Neutronic Evaluation of GCFR Core Diluents and Reflectors by Kun Yu B.E., Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University, P.R.China (1998) Submitted to the Department of Nuclear Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering At The MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 2003 © 2003 Massachusetts Institute of Technology. All rights reserved Signature of Author Kun Yu Department of Nuclear Engineering June 10, 2003 Certified by Michael J. Driscoll Professor Emeritus of Nuclear Engineering Thesis Supervisor Certified by Pavel Hejzlar Program Director, Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems Thesis Reader Accepted by Jeffrey Coderre Associate Professor of Nuclear Engineering Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students Neutronic Evaluation of GCFR Core Diluents and Reflectors By Kun Yu Submitted to the Department of Nulcear Engineering on June 11, 2003 in Partial Fullfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering ABSTRACT Materials are evaluated for use as in-core diluents and as peripheral reflectors for Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor (GFR) service, using coupled Monte Carlo (MCNP) and isotopics (ORIGEN) codes. The principal performance indices compared were effects on beginning of irradiation multiplication factor, reactivity-lineated burnup, and coolant (here CO2) void reactivity. While low values of the macroscopic absorption cross section, Σa, and slowing down power, ξΣs, are qualitatively useful predictors of good performance, it was found that only full scope calculations were valid for quantitative assessment. For example, several materials (Ni, Nb) having poor performance as in-core diluents proved to be good reflectors. Many materials which reduced coolant void reactivity also proved detrimental to reactivity lifetime. Others, mostly the strong moderators, increased initial reactivity, but decreased reactivity lifetime. Cores fueled with plutonium exhibited a much larger void reactivity than those started up using U-235 as the fissile material. While there are no ideal candidates that are superior in all respects, considering only neutronic performance, the following appear worthy of further investgation: Metallic fuel diluents or matrices (eg. CERMET or METMET): Zr, Ti, V, Ba2Pb; High temperature fuel diluents or matrices (eg, CERMET, CERCER): SiC, BaS Cladding: Fe alloys with Cr, Al (eg ODS) Reflector: Zr3Si2, Pb, Ba2Pb, ZrS2, MoSi2 plus a variety of sulfides and silicides Thesis Supervisor: Michael J. Driscoll Title: Professor Emeritus of Nuclear Engineering i ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The help, patient guidance and generous support of Professor Michael J. Driscoll and Dr Pavel Hejzlar, my thesis supervisors, are greatly appreciated. I am also grateful to two members of the Physics and Materials group of the Gas Cooled Fast Reactor Project at MIT: Pete Yarsky for his discovery of the possible cross section library deficiency of Potassium, and Mike Pope for beneficial discussions on the coolant void coefficient. This work has been funded by the Idaho National Engineering & Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) under their LDRD program. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT......................................................................................................................... i ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .................................................................................................. ii TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................ iii LIST OF TABLES ............................................................................................................ v LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................... vi Chapter 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 1 1.1 Foreword ................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Background ............................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Organization of this report ........................................................................................ 8 Chapter 2 Computer Codes and Models ........................................................................... 10 2.1 Introduction............................................................................................................. 10 2.2 MCODE Description .............................................................................................. 10 2.2.1 Introduction...................................................................................................... 10 2.2.2 Normalization .................................................................................................. 11 2.2.3 Predictor-Corrector Algorithm......................................................................... 13 2.2.4 Running MCODE ............................................................................................ 14 2.4 Whole Core Model for matrix and reflector configuration..................................... 16 2.5 Summary ................................................................................................................. 26 Chapter 3 Review of core diluent material candidates ..................................................... 27 3.1 Introduction............................................................................................................. 27 3.2 Review of element properties ................................................................................. 27 3.3 Review of material candidates for matrix core ....................................................... 28 3.3.1 Neutronic Evaluation parameters..................................................................... 28 3.3.2 Results for matrix study ................................................................................... 30 3.3.3 Fissile and fertile properties in the energy range of interest............................ 32 3.3.4 Promising materials ......................................................................................... 34 3.4 Applicability of superposition................................................................................. 42 3.4.1 Non-linearity of neutronic effects as a function of matrix concentration........ 42 3.4.2 Neutronic effects for a compound and its constituents.................................... 43 3.4.3 Relation of reactivity to enrichment ................................................................ 45 3.5 Conclusions............................................................................................................. 47 Chapter 4 Review of reflector material candidates........................................................... 48 4.1 Introduction............................................................................................................. 48 4.2 Review of material candidates for reflector............................................................ 48 4.2.1 Albedo calculation ........................................................................................... 48 4.2.2 General Results ................................................................................................ 50 4.2.3 Detailed evaluation and explanation................................................................ 51 4.2.4 Brief summary ................................................................................................. 56 4.3 Parameter Studies.................................................................................................... 56 4.3.1 Reflector thickness requirement ...................................................................... 56 4.3.2 UPuC fuel – UC fuel........................................................................................ 57 4.3.3 keff – albedo...................................................................................................... 59 4.3.4 Full burnup study of several interesting reflector materials ............................ 60 4.4 Conclusions............................................................................................................. 61 Chapter 5 Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations ............................................... 62 iii 5.1 Summary and Conclusions ..................................................................................... 62 5.2 General Evaluation Results..................................................................................... 62 5.3 Recommendations for future work ......................................................................... 65 References......................................................................................................................... 67 Appendix A Estimate of Gas Produced By Sulfur........................................................... 69 Appendix B Relation of reactivity ρ to enrichment x...................................................... 70 Appendix C Sample input files for matrix material study ............................................... 72 iv LIST OF TABLES Table 1-1 Periodic table of the chemical elements showing excluded candidates....... 2 Table 1-2 Footnotes to Table 1–1..................................................................................... 3 Table 1-3 Representative Hard-Spectrum σ Values...................................................... 3 Table 1-4 Roster of Potential Diluent Candidates ......................................................... 8 Table 2-1 Matrix test core model parameters .............................................................. 17 Table 2-2 Initial region–homogenized compositions in matrix test core model........ 18 Table 2-3 Reflector test core model parameters .......................................................... 18 Table 2-4 Initial region homogenized compositions in reflector test core model...... 19 Table 2-5 Matrix material cell 1 homogenized composition for whole core model .. 19 Table 2-6 Description of chosen actinides..................................................................... 22 Table 2-7 Description of chosen fission products......................................................... 23 Table 2-8 Description of chosen matrix materials ....................................................... 25 Table 3-1 Results of matrix comparisons...................................................................... 30 Table 4-1 Neutronic Comparisons of GFR Reflectors................................................. 50 Table 5-1 General Evaluation Results........................................................................... 63 v LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2-1 Flow diagram for MCODE.......................................................................... 15 Figure 2-2 Original fuel assembly and core layout of the MFGR-GT [6] ................. 16 Figure 2-3 Final homogenized cylindrical core layout ................................................ 17 Figure 3-1 Definition of B1 ............................................................................................. 29 Figure 3-2 Examples of error of linear extrapolation method.................................... 29 Figure 3-3 Relation of initial multiplication factor and burnup potential ................ 31 Figure 3-4 Relation of multiplication factor and macroscopic absorption................ 32 Figure 3-5 U235 capture, fission and elastic scattering cross sections * ...................... 33 Figure 3-6 U238 fission, elastic scatter, absorption cross sections ............................... 34 Figure 3-7 Map of diluent material performance ........................................................ 35 Figure 3-8 Capture and elastic scattering cross sections for minor Ba isotopes....... 36 Figure 3-9 Comparison of BaS and BaO diluent core spectra.................................... 41 Figure 3-10 Non-linearity of neutronic effects vs. Pb matrix concentration ............. 42 Figure 3-11 ρ vs. compound components...................................................................... 44 Figure 3-12 Relationship between enrichment and keff for a representative core .... 46 Figure 4-1 Variation of albedo with absorption........................................................... 49 Figure 4-2 Map of reflector material performance ..................................................... 52 Figure 4-3 keff versus nickel reflector thickness ........................................................... 57 Figure 4-4 keff (UC fuel) – keff (UPuC) fuel ................................................................... 58 Figure 4-5 Comparison of ∆keff(void) for UPuC fuel and UC fuel ............................. 58 Figure 4-6 The ∆k(void) increase with burnup ............................................................ 59 Figure 4-7 Relationship of multiplication factor and albedo ...................................... 60 Figure 4-8 Full burnup runs for different reflectors ................................................... 61 vi Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Foreword Gas cooled fast reactors have attracted new interest in the past several years both within the US and internationally. It is widely recognized, however, that passive postLOCA decay heat removal is a challenge for reactors of this type. One approach to amelioration is to increase the heat capacity of the fuel assemblies, and thereby store energy until decay heat power levels decrease sufficiently (approximately as 1/(time)0.3 ) to facilitate energy removal via some combination of convection, conduction and radiation. This leads to consideration of fuel diluents in the form of alloys or ceramics in either homogeneous or dispersion form. The latter can be allmetallic (METMET) ceramic (CERCER) or a combination (CERMET). It was the objective of the work reported here to evaluate various candidate materials primarily in terms of their effect on core neutronics, as a guide to future studies of specific core designs. Most of these same considerations apply to the selection of reflector materials, which are also essential to good neutronic performance. There are, however, some differences in performance for this application which motivated a separate set of comparisons. 