A, and the new edge-parallel condition is satisfied
if and only if the original one is satisfied. Thus, the local GLC type under the new
parametrization is the same as under the original parametrization.
In summary, I have shown the Differential Invariance Theorem that, differentially,
the local GLC model for an ray manifold is invariant to the choice of parametrization
plane. This overcomes a major limitation of 2PP. I will use the GLC Differential
Invariance Theorem to analyze reflection manifolds in Chapter 8 and to discuss the
relationship between the local cross-slit GLC to the caustics in Chapter 8.
Chapter 7
Multiperspective Rendering
In this chapter, I demonstrate the application of the GLC model for the direct rendering of multiperspective images. Multiperspective imaging systems are treated as
devices for capturing a smoothly varying set of rays, and I show that the corresponding
multiperspective images can be characterized as continuous manifolds in ray space. I
then use GLCs, which describe all 2D linear manifolds of rays, as primitives for constructing mrultiperspective images. I show GLCs when constrained by an appropriate
set of rules, can be laid out to tile the image plane and, hence, generate arbitrary
multiperspective renderings. Finally, I show how the GLC framework can easily render a broad class of multiperspective
images, such as multiperspective
neocubist style renderings, and faux-animations from still-life scenes.
Background and Previous Approaches
A perspective rendering represents the spatial relationships of objects in a scene as
they would appear from a single viewpoint. In contrast, a multiperspective rendering
combines what is seen from several spatially incongruent viewpoints into a single im-
age and still preserves spatial coherence, depicting, within a single context, details of a
scene that are simultaneously inaccessible from a single view, yet easily interpretable
by a viewer.
Multiperspective rendering techniques are frequently employed by artists to de93
pict more than can be seen from any specific point.
Classic examples include the
visual paradoxes of Escher, and the Cubism of Picasso and Braque. Multiperspective
images have also been used as backdrops in cel animation to effectively depict camera
motion in a single panorama. Computer generated multiperspective panoramas, as
presented by Wood et al [39], combined elements of multiple pinhole cameras into a
single image using a semi-automatic image registration process. They relied on optimization techniques, as well as optical flow and blending transitions between views.
The concentric mosaics of [32] and [27] are another type of multiperspective
that is useful for exploring captured environments. Durand [9] suggests that specifying multiperspective projections can also be an interactive process and uses them as
an example to distinguish between picture generation and user interaction. Examples
of such approaches include the 3D-based interactive rendering systems by Agrawala
et al [1]and Hanson and Wernert [14]and the image-based approaches such as pushbroom and cross-slit panoromas and the MCOP (multiple center of projection) images
of Rademacher [28].
GLC as Multiperspective Images
GLCs can be used to generate common multiperspective images such as pushbroom
and cross-slit images. They also include many lesser known multiperspective cameras,
such as the pencil, twisted orthographic, EPI, and bilinear cameras. Many of the GLC
images exhibit typical multiperspective features such as shearing, twisting, curving,
and duplications, as discussed in Chapter 5.
An important characteristic of GLCs is that any general point in 3D space has a
unique mapping to a ray. This is because under s, t, u, v] parametrization, all rays
passing through a 3D point also lie on a 2D hyperplane and two hyperplanes (one
for the point and one for the GLC), in general intersect at a unique point in 4D.
Therefore, there is only one ray of a GLC that passes through a given point in a
scene. GLCs, thus, are particularly useful for imaging systems since each 3D point
has a unique mapping to the image plane.
Furthermore, one can also choose three desired rays from different pinhole images
Figure 7-1: Image fusion by composing a GLC image: a new pose of the cow (right)
is synthesized by specifying the three generator rays (red) of a GLC from left three
and synthesize a single GLC that incorporates the selected features. Collineation
can be used to adjust the resulting image, to locally reduce the apparent distortions.
Figure 7-1 shows a bilinear camera image that fuses the horn, tail, and nose of a
ceramic cow from three different perspectives.
In this Chapter, I use GLC models as rendering primitives for generating arbitrary
multiperspective rendering effects.
Multiperspective Ray Manifold
I treat the problem of multiperspective rendering as one of specifying and sampling
a smooth varying set of rays. The model of smoothness that I define models each
multiperspective image as a continuous 2D manifold of rays embedded in a 4D space.
The continuity of the manifold guarantees that the images produced are coherent.
Specifically, they are CO or higher-order continuous within a space of rays. The proposed approach is enabled by the local GLC model approximation method described
in Chapter 6. Specifically, since GLCs model all 2-dimensional linear subspaces in
Figure 7-2: A neocubism styled multiperspective image synthesized using our framework. It combines pinhole images from different points of views with various multiperspective (pushbroom and cross-slit) images.
Figure 7-3: General Linear Camera Models. There are precisely eight GLCs, shown in (a)
to (h). (a) In a pinhole camera, all rays pass through a single point. (b) In an orthographic
camera, all rays are parallel. (c) In a pushbroom, all rays lie on a set of parallel planes
and pass through a line. (d) In a cross slit camera, all rays pass through two non-coplanar
lines. (e) In a pencil camera, all coplanar rays originate from a point on a line and lie on a
specific plane through the line. (f) In a twisted orthographic camera, all rays lie on parallel
twisted planes and no rays intersect. (g) In an bilinear camera, no two rays are coplanar
and no two rays intersect. (h) In an EPI camera, all rays lie on a 2D plane.
ray space, they are first-order approximation (piecewise planar) of the continuous
ray manifold shown in Figure 7-3. Thus, I use GLCs as primitives for constructing
arbitrary multiperspective images.
These atomic cameras, when constrained by an appropriate set of rules, can be laid
out on tile the image plane, thereby generating arbitrary multiperspective renderings.
In fact, to a first order, the GLC-based framework can describe any multiperspective
image that is consistent with a smoothly varying set of rays.
Piecewise Multiperspective Image Plane
While the GLC model includes many multiperspective camera types, it is still not
sufficient to describe a general multiperspective image. Multiperspective GLCs respect specific linear geometric structures. For instance, they describe specific sets of
rays that all pass through either a specific point, line, pair of lines, or lie on a ruled
bilinear surface. Multiperspective rendering, as practiced by the masters, follow a
Figure 7-4: A tessellation of the image plane with triangles that correspond to different types of general linear cameras. This model is equivalent to a 2D piecewise
planar manifold embedded in 4D.
far less restrictive set of rules. Specifically, they only attempt to preserve spatial
continuity in the image plane, which can be accomplished by range of smooth, yet
nonlinear, variations of viewpoint.
I exploit a different aspect of GLCs in order to assure spatial continuity without
restricting viewpoints to fall on specific linear structures. This characteristic of GLCs
relates to the fact that a smooth variation in sample rays on the image plane is
necessary to provide spatial continuity in rendering. Under a 2PP rays map to points
in 4D. Therefore, any smooth 2D manifold embedded in 4D will correspond to rays
of a multiperspective image. Imposing a parametrization over the manifold enables
sampling and the subsequent rendering. Under this interpretation, GLCs describe all
planar, or flat, manifolds in 4D. While this is a limited set of potential manifolds, it
is sufficient to construct a piecewise linear approximation of any given manifold. In
other words, any piecewise planar tessellation of a "ray-space" manifold corresponds
a specific collection of GLCs, much like a polygonal model of a curved surface.
An equivalent interpretation of the 4D points in 2PP is an image plane with an
attached ray, much like a generator of a GLC. Therefore, a general class of multiperspective images can be described by a triangulation
of the image plane along
with generator rays attached to each vertex as shown in Figure 7-4. As the tessella-
tion of the image plane increases, this model can approximate arbitrarily smooth 2D
manifolds, and hence render arbitrary multiperspective images.
When the triangles and generators of a given tessellation are analyzed according
to their type, as determined by the characteristic equation 3.8, one finds that there
are specific rules (constraints) for tiling an image plane using GLCs.
