G r e e n l i n i n g A c a d e m y W o r k i n g Fe l l ow s h i p
Source: http://greenlining.org/academy/fellows.php & http://greenlining.org
The Greenlining Institute is a national policy, organizing, and leadership institute working
for racial and economic justice. The Greenlining Institute's mission is to empower
communities of color and other disadvantaged groups through multi-ethnic economic and
leadership development, civil rights, and anti-redlining activities.
The Fellowship Program is a year-long training program for young leaders that have
completed, at minimum, their undergraduate degrees by the start of the program. Fellows
are assigned to specific program areas and develop expertise with the direction of a
Program Manager and the Academy Director. Although the curriculum is similar to that of
the Associates program, Fellows are given more responsibility and independence to
implement projects and programs.
Fellows participate in leadership skills workshops, attend meetings with key stakeholders,
and conduct site visits to community, government, and corporate entities. Fellows receive
regular mentorship, professional and personal skill development and are given opportunities
to interact with the media, write reports/press releases, fundraise, testify at policy hearings,
and participate in key meetings with top government officials, corporate CEOs, and political
As a Fellow, one works 37.5 hours per week and earns $33,800 per year plus health
Personal and Professional Development Workshops
Personal and professional development workshops are important tools to assist in teaching
participants effective skills. These skills they learn will strengthen their capacity to
contribute to their Greenlining experience as well as their future opportunities.
Workshops Include:
1. Public Speaking and Effective Presentation
2. General Internet Research
3. Introduction to Greenlining's Negotiation Techniques
4. Introduction to Greenlining's Advocacy and Organizing Techniques
5. Sacramento Ins and Outs and Lobbying
6. Meeting Facilitation
7. Research for Writing a Policy Brief
8. Effective Social Networking
9. Media Spokesperson and Communications
Developing policy expertise in one of the many issues that The Greenlining Institute works
on is an essential component of the program. Past Fellowships were offered in the following
issue areas:
1. Community Reinvestment
2. Health Policy
3. Sustainable Development
4. California Redistricting
Visit the above fellowship page for more details and opportunities.
S o c i e t y f o r I m a g in g S c i e n c e an d Te c h n o l o g y
Deadline: October 1, 2011
Type of Award: Scholarship
Amount: Varies
URL: http://www.imaging.org/ist/membership/davis.cfm?AwardCode=RS
This scholarship is open to graduate students and to full-time undergraduate students. The
applicant must be studying “photographic or imaging science or engineering” and by the
time of applying for the award, the potential candidate must have completed at least two
years of study in the major/field. For more information visit the above URL.
Applicable Disciplines
Aerospace, Aeronautical & Astronautical Engineering
Agricultural/Biological Engineering & Bioengineering
Architectural Engineering
Audio Engineering
Biomedical/Medical Engineering
Ceramic Sciences and Engineering
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Computer Engineering
Computer Hardware Engineering
Computer Software Engineering
Construction Engineering
Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Engineering Mechanics
Engineering Physics
Engineering Science
Environmental Engineering
Forest Engineering
Geological/Geophysical Engineering
Geotechnical Engineering
Industrial Engineering
Manufacturing Engineering
Materials Engineering
Materials Science
Mechanical Engineering
Metallurgical Engineering
Mining and Mineral Engineering
Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
Nuclear Engineering
Ocean Engineering
Operations Research
Petroleum Engineering
Polymer/Plastics Engineering
Structural Engineering
Surveying Engineering
Systems Engineering
Textile Sciences and Engineering
Transportation and Highway Engineering
Water Resources Engineering
C h a r le s G ro s s m an G r a d u at e S c h o l ars h i p
International Council of Shopping Centers
Deadline: March 2, 2011
Type of Award: Scholarship
Amount: $10,000
Awards Available: Two
URL: http://www.icsc.org/foundation/scholarships_graduate.php
Full time graduate students who are studying retail real estate sales may apply for the
Charles Grossman Graduate Scholarship. Potential candidates must have a 3.0 GPA and
must be a member of the International Council of Shopping Centers. A student who is
attending their graduate program on a part-time basis may be considered for the
scholarship but only is the students is working full-time. Applicable Majors are studying in
any field of Real Estate Management. Visit the above URL for complete details.