1.2 Background If one starts with the full periodic table of the elements (see Table 1.1) and all possible combinations as chemical compounds, the task faced in any comprehensive evaluation would be truly daunting. Fortunately preliminary screening according to a few simple criteria greatly reduces the list of potential candidates; specifically we exclude at the outset: • All inert gases (e.g. He, Ar etc…) • Candidates costing more than 200$/kg • Heavy nuclei above 220 AMU (which are either unstable or fissionable) 1 • Species having spectrum-average microscopic absorption cross sections greater than about 200 mbarn • Excessively strong moderators such as H • Radioactive materials such as Ra, Po, etc. Other important criteria such as thermal conductivity, heat capacity, melting point and corrosion resistance were not explicitly applied at this point, but must be in any final downselection. In addition, some elements rejected because of their high σa will find use as control absorbers, for example B and Ta. Table 1-1 Periodic table of the chemical elements showing excluded candidates H He Li Be B C N O F Ne Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar K Ca Sr Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc* Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te* I Xe Cs Ba Lu Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po* At* Rn Fr* Ra* Ac* Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Key to rating: 1 2 3 4 5 6* 7 1. Strong moderator. (Atomic weight < 5) (1) 2. Actinides/fissionable. (Atomic number > = 90) (20) 3. Expensive or rare. (Price > 200$/kg) (30) 4. Inert gas. (6) (13) 5. Strong absorber. (σc > 200 millibarns) 6. Radioactive. (7) 7. Potentially usable matrix material. (32) ────────────────────────────────────────────────── Total 109 2 Table 1-2 Footnotes to Table 1–1 (a) Some elements have more than one reason for exclusion. We assign only one, based on its most serious shortcoming. (b) Some elements could only be used in compounds, such as N, O, F, Cl, Br, I. (c) Metal prices were obtained from ref. [1]. (d) Li-7 and Be are light moderators. But FLiBe molten salt is used as coolant in some recent concepts (see ref [2]). Beryllium also has a relatively large (n, 2n) cross section, which improves the neutron economy, so we re-instate these two materials as candidates. (e) The one group spectrum averaged neutron absorption cross sections of 90 elements were obtained using the Pb matrix core model discussed in Chapter 2. The results are shown in Table 1.3. The results are generally consistent with the central worth measurements in fast critical assemblies compiled in ref [3]. (f) Some strong absorbers could not be used as matrix material but could be used as a reflector. Thus there are 45 potentially usable reflector elements, 13 more than as matrix candidates (Li, B, As, Se, Br, Ag, Cd, In, Sb, I, Cs, Ta, W). Table 1-3 Representative Hard-Spectrum σ Values ZAID 1001.60c 1002.60c 2003.60c 2004.60c 3006.60c 3007.60c 4009.60c 5010.60c 5011.60c 6000.60c 6012.50c Nuclei H1 H2 H(nat)* He3 He4 He(nat) Li6 Li7 Li(nat) Be9 B10 B11 B(nat) C C12 Abundance Atom fraction 0.999885 0.000115 1.37E-06 0.999999 0.0759 0.9241 0.199 0.801 0.9893 3 σ(n,γ)∗∗ σ(n,α)∗∗ σ(n,p)∗∗ σa(total)** millibarns 0.153 0.003 0.153 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.024 0.032 0.032 0.100 0.278 0.033 0.082 0.002 0.002 millibarns 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.9 2167.5 0.0 431.3 0.1 0.1 millibarns 0.0 0.0 0.0 2513.2 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 millibarns 0.153 0.003 0.153 2513.4 0.0 0.003 972.7 0.033 73.9 4.03 2173.0 0.036 432.4 0.064 0.071 ZAID 6013.42c 7014.60c 7015.60c 8016.60c 8017.60c 9019.60c 11022.96c 11023.60c 12000.60c 12024.96c 12025.96c 12026.96c 13027.60c 14000.60c 14028.96c 14029.96c 14030.96c 15031.60c 16000.60c 16032.60c 16033.96c 16034.96c 16036.96c 17000.60c 17035.96c 17037.96c 19000.60c 19039.96c 19040.96c 19041.96c 20000.60c 20040.21c 21045.60c 22000.60c 22046.96c 22047.96c 22048.96c 22049.96c 22050.96c 23000.60c 23051.96c 24000.50c 24052.60c 24053.60c 24054.60c Nuclei C13 N14 N15 N(nat) O16 O17 F19 Na22 Na/Na23 Mg Mg24 Mg25 Mg26 Al27 Si Si28 Si29 Si30 P31 S S32 S33 S34 S36 Cl Cl35 Cl37 K K39 K40 K41 Ca Ca40 Sc45 Ti Ti46 Ti47 Ti48 Ti49 Ti50 V V51 Cr Cr52 Cr53 Cr54 Abundance Atom fraction 0.0107 0.99632 0.00368 0.99757 0.00038 0.7899 0.1 0.1101 0.922297 0.046832 0.030872 0.9493 0.0076 0.0429 0.0002 0.7578 0.2422 0.932581 0.000117 0.067302 0.0823 0.0744 0.7372 0.0541 0.0518 0.83789 0.09501 0.02365 4 σ(n,γ)∗∗ σ(n,α)∗∗ σ(n,p)∗∗ σa(total)** millibarns 0.278 0.049 0.012 0.048 0.000 0.061 2.71 8.2 1.9 0.7 1.6 2.1 0.3 2.5 2.5 0.8 2.6 10.9 4.2 2.3 2.8 1.1 0.3 0.4 3.9 5.9 1.6 11.3 11.1 12.1 25.2 3.8 3.8 40.4 12.6 12.5 31.9 17.4 8.6 1.1 17.3 20.3 16.3 5.7 24.6 5.3 millibarns 0.0 8.4 0.004 8.4 0.724 30.2 0.91 70.7 0.0 0.2 0.3 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.1 0.4 0.0 0.1 12.4 8.2 172.6 0.2 0.0 0.9 3.7 0.1 1.5 2.8 41.0 0.1 5.7 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 millibarns 0.0 14.2 0.001 14.1 0.001 0.0 0.06 1318.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.0 2.8 5.2 5.0 10.7 0.0 0.0 3.5 13.9 0.0 7.3 11.0 13.7 0.1 8.2 0.0 4.3 0.2 0.7 2.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.0 millibarns 0.280 22.7 0.020 22.6 0.725 30.3 3.68 1397.2 2.0 1.0 2.0 3.3 0.4 2.8 3.1 1.3 3.1 10.9 7.2 19.8 16.0 184.3 0.6 0.4 8.3 23.6 1.7 20.1 24.9 66.8 25.4 17.8 3.8 44.8 12.9 13.2 34.2 17.4 8.7 1.1 17.4 20.3 16.5 5.8 24.7 5.3 ZAID 25055.60c 26000.55c 26054.60c 26056.60c 26057.60c 26058.60c 27058.96c 27059.60c 28000.50c 28058.60c 28059.96c 28060.60c 28061.60c 28062.60c 28064.60c 29000.50c 29063.60c 29065.60c 30000.62c 30064.96c 31000.60c 32072.96c 32073.96c 32074.96c 32076.96c 32072.96c 37085.96c 37086.96c 37087.96c 38084.96c 38086.96c 38087.96c 38088.96c 38089.96c 38090.96c 39088.35c 39089.60c 39090.96c 39091.96c 40000.60c 40090.86c 40091.96c 40092.86c 40093.86c Nuclei Mn55 Fe Fe54 Fe56 Fe57 Fe58 Co58 Co/Co59 Ni Ni58 Ni59 Ni60 Ni61 Ni62 Ni64 Cu Cu63 Cu65 Zn Zn64 Ga Ge72 Ge73 Ge74 Ge76 Ge(but no Ge70) Rb85 Rb86 Rb87 Rb(nat) Sr84 Sr86 Sr87 Sr88 Sr89 Sr90 Sr Y88 Y/Y89 Y90 Y91 Zr Zr90 Zr91 Zr92 Zr93 Abundance Atom fraction 0.05845 0.91754 0.02119 0.00282 0.680769 0.262231 0.011399 0.036345 0.009256 0.6917 0.3083 0.3479 0.09765 0.45831 0.09614 0.7217 0.2783 0.0056 0.0986 0.07 0.8258 0.5145 0.1122 0.1715 5 σ(n,γ)∗∗ σ(n,α)∗∗ σ(n,p)∗∗ σa(total)** millibarns 24.0 11.0 16.9 7.7 20.1 11.3 37.4 32.0 20.3 23.2 58.3 17.5 40.1 28.0 12.1 44.4 51.2 26.3 34.8 50.5 71.4 53.0 197.6 32.9 11.6 53.9 131.4 98.8 10.7 97.8 165.0 45.9 79.9 1.1 19.0 13.1 11.9 49.7 16.5 107.8 32.5 22.8 16.6 44.0 30.5 56.0 millibarns 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.3 0.6 8.9 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.7 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 millibarns 0.0 0.4 6.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 709.7 0.1 5.8 8.6 43.3 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 1.1 1.9 0.0 2.4 3.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 412.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 millibarns 24.0 11.4 22.9 7.8 20.2 11.3 747.7 32.1 26.4 32.4 110.4 17.7 40.5 28.0 12.1 45.5 53.1 26.4 40.8 53.8 71.5 53.0 197.6 32.9 11.6 53.9 131.4 98.8 10.7 97.8 165.0 45.9 79.9 1.1 19.0 13.1 11.9 462.5 16.6 107.8 32.5 22.8 16.6 44.0 30.5 56.0 ZAID 40094.86c 40095.60c 41093.60c 41094.96c 41095.96c 42000.60c 42092.96c 42094.96c 42095.50c 42096.96c 42097.60c 42098.50c 42099.60c 42100.96c 46102.96c 46104.96c 46105.50c 46106.96c 46107.96c 46108.50c 46110.96c 50000.42c 50112.96c 50114.96c 50115.96c 50116.96c 50117.96c 50118.96c 50119.96c 50120.96c 50122.96c 50123.96c 50124.96c 50125.96c 50126.96c 52120.96c 52122.96c 52123.96c 52124.96c 52125.96c 52126.96c 52127.96c 52128.96c 52129.96c 52130.96c Nuclei Zr94 Zr95 Nb/Nb93 Nb94 Nb95 Mo Mo92 Mo94 Mo95 Mo96 Mo97 Mo98 Mo99 Mo100 Pd102 Pd104 Pd105 Pd106 Pd107 Pd108 Pd110 Pd(nat) Sn(nat) Sn112 Sn114 Sn115 Sn116 Sn117 Sn118 Sn119 Sn120 Sn122 Sn123 Sn124 Sn125 Sn126 Te120 Te122 Te123 Te124 Te125 Te126 Te127 Te128 Te129 Te130 Abundance Atom fraction 0.1738 0.1484 0.0925 0.1592 0.1668 0.0955 0.2413 0.0963 0.0102 0.1114 0.2233 0.2733 0.2646 0.1172 0.0097 0.0066 0.0034 0.1454 0.0768 0.2422 0.0859 0.3258 0.0463 0.0579 0.0009 0.0255 0.0089 0.0474 0.0707 0.1884 0.3174 0.3408 6 σ(n,γ)∗∗ σ(n,α)∗∗ σ(n,p)∗∗ σa(total)** millibarns 20.4 117.6 170.0 172.6 263.6 110.8 49.6 65.8 236.2 74.7 227.4 76.6 398.8 65.7 132.5 250.3 708.1 210.0 763.0 194.3 121.2 310.4 54.0 238.9 224.2 33.0 45.5 163.0 89.5 40.0 33.5 21.8 87.3 13.2 127.0 7.2 311.8 256.8 495.6 196.7 256.5 84.5 271.2 82.9 84.0 11.6 millibarns 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 millibarns 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 millibarns 20.4 117.6 170.0 172.6 263.6 110.8 50.2 65.8 236.2 74.7 227.4 76.6 398.8 65.7 132.5 250.3 708.1 210.0 763.0 194.3 121.2 310.4 54.0 238.9 224.2 33.0 45.5 163.0 89.5 40.0 33.5 21.8 87.3 13.2 127.0 7.2 311.8 256.8 495.6 196.7 256.5 84.5 271.2 82.9 84.0 11.6 ZAID Nuclei σ(n,γ)∗∗ Abundance Atom fraction σ(n,α)∗∗ σ(n,p)∗∗ σa(total)** millibarns millibarns millibarns millibarns 52132.96c Te132 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.4 Te(nat) 84.9 0.0 0.0 84.9 56130.96c Ba130 0.00106 598.6 0.0 0.0 598.6 56132.96c Ba132 0.00101 361.2 0.0 0.0 361.2 56134.96c Ba134 0.02417 87.9 0.0 0.0 87.9 56135.96c Ba135 0.06592 231.1 0.0 0.0 231.1 56136.96c Ba136 0.07854 33.9 0.0 0.0 33.9 56137.96c Ba137 0.11232 38.1 0.0 0.0 38.1 56138.60c Ba138 0.71698 4.7 0.1 0.0 4.9 56140.60c Ba140 9.5 0.0 0.0 9.5 Ba(nat) 28.7 0.1 0.0 28.8 57138.96c La138 0.0009 204.0 0.0 0.0 204.0 57139.60c La139 0.9991 28.1 0.0 0.0 28.1 57140.60c La140 156.7 0.0 0.0 156.7 La(nat) 28.2 0.0 0.0 28.2 58140.96c Ce140 0.88837 17.3 0.0 0.0 17.3 58141.60c Ce141 108.2 0.0 0.0 108.2 58142.96c Ce142 0.11163 31.9 0.0 0.0 31.9 58143.60c Ce143 120.0 0.0 0.0 120.0 58144.96c Ce144 28.9 0.0 0.0 28.9 Ce(nat) 19.0 0.0 0.0 19.0 82000.50c Pb(nat) 3.6 0.0 0.0 3.6 82206.86c Pb206 0.241 9.6 0.0 0.0 9.6 82207.60c Pb207 0.221 7.2 0.0 0.0 7.2 82208.60c Pb208 0.524 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.7 83209.60c Bi209 4.1 0.0 0.0 4.1 *some cross sections of natural materials are obtained by abundance weighted summation We now have in all 33 matrix candidate elements and 45 reflector candidate elements remaining.(including Li-7) Based on their distinctive properties, we can classify them under 4 main categories; see Table 1.4. 7 Table 1-4 Roster of Potential Diluent Candidates Possible Form of Use Elements In Ceramics (6) C, N, O, P, S, Si (including CERCER, CERMET) As metals and alloys (19) Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, (including CERMET, METMET) Cu, Zn, Al, Sn, Zr, Nb, Mo As liquid metal (5) Na, K, Pb, Bi, Hg (coolants, pools) In molten salts (3 + 1)** F, Cl, Be* (coolants, pools) (also the separated isotope Li-7) [2] *Be could also be used in metallic form and as BeO ceramic. ** see ref [2] 1.3 Organization of this report Chapter 2 describes the computer codes employed and the whole-core model used to evaluate important neutronic parameters such as multiplication factor, its rate of change with burnup, initial conversion ratio and spectrum-averaged cross sections. This degree of sophistication is necessary because a priori judgments are unreliable for hard spectrum fast reactors in view of the influence of less familiar phenomena such as (n,p) (n,α) and (n,2n) reactions, the effect of scattering resonances on leakage and inelastic scattering on moderation. In chapter 3 results for matrix studies are shown and analyzed. Issues such as the nonlinearity of neutronic effects vs. diluent concentration and the failure of the superposition principle in predicting the effect of compounds based on their individual components are discussed. Chapter 4 reports a detailed study for reflector material candidates. The candidate material range is broadened and more compounds are included. Materials good as in-core 8 matrix diluents are not necessarily good as reflectors. The different demands for different functions are discussed. Chapter 5 presents a summary, principal overall conclusions, and recommendations for follow-on work. An appendix is included discussing the potential problem due to helium production via (n, α) reactions in sulfur. 9 Chapter 2 Computer Codes and Models 2.1 Introduction In this chapter descriptions are presented of the computer codes employed in the evaluation of core diluents in whole core models. Sufficient descriptive information and data are provided that others could reproduce or extend the results to be presented later in chapters 3 and 4. Appendices to this report provide sample copies of code input and output in further fulfillment of this goal. 2.2 MCODE Description 2.2.1 Introduction MCODE (MCNP-ORIGEN Depletion program)[4] is a linkage program (~3000 lines of ANSI C), which uses MCNP and ORIGEN to do burnup calculations for arbitrarily-defined MCNP regions[5]. MCNP is used to calculate neutron flux and from it determine the effective one-group cross sections for materials in different MCNP-defined regions. ORIGEN, in turn, can carry out depletion calculations for each region and output time-dependent isotopic composition. MCODE serves as a console program to control the data flow between MCNP and ORIGEN as well as the alternate running of these two codes. MCNP-4c, the latest MCNP version, was used, which is a general purpose, generalized geometry, continuous energy, time-dependent, Monte Carlo transport code for neutrons/photons/electrons developed at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL)[5]. The Monte Carlo method is employed in MCNP, which sets up a virtual world analog to reality to solve neutron transport problems. It follows each of many particles from a source to their death in some terminal category (absorption, escape, etc.). Probability distributions are randomly sampled to determine the outcome at each step. In MCODE burnup calculations, three kinds of data are needed from MCNP: 1. criticality or eigenvalue, keff, 2. effective one-group cross sections, 10 3. one-group neutron flux data. Specifically, the effective one-group cross sections of fission products and actinides are needed. For fission products, only neutron capture cross sections are calculated. For actinides, four types of cross sections are considered including capture, fission, (n, 2n), and (n, 3n) reactions. Although not all nuclides and all reactions are calculated, the representation of fission products and actinides is quite complete for burnup calculations (i.e. altogether the chosen isotopes account for more than 99% of neutron absorption). In addition to the effective one-group cross sections, the one-group flux value in each MCNP depletion cell is needed. ORIGEN (version 2.1) is a one-group depletion and radioactive decay computer code developed at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)[6]. Given appropriate one-group cross sections and decay constants, ORIGEN 2.1 uses a matrix exponential method to solve a large system of coupled, linear, first-order ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients. Both nuclear reactions and isotope decay are considered. Several generic reaction specific cross section and fission product yield data libraries are available with ORIGEN 2.1. For cross sections not provided from MCNP, ORIGEN uses library values, which are fairly representative of a given type of reactor. The cross section data used in our work is from the fast flux test facility core library (FFTFC.LIB). 