Adjacency Table
Since each triangle on the image plane corresponds to a general linear camera, adjacent triangles sharing a common edge represent two GLC cameras that share two
rays. This imposes a constraint on possible pairs of adjacent GLCs. For instance, a
pinhole camera cannot share two rays with a different pinhole camera (because rays in
two different pinhole cameras pass through two different points). Similarly, a pinhole
camera cannot be adjacent to a bilinear camera, because any two rays will intersect
in pinhole while no two rays will intersect in a bilinear camera as shown in Figure
Table 7.1 shows all possible adjacency relationships between general linear cameras on a C ° continuous manifold. Triangulations of the image plane into GLCs must
satisfy these adjacency constrains in order to assure CO continuous images. Notice,
the adjacency table is different from the transition table described in Chapter 6.
The transition table describes the possible adjacency of the GLC on a C 1 continuous
manifold and hence the adjacency is analyzed for a differential surface patch. The
adjacency table for piecewise planar manifolds, describes if the two adjacent GLCs
can share an edge, i.e., a
D manifold of rays. For instance, in the table, no two
Table 7.1: Adjacency Tables of GLCs
Possible Adjacency
Twisted Orthographic(T)
different pinhole cameras can be adjacent to each other. Thus, there does not exist a multiperspective
image which looks locally like a pinhole camera everywhere.
However, there do exist multiperspective images which look locally like pushbroom or
cross-slit images everywhere. In fact, multiperspective panoramas for cel animations
are good examples of this type of multiperspective image.
GLC Multiperspective Rendering
Image Layout
While any triangulation of the image plane with generator rays at each vertex describes describes a multiperspective rendering, it is not a very intuitive specification.
In practice, I employ a multiperspective image design method that is inspired by the
automatic layout method described by Wood [39], but with user guidance. The technique works as follows. A predefined triangular mesh is placed over the image plane.
The user then guides any typical GLC image over the mesh to establish rough spatial
relationships. The images can overlap as desired. The mesh then acquires generator
rays by extracting rays from the reference images. If more than one image overlaps
a vertex various blends of the rays from the reference images can be used, so long as
the blend preserves affine combinations. The end result is that corresponding rays
are interpolated such that the transition is smooth.
I provide an interface that allows users to select from a palette of general linear
Figure 7-5: Desirable image fragments from different GLCs are overlayed on the image
camera images. These images can be rendered directly from either a 3D model or
a light field. Both 3D linear and 4D light fields can be used. The user can inspect
and crop interesting regions from GLC images and then lay them out on the grid as
desired. This process is shown in Figure 7-5.
It is very useful to use irregular crops, which I call image fragments,
to focus on the
desired scene elements. When an image fragment of a general linear camera is placed
onto the image plane, I first assign pixel coordinates to the fragment. I then compute
the affine coordinates of all vertexes of the GLC triangulates inside the fragment and
use the same weight to compute their [a, T, u, v] ray coordinates.
The GLC rendering system allows the user to perform any transformation on image fragments that maintains affine relationships including translation, scaling and
Each time a transformation
is performed, the pixel coordinate of the frag-
ment is recomputed and the ray coordinates for all vertexes of GLCs inside fragment
are updated.
Any triangle on the image plane whose three vertex-ray coordinates have been
associated with a generator will form a GLC that can be rendered by ray tracing or
querying into a light field. The image plane, therefore, embodies a piecewise linear
multiperspective manifold and maintains Co continuity.
Ray Blending
When multiple GLC image fragments are placed onto the image plane, the (s, t, u, v)
ray coordinates of points lying in overlapped regions need to be computed in order to
maintain a smooth transition from one general linear camera to another. To do so,
the ray coordinates of each point in the overlapping region are found. The shortest
distance from the point to each of the image fragments, i.e., the distance to the
closet point in the corresponding fragment that is not in the overlapped region, as
is shown in Figure 7-6. This distance is used as a weighing function to blend ray
Finally, all triangles are rendered as general linear cameras.
Notice a
triangle whose three vertexes come from a common reference image can be directly
copied from the image fragment, thus saving processing. The complete algorithm is
Figure 7-6: Ray coordinate of each vertex in the overlapped region is computed using
Algorithm 1.
shown in Algorithm 1.
Multiperspective Sampling
With regard to sampling, the GLC model is different than the specification of traditional camera models. A GLC determines only a set of rays seen, it does not uniquely
specify how these rays are sampled across the image plane.
Image plane sampling requires a consistent parametrization between GLCs of
the multiperspective manifold and can be specified by a collineation as described in
Chapter 5. In this case, a consistent parametrization is achieved by specifying a
sampling plane with uniform grid and using the collineation between the sampling
plane to the default image plane, as is shown in Figure 7-7(c).
To understand this sampling approach it is helpful to tease apart a traditional
pinhole camera into its separate components. A pinhole camera is specified by a
center-of-projection, the point where all rays originate, and a sampling plane which
21. ZI)
Uz /
;ul, J1)
Figure 7-7: (a) Sampling of a pinhole camera (homography). (b) Sampling of a
cross-slit camera. (c) Sampling of an arbitrary multiperspective image is achieved by
assigning a sampling plane to each GLC.
Algorithm 1 Compute Ray Coordinates rblend
for each image fragment img do
for each grid point P(i, j) in img do
calculate the rimg(s, t, u, v) coordinate of P(i, j) in img
add rimg to P's ray list Listr
add img to P's image list Listimg
end for
end for
for each grid point P(i,j) do
if P's image list Listimg is not empty then
for each image fragment img in Listimg do
compute the distance disimg from P(i,j) to the closest point in img that is
not overlapped
compute the weighing factor weightimng in term of disimg
end for
normalize weighing factor
rblend = (0, 0, 0, 0)
for each image fragment Img in Listimg do
rblend+ = rimg* weightimg
end for
end if
end for
is determined by an image origin and two vectors spanning the plane as shown in
Figures 7-7(a). Integer multiples of the spanning vectors determine the sampling grid.
The center-of-projection is the GLC component of the model, whereas the sampling
plane and the grid implied by the spanning vectors is the sampling component of
this model.
The process of orienting the image plane in space has the effect of
projectively warping the image without changing the set of rays seen by the camera,
and is commonly referred to as homography in perspective cameras. In Chapter 5, I
have shown collineation is up to a quartic rational function.
Therefore, the sampling of a GLC can be modified by similarly transforming the
sampling plane. However, each grid point on the sampling plane can be seen only
once. Fortunately, all GLCs maintain this property except for at singular points for
the particular GLC (COP of pinhole, two slits of cross-slit, all points of an EPI, and
In Figure 7-7(b), I show an example of the sampling scheme for a cross-slit
camera. I call changes in the image due to the Collineation transformations of the
image plane perspective distortions, whereas I call distortions introduced by smooth
changes in the center of projection projective distortions.
7.4.1 Perspective and Projective Distortions
Once a generator ray is established for each vertex of the multiperspective image, one
can render each pixel on the image plane by either ray tracing or querying a light field.
Since pixels are uniformly sampled on image plane, rays are sampled uniformly over all
the GLCs of the multiperspective manifold. Such uniform sampling, done independent
of the projection, leads to noticeable projective distortions. For example, consider
two pinhole cameras (not adjacent to each other) from a common multiperspective
image, with congruent triangle regions, but whose centers-of-projection are at different
depths. Imposing a common image plane has the effect that the camera with larger
depth will have a smaller view of the scene than the closer viewpoint looking though
an image-plane triangle of the same area. The mixing of very different fields of views
leads to significant projective distortions in the final image. Our goal in sampling
is to introduce subtle perspective distortions in order to smooth the transitions of
projective distortion. An example of an image with an abrupt projective distortion
is shown in Figure 7-8(a) and its correction is shown in 7-8(b).