T h e P e d ro Z am o ra P u b l i c P o l i c y F e ll o w s h i p
AIDS Action
Applications are due by November 1 for the spring semester
April 1 for the summer semester
July 1 for the fall semester
Type of Award:
Awards Available:
Time Commitment: 8 weeks minimum; 26 weeks maximum
Weekly hours:
30 hours per week
URL: http://www.aidsunited.org/about/jobs/
The Pedro Zamora Public Policy Fellowship is open to young professionals, undergraduate
and graduate students who seek experience in HIV-related public policy and government
affairs. You must have strong research, writing and organizational skills and a willingness to
work in a professional office. Ability to work independently in a fast-paced environment is
critical. Familiarity with HIV-related issues and the legislative process is preferred. People of
color, women, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender individuals, and HIV positive
individuals are encouraged to apply.
The fellow will perform these duties:
• Assisting in researching a variety of public health and civil rights issues related to
HIV prevention, treatment and care
• Attending Congressional hearings and coalition meetings
• Monitoring voting records
• Reviewing the federal register and Congressional Record
• Preparation of briefing materials, correspondence, and mailings
• General office administration
Applicable Majors include:
1. Public Health
2. Public Health Education and Promotion
3. Public Health/Community Nursing
A potential candidates should be able to work independently and should possess good
research, writing and organizational skills and be willing to work in a faced-paced
professional office environment. Familiarity with HIV-related issues and the legislative
processes is preferred. Both graduate and undergraduate students are welcome to apply.
Eligible applicants are all people including people of color, women, gay, lesbian, bisexual,
and transgender individuals. HIV positive individuals are encouraged to apply. Visit the
above URL for additional information.
C h r i s t i n e M i r z a y an S c i e n c e & Te c h n o l o g y P o l i c y G r ad u a t e F e l l o w s h i p
The National Academies
May 1, 2011
Type of Award:
Awards Available:
Website: http://sites.nationalacademies.org/PGA/policyfellows/index.htm
Eligibility: http://sites.nationalacademies.org/PGA/policyfellows/PGA_044705
The Christine Mirzayan Science and Technology Policy Graduate Fellowship is available to
graduate students. You must be pursuing a graduate degree in a field of science,
engineering, medicine, veterinary medicine, business, law or education. During the course
of the fellowship, each fellow will be assigned to a senior staff member who will assist and
guide the fellow in developing essential skills. The fellowship will allow students to engage in
the analysis that informs the creation of science and technology and familiarize them with
the interactions of science, technology and government.
Graduate students and postdoctoral scholars and those who have completed graduate
studies or postdoctoral research in any social/behavioral science, medical/health discipline,
physical or biological science, any field of engineering, law/business/public administration,
or any relevant interdisciplinary field within the last five years are eligible to apply. The
program is open to all US and non-US citizens who meet the eligibility criteria. Non-US
citizens must be currently enrolled in a US university and have proof of holding a valid J-1
or F-1 status or an Employment Authorization Document (EAD/OPT). The National
Academies cannot sponsor a visa. Students must provide copies of immigration documents
upon acceptance to the program. Visit the above URL for additional information.
N e w Th r e at s t o F re e d o m E s s a y C o n t e s t
Templeton Press
Deadline: March 31, 2011
Amount: $5000
Awards Available: 4
URL: http://newthreatstofreedom.com/contests/
The New Threats to Freedom Essay Contest is open to students pursuing a degree at an
accredited college or university in the United States. To be considered for the short form
contest, you must submit a three to five minute video, or a 300 - 500 word response to
one of three videos provided, which discuss topics in the book, New Threats to Freedom.
For the long form contest, you must submit a 2000 - 3000 word counter argument to one
of three essays that appear in New Threats to Freedom. Students from any major or field
of study are welcome to apply. The sponsor's Web site (above URL) contains additional
F r o m F a i l u r e t o Pr o m i se E ss a y C ont es t
Dr. C Moorer and Associates
June 30, 2011
Awards Available:
URL: http://www.fromfailuretopromise.com/Essay-Scholarship-Contest-.html
The "From Failure to Promise" Essay Contest is open to high school seniors, undergraduate,
and graduate students. To be considered, you must submit a 1000-word essay that
addresses the following questions: "How has the book, From Failure to Promise: An
Uncommon Path to Professoriate, positively impacted my pursuit of success and promise?”
and “What is your commitment to improving the lives of global citizens once you’ve reached
your destined promise?"
Selection will be based on originality, quality of research, and effectiveness of presentation.
All majors and all fields of study are able to apply – no restrictions. Visit the above URL for