2.2.2 Normalization Since there are two modes of depletion in ORIGEN, constant power or constant flux, there are two corresponding ways to do depletions. In burnup calculations, the total power of the reactor is usually assumed to be known and maintained constant. However, the power fractions among different zones vary. Therefore, the two options should not affect final results if small time steps are used. MCODE provides the user with both of the above options to run depletion calculations. The flux values from MCNP are in units of number of neutrons per fission source neutron per cm2, which must be multiplied by an appropriate factor to convert into n/cm2 per second if an actual flux value is wanted. 11 For power normalization, the power of each cell is determined and fixed in each time step. It is not necessary to normalize relative flux values from MCNP because the power fractions for each cell can be obtained using only these relative values: ∑ N {∫ σ (E )φ (E )dE}⋅V ⋅ R mi fi = j j =1 mi i i j k j k, f k j i ∑∑ N {∫ σ (E )φ (E )dE}⋅V n k =1 j =1 where j i, f i k , (2-1) ⋅R j k fi is the power fraction of cell i, N i j is the number density of isotope j in cell i, Vi is the volume of cell i, Ri j is the recoverable energy of isotope j in cell i, σ i,j f (E ) is the fission cross section at energy E for isotope j in cell i, φi (E ) is the neutron flux at energy E, The j summation is over all actinides, and the k summation is over all depletion cells. Then, the power of each cell can be determined by multiplying the fraction factor fi by the given total power. For flux normalization, the absolute flux value for each depletion cell is needed. Therefore, the relative flux values from MCNP are multiplied by a constant factor. This flux multiplication factor (FMF) in units of fission neutrons per second can be calculated by either of the following two ways: FMF = where P ⋅ν , Q ⋅ keff (2-2) P is the total power of the modeled system (watts), ν is the average number of neutrons per fission, Q is the average recoverable energy per fission (Joules/fission), keff is the eigenvalue of the system; FMF = P ∑∑ N {∫ σ (E )φ (E )dE}⋅V ⋅ R n mi i =1 j =1 j i j i, f 12 i i i . j (2-3) Equation (2-2) has a simpler form but with some ambiguities in its quantities. For instance, the average recoverable energy per fission needs to be computed carefully. One can imagine that for different kinds of fuel Q can be very different. For a relevant discussion see Ref. [16]. Equation (2-3) appears complicated, but has a very clear meaning and no ambiguities with regard to its quantities. However, both Eq. (2-2) and Eq. (2-3) give an instantaneous flux multiplying factor only. For the real situation in each depletion cell, the flux level changes continuously with burnup. The time step average flux should be used instead of beginning-of-time-step instantaneous flux. This might be done by the internal “predictor-corrector”, namely after the first trial ORIGEN depletion gives an average flux to satisfy given energy production, the second ORIGEN depletion uses the average flux (corrector). In the ideal case, the two ways of normalization produce identical results. But when the time step is long, power normalization assumes constant power in each cell, which is incorrect; flux normalization assumes constant flux in each cell, which is also incorrect. Hence the specified time step length must be sufficiently short such that the two approaches give comparable results. 2.2.3 Predictor-Corrector Algorithm The coupling of MCNP and ORIGEN requires careful attention to detail. Because the cross sections, flux and power fraction in each depletion cell are varying during reactor operation, it is not valid to use beginning-of-time-step values to represent the entire time step. A better estimate of time step average value is required. The predictor-corrector algorithm is the standard algorithm to solve depletion problems. For each burnup step the depletion is calculated twice, first using the spectra at the start of the step and then, after a new spectrum calculation, using the spectra at the end of the step. Average number densities from these two calculations are used as start values for the next burnup step. This algorithm has proven to be efficient and useful to solve depletion problems, especially in poisoned assemblies [4]. It has been implemented in MCODE, which distinguishes MCODE from other MCNP-ORIGEN linkage codes, such as MOCUP, MONTEBURNs, etc. 13 2.2.4 Running MCODE One of the best features of MCODE is its user-friendly interface. Users need a minimal amount of time to learn and initiate MCODE runs. Only three input files are needed: • initial MCNP input, • MCODE input file, • MCNP source file (optional). Users have many options to run the code, such as the predictor-corrector option, normalization option, etc. The flow chart is shown in Figure: 1. The default and recommended settings are to employ the predictor-corrector, plus flux normalization. Power normalization is usually used to check the result. When time is limiting, the predictor-corrector can be turned off: this reduces overall time per step by approximately a factor of two. 14 Parse MCODE input and initialize variables Initial run? NO (restart) YES Preprocess initial mcnp input and run MCNP Loop through all timesteps Extract beginning-of-timestep cross-sections and flux values Run ORIGEN depletions for all active cells Update MCNP input based on ORIGEN output material composition (predictor), and run MCNP Predictor-Corrector? NO YES Extract end-of-timestep cross-sections and flux values Re-run ORIGEN depletions for all active cells Average the predictor and corrector material, update MCNP input, and re-run MCNP NO Finish all timesteps? YES END Figure 2-1 Flow diagram for MCODE 15 2.4 Whole Core Model for matrix and reflector configuration A simplified matrix core model was developed from the homogenization of the hexagonal cell core developed in ref[9]. See Figure: 2.3. Axial leakage is assumed to be zero. The extruded coolant tubes and the cladding of the assembly are made of the same material as the matrix. These two parts are included in the calculated matrix volume fraction. The core parameters for matrix tests are given in tables 2.5 and 2.6. Similarly, the parameters for reflector tests are given in tables 2.7 and 2.8. 2 ) Gas coolant (CO2) D = 1.2cm, 106holes/cell CERMET or METMET fuel in matrix extruded sheath matrix metal matrix metal serves as clad active core reflector 36 cm Figure 2-2 Original fuel assembly and core layout of the MFGR-GT [6] 16 Figure 2-3 Final homogenized cylindrical core layout For matrix tests, the reflector is always Nickel and the core diameter 300cm; for reflector tests, the matrix is always Lead and the core diameter 180cm. The reflector thickness is always 90cm. Table 2-1 Matrix test core model parameters Parameters Values Fuel* UC, UPuC Fuel temperature (ºK) 773.15 Fuel percent of theoretical density 100.00 Fuel enrichment (%) 13.00 core diameter (cm) 300.00 core height (m) 1.00 Parameters Coolant reflector thickness (cm) volume percent of fuel (%) volume percent of coolant (%) volume percent of matrix (%)** Power density (kW/l) Values CO2 90.00 26.92 10.28 62.80 10.61 * We are mainly using UC fuel. The UPuC fuel with matrix study is limited. ** volume fraction of matrix material is kept the same for performance comparisons. 17 Table 2-2 Initial region–homogenized compositions in matrix test core model Fuel U238 Weight percent (w/o) - (UC+matrix+CO2) Cell1* Fuel U235 C O U238 - 1.163166E-03 9.041788E-03 3.853585E-04 7.685943E-03 (US+matrix+CO2) U235 - 1.163166E-03 Cell1* Reflector C O S U238 Pu238 Pu239 Pu240 Pu241 Pu242 C O Ni 9.995943E+01 1.926790E-04 3.853585E-04 8.849109E-03 7.685943E-03 1.170402E-05 7.342604E-04 3.365826E-04 1.155801E-05 6.906098E-05 9.041788E-03 3.853585E-04 8.898912E-02 (Ni+CO2) Cell2 C O 1.107238E-02 2.949893E-02 4.816981E-05 9.633962E-05 Nuclide Fuel (UPuC+matrix+CO2) Cell1* Number density (#/ 7.685943E-03 * Since UC/US/UPuC and CO2 keep their same volume percentages when matrix material changes, the homogenized atom number densities of uranium carbide and carbon dioxide in the core cell are always the same. The parameters for the reflector cell are fixed. The weight percent of UC/US/UPuC and CO2 depend on the density and formula weight of the specified matrix. Table 2-3 Reflector test core model parameters Parameters Fuel Fuel temperature (ºK) Fuel percent of theoretical density Fuel enrichment (%) core diameter (cm) core height (m) * Values UC 773.15 100.00 13.00 180.00 1.00 Parameters Coolant reflector thickness (cm) volume percent of fuel (%) volume percent of coolant (%) volume percent of matrix (%)* Power density (kW/l) Values CO2 90.00 26.92 10.28 62.80 10.61 Volume fraction of reflector material is kept the same for performance comparisons. 18 In the matrix model, the core diameter is set to 300.0cm, which makes the core’s leakage negligible. When assessing radial reflector performance, we need larger leakage to get accurate performance comparisons. The 180cm(d) × 100cm(h) cylinder bare(unreflected) core has keff = 1.02368. Thus keff – 1.02368 can be considered as mainly gains attributable to the reflector. Table 2-4 Initial region homogenized compositions in reflector test core model Fuel U238 Weight percent (w/o) 28.10 (UC+Pb+CO2) Cell1 U235 C O Pb 4.20 1.67 0.09 65.94 1.163166E-03 9.041788E-03 3.853585E-04 2.071776E-02 reflector C - 4.816981E-05 (reflector+CO2) Cell2 O - 9.633962E-05 Nuclide Number density (#/ 7.685943E-03 Since CO2 keeps the same volume percentage when reflector material changes, the homogenized atom number densities of carbon dioxide in the reflector cell are always the same. The parameters for the matrix/fuel cell are fixed. Table 2-5 Matrix material cell 1 homogenized composition for whole core model matrix component Al Al Al4C3 Al C Ba130 Ba132 Ba134 Ba135 Ba136 Ba137 Ba138 Ba130 Ba132 Ba134 Ba135 Ba BaO weight percent (%) 100.00 numberdensity (#/ 3.783206E-02 74.97 25.03 0.10 0.10 2.36 6.48 7.77 11.20 72.00 0.09 0.09 2.18 6.00 2.480135E-02 1.860101E-02 1.024670E-05 9.763390E-06 2.336450E-04 6.372300E-04 7.592240E-04 1.085766E-03 6.930846E-03 1.495680E-05 1.425130E-05 3.410430E-04 9.301440E-04 19 matrix BaS BeO Bi C Ca component Ba136 Ba137 Ba138 O Ba130 Ba132 Ba134 Ba135 Ba136 Ba137 Ba138 S Be O Bi C Ca weight percent (%) 7.20 7.26 66.73 10.43 0.08 0.08 1.91 5.25 6.30 9.08 58.37 18.93 36.03 63.97 100.00 100.00 100.00 numberdensity (#/ 1.108214E-03 1.108214E-03 1.011672E-02 1.363355E-02 1.055130E-05 1.005360E-05 2.405890E-04 6.561700E-04 7.817900E-04 1.118037E-03 7.136843E-03 9.954034E-03 4.536367E-02 4.536367E-02 1.769952E-02 8.344854E-02 1.462735E-02 CaC2 Ca C 62.52 37.48 1.311143E-02 2.622286E-02 CeO2 Ce O Co Cr Cu Fe 81.41 18.59 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 1.566749E-02 3.133498E-02 7.539229E-02 5.193445E-02 5.325470E-02 5.282486E-02 Fe C Fe Ni Cr Mo Si V W C Mn K Mg Mn Mo Na Nb Ni P Pb Pb 93.31 6.69 84.7 0.5 12 1 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.6 100 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 92.83 4.862416E-02 1.620805E-02 4.474266E-02 2.513063E-04 6.808213E-03 3.074843E-04 2.100731E-04 1.737289E-04 8.023293E-05 4.912298E-04 3.221816E-04 8.280259E-03 2.704544E-02 5.142513E-02 4.052822E-02 1.592461E-02 3.488987E-02 5.740094E-02 2.225978E-02 2.071776E-02 1.633518E-02 Co Cr Cu Fe Fe3C HT9 K Mg Mn Mo Na Nb Ni P Pb PbO 20 matrix component PbS O Pb S Ba2Pb S Si SiC Sn Sr SrO SrS Sr2Pb Ti TiC TiN TiN15 U238 V VC weight percent (%) 7.17 86.60 13.40 numberdensity (#/ 1.633518E-02 1.201358E-02 1.201358E-02 Ba130 Ba132 Ba134 Ba135 Ba136 Ba137 Ba138 Pb S Si Si C Sn Sr84 Sr86 Sr87 Sr88 Sr84 Sr86 Sr87 Sr88 O Sr84 Sr86 Sr87 Sr88 S 0.06 0.06 1.34 3.69 4.43 6.38 41.04 43.00 100.00 100.00 70.05 29.95 100.00 0.54 9.67 6.94 82.85 0.45 8.18 5.87 70.06 15.44 0.39 7.08 5.08 60.65 26.79 8.172440E-06 7.786950E-06 1.863470E-04 5.082330E-04 6.055320E-04 8.659700E-04 5.527809E-03 3.854926E-03 2.311814E-02 3.137716E-02 3.034421E-02 3.034421E-02 2.328939E-02 6.35777E-05 0.001119422 0.000794721 0.00937544 9.61E-05 0.001691917 0.001201158 0.014170237 1.72E-02 6.55E-05 0.001152786 0.000818408 0.009654873 0.011691539 Sr84 Sr86 Sr87 Sr88 Pb Ti Ti C Ti N Ti N15 U238 V V C 0.11 1.95 1.40 16.68 79.86 100.00 79.94 20.06 77.36 22.64 77.36 22.64 100.00 100.00 80.92 19.08 4.90E-05 0.000862324 0.000612197 0.007222178 1.47E-02 3.56E-02 3.118990E-02 3.118990E-02 3.184884E-02 3.184884E-02 3.184884E-02 3.184884E-02 3.027119E-02 4.536256E-02 3.466758E-02 3.466758E-02 21 matrix component W Zn ZnC Zr ZrO2 ZrC Void W Zn Zn C Zr weight percent (%) 100.00 100.00 84.48 15.52 100.00 numberdensity (#/ 3.960215E-02 4.129666E-02 3.288503E-02 3.288503E-02 2.696982E-02 Zr O Zr C - 74.03 25.97 88.37 11.63 - 1.743353E-02 3.486706E-02 2.465768E-02 2.465768E-02 - A total of 39 actinides and 100 fission products (including some excited states as different nuclides) have been tracked in MCODE burnup runs. 34 elements are used singly or in combination as matrix material. See tables 2.10, 2.11 and 2.12. Table 2-6 Description of chosen actinides Number Actinides ZAID Library Name Source Temperature (°C) 1 Th-232 90232.60c endf60 B-V.0 294 2 Pa-231 91231.60c endf60 B-VI.0 294 3 Pa-233 91233.50c endf5u B-V.0 294 4 U-232 92232.60c endf60 B-VI.0 294 5 U-233 92233.60c endf60[14] B-VI.0 294 6 U-234 92234.60c endf60 B-VI.0 294 7 U-235 92235.60c endf60 B-VI.2 294 8 U-236 92236.60c endf60 B-VI.0 294 9 U-237 92237.50c endf5p B-VI.0 294 10 U-238 92238.60c endf60 B-VI.2 294 11 Np-236 93236.35c endl85 LLNL 0 12 Np-237 93237.60c endf60 B-VI.1 294 13 Np-238 93238.35c endl85 LLNL 0 14 Np-239 93239.60c endf60 B-VI.0 294 15 Pu-238 94238.60c endf60 B-VI.0 294 16 Pu-239 94239.60c endf60 B-VI.2 294 17 Pu-240 94240.60c endf60 B-VI.2 294 18 Pu-241 94241.60c endf60 B-VI.1 294 19 Pu-242 94242.60c endf60 B-VI.0 294 20 Pu-243 94243.60c endf60 B-VI.2 294 21 Am-241 95241.60c endf60 T-2 300 22 Am-242 95242.50c endf5u B-V.0 294 23 Am-242 95242.51c rmccs B-V.0 294 24 Am-243 95243.60c endf60 B-VI.0 294 25 Am-244 95244.96c hfirxs1 INEEL 300 22 Number Actinides ZAID Library Name Source Temperature (°C) 26 Cm-242 96242.60c endf60 B-VI.0 294 27 Cm-243 96243.60c endf60 B-VI.0 294 28 Cm-244 