I provide a simple algorithm to correct projective distortions by smoothly varying
the sampling rate across the general linear cameras. I assume rays on each GLC are
specified using a sampling plane, as is shown in Figure 7-7 and the sampling plane
itself is uniformly sampled. When the sampling plane is close to the actual scene
geometry, sampling the GLC rays uniformly will reduce the projective distortion
effects. Thus, when a 3D model of the scene is available, we can simply align the
sampling plane close to the real geometry. When a light field is used, we can estimate
the depth of the scene in terms of disparities, and align the sampling plane closer
to the geometries using a method similar to the focal plane used in dynamically
Figure 7-8: (a) A multiperspective image before sampling correction; (b) A multiperspective image after sampling correction using sampling planes is applied. In the
original stuffed toy, the head is oriented such that it looks at the tail. This multiperspective image appears like a plausible perspective image with a different pose of the
reparametrized lightfield rendering [17].
Figure 7-8 compares multiperspective images of a stuffed toy rendered from a 360
degree turntable sequence. When we compose a different perspective of the head and
tail of the stuffed toy to the body, we observe foreshortening artifacts in Figure 7-8(a),
due to projective distortion. By estimating the depth of the head and the detail, we
can then correct this distortion by resampling, as is shown in Figure 7-8(b).
Multiperspective Rendering Results
The GLC framework focuses on the direct rendering of multiperspective images from
either image-based or traditional 3D models.
Multiperspective Panoramas
Panoramas attempt to combine a series of views into a single image that is viewed in
pieces. Sets of GLC triangles can be constrained to match specific pinhole views while
bands of transition GLCs can be used to fuse the images into a single multiperspective
panorama. A practical advantage of our approach over that of Woods et al is that
Figure 7-9: (a) Nusch Eluard by Pablo Picasso; (b) Our synthesized multiperspective
there is no need to compute optical flow or blend the overlap regions between images.
Images generated using the GLC framework can be as sharp as the source material.
Alternatively the images can even be rendered directly.
In Figure 7-10, I show a multiperspective panorama synthesized from virtual flight
path over a city. I also show the layout of the camera types on the right, where
blue represents pinholes, red represents cross-slit and green represents pushbrooms.
Although many adjacent cross-slit cameras are labelled as the same camera types,
because of the smooth blending algorithm, they are different cross-slit cameras.
Artistic Multiperspective
Rendering perspectives from multiple viewpoints can be combined in ways other than
panoramas. By making subtle changes in viewing direction across the imaging plane
it is possible to depict more of scene than could be seen from a single point of view.
Such images differ from panoramas in that they are intended to be viewed as a whole.
Neo-cubism is an example.
Many of the works of Picasso are examples of such multiperspective images. In
Figure 7-9 compares one of Picasso's paintings with our synthesized image. Starting
from a simple layout, it achieves similar multiperspective
effects. In Figure 7-11, I
show the mnultiperspective view of the teapot by overlaying image pieces from significantly different perspectives.
It is possible to show close to 360 degree view of the
teapot, reminiscent of an MCOP image [28].
Multiperspective Faux-Animation
It is possible to use multiperspective rendering to create fake or faux-animations
from still-life scenes. This is particularly useful for animating image based models. In
Figure 7-12, I show three frames from a synthesized animation. The top row shows the
synthesized multiperspective images with strong perspective distortions. The bottom
row significantly reduces this distortion using GLC collineation and resampling as
discussed in Chapter 7.4.2. By using perspective correction, one can achieve plausible
motions. Zomet [47] used similar approach by using single cross-slit camera (one of
our general linear camera) to achieve rotation effects.
To summarize, I have presented a framework for the direct rendering of multiper-
spective images by treating multiperspective imaging systems as continuous manifolds
in ray space and using them to approximate piecewise planar sections, where each
facet is a GLC. Multiperspective renderings can be easily achieved by laying out different pieces of GLCs on an image plane. Using the GLC framework, it is easy to
achieve a broad class of multiperspective images. The GLC analysis reveals multiper-
spective images are constrained by neighboring tangent planes and hence cannot be
arbitrary combinations of GLCs. I have also shown multiperspective images have both
perspective and projective distortions, and by applying a spatially varying sampling
plane, projective distortions can be significantly reduced.
Figure 7-10: Multiperspective panoramas: (a) Our synthesized multiperspective
panorama from a virtual flight path. (b) Blended camera types of the multiperspective image. Different GLCs are marked with different colors, red for cross-slit,
blue for pinhole, and green for pushbroom.
Figure 7-11: (a) A perspective view. (b) A synthesized multiperspective image that
fuses different perspective views of the handle and beak. (c) A omni-perspective
image that shows a 360 degree view of the teapot.
Figure 7-12: From left to right: extracted images from a faux-animation. The source
images were acquired by rotating a ceramic figure on a turn table. Multiperspective
renderings were used to turn the head and hind quarters of the figure in a fake imagebased animation. Top row: without resampling. Bottom right: with resampling.
Chapter 8
Reflection Analysis
In this chapter, I present a novel method to analyze reflections on arbitrary surfaces
using GLCs. I model reflections as a continuous ray manifold and use GLCs to characterize the rays. I then provide an analytical framework to locally model reflections as
specific GLC cameras. While classical approaches use local pinhole approximations,
the GLC framework uses multiperspective camera models to better characterize the
complicated image distortions seen on irregular mirror surfaces as well as the conven-
tional catadioptric mirrors. Next, I show the connection between multiperspective
camera models and caustic surfaces of reflections and demonstrate
how they reveal
important surface rulings of the caustics. Finally, I show how to use our analysis to
assist mirror design and characterize distortions seen in catadioptric imaging systems.
Background and Previous Work
Reflections are important visual phenomena, as well as a potential class of images suit-
able for analysis by computer vision. Although the basic physics and the geometry of
reflections are well understood,
analyzing reflections on arbitrary
mirror surfaces is
still complicated, and quantitative classification of reflection distortions still remains
an open problem.
Most research on analyzing reflections has focused on catadiop-
tric mirrors, such as hyperbolic and parabolic mirrors to synthesize different pinhole
cameras with a wide field of view [36, 2, 22, 8, 40], to obtain single viewpoint optics.
Figure 8-1: A reflected image seen on a car window. Subregions illustrate multiperspective
distortions such as shearing (yellow), uneven aspect ratio (red), and duplications (green).
This setup requires accurate alignment of the viewing camera. Different methods
have been proposed to calibrate these catadioptric imaging systems [18, 36].
When the camera moves off the focus, the reflected rays no longer converge to
a single point. The envelop of these rays, often referred to as the caustics, quickly
evolves into complicated shapes with discontinuities such as cusps [36, 37]. Closedform solutions of caustics are restricted to mirrors with simple shapes [36, 34]. The
caustic surface models every ray as originating from a single, but spatially varying,
pinhole camera, but it does not provide much insight into the group behavior of
neighboring rays, and hence, cannot be used for interpreting the imaging properties
at local regions of the reflected image.
In this chapter, I use the GLCs to analyze reflections and model caustics on arbitrary mirrors. While most previous research has been restricted to simple parametric
reflectors such as spherical or conical mirrors [8, 40], and equiangular mirrors [34], the
GLC method applies robustly to reflections off of any parametric or mesh surface.
Figure 8-2: At each point on the surface, the reflected ray is mapped into the ray space by
intersecting with the two parametrization planes.
GLC Reflection Analysis
Multiperspective Reflection Model
General reflected images can be analyzed using the GLC framework. Given a viewing
camera and a mirror surface, we can map each reflected ray into [a, 7-, u, v] ray space.