96244.60c endf60 B-VI.0 294 29 Cm-245 96245.60c endf60 B-VI.2 294 30 Cm-246 96246.60c endf60 B-VI.2 594 31 Cm-247 96247.60c endf60 B-VI.2 294 32 Cm-248 96248.60c endf60 B-VI.0 294 33 Cm-249 96249.96c hfirxs1 INEEL 300 34 Bk-249 97249.60c endf60 B-VI:XTM 294 35 Bk-250 97250.96c hfirxs1 INEEL 300 36 Cf-249 98249.60c endf60 B-VI:XTM 294 37 Cf-250 98250.60c endf60 B-VI.2 294 38 Cf-251 98251.60c endf60 B-VI.2 294 39 Cf-252 98252.60c endf60 B-VI.2 294 Table 2-7 Description of chosen fission products Number Actinides ZAID Library Name Source Temperature (°C) 1 Br-81 35081.55c miscSxs[6,8] T-2 294.0 2 Kr-82 36082.50c rmwsa ENDF/B-V.0 294.0 3 Kr-83 36083.50c rmccsa ENDF/B-V.0 294.0 4 Kr-84 36084.50c rmccsa ENDF/B-V.0 294.0 5 Rb-85 37085.55c miscSxs[6,8] T-2 294.0 6 Rb-87 37087.55c Misc5xs[6,8] T-2 294.0 7 Sr-90 38090.96c hfirxs1 INEEL 300.0 8 Y-89 39089.60c endf60 ENDF/B-VI.0 294.0 9 Zr-91 40091.96c hfirxs1 INEEL 300.0 10 Zr-92 40092.62c Zr92.300 UTXS 300.0 11 Zr-93 40093.50c kidman ENDF/B-v.0 294.0 12 Zr-94 40094.62c Zr92.300 UTXS 300.0 13 Zr-96 40096.62c Zr92.300 UTXS 300.0 14 Nb-95 41095.96c hfirxs1 INEEL 300.0 15 Mo-95 42095.50c kidman ENDF/B-V:0 294.0 16 Mo-96 42096.96c hfirxs1 INEEL 300.0 17 Mo-97 42097.60c mason1 INEEL 294.0 18 Mo-98 42098.50c mason1 INEEL 294.0 19 Mo-100 42100.50c mason1 INEEL 294.0 20 Tc-99 43099.50c kidman ENDF/B-V.0 293.6 21 Ru-100 44100.96c hfirxs1 INEEL 300.0 22 Ru-101 44101.50c kidman ENDF/B-V.0 293.6 23 Ru-102 44102.60c mason1 INEEL 293.6 24 Ru-103 44103.50c kidman ENDF/B-V.0 293.6 25 Ru-104 44104.96c ornlxsb1 INEEL 300.0 26 Rh-103 45103.50c rmccsa ENDF/B-V.0 293.6 27 Rh-105 45105.50c kidman ENDFIB-V.0 293.6 28 Pd-104 46104.96c ornlxs1 INEEL 300.0 23 Number Actinides ZAID Library Name 29 Pd-105 46105.50c kidman 30 Pd-106 46106.96c ornlxs1 31 Pd-107 46107.96c ornlxs1 32 Pd-108 46108.50c kidman 33 Pd-110 46110.96c ornlxs1 34 Ag-109 47109.60c endf60 35 Cd-110 48110.62c Cd110.300 36 Cd-111 48111.62c Cd111.300 37 Cd-112 48112.62c Cd112.300 38 Cd-113 48113.60c mason1 39 Cd-114 48114.62c Cd114.300 40 In-115 49115.60c mason1 41 Sb-121 51121.96c ornlxsb1 42 Sb-123 51123.96c ornlxsb1 43 Te-128 52128.96c ornlxsa1 44 I-127 53127.60c endf60[121 45 I-129 53129.60c endf60 46 Xe-131 54131.50c kidman 47 Xe-132 54132.62c Xe132.300 48 Xe-133 54133.60c mason1 49 Xe-134 54134.62c Xe134.300 50 Xe-135 54135.50c endf5mttll 51 Xe-136 54136.62c Xe136.300 52 Cs-133 55133.60c endf60 53 Cs-134 55134.60c endf60 54 Cs-135 55135.60c endf60 55 Cs-137 55137.60c endf60 56 Ba-134 56134.62c Ba134.300 57 Ba-137 56137.62c Ba136.300 58 Ba-138 56138.60c endf60 59 La-139 57139.60c mason1 60 Ce-140 58140.96c ornlxsb1 61 Ce-141 58141.60c mason1 62 Ce-142 58142.96c ornlxsb1 63 Ce-144 58144.96c ornlxsb1 64 Pr-141 59141.50c kidman 65 Pr-143 59143.60c mason1 66 Nd-142 60142.96c ornlxsb1 67 Nd-143 60143.50c kidman 68 Nd-144 60144.96c ornlxsb1 69 Nd-145 60145.50c kidman 70 Nd-146 60146.96c ornlxsb1 71 Nd-147 60147.50c kidman 72 Nd-148 60148.50c kidman 73 Nd-150 60150.96c ornlxsb1 74 Pm-147 61147.50c kidman 24 Source Temperature (°C) ENDF/B-V.0 293.6 INEEL 300.0 INEEL 300.0 ENDF/B-V.0 293.6 INEEL 300.0 ENDF/B-VI.0 293.6 INEEL 300.0 INEEL 300.0 INEEL 300.0 INEEL 293.6 INEEL 300.0 INEEL 293.6 INEEL 300.0 INEEL 300.0 INEEL 300.0 LANL/T-2 293.6 ENDF/B-VI.0 293.6 ENDF/B-V.0 293.6 INEEL 300.0 INEEL 293.6 INEEL 300.0 ENDFIB-V 293.6 INEEL 300.0 ENDF/B-VI.0 293.6 ENDF/B-VI.0 293.6 ENDF/B-VI.0 293.6 ENDF/B-VI.0 293.6 INEEL 300.0 INEEL 300.0 ENDF/B-VI.0 293.6 INEEL 293.6 INEEL 300.0 INEEL 293.6 INEEL 300.0 INEEL 300.0 ENDF/B-V.0 293.6 INEEL 293.6 INEEL 300.0 ENDF/B-V.0 293.6 INEEL 300.0 ENDF/B-V.0 293.6 INEEL 300.0 ENDFIB-V.0 293.6 ENDF/B-V.0 293.6 INEEL 300.0 ENDF/B-V.0 293.6 Number Actinides ZAID Library Name 75 Pm-148 61148.50c kidman 76 Pm-148 61148.60c mason1 77 Pm-149 61149.50c kidman 78 Sm-147 62147.50c kidman 79 Sm-148 62148.96c ornlxsa1 80 Sm-149 62149.50c endf5u 81 Sm-150 62150.50c kidman 82 Sm-151 62151.50c kidman 83 Sm-152 62152.50c kidman 84 Sm-153 62153.60c mason1 85 Sm-154 62154.96c ornlxsa1 86 Eu-151 63151.60c endf60 87 Eu-153 63153.60c endf60 88 Eu-154 63154.50c endf5u 89 Eu-155 63155.50c kidman 90 Eu-156 63156.60c mason1 91 Gd-154 64154.60c endf60 92 Gd-155 64155.60c endf60 93 Gd-156 64156.60c endf60 94 Gd-157 64157.60c endf60 95 Gd-158 64158.60c endf60 96 Tb-159 65159.96c ornlxsb1 97 Dy-160 66160.96c ornlxsa1 98 Dy-161 66161.96c ornlxsa1 99 Dy-162 66162.96c ornlxsa1 100 Dy-163 66163.96c ornlxsa1 Source Temperature (°C) ENDF/B-V.0 293.6 INEEL 293.6 ENDF/B-V.0 293.6 ENDFfB-V.0 293.6 INEEL 300.0 ENDF/B-V.0 293.6 ENDF/B-V.0 293.6 ENDP/B-V.0 293.6 ENDF/B-V.0 293.6 INEEL 293.6 INEEL 300.0 ENDF/B-VI.0 293.6 ENDF/B-VI.0 293.6 ENDF/B-V.0 293.6 ENDF/B-V.0 293.6 INEEL 293.6 ENDF/B-VI.0 293.6 ENDF/B-VI.0 293.6 ENDF/B-VI.0 293.6 ENDF/B-VI.0 293.6 ENDF/B-VI.0 293.6 INEEL 300.0 INEEL 300.0 INEEL 300.0 INEEL 300.0 INEEL 300.0 Table 2-8 Description of chosen matrix materials Number Actinides ZAID Library Name 1 Li7 3007.60c endf60 2 Be 4009.60C endf60 3 C 6000.60c endf60 4 N 7014.60c endf60 5 O 8016.6OC endf60 6 F 9019.6Oc endf60 7 Na 11023.60c endf60 8 Mg 12000.60c endf60 9 Al 13027.60c endf60 10 Si 14000.60c endf60 11 P 15031.60c endf60 12 S 16000.60c endf60 13 Cl 17000.60C endf60 14 K 19000.60c endf60 15 Ca 20000.60c endf60 16 Ti 22000.60c endf60 25 Source Temperature (°C) ENDF/B-VI.0 293.6 ENDF/B-VI.0 293.6 ENDF/B-VI.1 293.6 LANL/T-2 293.6 ENDFIB-VI.0 293.6 ENDFIB-VI.0 300 ENDF/B-VI.1 293.6 ENDFIB-VI.0 293.6 ENDFIB-VI.0 293.6 ENDF/B-VI.0 293.6 ENDF/B-VI.0 293.6 ENDFIB-VI.0 293.6 ENDFIB-VI.0 293.6 ENDFIB-VI.0 293.6 ENDFIB-VI.0 293.6 ENDF/B-VI.0 293.6 Number Actinides ZAID Library Name 17 V 23000.60c endf60 18 Cr 24000.50c mlccs 19 Mn 25055.60c endf60 20 Fe 26000.55c rmccs 21 Co 27059.6Oc endf60 22 Ni 28000.50c rmccs 23 Cu 29000.50c mccs 24 Zn 30000.42c end192 25 Sr 38088.96c ornlxs1 26 Zr 40000.60c endf60 27 Nb 41093.60c endf60 28 Mo 42000.60c endf60 29 Sn 50000.42c end192 30 Te 52129.96c ornlxsa1 31 Ba 56138.60c endf60 32 Hg 80000.42c end192 33 Pb 82000.50c mccs 34 Bi 83209.60c endf60 Source Temperature (°C) ENDF/B-VI.0 293.6 ENDF/B-V.0 293.6 ENDFfB-VI.0 293.6 LANL/T-2 293.6 ENDF/B-VI.2 293.6 ENDF/B-V.0 293.6 ENDF/B-V.0 293.6 LLNL:XCI 300 INEEL 300 ENDFfB-VI.1 293.6 ENDF/B-VI.1 293.6 ENDF/B-VI.0 293.6 LLNL:XCI 300 INEEL 300 ENDF/B-VI.0 293.6 LLNL:xCI 300 ENDF/B-V.0 293.6 ENDFIB-VI.0 293.6 2.5 Summary In this chapter, we have described the computer code MCODE and set up whole core models for matrix and reflector tests. The region-wise (MCNP cell) configurations are documented. The roster and cross section libraries of all constituents are also specifically identified. 26 Chapter 3 Review of core diluent material candidates 3.1 Introduction In the present work candidate materials for gas-cooled fast reactor core design were evaluated using static beginning-of-life reactivity calculations and fuel burnup analyses. MCODE and MCNP were executed using the core model and regional compositions given in Chapter 2. We first review the material candidate properties in section 3.2. The importance of σa as an evaluation parameter is also discussed in section 3.2. In section 3.3 burnup and k calculations for the matrix core model are shown and compared with other material properties. In section 3.4 we discuss the non-linearity of neutronic effects vs. diluent concentration and the failure of the superposition principle in predicting the effect of compounds based on their individual components. Then we discuss conclusions for the final selection of matrix material in section 3.5. 3.2 Review of element properties The most important neutronic property relative to use as a core diluent is a material’s macroscopic absorption cross section Σa, the product of the microscopic value and the nuclei’s number density, since this defines its tendency to consume neutrons unproductively. A second, less easily quantified effect is the change in Σa of other materials and core leakage due to changes induced in Φ(E). Considering that good heat storage capacity (ρCp) is expected for matrix material, the ratio of Σa to ρCp is a useful index of diluent suitability. To be certain that no innovative option escaped it was decided to carry out a set of very fundamental studies. These involved calculation, using MCNP, of the spectrum average microscopic absorption cross section of all of the elements in the periodic table in a representative GFR spectrum. In addition to the obvious goal of avoiding materials having a σa even 10% of that of U-235 ( for which σa is roughly 2 barns), σa is also a good index of the ability of a core diluent to store energy in a transient without excessive neutron loss. Recall the law of Dulong and Petit, namely that solid elements have a heat 27 capacity close to 25 J/mol⋅K[1,2], thus the ratio of macroscopic absorption cross section to volumetric heat capacity is just Σa ρ N Aσ a N N = = σa A = σa A ∼ σa Aρ C p AC p ρC p 25 (3-1) Here NA is Avogadro’s Number, A is the atomic weight, and Cp is the heat capacity in the units of J/g.K. Since all solid materials have very similar values of ACp, the molecular heat capacity, the performance index reduces to only one variable, σa. Hence the σa values displayed in Table 1.3 are a good preliminary indicator of potential suitability. The heat capacity table for solid and liquid elements in ref(18) shows the systematic behavior of molecular heat capacity which allows this simplification. 3.3 Review of material candidates for matrix core 3.3.1 Neutronic Evaluation parameters Together with the inherent properties such as cross sections, we use keff(BOL), ∆keff(void), and B1 as the final evaluation parameters. High keff(BOL) increases the need for compensatory control, but it will give a higher burnup potential. Negative or small positive ∆keff(void) is desired for dynamic stability. The linearly extrapolated burnup potential B1 is defined as B1 = (k – 1) / (∆k/∆B). It is mainly determined by the beginning of life keff and conversion ratio. In our investigation, since a full burnup whole core simulation is very time consuming, we use the first 3 keff – burnup points to linearly extrapolate to the just-critical point. See fig3.1. Linear extrapolation does not give a highly accurate estimate of the true B1, but only an indicative trend, as shown in fig3.2 for two extreme cases, the moderator Al4C3 and Ba which has a low slowing down power as diluent. 28 Definition of B 1 1.5 k0 1.4 k1 k eff 1.3 k2 1.2 1.1 B1 1 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 Burnup (MWd/kg) Figure 3-1 Definition of B1 1.15 Al4C3(actual) B1=95 Ba(actual) B1=200 Al4C3(linear) B1=89 Ba(linear) B1=424 1.1 keff 1.05 1 0.95 0.9 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 burnup (MWd/kg IHM) Figure 3-2 Examples of error of linear extrapolation method 29 450 3.3.2 Results for matrix study All the materials in the candidate list were tested in single element form except for some less common elements for which there is a lack of cross section libraries. Several compounds of interest are also studied. Their density, heat capacity, and melting point are also listed in table3.1. The descending slope of the keff vs B1 curve as well as the internal conversion ratio is listed as well. Table 3-1 Results of matrix comparisons Matrix Al Al4C3 AlN Ba ρ(g/cc) 2.70 2.36 3.255 3.51 ρCp(J/ccK) 2.44 2.78 2.39 0.72 Tmelt( C) 660 2100 3000 727 Ba2Pb BaO BaS BeO Bi C Ca CaC2 CeO2 Co Cr Cu Fe Fe3C HT9 K Mg Mn Mo Na Nb Ni P Pb PbO PbS S Si SiC 4.91 5.72 4.30 3.01 9.78 2.60 1.55 2.22 7.13 8.90 7.14 8.92 7.80 7.69 7.69 0.86 1.74 7.47 10.28 0.97 8.57 8.91 1.82 10.43 9.64 7.60 1.96 2.33 3.22 1.78 1.30 3.08 1.19 1.52 0.98 2.17 2.55 3.75 3.20 3.41 3.50 4.54 4.54 0.65 1.78 3.58 2.58 1.19 2.27 3.96 1.40 1.33 1.98 1.57 1.38 1.66 2.67 928 1973 2229 2508 271 3527 842 2300 2400 1495 1907 1358 1538 1227 63 650 1246 2623 98 2477 1455 44 328 888 1118 115 1414 2700 keff ∆keff(void) (pcm) ∆k/∆B (pcm) Β1 (MWd/kg) 1.10184 -47 54 166 1.13060 81 156 84 1.02780 23 174 16 1.1085 275 24 424 ICR 0.76 0.71 0.68 0.72 1.11638 1.04289 1.04882 1.14914 1.15112 1.13513 1.10582 1.10741 1.07003 0.87239 1.03173 0.81876 1.01428 1.00979 1.00773 1.16061 1.13686 0.94022 0.6403 1.16882 0.60907 0.9236 1.1235 1.14233 1.12172 1.09198 1.05176 1.12424 1.12578 0.72 0.75 0.73 0.65 0.73 0.69 0.70 0.83 0.74 0.75 0.76 0.75 0.77 0.77 0.76 0.70 0.74 0.79 0.73 0.71 0.74 0.72 0.74 0.75 0.74 0.73 0.73 0.69 30 129 53 -43 -105 288 46 127 103 46 90 190 103 98 -16 72 150 -1 214 -180 148 224 9 76 268 60 53 120 123 32 28 54 27 320 43 249 46 146 127 30 43 50 43 119 51 22 73 38 73 64 29 28 90 35 12 46 180 419 78 183 49 351 54 232 74 55 74 -366 34 8 15 441 188 230 -120 258 424 136 261 414 234 70 Matrix Sn Sr Sr2Pb SrO SrS Ti TiC TiN TiN15 U238 V VC Void Zn Zr Zr90* ZrC ZrO2 Zrot* ρ(g/cc) 7.31 2.63 ρCp(J/ccK) 1.59 0.78 Tmelt( C) 232 777 4.7 3.7 4.51 4.93 5.21 5.21 19.05 6.11 5.77 7.14 6.51 6.51 6.73 5.68 6.51 1.20 1.51 2.35 2.78 2.22 2.99 2.96 2.77 1.81 1.81 2.47 2.59 1.81 2430 2227 1668 3067 2950 2950 1132 1910 2810 420 1852 1852 3532 2677 1852 keff ∆keff(void) (pcm) ∆k/∆B (pcm) Β1 (MWd/kg) 0.97004 94 34 -89 1.15638 257 37 425 1.12379 255 28 445 1.09621 41 82 117 1.07972 183 37 217 1.09353 124 116 80 1.09154 18 239 38 0.99394 12 184 -3 1.08545 25 191 45 0.71207 123 1.04644 36 142 33 1.05622 86 235 24 1.20575 222 28 736 0.83196 -36 71 -237 1.04468 107 26 173 1.09325 134 42 219 1.03446 232 145 24 1.0457 -58 128 36 1.01598 388 41 39 * Zrot: is natural Zr with Zr-90 removed. SDM of keff = ±0.0002 ≡ 20pcm, hence CO2 voiding comparisons are only qualitative. 1.20575 600 500 S 400 Sr 2 Pb K BaBa2PbPb Sr Bi 300 PbS P Ca Si SrSZr90 B1 200 BaS Zr 100 0 0.7 Al SrO 0.8 PbO Ti CaC2Al4 C3 Cr SiC CeO2 15 C BeO TiN Zrot TiC ZrO2 Fe ZrC V VC HT9 Fe3 CAlN TiN 1 1.1 0.9 ZnC -100 Na Mg 1.2 1.3 Sn Ni -200 Zn -300 Cu -400 keff Figure 3-3 Relation of initial multiplication factor and burnup potential 31 ICR 0.72 0.71 0.74 0.74 0.73 0.68 0.67 0.67 0.68 3.41 0.69 0.82 0.69 0.74 0.75 0.75 0.79 0.74 0.76 As shown in Fig3.3, there is no useful correlation of initial multiplication factor and burnup potential except for a rough positive trend. Cu 1.22 Zn 1.17 Co 1.12 1/keff = 1 - ρ Ni 1.07 Mn Sn 1.02 Fe 0.97 Zr 0.92 0.87 Al Si Pb Ca Ba P Cr V Ti K Sr No diluent 0.82 0.00E+00 5.00E-01 1.00E+00 1.50E+00 Σ a, cm 2.00E+00 2.50E+00 -1 Figure 3-4 Relation of multiplication factor and macroscopic absorption Figure 3.4 shows that for metal matrix materials, 1/keff is linearly proportional to the matrix material’s macroscopic absorption cross section. We have ρ= k −1 1 νΣ f − Σ a Σ = 1− = = 1− ∑ a i νΣ f k k i νΣ f (3-2) For different metal matrix cores, the spectrum average fission cross section is close in magnitude. The main difference of reactivity comes from the different neutron absorption ability of matrix materials. As expected, the inverse of multiplication factor and matrix absorption is linearly correlated. 3.3.3 Fissile and fertile properties in the energy range of interest For the 13% enriched Uranium carbide fueled diluent core defined in Chapter 2, the energy spectrum is usually concentrated to the range between 1kev and 1Mev. The 32 presence of moderators can extend this energy range to lower energies. Neutron absorption reactions and capture peaks will change the shape of the spectrum, but the spectrum energy range is around the same. Figure3.5 and figure3.6 show the fissile and fertile capture and fission cross sections from 1kev to 10Mev. Figure 3-5 U235 capture, fission and elastic scattering cross sections * * The uppermost curve is the elastic scattering cross section; the middle curve is the fission cross section. And the lowest curve is the capture cross section. The figures show that the capture and fission cross section of U235 both decrease with energy but the fission to capture ratio increases with energy. The U238 fission cross section is threshold type, rising abruptly at ∼ 1Mev. Spectrum hardening will therefore lead to an increase of reactivity in U235 and U238 mixtures. 33 Figure 3-6 U238 fission, elastic scatter, absorption cross sections * The uppermost curve is the elastic scattering cross section.The curve having resonances at lower energies but decreasing smoothly at higher energies is the capture cross section. The threshold type curve is the fission cross section. 3.3.4 Promising materials Since the test core volume is relatively large, ∆keff(void) is not very sensitive to leakage changes. Since the volume fraction of coolant is relatively small (~10%), the ∆keff(void) is also not very sensitive to coolant capture changes. However, ∆keff(void) would be much larger for more realistic values (eg 25-50%), thus ∆keff(void) is nevertheless a key criteria. Note that the amplitude of ∆keff(void) for the diluent cores is somewhat smaller than that for the reflector comparisons of chapter 4. Thus the selection of neutronically attractive materials is mainly based on their burnup potential (see fig3.7) and melting point. 34 500 UNACCEPTABLE PERFORMANCE 400 Zrot 300 Bi Ba Pb Sr Sr2Pb ZrC 200 ∆k(void) Cr 100 SrS Ti CaC2 Al4C3 Fe VC HT9 CeO2 BaO C TiN15 SiC TiC 0 0 Fe3C 50 100 Zr SrO P PbS PbO 150 Al ZrO2 K Ba Pb S 2 Na Zr90 Ca Si Mg 200 BaS 250 300 350 400 450 500 ATTRACTIVE PERFORMANCE -100 BeO -200 B1 MWd/kg IHM Figure 3-7 Map of diluent material performance Figure3.7 shows that, several materials are of potential interest, such as Sr2Pb, Ba2Pb, K, S, Ba, Bi, P, PbS, Si, Ca, Na, Mg, BaS, Zr, Al. Sr, Ba and Pb have very close ∆keff(void) and B1; as expected, their compounds Ba2Pb and Sr2Pb, give even better performance: higher B1, lower ∆keff(void). These materials will be discussed in detail in the following sections. Barium-2 Lead(Ba2Pb) From table3.2, solid barium-2 lead has the longest burnup potential. The Ba2Pb melting point is 928ºC, higher than both barium and lead. This gives Ba2Pb another advantage over the individual constituents. The diluent atom density of Ba2Pb is much less than that of BaS but a bit more than Barium metal. Elimination of light moderators keeps the spectrum hard. The reduced amount of barium and the small lead capture cross section lead to small diluent absorption. The higher total diluent atom density and higher average lead scattering cross section increase the interaction with neutrons hence reduce leakage. Thus, the overall keff(BOL) is much higher than for the Ba diluent core. 35 1.00E+03 1.00E+02 1.00E+01 cross section (barn) 1.00E+00 1.00E-01 1.00E-02 Ba137_elscatter Ba137_capture Ba136_elscatter Ba136_capture Ba135_elscatter Ba135_capture Ba134_elscatter Ba134_capture 1.00E-03 1.00E-04 1.00E-05 1.00E-06 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 energy (Mev) Figure 3-8 Capture and elastic scattering cross sections for minor Ba isotopes One thing to note is that among the 7 siblings, Ba-138 is the most abundant naturally occurring isotope. Its cross section data is well studied and recorded in detail. But for the other 6 isotopes, it appears that 1/v behavior is assumed to estimate the cross sections: See fig3.7. Since over 70% of natural Barium is Ba-138, the 1/v estimation of other isotopes is probably not too detrimental. Ba is the heaviest non-radioactive alkaline earth metal element. Hence its slowing down power is quite small. Even though the microscopic average scattering cross section is around the same as aluminum, the spectrum softening effect of barium is much less than for aluminum. Lead is much heavier than barium, hence the overall impact of Ba2Pb on the core spectrum is very small. However the total absorption by barium is not negligible, due to which the keff(BOL) of the Ba2Pb diluent core is lower than for the Pbonly core. Due to their 1/v approximation, the Ba scattering and capture cross sections change smoothly with increasing energy. Spectrum hardening reduces Ba’s capture, and increases the fission to capture ratio. Since the fissile and fertile capture and fission are 36 very sensitive to spectrum hardening, ∆keff(void)leakage is less than ∆keff(void)spectrum. Since ∆keff(void)leakage is the only term which gives rise to negative total ∆keff(void), this will lead to a positive ∆keff(void). Lead has smaller capture microscopic cross section and smaller slowing down power than most other materials. It also has a lower atom density in the core. The impact of lead on ∆keff(void) is much smaller than barium. Hence, ∆keff(void) is positive. The amplitude is a little smaller than pure barium metal but the difference is whithin the standard error range. The burnup potential of Ba2Pb is much larger than for the BaS core and is close to that of the Ba core. This is mainly because of their similar hard spectra and almost the same internal conversion ratio. From the discussion above, if the library cross sections for Ba are valid, Ba2Pb appears to be a good diluent candidate from a neutronic point of view. Its void coefficient is a little bit high, but it is endurable. Strontium-2 Lead (Sr2Pb) Analogous to Ba2Pb, use of Sr2Pb can apply the small absorption of Sr and lead while avoiding a low melting point. The absorption cross section of Sr is much lower than barium, except for a few capture resonances below 0.2Mev. Because of the smaller capture, Sr2Pb has a little higher keff at beginning of life compared to the barium-2 lead core, consequently its burnup potential is close to that of Ba2Pb. The difference of ∆keff(void) is inside the standard error range. The melting point of Sr2Pb is a little higher than Ba2Pb, which gives it another advantage. It is a qualified candidate, as good as Ba2Pb. Potassium (K) Na and K are an interesting pair in table3.2. The microscopic capture cross section of K in a Pb matrix spectrum is around 20.1 mbarns, around 10 times that of Na (2.0 mbarns), yet the B1 for K is almost twice that of Na. In the ENDF cross section set used in MCNP, there is a resonance region in the epithermal range for Na, while for K, 37 the capture cross section curve is almost logarithmically linear, which probably indicates 1/v estimation. Although the integrated average total absorption cross section of Na is much lower than that of K, Na’s resonance absorption is far stronger than K’s continuous and flat curve. As will be seen in the later reflector study (chap 4), the difference between Na and K is almost negligible when they are positioned peripherally as reflectors. However, they both have very low melting points, not far above room temperature. Thus it is not feasible to use them as a fuel matrix. However, both can be used as a fuel-to-clad thermal bonding agent; and both are suitable LMR coolants. Lead Sulfide (PbS) Lead and Bismuth are good materials from the neutronic point of view. They are heavy which makes the spectrum hard. Their absorption cross sections are small which helps the neutron economy. No (n,α), or (n,p) reactions create annoying gas generation problems. The lead matrix core has a positive void coefficient because of its greater sensitivity to spectrum hardening and less sensitivity to increased leakage, but the magnitude is acceptable. Pb and Bi would be the best choice if they had a high enough melting point; thus different compounds of lead and bismuth are evaluated to exploit their advantages. S is a very interesting material based on our results. Except for the resonance peaks, the absorption cross section of S is rather smooth. It also has a steep rise very close to 1Mev caused by (n, α) reaction. That offsets the decrease of neutron capture as the spectrum hardens and explains S matrix’s negative void response. The disadvantage of using S as a matrix is obvious: it has a very low melting point (115.21ºC), a very low density, and essentially no structural strength. Furthermore, it undergoes (n,α) reactions to produce He, and (n,p) reactions to produce H. He, H2S, or H2 gas will be generated as a result, thus additional internal pressure will be produced. On the other hand, S seems to help improve internal conversion ratio: Almost all sulphur compounds have a low ∆k/∆B, hence a bigger B1. The (n, α) cross section for natural S is 12.4 millibarns and its (n,p) cross section is 5.2 millibarns based on the Pb matrix core spectrum. Considering the fact that there is over 60% volume percentage of S in the core, using S will create a significant amount of internal gas pressure. See Appendix A. 38 Accordingly we tried the compound PbS to avoid some of the above disadvantages. PbS has a melting point of 1118ºC. The burnup potential is 258MWd/kg. But its void response is bigger than both the Pb and S cases. The reactivity of a compound diluent is not the simple summation of reactivities for that compound’s components. This is explained in section 3.4. Calcium (Ca) Calcium is one of the alkaline earth elements. It is the fifth in abundance in the earth's crust, of which it forms more than 3%. It undergoes (n, γ), (n, p), and (n, α) reactions but the average total cross section is not very large. The elastic scattering cross section has resonances in the range of interest. The atomic number of calcium is intermediate. Its atomic density is lower than BaO, BeO and AlN, but higher than all the other materials listed in the table. Less moderation makes its keff(BOL) higher than for aluminum. More moderation and absorption make its keff(BOL) lower than for the barium diluent core. For the ∆keff(void), since there is no significant Ca – U235 or Ca – U238 cross section coupling, the ∆keff(void) value is positive. The analysis is analogous to the discussion in section Considering that calcium’s total absorption increases at high energy, the diluent absorption increases upon voiding. This compensates for the positive ∆keff(void) and the amplitude of ∆keff(void) is less than for a barium containing core. The spectrum softening and larger absorption make the calcium core conversion ratio lower than for barium. Thus the burnup curve is steeper and the burnup potential is less. Overall considering the ∆keff(void) benefit, calcium is a usable material. Silicon (Si) Crystaline Si is expensive and its strength as a matrix is questionable. The neutronic performance of Si is also mediocre. Thus we are more interested in its frequently used compound, SiC. From our study, SiC is detrimental because of its carbon content. Carbon down-scatters the neutrons and softens the spectrum significantly. Together with several absorption peaks of Si, neutron economy is worsened. Even though a softened spectrum can achieve a very high multiplication factor at the beginning of life, the internal conversion ratio is very low. In addition, the generated fissile plutonium has a 39 poorer fission to capture ratio, thus keff drops down very quickly with the increase of burnup. The extrapolated burnup B1 is only 70 MWd/kg. This performance of SiC is much worse than pure Si. Barium Sulfide (BaS) Barium sulfide is a white crystal with the high melting point of 2229ºC. Its heat capacity is around the same as BaO. Since sulfur has twice the atomic number of oxygen, it is anticipated that a BaS diluent core will have a harder spectrum and inherit the high burnup potential of Ba metal. BaS has some disadvantages. First sulfur has a relatively large (n,α) cross section, so that the presence of sulfur will enhance gas generation and increase the pressure inside the cladding (see appendix A). Second, some structural materials may corrode in contact with barium sulfide (see ref[10]). Thus, a BaS diluent core has more restrictions on material selection. The atom density of BaS is less than BaO but they are of the same scale. Sulfur has more and sharper elastic scattering resonances which begin at low energies. But sulfur’s slowing down power is much smaller than oxygen; So their overall impact on the neutron spectrum is around the same, except that the BaS core spectrum has fewer moderated neutrons below ~50kev and has a deeper valley in the middle of the spectrum peak compared with the BaO core(see Figure: 3.9). Thus the BaS core has more high energy neutrons. The spectrum contribution to keff is higher. For the same reason, the leakage of the BaS core is larger than for the BaO core, which is a not very important drawback. Sulfur has 27 times the average total absorption cross section of oxygen in a hard GFR spectrum. Hence the diluent absorption in BaS matrix cores is much more than for BaO cores. This tends to depress its keff. Among the 3 factors, the spectrum impact is the dominant one. Thus the BaS core has a slightly higher keff(BOL) than BaO. 40 3.50E-02 3.00E-02 BaS_spectrum BaO_spectrum 2.50E-02 fraction 2.00E-02 1.50E-02 1.00E-02 5.00E-03 0.00E+00 1.00E-03 1.00E-02 1.00E-01 1.00E+00 1.00E+01 energy (Mev) Figure 3-9 Comparison of BaS and BaO diluent core spectra When void is introduced, the spectrum turns harder, and leakage increases. Since sulfur has an increasing (n, p) cross section and (n, γ) capture resonances at relatively high energy, the total absorption by sulfur increases a little. This leads to a small ∆keff(void). Even though the BaS core has a lower conversion ratio than BaO, its burnup potential is higher. The reason is a much harder spectrum (analogous to section For the same reason, BaS has lower burnup potential than for a Ba metal matrix core. Zirconium (Zr) Zirconium alloys are very popular in LWRs because of the small absorption cross section of Zr in the thermal energy range. But at high energies, the significant resonance absorption reduces its advantage. This also helps to increase the ∆keff(void). The poorer neutron economy reduces the core’s burnup potential. Nevertheles, compared with strong 41 moderators such as carbide compounds and strong absorbers such as copper, zirconium is a material worthy of consideration. 