Assume the mirror surface is of form z(x, y). We can compute every reflected ray as
rxrl, r, r] = i - 2(A •-i)A
where i is the direction of the incident ray and hi is unit normal direction that can be
computed as [-zx, -zy, 1]. Intersecting the ray with the st and uv plane as shown in
Figure 8-2, the [a, T, u, v] coordinate of the ray can be computed as:
r r
[,, u,v] = [,rz,
All variables r, z, a, T, u, and v are functions in x and y, hence, the set of reflection
rays from the mirror surface form a ray space parametric manifold in x and y
E (x, y = u (x, y), r (x, y), u (x, y), v (x, y I
At every point on the reflected image manifold [a, r, u, v], a tangent plane can be
computed with two spanning vectors d and d2 using equation 6.3 as:
[ax, Tr,ux, vx] = [,
where 0 =:
, u, v =
- z,
x, 1-
1-zY - zy]
- zy
Its characteristic equation can be computed by choosing three points tangent
plane, which are E(x, y), E(x, y) + d1 , and E(x, y) + d2 using equation 6.4:
u + Aa
v + AT
(u+u)+ (a+a)
(v + v) + A(
(u + uY)+ A( + Y)
(v + v) + A( + -)
+ r-)
1 =0
yielding to the first characteristic equation AA2 + BA + C = 0 where
= aT uy - ayT
axVy- yVx - TxUy+ TyUx
C = UxVy - UVx
The discriminant, A, can be computed as B 2
4AC as
Orthographic Camera
Pinhole Camera
Figure 8-3: (a) If viewed from an orthographic camera, the parametrization plane is perpendicular to the incident direction. (b) If viewed from a pinhole camera, the parametrization
plane at each point on the surface is parallel to its tangent plane.
A = (TuY-
T7Uy + xvy - ovx)2 - 4(axry -
uy7)(uy - uY~v)
The second characteristic equation (edge-parallel condition) used to distinguish
pinholes from pencils, and twisted orthographic from orthographic cameras can be
computed using equation 6.7 as:
xvx - TxXU = 0,
ayVy - TyUv = 0
- O
a~,)(v - vy) - (rT - rT)(u. - Uy) = 0
The goal here is to model local reflections as one of the GLC types. To simplify this analysis, it is desirable to properly choose the parametrization plane. The
Differential Invariance Theorem described in Chapter 6.3 provides the freedom to
reparameterize any tangent plane without changing the local GLC-type-specific behavior on the reflection manifold. In this section, I show how to choose appropriate
parametrization planes to analyze reflections off of arbitrary mirror surfaces when
viewed from orthographic and pinhole cameras.
Orthographic Viewing Conditions
Under an orthographic viewing condition all incident rays to the reflective surface
share a common direction. By choosing the two parametrization planes perpendicular
to this viewing direction, we can orient the coordinate system so that all incident rays
have direction (0, 0, 1) as shown in Figure 8-3(a), and parameterize the mirror surface
as z(x, y) with respect to the uv plane. (Since the uv plane is parallel to the cartesian
xy plane, we can also write z(x, y) as z(u, v). However, in order to distinguish the
ray parametrization
[u, v] from the mirror surface parametrization,
we use z(x, y) to
represent the mirror) At every point on the mirror, the [, T, u, v] coordinate of the
reflection ray can be computed using equation 8.2 as:
a ,2zy
a= z
+ z2- 1
Notice, the denominator a is zero if and only if the reflected ray is parallel to the
planes. If it happens, we can choose a different set of parametrization
The most relevant coefficientsand discriminant of the first characteristic equation
for determining the GLC type can be computed using equation 8.3 and 6.5 as:
A = -K:43
B = -2zA-2
(zx + YY)
-- 402
((Zo _ zyy)2 + 4z4 )
The second characteristic equation can be computed using equation 8.3 and 6.6
- Tzu~
- TrU
auu ay~y-Ty
(a - ay)(v-
vy) -(T - Tu)(u -
) =
+ y2+1
(zx + zY + 1) 2
According to Table 3-1, if the local tangent plane has A = 0, the corresponding GLC
is either a pushbroom camera when B
$ 0, or an
orthographic/twisted orthographic
cameras when B = 0. From equation 8.5, A = 0 if and only if K = 0, because
cannot be zero. Furthermore, K represents the Gaussian curvature at the point [20].
Therefore, K is zero at parabolic points and planar points, i.e.,
= Z2y
First let us consider A = 0 and B = 0 case, which corresponds to orthographic
and twisted-orthographic cameras. Substituting A = 0 into B in Equation 8.5, we
zx =Zyy
Thus, Equation 8.8 and 8.9 can be satisfied at the same time if and only if
Z = z
= yy= 0
This occurs when the local surface is a locally planar (flat) mirror.
Equation 8.10 into the edge-parallel equation 8.6, it is easy to verify that the edgeparallel equations are zero when z
y = z
= 0. Thus, local reflected rays
cannot be a twisted orthographic camera.
In general, when A = 0, the reflected
rays at the parabolic points locally behave like a pushbroom camera. Koenderink
[20] shows that specular reflections exhibit "duplications", i.e., multiple images of a
single point, at the parabolic points. This "duplication" is in fact a common feature
of pushbroom cameras, as shown in Chapter 5.
Now let us consider cases for A when A
0. From equation 8.5, it is clear
that A cannot take on negative values, therefore the tangent GLCs cannot be of the
bilinear GLC-type. Thus, local reflected rays either behave like a cross-slit camera
when A > 0 or a pinhole/pencil when A = 0.
By equation 8.5, A = 0 occurs only when
zx = 0,
zXX = zy
Substituting Equation 8.11 into the edge-parallel equation, it is easy to verify that
the edge-parallel equations are zero whenever zxy = 0 and z
= z.
Therefore, all
solutions with A = 0 correspond to pinhole GLC camera types, and no pencil cameras
are possible. Furthermore, solving equation 8.11 gives a paraboloid. A similar result
has been shown in [2].
In general, reflections observed under orthographic viewing conditions can only be
cross-slit, pushbroom, pinhole, or orthographic images. No bilinear (oblique), twisted
orthographic, or pencil images can be observed from a single-surface reflection image
seen by an orthographic camera.
Perspective Viewing Conditions
The analysis of a reflected image seen by a pinhole camera is more complicated.
Assume that the pinhole camera's center-of-projection is at the origin. The GLC
differential invariant property allows us to choose a different parametrization for every
reflected ray. One can choose the parametrization planes to be parallel to the tangent
plane of the 3D reflection surface at each reflected ray, and the uv plane to pass
through the origin, as shown in Figure 8-3(b). This transformation
is analogous to
the Legendre transformation
of the curve equation [3, 24]. The mirror surface is
modelled as a Monge function z(x, y) with respect to the parametrization planes.
Under this choice of parametrization,
we must have z = z = 0 at the reflected ray
we analyze.
The direction [a, r, 1] of the reflection ray can be computed using 8.2 as
1) + 2zxzyy-
x Z;
-2zxx - 2zy -za
2zxzyx - y(z2 - z2 + 1)-2zz
-2zxx - 2zyy -zo
The A and B coefficients of the first characteristic equation can be computed
using equation 6.5 and 8.12 as:
A = (2x 2 (2z(zxzyy - z2y) + zxx)
+4zxyxy + 2y2 (2z(zxzZyy- z2y) + zyy)
+z(4z 2 (zXzYY - zxy 2 ) + 2z(zxx + zyy) + 1))/z 3
B = -((2(x 2 (4z(zxxzyy- z) + 3zxx)
+6zxyxy + y 2 (4z(zxxzyy - z2y) + 3zyy)
+z(4z 2 (zxz~
- zx2) + 3z(zxx + zyy) + 2))))/z
The discriminant A of the first characteristic equation can be computed as:
(4(zx2x 4 + 4z
+2x 2 (y 2 (zxz~
+ 2zx2) + z2 (z2 _ zZ
+2zxy)) + 4zxyxy(z
z yX 3 y
y 2 + z 2 (zx + zy))
2Y2z 2 (z~zYY - 2zx
+z4(z2x - 2zzyy + 4zxy + z;Y)))/z 4
Finally the second characteristic equation (edge-parallel condition) can be com121
puted as:
Xv -
u = 2(zx.xy +
Zxy(y2 + Z2 ))
-r = 2(zxyx 2 + zyyXy + z yz 2 )
y- y
- v,) - (T - Ty
(X2x_ -zxy)
+Y 2 (Zx
- uY)
+ XY(ZXX_ zYY)
Z Y) + Z2 (Zx _ z))/Z2
Next, we show A > 0. Notice A is quadratic in zy, therefore, we can treat zy as
as the root of the quadratic equation A = 0,
an unknown variable and solve for z
and if the solution for zxy has an imaginary part, it means for all zy, A is always > 0
or < 0. Solving A = 0 for zy, we get
-xy(zxX2 + zy y2 + z2 (zx + Z))
(2(X + z )(y + z ))
)lzxxx2 - zyyy2
+ Z2(Zx - zYy)
z(2 +2 +
(2(X2 + z 2)(y 2 + Z2))
Since z
has an imaginary part, it indicates A > 0 or A < 0 for all zy.