3.4 Applicability of superposition There are many many more compounds than pure elements. If we could predict the performance of compounds by combining results for their constituent elements, considerable work would be avoided. However, our results show that the reactivity effect of compounds can not be simply expressed as a weighted function of individual constituents because of changes in spectrum. The results for different amounts of the same matrix also show non-linearity (see fig3.10), and thus accurate extrapolation or interpolation for a given volume of matrix material is possible only over a narrow range. However, results for different fuel enrichments for fixed matrix material show that the reactivity-enrichment curve can be fit to a simple derivable function. 3.4.1 Non-linearity of neutronic effects as a function of matrix concentration 1.32 1.3 Pb(perfectly reflected) Pb(with leakage) 1.28 1.26 keff 1.24 1.22 1.2 1.18 1.16 1.14 0 50 100 150 200 volume ratio (matrix to fuel) Figure 3-10 Non-linearity of neutronic effects vs. Pb matrix concentration 42 250 The non-linearity of core characteristics with diluent concentration was not unexpected, in view of their tendency to soften the reactor spectrum. To show why this is the case, and also to call attention to a way to take this effect into account, the approach introduced by Sheafer [13] is noted. He showed that fast reactor-spectrum-averaged cross sections can be correlated in the form: σ = σ 1S g (3-3) where σ1 and g are constants for a given nuclide. The spectral index S, the ratio of average neutron energy to fission neutron energy, is given by: ν ∑f E =S= Ef ν ∑ f + ξ el ∑ TR (3-4) in which ΣTR and Σf = transport and fission macroscopic cross sections, respectively ξel = logarithmic mean energy decrement for neutron scattering, (approximated as that due to elastic scattering alone) ν = mean neutron yield per fission Since S is less than 1.0 and g typically a negative quantity, σ values increase as the spectrum softens (S decreases), and by a different amount since different species have different g values. Sheafer studied a wide variation of oxide, carbide and metal fueled cores and critical assemblies. He found that k could be calculated within ±0.59% Even better results should result if one confines interest to a restricted range of compositions, or focuses on relative comparisons. 3.4.2 Neutronic effects for a compound and its constituents From Sheafer’s method, we would expect that since the spectrum of Al4C3 is softer than that for Al, the average capture cross section of Al in an Al4C3 matrix is greater then 43 that in an Al only metal matrix. Thus a metal carbide matrix should always have a lower keff than pure metal matrix. In reality the opposite is true: the keff of cores with pure metal matrices are mostly lower than their carbides. The reason is mainly because there are more reduced energy neutrons contributing to total fission rate at the beginning of life in a softened spectrum. Also, carbon has almost no neutron absorption cross section. That makes the neutron utilization factor much larger than a metal core with the same diluent atom density. We can approximate kinf by requiring linear addition of reactivity losses relative to a no diluent (i.e. void in place of diluent) reference core ρ (void ) − ρ (compound) = ∑ ( ρ (void ) − ρ (component i only) ) (3-5) i where component i is present at the some number density as in the compound. 0.25 0.2423 ρ(void) - ρ(Al) =0.078679 0.2 ρ(void) -ρ(C) =0.046076 0.1962 ρ(void) - ρ(Al4C3) =0.094821 0.1636 0.1475 0.15 2ρ(void) − ρ(C) + ρ(Al) =0.124755 ρ 0.1176 0.1 0.05 0 Void Al only C only material Al4C3 actual Predicted by Superposition = ρ(Al) + ρ(C) -ρ(void) Figure 3-11 ρ vs. compound components In the comparison shown in Fig 3.11 note that • The maximum standard error of keff is 0.00086 44 • “Al only” is a matrix with the same Al number density as in Al4C3 but without the C component; similarly for “C only”. • All the core models are perfectly reflected, hence leakage is not relevant. Thus, the reactivity of Al4C3 could be expressed as ρ (Al4 C3 ) = ρ (Al only) + ρ (C only) − ρ (void ) (3-6) The standard error of kinf is 80pcm, thus the estimation of the Al4C3 core’s reactivity should be within ±240pcm. Figure3.11 shows that the deviation of ρ from the linear approximation to the real MCNP simulation is 2990pcm, far beyond the standard error change. This demonstrates the non-linearity relationship between multiplication factor in the compound containing core and that inferred from its single component cores. 3.4.3 Relation of reactivity to enrichment Reactivity is defined as ρ= ν ∑ f − ∑a k −1 = ν ∑f k (3-7) For a mixture containing U-235, U-238 and diluent materials, it is not difficult (see Appendix B) to show that ρ= [η 25 − 1 − λ (η28 − 1)]x + [λ (η28 − 1) − γ ] (η25 − λη 28 ) x + λη28 (3-8) where η = neutrons produced per absorption λ= σ a 28 σ a 25 ∑ a , diluent & other absorbers ∑ a ,U − 235 γ = Hence if spectrum averaged cross sections remain unchanged, one expects a relation of the form: 45 k eff = ax + b x+c (3-9) From curve fitting for a mirror-reflected infinite cylinder core with pure UO2 fuel, we get: a = 2.5098 b = 0.042 c = 0.1235 where fractional enrichment x ∈ [0, 1] This relation is plotted in Fig3.12, and tracks the calculated points quite well. It is anticipated that for the same diluent material, the relationship between enrichment and keff is the same but with different values of a, b, and c. Figure 3-12 Relationship between enrichment and keff for a representative core 46 3.5 Conclusions We have compared approximately 50 materials as core diluents in this chapter. As would be expected, strong moderators such as C and BeO are detrimental because they soften the spectrum, reducing fissile η and increasing parasitic absorption. The metal Zr, so useful in thermal reactors, is here a mediocre performer; nevertheless it has a high volumetric heat capacity and better structural properties than most other metals with higher B1. The alkaline earth metals (Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba) are relatively benign diluents, as predictable from their relatively small absorption cross sections. Al and Ni confer a negative coolant void coefficient by virtue of their relatively large (n,α) and/or (n,p ) threshold reactions. As expected, Pb excels. However, because of its low melting point, it could only be employed in exotic concepts such as molten matrix cermet fuel (see ref[15]) or perhaps as its oxide or sulfide compounds. SiC, which has favorable material properties, is at best average with respect to neutronics, but should not be ruled out at this point if ceramic cercer or cermet fuel is preferred. To summarize, we found some good materials such as Pb, Bi, Ba, but they all have low melting points. Use of a molten salt matrix or a liquid metal coolant design could be a feasible solution. There are also good candidates such as Sr2Pb, Ba2Pb, PbS, if the requirement of void coefficient or burnup potential is not too restrictive. What material is the best one depends on specific design considerations. If a metal matrix (e.g. cermet fuel) is preferred, then Zr, V and Ti should be evaluated. 47 Chapter 4 Review of reflector material candidates 4.1 Introduction As for the evaluation of matrix materials in the core, the evaluation of reflector candidate materials for gas-cooled fast reactor core design was based on static beginningof-life reactivity calculations and fuel burnup analyses. MCODE and MCNP were executed using the core models and regional compositions given in Chapter 2. Since the reflector acts more to set boundary conditions and has less impact on the core neutron energy spectrum compared to matrix materials and since reflectors can tolerate more neutron absorption, there are more reflector choices than for matrix use. In section 4.2 we will present data for all the reflector candidates and then discuss them in groups. Parameter studies are included in section 4.3. Conclusions drawn are presented in section 4.4. 4.2 Review of material candidates for reflector 4.2.1 Albedo calculation Reflector performance is often characterized by the albedo values at core-reflector boundary surfaces. The tabulated values of outgoing and return current at the radial periphery in MCNP permit inference of albedo for the materials under study from the relation: α= J− J+ (4-1) For example, for Pb, one has α ≈ 89%. This shows the inferior nature of fast spectrum reflector performance if one recalls that good thermal spectrum reflectors such as D2O, Be and C have albedos of 95% and higher. Since thermal hydraulic and fuel economic considerations favor radial and axial power flattening, it is also difficult to offset this inherent shortcoming even by significantly increasing core size (hence plant power rating). 48 Theory provides only rough and potentially misleading guidance in reflector selection. In particular, simple one group theory provides an expression for the albedo of a thick weakly absorbing slab: α = 1− 4 σa 3 σs (4-2) Since at high neutron energies the scattering cross-section, σs, varies only slowly and systematically with nuclide mass (roughly as A to the 2/3 power), a low value of the fast spectrum average absorption cross section, σa, is a first order indicator of suitability. This criterion is useful for initial screening purposes, but in reality the situation is more complex since moderation also plays a role. Degradation in neutron energy causes a loss of neutron worth (which varies roughly as k(E)), hence the effects of both elastic and inelastic downscatter must also be taken into account. Figure4.1 plots α vs σa: 100.00% BeO B11 90.00% Bi Zr90 PbS ZrSi 2 SiC Na Si albedo TiSi2 FeSi2 Al 80.00% Fe NaCl 70.00% Co CoS BaO Cu FeS Mn FeS BaS 2 TiN Zn Ba Sn ZnS Mo Nb ZrH Rb H 2O 60.00% S Ca 50.00% K 40.00% 0.0 20.0 40.0 60.0 80.0 100.0 120.0 140.0 σa (mbarn) Figure 4-1 Variation of albedo with absorption The lack of coherent trend is obvious. 49 160.0 180.0 4.2.2 General Results Similar to the evaluation of matrix materials, aspects compared were beginningof-life multiplication factor, k, coolant void coefficient and the linearly extrapolated burnup potential, B1=(k-1)/(∆k/∆B). Note that the core diameter was reduced to 180cm to increase sensitivity to leakage. Table 4.1 summarizes the results. Table 4-1 Neutronic Comparisons of GFR Reflectors Species bare Al AlN B11 Ba Ba2Pb BaO BaS BeO Bi C Ca Co CoS Cr Cr3Si Cu Eu Fe FeS FeS2 FeSi2 H2O Hg K Mg Mn MnS Mo MoSi2 Na NaCl natUC Nb Ni keff 1.02370 1.07453 1.07197 1.22993 1.06329 1.09198 1.07023 1.06625 1.25383 1.10477 1.24346 1.04402 1.07561 1.07021 1.07297 1.07528 1.06921 1.03602 1.06906 1.06730 1.06738 1.07603 1.09463 1.05132 1.03877 1.09846 1.06678 1.06372 1.06154 1.06338 1.07148 1.06556 1.05606 1.05723 1.07301 ∆kvoid, pcm 21 345 183 294 50 141 86 18 262 392 451 352 304 196 335 176 399 -14 386 -1 102 190 -17 365 206 384 315 138 172 21 288 407 -198 139 98 50 B1,MWd/kg 115 231 157 83 247 395 217 326 83 326 87 193 346 423 247 299 154 255 249 267 254 45 231 147 136 298 262 258 283 158 216 290 239 234 Albedo 0 80.65% 77.20% 91.76% 74.09% 85.89% 78.67% 76.36% 93.50% 88.70% 93.03% 54.11% 80.97% 78.90% 78.75% 80.13% 77.70% 42.42% 77.79% 77.26% 77.06% 80.72% 62.90% 66.98% 46.56% 85.48% 77.45% 75.40% 73.55% 75.29% 77.40% 75.70% 70.24% 70.11% 78.66% Species NiS P Pb PbO PbS Rb S Sc Si SiC Sn Sr Ti TiN TiSi2 Ti5Si3 V V3Si Zn ZnS Zr Zr90 ZrC ZrH ZrNi ZrS2 ZrSi2 Zr3Si2 mirror * keff 1.07012 1.07274 1.10855 1.11636 1.09047 1.04239 1.04421 1.06058 1.06382 1.10772 1.06149 1.07046 1.07224 1.06582 1.08096 1.08253 1.07563 1.07781 1.06459 1.06363 1.08799 1.09148 1.09773 1.09921 1.07863 1.07190 1.08877 1.08925 1.19830 ∆kvoid, pcm 442 247 198 342 390 -31 82 31 415 376 391 376 265 63 6 83 365 182 375 -12 118 19 134 97 106 55 1 90 310 B1,MWd/kg 212 183 317 170 359 168 282 239 232 105 317 303 226 175 193 237 297 267 287 265 144 53 264 403 233 252 778 Albedo 78.13% 77.77% 89.51% 89.10% 85.63% 56.68% 73.68% 74.06% 85.17% 72.43% 77.84% 77.92% 74.75% 81.62% 82.08% 79.96% 80.99% 75.19% 75.02% 85.09% 85.54% 85.03% 69.27% 81.14% 84.98% 85.25% 100% The standard deviation of keff is ±30pcm, hence CO2 coolant voiding comparisons are only qualitative. ** The uranium carbide reflector has a natural U235 enrichment. 4.2.3 Detailed evaluation and explanation Similar to the selection of diluent material, materials with small ∆keff(void) and large B1 are preferable. Since the reflector could be liquid in cans, there is no melting temperature restriction on reflectors. Hence, the feasible choices are much more numerous than for diluent candidates. The best reflectors are Zr3Si2, Ba2Pb, ZrS2, and 51 BaS. Many other sulfide and silicide compounds are also good candidates. The next section will introduce these candidates in groups. 500 C NiS NaClSi 400 SiC Cu SnBi ZnSr Fe Mg UNSUITABLE PbO Ca HgV Al PbS Cr Mn 300 B11 BeO Ti P K 200 ∆k(void) Nb ZrC ZrH bare 0 HO 50 2 100 150 Eu ZrNi FeS2 S Ba Sc TiSi2 Rb 200 ZrSi2FeS 250 CoS Ba2Pb MnS BaO TiN 0 Pb FeSi2 Mo AlN 100 Co Na Zr ZrS2 Zr90 MoSi2 ZnS 300 BaS 350 400 450 Ni -100 AREA OF INTEREST natUC -200 B1 MWd/kg IHM Figure 4-2 Map of reflector material performance Zirconium sulfide (ZrS2) and other sulfide compound reflectors Except for CoS, the zirconium sulfide reflector system has the longest burnup potential among all the materials tested. Since Co-59 produces Co-60 by (n, γ) reaction, ZrS2 is preferable because of its lower induced radioactivity. Note that many other sulfide compound reflectors (eg, BaS, ZnS, FeS2, MnS, FeS, and NiS), lead to reasonably high burnup potential. This is mainly caused by the high reflectivity value at the core – reflector surface for these sulfide compound systems. Sulfur has a high resonance scattering microscopic cross section in the energy range 0.1Mev ~ 1Mev. This reduces the core neutron leakage. But the slowing down power of sulfur is not that large. This effectively changes the neutron’s direction without softening the core neutron spectrum significantly. The hard spectrum leads to a high burnup potential. 52 Comparing the scattering cross section of zirconium and sulfur, one finds that Zr’s scattering resonances end at around 0.1Mev, which is at the beginning of sulfur’s scattering resonances. Thus, almost all the important region of a GCFR neutron spectrum is covered by the strong reflecting scattering in Zr or S. One thing to note is that even though ZrS2 is a good reflector, it is not a good candidate as a diluent. This is because of the absorption cross section resonances of Zr and S which increase in magnitude at lower energies. The other advantage of a sulfide reflector is that sulfur helps to depress the coolant void coefficient because its microscopic absorption cross section increases at high energy. For almost all sulfide compounds and sulfur itself, whether they are used as diluent or reflector, the system’s void coefficients are always small and endurable compared to most other materials. 2-Barium Lead (Ba2Pb) As shown in chapter 3, Ba2Pb is a good candidate material as a diluent. It is also a good candidate for reflector service. The relatively large average scattering cross section of Pb helps reflect outgoing neutrons. Its large atomic number leads to a hard core neutron spectrum and helps burnup potential. The void reactivity coefficient for Ba2Pb is a little larger than for BaS and lead. It is caused by the descending slope of barium’s absorption cross section as energy increases. Given an appropriate arrangement of additional reflector layers, for example, if we add a reflector layer which enhances the negative void coefficient outside of the Ba2Pb layer, the overall performance could potentially be improved. Molybdenum disilicide (MoSi2) and other silicide reflectors Silicides attract attention because of their potential to withstand high operating temperatures. Among them, MoSi2 is one of the best performers according to our study. The MoSi2 reflector system’s burnup potential is around 300MWd/kg with a ∆keff(void) which is negligible considering the estimated standard deviation of the MCNP runs. The high average microscopic scattering cross section of Mo helps to reflect the outgoing neutrons back into the core. Silicon does not have as high an average 53 microscopic scattering cross section as molybdenum. However, its scattering resonances begin at around 0.3Mev, extending to over 3Mev, hence covering the fast neutron spectrum. Even though the average absorption cross section of Mo is quite large at energies of interest, it does not affect the core’s neutron economy significantly. This shows that good peripheral reflector materials are not necessarily good in-core fuel diluents. Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Mn, Nb, Mo, Sn are inferior diluents due to their large absorption cross sections, but fairly good reflectors, considering only burnup potential. Most silicide reflectors exhibit a small ∆keff(void). This is partly caused by the increase of absorption in silicon at higher energies via (n,p) and (n,α) threshold reactions. Zirconium (Zr) Zirconium is used in LWRs in alloy form as cladding material. Our result shows that it is also useful as a GFR reflector. The relative high atomic number, and lower energy absorption resonances help maintain a hard spectrum. The relatively large scattering cross section reduces leakage. Loss of coolant sends more neutrons into the reflector region and increases capture in zirconium. As for silicon, Zr also has an increase of neutron capture at high energy. Although the ascending slope appears at an energy higher than that of silicon and with smaller amplitude, this still helps reduce the positive ∆keff(void). We also tested use of separated Zr-90, but the advantage of less absorption is not very large. Nickel (Ni) Nickel is one of the best reflectors from the coolant void coefficient point of view. It is the reflector material with a very low void coefficient in uranium cores. Nickel’s atom density is among the highest among our test materials; nickel also has a higher average scattering cross section. This assures that a nickel reflector will have a high albedo. Nickel’s absorption is stronger than zirconium and the high energy end total absorption cross section increase caused by its (n,α) threshold reaction is much larger than for zirconium in amplitude, (its threshold energy is also smaller). All of the above leads to a reduced void coefficient. 54 However, nickel’s relatively low atomic number makes the reflected spectrum a little softer than that for heavy metal compound reflectors such as Ba2Pb. It also is sensitive to fissile component changes. Thus the burnup potential of a nickel reflected system is not as high as that for ZrS2. If we give high priority of consideration to void coefficient, nickel is a suitable choice. Again mixtures or layers combining nickel with other good reflectors may be an alternative. Nb, Ti, Rb, Eu, Sc, etc Because of the less restrictive penalties of absorption, the choices of reflector are broadened to a large extent. Nb, Ti, Rb, Eu, Sc, and their high melting point compounds could all be considered as reasonable candidates. However, with the exception of Ti, higher cost would undoubtedly rule them out. Blanket (natural Uranium carbide) A conventional blanket was also investigated as a reflector. Results show that the reflecting capability of natural uranium carbide is much worse than lead(the albedo is much smaller). A uranium blanket leads to a negative core coolant void coefficient. Although blankets are not preferred because of non-proliferation concerns, at this stage uranium carbide should be carried forward as a potential candidate – especially for axial blankets, where they are an integral part of the fuel pin. Trizirconium disilicide (Zr3Si2) Zr3Si2 is recommended by the French GFR research group at CEA. It has a high melting point of over 2000ºC, which is an additional advantage. Silicide is one of the best low average absorption materials except for Na, Mg and some strong moderaters. It also doesn’t have dense absorption resonances in the fast spectrum. The small scattering cross section helps to reduce the overall contribution by silicon to core spectrum softening. The relatively low zirconium scattering cross section and its high atomic number gives even less contribution of slowing down. Small absorption and moderation lead to a long B1. 55 Figure4.8 shows that the B1 of Zr3Si2 determined by a full core lifetime burnup calculation is longer than strontium and barium sulfide. Silicon undergoes (n,α) and (n,p) reactions, which helps reduce the coolant void coefficient. 4.2.4 Brief summary From table(4.1) and the discussion above, several conclusions can be drawn. Strong moderators such as BeO and C increase beginning-of-life reactivity, but significantly decrease reactivity-limited burnup capability. Ni confers a reduced coolant void reactivity in part because of its (n,α) threshold reaction, but some otherwise good reflectors such as Cu cause significant increases. U-238 does not, in this example, breed sufficient plutonium to confer a larger reactivity-limited burnup than many non-multiplying reflectors. It does however contribute a significant negative ∆k void. Good peripheral reflector materials are not necessarily good in-core fuel diluents. For example, Ni, Nb, Eu, Rb, Sc are inferior diluents due to their large σa, but fairly good reflectors. 4.3 Parameter Studies 4.3.1 Reflector thickness requirement As Figure 4.3 shows, for a nickel reflector, the multiplication factor reaches its saturation value at around 25cm. Hence, 20 ~ 30cm of nickel (or other candidates) suffices for the purpose of reflection. Our test cores use 90cm thick reflectors, which are far more than necessary. The material beyond 25cm is necessary, however, to reduce fast reactor fluence on the reactor vessel, and in fact should be optimized to best satisfy shielding requirements. 56 1.146 1.144 1.142 1.14 keff 1.138 Pb matrix Ni reflector std err = 20pcm 1.136 1.134 1.132 1.13 1.128 1.126 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 reflector thickness (cm) Figure 4-3 keff versus nickel reflector thickness 4.3.2 UPuC fuel – UC fuel Figure 4.4 shows that the beginning of life multiplication factors of UC fuel and UPuC fuel for the various reflector materials are roughly proportional to each other, since average capture and fission cross sections in a fast spectrum for U-235 and fissile Pu are of the same magnitude. For both core types the fissile enrichment is 13% of heavy metal; but the Pu has the isotopic composition of typical PWR spent fuel. Unlike the case for uranium, for plutonium fueling the void coefficient does not differ significantly among the different diluents. This is determined by the detailed cross section energy variation of U-235 and Pu-239. For the latter, the capture and fission cross sections are more sensitive to spectrum changes, and thus the void coefficient for UPuC fuel is larger than for UC fuel. This is significant because even if one starts with U-235 enriched uranium, it is eventually replaced by plutonium, at which point any beginning of life advantage is lost. Thus one must plan to accommodate the positive coolant void reactivity under the worst case, namely end of a core burnup cycle. One thing to note is that sulfur has a relatively small void coefficient for a plutonium core because of its large (n,α) cross section. But its advantage is not inherited by its compounds. 57 UPuC_UC 1.16 1.14 1.12 keff (UPuC) 1.1 1.08 1.06 1.04 1.02 1 1.0000 1.0500 1.1000 1.1500 1.2000 1.2500 1.3000 keff (UC) Figure 4-4 keff (UC fuel) – keff (UPuC) fuel 800 700 600 500 ∆kvoid, pcm 400 300 P 200 100 0 1 Rb H2OEu Sc BaS FeS 6 Co Mn Na B11 BeO Ca Cr Al Hg Si NaCl PbSSn Bi Cu SiCMg Fe NiSC UPuC UC K CoS FeSi 2 Mo AlN Nb Ba2Pb MnS Ni FeS2 S BaO Ba ZrS2 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 -100 -200 reflector Figure 4-5 Comparison of ∆keff(void) for UPuC fuel and UC fuel Figure 4.6 shows an example of ∆k(void) increase with burnup for an initially uranium carbide fuel and nickel reflector. 58 600 500 ∆kvoid (pcm) 400 300 ∆k(void)(Ni) 200 100 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 burnup (MWd/kg IHM) Figure 4-6 The ∆k(void) increase with burnup 4.3.3 keff – albedo As stated in 4.2.1, albedo is closely related to the multiplication factor since this parameter characterizes the leakage at the periphery. Figure 4.7 shows that this relationship is monotonically increasing, except for some strongly moderating reflectors.The difference between 13w/o U-235 and Pu fueling appears to be constant and due to the lower fissile Pu content. 59 100.00% CBeO B11 90.00% Pb Bi Al BaO AlN BaS MnS Ba Mo Ni UC Nb albedo 70.00% C BeO Bi Ba2Pb SiC SiC 80.00% B11 TiSi2 albedo_keff_UPuC albedo_keff_UC BaO BaS Ba Sn UC ZrH ZrH Hg Hg Rb H2 O H2 O 60.00% S S Ca Ca 50.00% K K Eu Eu 40.00% 1 1.05 1.1 1.15 1.2 1.25 1.3 keff Figure 4-7 Relationship of multiplication factor and albedo 4.3.4 Full burnup study of several interesting reflector materials Even though the linear extrapolation method gives a rough idea of multiplication factor changes during burnup, the estimation has significant uncertainty. In light water reactors, the reactivity (or multiplication factor) is a nearly linear function of burnup. (ref[19]) But for fast reactors, the conversion ratio is high. As the U-235 burns out, more and more plutonium is produced, and more and more additional reactivity is contributed to the total. Hence the reactivity – burnup curve is a convex function instead of a linear function. Thus for accurate comparisons a full burnup study is necessary. Because MCNP/ORIGEN burns are very time consuming, only several materials of interest were studied. 60 1.12 Zr3Si2 Pb Ni Sr BaS Ba2Pb 1.1 1.08 1.06 keff 1.04 1.02 1 0.98 0.96 0.94 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 burnup (MWd/kg) Figure 4-8 Full burnup runs for different reflectors Figure 4.8 gives the multiplication factor – burnup curves for several reflector materials for uranium carbide fuel. It shows that Pb is the best reflector from neutronic point of view, and Ba2Pb, Zr3Si2 maybe the best realistic choices since their melting point is over 900ºC: much better than nickel and strontium, even though Zr3Si2’s linearly extrapolated B1 in Table4.1 is lower than strontium. Hence all the materials in the acceptable region in Figure 4.2 should be studied in detail. The results in figure 4.8 are also interesting that BOL keff is a farely good performance index if one confines attention to the best performers. 4.4 Conclusions According to the discussion above, there are many choices of reflector material. They all have their competing advantages. Among them, trizirconium disilicide, zirconium sulfide, barium-2 lead and nickel appear to be the best four materials considering both burnup potential and void coefficient. A natural uranium blanket does not increase the core’s leakage significantly; thus it is also a feasible choice if nonproliferation concerns are not a disqualifying issue. It has the (beginning of life) advangage of a large negative coolant void contribution. 61 Chapter 5 Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations 5.1 Summary and Conclusions The work documented in this report had as its objective a broad ranging evaluation of potential materials for use in GFR service. The principal criteria were neutronic, but qualitative consideration was given to thermal and mechanical properties. In addition, the evaluation was conducted with specific reference to the proposed use of CO2 as the coolant/working fluid, in a direct or indirect Brayton cycle. Finally our concern was mainly with non-fuel constituents, hence UC was specified as the fuel phase throughout. The methodology employed involved use of Monte Carlo and burnup isotopics codes: MCNP and ORIGEN, coupled by the in-house program MCODE. A simplified standard whole core model was defined, consisting of two regions, a homogenized core and a reflector, and individual constituents were tested one-by-one to generate performance data: initial multiplication factor, coolant void reactivity, linearlyextrapolated reactivity-limited burnup potential, and for reflector candidates, their albedo. 5.2 General Evaluation Results Materials cause spectrum changes and absorb neutrons to an extent which differs when they are used for different functions, e.g. diluent, cladding, coolant, and reflector. Based on our results, the best of the candidate materials can be grouped into several categories: 62 Table 5-1 General Evaluation Results Element Al Ba Bi C Ca Co Cr Si Cu Fe K Mn Possible Use REF DIL REF COO REF DIL REF DIL REF REF REF CLA REF DIL REF REF CLA COO DIL REF CLA Mo REF CLA Na COO DIL Usable Forms SNG, ALY SNG, COM ALY SNG, COM SNG SNG, ALY SNG ALY SNG COM SNG ALY ALY ALY SNG ALY SNG ALY SNG COM SNG ALY Element Ni P Pb S Sn Ti U V Possible Use REF CLA DIL COO REF DIL REF DIL REF REF CLA DIL REF REF CLA DIL REF Zn Zr REF CLA DIL Usable Forms SNG ALY COM SNG ALY COM SNG COM SNG ALY SNG ALY COM COM ALY SNG ALY SNG ALY COM ALY COM SNG KEY: CLA = cladding, REF = reflector, COO = coolant, DIL = diluent, cermet or metmet matrix, ALY = alloy, SNG = single element, principal constituent of alloy COM = chemical compound, eg. sulfide, silicide, etc. Criteria leading to the classification in table 5.1 are as follows: CLA: Cladding. Requires low neutron absorption cross section, low neutron scattering cross section, small slowing down power, adequate strength, adequate resistance to radiation damage, high thermal conductivity, high melting point and high corrosion resistance. COO: Coolant. Requires low neutron absorption, low neutron scattering, small slowing down power, high thermal conductivity, low melting point, and high boiling point. DIL: Diluent. Requires small neutron absorption, low neutron scattering, small slowing down power, high thermal conductivity, large heat capacity, high melting point and adequate strength. 