determine which case it is, we can simply substitute zy = 0 and z
= zyy = 1 into
A, and it gives A = 4(x 2 + y2 ) 2 > 0. Therefore, we must have A > 0 for all zy.
Thus, the tangent GLC cannot be a bilinear camera on a reflection manifold.
Next, we show the tangent GLC cannot be a pencil camera. Consider A = 0 if
and only if the imaginary part of zxY is zero and zy is the real part of Equation 8.16,
zyy(y2 + z2 ) =
-_ Xy(ZxX
Substituting z
+ zyyY + z (zX + Z ))
2(X2 + z2 )(y 2 + z)
and zy into the second characteristic equation (edge-parallel condi-
tion) 8.15, we obtain that second characteristic equations are zero. Thus, the edge
parallel condition is satisfied whenever A = 0. Therefore, no local reflections can be
pencil-type GLC camera. Furthermore, the solution to Equation 8.17 for z can only
corresponds to parabolic, hyperbolic, ellipsoid, and planar shapes, as shown in [36].
Next, we consider A = 0 and B = 0. Notice, notice both A and B are quadratic
in zXXand zyy, we can solve A = 0 and B = 0 for zxx and zyy as
2zxyx + z
2(x + z 2 )
12zxyx2 z- xy + 2zxyy 2 z + 2zy
2(X2 + y2 + Z2)i(x2+ z 2)
2zyxy + z
2(y 2 + z2 )
12zyx 2 z- xy + 2zxyy 2z + 2zyz31
Since both z
and z
TZ i
+ y2 + z2)1(y2 + z2)
have imaginary parts, a real mirror surface exists for A = 0
and B = 0 if and only if the imaginary parts of Equation 8.18 are zero, i.e.,
2z yx2 z - xy + 2zxy 2 z + 2zxyz3
And z
and z
= 0
will correspond to real values as:
2zyxy + z
(y 2 + z 2 )
Solving equation system 8.19 and 8.20 for for z,
zy and zyy gives
y2 + z2
X =
+ y2 + Z2)
Zay= 2z(x 2 + y2 +
z =
X 2 + Z2
2 + y2 +
Substituting Equation 8.21 into the second characteristic equation, we obtain all
three the edge parallel equations are also zero, thus, there is no twisted orthographic
cameras when A = 0 and B = 0. Unlike the orthographic viewing case, in which we
choose a fixed 2PP, here we change the parametrization plane according to the normal
of the mirror surface.
Thus, recovering the surface requires an inverse Legendre
Oren and Nayar have showed in [24]that local mirror surface must correspond to
planar/hyperbola/ellipoid in order for the view point to reflect onto another point (in
our case when A = 0), and the mirror surface must correspond to a parabola when
the view point is reflected to parallel rays (in our case when A = B = 0).
In general, all reflections observed by a pinhole or an orthographic camera can
be characterized by only four types of GLCs: cross-slit, pushbroom, pinhole, or or-
thographic. No pencil, twisted orthographic, or bilinear cameras are observed. The
non-existence of these three types of GLCs is due to the incident ray structure and
the differential geometry property of the mirror surface. Notice these three cameras
contain purely twisting rays. However, there is no twisting rays from an observing
pinhole or orthographic camera. Furthermore, the mirror surface satisfies differential
geometry properties. For instance, at each point on the surface, there always exist
two principal directions, and along the principal directions, the surface normal do not
twist [20]. Thus, the incident rays do not twist and the mirror surface normal cannot
be purely twisting. Therefore, the reflection rays within a neighborhood cannot be
purely twisting, and local reflection GLCs cannot be pencil, bilinear, and twisted
orthographic when viewed from a pinhole or orthographic camera.
Furthermore, the GLC analysis only applies to local reflections. It does not show
if there exist such mirrors that can map all reflected rays to pass through a common
cross-slit, pinhole, orthographic, or pushbroom camera. Oren and Nayar have shown
there does exist quadratic mirrors that reflect all rays from a pinhole/orthographic
camera to pass through a different pinhole/orthographic camera. In Appendix A, I
show there does not exist such mirrors that reflect all rays from a perspective viewing
camera to pass through a common cross-slit.
Caustic Surfaces
The caustic surface is the envelop of the reflected rays. Near the caustics, the reflected
rays bunch up together. Previous approaches [24, 36, 35] modelled caustics as the loci
of the virtual viewpoints of the viewing pinhole camera with respect to the mirror
surface. However, there are two fundamental problems to treat the caustics as the
loci of the virtual pinholes. First, the reflected rays form a pair of caustics rather than
an single caustic surface in general [7, 36, 35]. The virtual pinhole camera model,
therefore, is unable to explain why the single viewpoint is mapped to two different
virtual viewpoints. Second, the virtual pinhole model does not provide much insight
into the group behavior of neighboring reflection rays, and hence, cannot be used for
interpreting the image distortions in reflections.
In this section I will show the relationship of the local GLC model a reflection
surface point to the caustic surface of the reflection. I first compute the caustic
surface using the standard
Jacobian method [7, 36]. Consider each reflected ray
is parameterized as [, r, u, v] with source S(u, v, 0) and direction V(a, r, 1). The
Jacobian matrix det[J(S + AV)] can be computed as:
u + a
v. + ATx
u + AVy
v + Ay
which corresponds to the same first characteristic equation of the local GLC model as
equation 6.4. Therefore, the unions of the solutions to the characteristic equation for
every local GLC form the caustic surface. Since the roots of the first characteristic
equation often correspond to cross-slit cameras, which have two solutions, caustics
surfaces are formed in pairs.
A similar result is shown in [37]. For rotationally
symmetric mirrors viewed along its rotation axis, the rotation axis is one of the
Cross-slit Rulings
However, the first characteristic equation not only gives two caustic points, but also
two slits, i.e., points with directions. In the conventional caustic analysis method,
the caustic surface is regarded as the loci of a virtual viewpoint for every single
ray. Our approach models the group behavior of nearby rays as a local GLC where
rays simultaneously pass through the two slits, one on each of the caustic surfaces.
Therefore, the obtained slits not only provide the caustic surface but also reveal a
ruling upon it. Specifically, the local GLC slits are always tangent to the caustic
surface, as proved in the following theorem.
Theorem 8.3-1. At any ray r on a continuous ray manifold, if the local GLC
model at r is a cross-slit, then the two slits are tangent to the caustic surfaces of the
ray manifold at r.