63 REF: Reflector. Requires no more than moderate neutron absorption, high neutron scattering cross section but small slowing down power, melting point above normal operating temperature and adequate strength. Also, because of their different chemical properties and manufacturing procedures, including the objective of combining the neutronic properties of different materials, these materials may appear in 3 forms: SNG: Single element or major alloy constituent ALY: minor alloy constituent (if minor, can have larger σa) COM: use in chemical compound To evaluate the overall performance of a certain material, we need to consider its unalloyed properties, potential of alloying, fabrication strength and resistance to corrosion, in addition to its neutronic properties. A Tmelt ≥ 1000ºC is probably needed. As noted earlier, we mainly focus on a discussion of a material’s physical properties as a matrix, cladding or reflector. Materials given serious further consideration have test cores with a beginning-of-life multiplication factor, k bigger than 1. For matrix studies, the coolant void coefficient of all materials should be less than β of Pu (~350pcm). A negative ∆kvoid is a significant benefit, although hard to obtain. As an important consideration in assessing fuel cycle performance, the linearly extrapolated burnup potential, B1 varies significantly among materials. This is caused in part by the sensitivity of the conversion ratio to spectrum hardness. For the diluent cases, B1≥150MWd/kg is a reasonable requirement. For reflectors, since many reflector candidates give a B1≥150MWd/kg, we give materials with B1≥200MWd/kg higher priority of consideration. Rarely are materials advantageous for all three evaluation parameters. Hence one must settle for a reasonable compromise. An important observation is that to explain minor differences between material performance of interest, spectrum weighted cross sections based on a standard reference spectrum can not necessarily indicate neutron behavior accurately. It is necessary to use case-specific neutronic spectra. 64 5.3 Recommendations for future work All things considered, the following materials appear best suited for further consideration in specific GFR core designs: Metallic fuel diluents or matrices (eg. CERMET or METMET): Zr, Ti, V, Ba2Pb; High temperature fuel diluents or matrices (eg, CERMET, CERCER): SiC, BaS Cladding: Fe alloys with Cr, Al (eg ODS) Reflector: Zr3Si2, Pb, Ba2Pb, ZrS2, MoSi2 plus a variety of sulfides and silicides Future work also needs more attention to the interaction of other core materials with fuel type and composition. The present work was almost exclusively focused on UC and U-235 enrichment. However enough was done to show that Pu-239 induces a significantly different behavior – for example, a much higher coolant void reactivity, which is less suspectible to mitigation by selection of other core or reflector constituents. Future work should involve repeating tests for fuels other than UC, for example, UO2, U10Zr, and fissile other than U-235, for example, plutonium fuel with representative isotopic compositions. The present work also used a block type fuel with a very low CO2 coolant volume fraction. Since coolant void ∆k is of paramount importance in LOCA accidents, future work should investigate its behavior at higher volume percent, means for positive void ∆k reduction, and the relative behavior of CO2 and He in this regard. In particular we need to increase the volume fraction of coolant to 25%~50% to cover the parameter space representative of pin-type cores. This will increase ∆kvoid by 2-4 times. A study of this type is currently underway at MIT. Another task left for future study is the optimization of radial reflector/shield composition as a function of pressure vessel fluence. Only about 25cm are needed to 65 realize the maximum albedo. Thus one can modify outboard configuration to reduce fluence on the reactor vessel. In view of apparent cross section library differences, results should be compared using different available libraries(JEF, JENDL). For some nuclei, (for example, K and Ba,) their absorption cross section data from ENDF is suspicious since their cross section vs. energy curves appear to be artificially smoothed at high energy. 66 References [1] [2] G.J. Janz, “Molten Salts Handbook”, Academic press, (1967). [3] ANL-5800, Reactor Physics Constants, U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Technical Information , Washington, (1963). [4] Zhiwen Xu, Pavel Hejzlar, Michael J. Driscoll, and Mujid S. Kazimi, An Improved MCNP-ORIGEN Depletion Program (MCODE) and Its Verification For High-Burnup Applications, PHYSOR, Seoul, Korea, (2002). [5] Judith F. Briesmeister, MCNP TM — A General Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport Code, Version 4C, LA-13709-M, Los Alamos National Laboratory, (2000). [6] Allen G. 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Downar, E.E.Pilat, The linear reactivity model for nuclear fuel management, American Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, IL (1990) 68 Appendix A Estimate of Gas Produced By Sulfur I Sulfur in the fuel For a 13wt% enriched US fuel, the gas produced by sulfur is estimated as following: S-32 (n, α) gas production in US relative to fission R = y( Ns σ ( n, α ) ) NU χ 25 ⋅ g ⋅ (1 + δ 28 )σ f 25 (B-1) where y = abundance of S-32 in S g = gas atom yield per fission (Kr + Xe) δ28 = ratio of U-238 to U-235 fissions σf25 = U-235 fission cross section σ(n,α) = S-32 (n, α) cross section χ25 = enrichment (Ns/Nu) = atom ratio of sulfur to uranium = 0.95 = 0.30 = 0.41 = 1525mb = 12.5mb = 0.13 = 1.0 for US Thus R(n,α) = 0.14 which is significant. We also have production by (n,p) of H2: 0.5 molecules per reaction, thus: 1 σ (n, p ) (B-2) R ( n, p ) = • R (n, α ) 2 σ (n, α ) where σ(n,p) of S-32 = 5.2mb Thus R(n,p) = 0.030, and Rgas(total) = 0.17. This is probably tolerable, but if we also use a sulfur compound for the matrix, the added gas would be quite significant. II Sulfur in the matrix For a pure natural sulfur matrix and 13wt% enriched UC fuel, the gas produced by sulfur can still be calculated by equation (B-1), but the parameters change to: y = abundance of S-32 in S g = gas atom yield per fission (Kr + Xe) δ28 = ratio of U-238 to U-235 fissions σf25 = U-235 fission cross section σ(n,α) = S-32 (n, α) cross section χ25 = enrichment (Ns/Nu) = atom ratio of sulfur to uranium = 0.95 = 0.30 = 0.174 = 1685mb = 13.6mb = 0.13 = 2.61 for S matrix, UC fuel Thus R(n,α) = 0.36 which is more than twice that of the US fuel case. Taking the H2 generation into consideration, R(n,p) = 0.089, one obtains Rgas(total) = 0.45. This is a quite large number, and would be even larger (~0.55) if US fuel is employed. 69 Appendix B Relation of reactivity ρ to enrichment x ρ= νΣ f − Σ a νΣ f ρ = 1− Σa νΣ f ρ = 1− Σ a 25 + Σ a 28 + Σ ad νΣ f 25 +νΣ f 28 ρ = 1− Σ a 025 x + (1 − x)Σ a 028 + Σ ad νΣ f 025 x + (1 − x)νΣ f 028 Σ a 028 Σ ad + Σ a 025 Σ a 025 ρ = 1− νΣ η25 x + (1 − x) f 028 Σ a 025 x + (1 − x) Let λ= σ a 28 σ a 25 γ= Σ ad Σ a 025 Then ρ = 1− x + (1 − x)λ + γ η25 x + (1 − x)η28λ η 25 x + (1 − x)η 28λ − x − (1 − x)λ − γ η25 x + (1 − x)η28λ (η − 1) x + (1 − x)(η 28 − 1)λ − γ ρ = 25 η 25 x + (1 − x)η 28λ η −1 ≈ −1.17 η28 ≈ 0.46, for x → 0, ρ = 28 η 28 ρ= In a fission spectrum, η25 = 2.46. Omit the γ term, then ρ≅ 1.46 x + (1 − x)λ (−0.54) 2.46 x + (1 − x)λ (0.46) ρ≅ 1.46 [ x − 0.37(1 − x)λ ] 2.46 [ x + 0.19(1 − x)λ ] Furthermore, λ = σ a 28 0.21 ≈ = 0.13 for a very hard spectrum σ a 25 1.57 70 If so, ρ = 0.64 x − 0.029 x + 0.025 0.60 x − 0.032 . Comparing x + 0.017 each term in the two equations, we can see that the theoretical deduction gives a fairly good explanation and estimation. The least square curve fit to MCNP calculation gives ρ = 71 Appendix C Sample input files for matrix material study Uranium carbide fuel, Ba2Pb matrix, nickel reflector 1. Beginning of life keff calculation, mcnp input: MCNP INPUT DECK FOR MFGR YK_01 c cell cards 1 1 2.984103E-02 -1 2 -3 imp:n=1 tmp= 6.662234E-08 2 2 8.913363E-02 -1 2 3 -4 imp:n=1 tmp= 6.662234E-08 99 0 1:-2:4 imp:n=0 c end of cell cards c surface cards *1 pz 50 *2 pz -50 3 cz 150 4 cz 240 c end of surface cards awtab 34079 78.240500 38089 88.143700 38090 89.135400 44105 104.007000 46107 105.987000 47111 109.953000 48115 113.919000 50123 121.850000 50125 123.835000 50126 124.826000 51124 122.842000 51125 123.832000 51126 124.826000 52127 125.815000 52129 127.800000 53130 128.791000 53131 129.781998 54133 131.764008 58141 139.697998 58144 142.677000 59142 140.691000 59143 141.682999 61151 149.625000 62153 151.608002 63156 154.585007 63157 155.577000 96249 246.936000 97250 247.930000 72 c Material cards c Material 1: inner core,Material 2: reflector c Material 3: reflecter, Material 4: cladding m1 6000.60c 9.041788E-03 $C 8016.60c 3.853585E-04 $O c 56138.60c 7.709851E-03 $Ba 82000.50c 3.854926E-03 $Pb c 92235.60c 1.163166E-03 $U235 c 92238.60c 7.685943E-03 $U238 35081.55c 1.0000e-24 $ begin_mcode_FP c 36082.50c 1.0000e-24 36083.50c 1.0000e-24 36084.50c 1.0000e-24 37085.55c 1.0000e-24 37087.55c 1.0000e-24 38090.96c 1.0000e-24 39089.60c 1.0000e-24 40090.62c 1.0e-24 40091.96c 1.0000e-24 40092.62c 1.0000e-24 40093.50c 1.0000e-24 40094.62c 1.0000e-24 40096.62c 1.0000e-24 41095.96c 1.0000e-24 42095.50c 1.0000e-24 42096.96c 1.0000e-24 42097.60c 1.0000e-24 42098.50c 1.0000e-24 42100.50c 1.0000e-24 43099.50c 1.0000e-24 44100.96c 1.0000e-24 44101.50c 1.0000e-24 44102.60c 1.0000e-24 44103.50c 1.0000e-24 44104.96c 1.0000e-24 45103.50c 1.0000e-24 c 45105.50c 1.0000e-24 46104.96c 1.0000e-24 46105.50c 1.0000e-24 46106.96c 1.0000e-24 46107.96c 1.0000e-24 46108.50c 1.0000e-24 46110.96c 1.0000e-24 47109.60c 1.0000e-24 48110.62c 1.0000e-24 48111.62c 1.0000e-24 48112.62c 1.0000e-24 48113.60c 1.0000e-24 48114.62c 1.0000e-24 49115.60c 1.0000e-24 50117.96c 1.0e-24 51121.96c 1.0000e-24 51123.96c 1.0000e-24 52125.96c 1.0e-24 52128.96c 1.0000e-24 52130.96c 1.0e-24 53127.60c 1.0000e-24 53129.60c 1.0000e-24 54128.62c 1.0e-24 54130.62c 1.0e-24 54132.62c 1.0000e-24 73 54131.50c 1.0000e-24 c 54133.60c 1.0000e-24 54134.62c 1.0000e-24 c 54135.50c 1.0000e-24 54136.62c 1.0000e-24 55133.60c 1.0000e-24 55134.60c 1.0000e-24 55135.60c 1.0000e-24 55137.60c 1.0000e-24 56136.96c 0.000605532 56130.96c 8.17244E-06 56132.96c 7.78695E-06 56135.96c 0.000508233 56134.62c 0.000186347 56137.62c 0.00086597 56138.60c 0.005527809 57139.60c 1.0000e-24 58140.96c 1.0000e-24 c 58141.60c 1.0000e-24 58142.96c 1.0000e-24 58144.96c 1.0000e-24 59141.50c 1.0000e-24 c 59143.60c 1.0000e-24 60142.96c 1.0000e-24 60143.50c 1.0000e-24 60144.96c 1.0000e-24 60145.50c 1.0000e-24 60146.96c 1.0000e-24 c 60147.50c 1.0000e-24 60148.50c 1.0000e-24 60150.96c 1.0000e-24 61147.50c 1.0000e-24 c 61148.50c 1.0000e-24 61148.60c 1.0000e-24 $ ORIGEN_ID 611481 c 61149.50c 1.0000e-24 62147.50c 1.0000e-24 62148.96c 1.0000e-24 62149.50c 1.0000e-24 62150.50c 1.0000e-24 62151.50c 1.0000e-24 62152.50c 1.0000e-24 c 62153.60c 1.0000e-24 62154.96c 1.0000e-24 63151.60c 1.0000e-24 63152.50c 1.0e-24 63153.60c 1.0000e-24 63154.50c 1.0000e-24 63155.50c 1.0000e-24 c 63156.60c 1.0000e-24 64154.60c 1.0000e-24 64155.60c 1.0000e-24 64156.60c 1.0000e-24 64157.60c 1.0000e-24 64158.60c 1.0000e-24 65159.96c 1.0000e-24 66160.96c 1.0000e-24 66161.96c 1.0000e-24 66162.96c 1.0000e-24 $ end_mcode_FP c 66163.96c 1.0000e-24 c 90232.60c 1.0000e-24 74 c 91231.60c 1.0000e-24 c 91233.50c 1.0000e-24 c 92232.60c 1.0000e-24 c 92233.60c 1.0000e-24 92234.60c 1.0000e-24 $ begin_mcode_ACT 92235.60c 1.163166E-03 $ fuel u-235 92236.60c 1.0000e-24 92237.50c 1.0000e-24 92238.60c 7.685943E-03 c $ fuel u-238 93236.35c 1.0000e-24 93237.60c 1.0000e-24 c 93238.35c 1.0000e-24 93239.60c 1.0000e-24 94238.60c 1.0000e-24 94239.60c 1.0000e-24 94240.60c 1.0000e-24 94241.60c 1.0000e-24 94242.60c 1.0000e-24 c 94243.60c 1.0000e-24 95241.60c 1.0000e-24 c 95242.50c 1.0000e-24 95242.51c 1.0000e-24 $ ORIGEN_ID 952421 95243.60c 1.0000e-24 $ end_mcode_ACT m2 6000.60c 4.816981E-05 $C 8016.60c 9.633962E-05 $O 28000.50c 8.898912E-02 $Ni c ksrc 0 0 0 mode n kcode 10000 1 10 220 prdmp 220 220 220 print 75 2. Beginning of life ∆kvoid calculation, mcnp input: MCNP INPUT DECK FOR MFGR YK_01 c cell cards 1 1 2.926299E-02 -1 2 -3 imp:n=1 tmp= 6.662234E-08 2 2 8.898912E-02 -1 2 3 -4 imp:n=1 tmp= 6.662234E-08 99 0 1:-2:4 imp:n=0 c end of cell cards c surface cards *1 pz 50 *2 pz -50 3 cz 150 4 cz 240 c end of surface cards c Material cards c Material 1: inner core,Material 2: reflector c Material 3: reflecter, Material 4: cladding m1 6000.60c 8.849109E-03 $C 56136.96c 0.000605532 56130.96c 8.17244E-06 56132.96c 7.78695E-06 56135.96c 0.000508233 56134.62c 0.000186347 56137.62c 0.00086597 56138.60c 0.005527809 82000.50c 3.854926E-03 $Pb 92235.60c 1.163166E-03 92238.60c 7.685943E-03 m2 28000.50c 8.898912E-02 $Ni c tally materials follows (39 ACT + 100 FP) c Tally Materials c ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 76 c 100 fission products, m701 to m800 c ksrc 0 0 0 mode n kcode 3000 1.107 5 120 prdmp 120 120 120 print 77 3. Burnup study, mcode input: $ MCODE, UC fuel GCR, metal matrix, CO2 coolant, cold condition TTL test case $ defines title MCD 1 mcnp.exe Ba2Pb.i ykm.src $ MCNP files def. $ mcnp cells def.: cell-number type(1=delp.,2=actv.) act-mass(g) vol.(cm3) flux-t# cross-t# ORG /usr/local/bin/origen22/origen22 /usr/local/bin/origen22/LIBS DECAY.LIB GXUO2BRM.LIB CEL 1 1 1 2.751209912E+07 7.06858E+06 FFTFC.LIB $ total volume of modeling system (cm3) VOL 7.06858E+06 $ ORIGEN files def. $ normalization method, 1=flux, 2=power NOR 2 $ predictor-corrector (OFF) COR 0 $ power density, opt: WGU=W/gIHM, KWL=kW/(liter core) PDE 10.61033475 KWL $points 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 DEP E 0 5 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 120 140 160 180 200 NMD 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 STA 0 $ starting point END 17 $ ending point 78