Proof: I show that the two slits lie on the tangent plane of the caustic surface
at r[a, r, u, v]. Using the Jacobian method, the caustic surface has form Caus
[u, v, 0] + A[a, T, 1], thus the two tangent directions c
and c72 of the caustic surface
at r can be computed as
Caus, = [ux + Aa + -aOX,
v. + AT + Ar, A]
cs2 = Causy = [uy + Aya + Say, vy + Ayr + Ary, Ay]
Next, I compute the direction of each slit. Recall that the first characteristic
equation of the local GLC is computed by picking three rays r = r, r2 = r + rx
and r3 = r7+ ry so that all three ray pass through some slit at depth A. Therefore,
choosing the three points P1 , P2 and P3 along rl, r 2, and r3 as
[u + Aa, v + A, A]
P2 = [(u + u) +A( + ),(v+vx) + (T +), A]
= [(u+uy)+A( +
),(v+vy)+ ( + ), A]
P1 , P 2 , and P 3 must lie on a line. Without loss of generality, suppose P1 and P2 do
not coincide, the direction of the slit can be computed as
d= P 2 -P 1 = [u + a, v + A, O]
Finally, I show slit P2 P1 lies on the tangent plane of the caustic surface. To do so, I
show d, sl, and C62 are linearly dependent. This is because
Ux+ Ax
's, d]=
v + Ax
u + Axo + Ax
vx + AzT + ATx A
uY+A y a+A+A
Vy+AYT+ATry Ay
Therefore, the slit lies on the tangent plane of the caustic surface and hence it is
tangent to the caustic surface.
If P ad P2 coincide, then we can pick P and P3 to compute dand similar results
In Figure 8-4, I illustrate three commonly used mirror examples. The mirror surface
is drawn in cyan, the caustic surface in blue and viewpoint as blue circle. Notice, the
rotation axis is the second caustic surface for both hyperbolic and spherical mirrors.
The slits are shown in blue over the caustic surface in cyan. These rulings determine
which rays lie on the local tangent GLC and the local distortions seen in the reflection,
as I will show in Chapter 8.4.
In addition, the spatial separation of the corresponding slits are also important.
If the two slits intersect, the local GLC corresponds to a pinhole camera. Notice, the
center of the hyperbolic and parabolic mirrors satisfy this condition, therefore the
center of the image looks the least distorted. In the cylindrical mirror, however, the
two slits at the cusp do not intersect, which results in the apparent bending as seen
at the center of the image in Figure 8-5c.
The rulings of the slits on the caustic surface are closely related to the fact that
the 3D caustic surface exists only if the reflected rays form a developable surface
which is not a generalized cylinder or a cone [6, 24]. This indicates that although
Figure 8-4: The caustic surface and its ruling of typical mirrors. The viewpoint is shown
as a blue sphere. (a) A hyperbolic mirror. (c) A parabolic mirror. (e) A cylindrical mirror.
(b), (d), and (f) show the ruling of the caustics of (a), (c), (e), respectively.
Figure 8-5: Aspect ratio distortion. Top row: reflected images of a hyperbolic, spherical,
and cylinder mirror. Bottom row: estimated ratio distortion by the slits distance of the
respective mirrors.
local reflections are all cross-slits in general, there does not exist a mirror that maps
all rays to pass through a single cross-slit with an exception in the case of pinhole.
In Appendix A, I show an alternative proof using differential geometry.
Characteristic GLC Distortions
The GLC analysis has shown that reflections viewed from a pinhole or an orthographic
camera off any mirror surface can only locally behave as one of the four GLC cameras.
The distortions seen in the reflected image can be characterized by analyzing the
imaging property of these cameras and their collineations onto the mirror surface.
To simplify the analysis, we can choose the parametrization plane to be parallel to
the tangent plane at the mirror surface point we analyze, so that the collineation
degenerates to a simple linear transformation.
Cross-slit Distortion
The image distortions seen by a cross-slit camera depend on the spatial relationships
of the two slits and the image plane [47]. Specifically, if one slit is much closer to
the image plane than the other, the orientation of the image will be dominated by
the corresponding slit. In Figure 8-5, I compare the ray-traced reflection images seen
from hyperbolic, parabolic and cylindrical mirrors. The ruling of the closer caustic
surface is shown in Figure 8-4. It determines the orientation of maximal stretching
in the reflected image (e.g., the image of the hyperbolic and parabolic mirrors form
concentric circular patterns and the cylinder mirror exhibits vertical and bending
The distance between the two slits determines the aspect ratio of orientation
distortions. In fact, pushbroom, orthographic, and pinhole cameras can all be characterized as special cases of cross-slit cameras [47]. When the two slits intersect, it
transforms into a pinhole camera with a small aspect-ratio distortion. When one of
the slits goes to infinity, the cross-slit transforms into a pushbroom camera with large
aspect-ratio distortions. In Figure 8-5, I plot the slit-distance image of the three mirrors. The hyperbolic mirror has an overall small distance map (5d), thus, its image
(5a) has a relatively more uniform aspect-ratio distortion. The spherical mirror has
small distance map near the center, that grows larger radially away from the center
(5e). Thus, we observe more severe geometric distortions near the boundary of the
mirror than at its center (5b). The cylindrical mirror has an overall large distance
map (5f), and the whole image (5c) is stretched vertically since the vertical slit is
generally closer to the image plane.
When the distance between the two slits is infinitely large, the local GLC corre-
sponds to a pushbroom, and things faraway will map to duplicated images, resulting
in a singular event, as shown in Figure 8-1(b) and 8-6. These singular events often
appear at the parabolic points when viewedfrom faraway (approximately orthographically), as I have shown in Chapter 8.4. A similar result is shown in Koenderink's [20]
analysis of specular reflections.
Predicting Distortions on Mesh Surfaces
The reflections seen on a general curved surface are difficult to analyze using conven-
tional methods, because closed-form solutions are difficult to obtain. The local GLC
reflecion analysis framework, based on parametric surfaces, can easily be extended to
handle general reflection surfaces . The procedure involves representing the surface
using a piecewise planar triangulation, with an actual surface normal at each vertex
of the mesh. For each triangle of the mesh, we can compute the three reflected rays
using the vertex normals, and model it as a GLC. To minimize errors, I choose the
average reflected direction of the rays as the normal direction of the parametrization plane. By computing the characteristic equation and two slits of the GLC for
each triangle, we can measure the slit distances from the surfaces and estimate the
aspect-ratio and duplication distortions within each triangle's interior.
In Figure 8-6, I give an example of the pear-shaped mirror modelled by the following function
z = exp(_
x 2 + y2 )
)_ (
+ y2 )
The surface is sampled into a triangle mesh, as shown in Figure 8-6(a).
At each
triangle, I compute the local GLC and show the distance map between the two slits
in Figure 8-6(b). The brightest region predicts where the pushbroom distortions
occur. Figure 8-6(c) shows a ray traced image of the original analytic surface. The
GLC-basecl method predicts the low and high distortions regions, as shown in the
yellow, red, and blue rectangle overlays. In fact, the two bright bends estimated from
the mesh surface correspond to the parabolic curve (red-dashed curve) of the surface.
Duplicated reflections can be seen on either side of these parabolic curves, as shown
in the red and blue outlined regions.
In summary, I have presented a novel method to analyze reflections on arbitrary
surfaces using a specific linear class of multiperspective cameras. I provided an analytical framework to locally model reflections as specific multiperspective
around every surface point based on the theory of general linear cameras. The GLC
framework better characterizes the image distortions seen on irregular mirror surfaces
Figure 8-6: Estimating reflection distortions of a general surface. (a) A pear-shaped mesh.
(b) Estimated distortions. Bright colors correspond to large distortions (closer to pushbroom) and dark colors correspond to small distortions (closer to pinhole). (c) A ray-traced
image of the parametric surface. Notice reflections at regions around the red dashed line
correspond to brightest regions in (b).
as well as the conventional catadioptric mirrors than do classical methods, which
model the local neighborhoods of reflected rays as a pinhole approximation. The
local multiperspective model also reveals important relationships between the two
caustic surfaces and reveals an important surface ruling of the caustics. Finally, the
GLC modelling approach provides a new tool for designing special featured mirrors
or to avoid undesirable geometric image distortions.
Chapter 9
Conclusions and Future Work
In this thesis, I have presented a new analytic camera model called the General Lin-
ear Camera (GLC) model. The GLC model unifies many previous multiperspective
camera models as well as the pinhole camera into a single representation.
model is both general and linear in the sense that, given any vector space where rays
are represented as points, it describes all 2D affine subspaces (planes) formed by the
affine combination of 3 rays. I developed theories of projection and collineation for the
GLC model and used these theories to explain various multiperspective distortions.
I further showed that the GLC model provides an intuitive physical interpretation
and is closely related to the caustics of the rays. Finally, I demonstrated
how to use
the GLC model for applications in computer vision, computer graphics, and optical
design. In particular, I have shown how to use GLCs for modelling and rendering mul-
tiperspective images and characterizing real multiperspective imaging systems such
as catadioptric mirrors.
The Theory of GLC
The key insight underlying the GLC model is that any imaging system that captures
a smoothly varying set of rays can be mapped to a 2D manifold in a 4D ray space.
The characteristics of this imaging system, such as its projection, collineation, and
image distortions can be analyzed by studying this ray manifold. The 2-D tangent
planes of this manifold correspond to the General Linear Camera model defined here.
In addition, I have analyzed many important algebraic and geometric properties of
these fundamental linear subspaces.
Each GLC describes a specific set of rays set of rays. These ray sets define an
elemental set of multiperspective camera types. The GLC model also unifies many
previous perspective and multiperspective cameras, including pushbroom, cross-slit,
linear oblique cameras, within a single framework. It also proposes three new, previously unexplored multiperspective camera types. I derived a set of characteristic
equations for identifying 8 atomic GLC types, and proved that these types are characterize all possible linear multiperspective camera models. I also introduced the
GLC projection and collineation theory in Chapter 5 that characterizes the image
distortions commonly observed in multiperspective imaging systems such as seen in
curved mirrors.
A significant difference between the GLC approach and the traditional multiperspective analysis is that, the traditional approaches model the behavior of the
neighboring rays (within a small area on the image) as spatially varying pinholes
while the GLC framework models it as specific multiperspective
I have
shown in Chapter 4 that the local pinhole model does not provide much insight into
the group behavior of neighboring rays, and hence, cannot be used for interpreting
the imaging properties (multiperspective distortions) at local regions. The local GLC
model, however, models the group behavior of the neighboring rays and it explains
and predicts the multiperspective distortions.
In addition, I showed the close relationship between the local GLC model seen at
any reflected ray and the caustic surfaces of reflections. In particular,
I have shown
that the caustic surfaces of the rays, if they exists, correspond to the loci of the local
cross-slit GLCs. The two slits of the local GLC model not only provide the geometry
(depth) of the caustics, but they also provide a ruling over the caustics. These rulings
are particularly important for characterizing the multiperspective distortions of local
image regions.
Finally, I have proved that the GLC-type of any infinitesimal surface patch is
invariant to the choice of parametrization plane, and therefore, intrinsic to the shape.
The limitation of the GLC framework is the use of two-plane-parametrization. The
algebraic representation
of the ray (and hence the ray manifold) changes when the
parametrization plane changes. This inconsistency has limited the usage of 2PP for
the effective analysis of the ray space. The Differential Invariance Theorem partially
overcomes this problem by showing the local GLC type is invariant to the parametrization plane. However,the actual GLCs may still change when the parametrization
plane changes. For instance, a local cross-slit GLC remains as a cross-slit when us-
ing a new parametrization plane not parallel to the old one. However, under the
new parametrization,
the two slits in the local GLC must be different from the old
parametrization. This is because the two slits are parallel to their parametrization
Therefore, the GLC analysis is still parametrization-dependent.
Ideally, a
coordinate-free ray representation and analysis can completely resolve this problem
by representing the local GLC model as the differential geometry property of the rays.
In the future, I plan to extend this thesis to develop a ray space differential geometry
GLC Applications
I have also demonstrated
applications of the GLC model in the fields of computer
vision, computer graphics, and optical design.
GLCs c(,an be used for the direct rendering of multiperspective images. I showed
that GLCs, when constrained by an appropriate set of rules, can be laid out to tile the
image plane and, hence, generate arbitrary multiperspective renderings. I provided
a complete of set of rules for tiling an image plane with GLC fragments to achieve
consistent rendering. I used the GLC framework to render a broad class of multiperspective images, such as multiperspective panoramas, neocubist style renderings, and
faux-animations from still-life scenes.
GLCs also provide an analysis framework for studying reflection ray manifolds via
local GLC models. I proved that local reflections observed on arbitrary mirrors can
originate from only four of the eight possible GLC cameras: pinhole, orthographic,
pushbroom, and cross-slits. I characterized the distortions seen in reflections accord-
ing to the local GLC model and collineation and connected specific distortions to the
mirror geometry.
Finally, I showed how to use the GLC analysis to assist in-mirror design and
predict distortions seen in catadioptric imaging systems. An arbitrary mirror surface
can be approximated as a triangulation with surface normals at each vertex. The
three reflected rays associated with the vertices of a triangle form a GLC. One can
then find an optimal parametrization plane for the GLC and compute the local crossslit using the GLC characteristic equations. Finally, the distortions can be estimated
by the local cross-slit model using the GLC projection, collineation, and caustics
Future Work
There are several directions for future research related to the GLC model.
GPU-based GLC Rendering: Most GLC images shown in this dissertation are
synthesized from either precaptured or rendered light fields. In the future, commodity
graphics hardware might be used to directly render GLC images directly from the
scene geometry.
The GLC projections of a line onto the GLC image plane is a
quartic rational. Thus, it is possible to modify the rasterization unit or the shader to
efficientlyrender the geometry directly into a GLC image using the graphics hardware.
A real-time renderer will be beneficial to the interactive design of multiperspective
rendering, the creation of backdrops for cel-animation, and image-based animations.
GLC-based Reflection Model: The GLC reflection analysis shows that a reflected image is a 2D manifold of rays that can be indexed into the 4D light field
ray space. Based on this concept, we have developed new rendering algorithms using
graphics hardware to achieve real-time renderings of accurate reflections by replacing
the 2D environment map with six 4D light field slabs to represent the surrounding
scene [44]. Each reflected ray is rendered by indexing into these pre-captured
vironment light fields and accurate reflections are achieved with motion parallax at
interactive frame rates.
The GLC framework can also be extended in two other directions. First, the
GLC reflection model could be combined with image-based rendering techniques. In
particular., it is interesting to design specially curved mirrors to efficiently capture
light fields as well as mirrored surfaces for autostereo 3D displays. The GLC reflection analysis has shown that local reflections can only originate from four types of
GLCs: pinhole, orthographic, pushbroom, and cross-slits. In fact, all four GLCs are
specially cases of the cross-slits. Thus, using special mirrors, it is possible to more
efficiently sample the ray space via a different set of 2D subspaces. Second, one could
render reflections directly from GLCs without using light fields. This requires developing effective algorithms to discretize the reflection manifold in terms of GLCs
(especially cross-slits) and to adapt the conventional graphics pipeline for rasterizing
GLC images.
I am also interested in designing actual GLC cameras and new stereo algorithms
to enable 3D reconstructions
from very wide field-of-view images, as well as other
multiperspective images. Most of the GLC models satisfy Seitz's criterion and are
suitable for binocular stereo vision. Combined with the reflection analysis, it is possible to design new types of mirrors, or even use arbitrary mirrors as novel stereo
imaging systems.
Furthermore, the GLC reflection analysis shows how to locally map a single viewpoint to a cross-slit camera. If we replace the view point with a light source, it is
possible to transform a point light source to a cross-slit light source. Many image-
based relighting approaches are restricted by the geometric constraints of the light
source, and by designing a different type of lighting condition, it is possible to im-
prove the way for effectivelymeasuring and sampling the radiance off the surface and,
therefore, benefit applications such as measuring the surface BRDF.
Caustic-driven Differential Geometry: Finally since the GLC model provides
a first-order differential analysis of any ray manifold, it has the potential for directly
analyzing 3D geometry. In particular, if we model the surface normals on a surface
as rays, similar to the caustics of reflections, the local GLC model can effectively
approximate the focal envelops of the surface. The loci of the GLC cameras form the
focal surface of the 3D geometry. Many previous researchers have shown that the
focal surface embeds important differential geometric quantities such as the principal
curvatures and principal directions of the surface. Thus, the local GLC model, which
not only gives the depth of the focal surface but also the ruling of the focal surface
might provide a novel strategy for approximating the focal surface and computing
the surface curvatures.
Appendix A
Non-existence of Cross-slit Mirrors
In Chapter 8, I have shown that local reflections can only correspond to four GLCs
under the perspective viewing conditions. They are: pinhole, orthographic, pushbroom, and cross-slits. The first three types of cameras are special (degenerate) cases
of the cross-slits. However, this analysis is local and only characterizes the reflected
rays within an infinitesimal patch. I did not show whether there exist a mirror that
can reflects all rays from a viewing pinhole camera to a common cross-slit camera.
Oren and Nayar have shown that it is possible to use hyperbolic, ellipsoid, and par-
abolic mirrors to reflect all rays from a perspective viewing camera to pass through
a different (virtual) perspective or orthographic camera, which are degenerate cases
of the cross-slits.
In this section, I show there does not exist a mirror that reflects all rays from a
perspective viewing camera to a common non-degenerate cross-slit camera.
Lemma A.0-1. (Ellipsoid) Suppose S is a surface, which reflects all rays passing
through p to rays all passing through q. If q is at finite, S must either be an ellipsoid
or hyperbola,and p, q are the focal points of S. If q is at infinity, then S is a parabola.
Proof: Consider any point r E S, since ray pr is reflected to qr, we must have
r Pp r qi dr =
-p Jr-q'dr
Figure A-1: Reflection between pinhole cameras. Left: an ellipsoid mirror reflects
between two pinhole cameras on the same side. Right: a hyperbolic mirror reflects
between two pinhole cameras on different sides.
as is shown in Figure A-1. This can be reformulated as
(r - p) . dr ± (r - q) dr
Ir - pi
Ir - qI
Hence we must have Ir - pl
dr - p 2
Ir- pi
dr - q 2
Ir - q1
d - Plt dr - q = 0
Ir - ql = const, therefore, S must be an ellipsoid or
If q is at infinity, we then use q to denote the direction of itself. It is easy to show
ir- pl Iqj dr =
Ir - pI + r -q = const
(r- +
And therefore, S is a parabola.
The lemma above shows the necessary and sufficient condition to mirror one pinhole
camera to another pinhole or an orthographic. These mirrors are well known as
parabolic mirrors or ellipsoid mirrors, depending on whether the two points are on
the same side of the mirror. A Pinhole camera can also be mirrored to an orthographic
mirror using a parabolic mirror.
Theorem A.0-2. (Cross-slit Viewpoint Constraint) Given two lines 11, 12 in general position, and a viewpoint q, denote plane 7rl = span{ll, q} and plane r2 =
; 1~#
Figure A-2: Geometric constraints on mapping between pinhole and cross-slit camera.
span{12, q}, if the mirror surface S exists that maps all rays passing through q to
pass through both 11 and 12, then we must have 7r1 I r2 .
Proof: Notice the intersection of 7rl and r2 corresponds to the ray r that passes
through q and lI and 12, as shown in A-2. Suppose irl n l = pi and 7r2 f 2
consider S 7r = cl, S n 7 2
= p2.
c2 , and S n r = po. Obviously, po E cl n c2 .
Now consider all rays r2P 1 on 7r2 , r2 E C2 . Notice p 1r 2 lie on 7r2 and thus, it must
intersect 12 and must be reflected to r2q. This means, the normal of S at r2 must be
on P2 as well and coincide with the normal of curve c2 . And because c2 is planar, c2
must be the principal curvature line on S. Same case hold for cl. In addition, it is
easy to see both cl and c2 are either ellipse or a hyperbola from Lemma A.0.1.
Finally consider ray pipO is reflected to P2po, hence pip2 is perpendicular to the
surface at po. Notice at po, cl and c2 are principle curvature lines, hence we must
have 7r1 .L 7r2 .
Theorem A.0-3. (Nonexistence) There exist no surface, which reflects all rays
in an cross-slit camera to a pinhole camera.
Proof: We use the same notation as in Theorem A.0.2. First we assume pl, p2
and q are on the same side of S. We consider the two ellipse can be written as:
cl: r-p21 + jr-ql = C1
C2: r- Pl +
-ql = C2
Now denote all points on 11 as p(t) and all points on 12 as p(s).
ellipse c(t) = S
Plane r(t) =
7r(t). Notice, because 12 is on r(t), we therefore
can talk about all rays passing through p(t) on pi(t). Suppose 7r(t)n cl = b, then
p(t), P2 and b must be on the same line, and b E c(t), hence, on c(t), all rays passing
through p(t) must be reflected to pass through q. We have:
c(t): r-p(t)j+lr-ql = b-p(t)l+lb-ql = b-p 2 J+Jb-ql+Jp
2 -p(t)l = Cl+Ip(t)-p21
Similarly, we have the formula for ellipse c(s)
c(s): r - p(s)l + r - ql - C2 + p(s) - Pll
Thus, the surface S can be treated as woven by two family of ellipses c(t) and c(s),
by construction r(s, t) = c(t) n c(s) is on the ray p(t)p(s). We, therefore, get the
following equations system for r(s, t) as follows:
Ap(t)+ (1 - A)p(s) = r(s, t)
Ir(s,t) - p(t)j + jr(s, t) - q
+ Ir(s,t)-q
C1 + Ip(t)- P21
= C2+ jp(s)-Plj
This equation system is over determined. We want to show that it has no solution
for any open set of (s, t).
To do so, we replace r with Equation A.9 into A.10 and A.11, and we get
1 - Allp(t) - p(s)I + jr - q = p(t) - P21+ C1
AllIp(t)- p(s)I + r - q = p(s) - pl + C2
When A < 0 or A > 1, the difference of the above two equations give us
Ip(t) - p(s)I + p(s) - PlI - (p(t) - P21= C1 - C2
Notice p(t) and p(s) are two lines in 3D space and it is not possible for the left hand
side of the equation above to be constant.
If A is between 0 and 1. Then the difference between (21) and (22) is
(1 - 2A)Jp(t) - p(s)I = I(p(t) - P21- Ip(s)- PlI + C 1 - C2
(A. 15)
Solving for A, we obtain
1 Jp(t)- P2 - p(s) - P + C - C2
2Ip(t) - p(s)I
And we can solve r by equation A.9 as
p(t) - P
r = p(t) + p(s) + (p(s) - p(t))
+ C1 - C2
]pMt - p(s) I
The summation of A.12 and A.13 is:
J(p(t) -p(s)I + 2jr - qJ- p(t) -P21 - Jp(s) -pl
= C1 + C2
Given p(t) and p(s) are points on two different lines, this equation cannot be further
simplified. Therefore, there is no way that the left hand side is a function of (s, t)
while the right hand side is a constant.
In general, we can assume S is formed by two family of curves, either ellipse or
hyperbolas. And the surface is formed by three constraints as:
Ap(t) + (1 - A)p(s) = r(s,t)
Ir(s,t)-p(t)l ± jr(s,t)-q
= C1+ Ip(t)-P21
Ir(s,t)-p(s)l ± jr(s,t) - q = C2+ jp(s)-Plj
For a small open set of (s, t), the signs are fixed. Similarly, we can show that that
does not exist such mirror surfaces.
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